Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 16-A, Image 14

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New Wool and Fiber Rugs "ool an.!
sanitary: fttltv patterns In blue.
New Axmlnster Rugs Floral ani
Oriental patterns. Highest oualltv.
Si.e. 9x12 i9-0
Flr.e. 3in :i3M
Fix. x 113.00
Sit', 4x. 17.60
D. M. C. Mrcrlcd Crochet Cotton, whit and ecru, lea to 40.
A ball
ioc n
brown na rtn
lea, 9x1 Z. M-80
Fie. xno fr.M
glxe, tx
StamDe1 Pillow Caae. 50c' val- IA I American Bemity ra-kKf.
uh. ealr IHw
28c package
Boudoir Frrap Baskets,
Rolri enamel. J2 f
"WTllT anil
Stamped Ntelit Drosses.
Prawerw, values to
Toe '
PKIrts and
Small Axmlnster Ruga at r"l4 prices. Floral and orients! designs.
Site, 17x0 Inrhea
16 'A1
m . ft q GB
-. n- -. - ri.. -tin
Only New Pianos Will Be Rented
Many homes can have the advantage of having a NEW
Fiano at a small monthly rental nnl in the event of pur
chase, either the piano rented or any other Piano or Player
Piano purchased from us, a credit of the amount paid for
the first fix months will bo allowed.
Piano Department
Third Floor
Our April Sale of Spreads
For this rale we have purchased from one of the foremost American
Mills their overproduction of fine, high-class, satin finished Marseilles
and Crochet Spreads and will place them on sale Monday in our Linen
Section on the Main Floor.
Crochet Spreads Hemmed ends,
heavy quality. Very pretty pat
terns; . size. Regular
fl.25 values, each....
Full size Crochet Bed Spreadi
All new patterns; very heavy
quality. Worth 11.39,
Large size Bed Spreads crochet effect patterns; scalloped cut cor
ners; also plain hemmed and fringed. Regular price J on
fl.50; sale price, each... V 1
Marseilles and Crochet Kind Bed Spreads Plain hemmed, scalloped
cnt corners; also fringed ends. Regular $2.50,, values; QO
special Monday, each . . . i P 1 eaO ,
Bed Sets Consisting of one large
site spread, cut corners and scal
loped ends, pretty JVIarsellles pat
terns; bolster to match. Regular
$4.00 values. Special while fifty
last, each, $3 25
Extra Special For this sale,
100 extra fine Cameo Finished
Bed Spreads pretty Marseilles
patterns, scalloped cut corners..
Large size. Regular $3.50 values;
special for Monday d OC
only, each
OUnmatchable Values in
nAnrrr s r n r r a mri a w mi wm
rUrULAK & ntALllLAL MLhb
Tub Silk season is with us ami never were those practical
fabrics as popular as they aro now. Our stocks are the
largest and most comprehensive, shown in , the west, con
sisting of the new tub crepes, pongees, Shantungs, Uabutai,
SHriped Shirting and Dress Silks; also many others. For
Monday we offer
40-inch Tnb Crepo Whit
ground with black strl pes ; a beau
tiful fabric for waists and sum
mer dresses.
tS.50. Special Monday
Worth Jj OQ
03 -inch Imported , Shantung
Splendid .welgh't for waists and
dresses. .. , Worth $1.00; sale
price, .1d1..j,.-.1 f',f,
a yariiV.........;...V
v Black and;.White.Chilonsvareviayogue
We have Just received from an Importer 10 8ampl Pieces; of Printed
Black and White 40-Inch Chiffons Dots, 'checks and stripes a beau
tiful fabric for the new walsta and dresses. Worth $1.50, on rQ
sal Monday, a yard .......;,.,,. OSJC
You Need a "Real" Corset
By a "real" corset wo mean a
corset that actually supports
the figure but does not bind.
During the past few seasons,
styles have, permitted more, or less
freedom in the wear of the corset. The
new Bon Ton models express the most
advanced ideas in correct styles the
higher bust, slightly curved waist and
the attractive flat back effect.
Bon Ton Corsets are made for all types
of figures in a variety of materials to
suit every purse. "We make no charge
for fitting. Our corsetieres under
stand corset .fitting thoroughly and
know which model is exactly what
each type of figure needs. When you come
to our corset department you get the bene
fit of this careful study you also get the
very best corset values that can be had.
Whether your selection ia lace front or lace
back style, w have models to tit you.
