E 7 Little Willie Gettit OH' DEM? I WlbH A LITTLE to PuT THEN VEAl? FOIt RENT Houses and Cottasres. COTTAGE, 4 rooms and bath, 811 S. ;:d rear. WEST FAHNAJ1 district. 6-room modern house lor.venlent to two cur lines; firm location: possession Mv 1. Apply 140 N. JJd St. Tel. Walnut 3171. ALL MODERN fi-room cottage, will rent Tor three months, w ebster i006. NEW 5-r. bungalow In Orchard Hill. C. D. Hutchinson, 1623 Farnam. 1HT TAUK AVE., 8 ronrnn, modern. ?,. 6-ROOM MOUKHN HOUSE. EXCEPT II EAT. 2;i5 B1NNEV ST. WEB. 1762. FOR RENT We have a complete; list of all houses, apartments and flat that are. for rent. Thla Hat can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., 806 S. 16th St ALL sixes. 33 Per month up. S07 Paxtoa. Gordon Van Co. Storage. 9 N. 11th St. Tel. D. 394 or Web. 131. Jf T) J exp. m. moving. I . KPPfl packing aV storage. V- AVVV-IX 1207 Farnam. D. SEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREE RENTAL, LIST. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packa, ships; storage, $i per month, When you move call 'ia. Satisfaction guar. D. UZH and Tyler 230. NEW 9-rooni houae. all modern, hot water heat, near cara Dundee. Phone Walnut 2i."8. . WEST FAIINAM DISTRICT. 7-rm. modern hou.se. low a. 3Mh St. CEMENT Kar.te, 6Ti Walnut 1:171. 6 ROOMS, modern, nearly new, cheap rent. 2?07 No. 27th Ave. Web. 40K3. Maggard's Van and 8torag Co. Call ua for es ttmatea for mov- ing. packing, Douglas HW. ' hlpplng. 1718 Webster St Ilousoa r. ill parta of the city. Cretgh Bone At Co.. Bee Rids. Stores and 41 f flees. NEW modern store, best location; In North Omaha, 2414 Amea Ave., Webster 2138 or Web. 3149. Barna. LARGE barn for rent, for automobiles. 2226 Howard St. WANTTCTl TO RtTT VYa le buys everything 'IA hand. Tyler 141 I OFFICE furniture bought and eold. J. I C Rel. 1207 Farnam. Doug. (146. WANTED TO KENT SEVEN or 8-room house In West Farnam or Field Club Districts, S46 to 50; best kind of tenant. W. L. Selby & Sons State Bank Rldg. Phone Doug. 1610. WANTED For the season, a nicely fur nished cottage In Carter lake grounds. Will furnish good references. Address H-3Ji, Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM Jk RANCH LANDS FOR SALB Arkavaasa. FOR Information about cheap lands In southwest Arkanaaa, writ W. L. Per kins, Ashdown, Ark. California. Live Oak Colonies; none better. W. T Smith Co.. K13-14 City Nat. Bk. D. 2818. Colorado. FOR SALE Farms, 160 and 80 acres, in Peets, Colo. Write Delstler. S3&4 Ogden Ave, Chicago, 111. FOK SALE At Steamboat Springs. Colo., 10-acre strawberry tract and 6 acres In full bearing this year; continuous water right, fenced, fully Improved and new house. Address Box Xlo. Seward, Nell. Iowa. HAVE YOU A FARM FOK SALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sluux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-ftve words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days for 12; or W words, 14; or 75 words, 80 Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, readers daily in four great states. alaawaa. RENTERS. HOMEtiJCEKERS Your op portunity. tu.Out acres irrigated wheat and alfalfa land for settlerarnt at Valler. Mont Ul-bO to t&O per acre; fifteen years time. For particulars, writ Valier Farm t-atoa Co.. Bos 100. Valter. Mont. Mlaatauta. BARGAIN 240-A. fsrm 20 m. from , Min neapolis; 140 A. under cult; 40 A. good meadow: fiO A. timbered pasture; can practically all be cultivated; good corn land; farm Is fenced; lo-room house, barn, granary, machine shed, windmill, etc.. 12 head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har licsjxs, wagons, cumplrto set of machin ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the farm goes at 845 per acre; o,000 cash, balance can stand for 10 years at 6 pr cent Schwab Bros.. Ifc8 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebmsltau FOR SALB SU, price .'i5. 