THE BEE: OMAHA. APRIL 1915. WANT ADS Want ad received at any time, but t insure mir ciaserri'ation nml be pre sented before 11 o'clock noon for evening) edit. and 7 30 p. m. for mn-nlng and 8undv editions. Want "s received after mh bour will h under tb beading, Too Ul to Classify." CAPfT RATKS. . ronaeeutlv timet. 1 cent WOTfl ee-h ineertlon. . ... Three tine witVn nnt week, I eanta ft wort ech Ineertloa. Ob tiro. I rent word. - I CHARGE RATK .. cnnsecutlv times. e" un ear h Insertion. . , . Three Umn within o wsea. eu . tlpe Mfh Insertion. On tlrrnv It cents a trn. Comt ls average word ta a Minimum charm, cent As srertlemetit Inserted rtl discontinued must b stopped y win. tea order. Atl claim for wen tn" "J witbiii fifteen days after too lasx lkD of tb Wfrtlwnt Ton ran rise your nt to If telephone. . ,m TELETHON B TTLKR Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds rf other uii r.Y '"i MaiOMt fir and delivered during th '? J week It is reasonable to sup "?. ,f tho rooo bio 5vn, y0; alrwl swaoa, therefor do not J ne taiaae el their answer. Bo wen ec? turi jat rs alia. i; ICi SO. d? m f 11 IMl pni M L'i3 m r i " M r imi l . t-l 4.7 1 r r i iw tn r r i t i' h t7 M 7 1J wa .! iv 174 n w m M 14 M . n k n vn i 4 Ml lwl ' IM M H4 ' ' 1W -4 M ' K 1.1M " im ri ir ! r I trnj if u m mt int 1414 141t 144 4 14tl 14-4 1441 144 144 I4'4 14(4 14. 11 14. 1471 14dl in N4 1511 If.) I H17 ir.20 Itui n )M8 lf'M VA 17 1570 14 1 lb7 Ihsi . IhW 1W7 1W4 DKtTIIS AXI) n-SIKBiL KOTU ES. Armour of thl rlty. at Hill CKy. 8. Tha remalna will bo received B..rkrl it hoi and taken direct to Holy Sepulchre cemetery for Interment Wodnoa doy at : p. m. , MIRTH AMD UKAT1H. Auaufft and Htl Caxalenj. I3M Mna, boy; farl and Myrtla Uroaahaua. hnPf. l.oi-; l eher and Ck-ora.! cjravea. P. Tor kir, loy; H-nry and Joata Koaman. A-il North Twenty-Mventh avmua, boy; O. V. and Irene Mlddauah. 4JW7 Olilo. boy; Harry and arah W.ennen, ll& North Twenty firat. boy; llaunar and Freda Btenlund. .V. North Thirty-alxth, boy; liana and 'i'horeaa Welaa. ViYt noum rwvenin. o-.y, lviard and Hrrtha Konarow, 1 lka, girl; Charlee and Jella Mldell. l nir (ncf Imulevard. trl; Kaamua and Ann NorKaurd, rorly-thlrd and Valley. Bin; Carl and Imtae Btadler. hoaplml. ilri. Dcaiha-llenry II. Vleronal, , 2211 Hputh Nineteenth; John MeUdy. 4f, hoapllal: J. I Kilning. . hoapHaJ; '"4lo 1 tkelrtlnr. 17. 2411 fliarlea; Arthur Albu, XI, Twtn tx th and Hprlrnt; Martha, M. Tromba. 57. tioapitai; W. Webb. 11. Urtatot . MARHUUH LICEKIICS. J Joe use tu wed ha.v beon taauad to tho fllliUKllIK ,' ' Name Hnd Addrraa. ' At. . iliUm A. Smith. RaUton M JK-rllm UoldHK'Ut, Millard 1 llarrv IL Denver. Tekumah 0 Kion m e SI. Holiday, Tckamais H l.ou Pavlon. M. l'aul, la M Jriutie Hutla, U i'aul, la U Jonef lnt;rm. houth tHuaha 71 1 1 emeu Lajiv , roUth Omaha 7S r'elmiikl, Eolith Omaha S Uirlaiu. uali'wka. South Omaha M III II.DIVM PERMITI. F. N. llaneen, 5114 North Thlrty-atxth. liaine dwellln, Ikiixi; U. V. Nh'liolaa Oil lompany. 2l Irfavenworth. oil atation, .; Jo-h Millard. Mouth Twenty- niiitli. frxiie dwellln. t; J. Lewi. N'Ttii Twi-nly-aeventh. frame dwel iiiikt. K',0 41; Ami-I For. 4i North Thlrty I ok rili. frame dwelling. 4I.0UO; ilanaim F. Mrta, i.vrt Caen, frajue dwllum, H.; V K. Navle, tXii Caaa, frame uwvllliiit, 4J 3.; Martha fctone Adam. ilU Maouo, iruma dwelling, . ..... , , 1R14 Cadillac. Il.tlfi; ll Premier, 1700; TODAVS tXJMl'LKTK . lu Cole. 7"0; lttlj Marlon, ;6. BIO VIE rROGKAMS A. A. AHLMAN. gum Far. St. P. SM. ' ' Exrinaively In Tha Ko. IliiO REWARD for any msgneto we can't iii repair. Colls repd. Bayadnrfer, 210 N.18. o C El JJAelSEH, expert radiator and lasns UitNTERN elides for movies. Bend your reps Ira T.To. ol Laavsnweth. . , , AUTO Clearing Houss,2iMt 1' a main, buys lopy to us. W can reproduce photos and sella need car. Phone Doutut U10. or will prepare your copy. W will color Overton s for kiaky radiator. 60c, dealera. . n . r. - ia o dij W ant ao auto. C. J. Canaa. McCagu bldg. as dlracUd. De Tlioto Dept., 104 Be Bid. - -- . Induetrlal Garage t o.. th St Haniey SU. FOR al at a bargain. If taken at once, " ' Stevena-Duryea big ix. jr Main Bt., Lw. T.t... ' FI'renoe. K1.ITK NO. . Ull FARNAM. Metoreyrlee. i.,.r.1,,"KLrN- 8L i t ,,vj. a ... HARLET-DA"VlDBON MOTORf.'YCLKS. 1 he Cipher Key 4-reeJ LuWn oramg, fa- Hargalna In uaed machines. Victor Roos . uig l-ai.jejiletcalj. .,.. MoloPC,c, Man." Z7U4 Leavenworth. 1AH.SAM THEATER, 141i FARNAM BT. Ruriaaa June will b aliuwn her every : : 1 1 , i. , 1 a Ti-exlay in onno.tlon with our regular prosram and ajveyalune comedy. BUSINESS CHANCES HIPP T11F.ATER. liTK AND HAHNJST 72 K ltTIl ST-On account of stcknees, . , lt-room rooming house will sell for 4MW; Item of Paramount Pictures. eomt y,.ar ,-o; B0 u.e; coro, ma ee Tyler lf-'l VV. PARK X MKATiK. tl N. UTU. FOR SALE-H.i0 aharea of atock In the Gross 4t Miott Gold Minlna- Co. Ad- Feator proaram dally. drea Peter Sullivan, it. . U 2. Hooper, Kevetone '.'oimOles. Neb. PARLOR" '. l LKJl'GLAti. FliR BALE 0"lng to age will sell blank- The Diamond Broker, 2-r. Kalem Drama. eimth aliop and too la, power outfit. Bldg. It Happened on W ah Day, l.uliln Coin. IlxfK'x 1 4. lot If) fool front. J. T. Brown, Ilia Juimle Sweetheart. Sellg liama. Wymore. Nb. PKLVCESS ufi -ifTtO 0 G LA A. 2) ACRES hay and paatLr lalid, e E. Auliimteil Weekly. of Nw Port, Holt Co., Neb., tin land lwtk liox. No. k. 2-r.- Bpeclal. Join a a lake, whit h makea very vuluabla Hit Nob, the Duke, Nentor Comedy. for pasture, ail raw and no Improvement. liria ' Prly fruc-d. I'rhe J6 ier acre. All ..... ',.