THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 21. 1915. 11 WANTED TO BUT Tale buy everything lA hand, Tyler Ml. OKFICK furniture bought and nM. J. C Weed. ISF7 Karnan Dmi 414 SI.Kl TRir fen. alternating current Ad dirsa A Sit, Bee. WANTED TO ItEXT WANTKD For the iirtjwn, a nicely fur nished cottage In Carter lake grounds. Will furnish good references. Address K-JCfi. Mee. YOl'.NO man. salesman, desires to get a room with private family; only In town week ends; references If desired. Address J 3M. Bee. o REAL ESTATE FARM A nAUdl LAHIUI FOR LH t'aliforwta. Live Oak Colonies; none better. W. f Smith Co.. 913-14 City Nat. Pk. D. 28l, t-'eloraalu. FOR SALK Farms, 160 and acres. In Feels. Colo. Write ixjlatler. S364 ogden Ave, Chicago. 111. rOK SALE At Steamboat Bprings, Colo.. 10-arre strawberry tract and e acres In riill bearing this year; continuous water right, fenced, fully Improved and new house. Address Box 1136. Beward, Neb. Iowa. HAVE YOU A FA KM FOR SALE? rite a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. Iowa's jMost Powerful Want Ad Medium. Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ada on twelve different days tor 12; or M words, Mj or 7 words, tt. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 0,00u readers dally In four great states. RENTERS. HOMESBEKKHS-Your op portunity. to.OOO acres irrigated wheat and alfalfa laad for aettlemnt at Valler, Mont. $41.60 to $50 per aero; fifteen years' time. For particular, write Valler Farm Kales Co.. Box 10. Valler, MonL Miaaaeeuta. BARGAIN 240-A. fsrra 20 ra. from Min neapolis; 140 A. under cult.; 40 A. good meadow; 60 A. timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good corn land; farm Is fenced; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, etc.; 12 head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har nesses, wagons, complete set of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at $45 per acre; $5,000 cash, balance can atand for 10 rears at per cent. Schwab Bros., ltt$ Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn Nebrrakau FOR 8AI.K '.Juarter section land Holt enunly. Neb ; a bargain at $16 per acre; wrtto m for legal numbers and In vestigate. Owner,- C. B. Brldwell, Em metsouru, la. REAL ESTATE LOANS $li TO 110,000 made promptly. F. I). Wead, Wead Bid., 18th and Farnam 8t CITY and farm loans, 6. eVi, per ca J. H. Dumont A Co.. 41$ State Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnarr Smith & Co.. 1820 Farnam St MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. WANTK1 City loans. Petere Trust Co. SEB us first for farm loans in eastern Neb. United Btstes Trust Co., Omaha. 6 CJTY LOANB. C. O. Carlberg. 320-811 Brandela Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. F.ast Nebraska farm. O'KKKFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 10iS Omaha National. f-hsne Ijouglaa $711. ABSTRACT OF TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern abstract office, $06 Bo. 17th St. Phone D. 6487. Jessen & Momll, Bk .;,VS&W REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offloe In Nebraska. 2C Brand els Tbsa. RK.U ESTATE ACREAGE r.. BtTY. FROM OWNER . For Sale or Rent 2Vj acres, -room house, well, chicken house, barn, all kinds of fruit; electric lights; on Calhoun road, s blocks from Florence car.. Call Tyler 1313. RKAIi ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE 1 OWN fx acres fine Irrigated land. fenced and halt broke, all level, fine soil, about 4 miles northeast of Fort Morgan, Colo. Price $6,000, Incumbered about $1,200 and due. Will take cheap we.-tern land, clear, for equity, or gro cery, good moving picture show or good hotel In Omaha. 208 Burt St., Omaha. FOR EXCHANGE Missouri land. M acres highly Improved dairy farm ad Joining good town; (3 acres ene-hslf mile, good town; 80 acres timber land; t) acres farm and orchard. Will exchange one or all for merchandise. A. L. Veaaman, Sat foid. Aril. WHAT have you to exchange for Dakota or Montana land? Wisconsin tales A gency, Caswell Bldg.. M llwaukee. WIII exchange equity In an 8-room house In South Omaha for a Ford truck or runabout. M ail. Bee. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE North Side Home at Right Price $1700 buys 18 Corby Street. This Is a well constructed, $ story 7-room mod ern square houae, having hot water heat. Newly painted and in good condition. Iso lated on south front lot 60xl2. ft. Con venient to churches, schools and car lines. This price Is 7.7i less than it cost the owner a short time tuio and Is some thing worthy of Investigation. Immediate possession. Key at our of fice. George & Company Phono Dong. ,bi. 902 City Nst'l. Hank Bldg. Beautiful Stucco House 'Must sell brand new ti-room house, owner has cut the price to move It quickly. There is a large living room arrangement, with beamed celling, and fun plaoe, pleasant dining room, with south exposure, complete kitehen, with a butler s pantry; 3 large bedrooms, with plenty of windows and good closets; oak noora throughout. This house Is located on '.n east front lot. high and sightly two b'.ocks from car line. In the Uemia park district. Will make the terms very attrac-.ive. Let us show you