ilIK BEE: OMAILA. MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915. WANT ADS Want ad received at any lima, but t4 lira proper naeeiriratinn mint be pre sented be'ore II o'clock noon tor evening elt.on end 7 SO p. m. for mo-nlnc end Bnndar edition. Want received after anrh hour will be under the beaming. "Too Lata to Clssalfy." CAH RATES. . ftevea reinseeutive time. I cent worn Serb Insertion. ... , Three ttmea wltMn one week, 1 cents word each Insertion. On time, t rents a word. , CHARGE RATS. . even consecutive tlmea cenU una tarh Insertion. . , . Three tlmea within on week. cents a line each Insertion. Ona time. It cent a line. Coont at average words to U" Minimum charm. 80 cents, A edrertlseinent Inserted to be raa on n discontinued nun be stopped by wrn tea order. AH clatma for errors "ronat be msde wtthtn fifteen days after lbs last Inssr tkm of tbe advertisement Ten can place year went ad la Two Boo F telephone. . TELEPHONE TTUR 10. Unclaimed Answer. to the "Swappers' Column" Htmdrede of other answers have been railed for and delivered during tha last week It ta reaeonable to suppose that all of tha people below have made tha desired swaps, therefore do not caU for tba balaaco ef thetr answers. Boo wont ads turn set result. o. sc. S4 13 'I 411 187 ' i in 414 1.M1 417 144 41 lt6l 4 HM I IMt 4J7 tl .t irt $ aw )W4 I OKI l.t'l a j4 14 I4 147 14. urn !$ Ul 1W sc. s.c. 409 1 mi lef, 14 Id WH 414 1HI !fU 144 ir5 H n 14 i is in im 14 IMS 144 1M 144 l7 1464 15; 14,4 15 '12 n SI v tl rt i n pi n i m n nt ua t i4i - -e vs r Set M Ml W r tn ri 4 rri DEATHS AMD FUSIKH41, KOTICEB HKPP-Hlrsm T. J . aged S yeara and 4 nvintha. .,,.. Funeral Monday mornlnK. April 19. at 8 a. m. from Heafey lleafey chapel, Tenty-lxth and Karnam atreeta, to Holy Aniiela church. Twenty-eighth and Fowler etreetn, a. m.; thence to Jiuly Sepulchre iM-elvlng vault. TOOAVS COMI'IiETB MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclanlvelv In The Be Dowat Tow a. I'AMERAPIIONK, 14) UOUOLA8 8T. Inning Back. -reel Uroncho drama, lour Daby and Mine. Kel. drama. Amhroee'a Little Hntchet. KLITK NO. 2, n FAUNAM. 4'oiintrea Veechl'i Jewele, -r. Ke. dra. A Fortune Hunter. Vita, comedy. A Foothill T'rohlem. Hi KrHph drama. r a k.n ah thkatT:k. liiFARNAM bt. Kunaway June will be ahown hara every Tuesday In ronnectlon with our regular proKrain and a Keyatono comedy. HIFP THK.ATEH, UT11 AND HARNBT Homo of Paramount Picture. park rmvATtit. Featura proxram dally. Kcyaiune C'omrdlea. U N. UTH. PARLOR. I4 IKJl tlLAS. Mr. Jarr and the Reformer, Vtta comedy. The Trap loor, -r. Kalem drama. One Law Breaker, I.unin drama. PRINCK8S. 1217-1H IOLtllArt. Francla Ford and Grace Cunard In Door way of Lelructlnn. fN'dney Ayrea In lxv that laata. He Won the Widow. Ivorth. ALAMO. 24TH AND FORT. The Heart of Lincoln, l-r-el. prania. W'lth Francla Ford and Grace Cunard, Penny r-weetheart. Comedy. ALIIAMMRA, 1814 N. 24TH BT. rihorty Among the Cannibals. Willful Ambruee. Keystone Comedy, The Haunting Memory. Peauty, Drama. CLIFTON, MILITARY Ave 4k Bur dot la. The Chlneee Lottery. Rcl. Drama. From PatcheN to Itenty. Key. Com. Ztiriora, No. an, I reel a DIAMOND, 2410 LAKE. Broken Toy, t-reel Imp. Meaaereau. Ruatle of a Bklrt. Vict. Dra. Fares, 1'leaae. Joker Com. FRANKLIN, 24TII AND FltANKLlN. After tha Mtorm, J-r. Hlo. lra. The Perils of the Jungle, hel. Dra. i.'1'Kperme inia, the number. Kal. Com. FflOUC THKATKR. 