-,... bviot .ri cl"r mnA k001 "tlr Nv"1 exchange for AUAMO. .4Tlt AND FORT BT8. , grocery or good Oman property. Ad- Peril of P.uiln. No. IS. (Special.) o""1 C"'"t"l N''b' T''' ALHAMBKA. The Two Sentences. Mutual Weekly. No. 13. ieyMone Omwlj'. 1914 NO. I4TH ( lifiiiN. Military Ave. and BurdetU. A Fateil Dinner. 2-r. MaJ drama. Tie l-a Ircakera. Rel. drama. IVumIiI by the Handle. Royal comedy. DIAMOND, 2410 LAKE. Animated Weekly. To Hearts and a Thief. Nestor comedy. New Kvt'leitR of KlHlne No. lb, Btieelal. t KANKI.1N, Mi ll AND 1HANKUN, Mi Giii. i-reel Rel. W. Drama. 1 ii Txie of a Hat. Kal. Comedy. Tli Winthrnp Diamonds. Lui. Drama. I lloUi', 24TH AND Sl'RAGl E IsTn. lu.nanav June, 2 reela. No. 3. .'.Una Par. Rel drama. A Lucky iean. Keystone comedy l.iUM'. "Ttieu. tieAUlful,'' 1 St Binney. The Fnker. t-r. drama. Huny June, KpUHxt No. 11. leHttme Comedy. ItlppODKoME. SiTH AND CUMING. '1 he leiity s Chance that Won Rel. dr. In ti. Ttsiiisiti. i -r. American drama. Tne Huppbv Man Beauty comedy. IVY. mil AND BURDETTkU Ti.atr Hour. 2-reel Gold SeaL New Dresa, V l Tiietr l-aet Haul. I. -Ko. comedy. lifAU CAIJjWELL ST. fc-reel Spei-lal War Featjie. And a guud comedy. Ix'iiiWi', Hill AM LOTH RO P. !.!, X Bushman In The Great St- lelire, I-reel ursir.a. M'..i- in r ials. liiiMin coine.1y I'AI-A 2.i DAVKNPODT sT. U S 1'iienortienal A rueveiiienl. poaeia. li le.l iii lxv aitu Ha Motiier-lu law. Jtrr com Outsius lUe Galea. 4-r. lw. TODAVS fXVMn.r'TE MOV IK PIUK.UAMH Kxclnalvrlr In The IWe orth. PlBt-RBAN. 24T1I AND AMF.S. Men of the Mnuntelna. lyUb. dr. A Cost Tale. Ke. V. rem. A MeM of Homence. Ftloeranh drama Poatk. ARMOR. ED AND A RUHR. Tne Sllenl Plea. S-reel Rroadway atar feature. Vltaaraph. How Ida Oot a Hi'stiai'd. Kalem romedy. , APOI.M THKATF.R. 224 Iavenworth. The Kallrnad Haldera of 'J. Kalem drama. The Only Way Out, reel I,ubln drama. CdM-MHlA, 1710 SOUTH lOTH. Tho tllrl at Ixino mint, Kai-m drama. Janet of the Chorua. i-r. Vltraph com. II ik Jungle 8weethenrt. Well: drama. rONiFOHT. 24TH AM) VINTON. The Maanet of IVal ruction, 2-ral Than. The Oreaeer, MaTeatlc. The 8chemor, ITIm-eaa: FA VORITK, I71H VINTON. The Tran Itoor. 2-reel Kalem drama. The llat'le of Fenrhmnn' Run, Vita. com. The Outlaw a Hrlde, Pcllg drama, dTfMi fO. lrfit! One Mlrht. Imn yv. Firework and the Janitor, Joker. War of the Wild, i-reel Rlaon. LYRIC, Ilia Only Pants. 1417 VINTON. Neitor comedy. PAHTIMK. IIP AND I.luA VEN WORTH. Rider of Kllhouette, I-reel He. Hay of seven lale. Around the World In IS Mlnutea, Joker. 4 reela of picture. VENEZIA. U SO. 1ITH T. Four reela of Mutual plcturoo. Wnt. MONROK, 2H FARNAM. The Amerlraho, J-r., with Hale Vail. The Wawllle Slumber Party. Iub.' com. The Fable of The Men at Woman'a Club. Bcaaoau P.FNRON. R1 MAIN ST. A Ieo From tho Far Kaet, -r. (Ben w iiiM.n. urn tfrniinifff i iiiiiifi t,, 11. Rejuvenation of Mca Jane, comedy. Coaaell Blalla FIJTE. No. I (46 BROADWAY. Th Trap Door, S-r.. Kal. Dra. The fitag Coach Driver and the Olrl, Bel. Dra. Ill Own Hero, Hlogrph Comedy, NICHOI.AH. 647 BROADWAY, The Great Silence. S-r. Eeaanay Drama. The Master of Ills Itcuae, Vltagraph 4medv, ROPWt, M7 BROADWAY. GHm Meaaenrer, t-r. Hlg U. r Artlat and the Vengeful One, Victor. Two Hearte and a Bhlp. Neator Comedy. aoota oMaa. RK8firC, I4TH AND tt. The tllrl on the Trratl. Kalem drama. Lorna loone, 2-r. Bio. dra, Th Fabl I or tne oemanrt That Mitat Be Supplied MAGIC. 24TH AND O. Doorway of Deatructlon, l-ree Blaon. The Grim Meaaenger, 3-reel Big U, Poor Policy, L. Ko. com ed y. a4vlle. ORPIIIC17M. 24TH AND N. Mary of th Mountain. 2-r. Bronco. Th winning Hand: ReL Jenny End; Royal Comedy, 2-reel: Key. tomorrow. ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 M AHA PIIJ.OW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglas t47. Renovates featiieta and mattresses of all kinds, makes ler mattreeans and down covers. LUCKY wedding ling at Brodegaard's. Invostlgate Y.M.C.A. out's; park, summer. I WBfS " Bf rent, repair, sell needles aad Darts for all ' sewing machines. Nfi. akHiCA CTMU fC "UUVal'a" ISth and Harney. Douglas 16U. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg. Co. I DREHUMAKING, tailoring, alteration. Work guaranteed. 1404 Caaa. Red 72. KNOX WEED kill t he Dandellona. TWIN City Dye and Cleaning Work , 407 B. 16th St., opposite Orpheum. Wa call ror and neiiver. lougla 1M1. CENTRA L Tin Bhop, Kmmer Hawage. HIT DoOB ft Douglas 4fa4. PKBRLEsS cemsnt blocks. Made by Haven coal Co.. pnone Oourla READY MAY 1UT Suit of I Rooms tM q. ft. tlH.04. Water and Flee trio Light Free, TUB BKB BUILDING, "Th Building That la Always New." R. O. Babcock, Sup't. Room 104. AUTOMOBILES NEW S-PASSENOBH TOURIN.l CAR. WAIT AND SEE THESE RKTOHH YOVi BUY ANT OTHF.R. EQUIPMENT, I l.wi.riiiNU moiiaik Ttp, KULLI hatching; IM turn. A. it. waiter, M. r Li.ATHFR TRIMMINGS AND SMI, E-ID. 2, Benson, Nob. Telephone Benson STAHTEKH. LIST PRICK !,. TH ESH3 I WILL BE SOLD THIS WEEK AT I'xM MAA'H, FACTORY GUARANTEE. (VMK AND LET ITS DEMONSTRATE. PERTsCHY OA.IIAUU, 2U10-14 HARNEY T Brown! J VHEATEK. Wuy, Uom or eil your lk- Thlti'.rTr.'hTngJ T'Lo. iSi '"iVVnam? i - Til? L 1 ratnatn l SIGNS, aiuiw i-srdv ':arM r au. I. Ult L1HT HOUR bl olNtft-- with us (or quick autloa end square irwaimviit. QUICK BALS COMPANY. ill Bee B.dg. Pnoo R4 UM NICELY liLK'ATEU bl'ACti for PRINTING OFFICE. ETC. Water, l.ikhl and Janitor Servlcs. Clieap Power Available. Any aie deairahle