TTTE I IKE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL 2fi, 1015. WALSH IS FLAYED BY ROCKEFELLER John D- Aierti Condition Drawn from Correipondencc Alto gether Falie. METHODS ARE "INDEFENSIBLE" NEW YORK, April JR. John I). Rockefeller. Jr., tava out state ment yesterday tn reference to the correspondence between himself and U M. Bowers, chairman of the Colo rado Fuel and Iron company, which was mado publ'c yesterday by Frank T. Walah, chairman of the United States Commlaalon on Industrial Re lation!. Mr. Rockefeller at false the conclusions which Mr. Walsh drew from the correspondence. SAMSON SEEKS SOME SINGERS For Ria Chorus, Xing Ak It Sorely In Need of Men Who Hare Voices that Can Be Heard. ORDER FOR TRTOUT ISSUED Proeeedlaa laateall. Mr. Rockefeller asserts that M. Walsh had drawn Inference without aeoertaln Ing whether they were correct, a "pro roedlng, which la wholly Indefensible." Ha said further that he would be Rlad te appear to five additional testimony before the commission at any time, "for we are desirous that the public ahall have all the facta." The statement follows: "On Tebniarr 1. soon after the hear Ints la New York of the United Plate Commission on Industrial Relations, I felt ratted wpon In Justice to myself to point eat to the public a groaa misstatement coacemlner my evidence, which had been Uvea out by rrank P. Walsh, chairman of the commission. Mr. Walsh today makes another lone statement containing many misrepresentations and unwar ranted Inferences. Untitled Vmrt: 'The public Is entitled to the fa-ts con cerning the alterations, which Mr. Walsh make, but it la Impossible to assemble all the data In time for the Sunday morn ing paper. I am preparing a alatement which will be available for publication oa Monday morning. "In reference to Mr. Walsh's announce ment ef hi Intention to rail my associates and myself to give further Information In regard to the Colorado atrlke, I need hardly ay that we aha!) be glad to ap pear at any time, for we are deslrlou that the public ahall hava all the facta. Wat Legal HlaM. 'To that end. we hava already testi fied with great fullness, have waived all our legal right, and have supplied the commission without any subpoena dance teucum all the Information, which has been asked for, Including a maaa tit priv ate correspondence. "Mr. Waleh ha takea that correspond ence baa drawn from It certain Inference and without ascertaining whsther his In ference are correct, naa made statements and announced conclusion, 'which are falsa, luck ft proceeding I submit Is wholly ladfneible oa the part of the chairman ef the body holding ft commis sion from the government of the Vnlted Kates," A distress wall for sincere, rest j Osrusos. Is giltier out from On Heme, I Ak-Frtr-Tten rtln. who wants tn get tm a god chorus of voices for tlie various j stunts In Ak-Sar-Bcn's big road show for I this Pen third. that It Ik estimated It will take 'i lusty voices to give volume to fill the room. "I could sin; rings around that liunch. If I'd only been anked." lias frequently been said by timid members In years gone by. Kibosh on that noise thl" year. "You are asked right now. Pon't be bashful, step right up and push the lot d pedal. If there Is mini- In your makeup, we'll extract It; If not, we will let you give the college yell: 'damson. Samson, we're his men, we're the Knight of Ak-Bar-Ren,' or wrestle the bear," says Rense. Charle tlardner. Henry Dunn and Hilly T-awrerve have adopted a unique method of lung expansion by holding a funnel hetwi-en their teeth when need ing their auto after dark. Oscar Ueben sprained his ankle recently directing an Imaginary chorus In front of a mirror. The aong rehearsals will begin shortly fter May I, and as none but members am allowed at the- len. It will be neces sary to push name and filing fee over the counter at Tad Weaver's office, Sev enteenth and DmiKlaa streets, at