480 adjoining, mllo from Newport. Newport county. Nebraska, dandy hay ranch, price both V) ternia. Jim Wray. Sioux City. New York. NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. Price Gratifies and Location Satisfies. bo forty thousand each week look for my rare bargains that they can depend on. 140-a-re farm with 28 cows, team, farm machinery, hens and seed grain. Price li per acre. , , . . tVarre farm with five eows and hens. Price 800. 1 aVacre farm with 14 cowi. team, hens and farm machinery. Prlca 836 per acre. o-acre. farm buildings wortk 84.0 O; good land Prtci 83io. 830u cash. laj early buys sny of these farms. R. R. fsre paid one way to purchaser. Write for photos E MLNSON. iUM a (taitns St Syracuse. N. Y LOOK ANNIE NetD JUtT HA.D A UTTLP TRlMMlN TH ANO HAVE NO Ri&tJofH oth HERE COULD T TODAV 1 REAL ESTATE K4RH RANCH LAND FOR AI.K Boath Dakota. NOW TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Splendid 240-acre valley farm, small bldgs., best of neighborhoods. I miles to town, Ki.uO per acre. 330 A. 10 ml. So. Dak. state capital, t ml. small town; Imp ; sale at big sacrifice. Carlson A Wallln. Omaha Neb., McCague Hid., Omaha.; Carthage, So. Dak. FARMS FOR RENT WHAT have you to exchange for Dakota or Montana land? Wisconsin Sales Agency, Caswell Bldg., Milwaukee. REAL E8TATK LOANS K0 TO $10,000 made promptfy. T. D. Wend, Wead Bid., 18th and Farnam Sta CITY and farm loans, 5. 6H, H per cant. J. H. Uuniont A Co.. 41S State Bank. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St MONEY on hand for city and farm loana If. W. Binder, City National Hank Bldu. WANTED City loans. Petuia Trust Co. SEE us first for farm loans in eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omnha. 6 fTTV TniMfl ' n ra.lhan, OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. CKKKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha National. F hone Douglas 2711 REAL ESTATE WANTED LIST your property with R. H. Lander you. 202 Neville Blk. D. 300. ABSTRACT OF TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. 305 bo. litn st. f none u. mot. Jessen & Morrell, 201-a State Bk. BMg. D. 2291 REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract of floe in Nebraska. 206 Brandels Thea. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOR SALE By owner, t acres, house, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, grapes, berries. Walnut 2047. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE BTIY FROM OWNER For Sale or Rent IV. acres. 6-room house, well,' chicken house, barn, all kind of fruit; electric lights: on Calhoun road. 8 block from Florence car. Call Tyler 1913. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE CANADIAN farm for sale or trade for city property. For particulars, address W. E. White, 4 S. 26lh St.. Omaha. FOR EXCHANGE Missouri land. 156 acres highly Improved dairy farm ad joining good town; 63 acres one-half mile, good town; HO acres timber land; ho acres farm and orchard. Will exchange one or all for merchandise. A. L. Veauaman, Saf ford. Arls. SEVERAL good Nebraska ranches U exchange for Iowa and eastern Ne hrasa farms. What have you to offer? John A. Olson. Bee Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALB A good delivery team, ponies,: also wagon with top and har ness, all complete for delivery. The Peo ple's Market, 24th and Cuming fits. a REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Open for Inspection TODAY. 2518 N. 18TH ST. THE LOT East front on Boulevard. No special taxes, beautiful shado trees. cement walks THE HOUSE. Six rooms on one floor: modern except furnace; oak floors; beautifully decorated, combination lighting fixtures. Price 82X75. a small payment down, balance name as rent. W. H. A damson. Owner. i2Mfi N. 19th St Call Doug. 2W6 any day next week. i WANT A iAiT ? i Full M feet. 22a Luke St.. all lmprove- i mcnts; good district for home or small flat; two car lines. Owner will sell low or build fur you on payments. Shepard, 20M Wirt St. SEVEN-ROOM house, modem, built by the owner. 