Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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TIIK BKK: OMAHA; FT? 1 1) A V. APK1L -itt. 1913.
Hopes to Gain ?Oftteision by August
Tint Hai Architect Already
Working on Flam.
Perhaps even by August 1 the
Bchlits hotel building atthe corner
ot Sixteenth and Harney streets will
he abandoned by tenant preparatory
to the raring of the building. Harry
i Wolf baa obtained a nlnety-nlne-year
lean on the corner and la planning
to build a ten-story mercantile build
ing on that location.
, "X do not know Just when I can
get possession' said Wolf, "but 1
am going to try to get possession aa
soon at possible, perhaps by Au
gust 1."
George A. Joslyn. who only a few
weeks ago purchased the building front
the I'n'on Pcnirttlrg company, liaa Jt
c-oncluded tha terma of a lean to Wolf
and Ma associates for ninety-nine year.
Kow that Mr. Joslyn has relieved him
self of Vny responsibility In regard to
tl.ia large holding, he and Mrs. Joalyn
re to start sion for California, where
tnejr are to maka a trip for some months.
Tea-Story BaUdlng.
Mr Wolf la to build a, ten atory,va!l
; modern, fireproof building. Architect
ijchn McDonald la working on tha plan
! already. Whether the structure la to he
c" brie- or relnfofM cefrela la not
jcWtnlleiy decided aa yet It la tha in-
teritlon of Wolf that tha atructure ahall
he iim4 for store purpose only. While
itno leases have g"s yet been made for
space In tha building. Mr. Wolf haa a
number of propoettlone pending with
Irrespective tenanta who will likely ee
Vury tha atora spaces aa aoon aa a build
in a ran be completed.
While definite figures are not given
nut. It la said the ground wat leaaed on
the haala of a 1710.000 valuation. Mr.
Joalyn paid MOC.OPO to tha Union BecurUlee
company for the property In purchaa
Ini It,
Serer! Sableaeee.
While moat of tha leaaea at present
field by tenant of tha Bchlits hotel prop
erty contain a. clauaa which mekea It
jpnsslbl for the.lexanr to terminate them
on thirty daya' notice, the Kherman
jMcConnell leaae contain no euoh clauaa.
Thla firm haa a !erg part of the build,
ling, and aome of the other tenanta are
operating under auhlnase from thla form.
It haa been aurgatei. however, that
tle Sherman A jWcConndl company would
;ho willing to surrender their leaae on
condition that they be given first chance
at tha corresponding !a In tha new
building to ba erected there. Their drug
atre la now occupying tha oorner and
paemenfc (
se ri for
The consummation ot thla ninety-nine
year Wee makes tha second aurh deal
In which Mr. Wolf haa engaged In the
Inst year. -He ha recently completed
Tcmolodlng the building at ' Eighteenth
and Ilamcy which be made Into the
eptendid Keen hotl. after obtaining a
ttfnety-rilne year leaea on the property
from Coionel B, S. Curtis.
Mr. AVoif fa ellent aa to whe Is ae
s'MMated with him In thla new deal.
Pupils Tako Chanc'd
in Attending the -Substitute
The dance situation at Central Hlnrh
school made more acute yaj'rrdsy
l.pii a circular from Bupertnlerident
Citff , as read conveying tha Information
trst the ttoard of Education forblis not
only the ordinal dance planned to have
('brit given In the n&irie of the school, but
'isny other dance under any other name
which might be planned to take tha place
!of the function as at flrat Intends.
j The GWe club already haa been forbid
:ln to appear at thla function, and thla
action, together with the announcement
ot today, haa served to Increase the de
ti rminatloo of those who r the dance
jWl'J be hold Friday evening regardless of
I the attitude of the school board.
Many of tha puplla look upon tha olr-
tular aa a threat, that if they attend
thla danoa they will receive the aajne pun
Ichment aa would ba Inflicted, upon niem-
tbtre of the Olee elub If they appeared.
!. . There are reporu In the achool that tha
i vruepectlv attrndaDce of tho dance has
!,. I- . .w. ..
j i .i 1 r 1 m-ri Vj iwwi ?f int reauing
of the circular today.
