10 A' THK OMAHA SUNDAY UF,K: APRIL 2., 1015. LIGHT RATES MUST NOT BE JNCREASED City Dads Change Ordinance for the Protection of the Small Consumers. JUNE DRAFTS THE CHANGE City Attorney Rlne has drawn an amcndmrnt to the new electric light and rate ordinance, to meet an un ci parted contingency wherein, under etceptlonal circumstances, the new schedule ot ratea might Increase a monthly bill a few cents. The mayor says he learned of two Instances where bills would be raised slightly, an analysis of these cases showing that the circumstances were unusual. The amendment provides that In no case shall the bill under the nw schedule be more than It would hare been under the application of the old rates. With this objection removed. the mayor now contends that the ordinance will stand the test and has hla approval. The other city comrr.isslonem say they hare not received any complaints from electric light patrons. PraifM hr Klertrlelaa Thl ordinance wu drawn by the city electrician at the request of the mayor and waa agreeable to all of the commis sioners, who spent several hours In an executive session. In their espousal of the ordlnanr city commissioners and others who have been speaking for them at metln have con tended that the So-cent minimum, of wl'lch complaint has I teen made, would affect chiefly office patrona, who do not have orr-aston to use much artificial llht. Manager Howell of the city water plant declares that the 50-cent minimum Is Just, but he contend that the new ordinance In the main would reduce the bills of the larger consumers much more than the smaller consumers. Dan Butler, who offered the first elec tric light and power ordinance, declares he has not received even one complaint from rltisens retarding the new ordi nance as announced. the rlub house and grounds, there will he no radlral chances. The Happy Hollow club Is Improving the golf course hy putting In a better water supply. The cluh will be under the same management ns lest year, whlrh a as satisfactory all around. Date Set for the Commencement at Brownell Hall The commencement exercises of Brow nell Hall will be held this year on Tues day morning June I, preceded by the following dates: Wednesday, May 19, field day, 130 p. m.; Friday, June S, junior day, t p. m.s Sunday, June , 11 a. m.. In the chapel of St. Matthias, when Riahop Williams will preach the sermon to the graduating class; Monday, June 7, at 7:, a garden party In honor of the senior class, followed by a recital by the pupils of the music department. Out of a class of nine girls to graduate only two are Omaha girls. They are Miss Ger trude Btout, who Is president of her class and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Stout, and Miss Jacy Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Allen Both plsn to go east to school next year, the former te Mrs. Homers In Washing ton and Miss A!len to the Baldwin school near Bryn Mawr. The other members of the clsss are Miss Mnnsuerlte Brown, Miss Helen Walker, Miss Marlon Turner and Miss Marcarette Lemon, all of Council Bluffs: Miss 'Mary Taylor of Abbott. Neb.; Miss Alice Frost of Fremont, and Misa Gen evieve Hombrook, the daughter of Major and Mrs. James J. Hombrook. A movement la on foot to form a Parent-teacher association for Brownell Kail am the first meeting will be a luncheon at the Commercial club, Satur day. May 1, when the guests will be ad dressed by Italph Hoffman, head master uf the Country Day school for Kansas tlty. A movement Is on foot to form parent-teacher association tor Brownell Hall and the first meting will be at luncheon at the Commercial club Batur dn, May 1, when the guests will be ad dressed by Ralph Hoffman, head master , of the Country Day school for Kantea City. Moorhead Overruled by Redick in Case Brought by Wright g Burlington Ties'Up With Union Pacific on Car Serivce t'nlssa there Is a hitch In the program now about worked out. after May OT, the Burlington will have through rsr ser vice from Ft. fronts Into San Francisco, the first time In the history of the road. It Is asserted that everything except some of the minor details have been worked out and so certain are the Bur lington passenger people that the deal will be consumated that they are pre paring the advertising matter for the new arrangement. ! The Burlington's proposed through csr service Into Sun Francisco means a traf fic tie-up with the Union and Southern Taciric roads. According to the plsns proposed, between Bt. Leule and Kansas City and Denver, the Burlington will use It own line, operating through train ser vice. From Denver to Ogden, by wsy of Cheyenne, the Burlington's through cars will be hauled by the Union raelflo and from Ogden to Ban Francisco, by the Southern Pacific. It Is asserted that the new passenger car traffic arrangement between the Bur lington, the Union and Southern Pacific roads Is purely a business proposition, carried on along the lines of so much pay per car and In no manner has any