Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    lilt lil'A'i: M.MAHA. ILI'-M'AV, -M'lillj 1IU. i:U;.
Eubmarine While on Scoot Work in
Straits Ooei Aground nd 24
!' ...- Ken Captured. t
'seven of crew are missing
LONDON. April 19 The British,
an offset to their success In de
stroying a Turkish torpedo boat
Vhlch attacked the transport ManUou
oft Chios yesterday, lost the subma
rine E-15, which, while carrying on
i scouting work In the Dardanelles
mine field, ran aground on Kephet
point, twenty-four officers and men
being made prisoners. According to
the Turkish report, seven of the
creir are missing.
An official statement from the
British admiralty Issued late last
night gives the substance of a fur
ther report concerning the loss of
.life aboard the ManUou..
Traaaport llsrnirri.
I The report shows tint twenty. four men
Isvers drowned. Instead of 100 a at flrat
.reported, and that twenty-seven others
u-o missing. Th transport Itself waa
tiot damaged.
Tha loaa of Ufa waa das to tb repay
ing of one boat In tha water and an
'other while being lowered, owing- to the
i breaking of a davit.
In Kgypt British airmen have been
propping bombs on the Turkish enramp
"inent near the border, while a French
Srrulaer. the fire of which waa dlreoted
y a seaplane, hue been throw In eliells
n the Turka near El Arlsb. where the
jr for the Invasion of Egypt haa Its
MeJeatU DHvea Bark.
RVIretass to Berlin and London.) Tha
following TurkUh official autement re
garding recent operations at the Darda
nelles waa given out here tonight:
'"On the afternoon of April 14 the Eng
lish battleahlp Majesties bombarded a land
position near Oaba Tench, on Bares bay.
The fire was returned and the Majestic
avas forced to retire.
"On the following afternoon the Majes
tic attacked our advanced batterlea, but
ae struck three times. The warship re
tired and was replaced by the British
battleship Swlftsure, whhsh continued the
lombordlng without result.
Are Raally ReaaUed.
"On tha nlghta between the 13th and 15th
ef April enemy torpedo boats tried to
tnrtrata the Dardanelles. They were
eaally repulsed. Germs n avlatora dropped
bombs, which struck and exploded on an
enemy coal steamer.
"Main headquarters reported that yes
terday an enemy hydro-aeroplane waa
damaged by Turkish fire and fell Into the
ea. A second hydro-aeroplane attempted
to save It snd tt waa sunk by our fire.
"An English armored cruiser, which
ttifged away the damaged machine, was
struck by our sheila The cruiser, with
the hydro-aeroplane, withdrew."
Plaaes Drew Bomfea. '
CAIRO (Via London), AprUlS. Ths fol
lowing official communication waa issued
"On the 1Mb three aeroplanes made a
flight from the canal to El fllrr, some
twenty-five miles south of El Arlsh.
dropping bombs, which were effective.
From VM to 300 tenta were seen. The dis
tance flown wss mora than 170 miles.
"No other enemy troops were seen this
aide of El Klrr, though one or two small
josls of about twenty men are known to
Bam hard Camp.
"On tha eatra, del a French cruiser
lnbarrted a caiap near El AUbK, a sva
Vlne directing te fire. No large num
ber of trcope were seen, though enemy
rune opned fire both on the cruiser and
the seaplane. Neither was hit. however.
"On Ut 17th a FrencU cruiser, again
aited by a seaplane, bombarded the
enemy's camp well to the south of Ghax
sen (soma forty miles southwest of
Jerusalem). Considerable damage was
where the czar's army seems practically deadlocked against
the line of the kaiser. The soldiers may be seen standing
up to the earthworks, rifle barrels thrust through loop
holes, to fire at any Russian head that appears.
Imperial Potentate flmlth of the
Bhrtners waa in Omaha a ahort time
Aunday, enroute from Kansas City to
Cedar Rapids. la., where he Inspects the
Shrine temple of that lty. Mr. Bmlth
was here a couple of hours and during
the time was a guest of a number of
the Nobles or Tangier temple, at the
Hotel Fontenelle.
Taft Is Pallbearer
r At Aldrich Funeral
t as-aa aaaa.
PROVIDENCE, R, I., April J.-Lead-,rs
In political and financial affairs of
the nation were present today at the
funeral of Kelson A. Aldrich, for nearly
generation United States senator from
J; hod Island.. ....
The services were conducted by Right
lftev. Jamea DeWoU Perry. Episcopal
liehop of Rhode Island.