up to 1 n ii. ft. THE HEE BUILDING, "The Buililing Tat la Alwaya New." Buerintrriilent Office. Room 1U3. RhA, etat Business t'la'ea supplied or handled; all atate. f. V. Knteat, l inaha TRUSTEE S SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN DISK DRY GOOD 5.i..8 4; MILLINERY 2s7.S 0 92 SHrJ v ;it' E'RIES , 8 FIXTURES l:is:u Tills stock Is located at St. Edward and is now oen for Inspection. The aants will be sold at auction, la bulk April 29 betaeen W. and $ o'clock Tills Is a nli. dean ato k. O. II. Flory, Trustee JKKP SALE AND AUCTION CO NEED at to hustling irten to en- gaae In bank! ig and trust business. wiHiid be eiiKille on biard of dliecioi; amsll Investment uees,Hrv; references reuired. Answer Y-4M. Be. WHY rent? W 111 aell IMS-acre f.rmi In Red River valley. Minn., erect buildings, aui piy coas and hogs on flrsl payment of and 11 per aer and Interest at 4 par tent esdi year thereafter W. O. IsruyMoa. w be Bldg.. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES in ;t In .r hiI ,r inlnen rail on 7ANilFSTAI.'4 He H'dr u. 3'77 FOR gALFv Riike ehop, horee mid aahon. halora' toil and atwk, cheap. 4l.i J St.. H.mth Omaha r Rooming lloea for kale. 1 a-ROOM modern flat, full; rent. $J0; fur niture, 16. 1923 Cumins Bt. Bargain. CL.AIMS PAID. W1L Xi cah county claim. Iouflaa 78IA KDICATIONAI, Boyles College Pay Pchool, Night Mchool. cimplet nMr .i,.-kI fiah "Studiau ' admitted T at ar?y lli I Write, phone or call fnr 1S1B rotalogu. llfJTLM HILIKUK, H B. BOY LRU. Prealdent. lfWi Ttoylea Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Tel. IX The Van Sant School Stenography Par school. I N to 4:04. Night school. 1:11 tu :1L lth and Farnam Ft "-ong'e OM7, FOR rJ til following achoiarahip j first cla Omaha Bualneos Collag: On unlimited combination busiaaas and shorthand rouroe. Ono unlimited buolneas eeurao. On rnllmlted stenographk) course On three moot ha baaiaeos or atone- (rephlc course. Will bo sold at a d:oouat at the office Of too Omaha Be, FOR SALE Bolldlnar Material. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Cement building blocka at prlcea that will Interest you. Call Douglas M. Own Concrete Co KaraKare, lloaaehold Hood., coffee urn, rent, dlahea. RTTH N. 1th. FIJRNITLRK BARGAINS. Refrlgeratora. kitchen cabinets, china cabinet, dressers, tables, chairs, oto. 183 N. 4th. Webter 117. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale at 214 Center Ht. MoVINO out of city, nave inont new Oulck Meal cas rang, lawn mower. 1 sanitary cots, 1 draaaer and a few other arllclea to Bell cheap. Phone Hnrnejr dt. riF'KK'M bought and sold. J. C. Heed. D. 6144. UW Farn nan Bt. FOR BALK luO-pound capacity Herrlrk rerriircraior, wmie enamei. cait ior- I once ). tt'at'l Sale Auction Co 1527 W. O. W. Harm aad "Vehicle. FARM wagons. K0 and up; harness. Mo. Johnon-Lanforth Co.. Kth a Clark Bta SHIP tivo stock to South Otnaba. Bav mllaag and shrinkage. Tour consign mant rsctlv prompt and careful attsa- Uon. HOUSES FOll SAlE Hth and county line. Tel. Mouth 1?oa. TEAM of -year-old mares, wU matohsd, weight z.auo; s-year-oid worK norsa, weight 1.40O, and handsome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tle for children; bargain; party going to nan Kranriacrt April 1U. nil uooge M REAL bargain for raah to settle our es tate. 1 full-blood Fercherons. mar and gelding, weighs, 2,800 lbs.; t matched pair oi Drown mares, s.ouu; aiao renneron mar and colt; must be as represented or money refunded. i.'l'J Dodge Bt- cor. 24 It, GOOD pair of mare; on bhetland pony. w Lavnport. Mam in rear. FOR SALE A Mam of ponies, light de livery harnea and double wagon, with a cover, been used for the Lang Grocery neitvery. win sen it cheap. Tel. i. !.'. GOOD farm horses, mares and geldlngl young mar ana mui oou. Sherman Ave. . and Willis At., old Poppleton place. Llvw giork CoaaaaUetoa Mcnkaata MARTIN BRO 4 CO.. Bhxoaanc Bldg. Maaltal laatrwaaOata. FI TtST-C LA HH cornet. Wsbater tML FOR HALE Fine ;5 cabinet Vlctrola and good selectloa of records. 440. cash. Addreya L 368, Bee. Pllghtly uaed high grad piano. D. 201T. Poallry, Egg a a Baoalle. STERiOOTYPB matrloaa make th best and chapat lining for poultry aousos. Thsy ax ).ia24 inches, stronger and mora iL.thJ!? Ji"JSlit Tn. tll fireproof. 7bo a hundred at Th Ut offloo. WHITE HOLLAND TURKEY egga for 747-W, Tho. barred rock hena, 76; egga o. W).1W. MUed grain. IjO Iba.. 11.7a, Wagner 01 Typewrltcra. . KENT an Oliver Typewriter I mrv for H Oliver Tyiewriter Agency, iwo r arnata. TYPEWRI'l Eltil Bold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. rarnam. All make typewriter rented, aold, terme. Hutt Typewriter, lwo rarnam. u. u.i. I Mlaeellaaeoaa. FOR SALE Nw and second-band oarora and Locket billiard table and bowUng slleys and acceaaorlas; bar fixture of all KIDUI, tU7 VI ' ' 1 1 ' Ill" uriui.wifc. Balks-Col lender Co.. 7-4a 8. IJtn at. NEW' and 2d-hand motors, dynamo a. magnetos, etc.. and mechanical repatra. lm Bron Eleitrlf Wnrka. 8l8- 8. 12th. o I: hand liu ll .r . V reek, o . 1 Paul IP YOU have anything to aell. call th National Sale and Auction company. THEY SELL EVERYTHING. Call Red 74. 1J27 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR BALK CHEAP Stock In the Doud Sale or Auction Co.. !3Zf w . o. w. mag. I M-hand machinery. H. Gross. 21 snd Paul. 1 ELECTRIC piano, 1 Nelson piano, 1 set buggy harness, 4 electric celling fans. I for diamonds. J. C. Ish, Executor 70S 8. 