THK Bffl: OMAHA. SATIHDAY, APIUL 24, 1913. MEAT PRICES ARE ' A PUZZLE TO ALL Hogi Are Selling for Lett to Packers and Tet Retailers and Consum ers Mutt Pay More. MORE STOCK AT THE YARDS 1 Just why meat prices should be soaring Is unexplalnable when the fact Is taken into consideration that receipts of both cattle and hogs aro heavier than a year ago and prices paid for the animals are lower. How ever, notwithstanding the large re ceipts and the lower prices at wh'ch the animals are bought by the pap ers over the block, all grades of meat are up, 3, 6 and 8 cents higher than on the corresponding dates of last year. Thi rMords of the South Omaha rack ing houses ahow that one year a no Thurs day th receipts of cattle were Itsa than ysrtrdy. For the four days of this -tk ' ending last nlRht. cattle receipts t thai 8outh Omaha yard were 20.761, or t.tno niore then far the corresponding day of one year a to'. Cattle .at South Omaha Thursday mid a high as l& IR.SO for choice. The report of the market for that day shows that "common to fair comfeds," the kind of animals generally elaugntered for local consumption, sold at only around $7.00 per hundrewetght. with the top of thl class t $7.0. while "good to choice" sold at K75. In the matter of hog the assertion I made that the scarcity of the animal ha something to do with the enormous ad vance In the price of pork. In contradic tion of the claim, the records of the Fouth Omaha stock yard show that Thursday the receipt were lO.ono head For the four day of the work they were J7.969. or 4,000 more than for th corre sponding day of one year ago and that the prices paid to the farmer shipper were about 1 cent per pound lea than the same date of 1514. Thursday the top hog prices paid by the packer was"4 per 100 pounds, a against $8-234 on the corresponding date of last year and $8.68 on the same date of two yeara ago. Regardless of the fact that Thursday top hogs sold for almost $1 leas per 100 pounds and more than JL25 less than on the same date of two year ago, price to th consumer are much higher than on either of these pout dates and for loins and other choice cut of both beef and pork, higher than at any time in rocent year In this market. Csi'l a k ReaMS, "I am at a loss to understand why my mmt nr1rjit man tAllfl me'that the mrlna he haa to pay the packers for meats have been advanced materially and the market quotations advise me that on the same day I wu talking to him the price paid by the packers at the yard wero lower than the day before, ' and also lower than the same day last yean" re marked a householder, discussing the present meat situation. This woman was correct, because prices quoted Thursday of the sales 6t,.th day stock yard brought It or more less than i the same, day last year and on the aver age the price ranged 19 cent per 100 less . than the day before. A further canvasa or tne situation con firms the first reports that the packing ' house have this week advanced their prices to the retailer.. The manager of a large downtown market states as on ' instance that he is now charging 12H .cents a pouna ror pot roaeis ne cnargea 10 cents for last week, an advance of 26 per cent. On round steak he has mad an advance from 17H to 30 cent a pound, although some of the smaller - outside market are quoting as high as 25 cents a pound for round steaka "It Ut to wonder," is the comment of another householder' who likes a round steak now and then. Women to Assist in Campaign for the Anti-Six Candidates Chairman Sutton of th general com mittee of the people's candidates an nounces that his organization haa started to work with a committee of women who are now out getting names of women who will volunteer to work from now until May 4 in behair of the six antl candidates for the city commission. "These women are working in the inter est of good government. We do not care to give the names of the women already on the Job. but you can say they are at work and we expect to have two or three women at every voting place on election day." declared Chairman Sutton. MEETING IN INTEREST OF WOMEN ON WELFARE BOARD Persons lnterewted in the appointment of women on the proposed welfare board will meet at Judgo Sutton's office Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock and will set a date for the mass meeting to be held next week to arouse Interest in the ques tion. The original committee of five has been enlarged tu twelve members, as follow: Judge A. I.. Button, John L. Kennedv, Mrs. Carrie tl. Bcott. Mi. Thor JoiRnon, Mis. .1. T. lrillrmit. Mr. F. P. Yvl, Ir. Clg Ktastm. Jihn A Ktihn. M. O. CunntlinhnTn. Mr Thoina Reynolds. Miss H'snrhe Van Kiirnn and Mrs. S. A. Caper.. Hope Now of Saving the Radish Crop Rpeedv relief is promised by the state entomologtrt from the flea-beetle