nn: w:e: omaiia, tiutsday, Amu 22. 1915. 11 f rou RENT REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ltaaeea aad lottaaes. CHEAPEST rent In Omihn: room and .-ruth: Just newlv remodeled; rent re duced from 126 to 114 and $18; tntSVi-MUi . 2bth. Tel Red 3V7. l-KdOM house. atrt tly all modern, t2i. j33ii 8. tftth St. 2M N. 2JT1I. $27.50' rouma and hall, all inocern: one Noon north 2tn line. O'KKKKF REAL ESTATE CO. NEW 9-room house, all modern, hot water heat, near cara Dundee. Phone Walnut iu'iUKRN l'i-ronm brick house, 21 Cept tol Are. Phone Harney sii. Globe Van& Storage Store, moves, parks, ship; $-horse van and 1 men, $1.26 per hr. ; storage $2 per mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4.139 & Ty. 230, WEST FARNAM district, f-room modern house convenient to two car line, fine location; possession May 1. Apply 140 N. 42d St. Tel. Walnut 3171. FOR RENT We have a complete llet of all houses, partments and flata that arc for rent. Tli la lift can be aeen frea of char at Omaha Van ft Storage Co., 8n 8. lAth St EIGHT roomi, modern house, ahade, barn. 2218 Binnry. Webster 931. ALL sixes. $3 per montb up. 807 Fax too. BFE the Central Furniture Btorea. FREE RENTAL LIST. FDR. RENT. 2923 Pnclflc St.. 7-roonv all modern honaa. 86. 2017 Grace St.. 5-room, partly modern cottaae. SIS. Iiz2 Bo. S2d St., t-room. all modern houne. 140, Ma Howard St.. 5-room, partly modern houne, $1 i.oi. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. m First Nat. Bank Bid. Don. 72$. Moving, Storage. B N. Uth Bt Tel. D. $94 or Web. 18K8. Gordon Van Co Btorax' Jf T xp. moving. I . KPPfl Packing 4k storage. V iVVV.U 1207 Karnain. D. i . Van and Storage , Co. Call ns tor s Umatea for mov ing, pav.iug, shipping. I7l Wabater St. Douglas I4i. Maggard's 1 Trill Ron Crelgh Bona ac Co.. lie Bldi. Btorea u4 Offices. 1,000 square feet, with full baaement Ex ceilent West Farnam location. SAUNDERS COMPANT. 1215-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Douglaa 3622. NEW modern store, best location; In North Omaha. 2414 Amea Ave., Webster lias or wen. 3149. WANTED TO RENT SWAPS! SWAPS' SWAI'8! 1 acrea black land, nine mllea from good town, level. $4,000, for Omaha prop erty. sn acres. Boyd Co.. Nr.. wjw, mm II,, for house or light auto. Btilck 4-h. P.. worth us, lor live equuy In Omaha house or good lot. 1 acres, Merrick Co., Neb . $t9,2nO, rntg. t0.4flo; 110 acre In crop, balance hay and pasture: 4-r. house, want muse, aioc. S acres. Hall Co.. aood land, halt hay. $l.20n, equity I2,, for mdse. PICK. KINO CO., 9H t'm. rwat i nan a . FOR EXCHANGE Missouri land, 1M acre hlichly improved dairy farm ad Joining good town; 3 acre one-half mile, good town; HI acrea timber land; 90 acres farm and orchard. Will exchange one or all for merchandise. A. L. Veaeman, Saf- ford. Arts. WHAT have you to exchange for Dakota or Montana land? - Wisconsin Salea A gency, Caswell Bldg., Milwaukee. WILL exchange equity In an 6-room house In South umana ior a rora irum or runabout. M 533. Pee. REAL ESTATE WANTED VKfU HOINE IS GOOD and desirable for somebody to secure for m Knmn nr en investment. We can see the advantages In the property you nave for sale and can supply the man who wints C.e advantages. Let us sen mat good home of yours. SAUNDERS CO.. 1215-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Phone Dougla 9C2; REAIj ESTATE NORTH RIDE A Small Farm on a City Lot A S-rnom all modern cottage In very fine neighborhood. lot 6-1. with grapes, strawberries, young fruit, etc., on It. rrlce 12. son on easy ternis. A. i:. Mason. 4020 Hurt St. REAL E8TATF WKST SIDE LIST your property with K. H. Lander- you. fnz Neville mik. i. LIST real estate and rentala with DON- ELSON R. E. CL., 911 vjm. nni ruin. ABSTRACT OF TITLE "T Title Guarantee and Abstract K ATTCo., a modern abstract office, sns Bo. 17th St. Phone D. MS7. New Home Must Be Sold .W5 California Bt., "Cathedral District." This la an exceptionally well constructed new house, never occupied, having large living room across entire front with brick fireplace; attractive dining room with bullt-ln buffet, larse pantry, convenient kitchen, frot.t and rear vestibule. On first floor, all finished In oak except kitchen. Four good else corner bedrooms. Including enclosed sleeping porch, with heat and light, all finished in birch on second tloor. Seven-eight hs-lnch oak flooring In every room In the house. Full cemented basement, with laundry con nections, first-class furnace, etc. Large lot. MS IK ft., on paved street only half block from s-ime of Omaha's finest home. Lot lies high and sightly, afford ing fine view for this location. Price only $,5o0, which la no more than some lot alone are held at one block west of this property. Easy terms. Be sure and ioox mis up. George & Company Phone D. F;A r City Nati Rank Rldg. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Takft a Slight Drop, While Cora Move$ Up Juit ai Much. OATS FOLLOW CORN UPWARD do Parsley: ."0e dos. Onion sets: Yellow and red, $1 V per bu ; ahlte. $1 T. per hu. Potatoes: Bed IUer Ohlos. $1 per hu.; Colorado Hurals, 7oc per hu.: Minnesota whites. c per hu. Mushrooms: TV per box. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn 4c Ih Crackerlack. t-l W case; H case. $I.7R. I.lmr: II 73 basket Checkers: $.150 tier esse; S rase, $1.7.. Peanuts; Itsw. !c lb.; isw, sack lots Jumbo, gc lb.; roasted, 'te IK; suited. $1 .VI csn. Cocoanuts. $3 M per sack; IV per dos. Cider: $.,") per keg. Nuts: No. 1 California walnuts. IV Ih. : black walnuts. 12frc lh.; Bratlls, K'Sc Ih.: to os figs. $2 box. Sugar wal nut dates, $1.4i) box; hallos. I dates, c lb. Fllherts, l.V Ih. Icrns: 12Vc lb. Al monds, 20c Ih. OMAIIA April 21, 11.V Wheat was lower, mllltig H cent under yesterdav'a prices The n msnd ss poor and there was only a few tars reported sold. retM.nht,shir'"rh1f- '"l'."1. M0rf,' Vi! tieaeral Market, rente nigher. while oats sold from to .,,,,,. . ,. , v. . W cent higher. ' MCW AOUK. April 21.