once to b imonu the ellrfllilea Announcements of rehearsal clatei will ha made nest Sunday. A regular meet ing of the board of governors Is to lie eld M mils y evening at the Hotel Fon- tenelle. ITALY ASKS MIL MORE 0F AUSTRIA Vienna Makes Further Concenioni, but Quirinal Not Satisfied and Rattles Sword. TWO MILLIONS AWAIT ORDER GIBSON BOOSTERS ENDORSE THE "INS" (Continued from Page One ) pm WOULD , ABOLISH SENATE 5 (Continued from Page One.) wooden Indians aw to It that these luea were ftot Investigated." . v "I wtnt down to the senate en a cam palga for ft tax reform amendment to thee constitution. But ef course, I w up against the famous nineteen wooden Indians on that "Another ef the crimes or the legisla ture waa the f.afeat of the constitutional convention. The legislature ha repeat edly refused the demand for ft constltu tional convention, and la this session the bill waa stopped by the nineteen woodea Indiana. It never got out of the sitting committee. The sifting committee waa made up of seven men, rive of whom were of the woodea Indiana. I tried to bring It out by moving on the floor of th senate that It be brought out. In ptte ef th sifting commute ruling nut against tn eoiia nineteen were against me end the hill died la the cora mltlre," Haas ( Better Tree. oenaior vjuuioy characterised the house members as a higher type than in senate members. He declared also last aalda from a few progreaalve meas ure arievtlng largely Omaha, the legis lature had done nothing at all worth while. " anme.r he said, "that 131 mea should net together enc In two yeat and at end alxty days and more and d, nothing but paae one or two bills mat t all ted right down are slmnlv to the Interest of some ens or two mea tn a gtveu action of u stele who hope te gala eom special favor through their restate. But S per cni of the bills Passed at the last eeaaion were of this t narneter. PLEADS FOR WORLD MEET OF JEWS TO AID BRETHREN NEW YORK, April .-A plea for worm congress or Jew to aid thai brethren new engaged la the European war waa snad bar tonight by Louis Marshall at a gathering of leading Jew affiliated with Jewlah organisation for the sixth annual Kehillah, or community Mr. Marshall said the Jews of America should form the nucleus of such a con -. YOU WILL FEEL anvsrh better and younger! ""Tii neaun win ImDreve ROMK (Via Paris), April 25. yesr. Tbe seating capacity of the , council of ministers, which waa has been Increased by about one-1 . umvm ,-... l.n i,i. . r . ... , . . v .,.( ii.'Ki iiiid a . n i ..', discuss the International situation, was postponed. This waa Interpreted to mean that Haron Zonnlno, minister of foreign affairs, contrary to ex pectation, was not ready to com municate anything, definite to his colleagues regarding the negotiations with Germany and Austria. It It reported that Austria has made further concessions In the en deavor to preserve Italian neutrality, but it Is said that these are not satis factory to Italy. (rent Ksrltenaeat Relawa. It la stated that Haron Zonnlno is ob durate In the demands representing a minimum of what Italy expects. Great excitement reigns here and In Vienna and In Herlln over the negotiations. Treinler 8a land ra and Baron Zonnlno frequently see King Victor Pmmanual and rilscuna the matter after Interview with Prince Ttuelow, the German ambas sador In Rome and Paron de Macchlo, the Austrian ambassador. Italy'a military preparation already are nearly perfect and they ar dally be coming more complete. rail Strenath Two Million. PARIS. April 24. French military writer estimate the full military atrength of Italy at 2,000,000 of whom WO.Ono prob ably form the active field army. The chief of the Italian staff la Lieute nant Qenersl Count Cadorna. lie was born September 4, 1SD0, and la a aon of Raphael Cadorna, mho wa distinguished for his services In the Crimea. ava had th front page many time. and that I what I want, good