Among the honorary paJlbearera were
ex-President Taft. former United States
Senator corge Peabody WeUnore. Sena
tor Henry F. Llppltt. Frank K. Sturgia.
Ooorge P. Baker and Henry P. Davison.
SThe burial was in Bwaaa Point cemetery.
Property owners are crowding the of
fice of County Treasurer Ure. paying
S14 county taxes, whlcti will become de
linquent May t The treasurer reports
collections good, I1ES.0OO having already
been received, which Is a approximately
the same amount as was taken in at the
. came date last year.
CHargts nr assautt were made In
county court against Oscar t. Helms
and Hall Helms, who are accused by
Michael Kane, tan? Kaat Locust street,
y.aat Omaha, with attacking him Sunday
(right Both were arrested by Deputy
sheriffs Larry Plynn and William Itogaa.
A banquet of the Builders Exchange of
rmaha U to be held at the Hotel Fonte-
tile Tuesday evening at :30. Frank Jud
Son is to be the tuastmaater. Charles O.
McDonald. John L. Kennedy and Howard
jaldrtge are to speak.
Kaklaa: oa4 VTwrat Paaatble.
As lung as one la on his feat, be eaa
"ora after a fashloa. no matter how
badly be feels. But you cannot do good
work ar ambition and energy, fall that
lire U worth living with sluggish bowels
or torrid liver. Foley Cathartic Tablets
do away with that drowsy, dull, tired
feallug. They never gripe or cause
liausee. They're wholesome, cteanslog
and beaitl.ful. Must satisfactory for
stt iMsvna. Bold everywhere Adve-
Jfcr :,4wW
7, ay...-
Burling-ton'i Weekly Report Shows
Weit Far Ahead of the Nor
mal Condition.
City Pondmsster Waggoner states he
will not kill dogs at the city pound until
an electric cage already ordered shall
have been received. He expects this new
spparatus to be here this week. This will
afford a respite for dogs already impounded.
Rent room iulck with a Bee Want Ad.
The Burlington's weekly crop and soli
report, taking Into consideration condi
tions up to last Saturday, Indicates a
most flattering outlook for Nebraska,
Ksnras and Wyoming, according to Gen
ersl Superintendent Young, who hss se
cured the data.
While the rainfall last Week wss light,
the westher waa warm and vegetation
was pushed forwsrd st a rspld pace.
being at this time fully up to. If not
anean of trie normal.
Estimating the condition of winter
wheat at a perrentnge of 109 for ten
years. Superintendent Toung plsces the
condition st this time st:
Omnha division, 11 per cent.
Lincoln division, 102 per cent.
Wymore division, 101 per cent.
Mei'ook division, 1(77 per cent.
Spring whest. oats and other grains are
about all In. with an acreage fully op to
that of previous yesrs.
With the ground In the best possible
condition, powlng for corn snd potatoes
has len pu-hed and Is pretty well along.
In the sugsr beet growing districts,
while no seed hss been planted. It Is es
timated that the Increased acreage will
be 1J per cent over last year. -
at grade. The railroad tracks are carried
over tne street on a steel viaduct that
rests upon solid rock wings at either
Flynn is Asked to
Move Some Goats
Residents oa Chloago street, between
Twenty-fifth and Twentr-elzth streets.
have filed with the city clerk a protest
s gainst a pair of avaricious goats kept
by a neighbor.
The city street maintenance depart
ment started torty-elght wagona out over
tlKhteen districts of the city, with In
structions to gather up all heaps of
refuse which cltlsens have placed In front
snd rear of their places.
Msny requests have been received at
the city hall. An effort Is being made
to cover the entire city. Each district
hss a foreman, who will be held responsi
ble for his snslgnment.
in some Instances it may be several
days before the wagons arrive, as all of
the work cannot be done in one or two
The Missouri Pacific has Increased Its
forces and has put a Urge number of
men at work on the construction of the
Locust street viaduct, over the railroad
and street car tracks. The Information
Is given out that the work will be pushed
snd that the viaduct will be completed
by July 1.
Work on the Thirty-first avenue viaduct
is moving slong rspldly and within thirty
daya It will be open to traffic. At this
point the Missouri Pacific is elevating Its
tracks, thus leaving Thirty-first avenue
A psrty waa given br Me. anil Mn v
3. Marohn Saturday evening In honor of
Mr. Oscar Anderberg's birthday, also his
departure for Waterloo, la., where he
takea charge of the Waterloo Engraving
and 8ervlce company's plant Those
present were Messrs. and Mesdamea
Oeorae Kallna-a J. V v.iin n I
' - - ..W.I....,
Brady. C. I Brady, J. T. Lynch, E. J.
