niK l!i:H: OMAJIA. VK1XKKDAV, Al'ltH, 21, 1915. BRIEF CITY NEWS Hire Boot Prtat It Now Beacon BnrrMMIrtilti Co. Lighting fixture. "Today'g Complete MoTte FrofTum ' rlaaslfled section today, and appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY-. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. A aeias; of Time fow both cuatomef and yourself when your office la con. vsnlently located. The Bee Building "the building that la always new" rnakes thla aavlng aura. Tke tt sank el Omaha rare per eont on time dcpoalta. l per cent on savings accounta. All depoalta In thla bank are protected by the depositors' ruarantee fund of the atate of Nebraska. Psnaloa for Mrs. King- City commit alonere favor allowing Mary Tllng. widow of Detective Tom Ring, a monthly pen sion of V0 during her widowhood. City Dads at Opening- City commls alonera have accepted V. A. riourkc'a Invitation to occupy a box at the opening hase ball time of the Western league at Hout ka park April 27. Credit Men to Meet Twenty-five members of the Omaha Retail Credit Men'a association will dine at Hotel Roma Friday evening and hold a meet ing and listen to addrrsses. Special for Letter Carrier Thursday noon, from the I'nlon station, tha Union Taclflc will run a special train carrying the Omaha letter carriers and their band to the convention of letter carriers at Fremont. Clerks to Mast with Castla Members of the Nebraska-Iowa Hotel Clerks' as sociation will hold X regular monthly meeting at Hotel Cattle Wednesday eve ning, and will b the gueets of Manager Fred Castle at a Dutch luncheon follow ing the meeting. U. V. Kay Build pur Track In com mlttoe of the whole the city commission er r. recommended the passage of an ordi nance granting the I'nlon Pacific the right to extend a apur track along an alley from Fourteenth to Fifteenth be tween Jackson and Jones streets. StcOovern Condemns Stone Commis sioner McoGvern of the public Improve ments department has condemned a quan tity of crushed atone Intended for use at a paving Job being done on Jones street, between Thirty-eighth street and Thirty eighth avenue. Mr. McGovern atatea that the stone contained about 15 per cent clay. Boblnson Tlslta Old rriende Frank W. Robinson, assistant traffic manager of the Oregon A Washington Railway and Navigation cotniany, with headquarters at Portland, Ore., is In town In conference with Union PaciHc officials. Ten years ago Mr. Robinson was chief clerk In the general freight office of the Union Pa cific here. Two Autos tolsn II. O. Trestcr of the New Hamilton apartmenta reports to tho police that lilt auto was stolen from the parking district at Seventeenth and Howard streots Monday afternoon Al Bloom also lost a car from In front of tha Young Men' Christian association building Monday night while he was at tending the raock trial held there. Two Shoplifters ltt.d E1 Perry, 411 North Fourteenth street, charged with the theft ot two ladles' silk dresses from tha BrnndolS stores, waa sentenced to thirty days in tho county jail Tuesday morning., Special Officer1 I T. Finn made the arrest Richard C. Black of t. Iiouls, arrested by Special Officer Tagal of the Burgees-Nash atoreS, waa given a like amount. Black stole a lady's white silk shirtwaist. Beautiful Hair Tinting Absolutely and Positively Harmless. "iJnowtiatone" Instantly Changes tbe Hair to Ajnjr Shade of Brown (or Black If Preferred.) Nothing so robs a woman of her good looks and attractiveness as gray, streaked or faded hair. Afed there la no more reason or sens in tolerating un attractive hair than there la gowns. Nearly all of the more noted beauties long ago rei' ognlzed this fact, and si wear their ha I not only In (he tylei but alio tha color, moat becoming. The one hair stain that atanda su preme la "Brownatone." It la simple and easy to usa. Just comb or brush It into your hair.- It can not be de tected, will not rub or waah off. acts Instantly, ant Is absolutely harmless. "Brownatone" will give any shads desired from golden brown to hlacli. Your druggist sella "Brownatone" or will get It for you. and lr Is worth youi whlls to Insist upon having thla prep aration and not something else. A sam ple and a booklet will be mailed von upon receipt of 10 cents, and your or ders will be filled direct from our laboratories If you prefer. i Two slues the and 11.00. Two shades One for Oolden or Me ill u in lit own, the other for Dark Brown or Black. liiMist on "Brownatone" at your hair dresser'si l'repared only by the Kenton Phar mecal Co., tt K. Pike St.. Covington, Ky. Sold and guaranteed In Omaha bv Sherman & Md'onnell Drug Co. store and other leading dealers. