Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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nii; hek: omaiia. tiicksdav, 22, 1915.
Spirit of Tree Planting; it Evident
Everywhere School Children
to Learn of Day.
Arbor day, Nebraska's own day.
will be quite generally observed to
today by the planting of trees and
shrubs and the beautifying of yards
and gardens.
Many men and women who will be
given a holiday by their employers
Intend to make good tie of the time.
Thousands of children who have
learned of the real meaning of tho
day are Imbued with the tree-planting
Nurserymen report that their busi
ness Is unusually brisk.
Th day will be observed In moot of the
public schools today In the usual
manner, exercises and ohjort lessons
being the chief features. The school
grounds hava been generally supplied with
all necessary trees, so that tree planting
will not mark the achool observance thla
year to any degree. Many children are
planning to plant trees and shrubs at
Tm Open Maalrlpal Hath tfesjee.
Arbor day will be observed by the nark
department by the formal opening of the
municipal bathing beach at Carter lake.
The building will he In charge of two
male attendanta. as It la not believed that
women will rare to bathe in the lake until
the weather la warmer.
tiuiing the, last few days the number of
male bathers have been such as to war
rant Superintendent Hummel to open the
dressing rooms.
All office at the court house will be
Banks will be closed, aa the day la a
legal holiday.
An abbreviated service of mail delivery
wilt be maintained by the local postofflce
for Arbor day. Tba postmaster's office
will ba open until 10 SO a. m. Army and
nary recruiting stations will be closed
all day.
Mayor Dahlman Issued an order that the
city hall will be closed for the day.
Young Lawyer Wins
His First Case in
Near Record "Time
If Oeorg B. Thummel maintains the
record he made yesterday in hla chosen
profession he wilt be by all odds the
moat remarkable lawyer of thla or any
other age.
Mr. Thummel waa appointed to defend
Irhy Nichols, a destitute young man
under Indictment for selling liquor at
Winnebago without a license.
Opposing him waa Frank 8. Howell,
United St a tea district attorney, veteran of
many great legal battle, a man whose
reputation Is countrywide.
Toung Attorney Thummel won his case,
and won H In record time, for the Jury
waa scareely cut when word came that
they were ready with their verdict and
they tror.ped back and returned a ringing
"not guilty."
Let It be whispered that It waa Mr.
Howell himself who sought out the re
porters and whispered with a grin:
"He trimmed me and In ahort order,
too hie first case hie father waa clerk
of the circuit court here for years give
the young roan a, boost." .
Judge Harry Olaen of the domestic rela
tione court In Chicago will spend the
week-end In the city and will make two
addresses. Saturday evening he will ad
dress the Noonday club at dinner at the
Commercial club at . o'clock.
The city central suffrage committee
has arranged for Judge Olaen to speak
at a large mass meeting In the council
chamber of the city hall Sunday after
noon at 4 o'clock.
A eeneart program will be given by
the Omaha School of Orchestral Instru
ments at Central Park achool auditorium
next Friday evening. The members will
be assisted by Mrs. J. M. Sturdevant
. and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Wallace and
the orchestra will be under direction of
Will L. Hetherlngton.
Maklaat Wasvw. Feasible.
Aa long as one la on bis feet, he can
work after a fashion, no matter how
badly b feels. But you cannot do good
work have ambition and energy, fell that
life Is worth living with alugglah bowels
r torpid liver. Foley Cathartic Tableta
do away with that droway, dull, tired
feeling. Tbey never gripe or cause
naueaa. They're wholesome, cleansing
and healthful. Moat satisfactory for
a tout persons. Sold everywhere. Adver
tisement Hew Yarlc Money Market.
PAPF.R 443 per cent.
sixty-day bill U.U. for cables. II75.i'
for demand, M.V.H0.
' 8ILVEK-Uar. fcMc; Mexican dollars.
