Gordon Van Co. ?S55: m vi ..... . . . Mor. pi I M, U. 194 or Web. Usl, Globe Van&Storage uiuvt, packs, snips; storage 11 eatlafactlon guar, D. 4&?8 nd Tyler 130. 'Nii' ,-.r,K,n house, all modem, hot w'.fnut tt ne"r t"-Dndee. Phone WEST FARM A M DISTRICT n. modern house, 108 p. jr.th pt. ROOMS, modern, nearly new. rheau rent. 1207 No. Hth Ave Web. 4fW. Van and Slonui vo. (. all ua tor es timator fA .nw. hipping-. 171 J Webster SL Maggard's g ing, packing, shipping-. Douglas 14. IiOUSCS Frelh Bona AY Co.. Ilee. Bldg. In all parte of the city. Stores and Office. " SVLnXrrn ",OPe- location; In iItn?I"h.,W2414 Ames Av Webster 21 -v or eb. 814. CEMENT garage, ST., Walnut 2171. WANTED TO BUT Ta"ie buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 141. OFFICE! furniture bought and sold. J. iMi rarnam, Doug, fit. WANTED TO REXT WANTED For the iptnon, a nicely fur nished cottage In Carter lake grounds. Win furnish good references. Address B K, Bee. REAL ESTATE .11 A UA!S II LANDS FOR B ALIO Arksuu. . .( information about cheap lands In southwest Arkansas, write W. Lu Per kins, Ashdown, Ark. Cal I form la. Live Oak Colonies; none better. W. T Smith Co., 913-14 City Nat. Ilk. D. 281. Colorado. FOR BALE Farms. 160 and SO acres. In PeeU, Colo. Write Delstler. S364 Ogden Are. Chicago, 111. FOR 8 ALE At Steamboat Springs, Colo.. 10-acre strawberry tract and acres in full bearing this year; continuous water right, fenced, fully Improved and new house. Address Box 836, Seward, Neb. Iowa. HAVB YOU A FARM FOR 8 ALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. ' Iowaa Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving- sixteen ada on twelve different daya lor $2; or SO words. Mi or 76 words. $6. Lre5-t !rculatlon f any Iowa news, states readers dally in four great llnuu, RENTERS, HOMESICEKERS Tour op portunity. 60,000 acres irrigated wheat and alfalfa laad for settlement at Valler, Mont 41.60 to 650 per acre; fifteen years time. For Particulars, writs Valler Farm tales Co.. Ilox loot. Valler. Mont. Miaaesuta. BARGAIN 240-A. farm 20 m. from Min neapolis; 140 A. under cult.; 40 A. good meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; Rood corn land; farm is fenced ; 10-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, eta; 12 head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har nesses, wagons, complete set of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at 146 per acre; 65,000 cash, balance' can stand for 10 years at per cent. Schwab Bros.. Htts Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebnuka. FOR SALSJ-320, price 136. 480 adjoining, mile from Newport, Newport county. Nebraska, dandy hay ranch, price both $., terms. Jim Wray. Stoux City. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat, Corn and Oats All Show De cided Adrancei in Price on Local Market. TOO DRY IN CENTRAL STATES OMAHA. April 19, 1915. ,,.'heat. corn and oats are all higher. heat advanced rStfi cents and corn Ml JH while oats sold Ho higher. The large decrease In the visible supply and the large clearances, combined with the complaints from Illinois. Indiana and the Oskotas of the dry weather and the poor crop conditions, was a strong factor In ,n.up,urn of he market. The strength In corn In the face of the arge supplies held Is surprising to many i he trade. There has been some en port business In corn, but Ihle has not been as large as expected. in oats the situation is hardly as strong s it was ten days ago, aa the export paying power has shown wonderful letup and the offerings hv the c.nntrv Ilbral aa they were a month ago. , . . TTL er: v. heat and flour !?. al ? H' 000 bushels; corn, 62.000 bush sis; oats. 846.000 bushels. Liverpool Close: Whont ni4 mn quoted. Irlrnary wheat receipts were 667.000 bushels and shipments 2,124,000 busheli. against receipts of 642.000 bushels and shipments of 283,000 bushels last year. 1 rlmary corn receipts were 294.000 bushels and shipments 2.746.000 bushels, against recelnts nf i7it h.nh.i. Vi.1 or ,!W-0Uo bushels last year. . vats receipts were t.ii.ww bushels and shipments 15,000 bushels, against receipts of sonnm kuik.u an A shipments of W9.000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. i nicago 44 Minneapolis 88 Duluth 17 Omaha " si Kansas City M St Louis &j Winnipeg 194 The following sales were reported Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 4-6 car 11.57; No. 3 hard winter, 1 car (turkey) 1.57-i, l-6 cars 61.67; No. mixed, 1 car 11.64. Rye: No. I 1-6 car ll.Utt. Barley: Sam ple, 2-6 car 67o. Corn: No. 1 white, 1 car 74c; No. 1 white. S cars 744c, S cars 74c: No. 4 white, 1 oars 78c; No. 6 white, 1 car 734e; No. t yellow, cars 74c: No. 1 yellow. 1 car 74c, 1 car 730. 8 cars 73Vc; No. 4 yellow, 4 cars 73c, cars 72c, 1 car 72c: No. 6 yellow. 1 car 72Ur- Kn. a mixed, cars (near white! 7V'. cars 78c. 1 car 72c; No. 4 mixed. 1 car (nesr white) 72io. 1 car Tif,r. 1 car (oats mixed) 71c; No. 6 mixed. 1 cars 72Hc, 1 car 73c. Oats: No. 3 white, 2 cars 664c, 2 1-6 cars 66c: No 4 white. 1 r r Mw sample, 2 cars, 63Hc; 1 oar. 62c, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 tur key, H.68611. 59; No. turkey, 1.67ffl.67H; No. 2 hard. ll.fiU'rlS7"A- Nn 1 hr4 tl fJI (ffl.67; No. S spring, $1,644(1.67; No. 2 du- ruin, i.nzn'i.ft; isio. 3 durum, 11.611.62; No. 2 White. 74U674-Vc: Nn whit 71f.ll Z!f4e:No. 4 white, 73(37SWc; No. 5 white, 7287310: No. 6 white, 72Vig34c; No. i yellow, 73W4'4c; No. $ yellow. 7SVtffl74c; jrniuw, iwijc; ino. b yellow, iiW oii... yeuow, mq-izc; 1x0. z mixed. 2Hff73k: No. 1 mixed. 7tr7SeT Nn A mixed. 7172Hc; No. 6 mixed, 71faT2'4c; No. mixed, 70H(S72o. Oats: No. t white, 55Htooo-c: standard, 66iWic; No $ khjoihc; ISO. t white, 64W34Hc. Barley: Malting. 70fS7c: Nn 1 t.A aim 2fvRye: No- W Wl WVs; No. S,'$1.07 tie and sheep had msde ortt and bacon reisiivriv cnester than beef. Futures ranged as follows: Article! Open. High I linw jnse.i Sat y Wheati I I I Msy.l ll 1 MSI 1 ?! July.) 1 17 I 1 XSi 1 3. I Com li May.l TTSi 7V TTHi July. 1 SO I 81 I TXSii Ual( 1 1 1 May.) MS1 WHl 6TSl July. 1 tlt a I 67i Fork I I I I 1 ! 