12-A ' TTTT! n1 ATI A RTvn IV nw. pt?it o-, mm !! mm 4h IT TT 11 v BUSINESS MEN ARE TESTINGjOUT AUTOS Mixwell Machine! Placed at the Disposal of Different Firmi Each Day. EXPORTS OF TESTS ARE MADE The great number of motor car buyera In Nebraska will pay strict attention to the present Maxwell advertising and pub liclty campaign that la now twine alven t the Francla-Cullle Auto company, the local distributers for the Maxwell Motor Sale corporation. Starting taut Thursday and continuing; (or one week they are making a l.OfO miles utility teat of the 1915 Msxwcll car from a atandpolnt of Just what the car will do and what the coat of maintaining and operation will he In practical busl re use, and every day under the title of "Motor Car t'pkrep Vndi-r the Micro Scope" the atory of the prevloua day'a run la publlahed In the papora. In order to make thla more va'uahto a selling help and ao to remove all poamhla douht aa to whother M'sars. Francis Culila are really and truly sln cere, they are turning the car over each day to on of Omaha'a representative bualneaa houses for their ue, with the only atlpulatlon that the repreaentatlva of each of theae fir ma tell hla atory aa It really happened after he finishes hla run, and that he uae it etrtctly In hla bualneaa and be able to check up on the total amount of mllea he' drove the car. and the actual amount of gaaollne he tired. Record on Kasoltar. On Thursday laat the car waa at the disposal of one of Paxton Ciallagher'a repreaentatlvea and made 13 mllea on '4 Ration of gaaollne. Friday waa given over to a repreaenta tlva of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance company, and J18 mllea were driven on 7U gallona of gaaollne. Teaterday a aaleaman of the Payne In vestment company took charge of the ear, and ao on through tha week, which win conclude oa next Wednesday night, thla little car will b given tta dally busi tie duty, and the atory will be liuth fully told and backed up by the moat trust worthy and repreaentatlva bualneaa men In Omaha. Following thla it ta proposed to find orna owner of a Maxwell car who haa used lu car for at leaat V,)ub mllea and borrow the engine from tha irar and In aom publlo place, preferably tha front window -of one of the store In the shop rin district, tear It down and rebuild It far on week. Hr again In order to how their alncerity th Franela 4c Cullla Aula company wlU secure an affidavit from the owner of thla car statin ex actly how many mllea tha car haa been Jd and what th expense haa been to operal It. and plac thla affidavit in th .window with tta englue, Wlad.w Dlaplay. Turing the time that all thla la In frogr ther will be a number of in tereatlng window decoration at th home tl th Maxwell. K Farnam atrcet. and In each inatanca aom particular polht of advantage th Maxwell haa will b biought out In aa inking manner aa iKieelble. ... In addition to all of thla they have se curred from th Maxwell Motor galea corporation on of tha aeta of motion plc turea entitled -From Molten Steel to Au. tomohiie," which clearly shows th en tire Maxwell plant and the thoroughneaa In building theaa car, together with a number of real te.t of .pa, ,duranc and. reliability. .The, picture wlU b hewn In twelve different moving ple ura theaters In Omaha and Council Bluff, . There will atlll he other features In thla campaign that will continu. until about June, and If the t.ewapapcra are followed one ,., trt m worI(, o M bu formation. Electricity for Big Overland Furnaces An Improvement of much Importance to the automobile Indu.lry ha been In tailed at tha M n..i - --- lariory. The V tlly.