Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AiltlL 24, irrn.
Heaiquarteri of the Yarioui Hates
Take On New Life m Election
Time Draws Rear.
Whgt of the Poll! ote? Ta It In
the balanfe? The question ! perti
nent because the sensation of th di
In th political campaign is the alli
ance tf Nickoeamue Daraeciewskl
with the "people's candidates," this
politician having been formerly Idep
tified with the administration winy.;
Xlr. Pargeczewskl presented himself
at the headquarters of the antls for
errlce aa a worker, whether for paj
or for the honor of helping to "clean
out the city hall" ii not stated. H
held an appdntlve position under the
noose of Dahlman for years and has
been artlre In political affairs In
that section of the city known as
Slieetrtown. Mr. Dargectewskl told
a Bee reporter that he expects to
work for the antls, and that ha had
a very satisfactory conference with
Chairman M. O. Cunningham of tha
committee on organization.
Chairman Cunningham announced that
he Is preparing a Hat ot SO i-rerlwt
orkera and hi plan Is to art these men
?n the Job at once.
Antle Sb.wr Life.
Headqtiartera of the antla are beginning
to ahow llf at K2 Bee building. Secretary
Meyer, look off hla coat and rolled up
his aleevea thl morning and Chairman
Button Is doing likewise. Candidate
Harkett reported that ht haa bein fcuay
taking the temperature of tha puWle
ptiiaa and he .vera that every pule brat
la for him and hla aaaorlatra, who are
rolns before tha voters ss tha "ptoplee
Anil meetings at atreet corners and In
halla In different parts of tha city are
being planned.-
Mty Hall Headaeartera.
Tha city hall Is still tha real headquart
er! for the administration group of can
didates, wMh Tom Flynp, Joe Butler,
liut k Taylor. Tom O'Connor, C. K. Bosslo
and others "sitting steady In the boat."
a a Flynn says. It Is expected that thee
headquarters lll be moved to the Dahl.
man ctub rooms on Farnem street The
situation Is quiet now In the administra
tion camp on account of tha abaenca of
tha mayor irom the city, but tha leaders
ear they will stir thlnss up again next
Monday evening with a meeting at Wash
In i on hall.
The Oihaon. Booaters wl',1 hold an open
air Meeting Sunday afternoon at Second
and Hascall streets for the administra
tion candidates. H. B. Fleharty will be
na of the speakers.
T Keep Ope Hoeae.
On Saturday evening the stationary en
gineers will hold an cpen house at Esgle
hall ia Harney street, on which occasion
the cttv commissioners and families will
attend. '
Next Monday evening tha light Ward
Voters' club will meet at Sixteenth and
Cuming atreeta. Among speakers will
be John Urant Pegg and this meeting will
oe to boost the present commissioners.
On Thursday evening- the Nonpareil
Ainienc cub win hold a reunion at
Turner hall. Eighteenth and Vinton
atreets. at which Mayor Dahlroaa and
otners will speak.
Follce Sergeant Sigwsrt observed his
Ixtleth birthday anniversary by muli.
inc the street traffic and lining up mo
torists who are not observing the new
parking regulation.
Tha aergeant came to ' Omaha forty
rears ago this month and has been on
the police department for thirty-three
"I never fait better In mw lira th.
in today, and I attribute m
to the outside work t have been engaged
in. aeciared Mr. Slgwart
Chief of Police Dunn took occasion to
netloe thla anniversary by remarking
that the etrgennt Is an ai.lU.f .n
officer and one who ran always be re-
uPn to do the right thing at the
"am time and at the right place.
TrUs Worth, Itinerant, arraigned In
police court for consuming superabund
ance of fermented beveragea. was asked
what particular branch of Industry he
rot lowed.
"I am an expert dandelion picker,
juage. answered Frits, with mu-h vl
nen-e of pride.
"Have you a diploma?" Inquired the
Thla evidently pussled Frits, for he
resltated for several minutes and then
replied In a querulous voice, No, Judge,
i oon t believe I have, but I've got
big boll on the back .if my neck."
He was discharged with honors.
Mayor Dahlman has Issued the follow
ing proclamation for Carnation day. to
to tn. "eope of Omaha. Saturday
-vJ' ? " amation day
I ndrr the eaderahln of Mr. -..
eon and Mrs. Paul Welmer, there win be
sold on the slreela of our lty S.D0U earn i-
liona. proteada of which will ba uaed for
. " im nmeaian Mission hos
As thl hospital Is In need of finda to
carry on tlie noble work of caring for the
elik poor, the generous people of tlie citv
of Omaha are a alef to In lehalf of
aufrerina humanity. Therefore.