HON DS Government steady; railroad
TIME IX)ANS-Eusler: slxtv-daya. !S9
S pr cent; ninety days, Ji4l' per cent:
Six months. :Lt ix-r cent.
CAIJ. MONEY Steady; high, t per
cent; low per cent; last loan, t per
fant; closing- nid. 1 per cent, offered
at I per cent.
Closing quotations on bonds today were
aa follows:
f. S rt :. ns .-. "Mu. rar. r. to 4
ao cusos MN. v. r g !... M
V. S. . nf 10iN. T. Vr 4Vm ..
tm esupoa lull's y. Hti .lus
T B. 4.. rfl Hws-N T . h. M. H
a mm iiii w ie
hust at uHia..PIN. Frlllo U :
Mtan m ,.1'HV a tm
A. T. T. rv. W KH-.0 S. Lt est. ....
Anawir Cm. KI)Pii. T. A T. U... MS
AttJUMta ss. 4a.... S4 f'eaa. eaa.
ksl. Ohio tm t i cos. 4m. lSiS,
M. ai CMiUl s.. 1Rlln cea. s .... Si'a
a a q I 4.... s i.. a . r. r. M
I' a r I 4t. lafalo Par. rv. 4a U
so rat. 4a its
. a rat 4Wa.
n. A H u raf. mm
y.nm a-a 4a
M cv. aa loi
4 pa. is w-
1 I alaa acitlc a.... 44
4,aa. r.tertrtc aa.
.Wi4 t n 4a 41
"H. aa. lat 4a...
. t'. H RukWr ta. ...Pus
, : I', m siaai aa Iw:
. l W abaah M U laa
. MSa. t'aloa 44a ... 1
III. raf 4a....
K. C. So rrf. aa...
U N anl 4a..
M K. 4 T. lat 4a.
Vm4m aiawk Market.
tOVtX'N. Airll II A me ilea n securities
ea the Mo. k market resumed their up
ward cjur They eiir( hiBher and
Canadian faclflc. In ion i'aclfle and Krie
ei4 ir-nnliient tbruugiout the arse loll
Tl' cloa.ns as film
h!IA I H-Jiar. 1: li-lbd per ounce.
MONf-.Y IV)' Per cent.
I rK-niiJNT HA1 h.A Sho;-t bills. : per
' nt. tavrea uiwi-Uia, 1 li-iii per cnt
Most Notable Feature of Day's
Market Frequent Periods of
Relative Dullness.
NhW YORK, April The moat notn
He (. n(.ir,- ol i.kIhv irntmar slo.-k
rimrk't i Its fiTMient periods of rela
tive cliilinepe. In striking inntisst t' re-
''til (....I,). i. .....
I i si rut fnllln of hiinlnrss. how-
j er. trstiHin tiuns SKHin exii-oli'it 1.i.oi0
(thsreft for the seventh rc.nserutlve srnnion.
n tin- Kiiirme ti. re wcic in'lnlHslle
sinus that what in vag.iely known ns the' intial interest, tm nullnn a lurxe
proiN'rtton of the rnr-v,,nn el"meit,
hail rinrwril o nations iinilt-r their s'll-
Hig alile under cover of niiHHmodlr anln
t'le spei laltlea. Itoi k leland was m e
more a llt urlln? Inrtor. deHlnlna helotv
Its minimum price of the previous sen-Ion
m nt i-nn.lltiiilnu ...... . . r l. ... . . .a .
I Irani a in the list, Heaviness III this stork
found immediate reflection In the south
western Kroup of railroad, which fell 3
to S points, presumably on apprehension
thst thee ptorertles might h- handt
cspiwd In their Impending financial read
justments. I nited HI n lea Steel was umler steady
pressure ami parly In the session relln
giil'lioil leadershi;- to AninlKimiatei I'op
I r. nhl h with allied stoi ks constituted
I lie m el lmpresive feiitures of the list.