31st Ave. Phone Harney 213. I WE bought U Dea Moines bar fixtures, I front bars, back bars, mirrors. Nat. leash registers, cigar and wall casea, eto. 1r or aaiv iiivo mm iiuurhi .iii. . Omaha Fixture and fcupply Co.. 414 So. 112th St. FURS STORED Absolute Guarantee Against MOTHS. FIRM. BURGLARS. ' REFERENCES: ANY BANK. O. E. SUUKEHT. Telephon. DouglM 1447 and W WU1 for Uootim, a. 15th St HELP WANTKD FE5L1LK Clerical and Ulfieo. STK'NO. and bkpr.. will pay V to 346. stenographer, temporary. oay. JIUSIXESS-MEN'S KHFKKENCE ABSX. 1119-10 Woodmen of World. HAVE found four good demonstrator; nm-d tliree more: llant a or a. aooa Day. salary, it to 414. Co-operative Reforenc to. loin city mat. NO FILING FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL 1OS!T10N8. P.tMiKRS REF. CO.. hV-i State Bank. WANTED Esperiono4?d girls in auditing department. Ap- ! ply Brandois Offices. I ' t Agents and aalvawaesrn. ORAPERT SALESWOMAN. Wanted Saleswoman for drapery de partment: muat be experienced. Apply superintendent s office. BALCONY, BURQES-NASli CO. HKI.P WAXTKD FKMALK aaeata in4 fae rnaitea. iIK.S ran make Rood Income aellln. ii.Kh la Kayptlan cigarettea to prl Ki fra.le kxliialve territory Good rommlaelon to auifeseful aornta. Art-nV-e, Kark Eavptlan flgarette Co., 42 W hitehall Ht., Nf Yurk. N. Y. Kaetory ood Trade. LEARN ha'rdroaalna;. Opnenheim Parlora UA NT E U F.xpert preeeer (lady), dry cleaning; department liluff City Laun dry, Council Bluff, ta. llooaekoowero afnal Doaaeatleo. THE Servant Olrl iToblera Solved. Th Re will run a Servant Uirl Wanted Ad FhKR until you get th desired reouita Thl appllea to reaidenta of Omaha, ttoutb Omaha and Council Blutfa. Urlog ad I Tlie lie office or telephone Tyler GOOD girl wanted lor light bouavwork. l-l of tnatment and a dandy home to Fhone Harn.y 4S6 or Harney , liXFKRlWN't.L maid fnr aneral bouee- Iwork: family of ?; no washing; German or lane pretrreii. iM N. Nth Ave. WANTKIJ A Blrl to aaaiat with general l houaewurk. J I. 4137. JGERMAN, Swedia'f or laniah g.rl for ' genoial hot'vework; ra-- place; relet - ences. Mrs. K. o. lloislngton, 16 l'.'th bt. Web. 725Q. WANTED tiTrt for general houawork. Mra. A. W. Friend, 3A4 Uavenioit ist- IL '2Sm- .. N l.'RHK girl for one 'child, i year old; eimrleniod: reference reuulred. Wagns ' 122 per mtmth. 701 8. 7th St., Harney lb J). WANTKD oung girl to aaelat w ith general houaework; i In family. Good home for right party. Have no objection to foreigner. 107 8. 14th ML Ioug. hm. WANTED White girl for general liouae work. Threo in family, houecleanlng done, good wage, m N. 41t. Wal. ! WANTKl White girl for Kcnural hounu wrk, Z In faraliy. Ilouaeilcanlng done. Good wage. No. 4lat Ht. Wal. 1"3. WA NTK1 A girl fur general housework. l.TJ Park Ave. H. MA. UIRL for general houaework, two family. Walnut ZHH. A NtfAT girl for general houaework. Munt be experienced. Laundress kept. SKl Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney twiii. WANTED Exporlenced girl for general houaework, family of 2. References re quired. V12 So. .Hith Ht. , H. 4T2. WANTED White girl for general houae work In family of three, no washing or Ironing; must go hocie nights. Phone Tyler li4. AV ANTED Exp. girl or middle-aged woman for general, housework; good wagea; no laundry. 415 f. 2!th St. A COMPETENT white, girl for general houaework; no weaning; references re quired. . H. HT?, K24 Dodge Ht W1ANTE1 Competent girl for general houaework; small family; no washing. Mrs. J. B. Katx. 720 P. 47th St. liar, WANTED-rcxprtenred white girl for general housework; three in family. Phone Red 20. WANTED A good girl for general house work; no laundry work; w a montn. 710 No. th Bt. COMPETENT and neat appearing, white girl for general housework In small spartment: 3 In family. Phone Harney 4 iSw, or call at iw So. 4i'd St. Ulscellaneoas. TOTJNO woman coming to ' Omaha aa atratigsrs are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aanoclatlon building at Bt. Mary's A vs. and 17th St.. whsr thy will be directed to aultabl boarding ? laces or otherwise asslatod. Look for our reveler's guide at Union station LADIES 415 weekly easy, bimple work, no canvassing, evenings at home, fasci nating, everything furnlahed. No experi ence. Don't worry about capital. Boyd B. Brown,, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Clerleal aad Offt. CITT SALESMAN Experienced, fluent talker, well educated, to call on retail trade. Staple line, well known.-Must be a hustler. . .. Oiv age, past experience, salary, eto. Address G'WI, Bee. OFFICE MGR. (Invest) 3126.00 8ALKC-MAN groflertea 12f00 SALESMAN (printing 86,00 BTBNO. BKKFiEPER 75.00 8TBNO. er HK KEEPER 46.00 COLL1XTTOR 4k SOLICITOR.., '76.09 fALEfeMAN (Invest) Rft.OO THlfl CANO AGENCY, t BKB BLLX1. MAN to Invest 3600 for half Interest In business, guaranteed sslary $luo per month. ... i ... Saleaman. specialty, com. Typlat. 170; office clerk,- fv steno., 346, WATTS RE F. CO.. HS8-413 Brandeia Tho. HIGH-GRADE commercial poaltlona. WEST. REFERENCE A BOND A'HSN. 743 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Acats, lalnata aad Solicitors. HIGH-GRADE salesman. 