Marohn, Oscar Anderberg, Mrs. Vera
Beaver. Misses Ruth Brady, Hasel Dona
hue, Alta Spear, Gertrude Schramer, Mea
damea Floyd Brady, William O. Brady,
Robert P. Lynch Armond Anderberg.
Ellsworth A. Bullock of the Rullock
Machine and Supply company, has
brought suit for divorce against Mrs.
Minnie Bullock, to whom he. waa married
thirty-one years ago, alleging desertion
as grounds. In 1909, when he come to
Omaha, Ms wife refused to accompany
htm, he asserts In his petition .
EavCongreMmaa John R. Lynch, former
paymaster in the army here and now re
tired. Is spending a few days In Omaha
as the guest of Rev John Albert Wlt
llama, and Is renewing the msny ac
quaintances he made while here. Mr.
Lynch haa been en the Paciflo coast and
la returning to his home In Chicago.
Before the year is out Omaha Is to
have a fruit and hay market, if the
trade extension committee of the Com
mercial club accomplishes what it Is
after. The committee Is centering its at
tention on this project now, and hopes
to add this to Its list of achievements be
fore the close of the year.
Keea It Heady for Rhearaatlam.
Don't suffer and try to wear out your
rheumatism. Sloan's Liniment goea right
to the apot: kills the naln. 26c. All drug
girts. Advertisement.
An A
The Mai Who Started.
. . . i . . . .
ppeal to the Americans People"
Doubtless you have read in the press very recently the one-page adver
tisement published in 200 American newspapers at a cost of over $100,000,
and which had as its keynote:
"Let Us .Alleviate Human Suffering and Preserve
Life Not Help to Destroy It"
signed by the editors of 431 foreign-language newspapers published in this country.
In THE LITERARY DIGEST for April 17th there are many inter-,
esting details of this propaganda including a statement from the man who
acknowledges having inaugurated it.
Besides throwing light upon this important movement, under the
following headings there is much to interest you in other directions in the
current number, of -THE LITERARY DIGEST:
Business; Boom Impending
Germany's Dissatisfaction with Our
Protest to Britain
Omens in the Chicago Election
A Chronology of the War from January lc :
A Day-by-Diy History of the Important Happenings
War and Drink at Odds
Every subject of interest to the average man and woman is dealt with in
this foremost, American weekly, including the War News, Science, Invention,
Literature, Politics, Religion, Foreign Comment, Motoring, Drama, and Sports.
THE LITERARY DIGEST is an ideal magazine for the home
young folks thrive mentally upon it. Ask any school-teacher anywhere, and
' he or she will be sure to admit that bright children are the rule where THE
DIGEST is a visitor.. Reading it enables the young folks to take a respectful
and . intelligent part in discussions at school, at home, anywhere.
Get Tbis. Week's Number April 17th. Ml News-dealers Ten Cents
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publihm of the Famou NEW Standard Dictionary), NEW YORK
You'll Like
th IM
Showing of
At QuAlit?
U lYYfll
u misi it ji
la.. M 1 1 v " ' "
111 D I IU
Don't Miss Seeing Those Kitchen Cabinets at $12.50
for the
New Rujt
VaJum Here
A Wonderfully Choice Lot of Suits
and Dresses Goes on Sale Beginning Tuesday
Jap Crepe Kimonos, made to
sell at $2.00, good assort
ment ..$1.29
Our buyer has just returned from
New York after an unusually success
ful buying trip. Several special pur
chases are now here and beginning
Tuesday we're going to offer our cus
tomers some Real Bargain Surprises.
Tailored Suits, worth
$23.00 and $30.00 ....
A broad assortment of choice new de
signs in Silk Poplins, Gabardines,
Men's Wear Serges and Nobby Cheek
Suitings, all sizes, choicest colorings,
at $17.50
Beautiful Silk Dresses, $10 to $12.50
values, at , $5.95
The popular Silk Poplins, also light
weight wool fabrics, iu choice color
ings and styles.
Long Silk Kimonos, regular
$.").0O values, on sale Tues
day at $2.95
In the Daylight Silk and Dress
Goods Section
85c mnd $1.00 Tub Silks, all tlk 36 Inches wide, also 32 and 36
lnch embroidered Tub Crepes, In a splendid line of new colors, at.
