Tim NEK: OMAHA. I'ltlPAY, AFHIL 2,1. 1915. WESTERN SEASON WILL OPEN TODAY Eourkei on Their Way to St. Joseph to Start Hostilities at that City. MAYOR TO CATCH FIRST BALL Harbored In an U-tecl special rullman the well known Hourkcs pulled out of Omaha last night over the Missouri Pa cific for St. Joserh. There la a certain advantage In going; to Ft. Joseph over the Missouri Pacific. The special car Is switched off at Atchison or some other Kansas town, and being In Kansas In stills a large amount of belligerency In an athlete. It does with any normal per son, and especially so with an athleto. Thus Pa figures his crew will be so peev ish that they will lick the spot oft St. Joseph In the opening game. The athletes a they pulled out last nlsht were bubbling over with enthusi asm. Their time had come. Pay checks! rre on their way. Naturally the atn Ifte should enthuse. Halph Willis, the chosen twlrler, care fully atowed his right wing in the little gn-en hammock In his birth and expects to sail 'em by the Drummer batters so fast Umps Parent will have to borrow a telescope to distinguish balls and strikes. Parade la Scheduled. There -will be considerable doings in St Jrseph In the way of prying off the lid First on the card Is a parade. According to the dope every gaa buggy In line will get a free trip into the ball yard. Also all the klda who are in the parade will be admitted free. This is kind and noble philanthropy on the part of Jack Hol land, but It Is bard to see where Pa gets In on It. Probably mma 600 ginks wilt breeze through the gate without any ac companying click of the turnstile, and such an occurrence is far from gentle music to the average magnate's ear. Of course Holland may be different. Mayor Marshall of St. Joseph and Mayor Pahlman of Omaha will be the leading figures in a cabaret act previous to the game. Mayor Marshall will borrow a Bt. Joseph cap from somebody, remove Ms coat and make a masterful chuck with a regulation pill. Mayor Jim will swipe a protector, a mask and a ten-ton mitt and prepare to receive it. It should be a swell act. The mayor. Mrs. Dahlman, Mrs. Rourke and a crowd of some twenty Oiuahans will go to the village down stream this morning, arriving in time for the game. Fight In Kvenlna-. In the evening a fight of some kind Is carded. Thla fight is between a couple of middleweight pugs. One Is a Spaniard and the other a Mexican. Even If they don't box a first-class bull fight should be substituted, so all are assured of a good time. The Rourkea expect to ride in the pa rade and also see the fight. Last year our boys got trimmed out of a tide in the parade at Dea Moines, and if they don't get in this time there won't be any pa rade, that's all. Also they'll see the fight or there won't be any fight. Such la de termination. The Rourke lineup is a very choatic af fair at present. Pa wanta Cy Forsythe and has entered negotiations to land him. If Cy report for the opener the lineup will be switched from top to bottom. If he doean't land him it probably will be aa follows: 1 OMAHA. ST. JOSEPH. Payne Left Fox Breen Second Q'Day Krug Third Britton Thomason Center Wtllams Huelsman Right Watson Krueger Catch AKnew Schliebner Ifirst Patterson Whalen Short Olson Willie Pitch Brown HOW THE WESTERN LEAGUE PRESIDENT LOOKS TODAY. Willard Received Thirteen Thousand for Battle in Havana CHICAGO. April 21 Thirteen thousand dollars waa the aura Jesa Wlllard re ceived for defeating Jack Johnson at Havana, the heavyweight champion told friends here yesterday. "Johnson received $30,000, and when I defend my title I am going to get the same amount he did," Wlllard said. The champion handed Charles