or bad. Simon waa wrong when he said the News spent IS.ono trying to corrupt me. The News spent $17,000 to get a weakling to commit a crime. The paper has dona nothing for Omaha but take money out of the pockets of the people and send It to Pt. raul. I want somebody to dispute that statement. Metralfe a Prohibitionist. Who is I-amoreeux that ha should buy hips In this gsme? Metcalfe is ft prohi bitionist. If they fool with m I will tell some thing before the week Is over. I see that fair women are going to help the antls and If they do I will tell them some stories that will aend them back home. "The question Is. Po I make good dur ing business hours? Do I deliver the goods? I think 1 know something of city affairs sfter nine yeara' experience. I am proud of my record. 1 can guarantee Blmon to you all. If you cut Blmon you will elect Zlmman. I ask no quarter nor will I give any quarter, for I'm going to the wire with these gazaboes. Proa of Pardoass "When X give pardon to a boy or a girl for a father I look up to my Maker and Sve thank for having been f'ven a kind and generous heart. What would Zimman do If h were elected mayor? Tou could strike a match anywhere within too yard of th city hall and he would blow up. If alerted we promise to ua our ef fort to defeat prohibition, which wilt b the big Issue In this state." Edward Blmon caught the crowd with hl forceful talk and fine voice. ' I think you are going to have an apportunlty to aee m often after the fourth of May, ao thought 1 wuld let you meaenre me this afternoon, from tny shoe to my head. ( expert the opposition will resort te all sorts of questionable tactics and tricks to place their men Id power," he aald In opening. Caaaat Be Boaaht. "Tbe organ of the antls spent la.ftO to find that Jim Dahlman and the other commissioners are Inacrruptlble and on the square. This paper will resort to alt sort of dirty politic In an attempt to tell you that w are not on the square. Thla paper now pretend to be for the people. This paper haa given Omaha a black eye, but It la now convinced that the man whom you elected three year as for mayor cannot be bouaul" He declared that one of the antl had an opportunity aa councilman and mayor for nine yeara to ahow ha waa for the people; that In ISUS Zlmman aa council man cast the only vote against a lalse from Ce cents to tt cent per hour for th atreet sweepers. (Wber Casaaataalaaere Speak. Commissioners Butler, McOovera. Hum mel snd Kugel spoke briefly of the work- Inge of their departments. Mr. Kugel - serted that hla brother-in-law, C. V. War- field, authorised the announcement that his name had been used by th antl on their list of committeemen without au thorlty. and that Warfleld waa for the administration ticket. Th administration campaign committee announces these meetlns for tonight 1 Washington hall, under th auspice of Creighton student and alunmnl; Qulnn's hall. Sixteenth and Cumtng streets Holm's hall. Twenty-fourth and Burden streets. High Praise Given Canadian Soldiers In Flanders Fight OTTAWA. Ont., April 2S.-Pralse for the Canadian troop In th fighting of thla week I contained In a cable message re ceived today by Oeneral Hughes, minister of militia, from Lord Brook, staff officer to Field Marshal French, which read: "Hearty congratulations on magnificent behavior of Canadian troops." The severity of the renting In which the Canadian first expeditionary division haa been engaged la Indicated by a preliminary casualty list which reached General Hughes tonight An Incomplete list of casualties to of ficers In th two day' engagement ahow that thirty-one officer were wounded and one killed Major J. MacLaren Brandonman. From this, It Is calculated that the casualty list of noncommissioned officers and men will contain between SOS and SOS name. Th report state that th Canadlana were engaged In aever flght- ing through Burnley, April 24 and that th