1 I 1 a; , 1 ; 1 7H' 6TV Mist 74j ps July.) 1 10 Sel.t.l 1 65 Lard 1 I Julr.l 10 cm 10 U Sept. I. Rihs I July.) 10 60 dept. I 10 so 18 S?4, 18 10 JUS I 18 On 18 76 1 18 St f 18 to I 18 1 I I 10 42S! 10 16 1 10 7H I 11 ViW to t&!s 10 AO I 10 M I 10 67w 10 46 10 M I 10 80 l0 8?- 10 7J4 4 111 111 20 24 101 FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska: very little money required. C. Bradley. Wot bseh, Neb. - ' New York. NEW TORK FARMS FOR SALE. Price Gratifies and Location Satisfies, So forty thousand each week look for my rare bargains that they can depend on. 140-acre farm with 26 cows, team, farm machinery, hens and seed grain. Price 14' t per acre. zs-acre farm with five cows and hens. Price $S00. 100-acre farm with 10 cows, team, hens and farm machinery. Price $3(1 per acre. 06-acre, farm buildings worth $4,000; good land. Price $3,6. $500 cash, $100 yearly buys any of these farms. R. R, fare paid one way to purchaser. Write for photos. E MUNSON, 242$ 8. Salina St., Syracuse. N. T. REAL ESTATE LOANS $100 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, We ad Bid.. 18th and Farnam Bta CITY and farm loans. 6, 6. per cent. J. H. Uumont & Co.. 416 State Bank. WANTED-City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co.. 1820 Farnam St MONEY on hand for city and farm loan H. W. wnoer. i.uy nauuwu rmn pims. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. SEE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. united mates xrusi lo.. uraun. ft Of, CITY LOANS. C. Q. Carlberg. O7P 21U-11 Brandels Theater Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O-KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715. REAL ESTATE WANTEU IjaT your property with R. H. Lander ytlu. 202 NevllTo Blk. D. 8600. ABSTRACT OP TITLE Kerr i 1 LIU - .. .. Co., a modern abstract office, 306 80. 17th St. Phone D. 6487. Jeesen & Morrell, Bk.Bid'g8. V REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract offlos In Nebraska. 20 Brandels Thea. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR SALE By owner, $ acres, house, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, grapes, berries. Walnut 204T BUY FROM OWNER For Sale or Rent 2H acres. 6-room house, well, chicken house, barn, all kinds of fruit; electric lights; on Calhoun road. 8 blocks from Florence car. Call Tyler 1913. REAL) ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE I OWN so acres fine irrigated land, fenced and half broke, all level, fine soil, about 4 miles northeast of Fort Moigan. Colo. Pries $6.0u0. Incumbered about $1,200 and due. Will take cheap western land, clear, for equity, or gro cery, good moving picture show or a good hotel In Omaha. 2408 Burt St., umaha. FOR EXCHANGE Missouri land. 164 acres highly Improved dairy farm ad joining good town; 61 acres one-half mile, good town; M acres timber laud; 80 acres farm and orchard. Will exchange one or all for merchandise. A. L. Vuwinn, Saf ford. Arts. SEVERAL good Nebraska ranches to ex'-oange for Iowa and eastern Ne braska farms. What have you to offer? John A. Olson. Bee Bldg . Omaha. WHAT have you to exchange for Dakota or Montana land? Wisconsin bales Age ncy. Caswell Bid g. . Mliwaukee. WILL exchange equity in an 6-room house in South Omaha for a Ford truck or runabout. M 233. Bee. REAL ESTATE NORTH HIDB BARGAIN IX BUNGAI)W 6-room modern, new bungalow, part oak finisn, fine location, near Lothrnp school. rrH' leriUB. fMBlBI r'm f-ROOM. modern house. H block to car, paved street Wal. 4& CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVIIlOMs Feat a res nf the Tradlac and Closing: Prices on Board of Trad. CHICAUO. Anrll 10 rv..rU - . back caused by reports that negotiations between Italy and Aimm. i.. broken off, the wheat market today fin ished lc above Saturday night Fulfill ment of predictions of a big falling off In the domestic visible supply had much to do with the strong upward movement of prices, the greater part of the session. Corn closed HtM4c to He net higher, oats ""ci,ans'ed to Vic down and prov'Mons up 7H'S10o to 26c. Great buying force showed Itself In wheat the Instant that trading began. Kngllsh quotations were higher and Fiance and Italy were said to Be sharply bidding for cargoes at Liverpool, while on inia s:a or tne Atlantic foreign demand for cash wheat at the seaboard was re ported to have expanded to a notable de gree. These facta added materially to bullish sentiment based on advices that confirmed with increasing accuracy the forecasts of a large reduction In stocks on hand In the United States. Dry weather complaints, especially from Ohio and North Dakota, counted also against the bears, and so. too. did word from Kansas City, telling of flour demand being the best for weeks. It was not until the beginning of the last fifteen minutes of the day that hold ers manifested any signal lack of confi dence Then, however, something In the nature of a selling stampede took place, one prominent house alone throwing over board 600.000 bushels. The unverified rumors current of an Austro-Itallan rup ture left the market heavy at the close, which in the case of July delivery was nearly 2c down from the top level of the session. Corn like wheat sagged after an early bulge. In corn, the bearish reaction ap peared t.- be chiefly due to heavy profit taking. There was a great cut of almost 4,600,000 bushels In Chicago stocks. Argen tine crop news also tended to lift the market at first. Persistent selling pres sure finally told against oats. The visible supply statement as to oats was disap pointing for bulla. High prices on hogs did much to give provisions an upward swing. It was said also that an advance In quotations of cat- OMAHA L1YE STOCK MARKET! some choice Mex'inn lamhs hers gwd Heary Cattle Lower, Other Xindi Steady to Strong Lambs High est on Record. HOGS ARE FULLY FIVE CENTS UP 4.700 6.3T4 4.748 6.4 4.64) 4.13 8.(M 7.JP.I 4.876 6. W ll.ono 8.2T-4 IJ.ft'5 14 10,20 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No S red, $l.2ll 63Si No. 1 hard, $1 MGl .4WV Corn: No. 1 yellow, TVSytf.lc: No. 4 yel low, T6W77V-- No. 4 white. 