32S dally guar anteed. Imperial Mfg. Co., N.. Main Pt., Council Bluffs. Agents Wanted W want some on to represent us in very town In Iowa nnd Nebraska aa w own and control some of the best Im proved and unimproved farms in Min nesota. " W are selling the farms on liberal terms, so th renter and city man with, a small capital can own a farm nnd watch It Increase In value under his toucn. W handle corn and clover landa only, and Invito Inspection, aa w hav th soil and get th rain. Government aatlsttcs snow tun.1 in state of Minnesota Is coming tOXth front i . . . , . ' in lnu f . . Minnesota land will show a greater In crease In valu In the next three years than any state In th union. Th land wnr oorn is sing ana ciovr Is queen- , Write, wire or come and se us. Lib eral inducements. E. 8. BABCOCK LAND CO., Austin. Minnesota. DRAPERY SALESMAN. Winlas-Salesman for drapery depart ment; muat be experienced. Apply super intendent a oinc BALCONT. BURQESS-NASH CO. SALESMAN wanted for a well known Philadelphia misses' and lacies sun houae to carry aa a side line on a tricty commission baaia. Thl la an exceptional opportunity for a man with good follow ing. Address, Y i. Bee AG'ENTS In every town, best selling household article, start at one; lara demand for goods; 2& to 3' a week; ucceas assured; investigate today. G. L ilorham, 1773 Knox Ave. So-, Minneapolis Minn. EXPERIENCED girl for general houae work, good wages; two In family. Jo4 8. 22d Ave. H. 312S. CANDY, cigar or lluuor aaleamen. aant aide line, pocket sample- no m- veatinent: make you big money. Stale line snd territory; give references. Ad dresa Y 47, Bee. " EXCELLENT proposition for two good inen la Nebraska. Call or write. Mutuai Benefit. Health and Accident Association a-i: City Naff Hank Bl.lg YOU'LL never get ncn working tor other. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We atari you right! No previous experience necessary; but small capital required. Big profile In tills great r-orjer ouinei rim oeiaua free. White Wonder Corr.pany. 2M Na tional Safety Vault Bldg.. Denvr. Colo. fsrlarr and 1ra4h Drug store snap; Joba Knetal. BeeJRjdg WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BAR BER TRADE and auctpl position at good wages Boss Barbers calling oa us for help. We prepare you la (ew weeks. Tools furnished. Waxes while learning. Call or write, MOI.KH BAKU Kit COL LEGE. Ieak.B. OMAHA, NEri YOU M 1ST THINK We give you expert auto training ears a real aulary, big money tor our trained men. Come right now and get vur fre course in Else. Llg. at Stall g systems; free ct-talogtie. Amer. Auto Colleaa. 84 Farnam St . Omaha. YOUNG mans wanted to lern'lhe barber trad, it I IMcuuis. cast aiciusoo, aiu. HELP WATEI MALE l aelery aad Tradea. Tii-City Barber College. Tuition :., on tt oniit cf Mg trade. Wagea for t and 14 rent work. F.let trig iiiaerotte taught. Hydremic chair. Catalog free. 11-4 Dong. as 8:, Omaha. JMIseellaaeoa. GET WISE A thorouK'i, practical automobile edu cation at minimum coxt. Ask for cata logue "C" and eipanatUjn of our get rulta method. NELKAi-KA AUTOMOHILK FCHOOU 1414-17 Dodge Street. Omaba, Neb. RAILWA? rnall rierks wanted, t'i month; pull unneceaaary. Write linme.II ately for full partclular. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. C1D., Rochester. N. Y. WANTKI' A practical farm man. 2H Ex change Pldg., f., Omalia. F. C. Pllsa. WANTED Name of men. 18 or ov wishing go verntnent Joha. i'A month. No ry. Addr.1JfJM,.Bg: pull neieaaary. I3e an Anto iechanio and dtaw a large rulary.r go Into th auto burineas for youraelf. Our com plftelv equipped school and shoye vlll bring this result fur you. Write for fre bonk lot Nat'l Auto Training Assn, 14 N. Mth St.. Oin:.ha. Niv MEDICINE lecturer, rt?gltered Is-braaka tiorman loctora. Counfti BUtfa. WANTED l.OOo men to eat ham and egga, 15o. C of fee John, 14th and Capitol. WANTED An absolutely reliable sober man to distribute circulars, must know city, have rcfercneea. Apply not before 11 a. in. 2120 Douglas St. SITUATIONS WANTED TRl'tol WORTHY young man of ability deetrta position as cashier or -clerical work; Is college graduate end good pen man; will consider out-of-town Job: very anxlcus to go to work and wants perma nent work. Phone Douglas tu37, or ad dretii L-S2, Bee. , EXPERIENCED young man-srvant wants steady work around house. So ber and willing. D. 4984. 2024 Douglas Bt. ApU fot Granlert. GENERAL houae or day work. D. 4iJJ. WANTED Position as dry goods or gen eral clerk; capable of managing atore; 28 years' experience; beat reterence. Write Y 4X8. Be. . WANT lace ourtaina to do. Ph. Tyler 18S9. LACK curtaina and fancy clothes care . fully washed. Webater 42M. SUITS and gowns made In homes. nut 227. ' Wal- SITUATION aa chambermaid In good hotel wanted by young lady. Address S. C. 222 Farnam Bt. SITUATION wanted In nice family by good cook: white. Address M. C, 2822 Farnam Bt. WIDOW as housekeeper oh farm near Omaha. Douglas 8.T71. BUSINESS MEN Young lady, age 21, de slrea position : 3 year' experience as bookkeeper, stenographer snd office clerk; slao some selling ability; earned 3 promo tions last Job; good references; will con alder anything above 38: answers confi dential. Address E 366, care Bee. A YOUNG, man, meat cutter, wants a position ; good Russian: experienced; apeak American; will be satisfied with small wages to start. Address F 367. Be. LOST AND POUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TREKT RAILWAY COMPANY. ' Persons having lost some article would ao well to call up the office of th Omaha V Council Bluffs Street Railway oom pany to ascertain whether they left It la the street car. . Many articles ach day ars turned In and th company Is anxious to restor U m to lb rightful owwer. Call Doug. 44, COST Grar horse, tall T. 18. 4th and Haneroft Sts., imllkman), Christ Taft. 8 (EVER meshbag, containing Knights Templar pin, diamond sucxptn ana izi; I tJ& bills: Biindsy P. m. Return to 8224 8. 