pest that have been ruining rsdish beds. Kx pert Krnest F. Data has heard from Trof. Iawrema Unmcr. who identified the bug as tbc horse radish flea-beetle. He says it ran be eradicated by sprink ling radishes, horse radish, turnip and other plants of that kind with powdered wood or coal ashes, strongly odorlsed with kerosene. MR. FORD OWNER JUDGES WILL CONSIDER JURY COMMISSIONER SOON Judges of the flltrlct court will ho!d meeting at ome for consideration of the appointment of a Jury commissioner under the new law passed by the legisla ture with the emergency clause, it wae announced. Just when 6lectlon of new Jurors under the new law will begin has not been determlnd. , i - r-r I Kt SEND FOR OUH BAR GAIN SHEET It's Free and Will Save Money for Any Ford Owner. c Sell Direct, Xo Long Profits At Your Espouse. Ford Supplies Exclusively. Auto Accessory Co. SlOflS Faraam, Omaha, Neb. Formerly The Ford Supply Cr. ' ' W "'"- r"1! " 'iii'j'iii'i'""; I ;i nm nu i i ii im mi, n.,,,.. .,, ,, MM3iEBIiiiillglS US 1..,: ....:... I.....: ... , .:;..!! Winn, ,, i I-.,!..:;. .1,", u .' ,.' . TiZJJ J Judge Lewis Holds Federal Game Law is Unconstitutional Judge Robert E. Lewis In federal court, held th migratory birl law passed by congress March 4 of last year, to be un constitutional and granted to Frank Tlrro a motion in arrest of Judgment. Tirro and others were arrested and in dicted by the grand Jury for violation of the act In shootlnc several American coot, commonly known a mudhen at Carter lake. They pleaded guilty and at the same time filed the moUon in arreat of Judg ment, setting forth that the law Is un constitutional because "no where in the organic law of the United State of America ha congress been granted the power to legislate concerning the wild nme referred to In tne act. Since publication of 'the indictment on thl chrge. United States Attorney mow- ell has been flooded with mail and tele phone Inquirie from anxious hunters all over thi part of the country. Two other federal judge hve ruled the same a Judge I. wis and the ques tion will soon be determined by the su premo court. Cnald Xot Walk with Rheumatism. A satisfied patient writes: "Sloan's i inimnnt cure my rheumatism. Am grateful. Can now walk without pain." Only 2ic. All druggists. Advertisement. Dig Out Dandelions or Let Sheep Eat 'Em The dandelion pest U being constantly broueht to the attention of Ernest E. La!e. school garden club expert. People ask him how to get rid of the yello flowers, but his only prescription Is "dig 'em out or let sheep graxe on the lawn. He rays that he knows of no prepara tion that is entirely successful and satis factory. If dug out, the dandelion plants should be removed from the yards, he says. If sheep are allowed to grase on the lawn.' they will gradually eradicate the dandelions. faltla Good Wortc Possible. A long a one is on hi feet, he can work after a fashion, no matter bo badly b feels- But you cannot do good work-hav ambition and energy, fell that life 1 worth living with sluggish bowel or torpid liver. Foley Cathartic Tablet do sway with that drowsy, dull, tired (eellng. They never grip, or cause nausea. They're wholesome, cleansing and healthful. Most satisfactory for tout persona Sold sverywhere. Adver Your Choice of Our Entire Stock of SPRING TOP COATS THESE GARMENTS HAVE BEEN DI VIDED INTO TWO LARGE GROUPS Hirsh-Wickwire, Society Brand, Schloss Bros, and other fine makes in this lot. Balmacaan styles with set-in sleeves and velvet collars; also staple models. The mate- Group 1 at $13.50 rials are tweeds, homespuns and knitted fabrics and covert cloth, home full lined, others silk yoke and sleeve lined; also serge lining. A large A. J 1 i 1 1 1 T t i assonmem in an siyjes ana colors, values to m $30.00. Special Saturday, choice for $13.50.1 Overcoats of the "newest weaves, the most p (jfOUD 2 Sit attractive patterns, in the correct models f Balmacaans and conservative models, loose 1 J Q f f fitting sack box coats in plain and fancy h 3) J W mixtures. A satisfactory selection is as for $8.50. sured. Regular $12.50 to $16.50 values, We bought two lines of suits, one from a Chicago and one from a New York well-known manufacturer.' There are 485 suits for men and young men, mostly two and three suits-of a kind. See these suits for yourself and you will recognize their merit. Decide this clothing guestion for yourself and decide it on the actual merits of the fabrics, styles, tailoring; And price. We have divided these luits Into two lots LOT 1 Men's and Young Men's Suits of practically every style and description the new Glen Urquhart, checks, plaids and stripes in browns, grays and blues. The novelties and con servative patterns are here. $3$ 13.50 LOT 2 Mostly Young Men's Suits on very clever lines. The work