- 81 OA R Noml- It Is the hlUf , r.r .h. i.r..l insi; rrn t rit UR a I. mc; molasses, s.isic wneat traders that the market will not do much until the .May deliveries are made. Should the cash wheal he taken by exporters snd moved out, th trade In general will have a basis to nrk on. Country sales of corn and oats were very light and of wheat practically nothing. Sales of 10rt,rt bushels of oats were reported this morning at the board. These cash sales were renorted Whe.it No. 2 hard winter: I car. $l.kY Refined, quiet. Futures opened quiet today and at noon were 1 to 1 points net lower. RUTTHK-lrrrRUlar:. receipt. 4 tubs; creamery, extras, W2 score. VU c: creamery, (higher seorlngi. 29'trtl 30c ; flrsls, 2X2Vtr; scolds. K44itf7c, KOUS- Steady; receipts. ;i.ij rases; e sea-i'esh gathered extras, 2'W,-ir; storage parked extra firsts, i2,r: firsts. tiw'nv: -I'i22lc: regular packed extra fl ..v: nearlv OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET Cattle All the Way from Steady to Ten CenU Lower Sheep and Lambi Slow. HOGS ARE SLOW TO SOME LOWER SOUTH OMAHA. April a, 1T1 4. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Hheep turtrist Monday .ix Off trial Tuesday $.0411 Estimate Wednesday.. . .K7 , n.7; 1'I .7( 7 90 o 10 Oil the were i2i22,o: firsts, 2lfi2 imi, hennery. 24c; nearby hen- RKED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offloa in Nebraska, to Brandela Thea. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 3 Acres Keystone Park Owner writes ua to sell this cho'ce t acro piece, which lies high and sightly, close to nice homes In Keystone Park ad dition. Onlv a few blocks from paved road and Jitney auto line. Price for quick sale. I1.2S0. HASTINGS ft HETDKN, 114 Harney Bt. HAVE tenanta for 5. 6. 7 and &-room houses in Dundee, West Farnam and Field club districts. We are anxious to get a complete list. W. L. Selby & Sons, State Bank Bldg. Phone Doug. 1510. 5 Acres North of Country Club If you want to own S acres that lays high and sightly, practically all level, only a few blocka from paved road, you should he sure to have us show you this piece. Owner has made the price iignt for quick sale. HASTINGS & HETDE.N, 1BI4 Harney St. No. $ hard winter: 1 car. IVMk; 1 car, wliltc. fine to fancy $1.M; 1 car eed mtxedt $1 T.2W No. 4 hard n ''H ,V , . . . .I.,,.- ? ...... Iiu ni 1 T.r,.m- 1 CIIKFXK Hrm: receipt. $.779 boxes t ear. II ili. Corn-No. 2 white: 1 car. slat w hole milk fresh specials, 1&M$ 60 Feet 25th and Harney On the north side of Harney St., be tween i"th and 2hth, we have nxi:t2 feet of ground. This property la located In a district where values are Increasing rapidly. As a site for family hotel or apartment house, there la nothing so good being offered at the price. There Is now an 11-room house on the premise. Less than a block from property that Is worth $700 a front foot. Our prices for the 0 feet, 10,000. A. P. Tukey & Son 231 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone P. VH. I Am .WANTED Room and board in pnvate. family by young couple with 4-year-old child; north aide preferred. Address U 137, care Bee. WANTED TO BUT Itale buys everything id hand. Tyler 141$. OK'JCi lurnlture bougnt and sold. i. C Reed, I All Farnam. Doug. C14. ELECTRIC fan, alternating current, diess A 33$. Bee. Ad- WK pay Chicago prices for aluminum scrap castings. Paxton-Mltchcll CV o . REAL ESTATE FARM A ItANCH LANDg. FOR BALM Araasas. FARMS AT BARGAIN. A few" well-Improved farina la tha well known Grand Prairie belt, eastern Arkan eas. Rice cultivation a great success; pays large profits to farmer and Investor. Also general farming, dairy and stock raising.' My farms are equipped with complete watering plant for irrigating riot,; plenty ralnialt to. mature other cicps; la) per cent northern tarmers live and tnrive on- the Grand Pralrieai schools, churches, good railroads and market- fa cilities; healthful climate; my tarms for sale cheap to aetua estate. .1 can. use $2i,000 stock of general merchandise; will trade. Deal direct with me. For further Information and pamphlets, address ' GEO. KOCH, OWNEK, ' Blair Neb., or Hotel Castle, Omah California lv Oak Colonies; none better. W. T. bmith Co., kl-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2tl. Colorado. FOR BALE Farms, 160 and $0 acres, la Pasts. Colo,. Write UsUUer. I3M Ogdea Ave, Chicago, 111. FOR BALE At Steamboat Springs, Colo., 10-acra strawberry tract and 6 acres in fuil bearing this year; continuous water right, fenced, fully Improved and new house. Address Box 336, Seward, Neb. lovrau ARE TOU GOING TO BUT LANDT If so you should first get a copy of the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It has lands advertised In It from nearly very slate, so that you can find Just wuat you are looking lor In its columns. Jt Keeps you Informed on land oppor tunities In all parts of the country, gives you personal help In finding land. Sena c today for a year's subscription, or luo for tnree months trial. It will be atopped at the end of the time ordered. Farm and Real Estate Jourinal. Xratr. Iowa. HAVE YOU A FARM KUH HA I. It? Write a good description of your land w eiia i iu me oiaux vuy, la., journal, "lOWA'l Alost Pomerf HI Wmnt A A atedium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, featurday - morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning uuo niuuiii, giving aixteen aaa on twelve different days tor Ui or SO words. M; or 76 words. 86. . Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, tf),0iM readers daily (n four great Miaeawta. BARGAIN 240-A. farm M in. from Min neapolis; l A. under cult.; 4U A. good meadow ; bo A. timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivates; good corn land; farm is fenced; liMroom house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, etc.; 1$ liead good milk cows, 4 good horses, har neaaes. wagons, complete svt.of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $ per acre; eS,uuu cash, balance can stand for i years at per cent. Schwab Bros., l.ui Plymouth Blag., Suinneaiolls, Minn. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $200 REDUCTION paved street, splendid location, juBt one block north of Field club, nn 2Rth Ave.; good neighborhood. Quick sale, $I,?00. 0. O. CARLBERG, 312 Rrandels Theater BldgJ rlANSCOM I'AKK. ITiOO CASH, $; PER MONTH. Five-mom bungalow, living and dining room finished In oak. fine electric light fixtures, good furnace, basement all ce mented. This bungalow Is modern In every detail. Large lot, three blocks rrom west sine car. Maae an appoint ment to see this at once. THE VOGEL REALTY AOKNUY. 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglaa $691. Going to well my all modern home of 7 rooms at 417$ CHICAGO ST.. to some one this week. I consider It if II HAP at $3,200, but I want YOU to look It over and MAKE me an OFFER. THREE! BIXK'KS FROM FARNAM CAR IJNE and ONE BIX'K FROM SAUNDKR'S SCHOOL. I have every MODERN con venience In thin house, a nice SOUTH FRONT lot. with LAWN. SHADE and FRUIT TREES and permanent walk. Here Is a chance to get a COZY PLEAS ANT HOMB In a good residence section at your price. I will MAKE TERMS. I will be home all day. o 4r. No. 2 yellow: 1 ear. 74c. No. S vellow: 1 car tcholoel. 74-c; 6 cars, 74c. No. 4 vellow: 1 car, 73c; 1 car. 7:r. No. $ mixed: S ears. 7S4c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, 72c; 1 car iwctt. 70c. No. -mixed. 1 car. 71c. Oat a No. $ white: 1 car (choice). Mc; car, RiV. No. 4 white: ! cars, M'c: 1 car. 64c. Sample: 2 ears, Mc. Oeeranre were: Wheat snd flour equal to l,04,non bushels; corn, 2.oW) bushels; oat. MS. mo bushels. Liverpool close: heat and corn not ouotd. Primary wheat receipts were 42.0nfl bushels and shipments 2..W.OJ10 bushels, against receipts of 2jflii0 bushels and thlpmaenta of 4.00n bushels last year. Primary corn receipt a were 473.000 hush ere and shipments 12.(i0n bushels, against rsK-elnts of W.000 bushels and shipment of TW.flOt burhcls last year. Primary oats receipts were Ml .000 bush els and shipments 1.722.000 bushels, against receipts ef rw.' huahela and shipments of 74!,000 bushels Inst venr. t'ARlA)T RFt'ElPlB. AVheat. Corn. tats I-:, state, whole milk, nvrrage funcy, Kil5c. I'OULTRY-I.lve. weak; western cht k ens. broilers, 4i'(VV. western foals, Wfl ltic: turkeys. IJWI.Ic. Dressed, Slcndv; western froten roasting chickens, lti HWc; fresh fowls. Iced, 14i17c; turkeys, froxen. i;Jj21c. Chicago Minneapolis ... Duluth Omaha Kansas llty... St. Louis Winnipeg . 41 . 1! M . V. . 201 70 48 4 32 127 9 It Tj REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Bargain Small Cash Payment A beautifully finished and decorated home. Oak floors on both first and sec ond floors. This home has a reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor, with two large bedrooms and bath on second floor. Large closets; furnace guaranteed to heat; screens. Including screens for front porch; 00-foot lot by 130 feet deep; paved street; only one-half block from school. Price, $1,960. Very easy terms. Located 8331 Ames Ave. Norris 8c Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. Bemis Park Home at Low Price $4,973 buys 1320 N. 36th Bt. This Is a well constructed, 7-room, 1-story modern house, having hot water heat, oak finish first floor, with extra large dining room, located on east front lot. S blocks from car line. Owner transferred from city only reason for selling. This Is a re duced price for quick sale. Do not fall to look this up. , George & Company Phone P. 75i. 90$ City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. . aHwiiMippL IMPROVED farms for $10 and upward. borne can be bought for about value improvements; upland, rich soli; splendid climate. Buy now, while bargains can be had. All farm lands Increasing In value. O. P. Ktebblna. Mimsrl. GOOD South Missouri land on railroad. In well settled locality, $1$ per acre. Small or Urge farms on easy terms. Literature tree. D. Merrtam, Ellis. Ben ton. Kansaa City, Kansas. Nckrsaks. v FOR BALE 'Quarter section land Holt county. Neb ; a bargain at $15 per acre; write rie for legai numbers and In vestigate. Owner, C. B. Brldwell. Em metxourt.', Ia. Clairmont Home $4,400 Clairmont is one of the most desirable restricted residence districts. This house, on a high and sightly lot, facing east on the boulevard, is one of tha most attrac tive in the district. Six rooms and bath, oak floors throughout, oak finish down stairs, bedrooms finished in mahogany and white enamel, equipped with every modern convenience. Don t fall to see this place. You will like it and the price Is light. Armstrong-VValsti Co. Daadee. 9 Rooms Dundee, $6,000; Easy Terms 4921 ChicagoThis very attractive heme. located between the car lines, la one of the best values In Dundee. On tha first floor there Is a large living room wltn fireplace and bookcases built In, a nice den with French doors, a large dining room with FYench doors to porch, com plete kitchen with bullt-ln cabinets and a room off of the kitchen which can be used for breakfast room or girl's room. On the second floor are four nloo bed rooms. Including enclosed sleeping pore, and comDlete bath. Oak floors through out and nicely decorated throughout. $1,000 cash win handle. Glover & Spain 919-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. S Model Home Dundee At the southwest corner of 48th and Farnam Bta. we have the beat bargain in Dundee, a 7-room, brand new, all modern house, has living room, dining room, den and kitchen on first floor; 3 very fine bedrooms and