The further advance of the metal shares
was concurrent with yet another rise In
the iioteil price of that commodity,
coupled with rlreunistsntlal reports that
the Krltlsh itovernment hHd virtually ae
O. lire. I rontrol of all the available supply
In thl' miirket
Hteel s failure to move with other lead
ers v-aa aserltied to authoritative trade
advlies which ronflrmed Chairman
(iiny's rcent statement and pointed out
thnt production was still In excess of
demand despite the recent placing of
liirge emiipinent orders.
I .on. Ion reroried a buoyant tone for our
erurile l.ut Hint did not prevent fur
ther selllntt for foreign account here.
Other development touching upon the
foreign situation Included wenkneaa in
(iernmn exehanae and easier tendency to
remittances on Home.
Total sales of slm k amounted to t.niO,.
000 shares. Trading In honds marked n
hlKh record for more thnn a year. A very
considerable rart of the dny's business
was In New York Central debenture s at
a further advance. Total sales, par value,
asTRreaated 7.&iV,l"0.
I'nited Htatea bonds were unchanged on
call. .
Number of Bales and leading ouoiniions
on storks were aa follows:
Kalea. Hlah. Ixiw. Clns
AlaaV Onl IS.IWI T4 Sr74j !
Amalsamales L'oppar ....HW,;(fl 7S 714 1'
marlran Beat Sugar z,rt 4'4 47 47
ADierlran an II.K MS i
Annlran . a R Il.teO la 7Ja 78
Anarlran S. R. pti '
Am. Huxar Raflnln . 111H l"11 "
Amerlran Tel. Tal I onl 1M I5x U2i
Amarlran Tihaire 1.700 ! 4 t4 Mining 1,M '
Atihlaon I. MO t47i W
Ralllmnra nhl" "0 7S 7'4 7H
nrnnalyn Kapld Tr l.:no I l
Calllomla Fairolaum .... 4,101) I1 t" l
f'anaillan Pai-Klo 4.400 ITJ 1HH
Otlral iMllwr 16 mo W 41 4 1ta
(-haaaiwake Ohio....... M 444 44 4,
Chliaao nrsat WaMarn.. Vie 1S 4
rt-lraan, M HI. P.... 7.700 4414 aai, M,
rurago a n. w o ui no'i
C'hlno l-oppar 17.M0 47'i 44
(Vlora4i Kuel Iron.... 1,100 M' 4
ColnraOo A Soul hern 10
tianrer Ills Oraorte.... soo t
lianvar n. O. nM m 14 IK 14
rltlllera' Sarurltles .... ' '4 H '
Krla lf.2nn ri'J, J WSa
O.naral Rleotrlr Kp4 IMia 1U
(treat Nortti.rn prd 1.7o 12 ."4 171 UIV4
tlreat Na. lira rtra I Mm MS 7 7
(liiaganhalm rtplnratlon.. 24,700 4IH lH !
Illlmili ranlral 111
Interboraiilll Met. ptd.... K.hOO 71 71 73
Inatlrallon rppar 11.100 II an M
International Marveater .. Wl 104 10k 10
Kanaaa (llr Koulharn.... W0 r74t U' S M
lhlgh Valley I. SOU 14C iU 14.14
lxlUlll 4 NaahTllla l-'
Mailua Patroleuia M.os SI , 114,
Miami Copper I.SOO tV l
Mlaamirl, k T S.40S 14 11 11
Mlraaurl Faclna 13. TOO 1; 14 14
National Parltlc Soft in 121 n
National laall 1.WIS 44 (4 44
Nala Copper 40 lr. 14 15
New rork ('antral S.inO t-t pn t
N Y.. N. H 4 M 14.300 71 44 H4
Norfolk Waatara l.loi) 10r, in:, l(
Korthara Pulllo I.Un 1 1 1 11(1 110
Pa i-1 (In Mall 400 70 IS in
I'arlflr Tal. Tal too It T. M
lennalranla t.toa 111 110 111
Pullman Palaro Oar loo 144 154 1M
iltar (Vm. (Vippor ll.SMI 14 1.1 ss
Haaillns IK.sne 1M V.t 1A4
Hepubllr Iron taal... 9.MM K) IK W
Hork laland Co I.
