Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 27, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE HE!',: OMAHA. TUESDAY. '27. 1U.
Meat Injurious
to the Kidneys
Tk a tablespoon fill of Salt if Hack
hurts or Itlarider bothers-,
Mt forma uric arid.
We are a 'nation of meat enters and
,ur blood Is filled with uric arid. says, a
well-known authority, who warns ua to
be 'constantly on guard against kidney
Ths kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this Irritating sold, but
become weak from the overwork; they
s-et sluggish; the elimlnatlve tissues
clog and thus-the waste is retained In
the blood to poison the entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel like
lumps of lead, and you hare stinging
pains In the back or the urine Is cloudy
full of sediment, or the bladder Is Irri
table, obliging you to seek relief during
the night; when you hare severe head
aches, nervous and dlxgy spells, sleep
lessness, scld stomach or rheumatism In
bad weather, get from your pharmacist
about four ounces of Jad Falls; take a
tablespoonful In a glass of water before
breakfast each morning and In a few
days your kidneys will set fine. This
fsmous salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon Juice, combined with
llthla. and has been used for genera
tions to flush and stimulate clogged
kidneys, to neutralize the acids In urine
so It Is no longer a source of Irritation,
thus ending urinary and bladder dis
orders. Jsd plaits Is Inexpensive and cannot
Injure; makes a delightful effervescent
ltthla-water drink, and , nobody can
make a mistake by taking a little occa
sionally to keep the kidneys clean and
active. Advertisement. . I '"
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It. .
Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, art gently on (he
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive
Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated
tablets are taken for bad breath by all
who Know them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently
but firmly on the bowels and liver.
cumulating them to . natural action,
clearing the blood and gently purifying
Uie- entire system.
Thev do that which dangerous calo
mel does without any of the bad after
All the benefits of nasty, sickening,
rrlpinB csthartics are derived from Dr.
Kd wards Olive Tablets without griping,
pain or disagreeable effects of any kind.
Dr. F M. Edwards discovered the for
mula after seventeen years of practice
among patients afflhted with bowel and
liver complaint with the attendant bad
Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are purely
a vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil. you will know them by their olive
color. - '
Take one or two every , night for a
week and note the effect. 1H: and 25c
per box. All druggists.
The Olive Tablet Compsny, Columbus, O.
Soap should be used very sparingly.
If at all, if you want to keep your hair
looking Its best. Most soaps and p rea
per ed shampoos contain too much
alkali. This dries the scalp, 'makes
the hair brittle, and ruins It. . .
The best thing for steady use Is
Just ordinary mulslfled roooanut oil
(which 'is. pure and greaseless), Is
cheaper and better than soap or any
thing else you can use. - ,; '
One- or two teasooonfuls will
cleanse the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and -rub It in. It makes an abund
ance 'of rich," 'creamy lather, which
rinse out easily, removing every par
ticle of dust, dirt, dsndruff and ex
cessive oil.' The- hair dries Quickly
and evenly, and ' It leaves the scalp
oft. and the hair fine 'and silky,
bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to
manage.' f . '
Tou can get mulaifled cocoamit pll
at any pharmacy, and a few ounces
wilt Supply every member ef the
family tor months. Advertisement
Thousands of mm and women suffer from
feeadachea every day, other thouaands bare
headaches every week or every month, and still
etbem have headache occaaionally, but not at
regular Intervale. The best Doctor la often no able
to find she cauae oi many of tbeae headaches,
and in moat other caaea, knowing the cause, be
doe not know what will remove It. so aa to give
a permanent our. All he can do is to prescribe
the usual pale relievers, which give temporary
relief, but the headache returns ss naual, snd
treatment Is sgain Decenary . It you sutler Irons
headache, no matter what their Datura, take
Anti-kamnla Tableu, snd the results will be aatis
factory In the hlirhest degree. Ion can obtain
t&em at all drug (lata io any quantity, loo worth,
Sao worth or mors. Ask lor A-K Tableu.
SICK-HEADACHES, the most miserable of an ficr
heaee, ioaes lie terrors when A-K Tablets sra
taken. Wnea tou teel an attack coming on,
take two tablets, and in many caaes. the attack
will be warded off. During an attack take one
A-K Tablet every two hours. The feat snd corn
sort which loUow, caa be obtained in no other
Canaan A-K Tmhlmlm kw (As M mm
At mil sfraggiata.
Engravings ...
I ' All i
Under One Roof
The Original
ts.feM yom My "HOlUJOIC'Sr
jrosv mamy got m Subrntltutm
eve Boot Frist n New Beacon rress
ara-ess-Qraatfea Oo. LJahtlng fixture,
rrieada of the Mother's Feasloa
should vote Its author, Edward Simon,
city commissioner -Advertisement.