Cheney's Shower Proof Fou
lards, regular 85c qualities, in
new colorings and designs, 25
pieces for selection, yard, 5S
80-in. Black Dreee Mescalines
and Chiffon Taffetas, regular
$1.00 yard qualities, yd., 75
All-Wool Check Suiting $1.00
yard quality, black and white,
In 3 sizes, very popular - this
season, yard 68
54-in. Coverts, Palm Beach and
ovelty Stripe Saltings, also
Gabardine Coverts, at
yr 81.18 nd $1.48
Interesting Grocery Prices for Tuesday's Sale. Quality Goods and
a Saving of 25 to SO Per Cent on the Cost of Living
It lbs. best granulated sugar. .$1.00
a-io. aacK Deal nifen gratia .Diamond
H. Flour nothing- finer for bread,
plea or cakes; every sack guaran
teed to give perfect satisfaction:
Tuesday, 48-lb. sack 91.85
10 bars Beat-'Km-All, Diamond C,
Lenox or Laundry Queen white
Laundry Soap a&o
I lbs. beat white or yellow cornmral
for 170
I lbs. best mixed chick feed 95o
4 lbs. fancy Japan rioe SSo
4 lbs. best hand picked navy beanw,
for '. .85a
The best domestic macaroni, vermi
celli or spaghetti, pkg 7He
Alvo jell, for desert, the Jell that
whips, pkg. . 7Ho
( cans oil or mustard sardines. .85o
Tall cana Alaska Salmon lOo
T lbs. best bulk laundry starch B6
Tha best soda crackers, to lbs.
In box 45a
K. C. Corn Flakes, pkg 5a
Grape-Nuts, pkg lOo
MacLaren's peanut butter, lb..,18Ho
t-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn,
wax, string, green or lima bans
at TVio
I-lb. cana hominy, pumpkin, ssuer
kraut or baked beana 7H
t-lb. cans solid parked tomatoes lJe
rancy Queen olives, quart 38c
Large bottle Worcester sauce, pure
tomato catsup or pickles, assorted
kinds 8H0
The best tea eiftlngs. lb iaic
Golden Pantos coffee, lb aoo
The best strictly fresh ssnrs, dos. 800
Nothing finer at any price.
.The best creamery butter, carton or
bulk, lb ,3Qs
Fancy No. 1 country creamery but
ter, lb 880
Fancy No. 1 dairy table butter. .86c
lbs. good butterlne ........... 8S ,
Full cream New Tork White. Wis
consin Cream or Young America
cheese, lb goo
Imported Swiss or Roquefort cheese,
per lb aoo
A carload of extra fancy l-'lorida
Grapa F"ult will go on sate TuoMtlav.
St aise. that sells regularly ut 12'tc
Tuesday, each Siia
4S cIm that sells regularly at 10c,
Tuesday, each 50
Limit: one dosen to a customer.
16 lbs, best cooking potatoes . .ITHe
Fancy California rhubarb, 3 lbs. lOo
Available May First
We will have a couple of small rooms available on the first
of next month.
These smaller rooms are in great demand and we would
. suggest your making immediate application, if you are
The price of these rooms, as with all of our offices, Includes
electric light, janitor service, heat and water.
Offices are always put in perfect condition for new tenants
and kept in perfect condition for our old tenants.
"The building that is always new"
The fact that there are-but three vacant offices
in the Bee Building is the best testimonial we can
offer you of service, comfort, safety and location. .
Suite 222:
Suite 228:
Suite 505: .
This Is a very choice office on the second floor,
facing the corridor around the court. It is par
titioned for a very comfortable waiting room
and two private offices. It has north light
Price, per month 845.00
This is divided into a waiting room and a small
private office. It has two windows facing
north and the entrance is from the broad cor-'
ridor around The Bee Building's beautiful
court. The floor space is 270 eq. ft.
Price, per month . . . J25.00
This constats of three rooms with two entrances
located facing the court. These offices are
light and comfortable and offer a particularly
large amount of floor space for the small price
This will be rented If desired as two separate
rooms. The total floor space is 395 sq ft
Price, per mouth 830.00
Especially adapted for printing office. This has
been occupied by a printer for many years and
on account of its location in an office buildlnc
and In the heart of the office building dlatrict
the location itself Is an asset in this business or
any similar business. It has an entrance from
the court on the ground floor and also from tha
alley. There Is very satisfactory light and ven
tilation. It likewise has the advantage, from
the standpoint of insurance and safety, of heinr
in a fireproof building. The floor space if
1.132 feet.
Price, per month -8100.00
Apply to Building Superintendent. Room 103