2-B OMAHA SUNDAY DEE: AFHTTj 2.", 1015. Back from tho Mexican Border Guest of Mrs. W. H. DeFrance DRAMA LEAGUE ORGANIZED Bocity People Form Orpanjiatioii to Indnca Big- Theatrical Attrac tion to Stop in Omaha. SEEX FIVE HUKDBXD MEMBERS Saelat Calendar. fl'NDAT Mr. U TV. Wekeley, dinner for Mm Merrill. IIONPAT OHrlnal Monriav Hrldw club, picnic at Klrkwood. Mendelssohn choir I th Auditorium. Jyrrturn on "Dawn of the New Tline.,,c bjr Mrs. Anthony Merrill, at the home of Mra. Burton Xllllerd. Osrden commit of the Civic htfiif, lunrheon at the Commercial club. Tl'ESDAT Debutant Bride club. Mlee Janet Hall, luncheon, followed by mati nee at the FrendVIa Men1elnhn choir at the Auditorium. North Aide Pro areeelve cluh, card party at Ita hall, Twenty-etirhth and Fowler streets. WEDNESDAY Mra. W. 8. Heller, ten for the member of the Literature depart ment of the Omaha Woman'a club. Wednesday Bridge cluK Garden cluh, Mra. Georr Ialmer hoeteaa. Lecture on "Modern Dramatic Theorlea." by Mra. Anthony Merrill at tha home of Mra. Walter rase. Dinner at Hotel Fontenella tn honor of Blehop lioyd. Fvenlne- lecture on "Tha Idealist," by Mra. Anthonv Merrill at tha home of Dr. and Mra. J. K. Hummer at l:n. m. THl'RHPAT Omaha Woman' Press club luncheon. OrHrlnal Cooking club, Mra. W. t. Ponpteton hoeteas. FBI DAY Iecture on "The Reading Flay," by Mra. Anthony Merrltl at the heme of Mra. Lou la Naah. Subscription dnno at tha Nevmour Lake Country cluh. rioting dunce of tha Rajah club at Turpln' academy. SATURDAY Mr. T. F. Kennedy, lunch eon In honor of her mother, Mr. rHao ton of Washington, D. C. Lajt track saw tha formation and of ficial launching of the Drama league, a new organisation la Omaha, which ha for It object tha support of all good theatrical attractions. Tha committee In chars of lb organisation Is composed of Meedemaa E. P. Peck, W. D. Mo Hiitrh, . M. Mora man, Laonjurd Krerett of Council Uluffa, Chart T. Xountse, K. X Cumlnga W. A. C. Johnson, Lowrt Chllds. John A. McFhans and Miss Katherlne McCormlck. It Is planned to seeure an actor as a speaker of tha Drama leegua, at whirs tlm tha league ' expert to enroll' no members. This number nil) be necessary to aeoure tha stopping of play In Omaha, which might otherwise pass by. J!ra barahlp la pen to all upon tha payment of a small fs. Lectnrei to Ee Continued. v In response to tha argent request pt a large paK of bar audience at the Series of lectures Just finished yesterday at Mra John X Kennedy's, Mra. Merrill of Chi cago U1 remain another week la Omaha and give three laotures on "The Modern Stage. It is seldom that so delightful and Interesting a speaker has been heard here, and the Omaha women are thor oughly awake t that fact and are reluo tsnt to let Mra. Merrill go. . Her second subject was choeea with raferanoe to the special Interest It would have at this . tims. when the Drama league la being formed, and aught to appeal to every one who has signified tha intent ts join the league. The leotures will be as follows: Tha Dawn f tha Now Time.' Monday at Mrs. Barton Millard's; "Modem Dramatic The ories,- Wednesday at Mrs. Walter Page's; The Reading Play. Friday at . Mra. Louis Nash's. All of the lectures will be at 1:3 a. m. as heretofore. On Wednesday .evening at o'clock at tha home of Dr. and Mra. t. . tummers an opportunity will be given tha men to hear Mrs. Merrill lecture. Mea have not been barred from tha morning lectures. hue few a them been able te ge at that time of the day and many are anx ious to hear