1519 N. 3Xth St. Wal. 1379. BARGAIN IN BUN(JAI)V 5-room modern, new bungalow, part oak fintnh, fine location, near Iithron school. Price 3.2ii0. Terms. Webster 702. 6-ROOM. modern house. H block to car. paved street. 81.900. Wal. 4H3. REAL EFTATF WEST SIDE . $4,5oO Seven rooms, reception hall, attic, good heat; a bargain. Apply to owner, 121 So. 3lth St. Harney 311. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS. A Flat Bargain Three T-room flats, built last year and are up to date In every particular. An nual rents, 81.0- Good neighborhood. Price 818.0UO. Three 8-room flats. Hanscom park dis trict. Close to two car lines. Annua! rent. 81.260. Price 810.000. 0'Neil'sR.E.AgencA" 1506 Farnam. Tel. Tyler l'joo. Best Sporting News Right In Tha Bee day by day. "ull box scores of all big leagues. Sport cartoons that hit the bullssys THE BEE: Copyright. 10'5, Intern.-ttlonaj Newa Service. 1NT THAT A. HAME -VAtT-l HAVE AN IDBA. MOftE OH noe- LINKS TAKE WEIRD GAME FROM OMAHA Wobbly Fielding, Erratic Pitching and Heavy Slugging Feature the Combat. RESULTING SCORE IS 12 TO 10 Wobbly fielding, erratic pitching and heavy slugging were features of the fray staged yesterday by the Rourkea and tho lawly Llnka from Lincoln. After two hours of rag-tag paslimlng, the Links returned victorious, 12 to 10. Tho Rourkea made a desperate effort to make a flank attack from tho rear In the ultimate chapter. Just as they did Saturday, but after three runs had been counted a cog slipped and tho combat was over. The Links took particular delight In the offerings of Ralph Willis. They pun ished him unmercifully, wielding the war club with considerable eclat. And when the Links weren't hitting, the home boys were fielding In such a manner that hos tile runs tallied anyhow. The enemy opened the battle with three runs. McGafflgan got hit In the slats and Nierbaurer singled. A fleldcr'a choice put three on, and Walter Krueger soaked one to center, counting two. An error by Huelsman and Schrelber'a Infield hit counted the third. Roaarkes Come Rlaht Bark. A walk to Pyne, Breen'e single, Krug's double and Krueger's blow gave the Rourkes three In the same stnsa. The home folks took the lead In the second, when a walk to SchUcbner, Whalen's sacrifice and Willis' hit scored one. The Links made a frontal attack In the third which netted three more runs. A double by Carleton, an Infield hit by Krueger, another double by Bohen and a Mingle by Schrelber did the ork. The Rourkes made one In the same round on hits by Krug and TliomastJi. Two walks, a sacrifice by Krug and Thomason's hit added another for the Rourkea In the fifth, and hits by McAl lister, McGafflgan and Blerbouicr gave the Links one In the sixth. Hoatllea Wlaa oaa Errors. A walk followed by a two-base heave by McAllister and Blerbaurcr's error netted ona for Omaha In the seventh, and In the same round the Links scored five on two measly hits. Krueger was safe when Thomason dropped his fly and Payne made a wild throw after fielding Bohon's groundor. McAllister walked and Huelsman dropped Dawson's fly, en abling. Krueger to acore. Wolfe's singbt scored Bohen and McAllister. McGaffl gan hit a high Texas leaguer over sec ond. Breen and Huelsman let It drop betweon them, and as Huelsman stopped to muke a remark to Breen the. pill roiled to the fence, with the result Daw son and Wolfe counted. A two-bagger by Breen. a walk to Krug. Thomason's two-ply blow, an error by McGafflgan and Schllebner's hit gave the Rourkea three in the ninth, but that was as far as they got. Score: LINCOLN. . I AB. R. If. O. A. E. McGafflgan. ss 3 1 2 2 4 2 Bierbauer, lb 5 1 2 II 0 1 Carleton. rf 4 2 1 l 0 0 W. Krueger, 3b 4 2 2 6 1 o Bohen, 2b 01680 Schrlcber, cf 5 0 2 1 0 0 McAllister, c 4 2 1 8 2 1 Dawson, p 4 1 6 i o Totals 40 12 12 27 14 4 OMAHA. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Psyne, rf 4 1 0 l j j Breen, 2b 4 3 2 7 7 0 Krug. If... 2 4 2 o o 0 Thomason, cf 5 1 J s 0 1 nueiaman, rr 5 0 0 1 o 2 K. Kruiger, c & 0 2 2 2 0 Schllebner. lb 4 1 1 12 0 0 Whalen, ss 4 0 112 0 Willis, p 3 0 16 2 0 Crabb, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Conley 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 37 10 12 27 17 8 Batted for Willis In eighth. 3 0 3 0 0 1 $0 012 Hits t 0 4 0 6 2 0 6-12 Omaha Runs 110 10 16 J10 Hits S 12 110 0 1 212 Three-base hit: Mi-Gafflgan. Two-baao. (2). Whalen. K. Krueger, Breen. Stolen hlta: Carleton, Bohen. Krug, Thomason base: Bohen. Sacrifice hits: Dawson, Whalen, Krug. Double plays: McGaffi an to Bohen to Bierbauer, Whalen to Breen to Schllebner. Pavne to Breen to Schllebner. Hits: Off Willis, 12 In eight Innings: off Crabb, none in one Inning. Hawa on balls: Off Dawson, 6; off Willis, 3. Struck out: By Dawson, 3: bv Willi. 1. Hit by pitched hall: MvGaffigan, Carleton. Time; 2:00. Umpire: Van Sickle. loutbrra Aaaoelalloai. At Memphis Memphis, ; Little Rock, 2. At New Orleans New Orleans. 0; Brim Ir.gham, 4. At Mobile Mobile, 6; Atlanta. 1. At Nashville Nashville. 8; Chat tanooge, 2. . Shoald fnt Keel Dlarosrasad. So many people troubled with Indiges tion and constipation have been benefited by taking Chamberlain's Tablets that no one should feci discouraged who has not given them a trial. They contain no pep sin or other digestive ferments, but strengthen the stomach and enable It to perform its functions naturally. Obtain able a v ery w he re. A dv ertlsenien t r n i i l t a i pi . i OMAHA. MO.VDAY. Al'KIli 7 VT HELL, l A DEAR - JuVT The thn; A'bTiE; r INEVER. Mts it: ) Standing of Teams NAT. LEAG1E. I AMER. LEAGUE. W.L Pet. Boston .... 2 1 .tl7 Chicago ... 2 2 .W Cleveland.. 2 2 .W0 Wash gton. 2 2 .W Detroit .... 2 2 .f St. lunula... 2 2 .eO"! New York. 2 i .MM Phila 1 2 .a.!3 AMER. ASS N. W.L Pet. IxMilsvllle. 3 0 1 On0 Minnenpo's 2 1 ,W7 W. I.. Pet. I Roston 1 Phila. New York. Cincinnati. Chicago .. St. louis.. Pittsburgh Brooklyn . FED. LK ." I .5oo ,.Vl .froo' AGUE. VV.LPct 6 1 ..3 Brooklyn. Chicago ..4 1 .H Newark ..4 8 .571 Kan. City. 4 3 . 5711 Pittsburgh 3 4 .42l Buffalo ... 2 4 .3.j Baltimore. 2 6 .?S St. lxUls.. 1 4 .M0 Indlanp s. .. 2 1 Kan. City.. 2 1 Milwaukee. 1 2 Cleveland ..1 2 St. l'snl... 1 2 Columbus . 0 3 .67 .tir.7 .?33 .3.U .000 Yesterday' Resalts. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland. 6; St. Lnula, 1, Chicago. 7; Detroit, S. NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis, 2; Cincinnati, tl. Pittsburgh. 1: Chlcaao. KKtlRHil. I.V.AlM'l.: Chicago, 1; St. lxuils, 3. Baltimore. 12; Newark, fi. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Columbus, 3; lxulsville, 11. Cleveland, 1; InrilanHpollx, 9. Kansas City. 1; Sl Paul, 10. Milwaukee, 5.. Minneapolis 0. antes Today. American league Chicago at Detroit, Cleveland at St. Ijouta, Boston at Wash ington. New York at Philadelphia. National League Brooklyn at Boston (two games). Philadelphia at New York. St. Louis at Cincinnati. Pittsburgh at Chicago. Federal League Chicago at St. Iouts, Baltimore at Newark Kansas City at Pittsburgh, Brooklyn at Buffalo. Armours Are Easy Winners from Ly cks The Armours defeated' the Lycks yes terday In the Greater Omaha, league, Gurness struck out ten men. The batting of Collins, Mayfleld and Fagan and the fielding of the Armours featured. Score: ARMOt-RS. LYPK8. AB U O A R All. 11. 0. A. K. Marfleld. d. 1 I I llay.n. p.... 1 4 1 Danny, rf... 4 6 4 0 4Wa,-htler. If. 4 2 1 4 6 otllna. If... 6 2 3 1 OM.-Anrt's, 8b. 3 6 4 0 .3, Yoat. jj. ..... 4 4 II 4 OM.-l-rt-arjr, aa4 1 1 1 0 Kagun, lb... 4110 Oi.yrk, t 8 1 0 1 Coroomn. 