Bon Ton Corsets $ o 00 $ 1 rt 00
at 0 to 1 D
Royal Worcester Cor- $ 00 $ O 00
sets at 1 to 3
77te Good Grades of Wall Paper
Better grades of Wall Puper are here at Iiower Prices than
anywhere el. Every roll bhown by daylight. For Mon
day we offer specially good values.
Light and Medium Color Wall Pajers For bedrooms and
kitchens. Worth to a Sold with borders. Spe- q
cial Monday, a roll , 3C
Blank Papers A splendid assortment of colors
and patterns. Special, a roll ,
ew 1115 Bedroom Papers With cut borders. Stripe, floral and
roam pray enecis. a Dig selection to choose from. Worth to ft
Jc. A roll yC
Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers Blue, brown, tan. green and red.
su wiae. vtonntoibc. Sold with borders only. Sale ft
price, a roll .
BeauUful New Imported Hols
mehl Papers All new spring
styles and colors. Worth 07
to 50c. a roll C
New Chtntx Dcdronm Panera .
Also slU stripes with rut panel
noraers ana binders. Keg- in
ular 30c values, a roll... IOC
Special Sale of White Goods
For Monday
45-inch Kmbroidered Organdy Shadow stripes, checks and plaid fabrics,
in eyelet and many now dainty designs. 45 inches wide. Yard
Another pretty white fabric is the Sheer Embroidered Shadow Lace Cloth so much In
demand for lingerie gowns and blouses. Excellent vsrlety of new designs to select from.
38 Inches wide. Special, a yard
45-inch White Shadow Stripe and J fifi
Check Organdy. Yard $1UU
Fine quality White Soed Voile 39 Inches Oft
wide. Very special Monday, a yard 3C
Embroidered Mercerized Batiste 28 Eft
inches wide. Yard OUC
Embroidered White Novelties Shadow njj
Voiles and Plain Lace Cloths; 38 Ins. wide. ODC
4 5-inch Plain White Mercerized Mull
foundations, combinations, etc.
a yard .'.
Ity, for undermusllns. Specially priced
-For slips,
White Honey Combed Suiting
and outing cults. 39 Inches wide,
For skirts OC-
Yard. .
Colored Wash Fabrics
40-lnch Plain Voile Pink, blue,
tan, lavender, white, navy,
rose, etc. 20c value, yard.
Woven Stripe Voile From the
hairline to. the widest stripes.
Fast colors. Pink,' blue, lavender,
green and gray stripes. f)"
40 inches wide, a yard.. muC
Woven Colored Flaxon
stripes, broken plaids,
checks) etc.; special, yard.
Mercerized Linen Pongee Col
ored backgrounds with white
stripes,' and white colored stripes
for dresses, outing suits, chil
dren's frocks, etc. 27
inches wide. Yard....
New Printed Voiles and Lace
Cloths In stripes, dots, florals,
flouncing. Splendid assortment
of designs. 38 and 40 i r
Inches. 25c values, yard. IOC
Snappy Summer Apparel
Dainty Summer Gown and Frock. We art now prepared to $how the mott
complete and thorough line of cool, summery frockt we have ever shown.
Every new feature for the cominj summer season will he found in the showing
Summer Dresses (or Club Wear
Pretty Net Frocks for Daicing
New Wash Models in Wash Skirts
New Outing and Sport Coats
Our showing of
the smart Party,
I) a n c i n g and
Country Club
D r e s s s e s and Vta
Frocks will create
admiration by all ii
who see them. 'W
The dainty nets, i
laces, sheer .voiles,
lingerie, embroider
ies, etc, showing the
smartest of new flar-
ing effects,, etc..
Priced at-
r $10.00,
$25, $35,
$39 and $49
New Summer Wash Skirts The smartness
of these popular garments, are doubly en
hanced this season by the wonderful new
wash fabrics they are made of New Gab
ardines, new Cordellnes, new Poplins,' new
Linens, new Bedfords. Prices
range at $13.(0. (
12.98 and down to.
' am i rm. ti u r ia t t x vc ,rw i ,-f- m
k I II ! a . ill 1 I M w CV
Wk Villi X V hill I I U W J Or4,
New "Wash Efresses
in voile, tissue cloths,
lawns, batiste, etc.