this house. Glover & Spain 9W-20 C-itv National. Doug. J92. Very Fine Home iMX-rooin. new, tucto bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood finish; must be mrcn to be appreciated. Owner will ehow you through any time. lMK Emmet t. Low prlco to csah buyer. P. J. TEBBENS CO., f0 Omaha Nat Bk. bldg. Phone I. 11K. yOTH AND FORT Fix rooms, oak finish, full basement, ill modern, south front lot. paved street, good location, right on car line; price, $3.1 i; cash payment down, balance terms. C. IK CARLBERG, 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. BARGAIN IN BUNGALOW ( room modern, new bungalow, part oak finish, fine location, near Lothrop school Prt-e $3 250. Terms. Webster 7lw2. C-HOOM. modern house. Vs block to car, paved street. $1.900. Wal. 4H3. t'KVE.N-ROOM house, modem, built by the owner, lsl N. loth riu Wal. 1?7$. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Goes Back Two Centi and Corn Follows Lead of Wheat. RAINS RAVE BEEN REPORTED OMAHA, April 30. 191$. Wheat sold from IVIHe to V' lower. The wheat mark l had a weak opening on llquldxtions hv a number of smsll hold ers, the market running Into stop loss orders, canning a sharp break early In the day, but quickly reacted on buying by trie local crcwd Corn and oats showed no Independent strength and followed wheat In the brak. Corn waa unchanged to a cent lower, while oats sold from IHIV lower. Wheat is scarce In all sections of th country, yet the hears continue to set forth the idea that there In more of thli grain In the Interior, on the farms and in country elevators than the bulla care to acknlwledge. It was reported late thla morning that rain fell throughout the central grain telt and this coupled with the reports of good crop condition Is favorable to thfl bear sldo of th market. Clearancea: Wheat and flour equal to KS.000 bushels, corn, 327,000 bushels and oats, KS.000 bushels. Liverpool close not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were 420n bu. and shipments of l.lKI.onu bu., against re ceipts of S3.VW0 bu. and shipments of ,wo bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were SIR, 000 bu. and shipments of MlI.OOO bu., against re ceipts of Xtn.ono bu. and shipments of bu. last year. Primary oats rewtpts were WO.OOO bu. and shipments of i,43n,009 bu. against re ceipts of 490,000 bu. and shipments of 6S7.000 bu. tast year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. REAL ESTATE: NORTH SIDE Occupied and For Sale by Owner Modern, south front bungalow, sur rounded by nice homes; large living room; oait finish In hall, living and dining room; two paneled doors and windows and bath: storm doors and windows and screens throughout. Everything in fine shape. Terms to suit. PRICE $3,250 2434 Camden Ave. R E AL E8T AT E SO VTH SIDE"- 1534 Spruce St. This fine, entirely modern dwelling. In cluding furnace heat, has parlor, dinlnx room and library (finished in oak), bed room, bath room and kitchen downstairs: two nice btrirooms and good sized store room upstairs; the library could be used aa a bedroom if desired. The house Is practically aa good aa new, having been built In 1911. It was newly painted last fall nnd nicely decorated throughout: has full set of screens. also screen for front porch; itorm sash for north and west sides, south front lot on pavod street, pavlt.g paid; only one-half block to Sher man Ave.; near good school, stores, etc.; this house Is ell constructed an! has many attractive little features; ask to see It. Scott & Hill Co. Douglas 1009. w McCague Bldg. Must Be Sold Owner says accept the best offer you n et for the house at 18J1 S. 26th St. Tills is a ft-room, modern except heat cottage, on a lot 60x127, paved streot. shade tree and two blocks from ear line. Owner has been holding for $2.o, but will accept an offer of several hun dred less. Bee the house, then make y"ur offer. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas 709. SOU Pee Rlig. $200 REDUCTION K-room cottage, modern, east front lot. Caved street, splendid location. Just one lock north of Field club, on 3h Ave.; good neighborhood. Quick sale. $2,!00. C. 0. CARLBERG, 312 Rrandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WfeST SIDE , $500 Cash balance Monthly Will buy a brand new bungalow, S large living rooms, oak finish, strictly modern and up-to-date in every way; choice cor ner lot, 0x132; both streets paved; loca tion, west side Hanscom Park; value, $4,250; price, $3,760; terms, or lot Uken as first payment. See us at once about this and other special bargains. Rasp Bros. lot McCague Bldg. Douglas 1K63. $4,750.00 HERE IS THE BEST VALUE IN OMAHA FOR THE MONEY, a-room house, strictly modern, all down stairs quarter-sawed oak, lot 60 feet frontage; beautiful location, Davenport, half block from boulevard. This house is nearly new, looks fine. Reduced to sell quick for $4,750. W. M. NASH & CO., Real Estate. Rentals and Insurance. 102 Bee Bldg. Phone Rod Will Sacrifice Owner leaving city offers for quick sale modern ten-room house on one of the fluent residence streets on West Farnam Hill. If you want a bargain Telephone Hgrnev 153. REAL ESTATE 8LBURRAN Coenrll Bluffs. IS Council Bluffs All modern home. Practically new. Nine rooms. Beauti ful location- Oarage with cement drive way. Fruit trees and garden space; IV, blocks from Broadway. Conveniently located close to schools and churches. Mrs. Anna Bender. 