3b 4 6 I 1 OHlatl, rf....4 I 0 41 J hyan. lb.. 4 0 i 4 ORIItnt, rf.:.. 4 1 (.4 4 Hullly.n. as. 8 '4 0 1 OKrlly. 2b.... 4 4 111 Oumess, p.. 8 I 4 3 ONarltaay, lb I 0 I 1 4 Moylan. p.., I 1 1 " 8 4 ; Tolala 34 4 17 6 OPr.rka 0 4 1 Totals S 117 I I Armours '..1 0 3 o o 0 0 o I ." Lycks 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 Earned runs: Lycks, 2. Two-base hlU: Lyck, lllatt. Fagan. Struck out: By Gurness, 10; by Moylan, 6; by Hit yea, a. Bases on halls: Off Gurness, 1; off Moy lan, 3; oft Hayes, 2. Hits: Off Moylan, 8 in live innings. Stolen bases: Maytieid, Wuchtler, McAndrews. Double plays: Corcoran to Ryan. Hayes to Noviuky. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Denny. SCORES MADE BY GIRLS OF THE GRAIN EXCHANGE Following are the Omaha Grain Girls Misses scores made by the Saturday: 1st. ...100 ... 78 ...114 ...127 ...102 ... HS ... 2 ..107 ...101 2d. 3d. Tot. 84 123 S07 83 7r. 2:1 mi irfi am L"0 101 S47 ! W 2M 13S 78 I2 102 ' 116 310 IV. 14.-. 8S7 103 115 l!19 Petersen !Alstadt .McGreer Sornnsen iLlndsley i It. Howard jRelnhart ! B. Howard Busch Mara aud Stripes Beat Bhasnrorks. The Stars and Stripes won an elght Innlng game from the Shamrocks of South Omaha, 7 U 5. Welmmer struck out twelve of the Shamrocks and only gave them three hits. The Shamrocks got all their runs on errors. The Stars and Stripes lilt the ball hard, getting eighteen hits in the eight Innings. Tha Stars and Stripes would like to hear from aome Class A team for a game for next Sunday. Call Roy Stacey, South 1238. Score: ' K.H.K. Stara and Stripes....! 2 1 0 0 1 0 2 7 la 7 Shamrocks 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 8 3 4 Batteries: Stars and Stripes. Shertter and Welmmer; Shamrocks. Yost and ."need. Three-base hits: Shamrocks. 3. Tato-base hits: Stars and stripes, four; Shamrocks. 2. Umpire: Clemmons I nsnbirra win. The Ramblers defeated the Browning Kings Sunday in a fast game by the score of 7 to 2. Batteries: Ramblers, Mongerson Bros.; Browning Kings, Vogler and Garey. l.urklnsr H'laa for Oxford. OXFORD, Neb.. April 18. tSpecial.) The Oxford High school base ball team deleated the B-aver City High hcIiooI at Beaver City yesterday, 7 to 3. The game was fast and featured by thr pitching of Lueking for oxford, who struck out fifteen men and allowed only thpe hlta. Oxford is nut for the southwestern Ne braska championship, and so far has won three and lost none. Mason) City Trims Mom. UAt'kM ,'1TV I. ln.ll IS , t: .... ..1 I Telegram ) The Mason City Central As sociation team defeated the Sioux City Western league club here today, 11 to 4. Merraatlle Leaarae. Brandels. : Rurress-Nash, S. Drexels. 9: King-Peck, 6. KllpatrUks. 15: Hupmoblla, 11 Take Dr. King's New Discovery snd you won't catch cold. It kills the cold germ, keeps you well. bUc. AH druggists. ' -Advertisement. IP, 1915. Drawn VMT -CH- CERTAINLY MT SON : MA- A DIME? CUBS BEAT PIRATE CROWDjN TENTH Oerber Fumble of Fhelan'i Grounder Pave Way for Victory of Chicago. FINAL SCORE IS TWO TO ONE CHICAGO, April 18. Gerber's fumble of Phelan'a grounder paved the way to a 2 to 1 victory for Chicago after ten Innings against Pittsburgh In the first game of the series. Singles by Lejeune. Gerber and Wagner gave the visitors their only run. Score: PITTSnfROH. All II O A R CHiCAon AO H.O.A E carer. If 4 1 t 0 e flood, rf alios Jnhnatnn, lb 4 0 I 6 triKher s... I t I I Vina, :b 4 12 1 bult. It.. 4 110 0 H litrhman, rf I 0 4 OZim'man, hi I 11 Lrjrune, .'f. 6 3 I II OSaler. lb ... 1 0 tlrlr. M. .. I 1 t 4 1 Williams, cf 8 2 0 0 n I Kr.ltly, rf.. 1 6 0 0 4 Mrl'.rthr. lb I 0 Warner I 1 Cooper, p.., t S Srhatig, e... t 0 Rmitll I 0 Herman ... 6 Olhxin, r... 1 .M.-gnlllaa. pit bulrj. 