Hork I. land Co. afd 1.7ns 1
Kl I,. A S K. S4 ptd... SOS H S I
Hcnihara rariria M r1 HI
antithara Hallway l aw 14 14 11
Tal.neaeeo Coppar 1.4 Hi S( 144, rl
Tenaa ('nmnaur MA 1M 1 1M
t'nloa Pacum U.000 wn 111 i;4
I l ion Paclllr M 40V "S
I'nllait Kiatea Hleal 1.nn US 7 K
1'. a. Steal p(4 im i( 10 10
t'Uh Coppar 44,400 74 S7 4S
W aha.h PM 700 4 1 1
Waatara t'nlns l.4o II l 14
Wanlnshouaa Elartrlo ., I. SOO 44 M
Minima Pooar , 1.414 II M 12
Tula I aalaa for to a oar, 1.SI4.000 aharaa.
thecal atoeka mm4 Roads.
quotations fumlafceo by Rurna, Brlnkar 4 Co.,
Bid. AaVad.
rilf Trust aM
Iimm 4 Co. prs
Kslrmont Croamary Ts pfd
Fslrmant (raamary 14s, oonmoa. .
Herald Pldg. Co. pM
Lincoln Tal. Tal. Co ,
lArm mark Nat. Bank. Bo. Omaha..
Molina Plow ptd
Mt. Htatas Tal. 4 Tal
AHh A (V RIllffM Hi. ttv Mia
Omaha 4 Co. Rlufta Ity til vli
Hlock Tarda Nai. Bk . Ba. Omaha..
1 pdiha (irats pM
t'rdiko Orals Com
Union Stock Tarda. Omaha
Columbus. K'B- Kl. . 14M
Co.. Oaa 4 Bla. aa. 1117 Naol
Kl Paao Ca. Tea. C. II. la, 1M4.
Uorola Trae. ta. 1M
Unrol. Nab. Tt. Ia. I Its
Otnana Saarar 4s. lilt
i lly of Omaha Imp. 4a. 1117
Ouiatia Water 4a. 141 lot
Omaha Co. Blufta HI. R. la ISM Wk
Paa. Ou 4 F.lac. gas. 4 ret. la. 1449 17
Btaio nt Idaha a 141
p.lrt 4 Co aa. 1M4 all
'nl. Pic. Na. 4s. HIT 14
Wichita I' a Ion 81k. Yda. la. IIM.... M
Have Dandruff
There ta one sure way that never falls
to remove dandruff completely and that
la to dissolve It. This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, just get about four
ounrea of plain, ordinary liquid arvon;
apply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub It
In gently with the finger tips.
Hy morning, most If not all, of your
dandruff w'll be gone, and three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single l(
sign and trace of It, no matter how much
dandruff you may bave.
You will find. too. that all Itching and
digging of the scalp will stop Instantly,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred time a better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It Is Inexpensive, and four
ounces Is all you will need. Thla simple
remedy has never been known to fall
Clegant I natrumente we rent
them and keep them tuned for
Used Plane all the stand
ard makes In good condition,
for sal on easy payments-
ISIS Douglas St
TAmmrA J flio. C. TTJ. XX7a
xawara J. Gainor Stops on Hu Way
to the State Convention at
Active work of msil isrrlers nuts
"punch" Into the men. according to Ed
ward J. (iainnr of Miincle, In1., preal
dent of the Nntional Association of let
ter t srrifrs, who Is stopping
lienshaw on his way to the st
Ht the
te i on-
ventlon of mall men at Fremont today,
"Punch and vla-or is only one of the
many aood chnrncteristlcg of the letter
carriers," he asserts. "Omaha's expec-
tatlona will he more than realised when
this city entertains the national conven
lion during the eek of September 6.