14 Park Ave. Tel. 4E. o REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. A Flat Bargain Three 7-room flats, built last year and are up to date in every particular. An nual rents, $1,660. Good neighborhood. Price- $16.0u0. Three u-room flats. Hanscom park dis trict. Close to two car lines. Annual rent. $1.26U. Price $10,000. 0'Neil'sR.E. Agency loC6 Kamam. Tel. Tyler !'.. STRICTLY MODERN WELL BUILT HOMES IN BENSON Come out any time this evening after C or phone for auto. Take Benson car, get off at 61st St.: come south H block to awi- Phone Benson 1:2. F. B. TRULLINGER- o 47 Feet on Farnam for $3.70. Fine location for family hotel, bric't flat or moving picture show. HICKS. 4- Stale Bank Bldg. A NEW T-room house, four bedrooms; rooms on second floor are smell. Price $2.10; small payment down; balance Ilka rent You will pay as much for a (-room bouse. H. H. HARPER CO. 1011-14 City Nat. Bank. Douglas 3nt. CAN YOU PAY $100 CASH ? We have a strictly modern e-room cot tage al $2. W. ready to move Into any time, and the terms are easy enough lor you. Cotne la or call up. MIRK I. V tclML.NT PANT. Douglas I7kl sre block. RVAL E8TATB WAWTED LIST your properly with h. H. Lender you, 202 Neville blk. L. 3M. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 114 1U lUt Minneapolis 70 Duluth 7H Omaha M ,a II Kansas City M IT 6 ft. loills 40 $i $S Winnipeg JM ... ... These cash sales were reported today: N heat No. $ hard: S cars. $1 MS. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. $1.64. No. $ mined: 1 car, il.4. No. t durum: 1 car, $l.M. Coin No. wnlte: 1 car. 74c. No. 4 white: i tare, 7iS' No. S yellow: 2 cars, T.t"c; H cars, 7Hc. No. 4 yeiinw: 1 car. 7ac; S cars, 72Hc; 1 car tcl, 70'c. No. yel low; car, No. 1 inlxed:'l car tncsr whltei. 73c; t cars. 7J''-; K cars. ;jvc. No. 4 mixed: $ cars. 7J No. mixed: t car. Tic. Sample. 1 car (mledi, V Oats Htandard. 1 car, M4c; No. S white: 2 rars, Mc; i cars. 64c. No. 4 white: 1 car, S.ilc; 1 car, MV. Sem:le: 1 car, .W. Rye No. 2, 1 car, $l.n9: No. .1: 1 car. $1.0". Omnha Cash Pi Ices W he it : No. 2 hard, ti I '1 v a i. - .'A tl '.A'., i k&. v a Ibard. Sl.FWvH l.P-a : No. :i 'spring, $1 .'wii'l .f : iNo. 3 durum. $l.5irl.fi7; No. 1 durum, $1.W fil.S. Corn: No. white. 7474S; No. $ white. 7.1i74c: No. 4 white. 7J',i7;sc; No. n white. 72'(i7J'4C: No. white, 71' 72c; No. 2 yellow, 73mi73c; No. $ yel low, 7Sfr73He: No. 4 yellow, 704fr7$c; No. 5 yellow, 7n4i7J)c; No. yellow, eWurt 7IV-: No. mixed. 7Itj73r; No. 3 mixed. TWi'SWc; No. 4 mixed, 7imfr72c; No. t mixed, 71V,$714e: No. mixed. 70mfTlc. Oats: No. 2 white M'.tfi.W; standard. MViiMSc; No, $ white, 6447M4: No. 4 white, MVji.VMic. Barley: Malting, 71ff 7c; No. 1 feed. Mr70o. Rye: No. $, $1.H 61.00, No. 3, $1.081.0. CHICAGO C.RAIX AND rROVISIOMg Fee tares ef the Tradiag aad ClosI Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April . Wheat values be csme much unsettled today, owing to a sudden break of 7c in the price of the May delivery. The break, which was said to have been started by an error in re gard to a single order, was quickly fol lowed by a nearly complete recovery, but peace rumors tended further to disturb confidence. The close was nervous, c to 3c under last night. Corn finished e off to HMto and oats down v,lf4p to nVc, and provisions at a decline of 2'i fc to 20c. Most of the selling of Msy wheat was In small lots and of a stop-loss character. Buying demand was very limited on the downturn, and when support did develop It was found that the market for May had become bare of offers. However, in the more active monthsJuly and Sep tember selling Ister increased In volume, with the supplv coming largelv from traders whs- had been bullish during the recent ten days' advance. Hulllsh news was Ignored, and attention turned to the effect of showers in Illinois and to un verified reports from Rome that Italy was apparently nearer than ever to Join ing the allies. Hedging1 sgntnst increas ing purchases of wheat to arrive hero out a good deal of figure as a handicap on prices. There waa also selling of May and July against purchases of September. Signs of export business served largelv to offset in corn the depression that otherwise might have resulted from the weakness of wheat. Continuing storms In Argentina were said to have made, necessary a material reduction in esti mates of the surplus crop there. Osts suffered from unloading by longs, but not to anything like the same extent ns wheat. Rain In Illinois favored the beara. Scattered liquidation weighed down pro visions. Holders appeared to take thnlr puo from bearish sentiment regarding1 grain. Futures ranged as follows: Article! Open, I High. I Ixw. Close. Yes y Wheat I I I Msy. 1 W1 1 63' 1 MUj 1 oa4l 1 6Mi July. 1 37', 1 37 1 1 35 I 1 87 Corn I May. 77M: 77 7H 77SI TT'i July 7H 80 79V, 79'sl 74 Oats I'll May. $7' 67 fi o7'4l 57 July. u6i 66S Wtl bfrSl t6 Pork I July. 18 20 IS 26 IS 0r, 18 Of) 18 2f. Sept. 18 K2V 18 50 IS 47,l 18 60 18 66 Lard 1 July. 10 K6 10 Nl 10 45 10 47H 10 56 Sept. 10 72H 10 724 10 70 10 72V 11 07tt Ribs July. 10 K 10 65 10 50 10 60 10 S74 Sept. 10 77'4 10 80 10 75 10 77H 10 HH Chicago Cash Market Wheat: No. 2 red, nominal; No. 2 hard, $1.61(;1.2. Com: No. i yellow, 778f38c; No. 4 yel low, TByhTRHc Oats: No. 3 white. 