THE HEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 1315. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BT EDWARD " ROaK WATER. VICTOR ROSEWATrn EDITOR. Tm Be Publishing Company. Proprietor. rtKfi BflLDINll. F ARNAM AND TKVK?rTEEKTH. rmrM at OmtU postofTlre aa seeowd-claaa matter. TKRM Or SCBSCRIPTIrtff. By Carrier Ff TnH per month. per yer. laCfe enf MtaV, ,,..,,..... es.. .. J2 Th1it hwt pnnoay .................' 4 FVenlng M 'in-? ' Evening wUhmit SnrvlST... ............ -o Sunday Mir i-'-v:' 1 ' Fend nttr ef ersr.S ef eV1reia Or complaints of Irregularlt I delivery te OiMhi B, circulation Ieirtnent. . RFiMITTANrK. Pmlt r draft pres r posl order. omytw rrt sts friT4 I payment of small (tntinta I'eral cheeks, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha Th Fee Wnllrling fmuth Omaha 3(S N street, rounrll PliiffaM North Mala Street, Lincoln M Litrte Jnlldlng. Chk-agr-"! H-srst HuHrttnr New torn Roont 11. fifth avenue. Pt Ii-0S New Bank of Cnimr. Ws ehl ngton Fourteenth t-. N. W. CORREFPOHDKNCD. Atree eemmunteations ratlo to new and" torlal matter ta Omaha Bw, Editorial Ipartmeut. MARCH ClitCtLATlOS, 52,092 Sut of Nehraska. County of Douglaa. aa. Dvlght Williams, circulation maasger of The He roMlKhlnf company. r-etre dulr sworn, says that th average circulation for the monUl ef March, litis, was PWIOHT WIT.T.IAM.e Orcolatlnfl Manager. Stul-eerlbed In my preer and aworn to before me. thia 2d dsy of April, WS. fiOfcERT ULSTER, Notary Public. SabacrfiXTS leaving (2m city temporarily tumid hare Th B mailed to tbem. Ad- will be changed aa oftea aa requested. s Asm n 1 " 11 Thought for the Day j 5cff Garm . rVelerAeas Aot&'d otnJU def!y and en Into men' wind a exaMpl. Locke. No dearth of campaign promises tha daya before. The forgetery work overtime the dayf after. That water rate reduction mint bd on the theory of small favors thankful! received when larger onea are not reachable. No more Chinese ptmla electric llghMM bills. That's a big gain for the consumer re gardless of the cut In the rate. If you believe Leo M. Frank has been eon-" demned to death without fair trial, write the Cortrnor of Georgia and tell him so. Dexplte reports to the contrary. Colonel Sryaa has not filed motion for the repeal 6f the oho-term plank of the Baltimore platform. A a source ef political gaiety 1ft an off year the Roosevelt-Barnes case is worth watching. It holds the promise of giving a Judicial deflnltloi cf a political "boss." Expounding the new gospel ef corn, hay and hogs has become a vecitlen do a south, but what the north would appreciate most at '.his time is the shipment of more strawberries up this wr, Water rstes in Omaha are coming down il, the way to 21 cent a thousand gallons. BotM day they will be aa low here ae la Lincoln 6r Fremont, where water users pay II cents a thousand gallons, The yellow peril has taken a fresh grip on the pacific coast, a Japanese girl having won the spelling championship of an Oregon county. The kamlilatlon of American talent demands an Immediate search for a "white hope.". An order for 120,000,000 worth of supplies placed In the market by the Pennsylvania Rail road company features the business and Indus trial' uplift of the week, it emphasizes the op timum which prepares today for the business of tomorrow. Covers Pasha eiplains why Turkey entered the war and the lofty moral motives animating the arms of Islam. All other nations engaged in the slaughter have talked In the same Strain. Tekiag their motives at face value. International morals Is the surest winner In sight. - If Russia's finance minister Is correct in say ing that war is making the nation prosperoua. It follows that the longer the war goes on the reaief will be the prosperity of th people. In view ot this official pronouncement, guessea on the duration of the war should be recalled for revision. We are willing to so quite a war with the Short ballot reformers, but not all the way to five. World. Hera Id.' We should ssy So! Even to the point of ler inIatUig an extra terra te all the incumbent county officeholders, which performance, if re peated by each succeeding legislature so as to keep them in Indefinitely, would shorten the ballot tremendously. Fl MM -. r r - . X.. 1 ne tvew city council orsanlzed with W. F. Dechcl for president and J. B. Southard for city clerk. John A. Iinb. a ho made hla buainvaa headquartrrs la OmahS, died In Chicago. The Bee piinta the story or