2b... 8 1 4 6 iphT,... ib. J 1 i i l ovaushn. p... (MM o ouorrMta J J V 4 1 TaUls 14 7 10 11 8, I i 4 Totals St ft 11 1 haiieii tor c.u.xl In the tenth, Batted for McCarthy In the seventh. Batted for Schang In the seventh, Han for Smith In the seventh. Two out when winning run scored. Pittsburgh 0 00006160 01 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1-3 Two-base hits: Good, Schulte, Vlox, Baird. Stolen bases: Bresnahan. Saler. I'helan. Earned runs: Oft McUulllsn, 1; off Vaughn, 1. Double play: Schang to Gerber. Bases on balls: Off Cooper, 2; off Vaughn. 3; off McQuillan, t. Hits: Off. McQuillan. 6 In six Innings; off Cooper, 4 in three and two-thlids In nings. Struck out: .By Vaughn. 8; by Mcwulllnn. 1; by Cooper, 3. .Umpires: Klein and EmiClc. . Merfa Trim Cards. CINCINNATI. O.. April 18.-By timely hitting Cincinnati won the flrat game of the series with St. 1-ouis here todsy, 6 to 2. St. Louis started with two runs In the first, but after that could not score. Score: 8T. LOIMH. CINCINNATI. AB H O A 1. AB.H.O.A.B. llusslna, th 1 il 01 .each. ef... 4 110 Pyait 1 Iteacher. If.. 6 l..nR. cf. ... 4 6 4 0 6 Hanoi, as... 8 I 6 3 116 OKMHIrr, If.. 4 13 4 4 3 0 4(lrlffllh. rf.. 14 4 4 1 1 4 OOrok, lb 4 8 8 1 14 4 OOlaon. tb... 8 4 11 1 4 I OMollwlU. Ik 4 3 4 4 113 4i'larks ..,. 1 4 4 1 4 111 ftchnaldcr, p 4 1 4 1 6 6 4 4 Dale, p 4 4 0 4 Miller, rf., Vt'llaon. lb., P-. k. 3b llarliisar, SB. atlrnii, ..., Iiulaa rk. p Uataal 6 4 4 1 4 9 4484 4 4 4 4 Teals 81 10 31 11 1 Totals 34 7 34 14 1 Hat tea fur Joa In ninth. Ran for Glenn In ninth. Batted for Hugglns in ninth. St. Ijouls ..2 6 0 6 6 0 03 Cincinnati I 0 10 0 16 2 -6 Two-base hits: Beck. Wilson. Groh. Three-base hit: Schneider. Stolen bases: Groh, Klllifer. Mollwlls (.1). Hersog. Clarke. Earned runs: Off Doak, 3; off Schneider, 1. Double play: Hersog to Mnllwlts to Groh to Hersog. liases on halls: Off Doak, 2; off Schneider. 7. Hits: Off Schneider, 7 in sight and one third Innings; off Dale, none In two thirds Inning. Struck out: By Doak, 4; by Schneider, 3: by Dale, 1. Umpires: Qulgley and Eason. Finals of Amateur Mat Meet Tonight SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. April 18.-Th6 finals of the national amateur wrestling tournament, conducted under tha ausploes of the Amateur Athletic union In con nection with the aPnama-Paclflc expo sition, will be held here tomorrow night. Winners of the eight classes will be awarded tha title of national champions. Many eastern wrestlers took part In the semi-final contests last night. Ona of the suprlses was the elimination of the national champion. If. II. Jenkins of Pittsburgh, in both the 14,-pound and 133-pound classes. David Burns of Spo kane downed the champion in the 1 im pound class with a fall In a little more than seven minutes, and Oliver Rune hey of Seattle gained the decision over him In the 135-pound division. Racing Resumed in Germany This Year, Briton Trainers Free BERLIN, April IH.-tVIa I-ondon -It Is regarded In racing circles as virtually certain that racing will be resumed in Germany this year. Th; first fixtures will be a series of six Sunday ruces at Hoppegarten, near Berlin, beginning May lit. to test public sentiment. Filial forfeit day fur the year's two moat Important races leaves thirty-one entries for the Berlin grand prise and forty for the Hamburg derby, which la about normal. Sportsmen are convinced that racing Is sure to be held at Ber lin, Hamburg, Frankfort. Cologne, Dres den, Lelpslg and possibly Munich and Stuttgart. ear Moanarh ladlaratloa Cared. Your stomach and bowels need cleaning out Dr. King's New Life Pills give quick relief Only 25c. All druggists. Ad vertisement. . Rent room quirk wuu a iJee Want At ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. tor The by George McManus I I n I -- t -iT ILL! -'AJXrr ERRORLESS WHALES BEATEN Chicago Club Loei Three-to-0ne Contest to St. Louis Federal Team. DAVENPORT FANS EIGHT MEN ST. LOUIS. April l.