668 574c; standard. 574$67,c. Rye: No. 2, 11.18. Barley, 75fil1c. Reeds: Timothy, $4.50fr8.I5: clover, $8.00.1 13.00. Provisions: Pork,. $17.47H; lard. $ia02V; ribs, $8.25& 9 73. BUTTER Lower; creamery. 222So. BOGS Higher: receipts. 2K.990 cases: at mark, cases Included. KMrilhc: ordinary firsts. 181 18irc: firsts. lSmfti4e. POTATOES Lower; receipts. 44 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 35tr40c; white, 3SW4SC. POULTRY Alive higher; fowls, 15c; spring, 18c. evr Ahrk General Market.'' NEW YORK. April 20. -SUGAR Kasy; centrifugal, 4.8;lc; molassns, 4.0HC. Refined steady. Sugar futures opened easier In sympathy with raws. Prices at mlddsv were 2 points net lower. BUTTER Easy : receipts, 13.070 tubs; creamery extras 192 s-orel, 30c; creamery thigher scoring), SOlc; firsts, 28ya24c; seconds. I7Ki2Sc. EGGS Steady ; receipts. 43.200 cases; frerh gathered extras, 2.Vri2Sc; storage packed, extra firsts, 22'l?2tc: firsts, Cl:4i221c; regular packed extra flints, 22rn'22'(ic; firsts, 21fi22c; nearhy hennery, whites, fine to fancy, 24c; nearhy hen nerv. browns. 23f23'4c. CHEESE Firm : receipts, 1.844 boxes: state whnlo milk fresh specials, 15M0 U74c: state whole milk average fancy, 15t1W.c. POULTRY Live steady and unchanged. Dressed quiet: western froxen roasting chickens. lUVtfjl'ttc: fresh fowls. Iced, 14(8' UVc; turkeys, froxon. I'.fiilc. 1 " " Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. April 19.-PHAIRIB : HAT Choice upland, $13.0X(j 13.50, must be extra choice In light bales to bring $13.60; No. 1. $12,500.13.00; No. 2. $10.6011.50: No. 3. $400310.00; choice mid land. JU.&OtffllOO, must be choice and light bslea to bring $1300; No. 1. Vi.OrfpUM; No 2. $10.506 11. 10; No. 3, 88.0K&1O.O0: choice lowland, $10.ilO50; No. 1. $.00ia 10.00; No. 2. $8.00f(i.00; No. 3, $ti.O l(8.O0. STRAW Choice wheat straw Is quota ble st $ti.w(rt.5o. ALKALKA Choice pea green, fine stem, leafv. $14.00; No. 1. $130K-(j 13.50; No. 2. $10.004112.00; No. 3. $7,0031 1Q.. Mlnneapolia tiraln Market. . MINNEAPOLIS. April 20. WHEAT May, $1.55: July. $1 fi?V No. 1 hard. $1.1W; No. 1 northern. S1.57Vfe'g-l.lM; No. 2 north ern. $l.52H4il.5l-. FLOL'R Unchanged. . nARLKY-4Mi74c. It YE $1.1011.14. RRAN-$22.50. CORN No. 3 yellow, 7L''x,i724e. OATS No. 3 white, 4Ve51c. FLA X-$l.94j1 9tii. Kansas City rala anal Pr KANSAS CITY. April 20. WHEAT No. 3 hard. $1.54'' I.WiVi; No. 2 red. $1 54; May. $l.52; July. $1.28;. September. $1.15'. CORN No. 2 mixed, 7tic; No. 2 white. 77c; No. 2 yellow. 77c; No. 3, 7Hc; May, 75c: July, 77Vc; Beptember, Tlc. OATS No. 2 white, &$SJ7c ; No. 2 mixed, Milbii'c. BUTTER Creamery. I9c; firsts. 27c; seconds, 'c; packing, 18c. EXUJS Firsts, liftc; seconds. 17c. POULTRY Hens, 14c; roosters. 10c; turkeys. 15c. . I.oula Orala Market. ST. LOU19. April . WHKAT-No. 2 red. ll.fM'nl.r: No. 2 hard, nominal, $1 53S: July. $1 29. CORN No. 2 white, SOc; May. 77Sc; July. 79'e. OATS No. 2. 5Hc; No. 2 white, 67Hc. at. .Is lira Market. ST. IM'IS. April 19 - WH EAT No. 2, $1.5tiVil57; No. 2 harl, $1.5S.; July. $132. CORN No. 2. 78c: No. May. 7ic; July, 79c. OATS No. 2. aS'i'H'' i.vJVl.u; May, 2 white. Wine; No. $ white. Liverpool Crala Market. LIVERPOOL. April 20. No. 2 Manitoba, 14a 10.1 -WHEAT Spot. ; No. 8. 1.1s 7-i: No. 2 bard winter, 13a 5d. em winter, 1 is 4vl. CORN Spot, Amerteaa 3d: Americas mixed, old, mixed. 8s Id. No. 2 red west raised, new, 8g. dsl-d; La Palta, Market. NEW YORK. April 20 -COTTON Spot, steady; middling uplands, U.45c; no Sdles. TIm cotton market closed firm, ntt 3 points hiKtr to 2 points lower. LIVEimOL. April 20. O TTON Spot, stesdv: middling, gltid; middling, t.sud; low middling, i tod. Sales. lo.OuO bales. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Some Cattle Steady and Other Kindt Strong All Sheep and Lamb Records Are Broken. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER SOCTII OMAHA. April 2A, 191.V Receipts were: Csttle. Hock. Sheen Official Monday MIS .S'7 1 1 .T7 l.stlmate Tuesday e.2M 10.IO .3o Two days' totals 11.118 1!,77 fame days last week.. 10.474 1v7 Same S weeks sgo H.!Ot J0.437 Same 3 weeks ago 1J."W ?0.."ii.1 Si me 4 week ago 9,270 20,7i; same days IhsI vear... .10.421 17,21! ?;7 ,2U I 17.' j 2..M' K.M.I 21. Wl The following table shows the average of rattle, hogs and Mieep at the South Omaha live stock mafket for the year to date, as compared tth I4.t vear: IT".. 1914 Inc. Cattle 305.013 2i, :ot Hogg 1 0(7.971 Stiii.400 iM.MI Sheep 82J.12J S22.5T4 .W7 The following table shows the average, price for hogs at the south Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: Date. 1S15. 14. ilni. 1 1012. 1I1.1H10. April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April April Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock tie Cnlon Btock yards. South Omaha, f t hours ending at S o'clock m., yesterd:y: KtX'fcl ITS CAUliO A I P. Cattle. I logs. Sheep. M i . M. St P ... 