thing to do with a merger of the gen eral Interests of the road. From Denver to Ban Francisco, the Burlington cars will not be open to pas sengers going either east or west. In the event they went to ride, they will hswe to buy tickets for the Union and Southern Pacific cars In the train, tick ets that will not entitle them to ride In the Burlington cars. Flack Find Things Looking Good up in the Oil Fields firnrae C. Flack hss Just returned 'rem a trip throughout Wyoming and the North Platte valley. He has some Inter ests in Casper. Wyo., snd assert that thr town Is booming with prosperity In cident to the oil finds in that region. "The town hullt up a great deal through the sinter, and the new hotel la finished, as sell aa the five-story Masonic building snd an apartment house of twenty apart ments." said Mr. Flack. "In the North Platte valley the beeta are about half planted, and the sugar factory, which is the Isrgest In the coun try, will not be able to han Me the crop, which will have to be shipped to the Colorado factories. "It Is expected thst the government will slsrt soon on the south side Irrigation wojecf. extending from Wyoming down to Bridgeport. Neb. Ninety per cent of the land under the rtlt-h la signed for snd the government only requires per cent. This Is expected to Irrlgste 12n.0C acres." John Bass Killed When Struck by a Heavy Timber Propose Paving Prettiest Mile The Prettiest Mile may be curbed, gut tered and paved this spring. A commit tee, representing the Trettlest Mile (Jolf club and property owners of this strip waited upon Park Commissioner Hum mel, who sgreed to hae his engineers make estimate on the cost of paving, curbing and guttering from Orand ave nue to the cast entrance of Miller park. John Hass. colored. .V. vcars of nge tnl An Improvement on which a committee Is Working is the electrolier lighting sys- smgle, died from the effects of being struck by material thrown from a con struction hoist which was being taken down by John I .of. contractor, at the leaf Institute Krl1a afternoon. Bass' neck wss broken. It was reported that Uof. Bass' employer, did not know the man was on the ground when the pieces of the hoist were thrown. Coroner Crosby hss taken charge of the body and will hold an Imiuest. Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads. tem, which the club hopes to have In stalled thl spring. Kstlmates on the cost are being secured, and It is hoed to have it installed before the work of the paving Is started. i Omaha Clubs Open Season on May 29 Saturday. May 29. seems to be the pop ular dav at various clubs aiound Omaha. On that day five Omaha clubs will for mally Inaugurate the aesson. These clubs arc the Field club, the Country club. Harpy Hollow. Seymour Lake and Carter Lake clubs. The Carter take cluh also comes to the front with a second opening on Mondny. May 31. Oolf will be the big sport st the first four named clubs at the openings, while at the Carter Lake club water sports and tennis will reign supreme. in Dorn tt Lnriv Oeclea. liONDO.W April 24. Lady Decles. form erly Miss Vlclan Gould of New York, gave birth to a eon this morning. Lord and tady Decles already have two daughters. An Attractive Home Built by Everett S. Dodda Arrested With 1,500 Grains of Morphine Thst question ao frequently asked now adays, "Where do people get 'dope' now that the new 'dope' lawa put the lid down hard on the supply?" waa answered when Raymond Kelson was arrested Saturday. He Is a porter for the Tatea Drug com pany. Seventeenth and Douglas afreets. For some time the store has been miss ing quantities of morphine. The clerks arranged to keep a watch and It la al leged they caught Nelson "nipping" the drug. He was confronted and searched and V grains of the drug were found on his person. When he waa searched again by the offlcera at the police station an additional 1.000 grains of morphine were found In his possession. Most of State Gets Another Drenching About all of Nebraska except the ex treme eastern portion got another drench ing Friday night, according to the morn- t' M. ,d AXrr-m I IB . ,,, 1 7i -KTCH&I I i Lto ---( I . I ------ I nV !f?. -j -- jLafii'- - aiMMaaLT lib 5 ! . . A$aEEiE$ -r3 MM V "... 1 PERSONAL GOSSIP ABOUT SOME OMAHA PEOPLE Mrs. J. T. Stewart 2d is traveling In the east. E. A. Cudahy. Jr., spent a few days In Omaha last week. Mrs. C. C. Rosen ater has gone enet to Islt her former home, Jamestown, N. T. Mrs. Huse of Norfolk, who has been visiting Mrs. M. C. Peters, went to Ex celsior Springs Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Haynes of Chi cago are guests of Mr. and MrS. J. B. Haynes, s Georgia avenue. Miss Harriet Mets returned Frldsy from several Jays at the Mllea ranch In Nebraska, and was accompanied by Miss Edna Miles of Lo Anpeles, who will be her'gucst until some time next week. STOLEN AUTO IS FOUND COMPLETELY BURNED UP An automobile belonging to Gilbert Cetcrson of Volley, which wss stolen In Omaha about a week