Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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igest of
Following will bo found a dipet of the new laws jnssrd hy
Ihp legislature of Nebraska at its 1915 eosfion, together with
ilie bills vetoed by the governor. All tho new laws, except thos
lassed with the emergency clause, which arc eo designated, take
effect on Julv 1, 1915.
II. K. T General rieftrlencie bill, ap
propriating a total of fvz.fM. Hmorgency,
H. 11. (vJ Appropriates M,000 (or build-
inn and improvement at the Lsnccln
Insane Hospital.
II. K. 7i Appropriate" I3.MI for a dairy
kirn and alio at the Mllfurd Induatrlal
Home for womrn.
II. K. w Appropriates R.SOQ for a sew
age disposal plant and laundry equipment
at the Ueneva Induatrlal Hchool for Hrls.
ii. R. ! Appropriate i,ono tor a
bakery. Ire plant and farm machinery
Building at the urand island aoidlera'
Ii. R. H?-Appropriate Vi.OOO for relief
of Cale, Iyer, permanently injured in
the Dear and Dumb Institute at Omah
H. R. 444 Appropriate OO.ono for new
building at Norfolk asylum. Kmergewy.
H. R. l2 Appropriate t2,W0 for pur.
chase of additional land for hoapltal for
tuberculosis patient at Kearney. J-Jmer
H. R. 391 Appropriate Income from
normal school endowment fund to the
uae of the normal arhoola at Peru, Kear
ney, Wayne and Chadron.
Ii. R. lio Apprprtatea Z,000 for nucleus
for fund ror relief of the blind and ad
minim ration of auch.
)i. R. 17i Appropriate raah fund and
other receipt at the atate normal school
for the henftlt of thoae choni.
II. R. 1M A pproprlates II.0U for relief
. of Fsrpy county for coats of prosecution
In raaea arising from the ecaj of "oo-
vlct from state- prison In March, 112.
H. n. 1W A ppropriate 1731 for the I
lief of alt lone Htory, Injured at Bea
trice Feeble Minded Inettttite.
II. TL 1 Appropriate lYOoo for the re
lief of Kllxabeth P. I'avl. whnae hus
band. Edward D. Dsvls. waa killed by
Convict Albert Prince February 11.
while an employe or tne atate peniten
tiary. Emergency,
fl. R. v-Appropriate 2fl,0(V for In
cidental expense of the legislature.
II. R. CI Appropriate 1110.000 lor legla-
latlve salaries. Kmersency.
II. R. A pproprlates I71.K4 to meet
riefiilenclea at nine state Institutions:
'llrls' Industrial school, tJ.IH; Holdlers'
Home. Urand island. I2K.T43; Hasting'
hospital, f 4IS; Hoys Industrial school,
Kearney. H.TzOj Orthopedic hospital. .i2;
-n, tl,40; Women's Industrial Home,
llford. I2.M4; Hchool for the Deaf.
Dinah, home for dependent chil
dren. Lincoln, I2.7J0. Emergency.
II. R. 3C Approprlstes for pur
chase of new land at Norfolk Mate hospt
tal. Flmergencv.
H. R. Mo Appropriate 12,600 to pur
chase land dtolnlng orthopedic hospital
ground at Lincoln to be uaed aa a site
for erection of a building' for the home
' fer dependent children. Emergency.
II, It. 7 !f-Appropriates for ralll
way commission deficiency. Emergency.
II. R. 4 Appropriate 9.K) to pur
chase additional land at Ileatrlce Institute
for feeble minded. Emergency,
If. R. . Appropriates 2,ono for relief
of L.ucy A. Tajbert of Hastings.
II. R, 641 Appropriates l,oi for new
building at Orlhorpedto hospital In Lin
coln. .
Ii. R. 12 Appropriates I4.0M for aanl
trr aewer at liaatinga hoapltal.
If. R. 74 Appropriate (. for the re
lief of C. V. Buchois of Richardson
H. R 144 Apportioning cost of division
fence ahall apply ala to hoar and shenp
tlglit fenoea, and compels owners of ad
joining landa to pay their share of cost of
putting In such fences.
H. K. Appropriates the library fund
of tha various stale normals for th pur
chase of books and supplies for such
normals. Emergency.
II. R. "64 Appropriates TO.OOO an
emergency fund to prevent the spread of
the n-ot and mouth clsts-as among cat
tle and to fctmhuree owners of animals
killed by order of the state veterinarian.
H. R. V4 Appropriate $10,000 for lm-
prnytments and repair at tha 4retna
and Valentine, fish hatcherlea. I-jricr-geucy.
H. R. fi Appropriates $10,000 for laun
dry building and equipment at tha Mil
lord soldier' home.
H. R. t3 Aptopriatee 148,000 for con
structing a school building, refrigerator
plint. dairy barn and alio plant at tha
lVntrice chool for Feeble Winded.
