THE BEE: ('MAI I A. NATCH DAY. Al'IME 24. 1915. ffj Saturday a Day of Extra Values i I1!, DnABAHTEE utfjijiimiw vlm. De Nebraska m Wfl VQWIASi ST.- Tho Dcst to Had 1 0 is in Correct Clothes It isn't style alone that brings our customers b.ick season after season; it's our values, our service, our interestness. The style you choose, the pat tern you prefer, the color you favor, are included in theso unapproachable val ues at $9.85 $12.50 $15.00 We Save You Money on Your Clothes. a; !! i i: ill I CHEMIST DISCOVERS POISON MEDICINE State Chemist Makes Finding in Re gard to the Death of Alvah Sweet of Merna. UP TO AUTHORITIES OF CUSTER Si 1 BLUE SERGE SUITS-SPECIAL Saturday we offer the most popular suit of to day, our famou "Fade lroof" Blue Si-rue Milt. Newest spring model). A fifteen dollar value. SKE THESK IX OVIt VIMM)V. $9.85 ANNUAL APRIL SHIRT SALE Swell Shirts fZS Excellent Shirts Taw atylea of Kill, tray collars, collars detaohed and flat oollar ahlrta. 11.00 to 11.35 Tain 67c Za matoned allk bosoms, Madras and mercerised ' t anrlca, worth to 1.00 1 If i! 48c ilk Bhlrta, soft oollar attachable or (I no dataobabla, $3.00 valuee, Saturday .... W I O Special in Our Furnishing Dept. For allk llala hose. 85o rra&e.Sa2' riaa allk tlaa. actual 60o Talnaa and 9 C n patterns aUb Balbrltrraa Vnderwear, seoonda, 7Be 4C anallty uOU Wbita foot boaa, lBo rade I2c 9c Greatest Sale of Union Suits Genuine "Poroaknlta." "Sprlnirtax" and othtr famous makes of SI Un ion Bulta. Saturday 69c Splendid Fitting TROUSERS Blue Barge Trousers, special at $Bl, $3.03, $4.00 Outlntr Tronaara, Pea; too or English models $1.90. S2.S0. J3.00 I fill y if bu U fid LLim!ii'H'miviiiii!miL''nuiiJi 1 " - rr LinTxiiEnUifmruiP 3 (From a Waff rorrespondnt.) UNWLN, April 23 (Spf olsl.l It Is now up to the authorities of Custer county to tlrtermlnp th rao hark of the death of Alvah 8wet of Merna. who died suddenly on April 20 after taking a dose of medicine as a luxatlvp. Korty-flve minutes after taking the medicine the ' lad was dead showing symrtoms of strychlne poisoning. Tho i stomach of the lad ami also the bottle j from which the laxative was taken sent to the pure food department of the state and Commissioner Harman has had the stato chemist, Mr. Frtshte, an snalysla of both, assisted by Dr. Wilde, the state bacteriologist. Bottle Had Morh folio a. The result as given out this morning by Commissioner Harman shows suffi cient strychlne In the stomach to have caused the death of th lad and also a large amount of strychlne In tho bottle from which the medicine was taken. A bottle of the same medicine bought In Lincoln yesterday shows no signs of strychlne. and It Is evident In the mind of Mr. Harman that the poison must have been placed In the bottle by some party with evil Intent. He called upon the county attorney of Custer county today and made him ac quainted with the result of the analysis snd It will be up to the authorities there to determine the reason why the bottle contains the poison. Officers Will Art. BROKEN, BOW, Neb., April 2V Ppe clal Telegram. ) A report from the state labratory shows that the stomach of Alva Street, who died at his tinnw near Merna Wednesday morning after taking a dose of salts containing strychnine as also did the salts. It was brought out In testimony before the coroner's Jury that Ouy. an elder brother, took salts from the same bottle probably a 'month ago and they made him sick. Dr. Landls, the coroner, thinks It pos sible from the symptoms described that it may have been strychlne poisoning. A 12-year-old sister took a dose from the same bottle two weeks ago tut no III effects followed. The Jury's verdict rendered before analysts was death from unknown causes. Coroner Landls, Prosecutor Kelly and Sheriff Wilson are working on the theory that the poison came from the outside and have started a rigid Investigation. dim e m 24th and L Sts., South Omaha Quality High Prices Low Not One Day. But Every Day zomet?stJdrjfcdry. Advance Styles in Period Dining Furniture We have just received a carload of handsome new furniture pieces from Grand Rapids in which there are many of the newer period designs which are so popular this year. Let us show these to you. We can save you easily 30 per cent on your furniture bill. High Quality RUGS Specially Priced for Saturday Pi 12 KeainlettA Brussels Kuks $8.50 0x12 Seamless Velvet Hugs $12.00 12 A i minuter Rugs $16.00 HEY) OIK COMPLKTE IJNK OF WIITON AM) BODY UIUHMKL8 MMi See Our New Daylight Display Room Letter Carriers Endorse Hamil Bill FREMONT. Neb.. April 23.