ago, was located near Millard at the side of a road, completely destroyed by fire. Farmers in that dis trict said that three men left the car there and returned the way they had come In another machine 1 rrrs TP' bL-i F YOU ARE AN INVESTOR in First Mortgages, your mort gage becomes due, la paid off and you have the trouble and responsibility of reinvesting your funds periodically. You can Invest a large or small sum weekly or monthly in Home Builders' Guaranteed 7 Shares leave It as long as you wish, or convert it, into cash on short notice. Do you know of a more con venient, safe or profitable In vestment offered today? Our booklet, the "New Way," free for the asking. American Security Company Fiscal Agents HOME BUILDERS (IXC.) Corner 17th and Douglas Sts. Ground Floor. The bun gal od shown above Is a very beautiful and attractive dealgn and Is from the office of Everett & Dodda, architect One of the attractive features of this complete little house is the garare in the basement with entrance, aa shown In the Ing reports to the railroads. The preclpl- ' ",'rmv"- " tatlon ranged from one-half to one .nd I " oungaiow is in iront one-half Inches, the heaviest being from Red Cloud, through the south tier of counties, west to the state line and over into Colorado. Along the Northwestern there was heavy rain from Nellgb weat, the precipi tation generally being an Inch or more. Weat of Columbus on the Union Paclflo and west of Geneva on the Burlington It rained nearly all night. PAGALCO CLUB GIVES - DANCE AT METROPOLITAN The ragalco club entertained at a dan ring party Thursday evening at Metro politan hall. Those present were: Misses Bees I'ltrton 4'arolyn Johnson Helen Smith llermlne block Hylvta Johnson Kosencutter Mabel lower Anna Bchmlt Kathrva Peckel Barker Misses- Merle H. Names Vlulre McKenna A. M. Unntleman Mary Marsh ' Knrlnne Haunders Klile Hell Emma Martlsnn Marguerite Klsasaer 'Margaret Gallagher iavia and under the main roof of the house. From this we enter directly Into the large i living room, which extends the entire width of the house. Off the living room and In the front of the house is the sun room or solarium, which? la a very pretty little room with Its small swinging Sh. To the rear of the living room a large caeod opening separatee It from the din ing room with Its paneled walls, beamed celling anil plate rail prettily finished In a dark weathered oak. From thla room a gWlnglng door . leads to the kitchen. Here we find everything In apple-lpe order and the architect has given this loom very careful consideration, as the built-in cupboards and the arrangement of the kitchen fixtures are lust as the modern housewife would have them to make her day's work the more easy. From the living room an open doorway of ; unique design letds to the second floor, where there ure three large bed rooms And a bath room, ail supplied with i lothes dot'Cts and good ventilation. Patricia Me Andrew Kssmitssen When, after the election, commissioner wrltee the Word 'challenged" opposite the name of a registered voter and the latter shall sveure affidavits of two registered voters of hie precinct, show ing him to be quallflded. the commis sioner then has r- discretion, but must remove the challenge. District Judge Kedlck decided when he compelled the rommUvloner by mandamus to accept Walter Wright, a negro, as a voter. The decision of this point is regarded by attorneys as Important, In that It for tl'la Hcctlon Commissioner Moorhead to exercise arbitrary powers which he has claimed to forbid the exercise of the franchise by voters. When the voter fulfills the program outlined for him by law then the duties of the election commissioner becomes ministerial rather than Judicial, the court held. The Judge also refused to sustain Mr. Moorhead's contention that he la Immune to judicial Inquiry Into the Justioe of his acta Kthei laron Ksthrvn Murphy Alberta MaefTrone fiertrude Wilson Naomi Byrne Oordy C. U Potter Helen Loftman Isinnn a. eianrr Helen Jenaen ladya r ernandes Bess Antony n nc Barker Messrs Boscoe Wolfe Bone Ulxon Jennie f hsffer Agatha Oswold Cherry Oswald Bertha Neff Oenevleve Callahan M. Metcalf June Parker Krancea Mulholland l,ola Marsh Ebba Weedtun Ptlllmock Yvonne Golden Messrs. P. M. MacCrone George A. Goodman 3. 