II. R 7- Oenernl aalariea bill for
tta officers, departments and Instltu
t out, carrying an appropriation of fOl,
2 Fnfrgency.
H. H. Ri Appropriates M per cent of the
t-mlll for special university building fund
''urinv 1915 and laid. Amovuit estimated at
$i.t;7.1. Kmergency.
II. R. K.'-ApproprUtes $1M,000 for gtata
cl I bridge.
IL R. 4 Appropriates W per vent of
' tbn regular l-niill levy for the atate uni
versity, together with the university rash
fund and certain sunn o be taken from
tl-e state genaral fund, all for the use
of the university In paying aalariea and
current expense. Total appropriations
under thla bill Including government
fund rot peclflclally mentioned, are
ntlmated at $1.97.'nrt. The bill directs
the iiDlveraity resents to sell the Oil
bertson experiment station and apply"!.
proceeds at Cuitls" and North l'lalte.
The regenta are directed to employ an
efficiency agent at the t'nlveralty. 8pe.
cli'lc appropriations made by the hill
are: Agricultural extunslnna. frAOM;
Omaha medical college, Itfo.UiiO: 4:urtts
chool of agriculture, ImO.000 for matnten
rnce and tJU.OXI for permanent Improve-t'-enU;
North Platte sittmtation, ito.OQO;
Valentine subststion, tW.h-t), conservation
end soil survey, Ill'.'JO; agricultural
botany. I-'.0iO; geogl-al survey, $7:
hUla entomology, t-.txA: bog iolera
serum (revolving fundi, llO.OOii; pumping
l:Tgatlon esperlment in western Ne
- breaks. ll..'ii: legislative reference bu
ieu, IH,;o. Emergeicy.
II. R. Mis Appropriates tI6.a0) for bos
tttal and laboratory aiiiiptueiit, auurr
liiiepdonl's residen'-e. heating plant,
laiinttry, sseptk- tsnk. wster supily,
lire irotection snd laud at the Kearney
-er, ulse holtal.
11. R. -Appropriatea t4.0ul to grade
en tm"tive fciountls at Omaha tk bool
fo ti-i I eaf.
II. R. ti4 Appropriate f21.00 to erer-t
r 1 uildlns for the home for dependent
cbt'dren t Lincoln.
II. It. ;ll Anpropi late tiiOOO to pay
e'ate'a share of coet In grading and pav
'p lioiilrege street and Warren ovenue
f'th and eet of the state farm.
II. II. J Anpropriates tlSo.inO for a
iKuipltal building and other permanent
i-"tnvcmnta ou the campus of the
0""b Mlical college.
H R. d Appropriates t11.000 to In
'(II. eouln and oierale Inriiistrlee at the
PTltentlsry for ntlllsmg convict labor,
and to repair and enlarge the electric
I er plant and rervlre lins of the In-
tutiou- Emergency.
J. M. TC-leneral clalma bill carrying
a total of .I02 Binr(ency.
Cities and Towns
n. F. Cl Authorises aecoad ClaM cities
aiui v.liagea owning tbelr own water
works lo levy a special lax of not more
than i nulls fur maintaining hydrants
and furmahitig water foe publlo purposes
ou petition of eu per cent, OC tns legal
titers. Irmergency.
'. f. 14 Permits sny county, city or
vii, sue to acquire additional roal estate
by eminent domain or otnarwtae when
needed to proic t. Improve, maintain or
aLer any ruad, eUccl or alley. Ejiuar
grncy. t. r. 2"-Emoers the mayor and city
council in i Hie of t.Ouu to .uuu to issue
bonds for cf-tru-ttoa of auditorium.
to. F. 21 Repeals previa) requiring a
three-fifth Peliuon for payment la cities
of from i.OOs io SS.00U population, and au
thorises tn mayor and coonctl t create
ditrtc'ts Mi vrdr paving uniea a ma
jority of the property owner affected
shall file written objection. Emergency.
II. it. J7 Permits temporary closing; of
p 'j ll io parks Sfi4 charging edinlssioa to
trie same for oolding chautauquas or
other aaaemblaxes. in clues and vtllsgsa
not eaceedlng i.OOd population. Luults
such use to five days at any on time.
Nut tnur than tweaJy-Jlve aaya la one
) ear.
M. K. IbZ-ln cities of I4 to tS WH) pop.
ulatlon raise the mmlmum salary of
-itjiv ilmru from !, to II. ou per year.
IT i:li I Hrl.i y.
Ii U. 1 la titles of J.OuO to S.OOn popu
l.:tion, eiipowers tuc cuuncil to reiuire lot
New Laws Passed by the
I owners to keep tbelr premises and adjoin
ing alleys free from weeds.
H. R. 94 Adds city of the second class
m iruv lei'in governing naniuiy ror asm-sg-s
srislng from defective streets, al
leys, sides alks. publlo park and other
puhlic placea.
H. R. 40-Make the nine-hour law for
women Inoffectlve In cities having fewer
tnan n.ocn inhabitants and In villages.