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A STew Home Cure Tnat Anyone Cam Use Without Discomfort or Loss of Tint. We have a New Method tnat cures Asth ma, and we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of Jung-standlng or reoent development, whether it is present as' occasional or clironli- Asthma, you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what cllmato you live, no matter what your age or occupation. II you are trou bled Kith asthma, our method should re lieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless eases, a here all forms of Inhalers, douches, opium prep arations, fumes, "patent nmokcn," etc., have failed. We want to show everyone al our own expense, that this new method Is designed to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and all those terrible par oxysms at once and for all time. This free offer is too important to ne glect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Bend no money, simply mail coupon below. Do It Today. rui avmica. cotrroiT FRONTIER ASTHMA CO. Boom 1T-.M, Kiaaara and Hudson Bti., Buf falo. N. Y. Bend free trial of your method to. In wearing tin- 7W k-Z" becoming Wi J J' FIRST NATIONAL TO BUILD AJBW HOME Hat Secured All Shares in Board of Trade and Will Erect Twelve Story Building There. HOME FOR nRST TRUST TOO As repeatedly foreshadowed in The Bee. despite half-denial, the Board ot Trade corner it to be the home of the First National bank. The I'nion Securltleu company, com posed largely of the stockholders of the First National bank, has finally come out In the open and an nounced that It is the real purchaser of the Board of Trade at Siiteentu and Farnam streets, and that it will build a twelve-story building, part of which will be occupied by the First National bank. The last of the stock in the Board of Trade company has been secured. The First National has long wanted to get uptown; that is, it ha wanted a location on Sixteenth street. For a long time it has had an eye on the Board of Trade corner, hut up ta the time of the fire that destroyed the building it was not for sale. Hays Srkllta Comer. In tha meantime, tha Union Securities company, representing the First Na tional, bought the BchllU corner at Plx- isentn and llarney. and began to talk of building there. They even employed an architect to make a few sketches of a possible building, but when tha Board of Trade fire occurred they Immediately opened negotiations again for the nur- chase of that corner. It waa then that the l nlon Hecnrltfes company, represent ing the First National bank, which waa mysteriously spoken of at an "eastern syndicate," purchased some S3 per cent or the stock of the Board of Trade com pany of the leading atockholders In the company. Thct left only a few scat tered share around tha city. While the work of buying up theae scattered shares waa going on, an attempt waa made to keep aa a profound secret the fact that the bank was Interested In tha Board of Trade corner. Realises Its Dream. Now that tha last of tht shares has been purchased, the total costing about $623,000, and the Schllta comer has been told by the bank for what It paid for It some weeks ago, the bank admits that It is to occupy the Board of Trade corneiy the dream of Ha existence for several years. The new twelve-story building Is to be of Colorado marble and enameled brick. The bank Is to occupy the second floor of the building, while nine stores are make up tho first floor. Thare are to be seven of these on the Sixteenth street front and two on the Farnam street front The First Trust company Is of course to share the second floor with the bank. Beef Prices to the Retailers Move Up; Consumer Must Pay - Dressed beef haa taken nnh.,' .a. vance of I centa a pound to the retail ers. Halves of beef are from 13 to Is cents a pound, which means a corres ponding increase to the consumer. A meat market man eaplatna that an advance of thla nature must naoeunriiw effect short cuts, sirloins, round steaka and shoulder steaks more particularly, because a sharp advance on the Inferior cuts ot the beef cannot be made and a ready aale secured. These prices were charged this morn ing at varloua markets: Short cuts, 30 cents a pound: sirloins, ZTH cents: round steaka, 25 cents; shoulder steak, it) centa. A scarcity of cattle on the market Is given as a reason for thla raise. FlftSf CHRISTIAN PHILATHEA CLASS INSTALLS OFFICERS The members of the Phllathea classes of Omaha ohurches were the guests of the dast of the First Christian church at lit annual Installation of officer Mrnday night. The ritual of tha or- ganixntlon was read by Rev. C. R. Cohhy and addresses were made by Miss Mary Ammon, preMdent of tha City Fhlllathea union, arid Jlr. Arthur Chase, A beauti ful bouquet Wat presented to the teacher of the class. Mis. J. II. Eaisberry. The