manship, finish and fit of every suit is of uniform high stand ard. Patch pocket English, models, two and three-button coat. In tar tan checks, stripes; plain blue, brown, gray and fancy mixtures. Sizes from 33 to 40. Values to A Q ! f 16.60, specially 2 Q D U fi iv-vu s v , We are Omaha Distributors for Hirsh-Wickwire, Society Brand, Schloss Bros, and Styleplus Clothes. Lively New Styles in Men's Hats Why Not Step in and See Them? Many Different Styles and Shades Await You Herein the Novelties and Conservative Models HBrandeis $00 opecial n n Celebrated er nrv "Mayo" Hats for Men Jno. B. Stetson Hats-$3.50,$4,$5 Hen's $2.50 Sample Hata 95 c ' Sample lines of men's soft and stiff hats, worth to $2.50, on sale Saturday at 96c. Silk Outing Ilktf 50c Men's Silk Outing Hats for so'f and automobile wear. Veiiies -tc $1.00. Special Saturlay, 60e. Boy's Headwear Boys' and Children's Headwear. All new spring and summer styles, at II. SO, 11.00, 65c, 50c and 25c 110.00 Trunks at $6.50 About 50 trunks In the lot all floor samples. Sizes 82 to 38 inches. Values to $10.00, Saturday $0.50. D Extraordinary Sale of Men's Summer Shirts About 2,400 Men's New Spring and Summer Shirts Neckband and collar attached styles. All neat patterns, made of fine quality percale and madras shirtings. The majority of the shirts in this lot are worth i.oo. All sizes, 14 to 19. Special Saturday,. .55c m rtnzcn hirh-erade snirts made of fine quality madras, oxford cloth, mer cerized soisette and satin striped blazer cloth; neckband and collar attached coat styles. Fit and quality guaranteed. Wonderful values, worth up to 12, choice. . . . 65 Dozen Men's Silk and Lisle Hose All new $1.00 One Big Lot of Men's Silk Neckwear, Four-in-hands All new patterns, beautiful assort ment. Every tie in the lot worth OC 50c Special Saturday, at CiJC 25 Dozen Men's Sample Athletic and Silk Mixed Ribbed Union Suits, worth (J 1 OA to 12.50. Special Saturday, eachtD 1 0J About 85 Dozen Men's Sample and "Run of the Mill" Quality Athletic Union Suits Nain sook, lisle ribbed and conde mesh union suits, worth to $1.50. Specially JQ priced at 95c and OiC shades for spring wear. Worth to 1 Ol 2 5c a pair. Special, 21c and. . . 1 2C Munsing Union Suits for Men Just received a large shipment. We are exclusive Omaha agents for this famous brand. All styles, qualities and sizes. Excellent dC aa values, a suit, $1.00 to POUU Men's New Spring Silk Shirts Beautiful array of new patterns, made of fine quality crepe silk and tub silk. Values to $8.50, (Jo fQ Saturday at $5.50, $4.98 and. . 3370 I! You can't fool a young man on STYLE He knows it when he sees it and he is always on the lookout for the very newest effects. Styleplus j-17 The same prios tbm world ever. arc effervescent with style atmosphere and the style is down to the minute. But every model is authentic no freaks. Many special conceptions this Spring for young men. Every fabricthe pop ular Glen Urquharts of course! This is the special suit which is nation ally talked about The makers have made it the supreme effort of their great organization. You get better style, better value, and at a low price. See STYLEPLUS before you buy. DEAL in every respect. Nothing is left to your imagination- nothing left undone to make the i) 1915. l. V.' Vm. K 'sff . . .. . -sUsT"-"- Valve-in-Head Motor Car The Best Popular Priced Car on the Market Every little detail of construction on every car in the 1915 Buick line from the Model C-24 roadster to the Model 0-55 "Six" Touring car is given the utmost care. Every equipment necesary for the pleasure and convenience of the owner is found on each and every 1915 Buick car. AN ALL FEATURE CAR has one CAUB It woald Don't buy any "on"frature" car. Don't plrk yonr car berauM you think It one special thing you like or want. You wouldn't buy suit of clothes be lt had a pocket that you particularly iiaea, dui you wouia nuy it Id give you serrice and looked good. For that same reason because BUY A BUICK A romplete line of Foura and 61 .Roadsters and Tonrtnc Cars ready for Immediate delir ery. No trait of 80 to 0 days, l'ou can have yo ur Buick now w hen yon most want It. 9900.00 to $1,650.00 f. o. b. Factory. B50 f. o. h. Flint, Mich. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO. OMAHA Lee Huff, Mgr. LINCOLN 1 T"irt" ' H. E. Bldloe, Gen. Mgr. WWW' C. It. Shore, Mgr. Bales Dopt. SIOUX CITY 8. C Douglas, Mgr. Is your boarding house ad marked? People carrying marked Want Ads from The Bee go through this town every day looking for good boarding houses. If your boarding house is advertised in this issue, someone is probably marking the ad now, intending to call on you. If your ad is not there, telephone at once to Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Read Bee Want Ad i t I f-n-iE tisement.