I, James C. Dahlmaa. mayor of the city
of Omaha, appoint and proclaim Satur
day, April H, u.15 'Varna Ho. lay." for
the purpoae of raining fund te carry on
the aooj work of the Swedish Mission
Jhm V. Tkssisi.
John C. Thomas, aged ss years, died
W ednesday at hla home. U' North Blx
leentb street, after being confined for
lw weeks wtih pneumonia. Funeral
Ices wtU be held Sunday a fieri,. .
o cioca irons Crosbys c ha pal. with Inter
ment la Forest Ui cemetery. Thomas
ead been a painter la Omaha for more
a thirty years.
Everybody Heads lies Want Ads.
r fc.T,lt " (.
Pr. 111. I'lne-Tar-Honey will stop
your cough and strengthen your lungs.
tit a bottle now. Only c AH drug
7c valuea,
Fin BwwewMeeed
rth to
Wew !,at t Celine aa4 Cuff
Seta Made of fine am-
ernldered organdie.
Special, a
Hw4elr Caps La re, and
ribbon trimmed, shadow
lace end net.
Cellar Oriental gce and hand embroidered Imported organdie; rolling gf p
and wirew effects; alie assay tinautlful etes In the new military stocks. 3 I Sll
wiees tee te sf aUW
T:nT n r. .... i
tMT - irriT trr.iajuTeawarTT- " "nr hi, , r nrlm nirr tti r- -r,Til k '.. '- -".Z.'.. iS. "J U.T. J2-.K.t'
i . .alan)
Japanese Parasols
For Children
Beautiful designs in all colors and com
binations; also in different sizes up to 22
inch, all new goods and worth ear
from 39c to 50C. Special at....uC
Extraordinary Saturday Sale
Women's .Pure Thread 811k Stocking; Come) all silk to the
top. otters with eitra wide farter tops. Good" assortment of
colore. All full fashioned1, reinforced soles, heels
and toes. Worth 75cato f 1.00, a pair
Women's Pur Thread Uk Boot Stockings All tha new shoo
and evening; ghadaac also blank and whit. All fall fashioned ;
reinforced heels and toes, double soles. Regular
SOo quality, special, a pair
Womea'a Onyx SCk Usla Stockings Black only.
regular made; high spliced heels, toes and so Wis;
wide- garter-topa. Recular 0c quality , a paUr
All full
Women's Onyx Lisle Stockings and black with split
aoles. Full fashioned, reinforced soles, heels and ee
toes. Regular the value, a pair aCdC
Women's Fiber Silk Boot Stocklngs Black, white and n r
colors. Pull seamlees, double heels and-toeg. A pair aCdC
Children's Pure Thread fitlk Stocking- Black onry
Flat waava.laea 4 to 7H. Worth Too, a pair
Children's Pine and Medium Weight Ribbed Stocking Black
and white. Double knees, heels ul toes. Worth til
19c, apecial, apa!r.
Men'a Full Searrf ess Hose Black, tan and gray.
Double heel and toes. 18c quality, a pair
Immense Stocks of High-Grade Quad
ruple Plated Silver Hollow-Ware
Casseroles, Bake Dishes, Tea Sets, Bowls, Etc.
Wfi bouyht trnm h InWnatinnal Silver fVi the lare-eei tilvem-sre mm.
ufacturers in the world) their entire surplus stocks of Forbes and Meriden Sil
ver Plate Co.'s lines at 33c on the dollar.
(These are all standard goods the name Forbes and Meriden Silver Plate
Co. hag meant quality in ailverware for the last 75 years. Price on these
fooda are positively- less than manufacturera' coat)
Lot 1 About 1,200 pieces of all kinds, including Casseroles, Baking Dishes,
Nut Bowls, Fruit Baskets, Sandwich Trays, Bread Trays, Fern Dishes, Com
potes, Marmalade Jars, Serving Trays in all sizes, Sheffield Trays in all sizes.
Syrup Pitchers, Candle Sticks, Water Pitchers, Condiment Sets, etc. These are
to $6.00 values, at
Men's Pull Fashioned Onyx Hoeo Black and maeo ep
split foot; double heels and toes. Worth 35a, a pr aCdC
Low Prices in Underwear
Women's Venetian llk Union Stilt With shield reinforce
ment; French band or crochet beading topa, cuff knee. Well
known make. Pl&k and white. All alsea. Regular An a q
$3 to valuaa, special Saturday, suit J? Ise'tO
Women'e Lisle Union Suite Munslng and Essex Mills Brands.