. -,'
' Plenty ot Vacant
Lots for Gardens
. . x
i rour boy of the school garden eluha
(have been furnlnhed fiae ua of vacant
j lota for gardontng purpoaea by real ea
;1ate firm . through SecreUur U,. 8.
(l'lower of tha loung Meii'a Ctirlatlan ae
iaoclatlon. Tnere ore many tnnre lota
available In nil porta of the city, and,
lower three will be furnlnhed rent
free to e!Uir achool children or other
lii-le who will grow gardeni during th
aumincr and keep down the aldewalk
weeds. '
Iialph and Carl Kharaa. brothers, who
era 11 and 11 yeara of age. live at X
Kouth Twenty-cUhtU ati-at and ettenj
I'araam a- h.l. gi a if,t rtht net
door from tt D. V. Bholes company,
and will punt 2t square feet of gatden
at once tn the school elub competition.
flueacll Button, aut Harney atreet. n.t
Otto Wohr. tit South Ktghteenlh street,
j Central school boy. g,.t a lot from liar-
r.B et Morton. Jvuit acroas the street
frum Kuaaeira home. Thy wilt put In
a-t.erate gardtns there in the eUiocl club
. NORFOLK. Va., April S.-Capteln
;orge '.Voiida Ian, cuminamler of the
j tattli alilp N tracks, dli-d t tbe naval
I hopltal at Tortamouth early today after
aa operkiioR tur troubles.
liaa l ard ta ui berlnt Twagh
Htrr ' Tweoiy Yeara. ,
"Chamberi In'a f"nh Remedy haa beea
ti-d In my biurhu!d for the lat tenty
yara 1 began giving It to my children
hrn they were enialL'Ae a quick re
litf for croup, a hooping cough sod or
dinary colrti. It has tio e(uaL Uelng free
tmm opinio ai.d ollir harmful drum,
tvr felt afraid to sue It to (lie children
11 t.ave rtetmimrriit,1 It lo a large num.
tr of friinda .d nH l.liora, ho have
ued it as.d .cak of it, write
V.ra. !ary Ulnke. l-li(..-Uvl!ie, fi, j
i,t,U: i e very hire. A1 rcruaeoieiit.
Industrious Lads Organize
' y a Jitney Umbrella System
That pofular Volume. "How to Pe
Sucreaaful,- reta forth d'lly that It It
tieceaeary to perceive a human need and
to supply It.
' Moat people can't perr-eKe the need.
They Jimt drift along -tn the way they
have heromi accuatomed to.
For example. Udlrs have been com
pelled for V-csdes to "mske a run for It"
from the street car to their bomea If
they returned from downtown during a
Nobody rrer thought ftf loaning tliom
an umbrella.
But listen.
Two bright lads who lire nf 518 North
Thirtieth street did think of tills very
thing. They ere Ben and Jack lir(ii,
sons of M. J. ibeon, proprietor of Oib
aon'a buffet.
Twins are Ben and Jack, aa much ik
each otner as two raindrops. Everybody
knows them for blocks sround. They are
12 years old.
Purlng a ralnatorm the other day they
were sitting on the porch of their home.
A street car atopped st the corner and a
woman alighted Into tha damp dampness.
The woman' hat was very new. So
was her dress.
.Tha rain fell Joyously upon the glad
raiment each little drop having the time
of Ita life, spoiling things.
Bert and Jak, sitting on the porch,
Mere, obaerre, wss the human need.
Almoet as one man boy, wa should say
Ben and Jack Jumped to their feet.
"Umbrella." they shouted.
Ben was first to lay hands on the rain
banlHher. In a Jiffy he waa nut In'the street at
the woman s side. ,
"Take you home, lady?" he said as he
held It protectlngly over her precious
"Welcome to our cltjy grssped the
etrsnded one. "Well, you' certainly are a
thoughtful boy." ., , . '
Ben escorted his charge up the street,
fhe lived three Irtuarea from the car, -
Arrived In the protection ot her borne,
she bestowed upon Ben nickel. -( Ben
bt'rrled back to where his Imsge wss
sitting on the porch.
"Oot a Jitney," he cried. Joyously,
And then and there waa organlied the
firm of . "BF.N JACK.
Jitney Umbrella Une."