-A special train brought 133 letter carriers from Omaha, this Uelegation appearing In the parade with a band. Forty came from Lincoln. The Nobraeka Letter Carriers' associa tion decided that the next convention should be held at Grand Island snd dur ing the session the members indorsed the Hamil bill before congress for the protec tion of superanuated carriers. The following officers, were elected: Dclegatc-at-large to tne national conven tion. J. Homer Clark, IJncoln; presi dent, C W. Mulloy, Fremont: vice presi dent, A. C. Bradley. Beatrice; secretary, Conrad H Bchossler, South Omaha; treasurer, Arthur Anderson, Holdrege; collector, M. B. A., Fred Jorgensen. Omaha; member executive board, W. R. Jones, Falrbury, for three years; member executive board, W. C. Bouck, Omaha, for two years. Ross 1j Hammond of Fremont was toastmaeter at the banquet In the evening. Addresses were mado by xrnlted States Benator Gilbert M. Hitchcock of Omaha; F. M. Brown. Lincoln; Congressman I.o- beck, Omaha; National President Ed ward Gaynor, Muncle, Ind. ; John C Wharton, postmaster, Omaha. KIRCHMAN HEADS BANKERS' ASSOCIATION FREMONT, Neb., APrll 2. (Ppeclal.) Two hundred and fifty-six bankers reg istered at the seventeenth annual meet ing of Group 2, Nebraska Bankers' asso ciation, here yesterday. F. J. Kirchman of Wa,ho was elected president, Dennis KllleeU of Bchuyler vice president and H. W. Luedtke of Creston was named secretary-treasurer. Fremont was chosen for the meeting place next year. Among the speakers on the program during the day were L. A. Wilson, di rector of the federal reserve bank at Kansas City; N. H. Loomis, general solicitor of the Union Pacific at Omaha, and C. H. Gustafson of Mead, president of the Nebraska Farmers' union. Sena tor G. M. Hitchcock of Omaha hade a short talk. DeForest Richards of Omaha, who had Just returned from a meeting of reserve bankers at Louisville, Ky., told the bank ers of the workings of the new fedeistl reserve law and of some of the proposed changes. The meeting was brought to a close with a banquet last evening. In which the principal speakers were Congressman Dan V. Stephens of Fremont. E. W. Mar tin and Fred A. Cuscaden of Omaha, and W.. N. Cain of Fremont Rev. D. K. Miller of Cedar Bluffs was toaEtmaster. lmproTrmriti at Reward. KEWARD. Neb.. April 23. (Special. ) Mr. John Zlmmrrer haa commenced the erection of a Mfi.0 residence. City At torncy Schick will build another 15,00) residence. County Superintendent N. H. Urokan Is preparing plans for a fine modrrn homo, as is also City Supttrin- ndent of Schools John U. Woodard. The V.(M high school, for which bonds wcie voted, will soon be tot aled, poafcilily by special election, and the work on the new paving district and tewer extension commenced ti.!s week. Doable Weddlaar at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb.. April 23. (Special ) A double wedding waa aoleinnited Wednesday at the home of Mr. anj Mm. D. M. Meggers In West Beatrice, when their son. Leonard Mergers, was mar ried to Miss Hattle Kaminski, and their daughter, Miss Irene Meggers, was Joined In wedlock to Benjamin Kaminski, Rev. C. F. fctevena officiating. After tiie ter' mony a wedding dinner waa served. The young couples are residents of Beatrice, JOHN A.KWANJSON, Frcsklcnt. WM. L.H0LZMAN, Treasurer. Distinguished Spring Clothes Styles that get nation-wide attention from well-dressed men and young men Our mammoth showing from the acknowledged leading clothes mak ers of America emphasizes the advantage of selecting your spring suit at this greater store. This is not a "one line" store, but a rosmopoTitAU establishment offering the choicest productions of many great wholesale tailors from the fountain head of fine clothes making Rochester, N. Y. We Direct Your Special Attention to a Wonderful Showing of Extra Valae Ptrfect Fit and Satisfaction Await Yoa Our tnormott totk it s ( nrer st'fy to otiurt you of perfect fit. Thtrt mre niia typt$ of men "rewfart," Jono,M "txtra onys," "ttout," "hrt tteut$," "long $tout$" and "short" men. Think of all iht rem binatione of thtM eeven (yf and you ViU tcs why r succeeds I vhtre tma'.hr store mu$t'fall down. Cmipled with the su perior quality stand ards ws maintmin ire are enabled to guar antee every suit to sat isfy you completely. SUllS X Oar Careful Buying Enable U to Offer $S to $10 Extra Value at $15, $20, $25 The season's most successful models, direct from style origi nators whose