"Today'e Complete MOTle Program'
elasslfled section today, and appears in
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
One of the Prettiest Spots in Omaha
Is the court houae lawn, directly op
poslts the Bee Building, "the building
thst Is always new." For offices inquire
of superintendent. Boom 101
The state Baak el Omaha ras 4
Per cent on time dopoelts, 1 oer cent on
savings accounts. All deposits In this
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
X. B. Wood Promoted At Salt Lake
City, L. R. Wood, former assistant
auditor of the Oregon fchort Line, has
been sppointed auditor. succeedlr C. J.
McKItt, retired on petition on account of
continued 111 health.
Delegates to Baltimore M. Andreasen
and Dr. F. A. Sedlacek have been ap
pointed delegate from Omaha to the
National Conference of Charities and
Corrections to be held at Baltimore May
13 to 19, by Governor Morehcad .
Poremaa Has Bsoovsrsd Emil Holm
strora. foreman for the Carl Johnson
company, who was In lured last weelt by
a fall from the second floor Into the bsae
ment of the Carey apartments, undergo-:
Ing construction at Park avenue,
has sufficiently recovered to resume
Permitted to Leave ' Town Charles
Morris, J. J. Wilson Andy Potts. A. L.
White snd J. J. Corbln were picked up
Sunday and arraigned In police court and
given ninety days' suspended sentence on
their promise to leave town at once. All
hall from Chicago and are on their way
to California to engage in "business."
Want Rawer Pat Deeper C. D. Arm
strong and C T. Kountze, Interested In
a new building to be erected on the old
Board of Trade comer, appeared before
the city council committee of the whole
to request that the city change a sewer
from a fourteen-foot depth to a twenty-eight-foot
depth for the accommodation
of the new building. The matter will be
given early consideration.
Tailing for the Auto Owners J. J.
Calbert, Itinerant, broke a bottle on the
pavement at Fifteenth and ' Farnam
streets 'and as a result was fined $1 and
costs in police court Judge Brltt thought
of the unblemished tires on his new auto
mobile and then of the broken glass.
"You should have more regard for the
poor downtrodden auto owner," was
Brltt's feeling rebuke before fining Cal
bert. To ' Xspest Illustrated Lecture The
lllustrstsd lecture, "The Little Flcwer of
Jesus," which was given Sunday after
noon before the Research club at St.
Berchmsnn's academy, will be repeated
Wednesday evening at Crelghton audi
torium, for the benefit of the Belgian
relief. Charles fongard snd Jsmes Martin
will give the lecture, which was written
by Father de Schriver. The last meeting
of the Research club for this yesr will be
the last Sunday In May, according to
Father Quinlan.
The seventh annual commencement of
the Wise Memorial hospltsl will be held
Tuesday evening, beginning at I o'clock,
in Temple Israel.
Fourteen young women, who have com
pleted the course of training. . will . be
graduated and receive their certificates,
fr. Robert Gllmore will deliver the ad
dress and the diplomas will be presented
by Dr. O. S. Hoffman. Rabbi Cohn will
pronounce the Invocation. Mlsa Minna
Meyer will render several vocal solos.
Following are the graduating nurses:
Bessie Marie Anson, Muriel June Brown,
Edith Helen Johnson. Myra Iulse Dl
mond, Stella . Heasler, Hulrah Dorothy
Johnson, Alice Pearl Vlnnedge, Lenore
Hoffman Lerinah' Johnson, Mabel Elisa
beth Ekstrom, Mary Sullivan, , May Belle
Wagner, Anna Margaret Kovarik, Lucy
Ru Inbody.
T. P. Oodfrey, general agent of the pas
senger department of the Missouri Pa
cific, has returned from 8t. Louis, where
he went to speak Sunday with Tom
Hughes, traveling passenger agent of the
same road, who is in a hospital there suf
fering with diabetes.
Mr. Oodfrey found Mr. Hughes In a
very critical 'condition and asserts that
the doctor holds out no hope for bis re
covery- He had a bad sinking spell Sat
urday night and is very low. Gangrene
hi appeared in the foot affected and ha
progressed to such an extent that ampu
tation would only hasten death.
Bam Williams, who lives at 22L'l Hrn.
street, wants to Inform the public that
one of the girls arrested in connection
witn the trouble at the Auditorium Arum
store, 1609 Chicsgo street, gave the
wrong address, and presumably the
wrong name . to the police. She does
not live at 2321 Harney atreet. and Mrs.