fighting I still going on. Th Canadian heavy battery of 4.7 Inch gun which waa lost on Thursday or Fri day and afterward retaken by th Canadian, wa not located behind th lines of Canadian Infantry, but behind th French line, Immediately to the left of th Canadian' rer. Th French were driven from their position by asphyxiating boroba. ... Tour You a til eaov good nourishing rood asaln If you will try (hi standard stomach tonic. Th blood. muscles, tlUre. " t " mags will (( t Inurnt they hava bean cryliia fur r ea.1 will dear up. Itaikach b nutr lour aaia am . up. Haikarhe rnvuniam- iwinava a ill diHMKir ! audi raaea reliable tl'i. rrvoinmaud and use UOt t at K1AL Hrl,m Oil Oaneulaa. Thev ar a laixlard world-wide remedy, pre-l-4 In Holland for over two bundrad by a epaiial process. Combining hellna- antlMptie uiLa with, tissue bulidiu herb. Thla I ft natural fawn rem4y. which ran be tried fur very lull coat. It U not a "patent medicine. Therefore uatil you have tried ihetn. the only ay ta tell the pure, orlalnej article. Imported fah every nienth from Holland, la by buy. In- OOU) MEDAL. Tli.ra are counter tua but M ether enulne. Your ecu. t at ran gat GOLD Mlr.DAL tf you insi.i. They ar rarefully tested by 1'Hiled R talis Ooverameat rhemlete fee-e-elna; admitted Into thla country Tt.rfoi be safe aad refuee a cheap luuiatiu. as they snay be harmful, liu 'Ma on If thrmish the Amartcan r'rrwa ef lha :auiae Haarlem till ''a.. It Vir at.. sm Tor t u v . ft. ie aad ti-tft. Una rl aiulj tf they do not tMtie you. Adtertiseoieot Hundreds Go Mad in The Battle Trenches OENF.VA. (iwltxerland (Via rarls). April Sk. Pr. richerer nf Lucerne returned to Geneva today from a visit to the war asylum at Oberwleaeafeldt. near Munich, Bavaria. "I ner realised the depth of th war horrors.' aald Or. rVherer. "until I mere nunurea ot men. mostly young who bad gon mad la th trench. Some lay quietly, oblivious to their surround ing, other with burnlug a etched wry movement of th visitor and at tendant. "A percentage of th laeaae recover after aum weeks of careful car and real and later return to th front." lr. Scherer said. "But th remainder ar eat to other asylum because their re covery being doubtful their preeenv la th t re aches might endanger their ewa comrade. Several u'h special aiyluma for aaad ma from th t reaches hava bee a opened la Get-away. Bomethlag seem ta break Inside tb aoldiers uader the aroloea-ed stress of fighting aad fatiga. sanguinary mats and baad-ta-band encounter." GERMANS POUR FRESH ARMIES . INTO FLANDERS (Continued from Paae One ) trenched, promises to be one of the bit terest nd blooOlcst cf the war. Tele grams from Holland tonight tell not only of the movement of German reinforce ment to the front, but of long train of dead and wounded which ar passing to the reara condition of affairs which also mut exist In the rear of the allied army. The outcome of this battle la awaited with the utmost eagerness. Raaa Reaame attack. In the meantime, fighting goes on la Champagne and the Woevre. well as In the Ciirpathlans. Despite torrential rains, tbe Russians appear to have re sumed their attacks on the A utro -German positions guarding t'xsok pa. The rapture by tho Russian of Hill No. 101, It I claimed, will greatly facilitate their operation reducing the Importance of Hill No. 902, which the Austrlitn still hold. Confirmation of this new Russian of fensive Is contained in the Austrian offi cial report, which records fighting on Turk road, which traverses Vzsok pass. There is no official news ss yet of operations In the Dardanelles or th North Kea. hut In the latter region there Is evidence of activity on the part of the Germans, who have sunk or captured several neutral vessels. Ships Takea or Maak. The Danish steamer Nldaros was cap tured; the Norwegian barks Oscar and Eva and the Hwedish steamer Ruth were torpedoed by submarines; the Norwegian steamer Caprivl waa