-A!though they played errorless ball, Chicago lost to St. Louis, 1 to 8. here today. Davenport struck out eljht men and granted the visitors only three scattered hits. Score: R H B , I 0 60 4 0 6 0-1 8 0 Chics go St. I.OUIS .... 0 1 00006 1 - 6 2 Batteries: Johnson and Fisher; Wil son. Davenport and Hartley. Townsends Win tho First Game Played The Townsends opened the champion ship season with thn Bourgoels as their :PPtients. Both teams played classy ball. "Dutch" Tlati carrying off the , honors. Baker's chances for a shutout were spoiled bl' a uaaaed ball. Graham I scoring from third. Score: R U E. ! Townsends 0 I 6 1 0 0 3 4 2 Bourgoels 0 0 0 0 6 1 01 8 1 Two-base hit: Felt man fa-pHflra Klia- Carmody. Verity. Stolen bases: Will iamson, Minlkua, Plats, If. Baker, Ora ham. Passed balls: Sandau 2. Rases en balls: Off Baker. 2; off Hawkins. 8. Struck out: Bv Baker. 10: hv llawkin. 9. Batteries: Townsends. W. Baker and Sandau; Bourgoels, Hawkins and Rlchter. Umpire: Denny. Princeton Varsity Boats Naval Crew ANNArOUR. Mt,' April .t.-rrlnoUn varsity defeated tho Naval academy senior crew In a race of a mile and five eighths on the Severn ground by three and one-half lengths. Times Princeton. 7:02. Losing time not taken. The Naval academy fourth class de feated the Trlnreton frest.men for the same distance by four and a half lana-ths. 6 Time: Naval academy, :62. Losing time a . iiu. taftni ZeppclaDog Team Wins Alaska Race NOME. Alaska, April 18.-Leonard Zep pela. driving Ms own team of sixteen Siberian wolf dogs, wen late todsy tho 412-mile all-Alaska sweepstake dog team race, which started at o'clock last Wednesday morning. His time for the course was 78 hours, 44 minutes and 7 seconds, 4 hours, 30 minutes and 17 sec onds lower than tha record established by John Johnson's Siberian wolves In 1W0. Bank Clearings ?r'd".t,r?Sf JLJ,urnal- Tnrk, agrrre- rTr ?ii i,fl0Vi I" this week Isst fiST,Ii -""- clearings aggregate 8138. K f& ".,H."t nW00rnaat week and ii' i.0O.in ,h'f w'k lMt Vre Follow ing are the returns for this week, with percentages of change from thJe weeli last year: Cities. Amount Ine. Dec. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston St. Louie Ksnsas City Pittsburgh , San Francisco Baltimore Minneapolis Detroit Cincinnati Cleveland Ijos Angeles New Orleans OM AHa Milwaukee Atlanta Inulvi:le Seattle Buffalo St. Paul Portland. Ore Denver Houston Richmond Indianapolis Povidence Fort Worth Washington. D. C. Memnhls St. Joseph Columbus Nashville Albany Salt lke City.... Toledo Oea Moines Hartford Duluth Rochester favannah Norfolk Hnoksne Wichita Macon Oakland Siranton Peoria New Haven Sioux City Grand Rapids Syracuse , Jacksonville, Pie... Birmingham Austin Springfield, Mass., Worcester (l.M,F09,Oi0l 16.4 Slf.IM.000 l.'iS, 287.000 4 5 10.1 ltt.746.frM 14.1 M.MIiOW 78.244,0001 16 30 86.M.(K) 12.7 M.m.OnO 6 3 14.8 II 1 2.6 83 8IO.O0O l8.fKI7.Or all V.O.(t0 34.M2.0o0 80.HX.OOT 20,tt47,)0! 16.0 17.WO.O0Oi I7.8ol.0mi U 10.4! 16 SKl.OOOl 13.3o4.6iO! 13 24.4 ISO 13 7.4 ivi J.ta 13.lM.Aa) 12.828.OiXs.... 10.ttt8.000l.... 11.05 OijOI 11.81 ll.47.taaii I ;2V I 7.C4,eOcl .i ,3?t.600l 121 ..OjKaaii 1 7.072.000! S.I! I.MtVeooi 1 t.Mnoni 14.81 7.002.01101 1 1.4 "li.i 17 .4 6.RVJ.ttl 6,,V,il r..ifi6,(aV 6.aii0.00o 6.6W.OU0I 6.2l6.0tai 7.87!.ral .u7.onol 4.6'. .ft II. 64 i. 2.81. 4.SK4.MO ..I 2.4 6.M.0Ti 28.4, 3i7.iaa)l I 4.1 S.WAa(... .. 37.2 3.25,)l J j 2.-W7.0IOI I ;N,6 iT.ono I 8.0 8 0,.tai 1 V8 2.M'ar I 15.2 3.71(1 ti 21.61 ,o!(,arl 1 1 g 1. XMI.OUftl I .1 2. !al1.ua)l I 4.3 3. JO.1O0I I IS J t.ltsinnni... . f 45 K .fV.'4.lH 60.41 MiA.onrM i 11 k 2.7S2.0OJII I IS tRi.fka) I tl Chattanooga Oklahoma ( 2.F.,04I 14 Tayton t.n.'Wi Utile Rock ! f.tHn.OiaM I SR 8 It 6 12 6 Taooma 2.074.ijOi., .1 Lincoln .. Wheeling Frinont .. 2.171 .OaV 2 0-'i7 taaV 334,0001 6.SI. . 16.6 10 i lt, INDIANS SLAUGHTER ST. LOUIS BROWNS Mitchell Holds Home Team to Fire Scattered Hits, While Mate Bunch Theirs. FINAL SCORE IS SIX TO ONE ST. LOUIS. Mo.. April 18.