Colors and qq
white tp0ea7O
New White and Plaid Chinchilla Sport Coats
Positively the most popular sport coat of the season will be the new plaid and striped
white chinchilla, made in the most fetching sport styles large belts, wide flaring bot
toms, large pockets, new military collars, etc. A specially priced lot for Monday, at
Sheer and Dainty Afternoon Wash Dresses
Organdie and Net Graduating Dresses
Smart Colored and White Tub Frocks
NDmetning very
new in the way of
a summer dress
will be shown
Monday in the
most fascinating
New Plaid Sum
mer Silks.
A wonderful de
mand has been cre
ated in eastern cities
in the past few weeks
for these smart new
summer silks. The
beautiful plaids and stripes
and blending of colors make
them quite fascinating.
'We will show four different
models Monday at one price,
A pretty attractive assort
ment of Wash Fabric Gar
ments in colors and white
and combina
tions, at. ......
We Announce an Opening and
Special Showing of Midsummer Millinery
Every woman preparing her summer wardrobe, whether for summer resort, exposition
or stay-at-home, should make an effort to see this collection in its completeness, in
cluding as it does every type of hat for every occasion.
Our buyer has just returned from the east, haying secured a number of orig
inal models and copies of many others that were being brought out for after
Easter openings and they positively represent the "Last Cry."
The demand this season for light, airy millinery corresponding with the full, fluffy tendency In dress,
we are fully prepared to meet, with Thin Hats of Hair Braid, Tulle or Lace; large Floppy Leghorns In
natural color; also some black hats for more dressy occasions.
Street and Sport Hats
Innumerable styles in Bangkoks, Leghorns and Large Panama Sailors, smartly and almply trimmed.
Smart New Blouses
Worth to rc nn
$8.98-at pOaUU
Coin Dotted Va
dium Blouses
Georgette Crepe
Filet Lace
M a rq ui s e tte
Long and short sleeve models. All new
6tyles just arrival in the last week. They
were purchased by our buyer while in New
York a week ago.
Stylish Footwear for Women
New Side Laco
Shoes All sizes
now in stock. In
putty, gray,
bronze and coni
bination. The
most exquisito
patterns and
styles we have
shown. A pair
New Weil Style Pumps Dull calf, white
calf and combination. Hand made and
hand finished. All sizcK A pair
$6.00 and $7.00
For Warm Weather
A good quality Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise
Cut full size and neatly trimmed with Val. in
serting and ribbon beading; some with hemstitch
ing; white and flesh color. Very
special Monday, each
Pretty Crepe de Chine Underbodlce Beautifully
trimmed with Val. lace and ribbon beading; elas
tic waistband. Flesh and white. All QQ
flzes. Special, each OJC
A special lot of Slipover Oowns Hand embroid
ered designs; Torchon edging; good quality long-
cloth, cut full and extra length. Special
Monday, each
A aperlaJ lot of dainty lingerie Conatatinir of Gowns, Envelope ChemUw,
Combination Suits Marie of the sheerest quality nainsook and lln- A tQ mm
rrerle cloth, daintily trimmed with organdie, embroidery and Val. dXaHO II
aces; ribbon beading and chiffon roses. All alies. Kach
Extra Good Values in Draperies Q
500 pairs of Fine Cable Net, Filet Net and Bungalow Curtains
values to J 4.50 a pair. Monday, each.
Muslin Curtains Just the thing
for summer use. An endless as
sortment; a pair, $1.25
One Immense Lot of Fine Lace
Curtains Just two and three-
pair lots. Values to
$3.00, a pair. . . .
Bungalow and Filet Net Over 100 new patterns. Specially CQ
priced, a yard, 98c, 65c and 02C
Headquarters for Porch Shades
Now is the time to buy porcb shades.
Automatic Basswood Porch Shades will not fade or warp woven with
Italian flax twine, colored with creosote wood preserver they exclude
the sun and rain. They are all ready to hang.
Size 4x7-6 feet, each ,
Sire 6x7-6 feet, each . .
Size 8x7-6 feet, each .
Size 10x7-6 feet, each
h Hammocks Our new stock is here. Complete 1 O PA
chains and hooks. Prices from $6.98 to pla.&U
Offerings in Domestics
40-lnch Printed Voiles, Rice Cloths
and Kfency Printed Marquisettes A
beautiful assortment of neat floral
desla-na: soft clingy fabric just the
ideal summer weight so much In de
mand for street and outlna; costumes.