8 ... 4 ... 4 ... an ... 12 . I I U 8 771 7 611 $ 2'10 t0. 6. tti 74 T3 $ 22 10 42!6 7S S. U S 47 I T i 21i0 331 M 7. isJVti t 42 8 79' li.lo !5j 99 S.65 8 47 8 M 7 00 12110 1 80 10 ) 8 51 $81 155 I Ml 8i 11 i S 67 S 81 7 48 $ 86 10 031 13' 8 8 W 7 561 I 851 8 79 6 9 13 7 S 2 7 . 5 2! f T 01 14 WS 8 Of. 8 90 S9Ot6&90 15 7 07 L 8 51 $ 7ii IWliK l( S 1G; 7 IKS 8 481 8 S.7 7 i'. I 55 4 8H 17 f 8 471 8 ti 7 7l OKI 95 1S ikii K 7: 7 7 ".i 9 14 IK! 7 SS'4 I 8 781 7 tl t. (Ml 8 SO! 02 t 1 41' si 3 4l IT 54! 5 e:l: 8 90 ti 1 st or P. 5 3 1 311 l'. 19 4:1 3 . W 1 27 10 5 3 5 1 15t 32 HEAD. rN abash Missouri Pacific. 1'nlon Pacific. C. & N. W., east. C, & N. W., west ... 5 C, St. P.. M. ft U... S3 C., R. A Q . east 12 C, B. A g, west.... 37 C, R. I. P.. esst.. 7 C It. I. ft P.. west. 4 Illinois Central 7 CMcago Ot. West.... 3 Total recelpta....210 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morria Co 49 7f5 1,178 1.07H 2.B9J I.0K.1 2.IH0 1.19 2,0.2 9 2,092 Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Aimour & Co Sch warts Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co.... South Omaha Pack Co. Armour, Kansas City.. Cudahy. Kansas City.. K P. Co W. B. Van Sent Co.... Benton, Van Sant & I Hill & Son F. B. Lewis Huston Co J. B. Itnot & Co J. II. Bulla I. F. Huss Rosenstock Bros S U. Kellogg Wertheimer & Degen.. II F. liamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild ft Krebs.... Mo. ft Kan. Cat Co ChrlHtle 1.0IH .1.238 , 740 .1.175 t;S5 88 9.1 55 Is) M 4 20 29 44 119 143 60 12 80 90 6.' 9 17 S 14 11 85 2 10 54 275 Hlgglna ! Huffman Roth Meyers Baker. Jones ft Smith.. iTsnner Bros John Harvey............ Dennis ft Francis Kline Other buyers 82 Totals 5.172 8.B36 8.757 CAi'lLE Receipts ot cattle wore fairly liberal again today, making . tne total for t!e two daya 11.118 head, tho largest of any similar, period since three weeks ago and slightly larger than a year ago. Aa was the case yesterday tne demand waa the most activs for the lightweight beeves of good quality ana finish. Cat tle of that description were strong and active. Heavy beeves and common light weights were slow and were practically the Inst cattle in the yaida to sell, al though prices were about steady. Cows and heifers did not show any material change, being Just about steady with yesterday and at the same time in good demand. stockers and feeders continue strong, the domand being good and the trade ac tlv every day. ' Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfod beeves. $7.!'nX.40; fair to good cornfed beeves, $7uor'i.lJ; common to fair cornfed beeves, 87.0iu'7.tO; good to chohe heifers, $4.751 S.0U1 good to choice cows, K5K(f'7.10; fair to good cows, $5.506.50; common to fair cows, $J.7hw6.uO; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.4orri.Oi); fair to good Mockers and feeders, $T.I0H 7.40; common to fair stockers and feeder, $8.0(17. 10; stock heifers, $.i.8.V(i.n5; stock cows, $h.Virti.60; stock calves, tf.2Tti8.::5; veal calves, $7 OOii lu.OO; fat bulls, slags. etc.,$4.7fCii1.25; stock bulls. $o.i!!)j.50. Hepreaentatlvo sales: REEK KTEERS. No. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ...n;o 4 00 ... K III ...IIM 7 1U ...UJt T U ... l 7 Si ... Das 7 0 ...Iduj 7 14 il 12M 1 ., 11 W 1 VI J .. 14... ... ...tno t 74 t to 7 li 10 ...1104 40. 15 8 la 7 hi IJ. .liM Alts. a. tin ANo niiiii,n .. a;7 w T. . 7l . Ml .101 J 7 H 7 10 7 n $ is) m 110 .. 7M T 20 .. 4(11 7 Id .. i'-l lb ..It.t 1 40 S... I... ... tl... rit H 40 HALVES. IH IN 4S 7 10 il 18 , IVU 7 14 214 00 1M I 75 IW I (10 IV II Se , 140 M) M ,4 lii 15 MTOCjv fc.ivr AND FEEDERS. 44 4 M II ima 7 as ai 44 7 4i "i ) 14 mi 7 4 4 7 10 13 v 7 m 7 0 i Kit , S48 T Al 7W 7 70 .4 7 ft rioua Keceipi were very moderate, about 145 cars, or 10.150 head, being re ported in. Alter doductlng the thirteen cars that came direct to 4 pi ker from an other ma.Kct. only a very moderate show ing waa lett. The total lor the two days is l,7u8 head, being within one hcau of the same aay laat week, and l,5uu larger than for tho cui respouuing perd of last 4 ear. The market opened out brisk, shippers paying prices that were in moat oases 641 10c higher. 'i'helr purchases, whhh came close to accounting for half the supply, were made largely at S7.404J.7.4.'. wlui a sprinkling as high as $7.5o. Parkers early offers were no better than steady, and as salesmen were pric ing their hogs better than $7.40, that Is nearly a dime higher, nothing .old until pretty well a lent: In the forenoon it was close to J0::W when packers finally raised their hands, but an mmih ih... started bidding better money most of the sellers cut loose, and the big end of Hie offerings had chunged before li o'clock at prices that were a big nickel anu hi 11101K cases .07 iuc Higher. The general market waa largely raluc higher, and owing to the heavy shipping purchases, avrraxd fullv btnue un m...i of the killing hogs sold around $7.40, with a sprinkling of the less desirable grades under this figure, and aa shippers moved largely at $7.40417.45, the bulk of all the salna was quoted at t! iUgLio, with toim at $7.50. Today's values are a flat 1..c above the clone of last week, and fully $l.u per hundred higher than the low time for the year, touched in February. Representative sales: He. At. Kk. Pr V. At Hh. pr. K. f J5 14 jut IKI 7 it M. tS 1 U 1 li u f ..A 31 !" ... 