bathroom on second floor; one of the bedrooms is 1 2x23 feet. All of the bedrooms are rinlshea wltn beautiful oak floors and oak doors snd Ivory finish on the woodwork. The living rooms are finished in beautiful oak with beamed ceilings, built-in buffet In the dining room, bullt-ln bookcase and writ ing desk; bullt-ln Powell cabinet In kitchen. A good automatic heater in the basement. There Is absolutely nothing lacking in mis house, it nas sc-oens, shades and decorations. The street Is raved on both sides and It Is a beaJtlful corner lot. SBxlM ft. On top of the hill, a high and sightly location, au blocka west of the Omaha city Hall. The pr'ce is $.1,600, and reasonable terms can be made to good party. See It today. Charles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 742 Omaha National Bank Bldg, Dundee Lot $535 $235 rash will do. balance $15 monthly. Must go this week. On Burt, east slopji, near win. O'Kcefe Iteal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas 2716. Three rtavs this wk..1.741 2S.1M Same day last aeek lt s4 ..1M .44 Same dav 2 wka. ago 12.K74 S2.', 2.'$ Same days $ wks. ago.K9:; 3-1. 7 .f7S Same davs 4 wks. ago.13.tw 3!.M $1.90 same days last year. .M.R33 2.,J The following table show the average ef cattle, hoae and sTieep at the South Omaha live atock -narket for the year to.date, aa compared; with last tear: ISIS. 1914. Inc. Cattle $H.,18 .!;.$ M.$ Hogs I.W.7.4CS X77.710 $T.B Sheep RjA.4;2 .1S 1 The following table shows the eeree price tor hogs at the south Omaha live stock market for the last few day, with comparisons: Date. ! 191V II4. 1813. 11912. 1911. 19I0.109. 10c; HAT must bales Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 tur key. tl.rwHirfl.W: No. 3 turkey. $1.6Mr 1 t4: No. 2 hard. $1. MCI -55: No. $ hard. n.5G1.M; No. 3 aprlng. $1. 441. $2; No. 2 durum, tl.664rl.u8; No. $ durum, tl.Wf LIST. Com: No. 2 white. 74'4t14c: No. 3 white. 7474'4c; No. 4 white. 73Vi74e: No. 8 white. 7.V473-e; No. white, 7.W 73,c; No. 3 yellow. 74'0';4V; No. 3 yel low, 74fT44r; No. 4 yellow. 72mir73,e: No. 6 yellow, 72473c; No. yellow. 71Vu72c: No. $ mixed, 73iW74e; No. 3 mixed, 73W 7.T4o: No. 4 mixed, 71W72tc; No. 5 mixed, 704i7mc; No. mixed. SHr71c. Oats: No. 2 white, bftiWoT.Vrc; standard, MVn:c: No. 1 white, &4jMVc; No. 4 white, uffi'.M'ic, Parley: Malting, iir.6e; rwo. 1 teen, i T70r. Rye: No. 2, $l.v$401.O9; No. 3. $l.07Hl.O8. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Prlres an Board of Trade. CITTCAIIO A or 1 1 ! Rullis' A fnctM rf foreigners buying 01 tlons n unusual extent on the delivery of ...icat here In September were sharply offset today by news that land attack was being di rected agulnst the Turks west of the Dardanelles and that Italy had begun withholding steamships for use In trans porting troops, The merket closed un settled at He to IV net advance. Corn nnisned with 'e to He gain, oats He off to 1-1 6c. un. and nrovlndons varvina from 7fc decline to a rise of a shade. Changes In the price of wheat had. as whole, a sec-saw character from start to finish, but with Msy contracts rela tively most depresed and September de veloping comparative strength. Rains over a portion of the winter crop belt fa vored the bear at the outset and, so, alsJ. did word of a land movement agalnit Constantinople, but the fact soon became apparent that Europeans were absorbing wnoiesaie ne otters tit tn September option, which has been at a wide dis count under Julv and at an extraordinary difference below May. Tha all-around bulge that ensued In values asve wav in turn to a setback due largely to the latest worn rb news on tne part or Italy. In the end the wheat market was aeraln on the iipirrade. Shorts were covering freely. ' disturbed, pernaps. by the export clearances of more than l.OOO.llOO bushels in wneat and riour for the day and by a out of l,Mn,iO bushels In Minneapolis and I'muin siocns since naiurday, with bad weather reports coming from North Da kota. ' Corn awaved with wheat. Arsantln crop damage report and active cash de mand nere from the east gave the mar ket some Independent strength. Rainy weather made oats easy. Besides, no exuort sales were noted. Provisions sagged on account of lower prices for hog. On the break, however, offerings passed Into strong hands. Kenan City Onus aad prevtstoa. KA NBAS CITY. April 21. WHEAT No. 2 hard. l,V4il.M; No. 2 red. tl.M'-.tJ 165: Mav. $l.62'g;. July, $1.27H; September. $1.1Val.lS. CORN No. 2 mixed, 77c: No. t whit. TSc; No. 2 yellow. 77 "c; No. $, 77c; May, T6c: July. 7c; September. 77d1fT!ie.. OATS No I white. MiffttU-: No. 2 mixed, f3Vd&4c. HUTT'ii; Creamery, 29c; flrat. 27e; seconds, 2fc: racking, 17'c. EGGS Firsts, 174c; seconds. 17c. roULTHY liens. 14-; rooster, turkeys, lie, Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. April 19.-PHAIRIE Choice upland. $13i911.li0, be extra choice In light to bring $13 M), No. 1. $12 Mil 13.00; No. 2. tl0.60tfll.6fl; No. $, t00t'10.0u; choice mid land, $12.60013.00, must be choice and light bales to bring $13 00; No. 1, 13 0CK.rU V; No. 2. tlO.KHfll 60: No. t, $80fl10.00; choice lowland, $10.04ilOM; No. 1. t.1 10.00; No. 2. f00aw; No. , $.00fl00. STRAW Choice wheat straw Is quota ble at $.004j 60. ALFALFA Choice pea green, fine stem, leafv, $14.00: No. 1, ti$.00tfll.t0; No. 2, $10.00(iri2.t; No. 3, $7.00ig'10.0u. 1.1 Te pool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. April 21 WHEAT Spot. No. 2 Manitoba. 13s lOd; No. 1, lXs 7d; No. 2 hsnl winter, 13s 6d; No, 2 red west ern, 13 4V1. OORN-Spot Ainerlcsn mixed, new, ft 3d; American mixed, oid, 8s Vtd; La Plata, mixed. a Id. - Bt. I.oa I Grain Market. HT. LOUIS. April 21. WHBAT-Nn. 2 red. 1.63Tl.es: No. 2 hard. ll.MHtfl.W; Msy. tl.K4: July. $1 . Is'vtf 1 . 29. ( ORN-No $, 77Wc; No. 2 white, T9i90e; May. 77V; July, 79e. OATS No. 2. 