Mrs. Merrill. Her Subject Thursday evening will to Th Idealist," . Mendelssohn Choir Parties. Tha Mendelaaoha choir concerts are to be given Monday and Tuesday of this week. Thee muslcalea always bring out the most representative audtsaocs af any event during the year, which la as It should be If the efforts of Mr. Kelly to give us the best must are properly recognised. Monday evening at tha opening eoaoart Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ItaMrlge will have la their box Mr. and Mra. P. A. Brogaa and Mr. and Mra. Howard Daldrlga. Mies ' Euphetnla Johnson ajd soma of tha faculty of ktrownell Hall will occupy Mr. and Mra, J. Mr. Towls's box. With Mr. and Mrs. Louis Q Naah will be Mrs. K. W. Nass, Mia Kasa and Mr. T. J. Kogera. . Mr. and Mra ' William E. Martin. Mrs. Anthony Merrill and Mies Doaae will be with Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield In their boa. Mr. and Mrs. l. C. Bradford will have as their gurU Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coad, Miss Woodard and Mum Maria Woodard. Mr. and Mra Charte Kountse'g guests w'U be Mr. and Mra. bam Burns aad Mr. and Mrs. Will Burns. , In th Arthur C Smith box will be Mr. and Mra. CowgtM. Mr. and Mrs. Print. Mr. and Mra, t H. Sktt and Mrs. W. B. Popptoum. . Mrs. rxitft Wagoner, Mrs, Harry B. MurrlO. VIh Juliet McCune, Miss raany Pratt aad Mice Henrietta Bees will have a box together. Mr. and Mrs. C. U rarcawortVs guests will be Mr. aad Mra H. H. Fish. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Yates. Mrs. Effle Bteea KJttleeon and Mr. David MeOowaa. With Mr. and Mra. Thomas Qulnlaa will be Mr. and Mra. JCsri iul. j- --j Mr. William McKnlght. Mia Irene Me. Knight and Mr. and Mr. Harry MoC ar my. Among others who will entertain at eon parties are: Messrs. and Mesdames -org A. Joalya. Oenit Port. E. XI. Fairfield, Ward Burgees. George Bran dels. U r. Crooot. John W. Towle, George W. Holdresa. Prank w w.i.-.. C WU1 Hamilton. Thee K... m i ' occupied fey member of tha Baeagerfeat association, Eeturn of Omaha a. Mrs. J. de Forest lUcharda has been la Chicago, returning home Thursday. Dr. and Mra. A. D. Mach hava returned from a trip to th California, aspealtloaa. Mr. and Mr. L. P. Crofeot are In New Torfc aad are expected back about Tuea dsy of thl week. Mr. aad Mra. Louis Mask returned Sun day from Dubuque, and Mrs. K. Wi Naah and MUs rrancee Naah cams Monday. Mrs. Prank Judso returned Sunday ftora Parmiogton. Minn., where she was ailed by the Illness of bar father three weeks ago. Mra. Joha Hudsoa. wb baa beea en. g aa estendad trtp la South America laos the Utter part of January, arrived la Omaha Wednesday morning. Mrs Fred Lake and daughter Katharine srrivsd bom Wednesday from California, "fcere they have beea vUltlag Mra. take s aunt ainc th mlddl of January. Mies Henrietta Bcrsman ret aady from several months' visit ta Chicago. Bhe will be eceorapanled home sisccr, !rs Myer PrldsUln, for merly MUs Kvelya Lergman. Mr. and Mra R. R. Kimball, who have "v. MR" CHARLES M MfNDICLL. WHO MRS. C. C. VALENTINE. MRS. HINPF.U If AN FF.KN I J VINO AT KL. l'AHO. WHERE CAPTAIN MUNDELL MMXT. Coming to Visit With Her Parents i eJ JT MR" MTFR PTtTDSTKIN, PORMFRLY RPTrRNB WKDNKSDAY TO V1IT boL 1lHGMAN. pent th winter la Plorida, wUI arrlv Tueeday to spend several days with Mra T. U KlmtaU and Mlaa Arabella Kimball before going to the Mercer farm near Mercer, Neb., for the aummer. Mia Oertrude Young of New York City. formerly of Omaha, ta expected the first weak In June