Fortunately the rein continued all the
afternoon and the receipts of tha new
flrn totaled accents. ' . ,
Michael Grins ns
He Tells of Giving
His Boss a Licking
Michael Ktuffas stood grinning before
Judge Hobart K. Iwta in federal court
Thursday tot the third um and-was sen
tenced to twenty days In Jsll for stealing
a grip at the Union station, aaij grip
having been checked and, therefore, being
In Interstate transits
The first time Michael appeared, aja-eek
ago, he grinned and pleaded not guilty.
The aecond time, which waa Wednesday,
he grinned and pleaded guilty. At least
that's what United Ptates Attorney How
ell thought he pleaded. Michael la a Bul
garian and tha English' that he speaks
Is not very Intelligible. Ho Officer Ilaie
waa deputed to find en Omaha Bulger to
Michael appeared the third time, still
grinning, rhd spoke' voluble Bulgarian
Into the ear of the Omaha Bulgar, and
tha Omaha Bulger poured forth 'voluble
English. From this it appeared thatUhe
man to whom tho grip belonged owed
Michael soma money and refused to pay
It Bo Michael wss merely trying to col
lect the money, "Cap" liaae volunteered
the Information that It took three men to
put Michael tinder arrest.
"Have you ever been arretted before?"
asked Judge Iewis. ,
Michael gilnned and nodded bis head.
"In Tachlcago," said Michael. '.
"What forf .
"I lick de stuffln's out- my boss,"
grinned Michael. ' - . .
The temptation of steaming hot elk
meat held 'out to tha municipal affnlrs
tommlttce of the Commercial club by
Ir. J. P. tard, who Is a member of the
committee, brought out radically a full
attendance of that committee at the noon
meeting. Pr. Iord announced severs I
daya ago that he would have some elk
meat for the committee, and he did.
De Yea loffer with Colds..!
Take Dr. Klng'a New Discovery, the
boat cough, cold, throst arid lyng medi
cine made. The first dose "helps. fcOe. All
druggists. Advertisement,
Anna Smith was arretted tn Houth
Omaha Wednesday and If being held at
police headquarters on tha charge of aid
ing and abetting delinquency of Agatha
7.!mtnerman, a It-year-old girl, during
April of last year, Harry McCloud, the
prlnrljNil offender In the rase. Is at
present serving a Jail sentence by reason
of the charge. A warrant far the Smith
woman's arrest has been issued ever ftlnoe
tha caie came under the supervision of
ths authorities. The Zimmerman girl who
has been held in the industrial home at
Geneva since the incident came to
Omaha thla morning and positively Iden
tified Ann Bmlth aa the woman wanted..
tL. ; ;
An Easy Way To Get
- Fat and Be Strong
The trouble with moat thin folka who
wlali to gain Welaht la that they insist
Jn drugging their stomach or stuffing
It with sreaey foods; rubbing on use
less ''flesh creams." nr fnllnwlnv
foolish ptiyisicai cuJOurs stunL while
the rsal rauae of thinness guvs untouch
ed. You cannot get fat until your diges
tive trect asaliniliates the food you eat
Thunlis to reinerknb'.e new snlenli
flo diacovery, it la now possible to com
bine mto simple form the very elements
needed by the dlirastlve organs to help
them convert food Into rtuh. fat-linlu
Mood. This master-stroke of mo.icrn
chemistry Is railed Nargol and has hwn
termed the greatest or f leim-buil'lm a
hargol alma throush Ita re-generative,
re-conslruitive powers to mux the
stomal li and Intestines to literally Bosk
UP tile faltenlnv element nf vimr fiMHl
Slid psss them Into the blood, where
uiey are cimia to
brotten-down ceil
uooy, 1 uil t all 1 1-
And Head." Itched Awfully. Turned
Into Sore Spflts. Hair Came Out,
Used Cutlcura Soap and Oint
ment. Head Perfectly Well.
804 Vermont Ave.; Kansas City, Kan.
V There appeared on my brother's face and
head litUe red spots, which Itched awfully
and be scratched, Always
after awhile these red spots
turned gradually 4nto bigger
sore spots covering all his
bead. They were kind of
whitish on top. Tbe hair
came oot on the sore places
and be was awfully crosa. .
