The Omaha Sunday K PART TWO EDITORIAL PAGES ONE TO TWELVE PART TWO SOCIETY PAOF? CNE TO TVFT.VE Bee JUn ay Souaclron of "Russian German 772 1 a ::..i.,..i:.5f). !. 11 VOL. XLIV NO. 45. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORXIXtl, APRIL '2o, 1013. SINGLE COPY FIVK CKNTS. AXES! PttOf O DM THE 4 'few fQtmjih, VH ;w War Koit the outskirts of Trzeinsy. M( f -'4 discover tie . . . hi ii i I i -rv?i . ' rr j ' - " ti - - - i . t 1 V. I 1 11 1 I ff . k t i..i.i .'.f. .- fcSV t. , 'rr .?v --vco V 11 i is. . 222 3erh'n 7nY demonstration he fort e l 1 p' safue of 7?f Iron CAftnrfZ . - - v O' I'" ,' Ileum xtp hy Jiu&sians i - Austrian fi rr;:4Tiv".' I . fZ. f - ... ... - .- r ; - .- . . . - .... ii ..... W f ranee, vratpizt . ?iLixJ:i S 1 1 fs ;.5 V.' 5. i. ..-.i A if 3ishop cf London delivering Easier Sermon on the rin$ 1ne Him 1 C"..':: ;..? .-.'" .'-.' " L. .---i . ' ' Qener! tjoffrc cMng on Ming Albert on f7i Utters 2Mty f..o-'5v-.."::-,.j of' . i ' ...i :S ' 'f.: 4 4.M.4V