6tHyfic; No. t white, 6iViO. April 1.1 , April t. $ IS t 47 Aliiil 7.1 9 -' April $. & I t 47 April 10 4 Hi 8 $; April 11 I 1 67 April Hi w April 111 7 0-tl I U April II HS I 74i 7 (Ml $210 411 7$ j 7 S4 $ an UI l 8 79 1 1 U 10 IS) $90 t fa! T W UI10 16 J 1 id t w It mi $ n 8 911 7 i $ 86,10 n $ 94j T 661 t Tl J $ fcl t Ml f 6 I 01 n' 1 1 sot $ tl 4 90 April 18 T OTHl 8 Ml I 7H T Ml t $7 f8 April l: T 19il 8 481 8 T ' M fj April IT 7 4T 111 W", ... April 18 It ou, 8 79) J 7"1 6 , f 14 April 1H T 3S' It 7t T 691 6 98 1 t 89 J M Inrll an 1 111. B Ml 7 til 8 113 8 901 t 91 April 21 ..... . IM 7 641 6 631 t 90, f April tli T yt! 6 46 I T 641 6 881 8 9"! Bundav ..... u Receipts snd disposition or live siols t the Uplon Blotk Yerda. South Omaha, for tha twentv-four hours sndlng at o'clock yesterosv: RLl tlris-t A ni.v.' 1 r. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Hll. M. & St. P Wabash 7 t Mlasouii Pacific ... t 1 Union Pacific a. C. N. W.. eat ... 14 7 C. N. W.. wet... M C. St. P.. M. A O..S7 10 C, H. V Q.. eat.. 7 J C., It. U.. '. " e. c. R. I. P.. eat.. 10 I II I. weai. j llllnola Central ... 9 $ Chicago Ot. West. 6 7 Totals 340 162 I DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hog. Sheep Morris A Co J ' Pwlft St l ' Cud.hy Parking Co....L4!. l.xa Armour - Co i.i" Schwarts Co .if? J W. Murohv -' Lincoln Packing CO. Bouth Omaha Pkg. Co aether, fair to good. f7.7M)..00; ew, good to choice. $.0i.oO; ewes, fair to good. t7.VKfix.0O. 141 fed lambs If 38 21 fed ewes H 7 7n tl feeder ltnbs !.. 61 8 7A 93 shorn buck 147 6 0" 97 rull bucks ! 134 4 On S3 fed ewes 94 16 culls ! 92 18 fed lambs 71 HORSES Llbersl receipts, with nfferlnss alwiWinf better OUSlitV. some of the feature or tne nore mrei thin week. Good elsse of hore weigh ing from !,$ pound and up, were tn good retiuest and i ri-e howed an ad vance of $.".. and $10.00 a head, as com i.ared mlth Is week trade. The under- lone In thla branch of the market wa strong and a very satisfactory clesrlng w made, tne enter outlet oeing 10 war horse buyers snd to the commercial trade In the eastern state. There wa no place for the th'n and outelaed horso. a such kinds were slow ale, with price barelv tedy. The clear ance on that kind a a anything hut tlfctorv. like it has been most of the eann thu far. The home buslne In farm horses Is tne worsi in yesr mnn ha shown little Improvement a the sea son advanc. There la still little Inquiry from the southern buyers, though busi ng In that nuartsr 1" expected to pick up again In the near future. LIGHT SENTENCES FOR THREE Judjr. Robert E. Lewit Sends to Jail Three Who Changt Their Pleat to Guilty. HOWELL URGES CLEMENCY Ariiolel Open. Hlgh, low. Close.) Yca'y Wheat May. July. Corn May. July. Oats- j May. July. Pork July. Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept 1 67 1 1H 1 $7 i 1 $4'. 1 36V, 1 I4i! TT 7SS 77W 7!W M'al 7M . 6KT, 670 MTi bSW 66T 66Tk 18 00 IS 10 17 18 46 18 Vt It 40 10 J7H 10 42H 10 36 10 o 10 66 10 46 10 62H 10 46 10 72V, 10 Ki 10 72V, 1 "1 1T6H 774,' 67141 66 I 1 60i 1 36 77i 7Ti 67' 6 18 0?1 18 or. 18 47Vk 18 60 I 10 40 10 66 10 62V,! 10 77V,j 10 47V, 10 72V, 10 f0 10 77Vi Tyler 163. State Bank Bldg. New Design In a t-room bungalow, haa oak finish In three rooms, one a sun room; beam ceilings, bookcases, window seat, fine large kitchen, with convenient pantry and Icebox room- furnace heat; cemented baaement; fine lot; paved street; close to car; located near 19th and Laird St. Easy terms, or lot taken as first payment- Rasp Bros. Douglas 13. lOtf Mci.'ague Bldg. FOR SALE Best larre body hlgb-grad medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. BBAJj ESTATE LOANS FARMERS, do you need money? We ne gotiate for farm loans, t or 10 years, at per cent, dealing direct with bor rower. 2V per cent straight commission; correspondence solicited. Address Dept. V. Security Farm Loan Ass'n, 30 N. Dear born St.. Chicago, III. $10 TO llC.Oui made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bid., Uth and Farnam Bta CITY and farm loans, 6, 6V. 6 par cenL J. H. Pumont A Co.. 41$ State Bank. WANTED City loans and warraui. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. 10 Faruam St ilONEY on hand for city and farm loaoa H. W. Binder. City National bank Bldg. WANTED City luaua potere Trust Co. fEE ua first for farm lua ia eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS. C O. Carlbarg. 210-811 Brandela Theater Bldg. OUAH A homes. East Nebrsska lariul O'KEKKK REAL FJSTATE CO.. I0it Omaha National, f-none Douglas ITU. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN. Hot water heat, full cemented cellar, full attic, good porch for Ice box, beautl- iui view, gfiod nelgnoorhood. all . own their own homes; close to schools and churches. to0 will give you possession. balunce like rent. 4617 N. 39th St. Key next door north. C. M. EATON. 1108 W. O. W. Bldg. D. 1981. 30T1I AND FORT Six rooms, oak finish, full basement. all modern, south front lot, paved street. gooa location, ngnt on car line; price, $3,100; cash payment down, balance terms. C. IK CARLBERG, $12 Brandela Theater Bldg. i-ROOM, modern house, H block to car. )tvl sirvei, si.sw. nil. svo. LOT SALE at Public Auctloa a beautiful residence lot at auction. Lot No. L block No. a. In First Druid Hill addition, Omaha, to be sold at public auction Tnursdsy. April 22. at 2:8 p. m., to IA" highest bidder for easn. 1 ot eiear. tine guaranteed. TAKE AMEH AVE. CAR. get off at eth and walk one block south to Boyd. For other Information and auction safes dates call Red 7. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. Homes For Sale 1102 S. 32d St. 8-room all modern houae. on comer of 32d and Pacific Sta. Fine tree, large yard, 60x171, room In rear for St. Loul flat. PRICE ,0U0. $127 Mason St., S-room all modern houae. In god repair. Lot 40x120. Neighborhood very good. PRICE $3,650. 