the Omaha etrt raUay aa rtnpcMr the elty's growth. The first ear aa a diKrdd Chltaso omnibus bought by Urorge W. Ffott In V. and made ever Into a street ear. It was subsequently replaced by four leravr ears. When the manasement paared to K. JJ. Chandler, and later l in. to Captain W. W. Maris. Tif fubllc Ubrcry will be removed Shout !y ta the FSIeoner building, where It will occupy Utd second and third stortea. John D. Creighlon la confined te hla house by sick ncsa. . s Jiserph rioielll. the proprietor the Pat ton barber hop, returned from a three weeks pleasure visit to testrrn (4lla. Hury l. Kstabrook with hla wife and child re t')in4 from Chicago, where Mr. fcftlabrook hai been iald up hoiot time Uh rheumatism. rtcv. 1. W. lntrsin, now a resident of Eaa Jua, fl, U visiting friends ta Omalia. The Gorernor'i Fears Are Unfounded. According te advices from the state house, Governor " Morehead has been delaying action toward Greater Omaha consolidation because of alleged defects in an entirely different law em bodying our charter amendments, which he bsA been led to fear might prove troublesome In the administration of the greater city. Why the governor should let himself be both ered by our purely local problems, or assume a responsibility for them which In no way de volves upon him, Is not clear to ns, Somebody has apparently made the governor believe that the charter change are vital to consolidation, when, had the charter amendments failed alto gether, no serious difficulty would have been presented. Let us call the attention of the governor to the fact that Omaha has It wholly within its power to frisk any necessary charter changes by simply calling another home rule charter convention and adopting a new home-made char ter, which In all probability will be done, any way. Let the governor carry out his part f the intent and spirit of the consolidation act and ft will he up to the people of the Greater Omaha to do the rest themselvee. Henry Watterson on the Death of Lincoln The New Electrio Light Kate Schedule. The new electric light rate schedule about to be established by ordinance, with assured ac quiescence of .the) lighting company, la A real concession to consumers, and a vast Improve ment on the old schedule which It displaces. That much must be admitted even though we are not in sympathy with the company's atti tude on other matters. The reduction In th charge per kilowatt from 11 cents to 8 rents Is more than a 20 per cent reduction, this highest rate being the one that concerns the small user, and a 20 per cent redaction should be appre ciable. ' What is to be heralded aa a still greater Vic tory for the people, however, complying wiyt the demand voiced by The Bee, la the abandonment of the delusive lamp-capacity estimate, and th. establishment of a straight meter-measurement charge. Under the new light rate schedule elec tric current will be sold in Omaha at specified prices per kilowatt hour Just as water Is sold by the thousand gallons, and gas by the thou sand cubic feet. Heretofore a meter reading meant nothing understandable to the user, while by the new rate schedule the face of the meter wilt disclose exactly what the charge Is to be without any Chinese puszle computations. The main thing Is that the new straight meter" measurement rate will let us know where we are at, and wilt give us the comparison.- ab solutely needed for demanding further reduc tions from time to time as they may be warranted. Will They Learn the Lesion? Something of a sermon might be preached witH the Terr Haute crooked election gang aa a topic, The leaders In this Iniquity do not teem to appreciate the enctrnity 6f their offense, else tbey are cloaking their feelings with an ex hibition of bravado that very illy becomes them. Chosen by their fellow citizens as officers to represent the people In the management ef com munity affairs, they most shamelessly betrayM their trusts, and when overtaken by the law, de fiantly entered court. When convicted on over whelming testimony and sentenced tbey listened with smiling faces, and made merry on their Jourpey to Prison, deriding and abusing one of the gang who bad confessed his gutlt. Will they learn while they are Imprisoned that they are being punished because of a most flagrant offense against the liberty of the peo ple, or will they come out as they go In, regard ing themselves somewhat In the light of heroes? The aaddest comment that