More than 1.000 will come here, with a
number of fine bnnrls, nnd will empha
sise the fraternal nplrlt and co-operation '
o the association, which hss over K.fXrt
"They are good spenders, too." Presi
dent (Jalnor says. "We figured i:p thst
the total expenditures connected with the
!Co,wel7'L7tnr.--.,,t s""
Mall service Thursday will he abbre-
vlated, as In customary tin holidays. The
terriers will do all their deliver. ng early
in tne morning, so - as to he free Inr
the Fremont
of the day.
convention the remalndr
Roy on Navigation
of the Missouri
That Mlaourl river navigation from
Omaiia will benefit the farmers of the
whole state and the grain producing ter
ritory trihutary to Omaha was stated by
Bldney J. Roy, secretary of the National
Mlvers and Harbors congress, who spoke
at the Commercial club to the river navi
gation committee at noon. He asserted
that the cheaper transportation fate re
sulting would naturally reflect Itself in
a better price for grain.
Secretary Roy asserted that he found
sentiment in Omaha for river navigation
and believed that the local people were
going about the movement In the right
MrlRht, who alleges he Is a
qualified voter entitled to. cast a ballot the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleans
i ; Ing you ever experienced. Wake up feel
Tells a
"blue." '
Perhaps, the
fact that you
are Inclined to
feel sad, ahouhl
make you hap
py. Why? He
cause, it may
"Bow can I keep npf"
be a worth-while
care of yourself.
hint to taka better
"Illues" are apt to come from poison-
ed blood often are caused by uric acid
which the
the blood.
kidneys should filter from
Btrengthen your kidneys
with JJoan'a Kidney Pllla the remedy
recommended everywhere for backache.
urlo acid
trouble, bladder and kidney
A Case Right Here
in Omaha:
Mra. R. Jorgensen, tilt Leavenworth
8t., Omaha, aaya: "My back ached all
the time. I felt dull and drowsy and
didn't have much life. Sometimes my
kidneys acted too often, then again not
often enough. Aa soon as I began tak
ing Doan's Kidney Pllla, they relieved
theae ailments. I uaed five boxes and
today my health Is much better. My
back feela strong and my kldneya are
doing their work aa tbey should."
30 at all Drug Stores
FoaUr-Milburn Co-tWa. BurTalo.N.Y.
"Blue"? V4
s-a-nav .
t b c"-
. n ,f
Pcnrt$ it Ltu a tatta and individoallty tKat cannot ba eoialexL
Jerque it u always the tamo always, good.
Bcau it i brwed so carefully and under such sanitary con
ditions that it is absolutely pure.
litems it is so nourishing, so
that it is atyoyed by every member of the family.
lUcant oTery user is constantly tinging its praises and
win1 use no other.
Alwcys the same
y.1 iese arguments
2arfS a9nisse)teew J-fy m Ca
Cssavtac! '
the approaching city ele tlon. has !
been itellferf thla nrlvlleA h mtlnn
i Commissioner Monrhead, has brought
' mandamus prcree a iCs in district court
j to com,Pl Mr ,lo,,,n,, to ,nro, Mra
s an eiect. r.
Pea e talk sent wheat prices down
ngatn. the drop being H to V cent, but It
had no effect upon other grains, they
being hlKher. Ftepresentatlves of the Mln-
' ne polls mills who-were on the ground.
' took advantage, of the decline In wheat
i and bouaht up about all that was offered.
I The receipts for the day were nineteen
Mars. Prices ranged from $163 to II. BR.
! Corn on a strong buying demand from
the southwest country made a gain or
to 1'4 cents, selling at 72H to 744 cents.
OaH were strong and alightly higher,
the sa'cs being made at 57 to S4'4 cents.
The Joy Recipe!