?At first we used
salve and but they
seemed to do no good. I read the Cutlcura
advartlsement la tbe psper and sens for a
free sample ot Cutlcura Soap and Ointment.
They stopped the Itching a little and seemed,
soothing so we went toa drug store and bough s
some more. Be washed his head with
Cutlcura toep end then smeared tbe Cutl
cura Ointment on and after oalng them fur
three or four weeks his head la perfectly
well and he la getting nice new hair."
(Signed) Miss Maria Barknett, Aug. , 1M4.
Sample Each Free by Mall
With SS-p. 8!dn Book en request. Ad
dress peet-card "Cutlcura, Dept. T, Bos
. tea." Bold throughout the world.
pn nn
j uvJ'.Lu
L ill)" J -
TbeOKRIKB treatment for tha Tjrlnk
Habit can be uaed with absolute confi
dence. It destroys all desire for whiskey.
beer or other alcoholic stimulants. Thous
ands have successfully used it end have
been restored to lives of sobriety and uw.
fulness. Can be given secretly. Costa
only tW per box. If ou fall Id get
results from ORR1KU after a. trial, your
money will be refunded. Aak for free
booklet telling elf about ORRINE. Sher
man McConnell Drug Co., leth and
Podge Bta. Owl Drue Co., 18th end Har
ney Sta.
every starved.
snd lean of vonr
illiv il.l.iri tha r.i(f
when this ajnailnv traiiHforinaiion hn
taken )m- and you notUe how vour i
rhreka fill out, hollows shout your lieeti, I
shouici.-rs and buet llpier and you
take in fiom It to :o puvinUs of solid,
healthy flesh. Bsrxol is absolutely I
harm las, Inexperml ve. efficient. J
M.erman It M.'l'oiiurll drug store and
other trailing ctrussisls of Omaha and
vicinity nave It and will refund your
money If you are not satisfied, ss per
the (riiersntee foirnd in every nat-ksKe.
C tloi While ISaisol has given ex
ceiienl reeulls In overcoming nervous
riyapcpHla and arneral stoiKHt b ti'i'Uliles '
It should not ba taken by those who do
not wish to, gain ten pounds or more.'
Hotel Lefjo
ecoNOHY l
, i " 1 .'' ''
, fi- 1 - "" 1
C I' .
V . i.
One block from Copley Sq. nd
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
Sing la Rooms 12. whh ath J.SO end ub
Ioufcle " 2.58, " ' V ,f
( Good Gaitges J tnlnulee' walk)
L. C. PRIOR. MaNaasa
Two tnlnuae from Rack Bay E'.ailoa
Tea ruiouus buta NorUk &uu.ioa
This Is tlie
Best Value Ve
Ever Offered
To Women
Tkli a also the vry laV
ea eurrct style fur wo
men. Wl have ttiSM la
Yew r kUoi Imported .
slot, tuvs with detent
V sou pa. VtUie trUe eiota
topa, SOo aatra,
Vuvel foat Sal4.
1419 Ftrnaia Street
1 1 1(1 Frday Sales Bring Enthusiastic Crowds
AVJ VI every week to this store the cause for the effect is very ap
parent to even a casual visitor it's honest Merchandise at
nacrifice prices. .
Oar Domestic Room Ready-to-Wcar Dept.
Is An ideal place for the T&f economical buyer, the
xroman who wants pood quality and style at the least
cash outlay. See Friday FpodHlp.
New Silk -Poplin and Serge Dresses-Made to'seil'at
$3.00 to $7.50; at, chonco $2.98
Part of a big special purchase fronr-a prominent New
York makernew styles and colorp .
New Tailored Suits, made
to ell .'at $15.00, In nobby
Norfolks, high walet and belted
styles; good colore; coats silk
lined ...S9.75
Pretty Silk Petticoats, full
width pleated flounces' rood
Une of colors, St.... ..70
50c Petticoats, in ginghams
and black with ruffled and
uhlrred - flounce, at....21)cf
New Dress Skirts, made to
sell to 17.60; ailk taffetas, wool
poplins, serges, etc.; good col
ore and atylee; all sice, $3.08
Pretty Summer ' Waists,
made to sell at $1.00; lingeries
and crepea, lace and embroid
ery trimmed, at 57J
$1.00 House Dresses, pinff-
hama and percales ; choice
.bargains, at 50
In the Daylight Silttand Dress Goods Section
Are you making Slimmer Dresses at Home? Friday
sales afford you splendid Having opportunities.