3. White A. V. Mass Harry I'nltt l J. Postle M y. Paulson C. E. Kline 'rank Voaa W. B. Jonea Frank Osborn K. A. Brrne Jack Duller t harles Gillespie S. It. Vai tYnne T. M. I'arll.lM H J. U ('Imnelle H. N. Thompson P. VI Nnnck K. V. hWMnson P. U Kellev Joe 1 M'Kher W. ( Melles lr I.. K. Vundlver K. Patlon Mr. anJ Mrs C, F. J. Travler O. K. Penner H. B. Buftner Dr. 8. K. Simpson 8. I Wells D. D. O'Learr J. I Martin Baamussen A riarke K. V. Kelly Harrv Kenyon Kred Kink John Wilson J. M. Wallace B. L. DeVoe Dr. Mci'ann J A. fwansoa K. J. Colber I MIO Brratake F. a. Hothtna It. OMertas F. J Rossbarh Neunaa f mm V mi k-s" 'V"J -:. t. -T-. TIM-! The front bed room Is very' large and, has a good closet with a window In the side wall, giving cross ventilation for the bed room. ' ." ' As a whole, the. exterior and Interior are entirely harmonious and show. a moat economical handling of space, and. Is well adapted to the needs, of the average family, where three -bed rooms are sufficient to meet their require- mente Any one desiring further Information relative to the cost of building or the designing of a modern, up-to-the-minute house should get in touch with the archi tect, who will be glad to render hla serv ices. Everett 8. Dodds, architect 6IS-613 Pax ton block, Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug las 2981. Paint the Outside of Your House How .... $2.00 55c 60c 66c 85c 85c Sherwin-Williams Best Taint (50 colors), per gallon Porch Floor Paint (8 colors), per quart Black and Green Screen Paint, per quart Outside Japan Varnish, for doora, etc., per pint Marnot Floor Varnish, per quart Pratt & Lambert's No. 61 Floor Paint, per quart Lead and Oils, Turpentine, Putty. Buy your paint of the Men Who Know. Barker Bros. Paint Co. Phone Douglaa 4750. 1600 Farnam Street. BEAUTIFUL DniGK EFFECTS Very few folks have reallv studied "Brick Effects' and yet that is the most important phase of your new house project.' ;This is true whether for foundation alone or for. the whole house. The "looks" of the ti. tit i. i i . ...... worn. largely aeiermines tne attractiveness or v?5:-Fromyearsof thorostudyand experience we have learned much about BRICK EFFECTS and can be helpful to you. Our display of Face Brick is most complete. Call and see it when conven- GlITinE-HI AriSl lent for you will have to decide upon some Brick selection. OuUUlUULgriULl Mr. and Mrs. C. W. 1 Junta CEMENT BLOCKS DotlfClas 442S Main Office aud Display Rooms 1TOK-12 I'umlug 8t. That are absolutely wgter-proof; made of thoroughly mixed and cor rectly proportioned concrete; power-tamped and steam-cured. Our product leads In quality: la sold In Iowa and Nebraska. IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. The Real Economy in Buying AWNINGS Consists in . getting such quality of materials and workmanship as will insure satisfactory and efficient service, not only for this season, but for seasons to come. We will trladlv show you the special features which make our awnings last longer give more satisfaction than others. Call, phone or write and one of our representatives will talk with you about estimates, etc. Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co. Successor to Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co., Help Us Grow. Phone D. 882. Cor. 11th and Harney Sts. Heavy Moisting E. J. DAVIS 1212 Farnam St. Tel. D. 353 Dates for Opening of Clubs Are Fixed 11 Is about divided that Saturday, May H, wll see the opening of the Country r'.uu with the customary 'formality of a il'niwr and dance. The fulfill; season at Hie Country club has bii on for the last two cks. Fundave especially find ing many of the reular devoteee oa the links. There will not be any a-reat changes at the Country club this season; plana fur enlarglnc the danrlnf space and locker room wre considered, Lut abandoned aa lng- Inadvisable at this time. "Willie" lloare, the new golf professional, will be the only really new feature ot the club tl.la year and be Is said to be an x cHlmt instructor. Both the Happy Hollow and the FVld cluke have chosen May for their open ings and are planning for a table d note dinner and dance for the occasion. The IV Id club will be unJer new manage ment thla season with George P. Baker, Jr.. from Youngstown, O.. la charge, but aside from the usual furnishings up of Real Estate Loans Loans made for building, for lifting a mortgage oi for other purisp. If '" own a nn naVe a portion of the copt of building, we can loan you the balance. If you are planning to build or buy a home, it will pay you to investigate our plan. fSmall monthly pay ments with privilege of paying larger amounts or paying off tho entire loan at any time. lowest Loan and Build ing Association rato. No commission. No delay. Omaha Loan and Building Association Office: N. W. Corner 15th and Dodge Sts. 0. W. Loomis, President J. T. Helgren, Asst. Sec. W. li. Adair, Sec. and Treas. A. A. Allwine, Asst. Sec. STORAGE IS CHEAPER THAN RENT Wsy kots la baste Unexcelled Service Vln" T ml ftirr!v4 (4f tor Tern wood. With Us While lookta for a Suitable Xoaae. STORAGE CO. s. Mcdonald, H. i! NATE TRAPHAGAN. Get Our estimates. We sVent Tents and Cams Tuf nltnrs NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING CO. Wo Connection With Any Other Teat and Awing Concern. 701 South Sixteenth Street. CD QS " MOVIKG PACKIKG STORAGE W. Bsapley IkiUed aad Oesapeteat Woramea. Omaha Van & Storaco Co. Phon Douf. 41C3 eot-SIS SeHth SlJtUnth ttrt DODDS The Architect PHONK IK)IGLA8 2081. PAXTON 11LOCK, OMAHA, NKB. SKM) 5) CENTS FOR MY NEW PLAN HOOK Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payment like rent. Read the real estate columns. 4 33f1