Low neck and sleeveless; cuff and umbrella style. n
Worth from tl to tUQ a aolL Special Saturday, at.... OiC
Women's Fine Cotton and Lisle Union Salts Low neck and
sleeveless ; cuff and umbrella knee style. "Oumfy-Cut," Essex
Mills and other well-known brands, worth to 69c.
Special Saturday, a eult M.
Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits Low seek and sleeveless;
umbrella knee styles. Full taped. Regular and extra alias;
also womea'a vaeta. Worth to I to. Saturday,
a ault
Women'a Vesta Low neck and sleeveless. Fine cottons and
: llslss; plain and dainty lace yokes, full taped. r
Regular too quality; aalo price, each ...AwC
8tepInto Union Suits for Oirla and Boys With taped aaana
and, buttons. Blaea S to IS yeara. Regular prion
29c; sale price, eaoa...,
Fine Fern Dishes, Mir
ror Plateau ' and Odd
Pieces, worth to , ,
$4.00, at ....
Fine Bake Dishes, Oaetors,
Condiment Seta, Real Shef
field Sandwich and Cheese
Trays, Oandelabraa, etc,
worth to $8.50, fQ
sale price $Ci,ijO
Children's Cupa, q
worth to $1.60, each. . . "C
Toothpick Holdera and Vasea,
worth to $1.25. on
each IMC
A Timely Opportunity
Special purchases in these coat
compared with regular garriiei
features in flares, sleeves, collai
and linings. They are dividu
and the opportunities for real
Silk Lined Top$$F
One of the good lots are
these popular silk lined
poplin, gabardine and
serge coats, made with
all the ear marks of the
higher priced coats.
Every good color and all;
sizes. Choice for
t Ik 111 M It
Values in Corsets
u- For All Types of Figures
Odd sizes in Warner Corsets for stout figures; W. B. corsets in
broche, in pink and white, for medium and slender figures; a
few slightly soiled Nemo Corsets, a Kabo model in handsome
broche, lirntly boned. All priced to close, each
Splendid Fitting and Comfortable Corsets Guaranteed rust-proof aa
Fancy material and countil. Sizes 19 to 30. Specially priced, each. .1UU
A complete line of sizes in Summer Net
75c and
Corsets, at 1.50, $1.00,
Silk Afternoon Dresses
From the recent purchases we have selected tMsl
lot of pretty and practical silk dresses for aftefkl
noon and street wear, made of soft taffetas, silk
faille, crepe de chine, crepe meteor, etc. Erery
good color, such as Belgian blue, navy, sand, '
putty, black, brown, etc Many sample dresses .
that have no duplicates. - Values up to $20.00. t
Saturday, for $10.00. 1
M- Knit Waists for Girls and Boys Patent ft
taped aeams. Age to IS yean. Worth 16c, eaeh.....,.avC
Genuine Poroa Knit Union Suits for Boye High naok nod
short sleeves, knee lengths. All alsea. Regular e
50c quality; Saturday, a anlt ,,OwC
Large, Wavy Hair
24-inch Wavy Harr Switches Weigh
two ounces. The greatest hair goods
bargain offered in many months, for Sat
urday only.. The assortment of shades
and the assistance of our expert attend
ants assures you of securing a switch that
will match perfectly the shade
of your own hair. Positively Q
worth to $2.50. Sale price. . . f 0 1
Six Big Specials in
Wall Paper
. For Saturday
Our spring stock is most com
plete never before have we dis
played such an assortment of
medium and high-grade goods.
Varnlahed Tile Papers Por kitchens
aad bathrooms. Washable kind. Regu
lar 2&c grade, a roll
New Bedroom Papers With cut bor
ders. All nsw goods, worth ISc. Sat
urday, a roll
Plain Domestic Oatmeal Papers Tan,
green, brown, red and blue. 10 inches
.wide. Sold with borders ocly. Special
Saturday, a roll
, Parlor, Dining Room. Store aad Hall
Papers with t and II inch borders to
match. Worth to 10c. A roll
Good Strong Papers AnHable for
moat any room. Regular ae trade. Spe
cially price, a roll
New Pattern Oatmeals All shade
A wide selection to choose froa
Worth to SOc. Saturday, a roll
Children's Colored Wash
Dresses $1J0
New arrivals in our children's
department show some of the
prettiest and newest ideas for
the girls' every day and school
dresses. The new suspender
and guimpe effects, the little
coatee and pleated skirts, and
every good style of
the season; choice. . .
Girls' New White Dresses $5
A apecial lot of pretty dainty white
frocks for girls' dress affairs; made of
sheer organdies and lawns, trimmed
with the daintiest laces and embrold-
rt $5.00
Spring Top Coats $3.93
A very interesting lot of coats for
the girls In thla group. Many of the
fascinating touchea that interest the
young miss. They are made of good
, checks and pretty plain colore.