Remnants of Taffetas, all silk Messalines and Foulards
and 32-inch Tub, Silks; big assortment, 2 to 15-yard
lengths, to 59c yard values, at, choice, yard .-28
tVauitlftit flilk rVpllns, 38 Inches
wide, rtne tub silks, and all
embroidered crepes, yd..68
$1.23 All Silk Vrjtx de Chinee
and-Poplins, 40 Inches wide-;
also 36-Inch .chiffon, taffetas;
these rery popular numbers
at, yard ... . . . . ; . gSg
80-ln. Black Pallet de Me and
Chiffon Taffetas, two very
choice numbers in Friday's
sale at. yard v..08
Popular New Wool RultlnR.
serges;" Panamas, diagonals,
also black and white checks
and novelty stripe suitings, per
yard . 38e -nd 48
Spring Wool Suitings and Coat
ings, to $1.60 yd. values; wide
assortment; 44 to 64 inches
wldej yard , ...... , . 08c
S4-in. Novelty Checks and Cot-
- ert Suitings, in the new tan
and puU? . shades, at. per
, md ....$1.18 nd S1.48
Vard Wide Silk Suiting, includinr Oroe de Londre and Faille Fran
caiee. In good line of colors, yard S1.25 nd 31.43
i . ... i
r In Domestic Room-
Boys' Wool Suits, with 2
, pairs pants . ..$2.95
Big assortment of nobby
- patterns and weaves,
patch- iocket, Norfolk
sttles; made to sell at $4,
Friday . .2.95
Boys Wash Suits, regular
. $1 quality, at G9
Fabrics are mostly; Eeps
and Galatea, Russian
styles; 6 different colors,
in . all sizes, .'-.pH to 8
years, at ... (J9
Art Dept. 4th Floor .
Beautiful Framed Picture
at About Half Price Friday
Oil Paintings, choice sub
jects, in heavy gilt
frames, to $12.50 values;
on., sale Friday, $5.98
Pictures Worth to 75c, iu
brown or gilt frames,
good assortment of pop
nlar subjects, at... 39?
Pictures Worth to $2, in
' gilt ". or " browh f ramesi,
fine lot of. subjects .for
selection' ....... , '. .95
ur apery uepz., ja rioor
- - . . i
Eemnants of Draperies, in
big variety of weaves and
colorings, that sold regularly
to 60c, yard. ,v. ...... .53
15c Silkolines, 36-i'n.vwide,
In all colore; on sale at, a
yard ....12W
,18c Colored Taney Bord
ered . Scrims, plain centers;
on sale -at. yard.... 12 H
10c Fish Nets, 36-in. wide,
cream or white, special, a
yard . 5g
40c Marquisettes, iu
cream, white and ecru. 40
inches wide, ' yard". . . .'.2f
Lace Curtains, Worth 75c
to $2.50; odd - lots, on sale
at, pair, 49V75S 81.25
- In Domestic Room
Combination Suits, to 7oc
values ...39
Lace w and embroidery
trimmed end extraordinary
bargains at sale price.
Women's Summer Weight
I'nlon Suits, SOc values; cot
ton knit; all sizes; on aale
Friday, at. 25
15c Knit Cotton Vests,
all sizes; snap at sale price,
each .7ig
Boys' Porous Knit Union
Suite or nalbriggans, 50c
quality, at .25
Women's Waist Aprons
with yokes or bibs, special
at ...v....:iO
On Sale
Friday and
riil -tl il TT TT
InmmM kmh m
Made to Sell at $5.00 to $12.50
On Sale , ;
Friday and
Tlie lints on sale, all distinctly smart and represent the newest ideas in surinc millmerv. Thd'nnllAetinn fnninn.