51th St., or phone Douglas 3104. and re ceive reward. DOST Fabl oolite, . 1 year old, name Istddle." suitable reward. M. r , Good body. Harney 7000. 3100 REWARD. Lost Dlsmond ring. Finder return to Oail Relngold. Carlton hotel .barber shop. LOST Two 310 bills, Monday. Phone Doug. 409. . SMALL black and tan female, strayed ur Bluiru niiig I. iiuuuir. jkhtriu 2414 .. Franklin, St Phone Webster 6236. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without suiglcal op ration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write lor booK on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. B. R, TARitY. 240 Bee Bldg. Piles ahd-Fistula Cured ' without SUROICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In erery case treated. Patients must com to th of floe, 404-4-10 Omaha Natlsnal bank. 17th and Farnam Eta. DR. WILLIAM CREIGHION MAXVELL Twenty-eight year In Omaha. Graduate f Believue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N, T. ' o pnn(nr. Cured In a tew days without KUpiUre d-ib. call or wHt Dr. Wray. 104 Be Bldg., Omaha, (established 13V4.-4 NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. M. P. BVKD NURSEHY CO Rarsaln Drlcea at our old location. 17th and Dodge, pnonea: i. n ana we, sroi. ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants, rosea, concord grape, sue ooieu iionm sales ground, tut mgg. neusoa, Omaha sales ground, 24th and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benon .634. BEAUTIFY your home with the finest of nursery stock ever grown. See for your self. Gale t uy uraery. ruiia u. uu. Sales ground. lll8Dodse Bt rilOICl-L coniDlete line of snrubs. ever greens, ornantental and fruit trees; save agents commission. J. vsiroio numry Co.. at old location, 20lh and Harney eta. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to vialt the Young Women's Christian aaaool .tlon building at 17th EL and St. Mary a Ave., wnere tney atll be dire, tea to aultabl board l na plaow or otharwia asslated. Look for our Uav ler aid at the Union statloa. $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS YTnleae we receive 509 subscriptions to the U II. Journal. 41. bu; b. E. post, tl 50, or Country Gentleman. $1, In April (slao VjO ky Sept ) that $7.0uO for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASiiOCIATlON can not be varned. Your-fiewals contribute I4 rente. Phone Douglas ilw. or mail. Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. LJHK SaivaUoa Army industrial buine ao- iiciia your oiu nomine, umnun, maaa tinea. We tollect We dlstribut. Phone liouglaa 416 and our wsgoa will call. Call and luiitct our new hows, lllo-llU-Uli DtMtaa tt LIVE WIRE Bl 81 NIKS 1EN OF O.M.U1A aswwnntaats. t A. DWOHAK. C. P. A. Addreaa 433 Rams Pidg.. Phone Douglas 7j. Addlaar Macklaa. Adder UjuU. Cq. (Wales), W. a W. D. LIVE WIRE ni SINERS MEN OK OMAHA FILMS developed free If purchased from PI oto Craft Shop. 4t Lee Hldg. Dept. D. - - Architects. aortt S. Dodda. (IS Pistoa Blk. D. Aactleaeera. Dowd Auction Co.. llln-M W. O. W. R. Mtt. Hlae Prlatlaa. BORNMY BLUB PRINT CO.. 401 Omaha Not I Bank Bldg. Braa Koaadrle. Pa-Tton-Mltche!! Co.. Tth and Martha Pta i orventera Cootraetvra. PTKVKNSON. m . 2M. Douglas M t lilaa 1'alntlaa. Roth Letchford. decorating, flrrng. R. 44i il Knaleeerm. M. J. LACY. BKE RIDq. DOUQ. 471a. Panotnar Aniiatta CHAMBKR" Academy, rtasatc. D. 1S71 iTry Mnrkle's firat. 1814 Harney. Doug. R44S. .mniT-T. Terry DresauuiK's; eo'lege. Mth Farnara. Dreiiim'k'g, Mlaa Sturdy, 2414 Caaa. R.TXM. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS csrrled out In any pait of United tstates. anaoa or Mexico. 4ti Paxton Blk. Doug. 137S. Walnut 1M0. J AM En ALLAN, 212 Neville Block. Evl- netic secured In ail caaea. Tyler Il.TS. Ucatk-:. Pyor: heai Dr. Flckes. 734 City Nat. Rank. Taft Dental Rooms, 1317 Dotiglaa. D. 21 !. dT Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Draara. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on I'.O order; catalogues free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Everything; for Woaia, ACCORDION, Bide, knife, sunburst bo pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles: hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., aim Douglas Block. D. !.. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dreasee sacrificed' ?0ft N. lath St Fentbera Made Over. - Fancy stlekups, Dora Eisele. 1134 City Na. hiurlaia. BATH'S, florista, 1804 Farnam St. D. 8000. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1268. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Aaa'n. HESS 4c 8WORODA. 1415 Farnam Bt. A. DONAGHUE. 1H22 Harney. Doug. 1001. LleThtlnar Flxtwre aad vVlrlma. niTPk'IM Thomas. Douglas iuitrviiM 241, Cufninsr 8t- Live Stork Reaaedl. OMAHA Remedy Co., 807 8. Ulh. Red 4231 Meaaenger aad Teamster. WHITE IJNE. 910 N. 14th 8t Doug, mi. Mask, t'oatunaea aao L,dae SwppKea. MFO. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Lleben Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4114. Masaenae. MIB3 JACOBS, ma as. Te aeoug. 4297. I-t A TIT and mass., alcohol rub. Laura U"A" Wilson. 1802 Farnam. room 3, Dong. 7rl. Open evenings and Sunday, MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge.' Mrs. Steele. Clara Lee. bath and maaaage. Doug. 8751. ! Brugman, mass.,03 Karhach Blk. R.2727. MASSAGE 620 Be Bldg. Doug. 373. BATHS. 