77c. Oats: No. i white, 6,HVr; standard. W'iiv' Rye: No 1117. Barley: 77.4W1C reeds: Timothy.' $4.&0N.tA; clover; I8.4tttytt.40. Provisions: Pork, IW.SO; lard, $l.124j; ribs. .3MX.7o HPTTER Lower: creamery. CtfWSHc. KOOd Lower; receipts, JS171 cases; at mark, rases included. lN?l!c: ordinary firsts, 1nHj184,c; firsts, lnVu'lc POTATOES Steady; receipts, 60 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 44tM3c; white. 4w847c. POULTRY A llvs, steady; fowls, 14Hc; spring. 16c. HEW YORK ORNKRAL M4RKRT stations of the Day on Varloas Commodities. NEW TORK. April W.-FLOt'R-Flrmer; spring patents, $7.60tj7.0; winter patents, $7.2Oi7.50; winter straights. $7.0) T i if ktrmlirhra 87 SThft 7 bO. W E A T Spot, Irregular: No. S red. S1.46; No. 1 hard. $1.71. all rail, c. I. I. track, export; No. 1 northern. Duluth, $1.06; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. $1.V4). c. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, strong; MaJ. $1.85. CORN Spot, steady; No. 1 yellow, s.c, prompt shipment. . OATS Spot, steady; standard. S3Wc; No. S white, "Be; fancy clipped white, Mc. HAY Firm; No. 1. $1.10; No. 2, $1.07H; No. 3, STvail Oo; shipping. tiftfrtOo. IPOPS Easv: state, common. 1H14, I1fl 15c; Pacific coast. 1914, 11 14; 1913. Mfllc. HIDES yulet; Bogota. 31c; Central America. SOo. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. 32c; seconds. au31c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess, $19.00 ?rl.M); family, $21.0(KfiCS.00; short clears, tlv.oorrfao.ou. Roef, quiet; mass, H8.Mtfrltt.to; family, I'JO.ooaai.OO. Lard, firm; mlddlo wert. $1iXtj 10.00. BUTTER Unsettled: receipts. 6.6U tuhs; creamery extras (S score), 30c; creamery (higher scoring), itj31c; firsts, 4(,c: seconds, 271rto. EGGS-Firm; receipts, 29,831; fresh gathered extras. 2gnVkc; storage packed extra firsts. 22144i'22c; firsts, 21V(rTOc; regular packed extra firsts. 22jj ZSc ; firsts. nttc; nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 24c; nearby hennery browns, 2!fj23"4c CHEESE Firm; receipts, boxes; state whole milk fresh specials, 164gj 16V; state whole milk average fancy, lo4il6Sc- POULTRY Alive, firm: western chick ens, broilers, 46048c; western fowls, 1641? 17c; turkeys. 14c. Dressed, quiet; western roasting chickens. froien, lflflllHc; fowls, 14ftl7ttc: turkeys, fro ten, lMt21c. SOUTH OMAHA. April 1, 1915. -.stimate Monday.... Same day lat week. Same day t wks ago. Same day S wks ago Same day 4 wks ago. Same dsv Inst year.. The following table shows the average of cattle, hogs and sweep at the South Omaha live stock -narket for the year to date, as compared with last year: , . 191J. m Inc. Dec. i attle) ?WM 208,fv .00 Hcgs 1,07,21.4 Mtt.tfl 17H.77t Sheep 82O.0K3 612.313 8,770 The following table i-hows the average price for hogs at the south Omaha live stock market for the last few das. with comparisons: Date. April 4. April 6. April $. April 7. April $ April 10 April U 1916. l14. ilHIl. 11911 19ll . 11910. 1W. $ Ofifc tug 6Si f 46 4 86 April 111 April 1.1 April 14i April IS April 18 7 1S April 17! 7 , TII K ' April 191 TW, 4 98 7 OHVtj 4W.V 7 07V4j u 8 4: 47! 1 6) t 6 t 43 t $ n I 74 S 79 861 $ $1 t 91 $ 94: t H 8 681 8 78 8 481 8 47 $ m 1 all 4 lolo 40 T 3 6 12! 10 42' 7 6M 4 Zl 'O Si I 4 U 10 JiJ T U 4 12110 16 J hb $ 64 4 T6 111 4 84 4 90 4 90 4 9 T Mi $ 8S 7 46 i m 7 9 7 71 6 92 $ 90 6 97 4 08 10 031 9 791 $ 901 661 66 8 (Xli 8 7VI 7 70, (kn t U ( $ 781 7 89! 6 981 8 891 4 02 4 99 T 01 4 90 4 38 6 88 enough to bring 110 so, equal to the high est price ever paid In the history of the market. This pries wss paid only once before unci that ss In March, 1910. Ybe bulk of the lambs this morning moved around $l0 4Oral0W. Three cars of shorn lamb sold at $ 76. Aa usual of Into the aged sheep supply was very meager and consisted for the most part of ewes Two cars of the Bel mont ewes brought 1VS.V ss high as any ewes have sold here this seanon, pries being steady to strong. Quotations on sheep and lambs: I-ambs, light. fli4flosn; lamhs, heavy, $10.00 10.36; Inmbs, shorn. $y2Mt41 76: vearllngs, light, $8 9ii9.26; yearlings, heavy. $ 6ft 8.H0; wethers, good to choice, $8.fl08il.6O; wethers, fair to good. 17.7f8.00; ewes, good to choice, $7.905840; ewes, fair to good. $7.:'.Vif7.l0. Representative sales: No. 1 fed lambs M fed shorn lambs 10 cull shorn lambs l.K Wyoming shorn bucks 24 cull bucks 2 fed bucks 24 cull lambs 24n fe,1 lamba 29 cull lambs 271 fed lambs 1C4 fed lambs 36 eml lamba f' fed Inmbs 205 fe 1 ewes NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Inrestment Shares Rise Three to Fire Points in Early Fart of Session. Av. ... 79 ...70 ... 80 ...IM ...120 ...1M ... 67 ... 70 ... 64 ...89 ...87 ... 86 ...73 ... 94 Tr. 10 40 8 76 7 00 4 ( 1 60 1 09 9 60 10 10 I 76 10 14 10 10 8 7$ 10 40 s 00 tllICA(H LIVK 8TIKK MARKET Cattle firm lings Weak keep Rtronsr. CHICAGO. Anrll 1 9. -CATTLE -Re ceipts, lk.omi head; market firm; native 4 96 ,lH-ef steers, $H.2M8.86; western steers, $u.70 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at tt.e I'nlon Stock yards, South Omsha, for t venty-tour hours ending at $ o'clock p. nr. yesterday: REOSIPTS-CA RI iOA DS. Cattle. Hogs, t-heep. H'r's. P.. M. St. P 8 4 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific 1 i'nlon Pacific 27 C. & N. W east.... 32 C. & N. W., weit... 43 C. St. P. M. O.. 27 C, B. ft g east.... 6 C, H. at Q.. west.... 42 C, R. 1. & P.. est... 4 l. R 1 V., west. 3 Illinois Central 34 Chicago Ut. West.. 12 Total receipts . .229 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Open for Inspection TODAY. 161$ N. 18 TH ST. THE LOT East front on Boulevard. No special taxes, beautiful shade trees. cement walks. THE HOUSE. Six rooms on one floor; modem except furnace; oak floors; beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Price l:475, a small payment down, balance same as rent. w. 11. A damson. Owner. 2614 N. 19th St Call Doug. 2 any day next week. BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons. Sic: No. 2. 