Cutler, the wrestler, who first attempted to de velop him aa a heavyweight boxer, a check for $1,260, aa compensation for the Chicagoan'a service. Cutler obtained a judgment against Wlllard in Milwaukee for $2,500, but when they met yesterday a compromise waa reached and Cutler cut the judgment In half. Ten Automobiles Will Start in Race at Oklahoma City OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla.. April 22. Ten racing automohiles, driven by world's famoua pilots, were ready today for the start of the 200-mlle road race at 2 p. m. This southwest sweepstake event la the crowning feature of a three days' pro gram. A purse of $o,000 has been offered and In addition $1,000 In bonuses. Thoae entered are John Ralney. Albert Strlcgel. Earl Cooper, Louis Dlabrow, .ddte Hearne, Bob Burcnan, Billy Carl son, Dave Lewis, Barney Oldfleld and George Clark. Athletics Drop Seven More Players PHILADELPHIA, Pa., April 22. Seven players were dropped from the roster of the Philadelphia American league base ball club by Manager Mack last night be fore the team left for Boston. Four of those released were sent to minor league teams and thre were let go uncondition ally. Sam Crane, mortslop, goes to Richmond! Frank Bostick, another in fielder, to Newark, and Joe Sherman, outfielder and pitcher, to Jersey City In the International league; Pitcher Gar diner goes to Newport News, while Volu. Hamilton and Reed are released uncon ditionally. Pitcher Wilbur Davis and Harper and Sam MoConnell, an outfielder, are tho only recruit to remain on the pay roll. Further rut may be made before May 1, as Manager Mack has announced Unit, he will carry only twenty-two players, although the league limit U twenty-fl v. 1 x V ' 1 Joe Stecher and His Scissors to Bo Here For Display Today Joe Ptccher, Nebraska phenom and ex ponent of the well known scissors hold. will be on ritsrlay before the Omaha pub lic for the first time since he has reached the top clivlo of the wrestling game. Sterner will combat Pat Connolly at the Council Fluffs Auditorium tonight. The eclora hold wielded by the Dods county youth I one of the most remark able feats known to wrestlers, tt Is said that ferher ran exert a pressure of I.M pounds with his legs and any wrestler will admit that he cannot tand such a pressure as that auslnst his r lts. Tickets for the Omaha fans are going fast at the Merchants hotel. National Tries Many, The National league club have tried out i.V players lr the last nine seasons. SAM HUNTLEY COPS ALL COIN AT OKLAHOMA SHOOT ' wallted awav with the money without any opposition. Pam Huntley or (miaha carried away i top honor In the three-day shoot at McAlester, Okl by breaking a total of Jf rocks out of a poselblo An. Huntley was easily the class of the fc1 and iSTYLES AND C0NLEY ARE GIVEN THEIR RELEASES Red Styles, pitcher, and Arch Conley, outfielder, wern released unconditionally by Pa Rourke. f' al O'NEILL CONFERS WITH HISUMPIRES President of Western League Gives Instructions to Staff and Ap points One More Man. VAN SICKLE SIGNED BY O'NEILL Norrla L. O'Neill, president of the Western league, and three of his um pires gathered In Omaha so that Tip could assign the arbitrators to their opening day stations and tell them just how and where they are to work this year. The umpires who con ferred with Prexle Tip are Steve Cu sick, Dutch Myers and Parent. Tip has appointed a fifth umpire In Harry Oclscl, for the last three years with the Central league. Gaston Injured his knee the other day at his home in Cambridge, O., and will not be able to report for a week. He fell in the bag gage room of the station there and now has a suit on against