could be written on our form of government would be to have these men come out of prison of the same mind as when they went In. It is not for the purpose of taking vengeancu on them that they were sentenced, but that th. majesty of the law might not be mocked. Their crime was the greater because It was not against person or property, but against the sanctity of the ballot. If this Is not brought home to them during the time they are Imprisoned, then the effort of the law win hare been in tain. tttm the Csarier-Jearnal. t "Swat the Fljr." One of the most Important features of the clean-up campaign should not be overlooked. Housewives and ethers must keep the fly Id mind and not permit him to get a start. Pat campaigns have been done wonders in way of red ad ng the pest, hut they ef past, and the campaign of the coming summer is the one to have attention now - The warfare against th fly must be Jukt as relentless and Just as vigor ous as if It had only been commenced. Premises should be carefully cleansed and every precau tion taken to prevent the breeding of insect pests, and especially the house fly, a product of dirt and a spreader of disease. A little tare right now will prevent A lot of trouble later Ad, for a fly killed In the spring removes the danger of billions later l the season. Bwat the fly, and escape annoyance and danger. Another War Cloud Gone Tip in Smoke. Alarming atories from the Pacific coast con cerning the Operation of h Japanese fleet la Turtle Bay, Lower California, have burdened the wires for severs! days, and visions of th Invasion of America by the little brown men ef Nippon have disturbed the dreams of the timor ous. Now, the danger has proved Imaginary, the war clouds being dissipated by the report of naval officers of the Vnlted States, who cer tify that the Japanese are occupied solely with efforts to save the cruiser Osama, which went cn the rocks some time ago. No Japanese naval base Is being established there, nor has the mikado a force 6f fighting ships assembled in that vicinity. It Is now up to the Pacific toast experts') to Invent some other excuse for dewandiag that the United Stated establish war fleet on the western ocean. This, perhaps, wilt not be dlfft cult, for wars and rumors of wars are the rdm tnonest of daily occurrences these days. Uncle Sara, however, manages very well to maintain his serenity, but he doesn't relax his watchful ness. Our fellow rltisens on the Pacific roast are not so detached from the general country as they sometimee Imagine, aor Is their welfare at all Overlooked. ... TO THrE h are old enough clearly to remem ber the morning of the ih of April, 1. It seems only yesterday that they aoke stand ashast be fore the meesmr that met them St the door "Uncotn was Assassinated last night." Cp and down, through town and country. throu;h the Vsry powder-clouds still hoverlns er recent bat tlefields, th tiding; swept onward Irorn one end of the land to the other, awe-lnsrrtrlns alike ta- the vic tors and the tsntilshed, their MM portent conceived by none; at the north horror and execration tm botinded. St the south a daaed feeling of wonder not nnmlxed. htit happily only hers and there, with those eboliilona of unthinking cruelty, which, even as tears tell ua wa are men, tell us also that w are ?- Th problems of lit and death who shall dare at tempt to solve them? Ood moves In a mysterious way. That He has not stayed the hand of th assassin can only Imply that underneath there lay some all-wise ptirpose. Tet. weirdest and saddest, the sabjoots and victims ef these murderous freaks have not been the hated among men, the monsters and despots of history; but th hoMe and the useful, tlifc amiable and the gentle: hulte all the way from Julius Caeeaf to William MeKlnley, from Henri Quatre to the "Impress Blteabeth Lincoln In the foreground the Christ child ef destiny the curtain which ros upon traaedy In the wild woods of Kentucky and In diana, falling upon tragedy In Waehlnslon, the na tion's capital. Tea, and tn an actual playhouse be neath Its proscenium arch In front ef Its footlirhta the leading part played by an actor. 