Take Cascarets"
'Be Cheerful! Remove the win-
; ter's poison from your
I liver tllld DOWelS.
c...J irt .a.-l
Spend 10 cents! Don't stay
sick, Diiious, nearOacny,
It s npr.i.Ktlme! Clean up Inside atfid
feel line. Take Ceecarete to Itren ywur
liver and clean the bowels and atop head-
i aches, biliousness, bad breath., coated
! tongue, sallowness. sour stomach and
1 Tnni.. t.v. Caaearata and antov
ing grand Everybody's doing It.
rets Best for children also.
LaGrippe and Colds
la TOrtppe and Colds, AnU-kamnla(A-K)
fablela are nnexcelled, as tbey stop the
pains, soothe the nerves, and bring the rest
so greatly needed by nature to restore the
system to health. Physicians bave used
these tablets for over twenty years, la the
treatment of eolds, fevers and la grippe, and
bave found no other remedy more useful In
these conditions. Antl-kamnla Tablets are)
so Inexpensive, so pleasant to take, ao sat
Isfastory In their results, and so useful In all
conditions where there Is pain, that A-K
Tablets should always be kept In the bouse
for the time of need. Many rf our ablest
physicians obtain perfect results In la grippe
and eolds, by cleansing the system with Ep
som salts or"Aotolds", m very good cathar
tic, nuttlna the patient on a limited diet, and
' administering one A-K tablet every two or
1 three hours. This treatment will usually
br'lt,np wor' CM ,n d'T XL??
while in milder eases, ease and comfort fol-
i low almost Immediately. These tablets are,
also unexoelled for Neuralgia, RheumatM
Pains, The Pains of Women, Indigestion
and insomnia. All druggists save them.
Cenafne A-K Tatfefe tear fAW M. aeemh
if A
I 4
Taaa law m iron f
appetizing and to uniformly good
Good, Old BLA TZ
cannot be gauuei
mJ s
IrVa Paaal.i e
Economies of Quality Goods That Will Set Omaha Talking
ir m mighty fine line 'we have
to offer yon this ac aeon ex
tractive pricing, jo,,.
Outer Apparel
at Pricings Strikingly Low Some Rousing Specials Thursday
Cla?s not only in the dis
tinctive designs, but in the
high quality of workman
ship apparent in every
A broad Assortment of
Charming Suits in eilks
and the most wanted wool
fabrics. You'll admit them
the choicest lot of suit val
ues shown this season, at,
sale prices
J519.50, $25, $35
200 Pretty Suits, to
to $30 values
Makers' samples and brok
en lots, from our regular
3tock. Come in wool serges,
poplins, pretty checks,
gabardines and some silk
poplins; all sizes and col
ors. Klosfit Silk Petticoats,
sample lot of the
reg. $5 quality,
Nobby New Coats A
bevy of classy and ar
tistic designs in all want
ed fabrics and colors .
$7.95, $10, $12.75
to $15 and up.
600 Beautifully Trimmed
You must come and judge
(for yourself. Mere description
cannot do justice to the charm
ing styles. r
1,100 New Untrimmed Hats at
75cAllover Laces at 29c Yard
36 inches wide, in cream, ecru or white. In offering
Thursday a big line of beautiful double width all
over laces at this price we know that we are offer
ing you one of the greatest values ever seen in
Omaha. Think of it two yards will be sufficient
for a waist material for a dainty waist
at, yard, only
75c Embroidery floundngs, fnll 27 inches
wide, on sale at, yard
A specially fine lot of dainty patterns on sheer
Swiss or nainsook cloth for selection.
ret UavUty roo4s eaa avta of
In, try KayiU'
II bare Beat 'Em All. Diamond C
or Laundry Queen Whale 1-aundry
Heap aa
It lba. beet granulated auar . .Si
4 l-os. cans Mansfield's famous
corManaed milk S5c
I cana 6c sis condensed milk ae
fa'l-aren'a famoua peanut butter.
per pound Ill
Oalloa eaa Tnitm aa Teeta.