the railroad com pany. Gelecl takea hla xilace at present, and will remain on the staff aa a fifth man. Two more umpires will probably be ap pointed before the teaaon la well on it way, any O'Neill, "but I will wait a bit longer before making any more appoint ment. Parent will umpire at the opening game between Omaha and St. Joseph. Cusick goes to Lincoln, Myers to Wichita Cuslck goes to Lincoln, Myers to Wichita, Later In the day O'Neill came to terms with Jaok Van Sickle, who will go to Sioux City with the league leader. O'Neill 1 as optimistic as ever. "We will go good this year despite this con stant pessimism," said Tip. "A lot of these minor leaguers, and even the major leaguers, think the year will be a bad one, but I am convinced that we will all prosper, and especially the Western, where the surrounding country ha en joyed uch bountiful crops. How Mr. Da via (lot Hid of a Bad CodkH. "Some time ago 1 had a very bad cough," writes Lewis T. Davis, Black water, Del. "My brother. McCaba Da via, gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After taking this I bought half a dozen bottles of tt, but oi.ly used one of them, a the cough left me and I have not been troubled sine Obtainable everywhere Advertisement Kouthern Association. At Birmingham Birmingham, 1; At tains, c tien inningsi. At New Orleans New Orleans, 15; Mo- At Vhvin Voohvlllo K vr..nv.i. a ?thlften lnnlnl ' At Little Kock Little Rock. S: Chatta- NICK faucet soon gets dingy. Brighten up with 3-in-One! Far better than rough, scratchy, scouring preparations. Fine, too, for spots on wainscoting and enamel work. Keeps whole f bathroom clean, sao- f Mary. Try it. L I A 11 ADictionaryoflOO 1 1 ri Mj other use with J J T every bottle. 10c, 5tc sll store. 3-ln-Ona Oil Co. 42N.Bdwy,N.Y, Itrllef frm ce Hhrniiiall.ni John If. tiionx, Winchester. N. H. writes: "I puffer from aiule rheumatism and Sloan's Liniment always liel i t qi:tkly. Sic. All druggists Adveitim.- -V r1 Ml iirt r-H 1 1 '. rJolo r44afl"J i aw- 1. i lis Tri 7 ": - y" ' ' J.MU1 I ..... GHOTTK BROS. CO. Oeaeral IMatrlbatora O , Neb. XXIZXX W announc for 8aturday a most ex traordinary sale of silk glorea, com pris ing about 2,100 pair of women's 16-button length silk glove, plain and embroidered. Values up to 12.00 a pair, and or some even worth more, at ODC en iiiii nn ii urn i ii'W i ii ii. sy Hmi" j-a fcr-r i i m i iiimimhi i iinan ii n n Special Announcement For Saturday we will place on sale about 2.RP0 pieces of silver hollow-wa,-e. Casseroles, bake dlithes, sandwich platei, etc. Values up to $00, ff gey J 'at jle70 D Basement Money Savers for Friday Our Basement Department, renowned for its leadership, is in the lime light again tomorrow with these exceptionabvalues. If wisdom suggests economy to you, it will pay to investigate these attractive offerings. About 1 500 Piquant New Shapes All New Styles This season's beet braid, Including hemp, Milan hemp, rough braid and silk combination, turbans, medium sized sailors, pokes, mushroom ef fects. The colors are black, white, rose, sand and army blue. Regu larly worth to $1.60. Choice Friday, for Th balance of the big Chicago purchase of flower and fancy feathers, from Spiegel Brothers' Ave. worth to 76c, choice for. stock, h N. Wabash 19c Corset Bargains In the Basement Friday Front Laced Corsets Medium top, embroidery trim- AA med; good comfortable hip lengths; rust-proof. EachplUU Corsets for Medium and Slender Figures Made of crossbar batiste; lov top, long hips, four heavy garters attached. yf .... IOK. e.ga?:A9c Special Friday, each.. Summer Net Corsets Lov top and long hips. 75c values. Special, each , Tape Girdles for