officer installed are president. Mrs. Lulu McCartney; vice president. Myrtle Harding; secretary, Jean Matters; treaa urer Lydla Kenier. NORTHWESTERN. IN MARKET FOR BIG EQUIPMENT ORDER i Possessed with the) spirit of optimism and having faith In the future of busi ness, the Northwestern Is in the market for 3,0,i0 worth of new equipment to be delivered during the coming summer. Tha erder that la to be placed Includes J.0O9 steel box cars, fifty steel under frame cabooses and fifty ateel naaaenaer coaches. Since 1910. exclusive of the equipment to be ordered, the Northwestern haa spent $ for new equipment. This sum has bouvht 84.23 freight cars, pas senger coaches, work cars and 831 locomotives. WARNING TAGS FOR AUTOS NOT PROPERLY PARKED Chief of Police Dunn haa received a supply of red taga for use In- th - Ueenien detailed to regulate the new au tomobile parking system. When ers are found parked at curbing longer than me prcacnoeu limit or thirty minutes, within the business district, tags will be fastened as warnings to owners or drlv ers. The tag bears the word "Warning," In large lettera, with a lint of atreett where cars may be parked without time Ihnlt, and on the reverse aide of the tags la the text of the ordinance. TWO GOATS TURNS OUT TO BE BUT ONE LAMB Cornea now John Waldman. S6I7 Chi cago street, and deposes and ssyt that the folka who complained to City tlerk Flynn that he was keeping two goats at lua home are mistaken. "The only goats t have tre !an:ls and it's only one lamb at that," he says. Bent room uuick witfc a alee Want AS COMES LONG WAY FOR TRIAL Mrs. Mary F. Gnibrr to Prosecute Her Suit Against W. U. Brown for Money Advanced. CASE IN COURT TWO YEARS Mrs. Mary F. Umber will iome fro.n lVmer to Omaha thla week to prpsecuu her suit before District Judge Senrs In which she alleces she was defrauded of J.:'.0i by W illiam II. Brown of Omaha, act orjing to dispatches from Denver. Tho case is set for trial here for next week. Mrs lrulr's suit, which hn been pending in the local courts for nearly tw-i years. Involves $2,(t. alleged paid by her to Mr Brown In connection with patent rlghtc of the Victor J. Kvans company, a manufacturing firm. Iler story, as related In her petition, la an ac count of numerous payments ef thous ands of dollsrs made, she alleges, follow ing representation by Mr. Brown that the amount were needed for the advance ment of the business entcrprtr-e. Mr. Brown's answer acts up that be was engnaed by sirs, Omber to make an Investigation of a business project for which she waa to pay him StfOO. Pha still owes him Ii40, he asserts, and denlea re ceiving the large amounts named by Mra timber. Permeate Maimed. The following payments were made by Mrs. Gruber to Mr. Brown, she asserts In her petition: Initial payment of $5,000 In July. 1!1.'. August 20. $2,100 to be paid to avoid lia bility of arrest by patent authorities. August 37, 13.000 (or patent rights. September 10, !,S00 for privilege of do ing business in Canada. September 12, $1,500 for purchase ot land to add to plant at Aberdeen, a D. October 1,. $S,000 to complete Aberdeen plant; alleged paid at Princeton. III. November 15. ft.SOO for Aberdeen plant. December t. $2,000 following receipt of telegram from Aberdeen. December 10, $3,500 to complete Incor poration. January $, 1913, $1,500 for Interior deco- rttiona .it Aberdeen. Mrs. Gruber alleges that Mr. Brown still owea her $21,000. 8he asks the cou't to give her title to two lots In Omaha for which the asserts Mr. Brown paid f.0, taking title In the name of his wife. Simon is to Go on City Hall Slate in Place of Jack Ryder City Commissioners Butler, Kugel and Hummel and Mayor Dahlman have agreed to substitute Edward Btmon for J. J. Ry.ler on the city hall slate for the city election on Vay 4. This action was taken at an executive session. Commissioner McUovern says this Is satisfactory to him and It la under stood that Commissioner Wlthnell, who is out of the city, will likewise consent to the change. "There Is a general feeling that Ryder will not pull through at the election," explained the mayor. Mr. Byder conferred with the mayor on this subject. There haa been considerable speculation recently regarding what action the com mlssloners would take on thla and It was aot altogether a surprise that Simon waa aelected to fill In the administration slate. . Mr. Byder declines to comment upon the situation. He attended today's council meeting and gave no evidence of concern on account of the action of hla colleagues. It it the Intention of the city commis sioners and the mayor, minus Ryder, to Mart at once on their campaign with Bimon. Glee Club May Not Sing at Alumni Prom At the Hotel Rome Instructor Wotowa of the Omaha High School