'Tw stranse, 'twaa passing strange) 'Twas pitiful, 't-ae wondrous pitiful! What might have happened had Mncoln lived? lie was the end friend of the stricken south having power. In a thousand ways h bad shown this friendship. Not one proecrlptlve word fell from hla lips, "with malice toward none with charity for all." Godlike words, the Inspired cue and keynote of his mind and heart. Two short month before those awful scenes In Ford s theater, he had Said at Fortress Monroe to his old friend, Btepheno th now vice president of the confederacy, mit still to Lincoln the loved whig col league of other days Stephens, let me write 'union' at the top of thla page, and you rosy write below It whatever else you please."! fo poised waa his sense Of equity, so acute his hatred of Injustice, that, unwilling to visit the offense cf the south militant Upon the south Innocent Im poverished widows and orphans, snd babes in their cradles when war was declared and waged he of fered payment for the Slave, along with the complete rehabilitation of the seceded states in the union, for the Immediate cessation of hostilities. Nothing seems harder to reconcile both with reason and existing conditions, witn the actual and envious state of the contending parties, than the rejection of this offer. It seems a part of the fatality that pur sued thd sotith front first td last. It was the will of Heaven that the Confederacy should be destroyed, root and branch) that there should be no possible equivo cation s to the result; and, M If the south had not been Sufficiently punished, Lincoln a, son of the soil standing ready with his hand uplifted and outstretched to protect his kindred people was struck down, ten additional years of travail ensuing as dtfe consequence of the causeless murder. Half a century has Intervened to separate ua from these dread times. Two generations that knew them not have com otion thd stsge the generation that suffered and endured mostly gone to its account its few survivors but SS the misty figures of a dream, lingering k moment upon the outer edge of the scene, presently to pass beyond and td he seen no more. They saw the band ot Deity upon th battlefield and long ago accepted th verdict. Ta them at least "the judgments ef the Lofd are true and righteous alto gether." The South learned its lesson, too. It learned that slavefy was not a divine Institution. Cotton was never king. The union was beat, Ood knew where the Weak Spot was and smote us there; and, lo, W are one people again; still true to th reason of our being, th faith of Our fathers, a world power, yet a nation Of freemen, known, respected, honored to the ends Of th eafth. How much of this do we not owe td Abraham Ltnootnf It Is meet that Kentucky should be first to acknowledge the eountry s obligation to his deeds and words; should recall the example he set and left behind htm: should see the llsht that shines above his tomb and b Cheered and Invigorated; the first truly typical American, a Kentucklan and Kentucky'a best hiaterlo asset ' ' ; Thul it Is that we arw teaching eur children In the schools this day. Thus It IS thst the flase are at half mast. Odd bles the flag! Clod keep th memory of Abraham1 LJneoln green forever. Twice Told Tales SMef eatrlVatloa oa timely teploe lame. The See essmmee aa reepoaslbUtty f e epialoas ef eorreeweweewse. .n letter swfe jet te eewdemsattoa by edit. Mev Maay waathas t" OMAHA. April l.-To th Editor of Tiie Rce: I note the paragraph In your psner statli g that the German steamer "Wllnelm" sunk the Norwegian sailing ship "r'am-tr.tlie," which must he so error, as there are only two ship of thlt name, on a steamer and th. ether lour-mseted soiling ship, both belonging to John R- Haws A Co.. Lrverpool. Eng liind, being part of th extet of the late P. C. Haws shipowner of Liverpool, and as ore ut the heirs of I hi estate I know nothing of thht ship ever betns sold. HORACE HAWR. A refe-ne bet T l.ate. OMAHA. Artll JO. -To the Editor of Th l!ee: Jt seems from your editorial en titled, -Tho Light Rat Puxxle Card." that the present system of elect rV light Inc rates In Omaha is not understood. This systetr of rates contrista of aa in itial rate for the flrtt thirty hours us of tlM) connected Ioa.t or the equivalent. I. e., sixty hours use of one-half the con nected load, etc., in th case of residences Only SO per cent of the total-connected load Is used, snd a lower rate for all the excess current consumed. It must re remembered that one Who) ue electricity for light or power does not buy a commodity such as wster or gee, hut actually buys energy which must be generated at the power plant at the same Instant that H la being used by the consumer. In spite of Mr. FloweH's pot analogy of ptitnpmg