1 Tt", IJ 1! ... 7 44 4 ui h t r?.. m .) ... t a 40 41.' ... T M 17.V ... t IS 4 e- M 1 4 $ t ... k SHEEP All previous records of iilgh prices for both ewes and lambs on tuts market were broken this morning. At first the trade waa a little alow In get ting under wsy, like It has been f-r some time back, with the packers still trying to keep prices down. With a run of 8.2M head on aale, which - was a rather moderate run for a Tuesday, the packers set out with the Intention of filling Ihclr orders oh a 5"lls with Moiulav. The eellers. bov ever, stood pat for some advance md In the end they won out. there being almul eight ears of Clorailo-Melcan iambs good enough to bung the high price $10.7:., never lie fore ld al these yard". The bulk of the Ism), changed hinls at $IO.gk)r1.7;. 1 he sales Included some .horn lambs st $.T. steady with yentertlsy. Tlie late market was fair': actt' and like Mon day, competition among buv era was keen, reuniting In a c:y eusnnllc and sat-taint-lory clearance. Aged shrrp. mostly wes, were again In light supply. Tno llelicunt ees. like those here yestenlay nt $ established a reputation tl'ls morning when they sold up to $ M. a nc record In the history of the nvirket. Most of the ewes moved around vivu4:. Prices cn Nvth sheep snd lambs were fully HfitI.Sc higher. (Jiiottttns on sheep and lambs: l.nmhs, lUlit, $H .Wit 10 75: lambs, heavy, $ii.loti 10.;; Iiimbs, rliorn. $ 2.VriH.7:.; vearllnas. Ilahl. nnn'til'.V.. veatllngs, heavy, $v7:. (; wethers. go-d to choice, tx.OOffift.tiii: welhers, fnlr to good, $7.".VdS.oii: ees, gocxl to choice, $.ulrs.50, ewes, fair to good. $7.'HiS 0i. Itcircsentntive sstes: No Av. .. ., til .. 7H .. M .. 75 .. M .. M .. 2 Pr. 10 10 10 40 10 40 10 Ml 10 l 8 50 8 SO 10 7'. 8 10 12 00 4 fed lm''S 2M fed IhmiI.s 11 fed lambs , tvi fcil lambs 4J4 fed luml-a .x5 fed ewe H cuMs 2'.M fed lam!s 19S fed ewes...- K3 Colorado s.pi lng lnmlia. (HICAtiO LIVK 8TIMK MtRKRT Cattle Weak Hobs Steady to Higher. C1I1CAOO. April 50. CATTIK Re ceiids. 3.0iX head; market weak; native beol steers, $lli(tit0: western steers. $5.ltt i7.ii0: cows and heifers. $3.10t8 25; calves. $.i.7r.ns.a. llOOS-Recelpts. 14,0X1 head; market rtrsdy to 5c higher; hulk, $7.Vif7.70; light. 7 t.Vu.'.Vi: mixed, t7.4i".i7.HO; heavy, $7.0ff 7.70; roiiKh, $;.05t(.7.i; pigs. $5.7Mf7.0r. SIIKKP ASH lMHrt-Heccl ts. n.CO.1 head; mnrket firm; sheep, $:.H0tf7O; liiinhs, $.40trtlS5. nt. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST I.OUIS, April $0 CATTLK Re cilpta. 2,Mi) head; market higher; native hecf steers. $7.0u1i9.00: cows and hellers, $.". ....; Blockers and feeders. 85 75m7.2; Texaa and Indian steers, $5. t,"4i7.75; cows ami heifers, $l.liit.00; native calves, $.0J t9 ro. H OS Receipts. 7,sn0 head; market WiSt; pigs and lights, 98.0iMrT.a5: -mixed and butchers, $7.Mwi7.Hu: good heavy, $," 84 (fli.SO. SHEEP AND I.AMBi-Recelpts. l.MKI head; market strong; ewes. $&boTV25; lambs. $9.v 10.6.; sheared lambs, 8.75'i V.I0: yearlings, $8.50b.oO; sheared year lings, $7.0.tt7,75. Kanaaa 4 Ity Live Rrowk Market. . KANSAS CITY. April 20. -CATTLE -Receipts. 8.CO0 head; msrket higher; prim fed steers, $.10tr.t; dressed beef steers, $7.2.VtiN.00: western steers, $.7T4.10; xtockers snd feeders. $0,501)8.70; bulls, $5.25 (oc.25; calves, $rt 00t8,00. HOC.g-Reoeipts. 10.000 head: msrket steady; bulk, $7.40ffi7.&5; heavy, 87.40iij7.521; packers and butchers, $;.10(J,i.tS0; light. $7.4vti7.tl0: pigs. $8.75ft7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, R.Mtt head; market higher; lambs. $S.75ftrlo.ia; yearlings. $8 (Mj9.7i; wethers, $7.b(f4.'i5; ewes. $il.7;-88.50. lonx 4 Ity Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. April 30.-CATTLE- Receipts. 2.0.J head: market 10c lower; ; native ulcers, $7.0oCa8.00: butchers, $5,251 7i'i; cowa snd heifers, $l.40fi5.95: cannrrs, $3SO-,7.25: stockers and feders. $8.00(if7.W): Icalves, $t.00r(i9.00; hulls, stags, etc., $4.76)9 6.00 I HOGS -Receipts. 2,700 head: market 10e higher; heavy, $7.407.42; mixed. $7 87V Iru7.40; light. $7.3.-irj7.37i; bulk of aales, ,$7 35fi7.40. sheep iam us Receipts, none. 1. Joseph Live loek Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,700 head. Market strong:, steers, $70mi8.50: cows and heifers, $4.008.00; calves. $5.0nti7.r0. HOOS Receipts, .$X) head. Market steady; top. $7.56; bulk of sales. S7.454j1.55. SHEEP AND liAM BB Receipt s. C.Mu head. Market higher; lambs, $10.0010.75. Cofte Market. NRW YORK. April 20. COFFEE The market for roffee futures opened un changed to 3 points higher and advanced rather sharply during the day on covering by May shorts and acattered trad buying which appeared to be inspired hv the continued firmness of Brasll and predic tions that such May notices as might be Issued next Monday would he readily taken care of at the Prevailing premium on July. The close was 10 to 12 points net higher. Sales were 55,500 bags. April, D.Otc; May. 8.09c; June. .lc; July. 7.27c; August. 