H. R. Empowers Lincoln city com
mission to regulre lot owners to keep
adjacent streets and alleys clear from
weeds and worthless vegetation. Emer
ge nor.
II. R. 430 Authorises the city council of
Lincoln to form suburban paving dis
tricts along main highways within tha
city limit, which have not been other
wise Improved, and to assess the coat
the roof as taxes upoj ail real estata for
a distance of l.rA) fet each way. Ap
plies especially to North Twelth street
8. F. 4-Vlllaga trustee' a office shall
become vacant upon his removal from
the village.
If. R. 14 Provides for firemen's certifi
cates of exemption after five years' con
secutive service aa members of volunteer
organisations. Makes them good any
where In the state.
H. R. 41-Provlde for the paving
within .M0 feet of the city hall In tha
city of Lincoln, upon petition of 24 per
cent of the property holder concerned,
ordinarily majority required.
8. F. 2fll Increases compensation of tha
following officials in cities of 1,009 to
WW population: cHr clerk, frohj f to
tl,2mi per year; chief of police, Irom 5
to $109 per month; policeman, from S'4
to ,i per month; street commissioner,
Irom l to $;& per month. Emergency.
H. K. 7&-Aulhorlxcs all metropolitan
snd aeond and first class pities and vil
lages of th- stste to levy m mills ssrh
yesr for purchase of fir apparatus and
II. R. zwe Consolldsreg curbing, paving;
and guttering bond Issue and provide
for levy of coat of auch work upon
abutting property In cities of from (0u0
to a.en).
H. R. 330 Provides for the formation
ami management of water power dis
tricts by counties, municipalities and pre
cincts H. R. I4R Provides that no municipal
question shall be submitted under the
Initiative and referendum mora than once
ill I h. 111 A n n I ft,-. " I
... - , .m.ii mi.i unuimnrni
sdopted bv the referendum shall become
imrn en lately eriectlve.
H. R. U Authorises second claaa cities
and villages to oil or otherwise improve
streets snd hlghwsys within their limits.
B. F. t:i7 Provides for munlclnal am. la
ments In cities having f 000 to 2r,0uo and
second clsss cities and village, tha same
io n aaia lor out oi tha revuiae nark
. F. 211 Authorises Incorporated cities
and villages by unanimous vote of city
council or board of trustees, to levy a
special tax not exceeding I milt for a
inualc and nmueement fund, with a view
to giving free municipal concerts and
entertainments by maintaining aultablo
organixatlona therefor. Emergency.
H. F. 65 Permit charitable aocletlM to
extend the time of their Incorporation.
B. F. 12 Methera' Denalon hill Alioara
$10 per month tor the support of each
child where a showing Is made that tha
mother or guardian cannot properly car
for them. Requires a court order direct
ing the oounty board to pay such pension.
AumuriMi in oounty board to make a
levy for this purpose. Emergency.
8. F. 24 Increases benefits for volun
teer city firemen Injured while In the per-
uiinant'e oi amy. r ixes amount at fl
lo $15 per week with maximum of ISoa
B. F. 25 Increases bonefite for volun
teer firemen of villages. Fixes amount
ft $S to $10 per week and not mora than
ti. it. us Relieve justices of th peace
from acting aa overseers of the poor
ana places run autnorny In that regard
In the hands f the oounty board.
II. R. K14-ProVldea that veterana nf
the ripanlHh-Americun war shall be
eligible to the benefit of soldiers' rcliol
fund. Emergency,
H. R. IB-Ralses Par of county board
members In certain counties aa follows;
In counties of 1S.UW to Ki.oo), under town
ship organisation, from $iu0 to $U)0; in
similar counties under commissioner sys
tem, from .'uu to l,tWO; la Einooln and
Cherry counties, $l,5uu; with soma other
change for the smaller counties.
H. R. 14te Authorises county boards to
establish workhouses for prisoners, with
IM acres of land for farm purposes. Lim
its amount to Da paid for buildings,
equipment and land to 100,uu0. Require
a bond Issue voted by th people of the
county before the board may proceed
with th workhouse project. Empowers
th county board to appoint a superin
tendent and to oversee the management
of the workhouse, prisoners may be re
quired to work ten to twelve hours per
day, wherever the sheriff may see fit
to employ them. Ilread and water diet
or recusal to work. Penalty for escap
ing or attempting to do so fixed at line
not exceeding Io00 or lmurlannment
exceeding one year In Jail or peniten
tiary. Requires sheriff to turn over each
wscs me earnings of a prisoner to his
d.-veiwUnls or to th prisoner himself.
Ii. It. ir Abolishes fees nf ninur
th'.t c,flc having been abolished.
V' ' "ernovee limit of tl.ann on
salary of county Judge's oxtra clerk In
Lancaster count and authorise th
county board to fig th salary. -
II. R. 1 Authorises count v Hat rA m in
appoint a person who shall act In place
of county Judge whenever that official
Is absent or disqualified. Emergency.