-Overland company, which tanka leaarr in manufacturing efflc ency rurally rlnaeH . h , i. . - iFiunaui me urg ent imiuitrlal contract for efc.trlc poer i. . . . . io B central station. Th contract call, for the electrlflca tlon iif iIkimi. i .. enameling rurtiacea having a Volume of 48.0U0 cubic feel and capacity of la lon. of enam.,e1 1r). u.t .very tea hour. The work put throurh tha nvmm . . u, rarioua aixra and ahapca of ateet parte. With th t.iw . . -.',uU.,, requirea rrom the Ki. tnm (tiAn v. - . urw iurnacea,wlll make U total now used by the Overland r. Pany approximately 10.000 horae power load A j i ... " ihta i- n " ctrk-al englncera tt'b H fully a. great a. the total power r tlMilrr4 n....i - - city Urvur than Oh. of the ovena which haa been in omatlon for ver.l montha haa riven IiJU y ,UIr'or Prevlou.1, .t'tamed by ,h. Overland company, which fornwrlv iim- .... i. biu " "'her automo- bile manufacturere are doing. SKID PROOF TIRES WANTED, SAYS FEDERAL MANAGER Th Increaae In demand for a ntl-akid . .... ... ,r. rr, nM teen a matter of considerable Intereat to rea during th last year haa ire manufacturer niw - itw aeaaon - v. ni.-.ia lire waa regarded mor or l-a. of a fad and only used by .n, Percrntag. f th. thounda of automo bile owner. i thla country. Aa motor. IM. dlevered their many advantage, however, they became- mor and more Pcpul., un.u toi,y ,ho antl-ekld tire 1. aa mu.h ui aa tba plain tr.4 .,, wvany automobile manufacturer furnUh tn their regular equipment Local Motorcycle Postal Force -w U'&rAwpT The Pnltod Ktatea postal efficiency board haa ordered the sneclal delivery carrier to use motorcycles in their work. Victor If. nno. the local Ilarley-De vld aon dealer. Just delivered three machine Many Visit Plant of Chandler Auto Following the announcement of the new eeven-pnnsrnger Chandler 8lx aome week ago," the shipping platform at the big Cleveland plant of the Chandler Motor Qnr compnnv haa borne a marked re aemhlanc to the tatting' point of a transcontinental tour. Dealers and owners from nearby point hav not been content to wait for freight ahlpmenla, but are traveling to Cleveland by rail In order to obtain Immediate de livery of their car. Recently the Bait Lake City dealer pnld express charge of 4oo on a rush shipment by Well Fargo Kxpreaa and O. P. Sturm, Okla homa City dealer, haa outstripped the Halt Ijike man by ordering three car hipped In tho same manner. Owner and dealora who have driven overland from the Cleveland factory In th laat w-k aM T. U Ott, Aurora, III.; O. U Farmer, Krl. Ta.; E. M. Berke- blle, Toledo, O.; W. O. Black, Pittsburgh, Fa.; J. M. Mathewa, Marlette, Mich.; 1 P. Conrad, Rochester, Pa.; F. J. Webber, Owoseo, Mich.; W. B. Gray, BrMgeport, III. NEBRASKA BUICK CO. SELLS LARGE NUMBER OF AUTOS Loral Bulck sales of th week were; T. H. Barber, North Platte, Neb.; Jullua Pyser. North Platte. Neh J. Krejci, Omaha; Wetsell Meredith. At lantic, la, ; J. B. Cornish. Tekamah, Neb. ; noon uuick Auto company, Boon. Ia., two; Fry ft North. Kennard, Neb.; Charlea Nelaon, Niobrara, Neb.; Leopold Doll, Omaha: Peter Klewltt A Bon, Omaha: Scott Auto company, Norfolk, Neb.; Boone Bolck Autq eompany, Boone. Ia.; C. 8. Bond. Honey Creek, Ia.j Fred Newhaua. Benson; William Neuhaus, Benson; C. F. Rawltxer. Omaha; F. W. Curmtehael. Omaha;- South Oanaha Tea company, Bouth Omaha; Dr. John Koutsky, South Omaha; Patrick Murphy, aoum oinaiia. MAPS SHOWING LINCOLN ROADS TO BE DISTRIBUTED From SS.OnO to M.Ono m.n. ah..in. .n th automobile roada entering Uncoln, will be ready for distribution at ail the garagea and hotel of the country In two week, according to B.,A. Qeorge, chair- fttm Tire S Is Kesidiy- Noyes Motoring Service in Omaha (and for twenty miles around) is a wil ling, sincere service carried on by experts. When Tire Trouble Comes Think of Douglas 3646 Our Service Car and men are ready for the emergency, and We Charge Nothing for the Trip Within Twenty Miles of Omaha AU day and all night this service is at hand. Let us prove it. Tree air at curb. Gasoline and oil always ready. In repairs and vulcanizing