Girls Each 75c Men's and Young Men's Clothing On Sale in Our Bargain Basement The aalta we offer include model for men and young- men. The ma terials are fine oaaslfneres, chev iots, fancy worsteds and other seasonable fabrics. They are well tailored and aruaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Your choice Friday, for $ 8.50 Purs worsted and cssslmeres, In plain and fancy mixtures. A large assortment to choose from. You save $2.50 on each suit. Friday $5.00 Men's Work Trousers. $1.25 values, a pair. All $4.00 and $5.00 Rubber ized Raincoats, 0n no reduced to pZ.?0 Men's Odd Trousers Regularly priced to $3 All sizes. Special Friday, a pair $1 Union Made Overalls. . ,49c .$1.98 Boys"1 Suits With Two Pair of Full Lined Pants, Well Worth $4.00 In Basement Friday and Saturday. Balkan models with patch pock ets; pleated front and hack rnals. two nair nf nants mTffl O with each, belt loop and fully lined. Neat shades of gray and brown. Special for $2.75. A Great Sale of Boys' Blouses $9 75 at m m ra i w 50 Dozen Slightly Soiled Blouses Various styles In light and dark colors; fitted waistband or patented drawstring. Most of them have attached collars, others have separate col lars. All sizes, 6 to 15 years. Worth 50c and many to 75c. Choice Friday, In the basement, each ftui nuu uai n 25c $1.00 Wash Suits All the new styles, Oliver Twist, Mld4y, Rus sian and Sailor styles. Site jja 2 to 10 years. Choice for... DC Best Wearing Knickerbocker Psnts Desirable shade In every size, 6 to i f years. j f Special, a pair 4jC Men's Furnishings 75 Dozen Men's Conde Mesh and Lisle Union Suits Knee length, short sleeves and ankle length; long sleeves, regular length. Sample and surplus stock. The best values we have offered In many weeks in our men's basement department. Worth to $1.15. Special, a suit, 50c and Ons Big Lot of Man's Negliges and Golf Shirts Neat pat terns. Neckband and soft collar attached styles. Mostly samples. Regular price 75c; sale price, each 69c 50. 45 Ooien Men's Balbrlggan snd Fancy Mixture 8hlrta snd Or Drawers Drawers made with double seat and strap back. A J Wonderful values, worth to 50c; Friday, a garment, 35c and.. . .a" Our Basement Shoe Sale Will be continued as long as the lots last Friday and Sat urday, You cannot afford to miss these offerings. Of spe cial interest are: fl1 AC I Men's Oxfords Worth Ol.VsJ to $4 on, ot... Women's Pumps and Ox ford Worth $1.00, st.. $1.95 American Beauty and Killarney Rose Bush Sale Our A-.uerUac Deiuiy and Killarney Rose Bush sale tske place next nturdny. Thrse are the one with the foliage on and will bloom ri?ht aaay. A Wonderful Lot of Women's and Misses' Suits at .... Buy a correct style new spring suit in the Basement Depart ment Friday at a great saving. We have divided all the suits into two lots and offer them at reduced prices. A?Ffe nr $7 O'a' An unusually elegant 0 11113 lUT collection of handsome new spring suits that have just arrived to sell at this little price. They are of all-wool poplin, serges, gabardines, shepherd checks, covert cloths, etc., in all of the best shades of the spring, Including the very popular shades of blue. There are black suits, too. Many different style, everyone of them Casctaatlnc. and oA being up-to-the-mlnnte. All slses for misses and women, 14 to IS and M to 44;-aJso sfzes for stout women, 89 to 53. They are worth to $15.00. They are great values r at Friday's price; choice for only y f .D Suits for $12.48 ter suits and a lot of new arrivals suits that are sold UMiallv frr 471n (IO nn anH nn tn 15 n They are silk poplin, whipcord, gabardine all stylish mate-." rials represented. The colors are sand