te spend the summer wltu her brothers, Conrad and Dr. U. A. Young. Conrad Young ha takes the apartment of Mr. and Mra. Prank Craw ford la West Paraam for th summer, aad Mlaa Young wUI b with aim, O-Atjta Club Meet. Th O-Atka dub was entertained by Miss Mildred Haasea at her bam Thursday evening. Th table decoration war American Beauty rosea, Tha honor guest was Mia Marguerite Lay. Thoee present were! Mlaaea Marguerite Lay, I.uaa i'aaeel. Mabnl Chilaoa. Marl Stetner, lda aiteeets. Katherlne Lawless, Hulde LUiaon. Misses Mary Hayee, Muriel luitlln. Carrie lanaa. Rose Iturth, Xttea Bliaean. Kthel Hieete, MUdrea Hansen. Acaoia Dancing Party. The Acacia Dancing club of th Scot tish Rite gave a dancing party Thursday evening at th cathedral. This wsa th last dancing party of th season and the following guests were present: Meesr. and Mesdames P. X. Thorn psen. U. W. Belt U. r. Marstt. Mlaaee ftella Hothhola. All-e pl ka. heulah Hall, rieima Nclmin. Kathrrn Ktern, Leea VYldemaa, MeaarS. W. peardman, Arthur U WeetU, W. B. Calvert. Wlllielmny Arm timet. Oladys Van Fant, r.ua UMitinu. Vx la Wtlllama. Uille lehmann. Ann Bock. Meeera. It. K. Hock. r'heeter Arnold. Irwin Kohiri. Honors Out-of-Town Guest. Mr. E. E. Ilungerford entertained at luncheon Tuesday In honor of Mr. How ard Plsher of Leavenworth, Ken., and Mtes Elisabeth Chapta of SaatUe. Wash, Carnations ware used In the Joacoratlons for tha unchua table. Cover were placed fay: Meadamcs Howard rteher, W. ii napln. J. B. Jofxeuaea, Mlaaea FlMaal eth Chapta, Lois WUlUina. Mead a me Orrin VYIlilama L. hi Huiiaerford, J. A. Utile. Jr. MlMM-e Adeie Uaunt Queen's Guests at Ball Game. Miss Fraacs Hochstatlar, selgntng Ak bar Bea queen, will entertala bar special maids and th seaoa's debutante at th opening of the baas ball season Tueaday. Master Charles Bestun, Jr, will be the ! a- " - V - IF VTITINO HER PARBNTS. MR. AND J VINO AT EL. TH HIS KEGI- IB tSTATlONiuU Wl MT. pVKLYM BKRO'MAN. WHO HCH l AKt-NTS. MR. AND. MRS. youngest faa present and tha queen' grandmother, Mr. J. J. Hoc be teller of Nebraska City, wha will arrlv eapedaUy to attend the gam, will be tho oldest be ball enthusiast Mis Uochatetler' guests will be: McKers. and Maadamea Charle D. lieaton. ilould DleU. P. H HochaleUar, M-s1woxe P. P. Klfkeadall. R R. Halt Miaeee Meadnmee 1. i. Hechstetler. ebraaka City. Halcyon Cotton, Itorothy Piaek. Ida DarVow, Ann Utrturd. Helen t'larke. Chariot in Callahan, Lwille Cxn. Dorothy Hall. Pleanor Mackay, Janet Hall, Alio .laquith, ftella T hum met h lam-he leual. Harriet Met, fcina Nilea. Los Angeles; Luncheons of tha Waek. Mra A. V. Klnsler entertained at a bridge luncheon Wednesday. Mr. H. H. Baldrtga and Mra P. W. Judson won the brtdg prlaoa. Th guests were: MasdaMea Meadamee M. C. Peters, Howard Maldrlire. IUMf Norfolk, J. A. O Kennedy, F. H. Oalnee. V. V. Klrkendall Frank Judson, Raruer. F. A. Broken. John A. McShaae. Mrs. A. M. Pints gave a luncheon Thursday tn honor of her mother, Mra Plsher of Florence, Wis. The table, pretty with a decoration of Irts. seated: Meedsmes Meedames Fl!her. P W. Ounther. M. Uhlrley, Prank W. Macon. Jamea Cnadeick. Robert Olmeted. W. O. Goodrich. J. J. Sullivan. Informal Luncheon, Mrs. J. M. Metcalt entertained at luncheon yesterday at her heme for Mra Merrill. The lavltsd to meet Mrs. Mer rill werei Meedames ' Meedamee E. Wakeley. 