7.35c: September. T.43c: October. 7.49c; November, T.55c; December, T.0c January, T.t.e: poruary. i.toc; March. 7 75c. Spot coffee, steady; Rio No. T, 7e; Santos no. 4, ioc, cost and freight mar ket was practically unchanged, with some snippers asKing advances on tne Duller described grades. Rio exchange un changed; Santos 150 rela higher; Ulo un changed. Dry Cioods Market. NEW YORK, April 20.-DRY OOOD8 Buylng at the csrpet auctions continued actively today. Cotton goods wore firm and less active because of the unwilling ness of mills to sell far ahead. Yarns were firmer and more active. Knit roods for spot delivery were In good call. F.vapnrated Miailea and Dried Pre 1 4a NEW YORK, April .-EVAPORATEO APPl.ES-Dull. DRIED FRUITB-Prtinea, unsettle. Apricots, dull. Peaches, quiet and easy. Raisins, neglected. Apartments, flats, houses and cottagea ran be rented quickly and '.heaply ty a Bee "For Rent" ad. Removes Bursal Rnlaro-ementa Thickened. Swollen Tlssuea, Curb. Filled Tendons, Sore neag from any Bruise or Strain) Stop. Spavin Lameness. Allayt pain. Does not Blister, remove the hair 04 lav un the horse. 12.00 a hottle- dclivered. Book 1 K free. AB SORBIN E, JR.. the antlrtptle lini ment for mankind. For Synovitis, Strains, Gouty or Rbeumallc deposits, Swollen, Painful Varicose Veins. Will ull you more if you write. , f 1 and 12 per bottle at dealers or delivered.' Manufactured only by W.P.Y0UN8. r. 0. F. KMTeatl $t .SpriaiSsU.Mata THE BEST L1NIL1ENT m n una rot ni uvu soar - tv uomoauirs cat. n i' ni ii uausiic Daisam IT HAS NO EQUAL Par ' VI la.aaothiM .Mliaf, ... for .1) oil 4 L f. horM. IraiMii I IIS) i.iii, r.i4 Kiatftot Curara. Smi, Human.:?:;:.' ciL.iio siiia a. 38 A flat S. q.i.l BOUJ a Liausral IHtlMtty Sale and Rellable Rsmedyl tor Sere Throat Chest Cold Baokache Neuralgia Sprains Strains Lumbago Diphtheria Sere Lungs Rheumatism and all Stirl Joints Ws rtM 4a ts sli ss sa M thai M Ihi ..I saatais a sarlKli I - aa as karat casraasa nwa Hi ti iriaiaas sae mUt sara a4ai srs er csrseic MlMStf. MS II mm km I..44 ss aa saas Smi raawras ss staaarl aaalia.ll.a mmL sarrssi 4.1.0. ((nous imi siMtaiss-siauBiaut uuscus Oaraklll. Tra "na. koatl. Oms4I. B.lura 414 aay ra.u..ktMa a. sw4 I4a maw. .i4 as 4oMt .bill, " mu . sins. ii4 woai. ttu h 4iuniMaai kfusi'nnrir.i. writ. h kvaut a. las UWRUCt-wlUisatS COMf Af. Clsvalsaa. NEW YORK jiTOCK MARKET Closes with an Almost Buoyant Tone After Hours of Un certainty HAVEN LEADS RAILWAY LIST NEW YORK. April 20-The stock mar ket today revei aed Its course ef the pre ceding session by closing with sn Hlmost buoyant tone, after several hours of hesi tation and uncertainty. Enrlv reatralni. were found In the Rock Island re.eiver- emp ana mriner analysts or Chairman tlarys remai-ks to the United States steel shareholders, but these considera tions were set sstde In the 'Inal hour, when a flood of fresh buvlng orders lifted the entire list, some lnmortsnt sharra making new records for the movement. Although opening ouotstlons showed a ptepondcrance of gains, the market de noted Irregularity, this rendition hecomlng more acute ns Hock Island shares and bonds began their precipitate declines. The stock had fallen 13 points hv mid day, with severe losses In the underlying securities, while the balance of the list 1 reflected general heaviness. I The late rise began with a movement 1 In New Haven, that etn"k lesdlng the . rallw.iv lt. Later It soresd to the In vestment issues and then to specialties of the clasa recent tv neglected, inc'udlng Bethlehem Steel, which rose II points It reached Its best when the coopers began to show activity, the rise being coincident with another advance in the price of metal, the fourth In less than a week's time Over three-fourths of the day's trading, which surrogated 1 250.000 .hares, waa transacted In the first snd last hours, the Intermediate period ahowln relative Inactivity. New Haven's rise of T points wss accompanied hv a gain of In New York. Onta-lo A Western, which It eon trola Rumors of an advantageous sale of the latter pronertr were amln rur rent. but met with rtromnt denial. An unusual development In the fore'en exchange situation was the heavy buvlng of "future hills on !or!rn." These aee tn me. 1 11 re next eummer and autmn and the sssumntlon r rev a I !e1 In well Informed quartera thSt Ihe ontrarts nressgft ex pectations of peace bv that period. Bond were Irregular, chiefly heestiM of lmses In Rock Island issue. Total ss'es nae value, a'greaated 2'oft',0. United Pistes bonds ware unchanged en call. Number of sales an leading quotations on stocks were aa follow Males Mirk. Lew. fins. AIMS. CMIM Am.lmeted ... Amertrsa het gtisar. .. Aierlraa Cas Asi.rlca a. R AnMrtr.a 8. a R. sf8... Am. gussr urinln .... Amwirsa T.I. Tel... An.rlr.n Tshaees An.ennilt Mlslng AtetilBOn Bslllmnr Ohln nrwehiyn Tiaatd Tranitt. illteTils ... e.nrftn svtfi). Central T.lhsr r'Keiti. a Olds co,.s. fiM.t Wsslem.. 8 I It P.... I'hlen.o a K. W Chlno lnpner ... .a rnlnr.rin Kuet A troa... a grtiith.m..., Prnver Pis 1rsA.... Denver AV ft. O. nfd.... Dlt" Serum Im .,, s.Mvi 4714 4 tt m.sos 7 tin TT44 IT', 4i, 47 II W T4 in 37H .t- ni HV4 t ins 1MH i lis I.SM 1'4 4 lt sim rrM ry, t M am i: v 1744 Mil in m H 71 74 T7H 7V4 4.'i 4 ih Is US 17V T. 171 4i 1S.4J 1TIH4 3d too 4ix s 4ii 4.1n 4"4 4T4 4S ma ns 1 7.4ftO 74 s 74 w ill ish ll ! 