80-lh. tubs. 2c CHEESE imported Swiss, Be; Ameri can Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 22c; twins. ItHftc; daisies, 17Vc; triplets, ITHc; Young Amertsa, 18c; blue label brick, lHc; llm burger, l ib., SOo; 1-lb., SOo; New York white, 19c; Imported French Roquefort. 40c. FISH Trout. 14c: large crannies. 16c: , 1 halibut, 11c; channel catfish, 16c. herring. c; roniwn, i.w; murnfirei, ioc; saimon.se. SWEET POTATOES Kansas. $2.76 bbl. BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 16Vc; No. 2. 15c; No S, 14c. Loins: No. 1. lc; No. 2. 18c; No. 1, 16c. Chucks: No. 1, 9Wc; No. t. 8c; No. S. 8Hc Rounds: No. 1, 12Hc; No. 2. 12c; No. $, 110. Plates: No. I, 8c; No. 2, 7Hc: No. , 7e. POULTRY Broilers, 20c; spring chick ens, 16c; hens, 14c: cocks, IWc; roosters, 8c, stags, SVic; ducks. 16c; geese. 10c; turkeys, 1316c; pigeons, per dos., 00c J duoks, full feathered, iOc; geese, full feathered, Sc; squabs. No. L tuo-. No. 2, SOo. Fruit and vegetable prices furnished by OiUtnskl Fruit company: FRUITS Oranges: Extra fancy Cali fornia navels, all sixes, $3 per box; extra fancy California navels, all slses, 6 box lots or more, $2.90 per box; fancy Cali fornia navela, all slses, $2.76 per box; fancy California navels, all sites. 6 box lots or more, $2.65 per box. Lemons: Fancy Sunkist, 800s, 360s, $4.60 per box; choice Red Ball. $3.60 per box. Grape fruit: 36s. $2; 46s. $2.26; 64s. $2.60; 64s. 12.76 per box. Apples: Extra fancy White Winter Pearmaines, $1.60 per box; extra fancy Ganos, $1.60 per bos. Bananas: $2 to $2.26 per bunch, 4c lb. Strawberries: Louisiana pints, $3.25 case. VEGETABLES California new cab bage, 86 to 100 lb. crates, 3"c per lb. Cel ery: 11. dox. Head lettuce: 11 dox. Leaf lettuce, 40c dos. Onions: Yellow, 2o lb.; Texas Bermudas, white, $2.26 per crate: Texas Bermudas, yellow, $1 per urate. Artichokes, xi.oo an. Knaive, sbc dot. Brussel sprouts: 20c lb. Peppers: 60c per basket. Tomatoes: Fancy, $4.60 per crate: choice, $4 per crate. Radishes: 600 per dos. Turnips: 60c dos. Spinach: 60c dox. Parsley: SOo dos. Onion sets: Yellow and red. $1.60 per bu.; white. $1.75 per bu. Potatoes: Red River Ohlos. $1 per bu.; Colorado Rurals, 76c per bu.; Minnesota whites, 65c per bu. Mushrooms: 60c per box. MISCELLANEOUS Bhelled popcorn, 4c lb Crackerjack, $3.60 case; H case, $1.76. I.lmos: $1.75 basket. Checkers: $3.60 Der rase; tt case, $1.75. Peanuts; Raw, 7c lb.; raw, sack lots Jumbo, 8c lb.; roasted, 8Vc lb.; salted. $1.60 can. Cocoanuts. $3.60 per ssck; oc per dos. Cider: $3.60 per nr, nuit, i-u. a iviuurnia wainuis, 18c lb.; black walnuts, 12Wc lb.; Braslls. 12Hc lb.; 60 6 os. figs. $2 box. Sugar wal nut dates, $1.40 box; hallow! dates, He lb. f ilberts. 16c lb. Pecans: 12c lb. Al monds, 20c lb. 19 34 4 14 I 3ti 1 10 9 1 2 3 12 1 I 1 2 1 127 47 1 HEAD. Ittle. Hogs. Sheep. , M8 H67 l.2o7 , 874 1,1(14 3,9 , 847 1.2M 8.397 , 763 1,664 2,688 , ... 403 , taw , 23 $ 832 . ... 142 , 94 2.r 1 224 24 S 44 60 404 48 140 69 23 96 183 94 9 24 19 10 141 108 1H 112 475 1.7K6 Morris Co Swift a Co Cudshy Packing Co. Armour A Co Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphv Lincoln Packing Co. Morrell Armour. toux City. Kellogg Pack. Co.... W. B. Vanaant Co.. Benton, Vansant L.. 23! nut a son K. B. Lewis Huston A Co J. B. Root . Co J. H. Bulla L K. Huss Rosenstork Rros Kellogg Wertnelmor A Degen... H. F. Hamilton Siilllvan Bros Rothschild Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie Hlgglns Roth Meyers Baker, Jones A Smith. Tanner Bros.. John Harvey Dennis CI! no , Other buyers Totals ...5,86 CATTLE Receipts were morning, being smaller than usual fur a jucnaay. Hanoy light beef steers were In good demand and sold quite freely at ateady prices. Good yearlings brought $8.30. Htavy beeves, even those that were of good quality, were sellers at prices around iuc lower in most oases. Cows and hellers were In good demand at fully, steady . prices. . Buyers In some cases were claiming tnat their purchases were nigner man last week. Mockers and feeders were In good de mand and free sellers at strong prices. A bunch of right good feeders sold up to $6.00. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed beeves, 17.8f-ia4.S6; fair to good ocrnfed beeves, $7,0Oif.N6; common to fair cornfed beeves, 8.M)hj7.60; good to choice heifers, $.6o&.V0; good to choice cows, Iti.afv'ui.lO; fair to good cows, $6.60ra4.36; common iq lair cows, J. Jtxao.bu; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.40u8 00; tall- to good stackers and feedera. 8; .hum 7.40; common to fair stockers and feeders. $8.4uj?.h; stock heifers, S6.86ty4.s6; stock cows, o.oot,ix; stock calves. $tJ.26.2o; veal calves. 87 OOfti in ! .,ui. ..... etc., $4.7S4u.26; stock bulls, $6.$i.b0. jvcyreseuiauve sales: BEEF STEERS. 8,640 12.S77 light this VACANT LOTS Southeast corner 40th and Sprague, 40g 124. city water, $100. South front lot on Parker "St., 60-foot frontage, just east of Military Ave., a beautiful location, with all Improvements In street, very easy terms. ll.Ooo. C. G. CARLBERG, " 312 Brandels Theater Bldg fc'EVEN-ROOM house, modern, built by ine owner, ibis j. sntn hi. wat. ttn. Occupied and For Sale by Owner Modern, south front bungalow, sur rounded by nice homes; large living room; oak finish In hall, living and dining room; two paneled doors and windows and bath; storm doors and windows and screens throughout. Everything in fine shspe. Terms to suit. PRICE $3,250 2434 Camden Ave. HEMLS PARK 6-room cottage, located qn Seward St., Just north of Bemls park, oak finish, paved street. $3,000. C. G. CARLBERG, 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL E8TATF MISCELLANEOUS. A Flat Bargain Three 7-rooru flats, built last year and are up to dale in every particular. An nual rents, $1 o0. Good neighborhood, price $)6,uuo. Three 9-room Tata. Henscom park dis trict. Close to two car lines. Annual rent, $1,300. Price $10,000. 0'Neil'sR.E. Agency lju Farnam. Cora aad Wheat Hegloa Balletia. Central No. of Temp.- -Rainfall- No. Ave 72 48 .. .00 60 4i .. .00 78 48 .. .00 78 62 .. .1)0 80 64 .. .00 82 52 .. .00 78 46 .. .00 74 60 6 .30 76 46 .. .00 Columbus ...18 IxiulHvllle ...23 Indianapolis .18 Chicago 24 St. Louis ....23 Ies Moines.. 