and putty, Belgian blue, battloehlp gray, staple colors and black. Slses 14, 18. IB, 86 and up to 44; also extra sues, 4 and 48 f n rA for stout women. Friday. ....... M pla.iO maWw Akm. W Black 7.95 and 12.48 Seelal L4 ef O a Dresaea Many .different atylrs, all good wash ma terials, stripes. chaoka, solid colors, eto. They are made of fine percale, sing ham, rVianvcray, eto. All sizes. Rrarular tic r7 and $1.00 values, JC earh w Made ef stood quaJlry standard steroala, full II Irakis long. Cut extra full, with belts and pockets. Regu lar price 0c Pal prtra. each . . . 35c 1 It JL It Icfz..n k J mm- I- Oolerea Cette rettt eeata Made of good quality light weight sateen; also gunulna heat herfeloom, in trlpee and solid col ors. Worth ift lo and tic, ZHr each Weaaeaa Walata lo will hoy a jg bargain in the basement Fri day. We have over 1.000 white and colored wuh walata. They are sllghtlv rrruaaed and aollnd from handling;, hlxb and low necks. Ions and short sleeves. All Tod wash materials. Good range of slses. Former prloee from tlo to 61c. each - . . . 15c D I) Wanted Silks Specially Priced During our unusual heavy spring selling ice have accumu' lated thousands of short lengths of the newest and most wanted silks of the season, ranging in length from two to four yards, ''$1 We have divided this group into three big lots- . .Jj l LOT 1 I LOT 2 I LOT 3 27-Inch Foulsrds, Msssallnea, Crepes, Tub Silks, Poplins, Tsf fstss Plain and fancy. Well worth to 6Rc. Special Friday, a yard 25c 89 and 40-Inch Messsllns, Poplins, Chiffons, Pong.es, Tub Silks, Shsn. tun os, Crepes Poplins, etc. In plain and novelty effects. Values to 11.00. Specially priced, in a ysrd 4i7C In the Basement Drapery Section 1,000 Regulsr 8lzs Lacs Curt Ins Values to $1.50 a pair, nr Specially priced Friday,. XdC C4 250 Pair of Muslin Curtains With colored borders. New lot just $2,500 Ysrds of Remnsnt of Nets, Scrims, Voile and other f 1 Drapery Oooda Worth to J) JQ ed borders. New lot Qf received OVC C& White and Colored Wash Goods Mercerised Pensee Drill Llaeaa White, light blue. Dink. Durple. sand and navy, for mid dy blouses. dressea, children's frocks, etc. lingu lar 2 ho values. 17 Inchea wide. A yard 20c Hlsfc-Crade Wash Material. For street and even I n s g o w n a. blouse. dancing frooka, ate. In cluded are altk stripe, voile, allk Jarquard, printed silk crnpa and or-i-andle. allk orepe In evening shades, ill and 40 Inchea wide. All nn one bis bargain aquare. a yard 19c 27-laeh With Tisane Prat t y hairline itrl pea, ood assortment colors. Usually old at lie. A yard 8&c 40-lajrh White Pla Dot Ih- F.xtra fine quality. Reg ular price sal prli-e. yard 15c fleaetlfal PHtS Klaxon Am end less variety In all the latest print In, and de.lrns, florals, stripes, plain colors, hlsok and wbltM ribbon tripes, etc. II In. wide. A v.rd 12Va( n-la. Flae.t Qaal ly Cettea f'r Old rose, black, navy, Copenhagen nd tan back grounds, floral nd nest rosebud de.lrn.: for d.ln tv linrnrle gown., blouse. , dancing frorks. etc. Ttegu l.r 2"c value, a )iM lie 6ic DOMESTICS Flnsst Imparted Cotton Challle 30 inches wide. Mostly dark and light grounds; neat borders, Persian and other designs. Regular 10c value. Fri day, while lot lasts, o 1 ysrd d$C Fins Qusllty Dress Zephyrs and Glng. ham All neat, new designs; light and dark grounds, cheoks and stripe. Worth 6c. Special Friday, a OJ.-. yard JSC Fine Dress Batiste and Printed Check Dimities Beautiful printings, neat small, modfum and large designs. Worth to 12V4c. Special Friday, r I a yard 0C 27-Inch Dress Tissue Beautiful crisp finish, neat stripes and checks, abso lutely fast colors. Regular 10c and 12V4c values, Friday, n 1 a yard OjC 36-Inch Dress Percsle Full standard 64x64 cloth; light and dark grounds neat dota, stripes and figures. Values to 10c, Friday, a yard Beautiful Auto Lacs Cloth 27 Inches wide. Big range of the latest designs and printings. Soft and clingy and drapes beautifully. 