2426 Spencer St., 6-room all modern house, one-half block from car line, two blocks from school. Ixt 40x127. PRICE $3,000. 630 N. 41st St., -room all modern house, one block from car line, two blocks from public school. Lot 60x110. PRICE-MAKE OFFER. A. C. Kennedy, 30 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 722. High and Sightly Brand new home on a beautiful south front rorner lot, almost walking distance, finished with finest kind of stucco. In terior finished in oak. with large firs place, beams, window sest and tiled bath. Three fine bedroom upstairs, with attic above. All rooms very large and lots of windows. Price $1,760, and term csn be arranged. JEFF W. BEDFORD SON, 309 State Bank Bldg. Doujglas 8320. Chicago Cash Prices Whest: No 1 red' tl.eoai.60V,; No. 2 hard, tl.fOV,. Com: No. 2 yellow, 79c; No. 4 yellow, 77V4'Sf77Vic. Oate: No. $ white. 67V(j'.''8c: standard. 68GSRHe. Rye: No. 2, 81.17. Barley. M 82c. Seeds: Timothy, $4.60ft.; clover, 18 vai2.76. Provlalons: Pork, $17.45; lard. $ 97V4; ribs. t9.!7V10.00. BUTTEK-Steady; receipts, 8.18K tubs, creamery extras. 2Hc; extra firsts. 27Vjc; firsts. avJKVy:; seconds, 224jC4c; packing stock, lbsifcic. EGGS Unchanged: receipts. 80.834 cases; at mark, cases Included. ISfjIHVso; ordi nary firsts. 18'aHH8'ic; firsts, 19V4i 19Vtc. POTATOES-Hteady: recefrts, 23 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 2fM0c. POULTRY-Hlgher; fowls. 16c; springs, loc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 21-WHEAT -J8av. $1.6t,V: July. tl.&Hs bid; No. 1 hard, $1.1: No. 1 northern. $1.67V4ei tlV4; No. 2 northern. tt.62V1.684. Fl-OUR Unchanged. HARLKY-i76c. 1 RYE tl.104Tl.I4. BRAN .50. t:OHN-No. I yellow. 7SVif978tc. OATS No. 1 white. 644ir)V4c. SEEDS Flax, tl W'dl-WV 1 . F. vapors ted Apples aad Dried Pralts NEW YORK. April 21. EVAPORATEX APPLES Pull. DRIED FRUITS Prune dull and easy. Apr loots d peaches neglected. Raisins quiet. CHICAGO LIVF. STOCK MARKET Cattle tnsettled Hogs W'ra to LowerSheep Kasy. CHICAGO. April 21. CATTLE Re- celDts. Itl.ono head; market unsettled; n live hef steirs. $.l.Vb6.70: western steers, $.".65r7.50: row and heifer. ta.0UUS.3J; calve. 80.20476 75. HOGS Receipt. 2.,ono nean; market weak; 64H0r lower: bulk of sales, t7.4e.4f 7.65: light, $7.4vtt7.90; mixed, $7.8Mi7.7i); heavy. $6.9G4T7.t0; rough, $6.95417.16; pigs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 17.000 head: market easy, sheep, $7.60(8 8.66; lambs, t6.406M0.96, St. LoaU Live BtaeU Market. ST. LOUIS, April 21. C A TTLE Re ceipts. 2,300 head; marke'. higher; native beef steers. t7.ft"4lH.60: yearlings and heir ers, $n.00tl.00; cows, i.WW, $6; atockers and feeders, $(i.0O4)'7.76; southern steers, $5.2r4i7.;&; cows snd hrltcrs, 4.uu(o.to; na live calve. 3.0(Vfi9.50. HOGS Receipts, 7,200 head; market lower? nlsa and llchts. M.004i7.80: mixed snd butchers. $7.!5a7.lW: good heavy, $7.60 A, 7 7ft HHKTCI' AND LAMBS Receipts. 900 hesrf: market strong: ewes. $6.604r4. lambs, $9.HC.10.76; sheared lambs, $x.7."4 910; yearlings. $8.6(i4J9.60; sheared year lings, $7,008 7. 76 Kansas City Live Seek Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo April S1.-CATTLK Receipts, 6,000 head; market higher; prime fed steers, $X.IOfl.76; dressed heef steers. $7.35.O0; western steers, tT.OOjJ 8 (H). stocker and feeders. $6 6006.60; bulls, i, V 0 ; cslves, $.0IWi,2i. HfH 18 Receipts. 6,600 hssd: msrket steadv : bulk of ealea, I7.404C7.66: heavv. $7.40417.60; packer and butchers $7.4041 7.65; llsht. t7.4tHff7.ro; Pigs. 8.n4l7.3h. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. .0 head: market lower; lambs, $7Mli1fli; yearllnaa. $7.6O4.60; wether, $7.00H$76; ewes, $6.76478.60 Blaaa City Live Stack Marke. BIOUX CITY, la.. April 21.-CATTLrC-Recelpts. 1,00) head; market 10c lower: native steers. tJ.OOrrta.OO: butchers. $5 268 7.30; cows and heifers. IS.OOwl.lt; canners. t3.6044.75; Blockers and feeders. $a.7.Viy 7.40: calve, t6.00tif.00; bulls, slags, etc., $5.i0''l.O. H(K1S Receipt. 4,000 head: market lAc 1 ..... tn WU-OM Aft mll.fl ST 7 824; light. $7.26jf7.80; bulk of sale. $7.27', 14 i It 3H' 1.82 1.8W 110) Oidahv from K. w. B. vanant 10...... Benton, Vanaant L.. F. B. Lewis Huston Co J. B. Root Co.i J. H Bulla 1.. F. HUBS Rosenstock Bros MoCreary Kellogg .. AVerthelmer regen... H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krena ... Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... Christie Hlgglns Huffman Rolh Meyers Glaaaberg Bsker, Jones Smith. Tanner Broa Dennis ft Frsnois Kiln Other buyers Totals 16 9 m 2$ 134 S9 43 40 If 122 45 126 134 40 4 107 JO 7 f 17 $2 t 18 44 . 23 . 1 . t0 .6.809 Judge Robert B. Iwls In federal court Wednesday Imposed light sentences on three men Indicted by the grand iury who had previously pleaded not guilty, but had changed their pleas to guilty. In ths rase ot Ralph Martin, colored. Inulcted for having morphine In his pos srtslon. United State Attorney Howell declared that he did not feel Inclined now tt ask penitentiary sentences for men ar rtsted under the new 'dope" laws, with hahlta binding them ahlch could not be thrown off at once. He said he would k harder sentence after the Isw ha operated longer. The law provides a maximum fine nf tJ.O and imprisonment up to five years. Msrtln w.is given thirty dsys In jail. Alfred Rlchardeon colored. Was sen tenced to a year and a day In the Leav enworth prison for stealing a pine table frcm an open bog car In ths Burlington yards. Frank Puerto, a young Italian who hat been In thla country only two years, pleaded guilty of writing a threatening; letter to Alphlo Garrotto, a grocer, de manding 1200 and threatening to kill Gar rotte's little daughter if the mones was not paid. Garrotto was In court and said Pucrlo wss "good boy." P'Jcclo has been In Jail five month and the court sentenced hint to sixty days In Jail upon Mr. Howell's atstement that ths government Intends to deport him ss an undeslrabls rtrlsen. -i 1 ri 1 t.