10,00ft American Beauty and
Killarney Rose Bushes at 5c
Sale on Second Floor, Old Store.
On account of the very favorable weather conditions
this spring, rose bushes this year are more plentiful and
therefore cheaper than they have been for many a season.
According to our policy, to always gtva our customers
th benefit of any favorable buying conditions we . have
decided to sell these fine American Beauty and Killarney
r . rose ousnes at 5 cents this sea
son and hope to contribute per
haps a little towards the common
effort to make this a city beau
tiful Come early to share in this
offer, while they last.
1 i
Big Sale of Aluminum Ware
Aoout 1,500 pieces in the lot, including nee
boilers, coffee pots, sauce pans, covered kettles,
preserving kettles, pudding pans, etc. They, are
worth up to $1.25. Your choice Saturday, for. ..
EXTRA SPECIAL Dresden China Sale Any piece in
our entire stock Saturday at half our regular prices.
Reeves' Sanitary Milk Cabinet A regular 5oc hem.
Auto Combination
Lunch Kits
At Special Prices
Just the thing for long drives, picnics, etc. The boxes are made
of strong durable wood, with imitation leather cover. You may
entertain from two to eight people. The prices range from $3.45
to $33.50. A apecial 25 per cent discount from our regular price
Conceiv- (
1 '''wJ
Color VYJgip- v QNew Yor
New Peter Pan Blouses of Ra-cr- nri
dium Silk, at Jpil.UU
Filet Lace t.f-
Bkwses, very smart. . . ..... pO
Black and White Checked or Striped
Chiffon Blouses, drf a no
Saturday, at $3 tOO.O
Smart Net Blouses,
with Camisoles. . . .
$5.98 to $:
Taffeta Overblouses, black, rose, dji
navy, black and white striped. . veOU
New Emb. Lingerie
$1 to $3.98
Saturday Specials
In Our
Music IDepartm't
seaeon always
Popular hits ot the
nare llraf.
Little Spark of Leva
Auntie Skinner's C h I e k e a
Tulip and Blr Red Rose
Back to Old K.breaka
Ftad, Whltb and Blue 1
Juat a NUrht In Dreamland
I Want to Llnser
Palace of Dreamt
Phelterlng Palme
Klaa That Made You Mine
Farewell. Bird of Paradise
Ruaewajr June
fftolen Momenta I Starlight Walts
Dance of Lunatics I Cllroaa Rac
Meloroe. March Romance Walts
A Copy
lc Extra
By Mail
Ruatlc Dance
Shower or Roaea
Flower Song
Black Hawk
10c each eand
Maiden's Prayer
'II Troratore
Spring- Song
Morning Prarer
Alao 1.009 other, at
for catalogue.
Popular and Operatic Hits of the Beat
Little Oray Houae In Waat
I Hear You Calling Me
Mighty Lak a Rose
kMg of Boos 28C
Garden of Mr Heart
Little Dreaming ey the Way
Garden of Uoda Farn
Let Vs Hava faaca
Can't Tou Har M. Calling
A Hundred Yeara From Now
Today Only.
Cbauacey Olcott'a New Conga From
"Heart of Paddy Whaok." -"A
Broth of a Bey" T7
"Little Bit of Heaven" CSLClX
"lrlak Eyee of Love"
"Heart ef Paddy Whack"
"Who Keowa 14r
We eleo carry a complete line of
mandolin, violin, guitar and tan)o
etfiage. violin bow a. mandolin plcka.
tout hare at the eet prloee far the
beat duality.
Greatest Oil Painting Sale
Ever Held In Omaha
' We are closing out our entire line of oil paint
ings. Every picture goes, except a few pic
tures not belonging to us but here on ex-
hibition from an Eastern dealer, ue
92 Oil Paintings In All
Values to $25.00 and even $30.00, not one pictufU
mVtmiltl .oil 4 1. II o m f r V
oi iuuiu cu i ji (cos sfutri OUlUTttuy, tor
Work by such artists as I. L. Hall, Knapp, Mead.
Wold, Ilagen, Fox and other of America's best-knofvr,
commercial artists. These paintings vary in size
18x24 to 28x36 inches. All framed in massive antique
and Etruscan gold hand-made frames. The frames
alone are worth fully twice our Saturday price. The
actual canvas stretched and the paint used could not
be purchased wholesale at the price we will chanre
tor me complete iramca picture.
io pictures iaia asiae no mail orders. The gl.le
starts baturday morning at 8:30 o'clock
and lasts till every picture is gone. Your
unrestricted choice .for