blown up by a mlno off the Kngllsh coast, while the Finnish steamer Frack was torpedoed In the Baltlo. Diplomats are watching Italy, which apparently has not yet reached a deci sion on Ita future attitude. The fact that the meeting of the council of ministers called for today waa postponed would seem to indicate that negotiation be tween Italy and the Germanic allies are still proceeding or that Italy is watting for a final answer to Its demand for territorial concessions. MONEY MAY BE MADE INGARDENS Omaha Boys and Girls Are Making Large Profits in Tilling Some of the Vacant Lots. WORK ALONG BUSINESS LINES Have Rearalar Bowel Movement. Take Dr. Klng'a New Ufe Pill and hava a dally easy movement of the bow- ele. cure constipation. Only tie. All druggist. Advertisement. SPONSORS OF PRIMARY 0BJEC TT0 ITS APPEAL HURON, B. D.. April r..-(Speclal.)-The set on the part of the Byrne-Norbeck ad ministration In repealing the primary law, enacted by a direct vote of the people, has stirred up the prominent leaders of the state administration of 1197 and 1S9S, nho were the original progressives in this state, and responsible for the adoption of the Initiative and referendum Into the Pouth Dakota atate constitution. Father Robert W. Hair of Aberdeen. Governor Andrew E. Lee of Vermilion, Senator L. N. Crill of Elk Point, Senator Jamoe A. Grant of Clark. H. U Loucks of Watertown and other have add?eaed a Joint communication to R. O. Richards of this place, urging htm to press forward for the freedom ot the ballot and suprem acy of the people by making ft thorough test ot the stato administration's act In our atate courts, and federal courla, If necesssry. Gardening Is a serious business with many of the school children enrolled In the Garden club movement, according to City Club Leader Dale, and the youn sters are going about It In a business like way. Harry Dewey. 12-year-old son of County Clerk Frank Dewey, has two gardens. OxW feet csch. at his home, 4o32 North Thirty-ninth street, and already haa peas and beans so far advanced that he will be able to market them at fancy prlcea several weeks ahead of the average gardener. Young Dewey, who attend Central Park school, cleared V last year In a gardening partnership with his brother, William. This season, his third aa a gardener, he also haa started a big gar den, feet, at Fortr-eecond and Taylor atreet. aa hla entry In th achool garden competition. City Club Leader Dale aaya the boy haa the best garden In that part of the city now, and if frost does no damage. It will give him a nice profit from early vegetables. Another business-like gardener Is Rhea Hardtmeyer of Monmouth Park school, Dale assert. She grew five crop of beans last summer and took prizes for gardening. She Is saving prise money and garden profit with which to buy a lawn mower. Sh Uvea at 3223 Manderson street. Three hundred and slxty-thre boys and girl of twenty-eight schools have en rolled In the garden dubs, and the six teen schools not yet heard from, includ ing big onea like Mason, Farnam and Howard Kennedy, are expected to raise the total to over BOO, Do you dread the hard work of housecleaning? Five Thousand More Men Added to Idle List in Windy City CHICAGO, April 2f. Five thousand more men were added to the list of 125,000 unemployed In Chicago today, when prac tically all of the eighty big lumber yards In the city closed, pending settlement of the carpenters' strike. The question of the lumber men was due chiefly to a lack of demand for their wares. The lumber yards that have sh it down do an estimated annual business of 125,000,000. The arbitration boards of the carpenters' district council and the car penters contractors' association are ex pected to meet again Monday. Until then, It wa aald. no joint efforta would be made to bring about a settlement The building construction employer' as sociation met today and prepared an ultimatum, which