Williams, who does live there, has been
much annoyed by the undesirable publi
city she has received by reason of the
statement given the police by the girl In
Msjsnwier Complaint Cared.
Dr. King s New Life Pills will rid the
system of fermenting foods and poison
Keep stomach and liver healthy. 36c. All
druggists. Advertisement.
Bent en getting Into the home of WIN
11am 14 Thomas, SI Park avenue, a
burglar took a ladder from the yard of
a next door neighbor and placing it be
neath a second story window nyMinted
to the sill of the opening. Mrs. Thomas
hsppened to glance towprd the window.
saw the mans bead and screamed.
frightening the fellow away. Ths Thomas'
home wss robbed March IS or jewelry to
the total value of 11.000.
Maktaar 6 War Feasible.
As long aa one la on hu feet, he eaa
work after a fashion, no matter how
badly be feels. But you cannot do good
work have ambition and energy, fell that
life is worth living with sluggish bowels
or torpid liver. Foley Cathartic Tablets
do away with that droway, dull, tired
feeling. They never gripe or cause
nausea- They're wholesome, cleansing
and healthful. Moet satisfactory for
stout person. Sold everywhere. Advertisement
Quotations on Live Stock and
Wholesale and Retail Prices (or
Cat Meats Compared.
Much discussion ha been had
during the last few days about the
prices paid for meat in Omaha. It
wm announced one day last week
thatretall price had been practically
doubled because ot an advance In
prices by packer. The wonder was
that this could be, a prices for ani
mals of all kinds, except lambs, at
Sonth Omaha were lower. Effort
have been made to get at the exact
facts In the case, but some difficulty
has been encountered. The packer
do not want to give their Omaha sell
ing prices, saying that thla Informa
tion must come from Chicago.
arc of Klanrea.
The figures putillgh.-vl herewith wers
taken from the fllea of Tho Uce tor the
prices on live stock, and from one of the
big retailers for prices on dressed mest.
snd all refer to Frldoy. April M. 1916.
and the .corresponding day for .'S'14.
On April i. 191S. and on the corre
sponding date for 19M, the averae prices
on sctual salea reported on the principal
grades of cattle at the South Omaha
arda were.
Beef steers
Steers and heifers
X. 01
Wholesale Mri
On April 23, 191S, and on corresponding
date for 19H, the average prices psld to
the packers by the meat markets for the
principal cut ot meat were in cents per
1915. 1H.
bounds :' 13
84 1"
No. 1 ribs..
Shanks ....
Klsnks ....
IX 20
Spsre ribs
Hind quarters
Retail Meat Prices.
On April 23, 1916, and on corresponding
date for 191. the average prices paid to
the meat markets by the consumers for
the principal cuts of meat were, in cents
per pound:
ITS . 15
Round steak 30 -
Chuck roast V!
Rib roast 20
Sirloin steak 25
Porterhouse steak 3n
Plate boiling beer Si
Shank or soup bono 6
Flank bulling beef.. 10
Chops 1914
sparer! ob it
Shouidcr U'ft
Hind quarters 17H6
r orenuarters or anoumers 14
The atmosphere at both headquarters
Is rather suppressed Just now, like a
calm before the storm. The antls feel a
trifle piqued at being referred to as
"never-Was-es, has-beens, ' nincompoops-
and nondescripts," by City Attorney Rlne
Sunday afternoonr They ' are going to
give the retort courteous to Mr. Rlne and
Intend to attack the' electric light and
power 'rate ordinance throughout the
Flynn Take Command.
Chairmen Flynn and Sutton have
started issuing signed statements. Mr.
Flynn is now in command at the admin
istration headquarters In the Dahlman
club rooms and says he has filled the
bunkers of he Dahlman ship with
enough coal to get the craft Into port
next week.
The personal equSKion of the campaign
growa apace. Chairman Sutton ' declares
that City Attorney Rlne would be better
employed looking after the city's legal
business than calling the antls names.
Mr. Rlne maintains the judge Is sore be
cause he was not' made city attorney on
a certain occasion.
Bamtaea Oat Ghosts
Administration leader reiterate their
promise to spring a lot of "personal and
publlo history", during the week. One of
the antls in an address declared that the
present incumbents are incompetent
Ohosts of the political closet are being
summoned from their hiding places.
Sam old crowd of knockers," say the
Ins of the outs.
'Servants of the corporations." is an
indictment returned by the antis against
the administration candidates.
"Let us have peace if we have to fight
for It," says T neutral spectator.
Smile, Be Happy!
Take "Cascarets"
Cheer Upt Remove the winter's
"poison from your liver
. and bowels.