electricity like water, one may with safety assert that it Is not possible to economically store up electrical energy In a form to he suc cessfully distributed In large quantities over a Isrge area. Suppose the ease of two users of elec trio lights; on has a large houas con taining say ton tight totaling S,00e watts, which would require about six Snd one half mechanical horsepower to supply. The other hss a small house containing say fifteen lights totaling 1M watta and requiring one mechanical horsepower to supply. It Is quite possible that both woifll ctmsume the same Amw nt of eleo trtcltr In the course of A year. The Sec ond csn not at nny time reenilre more than "SO watta, but the first may occa sionally turn on all his lights and hi demand on the power plant would be about six times heavier than the other's cotiid possibly be. The lighting company must be In readi ness to mert this demand at any time. It must have generators and br.ller large enough and Its feed wires and dlstrlhut Inx apparatus must be heavy enoUKh, Th man with th smaller house may actually consume more electricity than the other, b'lt he can be supplied With only a fraction of the investment re quired for the other. This system of rates automatically places a higher "readiness to serve" charge on th consumer who Is respon sible for tho greater overhead expense to tbo llghtln company, snd it is only by placing the proper share of the overhead charges on those who should pay them that fares for th4 actual energy Con sumed csn be kept low. ' The public service commission of Wis consin, New York and other States have uphold this system of rates. At least before further condemnation ait effort should be nad tu comprehend. H. O. H. neitiand for" Farly C'lnslsja;. OMAHA, April JO.-Now that Omaha has become a live metropolitan ctty and Is progressing nobly along many lines, wl.y not make another move hi the right direction and close the retail stores at t p. ttt. ftaturdaya SS other cities dot We have been classed with th smaller towns and vinsres long enough with re speot to this Baturday night work. Let the Associated Retailers get busy snd close up shop at I p. m. John h. oiLLEsfiE. snrar gems. "John," SAld the mlllloDelne tn his Sutler st the bungalow, "i,ne the champagne In tin cups "Ts sir." "My rich fr iends like to rough It shii tn the country." Philadelphia Ledger. "I'm sorry to see by your report card, toy boy. thnt you received unsatisfactory In geocraphy. Why don't you study harder" "What's the use of tahidvln' sreogrsphv now? The war's g'lng to chanae It all anyhow. ' Detroit Kree Tress. "Whv does a poet begin so manv of hi sentences with O?' ' said the politi cian. "There's no answer." replied Mr. pen-wig-ale. "Why does a aeech-maker be gin so msny of hla sentences with 'l?' " Washington Star. frylaer sy T f Mr. Veal, the undertaker, was never at a loss for an answer when anyone attempted to poke fun at him or his profession. One day a would-be wit, meeting him. remarked: ' "Yours must be a gruesome business. Mr. .Deal. I suppose) you undertakers never Iook at a man without wishing1 him dead?" "You are mistaken," replied the undertaker. "I know some people whom I would be perfectly willing to bury alive." Philadelphia Ledger. She Ipsk Trafh. Two ladles, whose husbands are members of the faculty of Oberlln college, went to call on the new. professor's wife. They were shown Into a room where the smgll daughter of the house was playing. While waiting the appearance of their hosteaa one of the ladies remarked to her friend, at the same time nod ding towtrd th little girl, "Not very p-r-e-t-t-y. is she 7" spelling th word so. that the child should not understand. Instantly, before there was time for the friend lo reply, came tb answer from the little girl, "No, not very p-r-e-t-t-y, but awfully s-m-a-r-t." Cleveland Leader. A Joker la the Will. The Uwyer Svas drawing up old Furrow's will. "I hereby bequeath all my property to my wife," dictated the son of the soli. "Got that?" "Ye." answered the lawyer. "On condition that she marries again within a year." The legal light sat back puxsled. "Hut why?" he asked. The aged farmer smiled. "Because." Was the reply. "I walit somebody to be sorry I died. New York Times. People and Events A Chicago bride or three weeks Is ssklng for a divorce on the ground that her husband is unsultej fof married llf. Thla la another way of saying thst her seal got away with