24th and Bpranua. Will oien soon. Fimt-clen photo plays. Watch this space for .inlng data and prokram. J. 0. leh. Manager. OUAND, Theater H-utlliil." lii A Hinncy! The Fencing Master, 2-evl. Druna. An-etry. 2-reel. Drama. Jieathi: Hearta and (Carpets, t-r. Key. HIPIHIDUUMK. 20TII AND CI MINU. The Bottomlees Pit. K.-B. Drama. t.f..0(i0. Mystery. Kplsnde 19, In parts. Fatty's Ilestlesa Fling. Keyvtone Comedjr. IT. FIVB RK10L8. WTH ft LOCrST. lixnrKt-Kcllg No. L'4. Itoaclyn, i-r.i Vila, Dra. Pate and Paper; Mine. Com. Jack Pt. Kel. Dra. IrYV' o . ,TI1 AN,) BLRDKTTK. Three Rad Men and a tllrl. I-r. Hlson. I'liantoin WanlnK. Hex. Drama. Hilly Was a Wnwrt Hov. Ktar Com. HUuk Ho. No. , "-reel. Hpoilal. Maid of the MUt. Itex. Dm. The Fetal Note. L-Ko. Com. UlTIIHiip. TII AND Utl iuP ii i i, ... . ..urn inran iiuifu, m a reels; a stronir, stirring hletorlal dituua replete with tlirtlllng sene Aleo a SQihI eoine1y. PA LACK, DAVKNPOUX Photoplay Without a Name, 3-rel. Inm. th.iis a ldy Friend. Joker Com. M HI KUAN; Mill AND AMK8. The Railroad Raiders of '. Kal Dra. The only Way S-r. Luh. Dra. koalb. ARBOR. jp AND ARBOR Will O' the WUo L. n. ', ."1W1V i. , , . r t nvtru iratti i a. V-L P'0 in With the Knemlea' Aifiijx), J4 lkavhnwoktTT Ttia C.lrl of the Muscle Hall. X-r. Kal dra. ll Msster of His Houea. Vltaareph com. CViLl MBIA. 1710 . 10T II. J" 'J'11 Wife, J-r. dra. here s My Huaband, Minn comedy. COMFORT. S4TH AND VINTON? Runaasy June, episode 7. The Mill of tho Euvder Zee. Dom When lve Took Wings. Keystone. ii'll4 17Ui VIN1MN. The Msht Operator at Button. Kal. dra. The Itedwnt Thieves. I-r. Vitagraph dra. The t swills tilumber Party, l.ul.ln dra. . . iji, t). lJTlT. I -aw of tlie Open. Powers. .Mixed Up Klopentent, Nestor. '-YIC, l17 VINTON. They Were on Their Honeymoon. Nestor Comedy. And a good drama. PAfcTIMK. Sll) A LEAVEN WORTH. Are of Clubs, Powers. No. Jjf. J-r. Big- U. tjt-r Money. l,Ko. T reels of pictures. VENEZLi. tm SO. UTU BT. Four reels ef Mutual peetseaa. yssa. MONROE. V4 FARNAM. luith eunehouse In The Wood Nympn. i Uul ( lay ton In Maggie Puts One Ovrr. Mr. Jsrr Brings lioino a Turkey. Vita. Beasaa. BENSON, SCX MAIN. 'urw of tlie feaeri, t r. fPVrd-Cunard). aier Adapted Mother. iut 1! drama. A C'ual s a C'jat. Nnli r comedy. TODAY'S CXJMrLETK MOVIK PROGRAMS Exclusively la The D Co art I Blatfa KLITK NO. !, M2 BROADWAT. Folowlng a 1ue, t-r Knlcm druma. The Olrl at Nolan . Vita. tT. drama. lxve and Limbo; Minn, comedy. The Dance at Aleck Fontaine's dra. NICHOLAS. M7 BROADWAT. A Siren of Corsica. 1-r. Lubln drama. Battle of Frenchman's Run, Vita. com. HOPKR M7 BROADWAT Saved by a Telephone, 1-r. All In the Same Boat, Nestor comedy. Things In the Bnttnn Drawer, I.aem. drs. Seat bkaaSi. PF.PPK. 24TH AND N. The Millionaire's Hundred iHillar Bill, 2-r. Vita, drama. Moonshines, Mlna comeily. lngomar of the Hills. Ksanav W. drams. MAOIC, 24TH AND O. And Thev Called Him Hero, 2-reel Bison. F-ddfe's Little Nlghtmnre, Nestor romdv. aaevllke. 24TH AND M. ORPIIEIM. FOT'R REELS OF MI'TI" AL FUTrRIiS DA1LV AND A DANDY COMICTY. ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodegaard's. ENROLL now. T. M. C A. night school. WE rent, repair, sell needles snd parts for all sewing machines NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mickal's." 16th nnd Harney. Douglas 11. Wedding announcements. Ixng. Pig. Co. DRESSMAKING,, alt-retlons. Work guaranteed. 2400 Cass. Red 72. TWIN City Dye and Cleaning Works , 4i7 N. liith St., opposite orpneum. ws can for and deliver. Douglas U2I. WB cater to the best people. Phone your order for special chicken dinner at tha old atand. Fred Marode, Millard, Neb. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Three used cars, In good condition, for sale at a harualn, 114 Karnam. Ml 'ST sell 20-foot motor boat wlth 4- horwpnwer engine ai once, t an Mai- nut 3336. Owner will Sacrifice Ptudebaker. -paesenger, 1913 model: e cedent condition; must sell within week. na r" n wm.T7.. Riom 9. Crelghton Block WANTED Overland auto, 111 runabout or touring: describe fully and give best cash offer. Address Y 4t4. Bee. 7-PASSKNOKR Cndlllss for sale. Very little used. Apply fHHr Mynster St., Council Bluff. 1912 Cadillac $n25 1912 Premier $;K1 1911 Glide HftO liilO Bulck 22o A. A. AHLMAN, 2i4 Farnam St. C. ELBAbSER, expert radiator and latat repairs. Ty. 70S. X01 Lea van worth. 1 1(0 REWARD for any magneto we ran't repair. Colls repd. Baysdorfer.110 N t. a Al'TO Clearing House, 22ia Fsrnam. buys and sella used cars. Phone iwugla 1310, Overton's for leaky radiator. tt)c, dealers. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCagus bldg. VEILIK touring car. Address S 197. Ree. Industrial Garage Co.. 2mh A Harney rTs! LIGHT delivery truck for sale ut trads i;url. cuia r owier v. BUIIJ)INQ MATERIAL. NAILS. $2.30 per keg. Fence, sheet root ing, etc.. in proportion. General Mer cantile Co., Omaha's crest mall order no use. BUSINESS CHANCES A first class grocery and meat business. located In a fast growing neighbor hood and dolnir a good business. Stock and fixtures and Invoice about $2,0. Reason for selling, wanta to leave city. Don t answer this ad unless you have $2,(J0 to Invest In a good paying business. Also a five-room, all modern bungalow, well located, high and sightly, furnace he At, partly oak finish, screened-ln porch, screens for all windows and doors; one block from two car lines, one block from Fontenelle boulevard. Buy from owner and aavs money; no trade considered. Call Walnut 1908 fur further Information, after T p. m. FOR BA I. K Bakery, restaurant. Ice cream parlor, good Iowa town l.OOo. well equipped, reasonable, rent, good business, price $1,250 cash. Jlm W'ray, Sioux City. FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Good hotel building; good location; 21 rooms; city water, acetylene lights. Phone or writs. Relmer Orube, I'plsnd Neb! FOR BALK or exchange. Fine finely enulped large garage and machine nhon. In Iowa town of 6,U0. Proiierty easily worth .t.onu. Male price fiA.vuo. will take good residence or acreage tn good west ern Iowa or eastern Nebraska town. Something suitable for retiring couple, tip to $6,000. Balance long time at per cent. No objections to &xceislor springs or Kanass City, ststa what you have to offer In first letter. Addles Y 475, Bee. FOR BALK AND RENT Wa will sell the furnishings snd fixtures or the Cook hotel, and will rent tha building: every thing new and In good shape; the only hotel In town and doing a good business: eight bedrooms upstairs; offloa, parlor dining room, large Dnornoin and good kitchen downstairs; electrlo light: no mm heat. II. C. Thomas. Cook, Neb. FOR SALE A bargain If taken at once, moving; picture show In good location. Come and see It before you buy. A 1SS. Bee. B1CJN8. show cards. Clark don. D. 1371 UBT TOUR BU SINKS with tie lor Quick actloa, and square treatment QUICK 8AJLV COMPANT, 11! Bee H da. Phone Red Wt RHAL estato Business places supplied or handled; sll states. K. V. Knlest. C-maha. TllK.ATKItS Buy, lease or sail your the ater, machine and supplies through Theatsr Kir hangs Co.. 140$ Faraara Bk loui:las 1KIT7. TO fl ET In or out of business call on 'MMIKHTAH, 404 Bee Bldg. loug. J477. ".i i.Avr.rnu.iAijcnttnmi oiierea ac- lll'a , . r. . I . k. . 