214 Batrd B'dg.. 17th and Doug. MTSS STAPLES, mass., eiee. bath. D. 7i.i. open eve., ip. m, ; wunoays. to to a. VISIT Miss Ventta, new maxaage parlora; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments. lu South 17th Bt. Motion Plftaret, OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Dong. Motion k ploture macnins ana rum Bargains. Prlntlna. WATER 8-BARNHART Pt. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 3190. 434 B. 13th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 8764. OstOBa4klo physlclaaa. . Dr. Remcha. 20g-4 MeCagu Bldg. P. 3ITJ4. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandela Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 41ft Bee Bldi Pa teat a. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. H. A. Bturges, 434 Brandela Theater Bldg. Patent DTelonaent. AMERICAN Machine Co.. US 8. 11th 8t Offleea. OFFICES WTien making your new plans. aee us tor omce apace, ina dsi loca tion and easiest found. THE BEE BUILDING. The Building That Is Always New." Of nee. Room ko. Palatlaar aad raserlag. HUGH M MANT79. 417 N. 40th. H. m Omaha Paste Co. Snowflaks paste. D. 37Gfc Prlallaa. DOUGIAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 444. Plaesee Rsaavalst. PLUMES dt HATS mad over, oteanea oyeu. oertna jvruger. fa a ton, D. 83M. afe and Tim i-wok Gxnwrta. SAFES hew Reaalrlaa. FRIEDMAN BROS., sho repair. HI 8. 14. kiajn) and Bhoweaurds. E. M CLARK dt SON. 113 S. 14TH ST. Steel Ceilings. . CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 a rO. lore atad U(fle f'tilsrsi, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, ahalu. ing, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fix tun. ajpi ouppiy t-o., sis-io-rs o. mn. u, tin. T annlian. ... OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 628. Tailor.. CHA8. C. 1.ANPKRTOU. 108 rf. ISth St Trnnka and Unltease FRELINO STEINLE, 1304 Farnam St Wall Paper Iranian;. QUEEN City Cleaning Co. makes old wall paper and painted walla Ilk new. Tyler 1481. Wlaea and Liqnora. ALEX JETES. 201-3 S. JSth St Wines, liquors, clgara. Plate dinners, 11 tl 3, 10c Globe liquor bouse. 424 N. 16th; California in, si.o per gai. write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUBE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cept lunch. BUT your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House. &24 N. ism. pogiit isus. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO A 4-paaaeiiger International high wheel sollu tire auto, used little. Would make a delivery or light truck. Want a runabout or touring car. Address H. C, 144. Hee. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains sea tb "Automobile" classifi cation. It ENAMEL- bed. child s crib and baby carriage, lilgb chair, ate. What bav you 7 S. C. 7i. care Bee. EI'lsON mimeograph, used very little; a $14 machine. aut kodak, or w hat have you? Address S. C W.'V Be. ELECTRIC FAN I have two good elec tric fans. 14 inch, A -I condition, one la G. E. and one Is a Weminghouae, What have you got. Address S. C. 9, Bee. Fine. I)U-1.i.Huii bull pup, a month old, male, color and appearance floe, full blooded, for what have youT Addresa s. t ta. Bee HAVE iaVh. p. 4-cyl. car stripped for racing; engine tranalsslon, magneto, etc.; thoroughly overhauled; rar tlrea 35x4 Nouby Treads, almost new; would make tin thaaais for truck r iituey. Want light car of some kind that lady can drive, or might conaider late model J-si-eed motorccle, Indian pre ferred. Addreaa 8. C. 9:3. Bee. LAWN mower, 60 It- IH-cent red garden hose, spsde, two snovels. two rakea. one hoe and revolving Uwn apiinkler; all fine condition. Will trade eullre lot or any item separately. Could use ' drop-head seising machine or kodak. Address s) C. -"4. Hee. LOT Residence l-it on Ifcth Ave. near la veu worth; all siieciais In. Want Ford auld at cash value aa part payment; can give ternut op. part of uaiaiKe. AU dieea K-b&7. Bee. LOT HAVE A LOT IN CASPER, WYO MIsNG. WITH A NUMBER OF OMAHA BUYERS 'IN SAME TRACT. WILL TRADE FOR NEW LNDERWooD TYPEWRITER. VKTROLA, PIANO OR DIAMOND, OR WHAT HAVE YOUT ALDRE.-d 8. C . BEE. SWAPrER'8 roLUM"! MANDOLIN Good as new and nver used. Want a kodak, or what sav you. i Aorlreaa 8. C 42, Bee. M.A.rL?r,T'1.1 m"n,of f7;ha iriir-,2 I th n '"f t'U n- Ao(,re"" ! 8. t . s'.t, Itee. MEAL TICK KTS Hove 3I worth of meal tickets on a good reatsurant and want to trade these. What have you to offer for same. Address. S. t Hf-2. Bee. ONE new piano player and seversl rec ords, ued only ten months: $.v0 equity. Will trsde for s good cow, horse or an automobile, or what I can use. Address 8. C Ml. Hee. riANO Conover, iriAhnffiinv run. Baby Grand piano, I we nave usea ni but three months and aa we are going west will trade. Coat us 3731. Address! S. C. !J. Re. i PIANO PLAYER, with 65 records; worthl 130. for sewing machine or any good piece of furniture. Addreaa S. C. MS. Bee. PIANO A slightly used Wellington piano for diamond. Addreaa S. C. t.T8. Bee. PLAYER PIANO Used player, high grade, used ten months, coat 3fW0, 40 rolls of music. What have you to trade for this? Address S. C. Bee. PLAT BOOK Two large Insurance plat! books; Balstas Indexed. Address 8. C. 936, Bee. BET double bowling alleys. Cost, 11.100. Complete. Have no use for same now and will exchange for something I ttn use. What have you? Address 8. C. H47. Bee. . PREMO CAMERA. 