work is Imitated far and wide. One, two or three-button models. Newest wide lapels and soft roll ef fects. Bee th "Dartmouth," Bantam," "Colby," "Seneca," Canterbury." "Windsor," "Finchly," "Brooks.': and a host of other smart, original models. Every new weave and color, from striking; Olen Urquharts and rich tartans to best blue serges. From every standpoint the most Interesting spring clothe, exhibit in the west fc1C tOA ?C and $5.00 to $10 extra ralue, at PlO jaU P0 Finest Hand-Tailored Spring Suits If you admire exquisite hand needle work; if you love to feel tho luxuriousness of imported fabrics; if you have been paying $00 to $75 for your clothes and want to get two superior suitii for the price you've been paying, then see our finest ready for service spring suits at $30, $35, $40 Man's ana Toung SsTaa'e Clothaa Baoond moo. Men's Underwear Nebrasl a' Largest Showing Think of your advantage In choosing from a stock that offers all the leading lines of men's Underwear. Vas- sar, Superior, Hatch One-But ton, Porosknlt, Reunion, Corwlth, B. V. D., athletic union suits In all pro portions, all weights and all materials. Union Suits 50 to $3.00 Shirts and Drawers 25? to $1.00 Special for Saturday $1.00 Men's Union Suits, medium ribbed, at Ksa's ruralabiaa; Dept. Malm Floor Blggeet La STebraaka. 69c Men's Smart Spring Hats Cold tyre cannot fully convey our absolute leadership In Men's Hat selling. It you don't already know our greater Hat Depart-, ment. drop In Saturday and see for yourself Omaha's most comprehensive exhibit of Newest Spring Styles. John B. Stetson HATS and $Q50 up Every good Stet son novelty and staple shape awaits your selection. Nebraska De Luxe HATS $3 A revelation In style and value at the price. No good style missing. Nebraska Special Hats See them and get a new Idea of what extreme hat value is at $2 Men's and noys' tyring Caps, 50c to 92.00 Boys' and Children's Cloth, Wash and rUraw Hats, 60c to $1.50 Mala floor Hast Aisle. Boys' Norfolk Suits Two Pairs of Knickerbockers, Every suit la made right In every way, or .excellent quality materials, and come in various Norfolk styles. The two pairs of knickers are full lined. A saving of $1.60 to $2. BO on every suit at S3.50 and $5.00. Best Boys' Clothes Made with the new ' needle point and wide lapels. All the little tailoring refinements that make our boys' clothes popu lar with best dressed boys In the city. Many with extra pants. Beautiful showing at 80.50. 87.50. 810 Boys' Wash Suits at 81 to 85 FRFT A guaranteed WATCH TIVCEi an(i handsome fob FREE with boys' Suits at $3.50 or over. Visit Our Oreatly BaJargeA Boys' hop Ceooal rioor. Thousands of MEN'S SHIRTS at Big Savings A value-giving demonstration in men's new spring shirts that Eets this store apart as the ab solute leader in Nebraska. Every day we add new patterns, which are coming in from our enormous purchases of high grade shirts. New lots for Saturday. $1.00 Men's Shirts at These are fine quality percal shirts. Come in neat stripes and figure effects. Starched or soft cuffs ular $1.00 quality, at 70& :79c Reg- $1.50 Men's Shirts at $1 15 bucb beautiful materials seldom come in regular $1.60 shirts. Fine madras and percales. Great rang for choice. $1.60 shirts at $1.15. nl5 $2.00 Men's Shirts at $145 Hundreds of high class, exclusive I . JH . . Jt t SB) and Bristol cloth. Sell everywhere at $3.00. Saturday at $1.45. $5.00 Classy Silk Shirts at a rock bottom price. 2Q (ZK Your opportunity. Stunning patterns and colors, st ywivtl Exposition Luggage Traveling Bags, 81.05 to 822.50 Suit Cases, 81. OO to $25.00 Mala floor, Baat Aisle na.Ha m r -r.T.r..--- - , yjr .,..- r CORRECT AITAREL FOR WEN AND WOMEN. Exposition Luggage Hartman Trunks, 80.50 to 825.00 Wardrobe Trunks, 825.00 to 835.00 Main moor, Baat aUala Buy-and you will become a seller as wU as a buyer. This is the time of all time for the U. S. A. to make vast strides. Let's all get busy. Buy - It - Now PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A tolit prvfaarmttoB of tuTtfc Holpe la rdlcyta d&BdrurT. Fr RMtoriwc Color mA Boouty toGrtrtr Fom4 HoJr tywv avnd i of) at rrutftfitav A Spineless Ambition that begins and ends with a soft bed and a full stomach will never boost a man to success. Get out of the nice smooth rut and let people know what you are good for. Hustle bang away at something big. Read the chances to get ahead in The Bee's "Help Wanted" Columns. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads wner they have lived for years.