10c Ql value, a yard OzC Genuine Galstea Suiting Coinpsres with Hyde-grade, Manchester and other well-known brands. Light and dark ground. Regular 15c values, Ql Friday, a yard O2C 40-Inch Plain Whit Voile, Bstlsts and French Organdie Ixng. serviceable lengths, easily matched. Sheer and criep. 12Vc and 16c Cl values, a yard... OzC 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin Extra fine quality, soft finish, easily bleached and laundered. Worth 9c, a yard DC 36-Inch Bleached Muslin Extrs soft fin ish, free from dressing; full pieces. Fri day, off the bolt, I yard OjC 72x90-1 neh Bleached Shsets Soft fin ish, msde from good grsde 4-4 cotton; 3-lncb hems, ready for uss. Regulat price 40c; sale prtoe, OO each JaC 42x36-lnch Bleached 8llp Goft finish, to match sheets, 3-lnch hems Special, earh Mill Remnants 40-inch Printed Voile slightly soiled on edges, folds, etc. Vsl ues up to 12'-4c Special Frldsy, while lot lasts, a yard He 5c Notion Bargains J. O. King's Best TheestS Do, spools J. A P. ' Best Darning ratfteat . 4 spoola for J. A P. Cents' Crecbat rotten White and ecru, special Friday, a epool Wetl.n Baxes Regular 60c valuea , 11-rarS Bolts ef Bias Tafia Kauch M-yard Bolts ef Ksucllsh Twdle Tape Holt Largs Shell I.ooa Bate Ptas O Worth 16c each Riek-fUcft. BraM n. A K. koUlg Coto-l' '' "3c A Good tualMy Dmlsg Ptaa A paper Uotxt ilsuiUty Safrty Ptas A dosen . . . , Oaw Lot of Dressloc C'aaaho 1 Worth to 25c, each - . Hust-Prool Dress Clasps A card Children', and Wesnea's Hooe Snpporters Pair Past Color Wash Kdglag A bolt 15c ,,5c 3Jc 10c 5c 5c IS 3c 3c lc 8c lc 7c St Soaps Household Needs Diamond C" Sooo 10 bar. for Peort White Soao Hpoclal, 10 bar. White Borax NaohUui Seal Friday, 10 bars tor Pels Naphtha So 10 1ar. for. -. Pauro Cosflls Ssap Special, l ib. bar l.tqald Veaevr l&c also bottle Wlsard Floor Oil 10c else bottle. ............ Sv-Molo Toss. Bormat woaa Chip. Hiaall also Hoa.aheld Asaaaoala Full quaxt buttle Jshaaoas Ploor Waa Ons-Dound can H lie-a-Brae Dasters HpeolaJ. each Orteolal Croo Telle Pa 10c a roll; 4 roll. Ha.kla's Cocoaaut Oil Boa K bar Cnpld Toilet Soap Mpeclal. S rakea .20c S SM Sos-A a ,29C e .29c ee . .33 C ....... J2c 8c 12c 29c 8c 22c 19c 5c LINENS 8SS Dosea Tnrs.sU Wash Cloth s Hllshtly Imperfect. Worth lc. Special Friday. each C l.lseo. Hark and Turkish Towels Excellent values, worth lie and 26--. peelal, while ..'..Sc Napkin. Full bleached; hemmed, ready to ue. Mer cerised. Kegular lc aluea. e each C Wiscellweous Itemt Men'., Woanca'a Clilldrea'a Hosll Worth HHo. clally priced, a pair. Wooaew's V a a Cumfy-Out." . at tea. Worth Special Fri day, each... Wobsm's R I h I a I o S ail Crochet 1 tops. lies. Unubrella Sic. each BPS- 7c All lc. 8Jc bed ' 5m lace 19c D Remnants ef 40-Inch Crepes, Char, meuss, 36-lnch messallne, 40-lnch poplin radium, 36-inch Swiss and Chiffon Taffetas, 40-lnch Foulards snd many other popular silks. Worth to $1.25. Yard. . 69c U nusual Dress GoodsValue Remnants of All-Wool Dress and Suit Materials in all the wanted shades and the newest weaves, including 44 and 54 inch gabardine, French serges poplins and coverts p- Worth to fi.25; sale price, a yard..... OUC Mill Ends of Wool Dress Goods, consisting of serges, poplins, granites, diagonals, black and white checks 36 to 44 inch;s wide. Two to flve-yard lengths. Worth to 69c nn Special, a yafd aSUC 0 a nzg ir:m 30