1 i k w ... , . . .( IV 1." V . ' L- I. . k . . . with common sense and energy enough to conduit a respectable, nermanent raah buelness that a easily managed, free from ....- (,,,n ai'i-ncn-qmca s'iiemea, Wll.r. m-lK 1 k. . ... . j law.r, mini .'.'"' v" should be cloar.-d yearly. Owner of thia business Invites the very closest inveatlgstion in every way. Full partic ulars win nave to be given at personal ........ w, oy aiioreaaing I -, ties. WIIV rent? Will sell lS0-rre farms In virr vaiivy, Minn , eieci Dutiainga, -,'iv'j iuii oogs on iitm payineni oi $ju and $1 per acre and In ureal at per i empieionjau Uee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTKI A grocery In exchange for a second m,riuA , si -. a . - cent, running for about IS years on 140 aura, liariieui county, Nebraaka. First mortgage is $1.0uu. running for 4V yeara .. ... .uu,u iiKniiiiuon. no Old s loons r 'ts of fixtures will be considered. uun oun ri , omaba, -et. CLAIMS PAID. W ILL cash county claims. Douglas 7VA EDUCATIONAL The Vao Sant School Stenography y school, I Oo tu 4s. Da Night schuol, I I to .!$. Ula aad Fauaai iU l-suglas S447. EDUCATIONAL FOR sole tha following acboiaratiipa Jm a first clxa Omaha Busmeea Colleaa: Ona unlimited combination buaiaesa and shorthand course. Ona unlimited business course. Ona vnllmlted stenographic course One three months' business or atena- griphlo course. Will he aoid t a d'scoiist at tba office of the Omaha Be. Boyles College Day School, Night Hchool, complete business course, complete shorthand or stenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and Kng lleh. Students admitted at any tinia. Write, phone or call for 1H15 catalogu-S. BOTLKS rOLIKOE, II. H non.RI President. Tel. D. 1556. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, I ! ELECTRIC waahera, $40.75; electric Irons, Omaha's Great Mall Order House. FOR SALE Faraltar, Haaoeaold Uoada, Ut. TYFKrCS bouf ht snd sold. J. C. Reed. ' 1207 Farnari St. u. 14. FURNITURE BARGAINS. Refrigerators, kitchen cabinets, china rsblnets, dressers, tables, chairs, etc. 1839 North 24th. Webster !W. Horses aad Vehicles. HIP me stock to South, Omaha. Bay mileage and shrinkage. Your ooDStgn ments receive prompt and careful alls a- Uon. DRUMMOND hand-made buggy, cheap. Douglas SMI. HOUSES FOK SALE 21th and county line. Tel. South yet. FARM wagons $no and up; harness, $40. Johnson-Danforth Co., ICth a Clark Bts. TEAM of 4-year-old marea, well matched, weigni z,nu; s-yeer-oia work norae, weight 1.400, and handsome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tle for children; bargain; party going to Ban Francisco April 10. 2421 Dodge L HORSES for sale. O. B. Harding Coal Co.. 9:1 N. 24th, Bouth Omaha. I OWN Ml aires fine Irrigated land, fenced and half broke, all level, fine soil, about i miles northeast of Fort Morgan, Colo. Price $fl.ono. Incumbered about $1,200 and due. Will take cheap western una. clear, ror equity, or gro cery good moving picture show or a good hotel In Omaha. 240$ Burt St., Omaha. REAL bargain for cash to settle our es tate, 2 full-blood Percherona. mare and rcldlng, weighs, 2,Snt lbs.; 2 matched pair of brown marea, 2,000; also Percheroo mare and colt; must be as represented or money refunded. 