our work is expert and immediate. . Noyes Automobile Co. 2063-C8 Farnara St. Douglas 3646. LI for thla pur ! and repoita that In the I'nlted-State mall eervlve there are over 4,rii0 Harvey-Davldaon motorcycles bclna used for rural, parcel post and special delivery letter. man of the good roada committee of tha Lincoln Commercial club and president of the O. U D. At a Joint meeting of the Lincoln Auto club and the director of the Lincoln Commercial club recently IITiO waa appropriated to the good roada committee to uae thla method of "putting Lincoln on the map." Big Increase in Sale of Ford Cars Ip the flrat twenty day of thla month tti local branch of the Ford Motor com pany aold lfiO Ford cars to local ntir. chaser, a number of them being of the inclosed aedan coupelet model. Thla la an Increase of more than 100 cer cent over the correiondlng period of low iteport received from vaiioua part of the country ahow a tremendoua increaae in Ford bualneaa everywhere, and there ia hardly any question now but that the rora company will exceed th m.m limit, upon which la baaed th proflt aharlng rebate to Ford buyera. Word haa recently be received from Detroit mat the Ford factory la from S0.000 to 76.000 cara behind order, and If bualneaa contlnuea at thla rate, aa ther la every reaaon to believe, It will only be a ques tion of a few weeks until th Frd pro duction for th entire year will be taken. It waa atated at the local branch yea. ttrday that a large number of unfilled ordera are on file here, but that deliveries ar atiu being made, with reaaonablo promptness. ALLEN CAR IS PROVING POPULAR ALONG AUTO ROW Th Allen 34 Is caualnar oulta u.h.. The public has been quick to apreclata wio wonaerrui value given In thla car for SM. A number of dealers i ready contracted for tha line and they all report me very beat of aucceas. "W do not believe that tiinih .... can be found on th market carrying the apecuications of the Allen car at tha price," say Carl ChanKstrom. "W thHt within a, very short whll the Allen car will be one of the moat nonui un. era handled out of Omaha. This haa been th experience at other nolnta h. .k. car haa been Introduced. Even now at this eariy aate in cara are going much faster tKan we expected and t k. difficult to get cara enough to supply, th aemamv ervice Efficient in War, Economy in Peace, is Jeffery Slogan "Kfflclent In war. economical In race" I' the slogan enriearinv m ih. il lustrated story -ratalosriio of the Jeffery Quad, Which has IllSt been IsaileH fnr r-le. culntlnn In Kngland. Not all of the nunnren or Quads tha. are shloped to Kurope are anlne Intn IK r-,nnn f them are being applied In commercial ervice. The new Jeffery Qu.ut nlnlnum em. lalna a wealth of live nlcturna. ahnwin the four-wheel drive, brake and etror truck In mlnlnsr aervtre In Death Valley, In the aands of Texas, the mud of Illinois and In commercial aervlce In cltlea and towns all over tha emmirv A few extra copies are available for American distribution. INNER TUBE CONSTRUCTED TO OUTLAST ANY CASING "We have succeeded In building an Inner tube which outlasta any tire, four tube outwearing five casing: on the averaae." saya I C. Rockhlll, manager of the auto mobile tire department of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber company. Akron, O. "Our tubes are laminated, that la thev ar built up layer on layer. First we roll tne rubber into thin sheets ao that an flawa can be readily aeen and faulty aheet El .. "'it:: i..:' : Hit : ..lirliiSaiitiiLJlsral 1 ill THl 1 i T -A -A. III! r BPi VT acicar ::ti;:;H' 'iL'H! teffHiSi.'