Tailored Hats and Dress Hats, some simply, others elaborately trimmed. Modish hats for the, woman of conservative
style; charming creations for tho youthful tastes. .- . - ; ? , -y
Large sailors, Medium sailors, turbocs, tricorns; and all the Popular sha Pes. trimrni-d wilh ft
j-e 1 1 s s. . . - f "-'eavvev-it.m tiUUVltOi
A "Ba
aft aLiliy aV CssUCCCe Ud V W U y V V XV M M ttvULS ii
Tlie greatest opportunity of the season to get a hat for less than the" cost of the material. Uaydeni Prices on
7 of thesn wre until today, $12.50, and even liigher, Haydcn's Prices' are much , below those asked bv other stores
Haydcn's Former Price $1.98 to $4.98
Balance of an enormous stock 'of Milan Hemps, ' Plain Hemp, Liseret, Pyi oxelino Braid Shapes.
1 '
(D) to-'Li
Linens and Bed, Spreads,
Sheets and Pillow Cases
Linen Crash Toweling, 17-inchr-fast color,
red border, 25 under, .value, yard, SV-z
Iiiien Table Cloths, hemstitched, ready for
use, $1 .50 value. ............... J $1.00
Lineu Napkins, 22-ineh size, satin damask,
worth 43-50, in lots of -dozen, , $1.50
Blouso Linep, 36-iiH'h wide, natural linen
color, 25c value, yard. 18
Bed Spread Special Extra heavy fringed crochet,
full 11-4 else, $2.75 value, each S2.25
Bed Sheets, bleached. 81x80 and 72x90; patent
center seam; 65c values, each ...40c
plWow Cases, embroidered scallop edge, 46x38
site; 5 5c '.values, each. ......... ,lc
Towr-la Double thread huck, pure white, 18x24
eiaei superior 12 values, tl doa or, ., JOc
fflnslin, Sheetings, Bed Linens
and Domestics ,
' -Splendid Special Values in ; '
Domestic Room, Friday
lOo Bleached . Cam
bric, 36-inchwide;
at, yard. ..... . .5
89c Made Sheets,
tize 81x99, heavy
seamless 75
19c Pillow Cases.
Apron Check Ging
hams, i regular 6Mfi
yd. quality, yd.; 4&
Brown. Muslin, 33
inch wide, yd., 4f
Ginghams, Percales,
Madras, Linings! 1
size 45x36, made r lot to close, yd., 5d
la A I ar . m - '
70c Seamless Sheets,
ize 72x90, good
weight,... ....G9
il eatber bloom and
other high grade
linings, pretty, per
y'd 7
Btt-inch Curtain
cVrtrns, yard 5
. Wash Fabric
For Friday Only.,".
2,000 Yards Kilk and Cotton
Crepea and other fine weaves
In an assortment of excelleut
colors for dresses or waists;
fabrics In length's up to 20
yards; worth 25c to 65c, for
Friday's sale, yd. it.
J0O Yards Printed Novelt,
loile and Crepe, 3 to 40 In.
?gWe;i. "JS1' v,u".25e to
35c yd.; these are all perfect
f&brlce In lengths of . 4 to 16
fards, for Friday's eale. per
yrd .12 Ur
aVKuYard frw Dress
Glnghaon and Krinkle Seer
aucker, best UHc colored
fabrics, good assortment
Friday's gale. yd..,,..Bc
Friday, Specials in Mammoth Grocery Dept.
"Quality Crooks aa Bavla ef l t cans fancr Sweet uar Corn. tia
sa', so eo en toe ca e(
XUvlng la Our Mutv. v -It
lba. liret liranulaled rugar. .$14M
4.-lb. warns brsl Mali anuie lJisiaunJ
II Flour; nuthlng flnsr fur brru'l,
pies or rakes, sack Sl.kft
II bars Bee.t-'Jbm-AU or IHamoiid C
tou See
I lb, best Willis ur yellow Coin
meal (ur ITe
4 ls. fancy Japau fclce; 10a uul-
liv. for . .'. .........BSo
4 Ids. boat Prsrl Tapioca tea
4 )ba. I.kj d lclisl Navy Beans. S50
The brst lmmeelMi Via. arenl, Verniu
ralU or tspaKl.ettl. Vke TV,0
4 raj is l(ll or M ustartf t-artllnes. .S6
Tall cans Alaska t-ulinon )u
I l-vl ans 'oiiltnsei MUa,,,,l
K l'. lorn tlaSea. pkg.,... 6e
(irane Ntiia, pkg lue
Yrnat oaiu, ikg , 3.