II. Ry 6 Provides that In counties of
less than W.OUO population the sheriff
shall act as probation officer, unless th
county board shall athiiu ik ,......,.
Judgs to appoint som other person. In
th latter Instance compensation to be
ficd by the board.
tl. II a Adupta tha Dixon am Alt
survey of lum In Hooker and Grant
counties as flxlna-. true hounH.ri.. l
tat school landa. Emergency
8. F. t4St-8herlff fee. bill. Fixes all
pf tha various fees for this officer, al
lowing SU oents per Vy for feeding prls
oners In all counties except Louglas
WHrrV M Per dsy.
IL R. 61l Provides agricultural society
aid of an additional 1 cent In counties
of less thsn 14.000. .
H. R. 41t Authorlmea the T ,
county board to order paving, macadam
or ;radlng of country roada. uimn
Ll. . "'ajuriiy or (lie land owner
bordering such roada. .n.l tn i.. . ...
of not nior than 1 mill on all property
tem'y C"t ,Uch work' "r-
H. R. !0 The eountv K-rA .
County in which there la l,-..A -..-.
educational landa may purchase not to
exceed forty, acre lor fair ground pur
poaea. H. F, I Authorises flL Munin -.. .
urer to draw spenried warrants against
county and road district Mnde.
It. R. 104 Provide that funds appro
priated by eountlea to aid fairs shall be
ieid first for payment of premiums.
ii. n. i extends laws for employ
cat Of City and county nrlamna ... i-
elude all countiea exept lou(ls which
hsve a population of moi than 20.(00 and
all titk-s except Omaha of more tliao
" Population. K.inergrncy,
If. R. 2u-Tranrffra th duties of
coroner to the county attorney, and al
low aereassry axpensea.
11. F. flfr Purmjla eniintv krl,.ultn I
ocletle to condemn private land for uae
oi taus not exceeaibg forty acres owned
vj nr in reraon.
It R. 14 Provkies for surveying boun
dary line and divlsloa line of qur-
If. R. e-Atitboiisas county boaeda n
petition signed by U per cent of the legal
voters of said oounty to make an annual
oi boi more than t mills for th
purpose of erecting a court house or Jail,
the tot amount not to exceed $40 000.
t. v sivi Motor vcaU-4 rtaiai ration
ft; fe of U each motor'yclc, $j eax-h
rmur aum ana lor eacb commercial
Biotor vehicle, to be paid to county treas
urer and to gq Into the fund ot county,
with exception of .V cents to the atate
traanrer lor th special motor vehicle
fund Prescribes form and slse of resis
tratlon plat for display on vehicle.
H. K 4l F.nipom-er county boerds 'n
counties under township orgapixatlon to
create new townxhlpe out of cities of the
second class snd to change township
loiindares from time to time to conform
to chsnecs In the corporate boundaries of
sld cities. Emergency. ,
II. R. $14 Relieve the state of Ne
braska of paying sheriffs travel fees
ana expennes In transporting prisoners
and fugitives from Justice. Requires esch
county hereinafter to pay such expense
and fees.
f. F. 130 Authorise county boards to
settle or compromise claims and Jung
mr,ts In fsvor of the county, where no
mcney has been rald thereon for a period
of fiv years. Prohibit a member of
the board from being interested personally
in tne settlement of aucn claims.
II. R. 7 Irovldis that In any county
where there Is no sheriff, the clerk shsll
perform the sheriffs duties, Including
those of th coroner. Where the sheriff
Is a party Interested tn litigation, or
where he la believed to b prejudiced or
partial to a litigant, th county clerk I
to servs order and processes of the court.
II. R. 470 Authorize state bank snd
trust companies Incorporated under Ne
braska laws to subscribe to the stock and
become members of a federal reserve
II. R. 292 Forbids banks and trust com
panies from deducting value of real es
tate mortgages from their cspltal stock
for purposes of taxation. Emergency.
II. R. 17 Increases limit of rediscounts
for banks, now fixed at two-thirds of
paid up capital, to an amount equaling
the entire capital and aurplus.
If. R. 4 Raises th present limit of
tfi.omi which may be Issued by building
and losn associations to any one person
as follows: Whero assets a re more than
$M.i0 and less than $.vx,00, th limit Is
$10,000; $ii0rt.000 to $1,000,000. limit is $111,000;
In excess of I1.0"0,0ri the limit is $3.0n0.
Authorise association to pay to cither
of two or more person named In a Joint
account the money represented by their
stock notwithstanding the death of one
or more of such persons. Permits asso
ciations to make temporary Investment
of Idle funds In federsl, state, county,
township or school district or municipal
H. R. 21 Permit stockholder In cor
porations to vote their shares by th
cumulative method In the election of di
rectors or msnasers. Does not allow this
where a stockholder Is Interested In
competitive corporation. Emergency.