-s u ..Ini m war tltl morning, 246 cars being Ji""'" recelpta for the three daya this amounts to M.741 head, being the since three weeks "" i'r,TL.i ii.lA? year ago by about a.OOO head. Good '' cattle were In active demand at steady 1437 very 800 t,8M llbersl Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 21.-X)FFEE-The market for futures waa more active to day after opening unchanged to 3 points lower, prices rallied with the close steady at a net advance of 1 to 6 point. The opening decline reflected some scat tering Msy liquidation and local trad selling of near muoths, but houses with European connections were buyer and there appeared to be rather a better osr ni lesion house demand. Salea for tha day were M.U bags; Airtl. lie; May, .Uc; Juna, t uc: July, 7 Jo; August. 7.37c; September, 1 ; O-tober, T lt-, November. V ;; Daosmber, i.twtc, January, 7.bkc; f"ebruary, TT': Man li, 7.80c. Spot steady; Rio No. T. TV: Santo No. 4. loc. Very ft-w offers were reported In the roet and iielgiit market, owing to the holiday In Itraxil. No change waa reported In either of tho Brazilian markets or In the rate of lilo exchange on London. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. . BUTTER No. 1, l-lu. cartons. 31e; No. 1. 80-lh. tubs. 29c. CHEESE Imported Swiss. J2e; Ameri can Swiss, Wc: block Swiss; lie; twins. lVc; daisies. 17Vc; triplets. I'Hc; Young Ainerisa, lc; blue label brick, lsVic; Hin burger, 2-lb., 20c; 1-lb,, 20c: New York white, Uc; imported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout, 14c; lsrre crapples. )6c; halibut, Uc; channel catfish. 15c. herring, 8c; codfish. 13c- mackerel, 16c; salmon, sc. SWEET POTATOES-Kansaa $2.76 bbl. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, IGVic; No. 2, 16c; No 8, 14c. Loins: No. 1, lite; No. 2, 18c; No. $, lc. Chucks: No. 1. 9V,c; No. 2. kc; No. 3. 8'e. Rounds: No. 1. 12V,c; No. 2. l!c: No. 3, HSc. Pistes: No. 1, 8c; No. 2. 74c; No. 3. 7o. POULTRY Broilers, 20c; spring chick ens, Uc; hens. 14c: cocks. 8Vc; roosters, tVr1-. stags. c; ducks. 16c; geese, log; turkeys, 134716c; pigeons, per doa. (Oc; duck, full feathered, lis'; geese, full feathered, 8c; squabs. No. L tl.tu; No. tOc. Fruit snd vegetable prices furnished by Gllllnslil Fruit company: FRUITS-Orsnges: E'xtra fancy Cali fornia navela, all sixes, $3 per box; extra fancy California navels, all sixes, S box lots or more, $2.9u per box; fancy Call fornla navels, all sixes, $2.75 per box; fancy California navels, all alxra. i box luts or more, $2.ti6 per box. Lemons: Fancy Sunklst. 300s, 3tius, $4 60 per box; choice Red Ball. $3.60 per box. Grape fruit: Ms. $2; . tilt; 64a. $1.60; 4a. 12 75 per box. Apples: Extra fancy White Winter Pearmalnes. $1 60 Der box; extra fancy Genoa, $1.50 per box. Bananas: 13 to $2 26 per bunch, 4c lb. Strawberries: Ixiulslsna pints, $3.25 case. VEG ETA H LF-S California new cab bage, 5 to 100 lb. crates, $Vc per lb. Cel ery: tl, nos. Head lettuce: 31 dos. I-eaf Icttuoa. 40c dos. unions: Yellow, 2c lb.; Texas Bermudas, white. $2.26 par crate; Texas Bermudas, yellow. $2 per crate. Artichokes, li.fai dos. Endive. 36c dos. Brussel sprouts: 'Mr lb. Pepers: 60c per basket. Tomatoea: Fancy, 34 60 per crate; choice. 34 per crate. Radlahea: buo per dos. Turnips: 60c do. Spinach: tOc ices, while heavy cattle M mrMm lightweight wers slow to 1t',?wir The msrket ss a whole might be de scribed as stedy to possibly as much a Ion lower In spota . . . Good helfors and cows on the nelr order were free sellers st stesdy prl.-c. Hough snd heavy cows wera slow and a much as lOo lower In some esse. Blockers and feeders were free sellers at good, firm prices. . Quotations on cattle: Good to ehde eornfed beeves. t7h0; fair to good cornfed beevea, t7 Mrnt.M; common to fair eornfed beeves, l7.tWi1.60; good to choice heifers. $.75t(8.0o; good to 'hole cows, $(. 500.10; fair Id goodcpw, $5.68.Wi, common to fair cows $176tf.60 ; good to nholoa stockers and feeders. t7.a.Oi'! fair to good atockers and feeders fl.Wv 7.40- common to fair atockera and feeder. $ii0o7.10; stock heifers. tfi.6MI6.86: sto'k cows, tV504rii.60; stork calves. $.$; veal calves, $7 OO41 10.00; fst nulls, stags, Ste.,$4.7?i6.2f; stock bulls, $6.$S1.M. Representative se: BEEF STEERS. At. Ft. ..Id) 1 t te ,.ls 7 N ..! T M ..u.xi ia we. 8 II 14 4 4i 17 11 At. Pr. .. .11W T ... ski 7 4 ... U 7 M ... 7M 1 U ...I5w TJ ,...l4 7 .... ht t n a)in.'J"r AN 4M M NO. II .... It II II T 1111 I 1 U 1444 I 14 4 ! IN its.. a..i. it mi 7 8 I Ill I U K4 1 it II. f I mEIFERB. Ill 111 I M I H I 471 I tl I M III I MO 1 M wALVKS. .. 7I T 71 141 T SI IH Ik .... M T 81 ,...! 11 ....low 7 M .... M IH 3 I tl II 1 Clark Denies that He Has Ever Kissed . Mrs, Edith Hicks Under oath this afternoon, on tha wit ness stand. A. A. Clark denied that ha ever kissed Mrs. Edith Hicks, or ever proposed kissing her. However, ha testi fied that she was on his sleeping porch at his hems and there and then asked htm for (TE. which he refused to give to Buy Big Horses Here for Use in Pittsburgh Hugh McAfee, offlclel of ths Pitts burgh Plat Glass company, hla brother. Jsmes McAfee, president of the Con solidated lea company of Pittsburgh, and F. W. GUI, s leading coal man ef tha smoky city, called at tha office ef As sistant Postmaater Woodard Wednesday under escort ef E. H. Ollmors, m personal friend. Mr. Gilmore exhibited a letter written by Mr. Hugh McAfee from ths Fontanel! hotel when he wasn't certain of getting to meet Mr. OUmore. In ths letter ha said: "Omaha Is without any doubt tha finest Inland oily I have aver seen." "The longer we stay here the better we like It." said James McAfee. . . "Did you come clean from Pittsburgh?" ssked someone, trying te pull the eld vaudeville Joke. "Well, we washed up a bit In Chicago, ' ssll Mr. Gill. The party Is enroute te Crforai and Honululu. Mr. McAfee of the Consolidated Ic company bought a carload ef horses here whlcn will be shipped to Pltuburgh to pull ths Ice wagons of that city this unina.'