her judgment. A Havannah. Oa., couple baa lust been married ot a license Issued twenty-one years sgo. As a trial test of patience and loyalty, the record deserves a place oa the matrimonial scoreboard. A few hour after winning a layoff tor punching a rule, J. P. Downs, a street railway motorman of 8t Loula, got word that he had fallen heir to a fortune of SU.t Will Downs come back? Not If the ward turns Into cash. For seventy-three years 0 i. '"tough of Ban I 'lego has been an animated ioke on the prophetic talent of California doctors. They told htm he was all in with consumption, but he refused to believe them. He Is now IU and still enjoys the Joke ow the medics. Progressive churchmen la Kegoeha. - Wis., ar prescribing generous doses of printers' Ink sS a mem bership booster. The First Haptlst church set the pace with full page ads. Aa the publicity plan H backed by buslmsa ma ether ehurchet are likely to follow, Editorial Snapshots Wsh!rigtdri Post: fntll the foreign nations have settled their difficulties. China will have to undergo the prolonged suspense of not knowing which It really belongs to. Washington Star: A submarine crew has so many danger t face that threats ef hanging in the event ef capture ar too remote to be very seriously consid ered. Cleveland Plain Dealer; On of Lln coin's former law partners has died again. It appear that there wer mor lawyot than laymen in Illinois In Lincoln's tim and that all of them worked In the tame little office. Brooklyn Kngle: Au is ausgespielt. captured by KngUnd, lost te Germany. Aug Is a trading Station in German Kast Africa. If the Russians capture Ausplta in Morsvia that will be even mor auspi cious for th allies. Philadelphia Ledger: Happy day! We have reached that stag ef automobile evolution when the man who owns a really good one never brat about It. The result la a tremendous improvement la the interest and value of conversation. Cleveland Plain Dealer: The various presidents of Mexico have little In com mon except that their portraits usually look like samples from the rogues' gal lery. Is extreme ugliness of physiognomy a prime reoulalte for highest political honors In the fractured republic? t. Louis Globe-Democrat: Hene are growing shrewder; it has been necessary to Intent a nest egg which consists of the nstural aheil filled with plaster to take the place of the old-fashioned porce lain object, which satisfied the hens of the tarly colonial and p re-new thought periods. Baltimore Amerk-an! One of th most Important victories yet recorded is that of an American physician in Persia who. by displaying the Stars snd Stripes, saved i.oo Assyrians from massacre. Such a victory ta of far more importance to hu. rnanlty than on which destroys an army. Boston Transcript: The Copenhagen report that the United United btatea have entered into a defensive treaty of alliance with Holland was doubtless wrlt t by the reporter who pnee Interviewed ltd Doc Cook. Whenever we do decile V forget Wsshington'S Injunction we won't proceed to get ourselves In Dutch. 1 Cleveland Plain Dealer: According to an eastern statistical wizard European Science haa added Seventeen years per century te the average human term ef Hfe. Incidentally, European science more especially In gunnery and harbor mining and submarine efficiency has knocked the average term of life galley-west. than I do I've flirted half-e-dosen rich yonns men since tile war broke out, and I haven t had a single proposal. Judg. the on! v noes to I s men will also 'You women ain't hsvo military strips. nnre ciiiHe a rew. "How thatT' "I see In silk hnts. for Instsncs, thst. I can have my rrmV-e of a fit-ret or a periscope." iuisvllle Courier Journal. Crswford f thst bonk of the war wilt ten bv an eve-witneso? Crsbshaw Ho; by a war correspondent. Judge. THE CALL TO LITE. f)rrg Tar 8 a. rr KAB1BBLE KABARET tvntft2Baat IT CTBiM Foa.'sftK" TO fVlKr FOOUSa Rrfd3a ft fCOUSel Vertf Fed A inimhmk BUT THESE ARC fOOLCMTMSS." The class was discussing cruelty to animals and the humane soz-lety. "Now children, who. ran think of one thing the society has done to make the life of dumb brutee easier?", the teacher aaked. "I know," spoke out a lo-year-old girl. "I heard papa say people couldn't run blind tigers sny more." Everybody's "So Maude has come hack from the front as a lied Cross nurse?" "Yes. Indeed. She said If she did all the horrid thing they wanted her to do, she would have been a perfect