H. F. 1W Relieve rural and farmer'
mutual telephone companies with a cap
italisation of not more than $s,000 from
making report to th State Railway com
S. F", 17 Provides for service by publi
cation upon unknown defendants, own
ers or claimants of real estaus, in auus
Involving title.
8. F. Provide for printing nd die.
ttibutton of $,000 session laws, 1,000 sen
ate and houso Journals, following eaoh
session of the leg slature. Emergency.
8. F. 104 Relieve th supreme court
from furnishing written opinions with
decisions, except In case Involving new
point of law or where the Judgment of
the lower court is reversed, emergency,
H. J 0 Fixe fees of county Judge
and provide th following; schedule for
cases: ltste valued at xi.uw or lees,
$10: $1,000 to $2,000. $10: above $2,000, $3&
Allows extra probate fee tn certain con
tingencies. Emergency.
11. R. 4' Authorises district court
Judge to make rules and regulation for
tne conduct or municipal jails, oasaiii-
catlon and treatment ot prisoner and
other matters. Requires records to bo
kept by Jail officers, who must also mak
annual report to tne aistrici juago.
Ivnalty for violation. $10 to $100 fin. -
a F. 140-Plalntiff In certain action
may at option furnish a cash bond suf
ficient to cover costs liable to aocrue In
tich action. Additional security may be
furnished on proper showing.
H. F. $7 Provide for a eonstructtv
service against unknown heir who are
mad defendants In suits affectlug aa-
tates of deceased persons.
H. R. 77 Authorise county attorney to
file criminal Information between court
H. R. Tt Give either party In Juntlc
cum i case inr rignx to oemana a contin
uation of trill I for seven dava without
making on affidavit that be cannot pro
ceed to trial tor tn want of material
H. R. 15 remits a district Judg when
court Is not In session to authorlsa th
1 of real estate by guardians upon pe
tition and showing.
H. R. 78 Fixes number of peremptory
challenge by defense In criminal cases
a follows: For Crimea punishable by
penitentiary imprisonment for eighteen
months ana less than llf. six: In all
criminal rases, three. Allow prosecutor
ten, six ana three peremptory, respect
ively, In such cases. For crime punish-
Wcigbd US Panb,NowWetful60
A 25 Pound Incmw.
"When I started taking Sargnl my
weight wa only 1J6 pound," write II.
E. lienninger. "Now my weight is li
pounds and 1 am tha Dtotura nf health
and atrougsr than 1 ever waa before. You
may use my letter fur I am sure It will
help somebody In th same shape I was.
Would not take $ltk for tha ml It ha
don me." "When I commenced taking
rr.i i waigneu ns pounaa. i nave been
taking It only $tj days and weigh 130
pound," write Mia Lilll Davis. "I
gMlneJ T pound In 10 days," state W, P.
llf. f
And so it itoea. gome folk tak Uttla
stock In tastlmonlala because they say
eopis ar apt to take treatment lor som
lattaa and Juat imaaln thev taai batter.
Rut Sargol la not a treatment for any
diseaae. It simply put firm, health v.
"stay there" fat and muscular tissue on
men and women who are thin, rundown
and underweight. There Is no guess work
no Unastnatioa about It. These people
Weigh themselves before they begin. They
weiga ineruaeives each weg thereafter
snd the srsles tell fhe story.
Hundred upon hundreds of Sargol users
ar constantly reporting Increases In
weignt rsntcing ail in way Irom tea to
forty pounds.
Sargol ta Juat a tlnr tablet which veu
eat at wieala. It mixes with your food and
turns an tne rsts, surars. starcne and
olla of your food Into rich, ripe, flesh
producing nourlahment for the tissue and
blood. If you art underweight it I cer
tain that the greater portion of th fat
producing material In your food I going
through your body wast. Tou eat and
eat but get no benefit. Sargol atop thl
wasteful dangerous leakage of fata and
tha result la oulckly noted as th hollow
of th body fill out with healthy flesh.
To risk no low in tsktng Srsol. aa
lesdinv drusslsts everywhere aell It with
a poaitiv guarantee 0f Increased weight
a contained In every package.
Absolutely harmless. Coata little If It
auccer.1 and nothlna If It falls If you
are ten Ixiunda w mora underweight you
Owe it to vo.irnelt to Irv it.
In. Iimki and Mclnliv bv utiem.-..,
VeVnn.eii Drug flora and other lead
ing drugsiata.
1 11 1 uniMiii
able by death, or by life Imprisonment,
8. F. 210 Provides for servlc by mall
on Jurors. Emergency.
S. F. Hft Iiimjuallfte Judge of the dis
trict or supreme court from sitting, ex
cept by mutual consent of parties. In any
esse In which he Is Intereeted or related
to either party within the fourth degree
or with whom ho hss been in partner
ship. II. R. M Create a supreme court com
mission of thre members to serve during
the next two years, who shsll be ap
pointed by the supreme court from a list
of persona recommended by the governor.
iFlxes sslaries of commissioners at $.1,010
a year and provides for one stenographer
at $1,000. So appropriation made for the
payment of expenses and salaries.