l-lli. cans Aonort.d Koups S's
Larce but (lee Wurceater bauoe. Fuia
Tuiiialo Caisu). t'ltklea assurtoj
kinds, or aiuatard, bonle. . . .l,s
Advo Jell, trr dwi.rt, the lell thai
wli)s: nothing like It. pkg..TVe
U.rUi.n I'.anut liutlrr. It. .llo
Jlba. beat Iun.lrv Klaxrh
ran. Iai-I.o l- ourln t$o.o: ' It
Beais tlie liutrh" SS
t rakve M)to -ourlng 8ae...l6
13-oa. Jar i'ure i-'rult Prerrvea.S
lH-o. far. lure Strained ilor.ey.goe
s caj-.s sai v Was. bir.ns. Ureen or
Iritis, beans Soe
Fancy UolJen an toa Coffee. Ib.ioo
it ream rant t'ocoa. lb Sao
Tlie bast Tea feiftlnga. lb lata
CTioice basket flreJ. sun dried or
uncolorcd Japan Tea. Frliiy ape-
cial. lb aae
The Bans, Vtr as 4 Cheese XasksS
tow tha Veople
The beat strictly fresh No. 1 Egss;
nothing finer, t-er dos aoe
The beat Creamery butler, carton nr
bulk, lb t ago
Fancy country Creamery Butter, per
lb Sue
Fancy Dairy Table Butler. lfe...a
Good Ilrv Butler, lb ae
J-'ancy rill Cream Cheese, white or
colored, lb Sue
Imported Bwtas or Roquefort Cheeee,
lb. r'. -e
Special Xlghlaaa sTseel Oraajre sa
Wraps 1UI Sum fntef.
Friday, f slse. per dnun SO
Frida), lit .lie, per doan See
Friday, 200 alia, per duwui sue
Friday, 260 else. r do.rn. IS.
K tra fancy Florida, grap,e fruit,
it Sis, eaih s
las Teg-etabl Market fog tie
II lbs. best rookina- Pntatoes.ltUe
nine git. on Kadi. lies. I bunches. 6o
Horn. ,ron Orilona, t bunehee..Sa
Ij'iilihun ii.dlkliea, hhaJlots, Beet..
t'arrota. Turnir-a. bunt-h
I heads freah Laf leltuce Se
Lawn Mower,
TTeaMamMiij. ' '
t-blade Uwn Mowers,
paieot tempered blades
and eutter bar, fully
axrajite4. epocta PYI
day only, at....a.
l-Made low wheal. aU
earing S3 J
High wheel ball bearing
Law alowerg... sHd
Grass Catchers. up
frura ae
Lawn Ravfcaa, apodal to
travan m
a-ply H-ln. Hoso. fully
warraJited, special Fri
day only, per ft.. So
-rly e-ln. Hose, full.'
warranted, special Fri-
day only, per ft... So
"Boston" pattern Nns-
slea, 1000181 a so
Itose Reels, special for
Uila sals only. at..So
- raar tools
AH We BTseo Zrt Os
.at OrestS BaorlXloo.
Anr olse Malleable Gar
den Raka. worth to
uc for 10
Any srse etralrht ahank
electric weuied tooth
Oarden RaJka, worth to
o. for, la
hBteal Bow Rakes, .n.
S is, worth to tio. for
law a or sard an . .as
Full sis Oerden Hoe.
good quaiJiy ...,1S
Tour choice of very best
Hoes made, full
le. either solid socket
olid shank or solid
, socket butt; worth to
e.c I or aa
BmaJl also best grade
46c medium weight 4-;"
I n 6 oadi ng rw k s . S
e&o hvy weight
tins Boadina Forks. SSo
c. . s-tln Spading
'ork rso
Qaaautr ea fcom
limited 1iob laxly.
rmzsmzvci cajti
452 f'i? Japanned
tipriuklero as
US Japaanei
nprlnklera .3a
4le slse J a p a n a . d