they aald would be sent to six unions, which thus far hava failed to aignlfy their Intention of signing the uniform building trades' agreement.' The cement finishers, drain layers, marble fitters, tile layers, bridge and structural iron workrs and sheet metal workera, will be locked out May 1, un less the agreement la signed, according to the employers. v. Just use 00g000ff "" soap and save elbow-srrease and and save elbow-grease and back break. Hot water and hard scrubbing not needed. Use Fels-Naptha in lukewarm water for housecleaning.; rale Co.. Philadelphia, r LUXU COUPONS There -can be no doubt in your mind which one of sereral high grade articles offered to yon at a fair price to select provided one of them h&s a free coupon. Why not let your good judgment dictate your choice in this instance. Did You Receive a Premium Catalogue? The sooner you start saving the coupons the quicker you will get the premium. Phone Douglas 1889, Luxus Mercantile Co., Dist Fred Krug Brewing Company Allies' Aircraft Ey Over Smyrna PARIS, April . Allies' aeroplane are showing great activity over Smyrna, aaya a special dispatch from Palonlkl. A French avlutor recently dropped two bomb at Fort Kastro, anting several sol diers, another sank a German ahlp lying In port, and a third struck th railway station. Observation mad by aviator, accord ing to th dlxpatch. Indicate- that th Turkish forces assigned for th defense of Smyrna number SS.OW. They occupy iremnes exienmnr rrom Vourlah to Smyrna, and ar posted on height com manding th city. Fort Tw Brother and Raatratl hav been repaired. A new fortification, built above the farm of Rt. George, haa beea armed with thirty heavy gun, supposed to hava been brought from Constantinople. This label on Roofing insures service Crtaln-tt Roof ing U giving excel lent service on il dauesof building eJI over the world. Try It once jam a bay afaia. I! ft CoHSeWiaWlBl We have bolt tip the bigfeti rooflag and btnldmz pat mills in tho world by tellins; good food at reason able prices. FIGHTING DAUGHTERS WANT DISARMAMENT WASHINGTON. Aorll S.-A ainL m. Ion today concluded th twenty-fourth continental emigres of th daughter of tho American He volution, which ha been meeting her this week. Th report of th peace committee of the congreaa prventd today b M i Janet Richard of thla city, urnri i.. Urnaltonal disarmament and the estab lishment of aa international police and an International court Your Sick Child Is Constipated! Look at Tongue No matter what all your child, a gentle, thorough laxative should aJway b th first treatment given. If your Utile one la out-of-aorts. half, ick. lain resting, eating and acting naturally look. Mother! see If tongue la coated. Thl I aur sign thai Us Hill Buy materials that last a o Ask year dealer for prod oca Bud by a Uscy bear Asphalt KaeAn AU r avwsst Slat Sarfaaed MJaatle AaakFeka 1-alea Tans F.lta BaildMgfaese Roofing 1- plj fUuTantettl 5 years 2- p!y fwjrafiteetl 10 yean 3- pIy furaateed 15 years Genera Roofing Manuf acturin jf Company a si ess avast MBajaasae-ar ayaossae m sausaf "ays IkLsats n ai'a'1 Iafcr"l CARPENTER PAPER CO. OMAHA-DISTRIBUTERS CERTAIN-TEED ROOFING BUILDING PAPER BRANTVOOD POSTMASTER REGAINS HEALTH BY MEANS OF AKOZ M W " Sa v na I . W " ,JT iW'--- JJf j OROTTB BROS. CO. 1 1 II 1 1 wBerai uinninm i I' "rSt- ) ta H 1 I -... I . AMUSEMENTS. teatatr- Flasts RoaAa- Aaaaak kadCe. Metal Pats 5Ual States RmsCmI Tag- Carl R. Sorenson, Foraerly of Twin Cities, Relieved of Neu ralgia, Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. Carl It. Horenson, postmaster at Brant wood, Wla.. and manager of th general ator In that town, who I alst a prominent Mason. Klk and Woodman. ! with many frlenda In th Twin I Cities, where he waa formerly In bui- stoniach. Uver and bowel. .r.' "'" ' found relief from clogged with waste. When roa. irrl-1 rnuniatUm and kidney trouble of i table, feverish, stomach .our. breath! y'mr ,llng by ualng Akoa. th new bad or haa atomach-ache. diarrhoea. Kverybwdy Heads be Waal Ada. or throat, ruil or cold, gtr a tra apoonful of "California 8yrup of l"lgs." and In a few hour all tli constipated poison, undigested food and sour bile gently move out of It llttl bowel without griping, and you hav a wall, playful child again. atothera can real easy aftar giving thl harnileaa "fruit laxative, bacaua it never fall to cleana th llttl one's liver gad bowel and wta th atom acb aad they dearly lav its plaaaaat laat. FuU direction for babl. chil dren f ail age aad for grown-ups printed oa eac h bolt I. Br war of counterfeit ftg ayrupa. Aab your druggist for a de-cent bottle of "Califoraia 8rup of Ha;' then see that It la mad by the "California' It'lg Syrup Company. " Adteriuement. it allfornl medicinal mineral. "1 would not b without Akoa." aalJ Mr. ttorenson. "I Buffered aeverai year with rhcumatlam and kidney trouble. I saw Akoa advertised and bought a treatment. I ran praise Akoa very highly aa I am feeling greatly Improved la every way. "I wa also troubled with neuralgia of th head be for I took Akoa I hav had n palna of late at alL I can and will recommend Akoa to ail my friend aa I am vary much pleaaed with th result a I am an Akoa booster." Many ethers ar r porting moat gratifying result after using Ake for rbeutaallare.' stomach, kidney, bladder, and liver trouble, dtabta. Bright, catarrh, evtu-ina, ptlea. congestion aad other tilmtnts. Akos la a natura. mln v.f it AMI SEMENTS. lit arosT rorULal Theater Tonight aad Week BUTZ ATSa-EOWAJIS X.TVOS THE DEEP PURPLE Tomorrow, Conoert Might. ICra. Xaa XUaworth Sal, aopraa. briweas acta, atata. Wad., Thara Sal, S5ci Mlghta. S So aad 6O0. Vest Waeki "A aVTTXrX,T OaT TU WIHV DOthOTScts Ela Rii,ii H.vlten Thornioa "Th Uirl Kroa Mil.iu Trss brm . vwaoed Tande- nil. Dally Mat. S. Vlrht. 8:14. VboB n-ar. Blcksl aad Watoa Braadea Harst si.raay sa Saadarl. ti. N'l.kis: ki-K-i.;,,. j Ivot4 to Btricily Clean, Classy arusicAX. bubxebqub TWICE DAIDf 4Hk Matinee Today Jack Singer Praa LEW KELLY () "MO BODY HOME" With the GREAT BEHMAN SHOW Including X.ob Haa call. A met a Pynsa, Jim Tea Brook. Jeaa Irwin, Oortsae rord. Tlaeeat MARTri I P Barry Yaa, , Aad a Bla laaek, CBQBPa OT BOTg aad OZKI.S crMBUag-ly ramaylCUrullnnill'' Batir oa the Drama OntaAauuftn Th show that iaaurwetad th present policy at thi tn eater five aaon ago. UNQUESTIONABLY Ut LKCQUK'S COITION - B LUXB UEAH READER: I claim Th Bthmii show stvs-rs was sn atlll la burlMqu.'a very rlaalA. Thara'a a crlvpoMa ana a aali.nry that'a rwllT r.ne4iiaa, tocther with lau.ha to tit aar faca. That It'a the aaaeoa'e vary chvwMt, I'll ataae ter Kputalloa aa a um r aa I'ne aa4. aam oed fuaaM. la tbla man's toes. g U JDHSSON, M(r Gayatr. ta oon Junction with th fir at T , parfornaae of th Bshmaa Know llncladinr tb Wednesday.) TU BXTMAB DBBADBAUOHT. EXTRA TU BXTMAB Dl JESS yyiLLARD WOIUI'I CBAaCPIOB Wlllard. BUsaealf, ta Th XlMh Mot a Moving- Bictnr. B will boa sever ai roaad with hla rarrtna- partners and demoastrat Bl TtlsULI is-CIHIIBETai ItfiOCIt-QUT PUflCH Th barrel a pr.c atadd t la dle at anatlnaea ar withdraw a. tU Tear a. Mat., Apr. B9. Law BUy and Th Bahmaa Show fU-iahlaa-th week at the Oayety ragaiar acal of anosa 1 CARL It. SORCNSON. D IVIenclelsisotiiiL Cinoip H ANO CHICAGO SYMPHONY UKLiIld 1 KA ral, hartnle and pleaaant to tak. It la not a patent medietas or com pounded with drug. Akoa la now being Introducad la Omaha at Sherman a MrConnell Kth and Dodg atraeta ator. Vlalt phon or writ th Akoa ataa for f par Uculara rtgarding thla advrtlamnt Aaditorium, Tonight 8:15; Tomorrow 2:30 p. m. and 8:15 p. d. Baaaa Coapa Book. Thsw Dallara, ooataialag tw svaniag admiaatoa tsstrai aad oa aaatla boapoai aa aaie at Boep . Mayaaa'a, BoasaoIlT B MaaUra. 81iial Adnitaektna Now oa Sale al Boa Office?. Kveninx. St.AO. Afternoon. at.OO. USE Bee Want.Ado