II. R. (11 Provide that any litigant In
a civil suit who plesds allegations or
denials which are without reasonable
cause and are found to be untrue must
pay to the opposing party Ms reasonable
expenses Incurred in meeting such allega
tions. Including not more than $10 as a
counsel fee.
H. Ft. W Confer discretionary power
or authority upon county judges to make
findings and orders exempting eststes
from payment of inheritance tax. Emer
gency. H. R. DOT Provides that whenever a
oourt shall direct a remittitur of any
Judgment rendered, and the party for
whose benefit It was made, shall there
after appeal, the party for whom the
Judgment was rendered shall be entitled
to maintain hi claim to the entire Judg
H. R. 012 Provide that In court trials
an attorney' objection to any line of
testimony, wnen overruled by the court,
need not be reseated In order to preserve
the record when appealing.
ft. K. siu Makes it mandatory upon the
court to order th county attorney to
prosecute In rases of bribery, Intimida
tion or perjury arising durlns the course
Of trial.
8. P. r-Define the term "week." re.
ferrlng to legal publication, aa a pe
riod of any seven consecutive days.
H. R. '8 Preserves to litigants their
right of taking exceptions to court rul
ing without actually causing the same
to be noted each time on the court
H. R. H93 Make nrnvlalon for the re.
lief of bondsman in esse of garnishment
wner property ha been unavoldal by
lout or destroyed.
II. R. X41 Prevent a nonresident' of
Nebraska from attaching property of a
foreign corporation for any claim other
than one arising from a contract, Judg
ment or decree.
H. R. S3 Limits Inrledtction nf Instlees
of the peac to th district in which
they reside.
H. R. 7 Provide that constables shall
be appointed Instead of elected. Each
county Judge, municipal Judge and Jus
tice of the peace Is authorised to appoint
on constable and no more.
Criminal Code If
ft. F. $ Amend statute fixing penalty
for petit larceny, by providing! for com
mitment to city or village Juil.
8. F. $8 Requires criminal defendants,
when released on ball, to appea r in court
on th first day of tha auccoudlng Jury
B. P. 102 Applies penalties for forgery
to th offer of attaching another per.
on' signature to document assailing
tha reputation, social or business stand
Ing of a third person.
II. R. ISO-Makes It an Illegal act to lake
an automobile or motorcycle without con
sent or the owner. - Penalty, fine not ex
ceeding $100 or JaU Imprisonment not ex
cms are built
"Ordinary Axl"
The shaft dot not Sort
ail. A si bousing
top at hub, and shaft
aot aly taraa th
whsel but esrriss
wlht of car and has
t take upside-thrusts.
Broken axle an
whaal fj It le la
difficult t gat st sal
siwtt e ditlwaaUai.
Srodebaker FnO
Floating Axlj
r i 9
V 5) SaJM, simplei
n i '
I .l aeeelai
V Ti W-ro'buW aaj
Kri P" TWO Vtaakew
lafcet. simplest and
see' assessleie.
.t aeeelaa ran
li-ro' but sad with
s .
la la buk as oaJr
eati weight at sas
bat taa.s ids
thrusts elf the shaft
mm atail. fckaft is m
to tor It hart
saa b rtMaiiy e
aawe wHbwat dis
turbing wbast
IT! ""
rl J
rr-??.r l
1 i r r2E
111 wbei,TfcHaM,0i 1
III BPselTTsresstr 1
III pThTti;-t I
Legislature at 1915 Sessio
ceeding three months, together with lia
bility to the owner of the machine for
double the amount of damages sustained.
K. F, M Extend burglary statute to
cover office storehouses, telephone
booths, railroad csr factories, station
bounce and railroad car, public nd pri
vate buMdlnu. of all kinds, slaughter
houses snd chicken houses. As an alter
nstlve to penitentiary sentence, provides
a $f fine or six months In jail. Emer
gency. H. R. 17 Provides a fine of not more
bn $1"0 or a Jail sentence oi not more
than thirty days for receiving stolen prop
erty wortn not less than $36.
II. R. 122 Where two or more persons
are tried together for the same offense
the county attorney shall be entitled to
tne legal number of peremptory chal
lenges for each of the defendants.
II. R. 22 Add penslty to law relating
io assisting or aiding prisoners to es
cape, and Includes prisoner charged
with offenses in other states or United
H. H. 70 Provides penalty for wrongful
possession and use of badges or pins of
sny fraternal or other society: al"o pro
vides penalty for wrongful possession of
receipts ror clues rrom such society.
S. F. 101 Amends embesslement statute
by providing that In a prosecution for
such crime It shall be no defense that
the person charged with such embesxle
ment was entitled to a compensation out
of the money or property. Exempt any
person who retain amount due In good
8. F. 74 Makes the drawing and dellV'
erin of fraudulent check prima facio
evidence of intent to defraud.