Enjoy life! Don't stay bilious,
sick, headachy and
19 cents (eel grand! Tonight
take Cascarets to Uvea yonr liver and
clean your bowels. Stop the headaches,
bilious spells, aournees, gaseC ooated
tongue, bad breath, sallowneaa and con
stlpatton Take Caaearets and enjoy the
nkaset, gentlest "InaMe eleacstor' yott
war experienced. Wake op feeling fine.
a best eathartto for children.
T. P. Mahoney Sayi the Prosperity
of This City it Talk of Eaitern
Moneyed Men.
"It has been years ln-e 1 left Omnha.
snd the city has grown so that 1 am al
most forced to hire a gut.te to show me
sround,-' ssserted T. 1. Mahoney, who
for a lohg time was connected with the
I'nited Btatea quartermaster' office here
ami three years ago was transferred to
me army neafl'iuarters at Chicago as
quartermaster sergeant.
Mr. Mahoney came from Chicago to see
about the sale jnf a lot that he owns
near Fourteenth and Jackson streets.
Parties have been making him numemua
offers, some of them very alluring, and
he concluded to come to Omaha to ascer
tain why his property Is in such great
demand. Said Mr. Mahoney:
"It la the talk In Chicago, In both busi
ness and financial circles, that Omaha is
the brightest spot on the whole map of
the Vnlted States and that It (a the one
city where business Is the best that It
has been In years.
Of my vown knowledge I know that
Omaha Is now attracting the attention of
many men of wealth, and that the pre-
dlctlcn Is being msde that while there
will not be a boom, the growth of the
city will be phenomenal within tha next
rive years.
"Financial and business men are be
ginning o took tipon Omaha aa the great
commercial center of the country and
many of them are laying tbelr plana for
Investing their money here, realising
that there Is not a city anywhere of It
Importance and such excellent prospects,
where the real estate la held at such
low rrlces,
1 am aiirpriaea st tne numher of new
buildings erected In the I ant three years.
mi t anr more surprised when I go
sbout the city and note the structures
that are now In course of construction.
It sll means that Omaha Is to be one of
the great cities. '
Rusmisel Resigns
as Principal of tho
Commercial High
L. C. Ruaniiael. principal of the High
School of Commerce alnce Its establish
ment, has tendered his resignation, to
take effect July 1. It 1 understood that
the resignation will be accepted, as ths
matter already ' has been discussed by
the superintendent and members of the
Board of Education.
it la officially announced that the
resignation was not nf attested and that
mr. nunnini win Da laenuried with a
Chicsgo text book concern.
Last year the principal was on trial
before the school board, wboas final de
cision exonerated him from the charges
msde by one of the teacher of his staff.
Before being appointed to the prlnclpal-
shlp of the High School of Commerce
Mr. Rusmisel had charge of tha commer
cial department of Central High sohooi
The Swedish Mission hospital, S7W North
Twenty-fourth atreet, realised $1,060 from
the sale of carnations on the atrojU of
tie business district, Saturday. ' ',
A number of young women and girl
bearing across their bosoms wide yellow
ribbons Inscribed "Swedish, Mission Hos
pital" sold carnations all day for the
cause of charity. Mrs. Carl Johnson was
chairman , and general manager of tha
forces for the day.
Miss ' Christiana Hansen, a nurse,
brought In the largest single aum, J37.I8,
being eloeely followed by Mr. Unltt with
. Reuben' Johnson, a 4ty-year-old boy,
scorned the sex line and brought In ll.TS.
Every bit of dandruff disappear, after
one or two applications of Danderln rub
bed well into the scalp with th. finger
tips. Get a SS-cent bottle of Danderine
at any "drug store and save your hair.
After a few application you can't find
a particle of dandruff or any falling hair,
and the acalp will never Itch. Advertise
ment. The "Bilious" Note
in Advertising
The other morning at the
railway station I saw a
larffe, husky boy pushing
and struggling with a faur
whcelod truck. It was one
of those wide tired vehicles
used by express companies
to haul packages to the door
of the railway car. It was
built to move easily on a
wooden platform without
the expenditure of much
muscular energy. This truck
Lad only a few packages on
it, but it refused to move.
The husky lad pushed, and
puffed, and snorted, but the
truck wouldn't budge. The
train was coining and no
time to lose. He wobbled the
tongue from one side to the
other and tried all sorts of
angles . in order to get the
'truck started. As the puff
ing engine of the train came
closer and closer his muscu
lar gyrations became more
strenuous. Suddenly he
City Dads Will Not
Delay the Viaduct
City commissioners are not Inclined to
accede to a petition from the Omaha
Automobile Speedway company and the
Omaha Rtadlum Speedway eompanv, ask
ing that work on the Iocimt atret via
duct be suspended Until October 11
The petitioners contend fhat the viaduct
construction work will Interfere with
street csr transportation during a time
VJHSGIEWS comes in two delic
ious flavors. BendsUeconomical
Made clean kept clean sealed
air-tight against 1 all impurity.