Ma at Waa taa eoet. Ail sta&aY-
ard auailly.
Oallun tans apricota. blackberries
peara, peach aa, ooaberrlaa or
plunia. whlla they laat. per can See
(JaJlon cana llolden pumpkin or
tomatoes, while the aale la a la Sfte
Kaney 4jueen olivea, quart ....Sae
Xxte4 Vrmit Specials for ThanAay
euiliana aredleaa raisins, lb. ISVe
Choice California prunes, lb. TV.e
Kaiirr California cooking fie, par
Ixiund SHo
Fancy Mutr Park apricota. lb. lao
Fancy cleaned currants, lb. ..ItVe
Fitted prunes, 1-lb. pk T-e
li-oi. pk. condeused mince meal
at Tte
Tha beat lemon, orange or citron
peel, lb aoe
li rAi!
Modes That Are
These Hats Formerly
Priced as
High as
Beautifully becoming, well made and well finished Hats
in a variety of the best shapes of the season. In fact this
is the lowest price at which hats of this quality have ever
been sold. They come in black, white and all colors.
SS te SO per cent m tfc o ef llv-
Special Mutter, Xm aa Oheeae
The beet creamery butter, carton
or bulk, lb .....SS
Fancy country creamery butter,
per lb aoe
Oood dairy table butter, lb. ...See
Choice dairy butter, lb aae
Tha beet No. 1 strictly freah ec.
per dosen SO
Fill cream Young American. Wis
consin cream or New York white
cheeae, per lb. aoe
Special Xlrhiaaat Vavel Oraaa"e aa
rape rmll Sale Tkorsaay.
Thuraday, Hi a lie. per doaen SOe
ThuraJavj-. 160 aise. per dosen S&o
Thursday, 200 slxe, per doaen Sue
Thureday. 3kt else, per dosen lo
Kxtra fancy Florida grape fruit.
4 alse, each
Tae Vegetable Marks for to
. Veopl.
15 lbs. best cookina; potatoes 1TH
Home grown radiahea. buachea
for Se
Home grown eniona. f bunches Se
Southern iadiaiea, shailots, beet"
carrots, turnips, bum h 4e
i heads fresti leaf lettuce Sa
tninds yon of that worn rug
you're going to shift, or the
new curtains you'll nexsi. Onr
line offer you the bent the
market afford.
Strikingly New
Values up to $23, go on
sale here Thurs
day at, choice.
Words fail signally to
Txprosss the magnitude of
the economies offered. Our
buyer secured the surplus
stock of the Nat Goldstein
Co., one of New York's
best known makers. Stylos
are so varied that a de
scription here would be im
possible; suffice it to say
that not a single disap:
pointmcut awaits visitors
Thursday. Don't mis
these dresses, at $8.95.'
Not only street dresses, but
designs for afternoon and
evening wear are Included.
Charming Waist Styles
All colors and materials;
values we do not believe
you can duplicate at the
prices ,
.$2.95, $3.95, $4.95,
$6.95 to $15.
House Dresses, made to
sell to $1.25; good rQ
styles and colors. . 0C
Make Selections Early.
You cannot do better else
where for style, and you cer
tainly can save money at this
sale. -
$1.50 Silk Gloves 98c
A big special purchase of 16
button length silk gloves in all
colors, with black or white
stitching; to $1.50 values, in
l?.!::. 69c-98c
Chamoisette Gloves, 39f
16 button length; values to $1,
on sale "Wednesday.
New Fancy Parasols
immense assortment In all wanted
atylea and
colorings attract-
Hats at
Fancy head lettuce, head
1 lba. CaJIfomla rhubarb ..
Fancy Asparagus, large bunch
New cabbage, lb
Fa,ncy ripe tomatoes, lb. ....I.
1 green peppers
'!""" -"" " a appiea. i; ipB. to peek 36j
l-anoy hothouse cucumbers, each loo. Hi..