H. R. 248-Makes It unlawful for any
person to sell or offer for sale any un
wholesome or disessed meat and provide
a penalty of from $100 to $1,000 and a pen
itentiary sentence cf from tx month to
rive year.
H. R. 786 Mnkea It misdemeanor for
a divorced husband to refuse or neglect
the payment of alimony for the support
of his children, when ordered to do so
by a court. Penalty Jail imprisonment,
three to six months.
H. R. B2 Provide a criminal Denaltv
ior mauciousiy injuring, destroying or in
terfering with poles, wire or fixtures of
any telegraph, telephone, railroad or elec
trical company.
H. U. 277 Change th form of th of'
ftclal ballot at th general election by
having ticket printed in three columns
and placing the voting squares at th
left hand aide- of the name Instead of
the right hand aide. Doe not otherwise
chang the general form of th ballot
or the arrangement of name thereon
a heretofore practiced.
H. R. 31-Provldos for all th yaar
round registration In Lincoln. Make the
city clerk supervisor of registration and
require him to register voter who pro
sent themselves at hi office. Registra
tion is to be by th card Index system.
Voters may register at any time during
th year, except Sunday and holidays,
up to ten day before the election. Dur
ing the last week allowed for registration
prior to an election the clerk's office
must be kept open from 1 to p. m. in
addition to th regular hour. First reg
istration begin August 1, 1915, and re
main in effect until May 1. 1M0, There
after a new registration must be mad
every four year. Doe away with regis
tration board. Require the city clerk
to make up book llBts for the use of
lection boards.
S. P. 12 Prohibits any defeated candi
date In th primary from becoming a
candidate for the same office, by peti
te a
Maybe TOU
Stmdthoktt afnrM
B3rtrl Ugbtlng and Start! ag FULL rtoaa.
In Uar Asia Tuakva stearin alt
Ttead Kaar Tin Ua-na Typ Tek
ftwllakw ROAr3TR. . 9 999
l)iud.bli-OUK, . ... 68(1
ftuabwk-1 JfUtrSIX.. . ISeti
F.aD. 0rott
t i u i J J I i j m are- -
tion or certificate, at th election follow.
H. R. 4: Amends corrupt practices
law. permitting candidates to siiend the
following sums: For first MOO voters,
$10"; for each 1(0 voters additional, up to
2.S00. $1.50; for each additional 100 voters,
up to i".0 $1; tor additional voters
over lOO.orm, nothing. Expenditure in ex
cess of these amounts declared unlawful
and to make void the election of any
guilty person. Act does not require can
didates to Include In their campaign ex
pense statement monev spent for personal
traveling expenses, hotel bills, ststlonery,
postage, circular letters, printed circu
lars and posters, telephone or telegraph
8. F. W Repeals Oregon plan allowing
legislative candidates to pledge thelr vot-3
on I'nlted Htatea senator.
H. F. 6 Provides that in Lancaster nd
PotiRla counties the nsmes of candidates
nominated in gronpa shall be rotated on
the gneral election ballot within th
party groupings.
H. R. 200 Provide polls at all primary
snd general elections shall be open from
8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
H. R. 1M Allow each member of elec
tion board SO cents per hour for full
time employed. Mskes exception of
cities of the first class In which psy shall
be $5 a day not to exceed two dsys.
H. R. 897 Provides for a general muni
cipal spring registration In 181 and every
six year thereafter In all citle of 7,000
to 2R,onO population.
It. R. ISO Authorise the attorney gen
eral to appear In all ult affecting the
right of Nebraska water users as against
thoae of other states, and appropriates
$12.u00 as a special fund to be used in
uch litigation. Emergency.
S. F. 2) Surplus funds of a drainage
district, remaining on hand after cost
of Improvements has been met, may be
refunded pro rata to the several tracts
of land assessed for benefits.
H. R. fifcO Relates to interference and
Injury of Irrigation and . water power
canal and fixes new penalty for theft
of water from ditch.
S. F. 87 Authorises board nf directors
of Irrigation districts to contract for the
purchase of water and levy a tax suffi
cient to raise money for payment under
auch contract. Contract for payments
to be msde In more than one year must
be submitted to the voter of district for
ratification. Emergency.
8. F. $4 Memorial to congress request
ing en Investigation by the federal
reclamation service Into the feasibility
Storriash Sour? Stop Indigestion,
Gas, . HeartburnPape's Diapepsin
Do some food vou eat hit back taste
good, but work badly; fermefit Into stub
born lump and cause sick, sour, gassy
tomaeh? Now, Mr. and Mrs. Dyspeptic,
jot thl down: Pape'g Diapepsin digests
everything, leaving nothing to sour and
upset you. No difference bow badly your
tomaeh 1 disordered, you get happy
relict In five minutes, but what please
you most Is that It strengthens and regu
late your stomach o you can eat your
favorite food without far. Most re ro
adie give you relief (oraeUme tbey ar
slow, but not sure. Diapepsin 1 quick,
not a:
REAL Full-
already know what thev mean when thv talk
about an ''ordinary live" axle, or a 'senji-floaling type. . If
you don't, you will readily appreciate the difference when you
glance at the little illustrations at the side.