24 Minneapolis .61 Kan. City ...34 Omaha 17 The weather Is slightly cooler In the western, and slightly warmer In the eastern portions of the corn and wheat region. Frosts occurred at two atatlons In the Columbus district. Rains occurred In southern Kansas. Oklahoma and Texas. The weather was clesr all over the states of Iowa and Nebraska. L. A. WBIJH, Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Mlaaeapolla Urala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 19 WHEAT May, $1.63H; July, 11.S6, No. 1 bard. $1.64; No. 1 northern, $1.6lit 1.634: No. S north ern. 1.5491.Vi. FIXJUR Advanced; fancy patents, $7.90; first clears. In fi; second clesrn, $499. BARLEY 6-(i74c. RYB SI.12W.14. $IHAN $22.50. CORN No. 1 yellow, 724r73ic OATS No. S whit. 64V4(c. SEED Flax, $1.94431.94. Liverpool brala Market. LIVERPOOL. April 1.-WHEAT-Spot, No. t Manitoba. 13s Sd; No. I. 13s 7Vid; No. S hard winter. 13s 5d; No. 2 red west ern winter. Us 4Vd. CORN Spot, American, mixed, new, Ss $d; American, mixed, old. ks Vyd; La Plata, mixed. Is Id. FLO( R W inter patents, 48s lid. HOPS In London: Pacific coast, 1 10s t)4 16s. agar Market. NEW YORK, April 19 Sl'GA R Rs w, easy; centrifugal 4.81M:: molasses, 4 12c. Refined, steady: cut loaf. 6.MK-; crushed, 470c: mould A. 4.35e; cubes, t.IEc; XXXX powdered. 4r.r; powdered. 6.00c; fine granulated, diamond A. i.Mc; con fectioners' A, 48ue: No. I. 5.66: Sugsr futures coined easier lodsy under trade soiling and commission house liquidation. Prices at noon were 4 points net lower- St. I.oela t.rala Market. ST. IriS. April 19-WHKAT-No. 1, 1 i . -o. nn 1, ffi.vdi oi; May, " v 11 6S.: July. 11 .32. Apartments, flats, mouses anu coilagus CORN No. 2, 7 : No. 2 white, Sftfjrlc; ran b. rented quickly ana -.ne.p.y ty M 1 V-J jUSlS:,: v.. . ...... Bee -For Rent" ad. M',c. .1 .. 1... 11... 1... la... II... T... 17... ... ti... t .. I... 1... I... 11... 4... 1... .. 43S 4 40 .. 4 4 M ..10M 8 1 ,, M I M ..1148 I s ,.lmt 7 4 .114 7 44 ..lUri 7 o .. 1X1 T 64 10 1 7 )l IT M I M 10 AiiiWbo ANo ii.r .11(4 7 44 . 1 T 7u T 74 vm t so .ls4 7 M 1410 t 86 .lti 8 00 .MM 10 10U 1 1 171 1 04 .441 111 . m Ik . Su 7 60 t . 99 4 10 . 744 4 Ml .1044 1 10 .1144 8 i4 .1011 6 44 Ml Ih 111 8 20 8... II... SI... COWS. ii.'." 1. Uo6 AND rtiLiv'Eiu, ...771 70 814 I 44 .1001 7 .4 .Ml 4 Is, m 111 DM I 14 1 am 4 40 vm I to IUT 8 U llM M U 7 04 1 710 I 40 1 788 7 08 8 400 4 10 1 M T a 4 4 HO 8 li 4 871 1 40 11 Ui lU II H is I Sun Ml 1 lull 7 U 6 6.4 Ml BULLS. 1 1064 I U I IM0 8 1 KKM I M 1 0, 4 2b I "i 6 li 2 i a, 1 ""0 i, , , 1 574 1 M ALV .9. 4 140 4 0 1 240 1 24 1 4 M 8 104 lit i 118 7 W 4 W 8 II 10 124 7 14 I Ha lit 11 4 7 I HO I ?& 1 KH 7 10 1 1M 10 KJ 1 IM 8 00 m-jt .i . AND FEEDER.. 1 9M I It 48 Hi I II 5 Tl S M 6 Ill 18 1 440 40 44 747 7 40 7 IM 7 14 17 l T 60 I M 19 M TM 7 10 15 l 7 30 174 t 1 14 til 7 M 417.80; cows and heifers, $3 1') 30; calves. HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head; market, weak at hW16o advance; bulk, r.6007.86; light. $7.40ti7.80; mixed. S7.36flr7.76; heavv. S7.itkttT.en; rough, $7.007. pigs. to.60 ..oo. SHEEP AND LAMBS-ltecelpts. U.OOO head, market strong; sheep, $7.08.70; lambs, $14Htl 10.66. t. I.owla Live Rtnrk Market. ST. LOITIS, April 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, l,8fci head; market stesdy; native beef steers, $7.or.fj9.76: cows and heifers. $r.60.fl8.2.; stockers and feeders, S5.7.V(r7.S6; southern steers, $6.2fi,7.75: cows and heif ers, $4 0Ofi4OO; native cslves, $8009!0. HOGS Receipts, 9.000 head; market higher; nigs and lights, S8.0nr7.N4: mixed, anil butchers, $7 .6017.80; good heavy, $7.46 7.70. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipt 8, 3.910 read; market strong: ewes, $.MV(78.2n; lamhs, $8.6it7l0.tW; yearlings, $8.50)9.60; sheared yearlings, fi.W!-l. NEW TORK. April 19 -Investment stocks rose 3 to 6 points In the first four hours of today's record-breaking session, but lost a considerable part of their gains In the final hour, when t'nlted Slates Steol fell back 4 points on an admonitory trade statement Issued by Its chlei ex ecutive. Steel had led the earlw advance not so imucn in actual gain aa In Its activity, and Its leadership was accepted aa fur jther proof of the Inherent strength of ine epecinanve situation, on Its decline In the late trading It carried other sea soned shares down 1 to 4 points, obliter ating some gains entirely and reducing others to nominal proportions. Steel ciosed at 678,, a maximum decline of 4 points and a net loss of 1. The general list made some recovery from the low levels touched In Ike final hours, but the market's tone at the end was Irregular and confusing. Erstwhile war specialties, with a few exceptions, were relegsted to positions of secondary Importance throughout ths ses sion. New York Airbrake and several other equipment issues yielding much of last week's gain. Not all the specialties aeis sent to the resr. however, as was seen In the further phenomenal rise In Mexican Petroleum, with a sympathetic advance In Texas company. American 'Woolen also gained S points on rumors of additional war orders. Among the better known shares the coipers held rsther more consistently than any others, their strength being ac companied by another rise In the refined melal. Rock Island was almost the only railway stock to hold bsck throughout, losing 14 points. All general news of ths day, which In cluded railway advices from the west, pointing to a moderate reduction of the tonnage movement, and some firmness In exchange on Germany, was Ignored In the day'a feverish marks! movements. Total salea of stocks amounted to almost 1.6on.- iM shares, exceeding all records since 1911. Trading in bonds exceeded all recent days, with an upward trend- Inquiry for the New York Central debenture 6s on steady advances wss the noteworthy fea ture. Total sales of bonds, par value, aggregated $6,634.(00. t'nlted States bonds were unchsnged on call. Number of sales and leading quoNUont on stocks were as follows: ail. Htth. Lev. cms. Kaaaas City Lire stark Market. KANSAS CITT, April 19.