. AND LA MBB Receipts, 300 Y7 3f. SHEEP heed. St. Joseek Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 21 CATTLE Ra relots. 1.300 liesd: market strong: steers. t7.OTKfjS.50: cows and heifers, t4.0nQ4.36; calves. 86 000 7 60. HOGS Receipts. 8100 hesd: market lower; top, $7.52i: bulk. $7.4iW7.60. SHEEf AM la,ivirir neieims. head; market dull; lumbs. lo.ouwi. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 21 M ETAI J-Isd. easy at M.i.mn.ai; lora. uv u i. liHer, strong St $1I.7W W.tt; ionaon. m. Tin. unsettled: spot. $40.00fl0.00. Cooper. firm; electrolytic. $17. u; casting, fl7.3o. Iron, quiet and unchanged. At liondon: !'ot copper, an i:i m; fu tures. 78 7s d. Spot tin. I'M ss; fu tures. 14 lf.a. Antimony, 87). Cotton Market. NBW YORK. April 21.-COTTON-Spot. quiet; middling uplands. 10.40c; sales. 1WI Tne market cuiseti ai a nei aecune or from 12 to 16 points. tales. LIVERPOOL, Anrn zi. - nun-rpor, essier; ood middling, .12c: middling, 5id; low middling, 6.3d. Sales, lu.OoO bales. ' PIONEERS TO CELEBRATE HERE ON ARBOR DAY The Douglas County Pioneers' associa tion has arranged special exercises for Arbor day, which will be held at Masonlo temple, beginning at noon Thursday. Msyor Dahlman Is to deliver the address. Rev. Charles E. Cohhey will deliver the Invocation. Musical numbers ars to be rendered by Miss Gracs Pool, Mrs. J. E. Daly, Mrs. Charles Thlem, William 1 tethering ton, Edward Clark and John McCreary. John G. Kuhn will be among the speakers. Ths program will follow a dinner to be served at noon. hi H I M M l4 t CW 1 MS $ I III t II 1 ) I 11 mi T at 1 10 in M 7 M 3 le HTix ivl . . AN r .. 14 7 7 to II T1 T M 41 74 1 M II Il 7 H 17 Ill 7 14 ft U I M 14 Ml 1M HOGS Kuppiii' amounted to about 144 car, or .u head, bringing the total for the three day up to 2M44 head. This Is lightly smaller than for last Week, but l.ooi) larger than last year. ShliiDlna orders ware not ao large H on previous days of the week, and ths Ihlp Mrs' early Durchases. which were made at mostly 6c lower prices, accounted for only a small share of the moderate run. nig end of me snipping saies mini on the earlv rounds landed at 17.40, with a few hunches as high as $7.46. The light liipier buying gave peckers a pretty fair showing to pick rrom and they mad their early offers at flgurea that were a flat dime lower than yester day. Seller were asking stesay price snd naturally put up a fight against such a large concession as packers demanded. This made trad absolutely deed until nearly midday, but In the end buyers fer ried their point, and when the big end of the packing hoga sold it was at prices wist aere anoui a aune lower. The big end of the killing grades moved st f.30. with quite a sprinkling up lo ti.40, and a few loada as high aa $7.46. Today's decline leaves prices on killers lower than they were Monday, while shippers are fully steadv with the week's ooenlng. Vs. Ai. gk. rr. Ne. At Bh. Tt 57..A.. S04 12 T I T in 1 7 17 4 rrt to IN It M IN U 7G ... 7 H 244 ... T 40 II 144 ... 1 It 44 114 ... T 41 II ft I T 17 V Ill ... 1 U SHEEP The trad In aheep and lamb was pretty much a repetition ot what It ha been for aome time. The receipt were t.7u0 head, as against $.217 a week ago and 6.221 en the corresponding day a year ago. The general market waa low and dull most of the forenoon, witu the packers trying lo fill orders on a lower bast ana the sellers ssking higher price. Toward tha noon hour a trading basis wa arrived at and It wn not long before ths big bulk of the lambs found an outlet on packing account at prices anywhere from steady to a dim fewer. As of lata, the few old aheep available eonslsted mostly of ewes, among which were some that sold to arrive at $8.50, steady with yesterday. The week's receipt to date foot up 28.144 head, a compared with 29.44 for the aam day last week, 23,616 two week ago and 26.412 a yesr ago. Aged sheep have lieen scarce, uuotatlona on sheep and lambs: Umbi, light. $lfl.6oral0 76: lamb, heavy. $10.10(1 10 t0, lambs, shorn. K2&88 7I, yearlings, light, $ 6UA.; yearlings, heavy, t f M too, wether, good to choice, $s.00m.50; August Titlen Dies from Shot in Thigh August Tttlen of Ogden, Utah, who wss shot tn tha left hip Mondsy night while sitting on a railroad track at Fifth and Webster streets, died at Bt. Joseph's hos pital where he had been tsksn by police surgeons. Titlen had heard a noise In tho brush behind him and he called Whet's olng on there?" His answer was tho shot which proved fatal. James O'Hesrn. who was with Titlen at the time, was held until Tuesdsy by tha police, but hss ben released. M'ARDLE SUES TO COLLECT PAY FOR SWIMMING POOL Philip McArdle la plaintiff In stilt In diitdlct court brought agalnat the Metro politan Conservatory of Arts, Nathaniel E. Read, Abe Flnkrnateln, James B. Cot vln, Wlllard & Chsmbers and Ore P. Cf smbers on a note for $450, alleged due snd unpsid. The court Is Informed In the petlttoa tl.at the note Is one of several totaling tr.000 given at the time ef the purchaae by the defendants of the swimming- pool snd fixtures In ths Metropolitan club ho us, 2301 Harney. ADMIRAL SCHLEY'S AUNT KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE ATLANT. Ga. April tl.-Mrs. Vir ginia Bchley, 75 years old. an aunt ef the late Rear Admiral Wlnfleld Scott Bchley. was struck and killed by an automobile In front of her home hers lats last night All British coins are legal Canada. tender It) "TiTiT""fljia"T5rTy Zie Odd Lot Heviet ty wOipaiti-ili-nWAtioi Ahsimji Iu 1 f m tt s ill Isw Uia Jwm Ve k 6 U r T4 not ffw YtTw t a w I