8 V. t hase. Arthur C Wakaley. linlnser. Mandereon. He (ountsa C. J. Oreene. McKenns. H. bother Mowell. John C. Cowla. Easter Kusie Eepeated. air. Bea Stanley announce a special musical program to be given at today service at Trinity cathedral. Muck of the Easter muslo will be repeated. Plans for the Summer. Mrs. Frank Crawford and bar s later, Mra Knox, leave tha first af June ts spend the summer at Oolebrook. H. U wuo air. raw-tor s father, and at Swampsoott oa tha north shore. Tbey will be gone until October L Mr. Crawford will be with them part of the time and wUI also spend soma tlxaa ia Canada. Mssler John Knox will also Join th party. Mr. and Mra. Crawford have rented their apartment In the Weat Parnam to Conrad Young for the sum' f t I0BI Kts.J. WttClymoriZs mer, but will take poseesslon again on their return. Leara for the Exposition. Mra. Prank L. Haller and Mis Mary Ma rat on will loava Monday for California ta visit tha exposition. Mr. and Mr. O. W. Moldrege and Mis Last Holdrega leave today for Califor nia, ta be gon about two weeka. Eaj&h Cluh Party. Tha Rajah club win give a dancing party Friday evening. April a, at Tur pi n academy. Thl WlU be the closing party of tha club and tha eemisitt In charge af tha affair Includes: Meear. Messrs. Victor Black. Harry Cumlnga, Robert Hum. Sidney fik-hall. Prank Dlneen, Kaymond Trayaor. aaasanaaaaa At Ezoelaior Spring. Mr. aad Mrs. T. J. Nolan are apending a taw weeks at tha Elm lav Sxoalalor Spring. A. H. Bewaher and Pred C. Haynas are at th Elm In Excelsior Springs. Smilers' Class Meets. Members of the Smller1 claaa of th Oastellar Presbytertsa Sunday school held a monthly business meeting and social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Orau Tuesday wvetilng. Singing and gams furnished th anuaemeat, after which refreshments war aerved. Those present were: Misses Edna Hill, Augusta Krelle, Vera sltrons, Marrarette Misses Ida Wright. Kthel Btrelts, Jessie BaalMfl, Huth Wright. Metthrwson. Mr. and Mra. John. Orau Yititinsr Her Parents. Mra. Charlea Bundel arrived Wednesday from Z3 Paso. Tex., where Captsln Bun del baa bean on duty with the Sixteenth infantry for some months, although their proper etatlon ts the Presidio. San Fran cisco. The presont coronal of the Six teenth infantry is Colonel Omar Bandy, formerly with th regiment at Port crook, and recently Colonel Harry Hale baa Joined the troops at El Paso. Mra Bnndel waa formerly Mlaa Enid Valentine, and wUI be with hJr parents. Mr. aad Mra. C C Valentine In tha New Hamil ton, for several weeka. Among- the Visitors. Mrs. J. W. McClymoads af Baa Fran daco Is th boua guest mt Mr. and Mra. W. H. DaFreace. Mrs. Stauntoa af Washington. D. C arrived last week and la tha guest of her daughter, Mra T. T. Kennedy, and Mr. Kennedy. In bar honor. Mrs. Kennedy will give a luncheon next Saturday. Mra. Anthony French Merrill wui be the guest of Mr. aad Mrs. William & AIM OUN CEMENT The Drsndeis Thedcr Corset Shop (Formerly around floor Braadaia Theater lildf .) Now located at their ntw suit at 556 Erssdeis Theater Cl-ig. Take lvator to (th floor. Tula change wag mad so that Dior aatlifgrtory service mlhl ba rendered our patrooa. Our spring and summer gtock U now coibbUU 1b which wa ar ahowtxig th very nw stytaa, La- eludlug tha celebrated "Goodwin Corset" $3.50 to $5.00 Tha beat corset value la tha city. IDA C. STOCKUELL I'hon Douglaa d740. Fit ting at Hume by Rexjueat. Martin during the rest of her stay tn Omaha Mrs. William Brooks of New York City, formerly Miss Christine Condron of this city, la the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Condron. and her sisters Mra A. V. Shot well and