T Ju i f mw
eaYwSSV-oK-'''''- -'"f .
eoo . iiiiimsiiii'11
t. I ..........
"Talks on Newspaper Advertising"
B7 TRUMAN A. DeWEESE, Buffalo, N, Y.
dropped tho tonguo ,and
quickly pulled a two by four
plank from the spokes of the
front wheels. The plank had
been 6hoved through the
front wheels to keep the
truck stationary. These
tracks have a habit of run
ning off the platform unless
blocloed in this way.
The efforts of the husky
lad to push a truck with its
wheels blocked reminded mo
of some kinds of advertising.
The advertiser persistently
and stubbornly goes up
against tho prejudices and
predilections of tho possible
consumer. Tho consumer
refuses to b moved. The
advertiser tries to put over
something by going against
a-psychologicai wall erected
by centuries of convention.
He violates all the elemen
tary principles of salesman
ship. Ho does not follow the
lines of least resistance. He
starts out Jy calling up asso
ciations that are repugant
to puMic taste. He uses the
negative instead of the posi
tive. He tells what his prod
uct is not instead of telling
what it is. If he is st llmg a
shaving 6oap ho tells you it
jwhen Important events will be held at
inn r.aai vnnana apeeowey.
Th council men take the aland that the
city fought for yenrs to compel the rail
road companies to build thla viaduct and
now that the work has been started It
would be tinwlae lo Interfere.
A written petition wss plaoed on file.
it A. Ratbbun, mnnager of the Equitable
ffe. southern California, headquarters
at In Anitelea. la vlaltlng his father.
Prof, o: It, Rathbun.
The Perfect Gum
Perfect Package,
wonder its sale
cceds all others t
A "
5 t
will not smart or crack your
face. As you read the ad
vertisement your skin be
gins to burn and you invol
untarily rub your faoe to see
whether it is really smart
ing. It is tho first time you
,have associated "smarting"
or burning skin with a shav
ing sonp. -
If it is a beer advertise
ment, tho brewer is apt to
dwell at lenjrih upon tho fact
that his beer will not make
you "bilious," and ho furth
er elaborates the statement
that beer will not stand sun
light, and hence his beer is
in brown bottles. Now, who
wants to drink something
that won't stand tho sun
light on it, or under certain
conditions will make you
bilious 1 This is what we call
"bilious advertising." It is
probably the first time the
writer ever associated bil
iousness with boer, and here
after he will always think of
beer as something that is
apt to mako him bilious.
Here is a manufacturer of
a breakfast food who covers
the package with advertis
ing matter in which he,
states that his breakfast
Womon to Take Hand
in tho Campaign
Members of the Omaha Woman's cluh
thla afternoon deddVd to enter tha locat
campaign by requesting each of the four
teen candidates to express his position
on civil service reform for the police and
fire departments.
Further action on this auhjeot will not
be taken until replies have been re
ceived. in the
t o day
for your
free copy of
; 1
r.Zatlicr Gooso" ;
introducing these active ':
Spearmen. 28 pages, litho
graphed in four colors. Grown-
Bp aa well children vrffl find lota of
fan ia tM quaint ikux book. Address ;
IVm. I'JHjIsy Jr. Compsny
1200 Keanw ElsSg Chicago '
United rZZh Gczspsna
round uch package of WRIGLT8
they aro food for man vahnblo
article, of high grado ntarchandiM for
children and th. hem. I
food "d(es not contain meal
worms or bugs." Imagine
tho mental shock of the
. housewife the first time she '
sees the reference to meal
worms aud bugs on a pack
ago of her favorite break
fasft food. This is the .first
time sho ever thought of
meal-worms in connection
with a breakfast cereal
and the manufacturer spent
good money to tell her about
it. Hereafter, if sho associ
ates breakfast food with
meal-worms, whose fault is
Advertising should follow
the lines of least resistance.
It should follow smoothly
along the grooves of popu
lar preference. It should be
free from negative affirma
tions that suggest disagree
able associations. It should
not offend popular preju
dices, conventions or senti-,
ments. It should bo humanly
optimistic, exciting only
pleasurable associations. In
other words, it should ap
peal to that same Human
Nature that is responsive to
the arts of the clever sales- .