6x7. complete with 3 plate holders. extra lenaes. stand and carrying esse. Want typewriter. Ad duas S. c. 44, Bee. SEVENTY volumes of law books for good office furniture. Address. S. C 9.M, Bee. HAVE a Domestic sewing machine In good working condition: trade for man dolin, guitar or. what have you for It? Address B. C, Kb, Bee. , blGNS. showcarda. Clark at Son. D. 1274. i PIANO Want a Ford runabout. In good running order, for beat vacuum waaneta . ! manufactured or a eeleeted Lyon Healy ' upright piano ousting S360 cash. Addieas f B. C. 2?, Bee. ' TYPEWRITERS 3 L. C. Smith type writers, latest model, no. 6; aa pari' payment on lot in good location. Ad dreaa S. C. M7. Bee. i VACUUM WASH ER 200 Vacuum Wash-! era to trade for something and can use these. Sell at tS..ri0 each. Will give H.I bargain denl to someone tlrt has the selling sbllltr to dispose of them at re-; tan price, oner wnat you nave. ja-. dreaa, S. C Qfi3, Bee. ; VICTOR talking machine and records. SaaD for motorcycle or make offer. Ad- dresa 8. C. 938, Bee. WATCH, mandolin and caah for a diamond, or what nave you, or win trade either. Tell me what you have and want. Addresa Owner, care S. C. 548, Bee. WOULD like to exchange Brush auto for something of eaual value: would prefer pood motorcycle. Addrefta 8 C. 940, Bee. WILL trade 6-pasaer.gcr Studebaker car, all new tires, speedometer, top, in first class condition, for roadster. P. C. 960. Pee. WILL exchange equity In an 8-room house In South Bmaha tor a irora ituck or runabout M. 333. Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and Flats. 370.60, THREEv large rooms part mod. flat for small family. 1916 Elm St. D. 4073. THE THORVALD, Park Ave. and Harris; one 4-room apartment: win decorate: references required. Harney 6610. FOR RENT S room with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and close to car. per month. TT SULLIVAN. 316 Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. 4411 BT. CLAIRE V - 2 and 8-room apartments; east porch; ztth end Harney. Harney 447. CENTRA 1. No equal a price or Quality; 7-roora house; 4-roora flat. 220 N. 33d. FIDELITY br J.rVn FEEEi Phone Douglas 388 for complete list of ali vacant houses and apartments, also for storage; moving, packing, shipping. $12 3-r., 1-story brick flat, part mod ; SOTO 8. 18th, Oakwood Court Red 4M02. .SPECIAL built -Hupmoblle road- :-. star, extra long wheel base; Idell car for racesbout t . ( $200.00. " i NfcB. BU1CK. AUTO CO.. 1914 Farnam 8t. BT. OEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout 113 N. 31st Ave., se lect West Farnam district. Phone Web ster 1874. 27 So. 30th. s-r. on one floor. 2816 No. 2Sth, 6-r. and hall, 2-story. ' ,1 113 So. :oth, 8-r. brick. 8 W. 2tth and California, 2 floors. 2212 California. 8-r. brick, yard, roomers.; O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug. 2715. Famished Ilonses. , FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 835, 7-r., 1322 N. 41st St, nicely furnished close to car line. Possession May 1. GEORGE at COMPANY, Phone X. 70S. 903 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. FURNISHED 8-room house. Inqulr Har ney 2608 or Tyler 1600. 4-R. modern hone, Hnrney 6117, Famished stoonaa. MADISON list and Chicago: steam heat li mo. ana up; earn la connection. y.Wa STEAM bested rooma, $3 week. Ogaa Hotel. Council Bluffa. FUR. ROOMS or unfur. 64 8o. 24 8t MOD. rm. in private family. $7. Web. 2215. ROOMS FOR RENT Clean. - bright airy rooma at' reasonable prices, 1906 Capitol Ave. Phone Douglas 1143. PARLOR FLOOR, well furnished, for 6 gentlemen. 1618 Bo. 10th St. Doug.' 6139. ROOM and board for 4 gentlemen; nice, cool place In aummer; within walking distance to Carter lake. Web. 5296 Famished Housekeeping; Rooms, THREE) housekeeping rooms, main floor front; alao apartment second floor; cheap. 214 N. 22d. Fnrniahed Apnrtments. MOST delrble 4-room apartment n city: walking distance: reasonable rent: must sell furniture; leaving city. Phone Doug-i laa 41,7. Board and Rooma. BEAUTIFUL autte of rooma, east expoa ure; very large cloacta. large porch and yard; In a West Farnnm home with splendid board. Telephone Harney 431. Lli NO. 24il. pleasant room, good board, 83 a week. Douglna 7762. Llahl HsBHknniag Kooans. 6TEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitch enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., council Diuiis, la. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms, 1618 bo. lttn m. uoug. aid. LARGE airy rooms, 648 So. 24. Doug. 4477. Hasirkrrulns Hsans. TWO or four modern hkpg. rmi; Field club dlat. Harney 4468. i MODERN housekeeping apartments, also auito rooms. 1812 Capitol Ave. , HANDSOME 3-r oo in home, furnished or! unfurnished. If dealred would aell fur- nltur on payment; laan, ahade, awnlng.i electric liglita, $.0 month. Respectable' place. 913 S. 40th St 1 ONE mod, room light houaek'g. Wal. 23477' a I'nfnrnlahed Reonsa. FOUR modern firat floor rooms, newly' papered; near two car lines: adults' ; references. See owner, 704 S 30th St I 3 MOD. rooms, 1 acre ground. Wal. 2347.' Hall. BE8T equipped lodge hall In Omaha, also large modern dmce hall, finest' floor In city. Druid riall ,2414-16-U Aruea Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. Iii. f lionees aad 4 ettagea. rot HOWARD, detached, south front, f' rooms, modern, oak floor. 1'hon Wal nut 2617. ! 8-ROOM houae; beat condition; mod. x. heat: 833 8. 21st St.: 322.60. H. 37(6. , CALL WALNUT 21 o Sunday all day, eve nings thereafter lor aome fine, low rental houaea ' FOR RENT-2121 Locuat modern T-roond house, hot water heat newly decorated thruushout. paved streets, shade treetj tS. Webster 2fA4. CALL Walnut 216 Sunday arl day, even-l tnga thereafter, for some fine, low renJ tal house. H A NDoOME 4-room house having Uaiil shade, cardan. $13 8. 40tb St. '