Mrs. W. C. Lambert Mr. Carlton A. Ranney and small son of Minneapolis are spending a few weeks with Mrs. L. A. Diets. Mrs. Ranney was formerly Miss Blanche Btlckney. Miss Evelyn Stlckney, also of Minneapolis and a frequent visitor In Omaha, la the guest at Mr. and Mra C. N. Diets. Betrothal Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Evans of O'Neill Neb,, announce th engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Charles Porter Rhotlea ' Mr. and Mrs. Martin Langdon aanouno the engagement of their daughter, Grao Isabel, to Mr. John S. MoCreary of Hyaa nls. Neb., son of Mr. and Mrs. Prank MoCreary of Omaha. The wedding will take plaoa Wednesday, June A, at EL Peter' church. Wedding- Announcement The wedding of Miss Anna Posplell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Posplsil, (Continued on Pag Four Column On.) - ' - . "211 Annual Semi-Season Clearance For Monday j Tuesday, 200 More New Trimmed Hats REGULAR rarvr hats with flowers NEW 1IAT8 WITH OSTRICH XW HATS Taiaea taa are UoemparaMa. Srary saw at) this remarkable aeertaaa. AU COIOH XsT runrrr aiaek, slash aad every good aelos. f Miss Butler Hat 1 sot soim srsrsnrTB stbmt, Our Business Increases Every Week lis i i II PHONO. HARNEY 1123 PROMPT "Those shades 1 have saved me money! I" You. like this woman, will find it a genuine economy to beautify your window with the UnfilledCradeof Brer lin Window Shades. For. though the first cost is slightly greater, you buy less of ten it wears twice as long as the ordinary shade. Hie Unfilled Grade of MMnnaiwjn 4jl.LU.UWa9 is made of A different material a closely aoven cloth with out that fitlifig of chalk which n the orcnnArv shade to aoon cracks and falls out in unsightly streaka and pinholes. Sun won't fade fr nor water spot it. Made in many rich, lustrefe tones and in Drenlin Duplex. If you want the utmost in shade beaujy rd economy, go to one of the dealers named belcrrt and get thhi shade. It is per foraited with this murk BREK LIN nJong the edge of every yard. Go see it. today. CHASL W. BRENMAN St Co, eXdino Road, Cincinnati. Ohio. There are two bwrr-prfcrd grade of Brenflfr Brenttn Pilled and Bcaalia Machiiia Made, tiatptbaal values. These and leavding de&ters ererywhere aell Brenlin OMAHA, NEB.: Beaton & Laier Co. Aarora, Wh Chapman Fnrn. Co. Columbns, Was J. H. Oaller D. O. Co. Grand Island, STsa. i... ...... Wolbach 4 fiona. Haetlag, sTsa, Pteln Bros. Co. Xdaeoln. STab, ............... Hardy Furniture Co." Norfolk, . A. U Kllllan Co. ' steward, aTsa. p. W. Ooehner. Tort, sTeb Radamcher Furtl. Co. Cn art as a, tow Pruitt Purn. A Und. Co. Denises. Iowa ....The Balle-Broereen Co, akaaaadoaja, Iowa Cooper. West Furn. Co. lOaonononoDonononononononoaonoi u Q An Ounce of Prevention i Have Your Winter Garments Dry Cleaned Before) Laying Away for Ch Bummer. For several years we've advised our patrons to do this, and tho who have followed our advice, and have left the clothes In the box or baa; la which they are returned, have never been bothered with MOTHS. We guarantee every Job to open tip satisfactorily la the Fall. . ' BETTEB BD SAFE THAN eORltf. The Pantorium "GOOD CLEANERS and DTER&. 181S-15-1T Jonr St. . Phone Douglas MS.' K. B. Branch Office at 201 A Fanutm street for your benefit. ANOTHER Bit EVENT OF VALUES TO $15 &L i ru la Uolaaed la f Jt WET wash t"W"m!imiHi!iMl!r'!l!('i"l I ""n t loaono u n a D o D o 0 a D o n o n o D o S n AUTO SERVICE OUiVS T of Millinery f ft We Give f Shopper's & f'l Mileage. 1 WITH WTTG9 y'if I Shop I t