! Uiuijisittr!: Si!ii!!NI i:,:'l!f'!! IS: liti'urS'Hi m "HtbUiiifl mm beh oiraotr discarded. These sheets are wrapped to gether and vi.lcmixed Into one solid rub ber tube. Tube built of one piece of rubber often contain flaw which are not detected." Electric Safety First Lighter in Detroiter Cars "While we expected that an eleette cigar lighter would be apprec'ated by men motoristv, we have been surprised to discover that thla feature of De troiter equipment haa actually influenced quite a number of sole In our favor," nay Claude 8. Brlgga, president of the BrlKKs-Dctroiter company. Detroit. "Most motorists have, a wholesome re spect for the cxplosUe propertlea of gaao llne, and often go to extremes in avoiding risks. Men who like to enjoy a cigar a they drive their cara are confronted with the difficulty of keeping a cigar lit while keeping their minds strictly on the business of controlling the car. Any one who haa tried to light a match with a car traveling twenty-five mllea an hour, need not be reminded of th dlffi eultlea of the undertaking. "The first 1!)15 Detrolters were equipped with electric cigar lighters aa an experi ment, and they made a great hit. The apparatus consists of a length- of flexible steel tubing enclosing the two wires that terminate in a resistance coil, which be comes red-hot when a small button In the handle of the lighter la presaed. At- ind t. i- f'!-T ,a Tui:,n , r. : r , u! t ' 1 -4t: '-- i inut r i::f!iiii ikm h ' tui:ir;r:mu rninn ui u.tit t ttH;.t-t H'u; i h .1 jl n-";t( iui it -iMfl.ii .ir,!.- . r I P : - "nilifllii I B 11 Packard New Model Trucks are more than a complete line of trucks, just a generation ahead. They are more than the only complete series of silent, up-to-date chainless trucks. They do more-than provide increased useful ness, wider adaptability, greater activity, longer service and reduced cost of operation. They do more than provide equal certainty in trucks of ty2,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 tons. . They sustain Packard responsibility. They bear the mark of Packard certainty. . It is good business sense for you to inspect the Packard New .Model Trucks and learn just why and how they will fit your business and protect your pocket-book. If it is not convenient, for you to call just now, ask our salesman to call on you or, at least, send for catalog. Put Packard responsibility back of your hauling. Early delivery on the 3 ton and 4 ton sizes. ORR MOTOR SALES COMPANY 2416 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. . Z i ' i T a Wf rFPMf HaBflTi - 1 . tached to the back of the front seat, the llRhter la within convenient reach of all the occupants of the car." KisselKar Selling Points Discussed In response to questions put to dealers s to their most effective arguments In elllng Kissel Kara, the in.ih . .k- maxim that "Ifs a difference of opinion that makea horse races," Is Illustrated anew. Analyzing the rnli n. ael Motor Car company find, the follow- iceniages In favor of the different leading points: Manufacture .... against assembled ear k m L v 5"i; repu tation of the company, 82 per cent; facll- . ..u penenec, ,8 per cent; detailed Light Four, $2400 Beyond Mclntyre , Distributors Western 2127 FAUX AM STKKET. esponsibmty your hauling . ; ' . . comparison with higher priced cara, 74 per cent; Klssel-built motor, 80 per cent; low repair bills, 77 per cent; appearance and comfort. 90 per cent; the all-year car, 8T per cent. Th most significant results of this canvass were the almost unanimous ex pression that th appearance and conVort of the car Is a vital consideration and the scarcely less preponderant view that th Kissel all-year combination touring car and aedan Is an Indispensable talking point. Lynch la Captain. Shortstop Mike Lynrh haa been made captain of tho Lynn club. Rickey Teachea Aaala. Branch Rickey haa resumed his practice of dally conferencea with the Browne, Kitty Loop Qalta. From recent Indications the Kitty league will slumber during 1915. Big Six, S50O0 a Doubt Auto Co. Iow and Nebraska PHOIVE DOUGLAS JU06. mm I l.f'-H.'rl E -! r i ; J 1. f ""!-l'!r!"i-