Glee club haa informed the mem bers of the organisation that If they take part In the so-called cabaret performance at the student and alumni prom at the Hotel Rome they are likely to be ex pelled from school. A number by the Glee club waa contemplated. In the pro gram of the evening. Thla Is the lateat move since the school board refused to sanction the aoclal event at a school aotlvlty and the Fontenelle hotel man agement refused to permit the dance to be held on Its floor. FLOWER WANTS CHILDREN TO TAKE CARE OF GARDENS R. 8. Flower, aupervlsor of the garden work, asks that any children, preferably those who are not school children, who are willing to take rare of gardens on a full city lot report to him at tha Young Men'a Christian association aa toon aa possible. He also estends an Invitation to clubs of two or more to make gardens In city lots, for the use of which he will obtain permission. Recipe to Clear a Pimply Skin Pimples are Impurities Seek ing an Outlet Through Skin Pores. Pimples, tores and bolls usually re sult from toxins, poisons and impurities unlet are generated In tho bowels and then absorbed into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. It is the function of the kldneya to filter Impurities from the blood and cast them out In the form of urine, but In many Instances the bowels create more toxina and impurities than the kidneys can eliminate, then the blood uses the skin pores aa the next beat means of getting rid of these Impurities which oftsn break out all over tha skin In the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the akin of these eruptions, says a noted authority, is to get from any pharmacy about four ouncea of Jad Kalta and take a table sroonful In a glass ef hot water each morning before breakfast for one week. Thia will prevent tha formation of toxins In the bow is. U also stimulates the kidneys to normal activity, thua eeaxlng them to filter the Hood of Impurities and clearing the skin ot pimples. Jad Halts Is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from tha acid ef grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithla. Hera you have a pleasant, effervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear, cleanses the blood and Is excellent fur the kidneys aa well. Advertisement. Sunken Tank Must Be Removed-Modern Design in Its Place The city commissioners In committee of the whole ordered the removal of a sheet iron gasoline filling station and a sunken tst.k placed alongside the boulevaitl at Twentieth and Corby streets last .iimlsy morning shortly after midnight hv the National Hoflnlni: company. This action dies not i-cvoke a permit Irsued t the company to operate a gaso line nation at this location, but It re. mures thHl the building shall he of ap- Itoved drsijin and that the gasoline tank shall meet the requirements of the clt bu'lrtln department. Attorney Baldrlge for the oil company told the city commissioners he woii'd as sume responsibility for the midnight oiip. which he admitted was done to veal a march on comretltors. A representative of the National H,. fining company said he would erect a building satisfactory to the provstlng residents. Friday is the Last Registration Day for May Election Friday Is the last day on which regis tration of voters will entitle them to cast ballota at the city election. The elec tion commissioner's office will he open Wednesday and Thursday evenlngM, but on Friday the regular closing hour & o'clock, will be ebaerved. the commis sioner announces. MADE to ORDER $25, $30, $35 and op YOU'LL find Nicoir. display of Spring and Summer fabrics o f unusual taste and effect iveness. It'a by far the moat attractive showing w e have ever had. Smart suiting at $ 2 5 and $30 that have the quality and snap of higher priced fabrics. But you'd better drop in and have a chat with one of our talesmen today. He'll 6 plea$d to pott you on the correct apparel for the teaton't wearing, NICOIX Thelkilor .-WWJerr ems' Sons . 809-211 So. lftth S. rrealSeat, The reenter. En gar Co. eueral Western Disttlbutora. A Leader in. Value at The Ener Motor Car Co. has the same rating in Duns and Brad street's as that of the Standard Oil Co. Their rule is to pay cash in advance for all materials this means that they always buy at rock bottom prices. You can easily comprehend that it takes a large amount of money as well as brains to build a good car. With strong financial re sources and purchasing power, the Enger Motor Car Co. built a car that jumped to the front instantly as an unchallenged leader. Make it a point to see the Enger Six at the earliest possible moment. We will give you a demonstration and prove to you that this is the best car in the world for the money -barring