4M 4.7H 4H I.IM S4V r M4 Us 111 t 4'4 nfl IT IS 14 1194 t4 I '4 l"4 COkSW O pe TH AMsllCAN e.Kellt,r Ask the Engineer Engineers constitute a little world of and unto themselves.- They arc keen critics, but generous ones, when they encounter good work. And these sharpest of observers say the Hup mobile is good. In Detroit where there are many automobile engineers one hears the highest praise of the Hupmobile. ' It would be too much to say that there is not a dissenting voice regarding the Hupmobile among Detroit engineers. But it would be hard to find one who holds an unfavorable view. By common consent they have settled on the Hupmbbile as one car they can unite in com mending. ' Now this is not mere sentiment or friendliness. Reputable engineers will not barter away their professional standing by unmerited praise. When they approve of the Hupmobile and especially of its splendid small bore, long stroke motor that approval means something. It is an endorsement founded on extraordinary experience and knowledge. It is a source of pride to us and a recommen dation you can not afford to overlook. Take the engineer's expert opinion along with all the other good things that you hear about the Hupmobile. Let us prove the Hupmobile in a quality test. V. L. Huffman Auto Co. OMAHA Distributors for Nebraska, So. Dakota and Western Iowa. .l?0p teb l-sask Teettaf Car w Imi rssskTaarissCsr. S122S MESSAGE OMAHA NEAL INSTITUTE, 1602 South Tenth Street, Omaha, Neb. I heard you got two of my friends yesterday. That's all right, I have some more that you won't get. trl. Mjn 4 t4 fH Oener.l FleMrlr 4" 1 s 4 Va I"1 l" (Ireei Nor'hets r't 4 4 l M HIV (1IMI Sn. llr nr. t.W) l M St O.i.ienhelm Itiplor.lliin. I f ilft 47V4 t' Illinois Onlr.1 Ill ti lerWou.h Mt pld. .. II ?M 734 Tl 74 tnnplrsttcn CeeTer II. DOS Idvj J V lnl.n.llnn.1 ll.rre.lsr KW'4 1"! 1 K.ns. f Iit Booltiern.... I rw Ms lf.44 S IMirii m I4 1i?s 14 t,. in. rill, a Ni.hrllle .. 4.0 lilt l:iS 1 V.lesn ... 41r4 Topper I. !W JH 5.M4, 14 Mlwourl. K T 4., on US 14 4 Ml.enurl I'.ellle 3?.in0 , 14'4 17 National niarnlt Nallnr.l 1.4 4 sno a 44 St. Nrv.iia 'opp.r land ' IfS 1 t Sear York I '.pi r. 1 IS srVl ! 11.14 t S T N. H H I4.0 ;n4 Hi, it Nerfnik Wiern ;iw IM ln;,vj ki:,ij Knrth.rn PaHflr 7.4 11114 yS ill P.elflr Mall Wl lS 1S l 1'fLririr Tel. T.l l Da M 4 M 111 11' lm'4 rullm.n I'al.r. iir 1 Ul II. r i nn '..ppr t; ;vi, j;4 CH luadins H.ym i:.nk tr4t r riipilhllr Iron a Xleel... 4,n SOU IH', "jlij I:."- Ilsn4 o "1 14 s ' llil lalsmt n pM 1 411 1 g. illhern I'.rlllr 17.4IKI 94 81 PI Southern Itallssr 4.nnl 1.14 laaj ln l'.nipr 1.400 3)4. i3 Tea.a orap.n)r I.IM I'll t'4 II" Ininn faiirir M.jon im ttt 11 4 I men rariric pM 20 W't """i sn, t Slstea Ktal 144 4W 74 MS V a Kte.i pfd I. son pwi, )4ai, irni, I tah Topper S.ol 47 4li 47 W.ttaah pM l4 . IS I nlnn IH M'4 84 ' W..t1nsheili KVerlrlc 414, Montana Fewer loft MS IIS II S Tm.l ulrs lor Ihe .47, i.liO OOO sham. e r York Moaey Market. NF.W VOTlK. April S0.-MKRCANTILR PAP F R .Vu as. per cent. UTERI. I NO KXCHANOTC-Kasy; alxtv days. $!7fir; for cables. $4. TWO; for de msud. $4.T92T. SM.V KR-Psr. 80c: Mexican dollars. 8c RONnS llovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. MONKY Time loans steady: alxtv and ninety davs, iPUS per cent; six months. 8V per cent. Call money ateady: hlh, 2'4 per cent: low, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per rent, last loan. 3 per cent; closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Closlna quotations on bonds today were as follows: f. S. ref. 1., ref no roupon f. 8. . pa.... 0e cntiaxi .... t'. a. 4. res ... MS Ma. Par. e. sa 4' MS'N. Y r. ss... an 1ISN. T. rtv 4S ...... 1' ioisn. r atsu 4S..- u HWSN T.N. K. at R lios er. s. teas So entipon Panama M roueoa. .1"! ' No. r.clflc 4a....... 8?S A an. timelier. 4. ...104 a a. . a. T T. er. 4'4.lrl H. f L rf. 4s .. t Armeair re. 4S. ? Pae. 4 T. .,.. 7 Alrhiaon s.n. I..... 41'iP.nn. rnn. 4a 47'. Pal a Ohio 4. Ss S. rnn. 4't I11. iTim. Ohio ISa. T74n.1lni . 4a ... ' C. B. Q I. 4..... MVi'd. U . r. f. 4S 47. C M 4 t t t 4Sa .101S8t). P.r. rv. 4. : do ... te. IMS rat. 4. ITS C. a. rf. 4S... S e. la ...Inns P. ft. O rat It at Ra. RitlniT as ns aSl"iler Psetfle 4a.... IMS lot do rv. 4. US MSf. a a.ihhee 4. ...PITS T4f. atrwl 8e......iet 1 Watatati 1.1 la 1" - US Waal, t'ntoa 4Ha. ...?; 71 Watt. CUe, cv. ta.. MS Rrle sen. 4a Oen. Rlawlrle 4... Gt. No. 1st ma... III. Oa r. 4..... K. C 8. rat. S.. 1. S N. unl 4.... M K. T. 1st 4a. Bl. Metal Market. NBW TORK, April V-METAIJ4 I.esd: Easy at $4 lfifft a): London, 30 10s. Ppeiter: Nominal; London. 48. Tin nominal; Moat lota offered at 868.00, Copeer firm; electrolytic, $17.S0(S 1T.834-, rsatlna 7.12H 17 26. Iron quiet and un rhanaed. At Ixindon: Ppot, copper 78 ISa; futures, 78 10s. Rot tin, 187; futures, 17. Antimony, HTj7, , Rent room qulcs wrrn a mi Want Ad. We hope you have in your acquaint ance a competent engineer. We would like you to get his opinion . of the Hupmobile. I (Signed) JOHN BARLEYCORN.