-Mltchel' held Rt. Louis to five scattered hlta to day, while his teammate bunched hit with bases on halls. Cleveland winning from St. Louis, 6 to 1, Kauffman's double snd Chapman's error In the ninth saved the local team from a shutout. Score: rt.Evrt.Avn. pt. Lorm. AH. H O. A C. AB.H O.A C. tltfll4, rf.. 4 0 t iflnotton. If.. 1 I 4 4 Turnar. lb . I I I t 4Aiialln, 3t... 8 4 4 3 4 Chapman, aa 4 3 1 4 lWalah. rf ..4 4 2 1 4 Jarkaon. rf.. 3 1 I 4 Kaufman, lb 4 3 11 0 4 llranay. f... 4 1 I S (11 '. Walker, till 1 I t naroare, 8a 4 1 4 1 aPmlt. (.... 4 6 4 4 4 Slil-M-, lb.. 3 16 0 Aenw. 4 4 0 3 4 O N.lll. a. .. 4 I 11 I 1 Walla-a, ,a. t 6 3 S Mltrh.ll,, p.. 1 6 6 3 Waiiman. p. 3 4 4 I 4 Hevarold ...1644 Totals 1110 17 10 IRrmnraa, . 4 4 4 4 Howard ... 1 4 4 4 4 Totals H 8 27 M Batted for Wellman in eighth. Batted for Remneaa In ninth. Cleveland 2 0 3 6 0 0 0 0 18 St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 1-1 Baae hits: Turner, O'Neill, Ksuffman. Three-basa hits: Ksuffman. Graney. Home run: Jackson. Stolen bases: Tur ner (2), Ilhnld. Earned runs: Off Well man. 8 In eight innings. Bases on balls! Off Wellman, : off Renineas, 3; off Mltcnell. a. Hits: Off Waiiman. 10 In eight Innings: off Remueas. none In one inning, struck out: By Mitchell. H: by wellman. ; by Remneaa, J. Umpires: Dloeen and Nsllln. Cobk Defeats Chicago. DETROIT, Mich.. April 1.-Ty Cobb's throw from deep center, which retired John Collins at the plate In the ninth in ning, gave Detroit the opening game of the series with Chicago, ( to 7. Detroit piled tip a lead early, but Coveleekie lost control In the fourth Inning. Reynolds, who replaced him, was no pussle, and Dauas took up the pitching task in tho seventh after Chicago had tied the score. Young's sacrifice fly scored Baker with the wl-'-"- "tn In the et-,,,, Rcore: CHICAOrt. DETROIT. AH if n a ia n 1 Qulnlaa, If.. 4 114 4 lyah. aa a a a I naatar. aa.. 8 R I'oMlna. lb 1 1116 oun(, lb... I 8 1 I t 6 1 1 4-ba. rf.... 8 3 4 1 4 1 8 4 lOswfore. rf 8 8 i 4 s J calltaa. rf. a Kalarb, at... 6 I I 4 tV-ach. If.... 4 8 4 4 Krlaf, lb... halk. a... Brmoa. lb.. 4 I 6 I f Kavan'h. lb. 8 4 14 4 4 1 I 4Vltt. tb 4 4 4 8 8 4 1 Mr Km, c... 14 4 1 nmtt, p 1 Johnaaa, p.. 6 Both 4 Woirsans, p 8 Faarslar ,. 1 4 firoralaakla, p 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hayaolda, p I 6 4 4 4 4 6auaa, p.... 4 4 4 4 1 1 ('Dakar 4 4 s 1 t 4 4Staaase. s... 4 4 14 4 Totals 14 I 14 8 Totala 31 4 37 1 Hatted for Johnson 111 me 11 ft 11. Batted for Felsch In the ninth. Ran for McKee In the eighth. ah1caro 0 0 0 S 0 1 6 67 Detholt 3 3 8 6 6 0 1 -t Two-base hits: Brief. Younsr. Cobb. Three-base hits: Weaver. Felsch, Cobb. Stolen bases: louna- 2. Britten, J. Col lins. Bases on bolls: Off Scott. 4: off Wolfgang, 3: off Coveleskle. b: off Rey nolds. 1. HlU: Off Scott, I In twe In nings: off Johnson, S In two innings: off Wolfgang. 1 In four Innings; off Covel eskje, 1 In five and one-third Innings: off Reynolds. 3 In one and one-third Innings; . off Dauss S In two and one-third Innings. Struck out: By Scott 2; by Johnson, 3; by Wolfgang. 2: by Coveleskle, 1; by Dauas. t. Umpires: O'Loughlln and HII debrand. NEW MOTORCYCLE CLUB FOR OMAHA WHEELMEN Thirty-six Omaha motorcycle riders at a meeting Friday night at the Omaha Bicycle company's store decided to form a new motorcycle club. A downtown cluti room or garage will be secured for head quarters. It was decided to leave the charter membership list open until next Friday night when there will be another meeting, at which time all who w'sh to Join the organisation will be allowed tn sign the charter membership roll and be exempt from any membership fee. The Green Label sjvfffj th- Red Trtoocular Comer Coolinii - Rcfrcshtnit Invlttorattnit fUlsUesaaaiHMCoCrwae.wUJlJC LZRCh VMt 8AN0T iVhoteuIt DUtttburors 3 1 1 S. 1 7tb tU Omaba. Nebr. Douda 2155