none. Foshier-Ellger Co., General OMAHA, NEBRASKA Francis & Cullis, 2024 Farnam St., Food Feels For Tho Vorkingnan's Wife To Study. Von owe It to yourself, your husband ami family to buy all food stuff from pi licttcnlly one standpoint antrtttoa. i'tlier fnrtorn count, of course, hut nu trition should not he sacrifice. t for any thing elnc, for nutrition Is the basis f economical food buvinr Most Snrllliitnjn' ftlviti Mtrv t,w ! much inent. From a standpoint of nutri tion, nieut Is clear food. Some meat Is I essential, hut we can profitably cut out much of our meat ami Miibst itute other nutritious tmt much i t eiim r food. There's Knnst Spnahctti. When we rat it. e absorb pr llcally all of I., most of it goes to enrich our blond aiui build lip our bodies. Faust osKbettl l made of Durum bent a hlvhlv glutin ous ceresl. Hold In large ! rHekaee Is a anlendii! partial loet sohtittil' Is easily pre pa red and makes fine eat ing. Try plenty of Faust Spaghetti cut down on inent. M.uj.h mtos. 81. I.emK V. H. A. THE OMAHA BEE IS THE FAV0RITR HOME PAPER ireslier Bros. Dye Empress Theatre Velvet Curtain Largest Job of the line! on Record . u"'' : r Illustration Shows tho Dresher If you were to go to an ORDTNATtV ("leaning and Hyping shop ami ask to have a of HOY A lj I'l'rtPI.K VBI. VHT HYICI) TO A It It'll GOI.DKN YKI.I.OW, the clianres are the rlrancr wouhl throws up hla hnmla and say: "Impossible." But Dresher brothers, the Cleaners and Dyers with the $57,000 plant at imi-2213 I'arnam St., are dyeing FIVK Hl'NDItKl.) IAHUH OK ROYAU rtTlt rM VICLVKT DYBINO IT TO A RICH OOLDKN TKLI.OW. And fur thermore, lireshers must have the job out In rXJUTY-ElailTi HOURB. Aa you are aware, the ever popular EMPRKSd THKATKR la rodeooratlng upon a lavish ecale, and tha managu ment haa decUleil that the well remem bered drop curtain must he renovated as Well aa every other ecroaaory of tha House. Bo, Ttreeher Brothera were railed Weight 2865 Pounds ffu TP fo) r i' 1 V 1 f iiaw!!lZ $1495 IX 1 St?- Will Clarke says "It is a pleasure for me to substantiate everything you have claimed for Lee's Sham poo. The tests I have made justify the state ment that it has no equal as a cleanser, free drier and a tonic to the hair.--V. II. Clarke. Many (Ine heads of hair are ruined by sonly soap i u J, soap loll In hslr body and scalp pores after dryInK, where II scls up Itching, scalp sores, dandruff accumula tion; brittle, break y and falling hair. Lee'a Shampoo cleans quick, wsshes out quick and dries quick. It leaves the hair snd scalp clean of every forelro ihlnf. It does not rob the hair of Its Internal oil but leave It soft and silky. The after effects are tery pleating. ... Larrt 31 drtia sel ( 10 thtmeoot for aim). iS eti. Oasrt battle. Mi JS sua I timet, II .00 n mf si a ilmt Mm m sip4. SsmeU thssisxa mtil kim4. M 3U onty al Mle laboratories of GEO. H. LEE CHEMICAL CO. Omsk a, Nebraska f ev ' 4- .. v't ' f Empress Velvet Drop Curtain Being Received at Brothers Cleaning and Dyeing Plant Into consultation and the result la that thn Immense Kmprese Velvet Drop Cur tain, SO l.y CO feet In stxs. will b a NEW THINtl OP JOT whan next you aeo It Stop and think what 500 yards ef vel vet means look al the picture above and eee what a pile It makes upon a aldewalk then admit that Dresher Unit hers have assumed a herculean task when undertaking to rlnan and dye such .a piece of expensive faliiii- In a mere matter of hours. The most difficult and eollosaal sized jobs of dyeing naturally gravitate to wards Dreahers because Dreshera are the only dyers In thla section of tho country capable of doing aurh work. If you have a difficult Job' of dyeing to do, bring It here and the results wilt aurprls'e you. If It la possible to dye the article Dreahers will tall you so wimm, ii-',iiiisi ft-v ! . a rv The Car With a Personality Western Dist'rs. Local Distributors J,: but will be Just aa quirk te tell yeu fuels If the article cannot be dyed. Dreahers hate had experience enough to KNOW what WILL dye and what will NOT. Me euro to note that magnificent golden yellow Trivet curtain when the Empress again re-npena at Its original location. After you see It, aay to your self: '"DRKHHER8 ARK SURK ENOrOII DYER8." Thone Tyler S4S for a man to call for your cleaning or dyeing work; or leare your work at the plant, 1211-33)1 Fa--nam t. at. Dreaher The Tailors,. 1513 Farnam 8t or at the Dreaher branch receiving atatlon In the Pompelan room of the Hrandela Stores. Dreshera pay express or parcel post charges one way on any slaed bundle to any point In America. 126-Inch Wheel Bate - . . l , I II . -1 y 'I iT.i' "SJ lMSTlUBlTOUS WANTED for territory west of the Mis sUxlppl. Good proposition to responsible parties. KOSHIEK-KNUER CO.. Omaha, Neb.