-CATTLE-Re-celpts. 10.000 head; market higher: native prime fed steers. $8 00tt 60; dressed beef sterrs, $7.2.'8.0O; western Steers, lS.Hf.tr 8 00; stockers and feeders. $4.60478.(0; bull, $'..2iiR; calves. $fc.004i. 60. 11 OtlS Receipts, 11. mm head: market higher; bulk, $7.40777.60; heavy, $7.40tf7.60; packers and butchers, $7.S,VfT7.60; light, $7.4017.66; pigs, $4. 7087.40. SHEEP AND IAMH8-Recelpts, 7.0W head; market higher; lambs, $8 10th 10.00; yearlings, $8,004(11.60; wethers, $7.2ii4j.?6; ewes, 4Vi.7r.4jej.6O. "long City Live Stock Market. SIOCX CITY. Is.. April 19 CATTLE Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady to 10c higher; native steers. I7.2tai8.16: butchers. lfi.3Mi7.2T; cows and heifers, $4.76ifj7.05; ct, nners, $3.5Otj5.00; stockers and feeders, $AS0ti8.10; calves. $6.0OS.2i; bulls, staga. etc., $S OuftH.Ou. HOGS-ltecelpts. 2.700 head: market Mi 10c higher; heavy, $7.SOH7.!i.; mixed, $7.2f.!) 7.30; light, $7.20577.25; bulk of sales, $7.2.4 SHEEP AND LAMBS Recnlnts 600 head. DE REUTER JULLS HIMSELF Mansg-ing- Director of Big- European News Gathering; Ag-ency Com mits Suicide by Shooting- ' GRIEVES OVER DEATH OF WIFE LONDON. April 19.-P.aron Herbert Ds Reuter. managing director of Reuters Telegram company, was found dend yes terday at Ms home near Relgate Surrey. A discharged revolver wss found nesr his body and the authorities declare there Is little doubt but that he committed suicide. Baron De Reuler wss pros trated by the death of his wife last Thursday. Her body Is still In the home awaiting Interment. Tiittr only son Ii In the army. Baron Augustus Julius Clement Her bert De Reuter was born March 10, 1862. He wss educated at Harrow, Oxford and Paris. His wife, whom he married In 1874, was a daughter nf ths lata Robert Campbell of Buscot Park. Berkshire. B sldeo the son snd heir, who Is In ths British army, they are survived by a daughter, who Is ths wife of J. W. E. 3. Douglas. Baron De Reuter succeeded to ths title on the death in 1899 of his father., who was created a baron of the Duchy of Ssxs Coburg Got ha In 1S71. Royal license, for permission to use ths title In England was granted In 1851 by Queen Victoria. Ths first baron was the founder ef Router's Telegram company, now one of1 ths leading news gathering organisation I of the world. In 1861, when the cable was laid between England and Francs, ths headquarters of the company was trans-, ferred to London. Aleak OsM I I Amalfamates Opaer . ... 44 4") 7) Anerlras Heat Sugar... . 4.tn 44$ Am.rloss Caa 4,"4 I Amarlrss A R ll. 74 Amsrlca g. aV R. M.... n4 K4 Am. gsr fUtlnlni I to 11S4 smertran Tel. a Tel.... Arlcas Totem Anaronile Mlslns AlrMenn M.7 Hall Uxor A Ohio I, in llmntlra 4tapl4 Tran.lt.. 7,700 IIIUlN-A fltl..v ilhAral U..nH-u . showed up today, about 124 cars, or 8,0ool head, being reported. This Is about the same as for last Monday and 2.0UO heavier man a year ago. Shippers bought some hogs esrly that Were fully a dime his her. but no. . duced their bids, and lue big end of their purchases was made at figures that wer nc more than a nickel higher. They took a fair soar) of ths supply at prices that were generally a big nickel above the close of last week. Packers started out talklna verv hearts 1 and when they flnallv made ihtr ri..i offers they were no better than steady with Saturday. Sellers were asking a big r'lme advance, and although killers raised meir nenas a nine nothing was sold until a iai. puur. It as after 11 o'clock before packers finally rams acrosa. but In the aiui h. salesmen carried their point and when me puis o in Killing hogs finally sold they were largsly a dims higher than Saturday. The average market was fully 6l0c better than Saturday. The big end of the shipping grades sold at $7.36, with a few as high as 17 48 and a top of $7 46 Most of the packers sold st $7.&K(i7.:d with ths long string st the lalter fluuro snd the bulk of all the sales ws quoted at $7.x7 . Today's prices set a new high marg ror tne jresr. Na. Af. h. r. Ke. M.., ... 71... 0... 77... ... Tl... Av. 88. Pr. .tJ ... 7 86 xu m i 10 T l.-v, 111 . . 7 87 IM 14 7 4 M ... 7 4 ..111 ... 7 4a 14 840 7 M VII ... la M4 7 Is U! M IM l 8 18 44 m It 7 82 41 Z7 ... 7 12 71 MM IV f m hrtr..'- ..oiwiinhtsnding a good run of some ll.ixi head of sheep and lambs, a snappy iraae was one or the piincial features of the msrket. for the peckers ware out early and were strong compe titors for sli offerings. Once a movement scaleward had commenced It was not long before everything la sight was sold. Prices on lambs were fully loyLtc higher Ht. Joseph Live Stark Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 1S.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 1.2U) head. Market strong; steers, $7.O0j8.6O; cows and heifers, $4.00a4.00;, calves, $.0O4Sr7.60. HOGS Receipts, S.900 head. Market higher; top. $7.60; bulk of sales, $7.15 7.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. T.0O0 head. Market higher; iambs. $10.0041 10.66. toffee Market. NEW YORK. April 19,-The market for coffee futures opened unchanged to $ points higher and sold sbout 2ft4 points above last night's closing figures during the morning on scattered cnv-erins trade buying promoted by continued heavy iviniiiiTi irom nrnsu 10 r.urone and large New York warehouse deliveries. Thers wea no sggreaslve demand how ever, snd the market later eased under realising ana a renewal or May liquida tion, which was accompanied by a report that Braxll was offering coffee here more freely. The close whs one point lower to 2 points higher. Sales, 41.600 hags. In cluding twitches of about i0oj baga; April, 6.97c; May, 5.97c; June, 4.06c; July, 7.16o; August, 7.34c; September, 7.12c; Oc tober, 7.37c; November, 7.43c; December, 7 49o; January, 7.64c; February, 7. Sim; March, 7.86c. Spot coffee, ateady; Rio No. 7. 714c; Santos No. 4. 10Ve. Coast and freight offers ranged from about 10.25c to !0.6o for Santos 4s and 7.30H7.75 for Rio 7s. Rio exchange was l-82d higher. Millies prices were unchanged at Santos. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits NEW YORK, April 19. EVA PORATED APPLES Dull and nomlnsl: fsney. i'AO 9c; choice, 7Vb7c; prime, 7'4TJ7V DRIED FRUITS Prunes, autet and easy; California, 4Hfjl0Vtc; Oregona, 8V lOVic Apricots, dull and steady; choice, !Hgitic; extra choice, 10fl10V4o; fancy, li (hl2c. Peaches, easy; choice. 4!ic; extra noice. ivintrfcr: rancy. siniV6c. itala Ins. '1 11 let; loose muscatels, 6V44r7'4Ci choice to rancy seeded, IHiWc; seedless, 6HtjVtc; London layers, $1.4691.64. Kansas City Urala aad Provisions. KANSAS CTTY. April 19. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.5A(j1.67; No. 1 red .$1.662 1.66Vi; May, $1.66Vi; July, $1.31; September, $1.10. CORN-NO. I mixed. 77c; No. 1 whits, 78c: No. 2 yellow. 77HJ77HC; No. 3, T7c; Msy, 7;Aic; July. 77c; September. 7T4c OA TV No. 2 white. 67j67Vc; No. 2 mixed. 63Hc BUTTER Creamery. 29c; firsts, 27c; seconds. 26c; packing, 18c. KGOH-Flrats. 17Vic; seconds. 17c. poT'LTRY Hens, 14c; roosters, 10c; turkeys. 16c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 19. METALS Lead: Easy, $41044.Al; Iindon, 10 9d. Spelter. Nominal; London, 46 10a. Tin: Nominal; five-ton lots, $.4 00 bid. Copper: Firm; electrolytic, $17.60; cast ing. 117.0017 2.".. Iron: Steady; No. 1 northern. $l4.60trtt.0o-. No. S. $14 26a14 76: No. I southern, $14.0014.60; No. 2, $1$76 14.26. At London Copper: Spot, 74 ISs 6d; futures. 77 7sd. Tin: Spot. 107 10s; fu tures, 17. Antimony, 83487. London Btoek Market. I.ONDON, April !. The stock market opened active and cheerful today. Amer ican securities were the features. A very large amount of bualness was done In L'n.led States Steel, with Canadian Pa cific and Union Pacific good seconds. Judging by the marking, Americans hsvs taken another large amount of stock off the market. The closing tone wss firm. SILVER Bar. 2Sd: per ounce. MONEY It W1V4; per rent. Discount rates, short bills. 2V2 per cent; three months, 2&3 per cent Loral Storks and Bonds. Quotation! rsrslaaei kr Pure. Brtnbar A Os , 441 Omaha National Bank UulKlng. Oraak: rn KH Hl. Aaka4. CUt Trust pM 10 rtaara A Co Sf4 .. MI4 ralmonl Oaaswir 7a fd n 10 , rslrnoat iVaaswrr la. cesimos Heral Bill. PM ' I Lincoln Tel. A Tal. to to Uv Stok Ni Bank, Ho. Omaha.... 115 Mollo Plow p4 ' Mt. Hlafa Tal. S Tal 10: un.al.s ' Blulta St. Hi pld ;i On.alis A f'o. Blulta K A 7T-"r nt 44 Hlnrk Yarn. M' n . ea. umiu I pdik llraln p(4 I rdlka (irslo t tnlan Sto. k Varda. Omaha ncisne Colunir.ua, Nab. glee. la. 124 Cos SI Nk I ... gl Paao ' Tal '. H. la. I64.. Lincoln Trs. U. 1SI UnfOln. Nak. rot W. 11 f.maha How 4H. ISI ; City of Omaha Imp. 41., Ill r,n.al,& Watar 4fe. IS.. (l.uaha A ' o Blull. St. Hr. a. Itl hi, Yf uai or r-1' - m in i aa Hla'o i.l Idaho 'a.... !!-. A Co ua. IH4 I al Plr . Nab. 4Va. 1117 Wlrklta tsloa SU. Ya. la. IM4 l.mw tan. n lusts 1An rtuj lot T 94 1 I 174 44 414 lai 4H M 81 4H 1V4 t , I4.KM , W M0 II, too 7,o"o 1I.SM .!' !" l.t"0 mo 84.000 l.ooo 10.0- I, inn 4.100 o I loo 8. ton I. too I. KM 1100 41 71-4 14H III 1114 tn Mt in T.H IS 1 I4t H 44 l lan r4 14 47, 8AT 71 IM 1111 l4 It Ml 103H 7 811$ II l4 a i HI 8f4 WH ltk Ml 118 1 v last, 17 4 141 1MH H '4 ill i1 lww 4.100 tlk .. 4. M0 M, .. Il.tOO tlU ., 4.IOA li .. I.tno HWI4 .. 14.70 iu letl linst 14 81 14k. 91 114 1H It 1 m ti 14 M 1411 IM 81 9S Ml 14 111 It JS l4 111 1W 1S4 1M1 111 7tH 9H 104 1 1411 in wi 84 141 IT 1X11 ti It H Ml IMS tn 7.004 II 1U 1.4K0 1.60 88,600 70S I IM 'iii t'allti.rnlt Palrolauni 4'anartlan Psrlflo ivniral lathar Ckasisssss 4t Okie I llirago llreat Wostern. ttilrssn. M. a St. P t'hli-a(o A N. W Cklno Copper Colorado Fual a Iron..., IVIorado a gnulhern.... pjoaver A Rio Orsnde.... Dootar A H. U. ptd..... IMatUlera' Herurlliea .... Krle Oenorsl KMrtrlr. lrat Northarn pfd Oroal No. Or nra , 41nscnhaim giplorstloa.. Illlnola 'antral Interbnmugh Mot. pfd.... lnaplratlnn Cnppor ImerfMtlosjal Horvoator Kanaaa Clir Southarn.... Lahlsk Vsllar loularlllo Naahvllle.. M.iloan Polrolaura Il.oi Miami Conner T.WO MlMourt. K. T 8.TO0 Mlaanurl PsrKlo It, W0 National Blarsn n National Iad Nevada Copper Now York Oantral... N. T.. N. H. a H... Norfolk a Waators.. Nonsoni Paolfla ... Panltlfl Mall Pannaylvsnla Pullmas palsrs Car. Hay con, topsor.... Moadlns O'.epubllo Iron A Stool.. Hoik Uland Co Rock lalana Co. M St. L, A S- F. 94 pfd Br.sihora I'arlflo 88,00 Soot ham ftallwar . Tenneaae Copper Taisa IVmpanf ttnlo Paclfie t'nlos Paollla pfd... Vnltod Stato Steal IB, mo I'. M. Pleal pld 8.60) t'tah Copper SI.I0 wabaan pld .., Waslern I nlon wootinsnwuao bimoiiio ... Montana Poaror I.IAd 41 601 toisi saioa tor ins mmys i, 000,094 snars. Blew York Money Market. NBW TORK. April 19.-PtUMB MER CANTILE PAPER-0H848H per cent. STERLINO EXCHANGE Steady; sixty-day bills. $47416; for cables. $47906; for demand. H7W15. 8ILVEK Bar, 60Hc; Mexican dollars, SRV-.c. UONDS Oovsrnmsnt, stsady; railroad, strong. TIME LOAN"-Sixty days, S per cent; ninety daya, StQO'i per cent; ala months, SVh Pr cent. CALL MONRY-Steady; highest. SH per cent,; lowest. 1 per rent: ruling rate. 1 per rent: last loan, SV6 per rent; closing bid. S per cent; offered st 2A per cer V. . rof. St, rag.... 91 Mo. Pac, ev. Ss 4T da aupoa 91 N. Y. c. I. IVta.... to U. As, rag 1011 N. Y. Citr 44a w 4 sovpee 10I1N. Y. atat 4H....10I C. V 4a. rag 101N. Y., N. H. A H. do coupon 111 av. la ll Panama ta sunoa..tMSiMe. Psotfle 4S 811 Asl. Smltm St. ...lot do 8a ' A. T. T. rv. dls.loiiri. g. I. rof. 4 Araaaup A Co. 41.. 911Paa. T. A T. 4.... 91 Akduaae ss. 4s.... tl Pons. roa. 4s ri Bal. A Ohm 4 tnuj do eoa. 41s 141 Cha. A Otil, 41.. goading aan. 4s Ml n. m V j. as.... oota-s. i. m a. r. t. 4a M B1 1 l4 141 811 1M1 iil'l m mi nti 81 ioi m til 4441 901 1101 1IT 8 .5 91 111 N1 lit 1811 1 171 1011 4 41 471 881 101 C M a M P s 4Vk..10l1Be. pu. nv. do v. 8 101 do rof. 4s T. A g. rof. 41.. 14 do ct. la. TV A . 0 rof. to.. 411 So. Hallwar 8.. Brio fan 4s TO I'nlon Parirt 4s )s. Kloctrlc 4....loJ do ct. 4a Ot. No. lot 41s MITT. g. Bobber 4a ill. ism. rat. s ... sir. e steal to... K. C. Ho. rof. 4.. 1,. a N. tint. 4... M. K. A T. 1st 4. 