Values up to 35c, special
Monday, a yard
27-Inch "Claremont" Batiste All the
new shades and print i nits. Sheer and
crisp, for children's dreKses. women's
evenlnn negligees, wrappers, etc.
Regular It Vic values, Mon- Q,
day, a yard 3 Zu
Genuine Utility Dress Zephyrs
Made by the Amoskea Manufactur
ing Co.. one of th. best and moat re
liable eastern mills, in all the wanted
neat checks, plaids and stripes ab
solutely fast colors. Full pieces.
Regular 10 He; sale price 7'0
Highly Mercerised Printed Dress
Batiste and. Beautiful Sheer, Crisp
French Organdies The season's fav
ored fabrics. Light and dainty for
summer wear. Exquisite printings,
all colors. Values to lc. IOn
Special, a yard IfcZU
Beautiful Filet Tissue 27 Inches
wide. Choice assortment of neat
floral printing, all new 1815 designs.
Lengths to 20 yards. I 0n
Worth 19c, Monday, yard. I fc2C
Highly Mercerised Dress Poplin A
full range of new American shades,
silky permanent finish. For street
and walking costumes, waists, etc.
Values to 15a Sale price, Q ljj C
32-lnch Beautiful Romper Cloth All
the wanted shades, stripes antt fig
ures absolutely fast oolors. For
boys' walsta, children's middy
blouses, rompers, etc I 0.n
Regular 15c values, a yard I a. ZU
S8-lnch Finest Quality Dress Per
cale 84x84 cloth. BeauUful light
shirting styles, as well as dark In
digo grounds, neat dots and figures.
Positively 12tto value, a 9 fSgC
Full Standard Apron Gingham War
ranted pure indigo dye. All the
wanted, nlue and white cheoks and
broken tweed effects. Regular 4
price sc. Monday, a yard aw
Maslins, Sheetings
Ready-Mmde Sheets and Slips
Genuine Dallas Bleached Sheets and
llxtt Inches, each
71x99 Inches, each
81x90 Inches, each
72x90 Inches, each
45xS( Inches, each
42x30 Inches, each
It-Inch Unbleached Muslin Extra
fine quality, soft finish; easily
laundered. Regular (c value, yd. 4Ho
3S-inch Bleached Muslin Extra fine
quality, soft finish, for household
use. etc. Regular price sc. yd. IHo
18-inch Dainty Sheer Organdies, Batistes, Nainsook and Cambric
Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries; also Camisole Embroid
ery In allover and double beading effects. 45-inch Crepe or.
Voile Flouncings. 60c values, a yard &OC
27 and 45-inch Organdies, Neigeaux, Crepe Voiles and Swiss; also
a dainty assortment of Baby Flouncings on sheer batistes Cf
and French Nainsooks. $1.00 and $1.25 values, a yard aJe7w
27-inch Orientals, Silk Chantilly and 8hadow Lace Flouncings; 36
lnch Allovers, Silk Shadows, suitable for flounces, waists rfA
and dresses. Worth $1.00, a yard OUC
Lace Flouncings, Allovers and
Shadows Net top, Orientals all
new patterns. White, cream and
ecru. 18 to 24 Inches wide.
Many worth 60o, OQ
a yard s&JC
Wash Laces Normandy Vals.,
Shadow Lace Edges, French and
German Vals. and In sellings, All
Linen Torchon and Cluny worth
to 12ttc. f
a. yard O C
Large Hair Nets
each Safety Pina a dozen,
Rust-Proof Dress
Clasps card
Sanitary Belts Mon
day, each
Black Japan Mall
Box and Paper Holder.
P. F. C. Crochet Cotton
Special, a ball
San-Silk all colors,
Large bottles of Ma-
chine Oil each
Wooden Coat Hang
ers Special, 3 for. . .
Sanitary Aprons
Special, each
West Electric Hair
Curlers A card. . . .
Sanitary Napkins A OA. ZZ
dosen ZUC U
Moth-Proot Cedar Bags
All sixes, each . .
Elastic Remnants Each
Special Demonstration Monday of ft
this New and Wonderful 1915 Model fj
of the "FREE" Sewing Machine 0
This machine combines a sewing ma
chine of the highest efficiency and a
piece of furniture of
artistic beauty. wffi
Oar Two Big Offers
Ar rill buy your old sewing
machine at a liberal price.
"We will make you a most
reasonable price on this new
and wonderful 1915 model of
the "Free" 8ewing Machine.
jbl y
ZsZinaTPs 1 1 m o