But the BIG thing that we'd like to fix in your mind now
is that every Studebaker Car is built with a FULL-floating
Rear Axle. Not a "type" but a SAFETY-insuring rear
axle that is designed and built in Studebaker plants for Stude
baker Cars only.
With this axle, the entire weight of the car rests NOT on the
axle shaft, but on the axle housing a steel stamping that is
light but EXTRA strong. And the side-thrusts that come
when your car turns a corner fast or skids or drops into a rut
are taken up by the TWO Timken bearings on the housing
and not by the shaft.
So that all the axle shaft has to do is to turn the wheel to
transform power into mileage. For one thing, this means
SAFETY safety such as you'd expect in a Studebaker.
For it means that there's no danger of the wheel falling off
even if the axle shaft by any mischance happens to break.
You're SAFE on any roads at any speed
l w i it mi t j r i At ..-' '
, lag tne axle assembly at all, you caa tak th
nan ut id two mioula, .imply y uaaerswing the
bait la tb drivin aaoa. But whs ixK Mm. tn aJ
tads tata aalel Like vou ta rid.
For that's the only way to KNOW tns sileac sad th stnootit-ruaoing
thst built twto Otuseaksr. When will b eoaveniaat tor a taej
WriU for ta tudebakat Kaar Aaki Boob U yea catgt ta today
Omaha Factory Branch.
2550-2-4 Farnam Street
Local Dealer. 2429 Farnam Street
of Irrigating lsnds In the Lodgepole val
ley and tributary thereto by pumping
water from the subsoil.
8. P. 6 Fixes irrigation season from
April 1 to October 1 and silows extensions
of such seasons by majority petition ol
water users.
H. TL 140 Pets up new provisions rels
tlve to report of treasurers of drainage
Districts. Provides lor more detailed re
ports of all items of receipt anl dls
8. F. 10H Vacancy occurring on an i7
ligation district board shall be filled h"
the other members of the board and the
treasurer or the district.
It. K. 14-The State Board of Irriga
tion may use money from the state aid
bridge fund for purchasing privately
owned toll bridges.
8. F. lis Provides for the rental or sale
of any unused or flood waters under the
authority of the United States reclama
tion service. Present law relate only
to sale of "unappropriated" waters.
H. R. a31. District water commissioner
pay reduced from IS to H per day, and
change source of payment from state to
county in which work Is performed
H. R. 278Authorlxes irrigstlnn or
drainage district to contract with the
United States for guarantee of bonds of
the district and extension of financial
credit for the construction and purchase
of anv Irrigation or drainage works
H. R. 27 Miscellaneous amendments to
to general law governing Irrigation dis
tricts. ,
Live Stock
8. F. 141 Repeal old law governing
commercial feed stuffs for lv stock
and re-enacts It provisions In new form.
IT T4 'X Ta v ImiI. .1 . l- . . .
mo Biniiuni law ao tnsv
owner of horses and mules killed for
duraine may recover two-thirds of their
appraised value from th atate.: cuts
uuwn me mm rcimrra tor sucn animals
to have been In the atate from one year
tn alx months Iniwa...
alty to fin of $2,000 or three to six
1 1 D Z? Aw.An4- .l-IIU- ...
... ... ,,r,n .-anion reTBTrai!on
lw placing Its administration In th
v.. ui nit; nvif si'ilh sanitary Doara;
two inspections In the life of each stal
lion Ml. K t m An .K r. . , , . .
., . , . " .ii. anv ti, i ana s
year and the other between the ages 0$
" .-" v" ' ".iu.iiai,ion tee is itxed
fl V IO? VnrMAm .-I- . I...,.
- ' ' . ...r, if 1 ! , nilR-JT-riailO
" " vnoiera scrum unless tne pe
-v.. jr in in iianuunK same is tne hold'
(Continued on Page Five, Column One
positive and puts your stomach . In a
healthy condition so the misery won't
come back.
You feel different a soon a Pape'g
Diapepsin come In contact with th
tomaeh distress Just vanish your
stomach get sweet, ho gases, no belch
ing, no eructations of undigested food,
your head clears and you feci fine.
Put an end to stomach troubl by get
In g a large fifty-cent case of rape's
Diapepsin from any drug store. Tou re
alize In fiv minutes bow needles It Is
to suffer faom Indigestion, dyspepsia or
any stomach disorder. Advertisement.
w w B
bating axfe
And. of course.
H OMwna ilLENCk.
a.aa luaia It fnn
ACCKM1B1UTY. For without dirturu.
la tha oar aa Hm t