slicht whenever the photoararhers for the papers came around. So she quit." Balti more American. Madge Papa ray that capital Is very timid on account of the war. Marjorle Nobody knows that better Herbert Randall. In Boston Transcript. There's a broad highway with an open reach. And It leads far out from the swales of csre: So It's off with the old. An.l It's on with the new. In the land of sky and the wide glad air. Oh. It's up and easy to th rolling- hills. It I up and awav to the tumbling aea. And It's off with the old. And It's on wrh the new. In the spreading shade of the old elm tree. There's a friendly kiss In the tossing foam. ' There are bells a-chtme On the wltch tnit deep. o It'a up and away On the blue, blue hsr. In onr race for life" up Its rocky steep. There's a dream In the besrt of the wlney woods. And neve, a thought of age Is there. So it's off with the old. And U on with the new. With a thousand years and a day to spare. There Is peace of love In the magic hour, with the hay and the aun and the sing ing bird. So U s off with the old. And It's on with the new. Where the trumpeting call to life Is beard. Oh, It's up snd away where th reoun tains dwell. By the broad highroad of the sky and . air. r And It'a off with the old. And It's on with new. With the heart of a child where there's life to spare. Ttrtes iJo&AiV jot ix Etrtckm Hot msori4 twer Yoiir Family Doctor will tell you that a chevr cf "PIPER" is one of the most satisfactory meth ods for getting tie taste, flavor and genuine Joy out j of tobacco. "PIPER" (helps put you in good nature ana enables you to minis: quiciuy ana calmly. Youll find "PIPER daily source of whole some, beneficial pleasure. PaMP 4 sesesajsxj ensssjsaxM g sxsBWjfe 11 . Qewiag TeWt Cassis jsa Flsver Made from ripe, long leaves of tad finest tobacco plants, full of rich, smacking taste, la addition "PIPER" is that famous tobacco with the champagne flavor. This delicious mellow flavor adds a even greater relish to your chew. These two qualities put in a class by J vv -" itself, as the one V2j 'A supreme chew iSf5- ing tobacco. Sold by dealers every -whre,ia5aea4 10 . eats suitary. tV m7 - HIMUMjlllllfSIl Ul-1 1 i u. riruriUTwr. TOT AMftrA . TOBACCO COMrAkT 1 7 ft 9 Jim PIPER wmv mm AreTV ' Am a I II V I xiy i Send lOe and Voir tobacco FREE T dealer nam. and we'll send a fnll-siM 1O0 cut of " PIPER and a hand, some leather pouck FREX, anywhere in U. 8. Also a f older about "PIPZK." The tobacco, ponck and mailiaf will cost us aoo. which we will fUdly spend because a inai win make vow g, 14 Drew d t. KoTsrk steady a set of Digestive Disorders Yield When th light help is sought St th right time. Indigestion is a torment. Biliousness causes suffering. Either ia likely to lead to worse and weak ening sickness. The 'right help, the) best corrective for disordered conditions of the stomach, liver, kidneys or bowels Id now known to be Ikcchams Pills and the right time to take thia fa mous family remedy ia at the first sign of coming trouble. Beecham'a Pills have go immediate an effect for good, by cleansing the system and purifying the blood, that you will know after a few doses they Arc the Remedial Resort '-Ed iUW Ar MeJUae S tke WrU. ,ekie. as bsss. 10, SS. THE OMAHA BEE TUli UOilE PAPEB HOW GOOD THAT MUSTEROLE FEELS! It Gets to That Sore Spot Like Magic. A-a-lt! That's delirious relief for thoe sore muscles, those stiff joints, thst lame bark. MLSTKROI.K Is a clean, white olst ment. made with the oil of mustard and other home simples. . It does t'. work uf the old-fashioned mustsrd plsster, minus the p'sMer and minus the blister! You simply ruft ML'STEROLE en the spot where the pain Is rub It on briskly and the pain Is gone. No muss, no bother. Just comforting, southing relief first a gentle glow, then a delightful sense of coolness. And best blisters like the old-fashioned mustard piaster used to make. There is nothing like M I'STEROLE for Pore Throat. Bronchitis. Tonstlltls. Croup, Stiff Nerk. Asthma, Neuralgia. Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lum bago, Pslns and Aches of the Baok or Joints. Cprains. Bore Muscles, Bruises, Chilblains. Frosted Feet and Colds ot the Chest (it often prevents Pneumonia . At your druggist's. In J 5c and tOe jam. and a special large hospital sise for tl.W. Be sure you get the genuine Ml'fTKR OI.E. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. The Jlusterol Company. Cleveland, Ohio