01. l W.hult 1st Is Ml Waal, t'nlos 41a. IllWaat. Elw. . t . HI .. 871 .1001 . 81 . t1 . II .1031 .101 .100 . 1 . 41 tl I N tl t KM I 101 1 tl I'll 77 T tu I 'it" w 1"I1 I Ml II i; M l'4 ! 10-' V ii ii ; J'j t tt ItV The Bos Want Ads Are Best Business Dooiter. Dry Hoods Market. NEW YORK. April 19.-DRY GOODS Two auctions of domestic csrpets and rugs, sggregatlng In value $6,000,000, were successfully begun today and will con tinue throughout the week. One hundred and thirty-five thousand bales are cata logued. Cotton goods and cotton yarn markets were firm and more active. Prints and ginghams were active. Haw silk was easier. Men's wear and dress goods markets showed a better tone. t'attoa Market. NEW YORK, April 19 COTTON-Spot, steady; middling uplands, 10.46c: no sales. Cotton futures closed steady; May, 10 22c: July. 10.46c; October, l$2c; De cember. He: January, 11.00c. I f irvRtWil. .n.il is cr.TwiMa-.. tteady; good middling, 4.10d; middling! 6 76d; low middling, $.$7d. Sales, ll.oriO ntues. Case of Smallpox on Japanese Liner SAN FRA NCI SOO, Cal., April 1S.-A est of smallpox aboard Toyo Klaen Kasha steamer, CTilyo Maru, which ar rived today from Chinese and Japanese ports, reused the vaccination of $36 pas sengers during the trip. Releass of ths vessel from tuarantlne was delayed pend ing the examination ef the passengers. A 10-year-old girl, taken aboard at Shanghai, is ths smallpox pattsat. She became III ten days ago, and upon the diagnosis of her disease as smallpox the ship's surgeon began the vaccination of the passengers. Among those aboard is Rev. Dr. James W, Bashford, resident bishop In China of the Methodist Episcopal church, who Is on an unannounced mission reported to relate to the conditlona incident to the Japanese demanda upon China. Dr. Bashford stated recently that the demands If they srr as the newspaper have reported I hem threaten grave consequences. Iowa Legislature Develops Big Crop of Office Seekers (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, la.. Ajnll 19-(8peoial.) Cms chief result of ths work af ths legislative session just closed Is tnat It has made post I Me development of a number of csndldaolea for high offlos,' j among them tha following: W. L. Harding. Sioux City, leutenant governor, for republican nomination for governor. It now looks certain he win have a strong lead for tha nomination. , Leslie K. Francis, Spirit Lake, senator, possible candidate for governor, with a strong following because of his leader ship of ths fight of ths temperance peo ple, Joseph H. Allen, Pocahontas, senator, candidate (or governor, supported by tha farmers and stook raisers and by those who are ardently for woman suffrage, W. L Atkinson, Clarksvlll. speaksr of ths house, candidate for lieutenant gov ernor. . X E. Crist, Osceola, senator, candidate for lieutenant governor and especially supported by tha drys. W. H. Aroey. MarthaJltewn. senator, possible candidate for llsutsnant gover nor. John T. Clarkson. Albla. senator, demo crat, possible candidal s for tha deme oratle nomination ef governor. D. C. Chase. Webster City, senator, possible candidate for governor. Oeorg Cossnn, Audubon, attorney gen eral, and eerteln candidate for governor. Chark" H. Thomas. Kent, senator, can- dldats for the republican nomination for slats senator. These are tha only ones so far at gen erally known who hsvs been declared eligible for ths poeltkms suggested. Some of them will not be considered long. Oth ers are certain to be in ths race. oo.-no WAR OFFICE REPORTS ' : Oeranaa. BERLIN. April IS. (By Wireless to Say-' villa. N. Y.V-German headquarters this afternoon gavs out a report on tha pro gress of hostilities as follows: "To ths south of Ypees, tha British were yesterday ejected from ths minor Oerman positions still occupied by them In this locality. British, attacks along ths railroad between Yprtg and Ctmlnes broke down with very heavy losses t them. "Near Oeimunster, Lieutenant Oat-rot, a French aviator, has been mads pris oner. "Between tha Msuse and tha Moselle there have been artillery duals. "French a tucks against our position at Combres and tn tha Vosges resulted In failure. "On ths eastern front ths situation re mains unchanged. "French and British reports concern ing victories on ths western front are' all Inventions as la sufficiently proved by ths regular reports from Oerman head quarters." Preach. PARU, April 19.-(Via London.) Ths French war office this afternoon gsvs out a report on ths progress af bo till ties which reads: "BrlUsH troops yettetday captured n Belgium, near Zwartalsn, 200 yards of German trenches. These they have re tained. In spit) of several counter at tacks. "Ws have been successful on both banks of ths River Fecht, in Alsace, aad eur advance la being pressed forward on tba north bank. Ws have gained posses sion of the Summit of Burgkorpfeld, to the southwest of Bchllleckerwassen, which directly commands tha vallsy. On tha south bank. In ths region of Brbnesfan rleth, we hsvs made notable progress, our troops marching from tha south to north In ths direction of tha Fecht aad MeUerol, which la southwest of Colmar. In this district ws mads an important gala with the occupation of a series of elevations, ths northernmost height of which commands tba courss of the Fecht, In front of Burghorpfeld. 'In the courss or this action ws csp- tured a division of mountain artillery, two cannon of 74 millimetres caliber and two machine guns. "The Oerman aeroplanes which flew over Belfort recently dropped four bomba. Thess did soma damage ta two hangars and set firs to four chest ef powder. No casualties resulted nor was any serious damage dons." Lid Lifter Pleoat tiallly. FREMONT. Neb.. April . (Special.) Herman Thelsen of rCowell, arrested on tha complaint af Ben Janesovsky, was fined SU and costs In district court Sat urday on a charge of selling liquor with out a license. Thelsen pleaded guilty. . THK OUU RKVIKW ihi afxirtc u- SatloDO lalllnf loo you siajr Inroat ant'tt una is Km York Stork Kuhim .oxo.t. tlaa. laauod eaorjr 8alur4r. II (4 yr Send fur sample ropleaIt Krotd.ojr, Nt York rirv.