2225 Dodge St. cor. 14 Bt. Live Stock CoamlMlii Mfrrksita MARTIN BROS. CO.. Bxonanga Bldg. Masleal laatraaseaia. FIRST-CLASH cornet. Webster fil. Slightly used high grade piano. D. 2017" Paaltrr, Rbtcs aa aaitea. STEREOTYPE matrices make tha Vast and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable then tarred felt and practically r I re proof. ?tc a hundred at The Bee office. TlilO eggs you sell make the profit In me pouury Business. weicn s wonaer ful White Indian Runner aJucka lav more large white-shelled, good eaVns eggs than ITT,,,,, tmj iiikk vnn-aa vwr w fi for 1 year. Hatching eggs, $1 for 12; $8 per 100. J. J. Welch, Cherrycroft, Omaha. Neb, Benson 400. o R. C. It. I. Red eggs from selected dark stock ; also two fine large cockerels. Wal. 2341. Thoro. barred rock eggs S cents. Wsl. 19. WHITE) WYAN. cockerels. Benson 66 W. Mixed grain, 100 lbs.. $L74. Wagner SOI N.14, Typewrlters. RENT an Oliver Typewriter t mo. for $4. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1906 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. 1906 Farnam. Mlacellaaeeaa. FOR BALK New and second-hand carers and racket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accesaorlea; bar fixtures of all kinds; essy payments. The Brunswick Balke-Collender Co.. 407-400 B. 1Mb Bt Auction! Auction! J 768 Gallons of High Test Penn. Auto Oil in containers, couifirising' 44 Va barrels; also 200 lbs. Transmission Grease to he sold at Public Auction to the highest bidder on MONDAY, A PHIL 19TU, 2:00 P. M. Sharp, at Gordon Ware house & Van Co 1 1 th And Davenport Sts., Omaha, Neb. Dowd Sale & Auction Co. Auctioneers. 4i j (j(J A-a. blue-white diamond stud; rings. Ftledman'a. 'l2U Douglas. FtR SALE One car xrt buttermilk after May , Address 1014 N. 20th bt.. Bouth mana. yv. . tun ii SECOND HAND Penny -ln- lot ma. cnines ot various kinds, also cooi range ana gas ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor ;0J B Uat Ave. Phone Harney Ut -hand nn h v.rves Wreck, i .1 t J-CELL "Extde" Storage battery used nionins, ror sale, neaoy Tor use. it. 47. THE BURMEIBTER CULTIVATOR SHOVEL will sa fa the corn roots; been oa the market I yeata Are fully guaranteed. Price reduced thia year to $1 per set of four and $4 per set of six shovela. Book let free. Chas. Hunneiater, Bos H 49s, Sutherland, la- A8TOCk nwrrbersliiu at the Happy Hol lw Club. r.S, If sold at once. W el. ID 71. A bargain, new stenotype and second hand L. C. Smith typewriter, $120 takea both. Address II. R. Giasser, Austin, Minn. NEW wardrobe trunk, $0, cheap. Web ster 4SH. IP YOU have anything to sell, call the national bale and Auction tTimnany. THEY MELL KVERVTHI I i Ll, Catl Red K 1J17 W. Q, W. Bldf. I ELECTRIC piano, 1 Nelson piano, 1 sat buggy harness, 4 electric celling fans. 10 electric light fixtures, 4 gas rangee, 1 heater. For sale or trade for dlamonda J. C. Ish, Executor Tut S 31st Ave. Phone Harney S4& FOR SALE CHEAP Stock In the Imud raie at auction i o.. ia-i w. rwog M-hund mat.lili.ery. 11 (Jros, tl and I'auL FURNITURE STORED Aheolute tlunrantee Agalnft MOTHS, FIRK, BCROLARS. RKFF.RKNCKS: ANT BANK. Telephone Douglan 1B47 and We Will Call for Ooods. 401 S. 15th 8t. FIT18 STORED Absolute Guarantee Agalnnt MOTHS, FIRH Bl'ROLARS. REFERENCF.H: ANY BANK. 0. E. S11UKKKT, Telephone Douglas lfi47 and We Will Call for Goods. 401 S. ISth St. HELP WANTED-FEMALK- rfVrlcal aad Office. NO FI1JNO KKE. BFST COMM KKCIAL POSITIONS. ROGERS RKF. CO.. S'ate Bank. FIRST-CLASS lady look keeper and stenographer, for permanent position. Must be capable and have business abil ity. State experience and (rive reference. 119 Bee. NEW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos. magnetos, etc.. and mechanical repairs. I-e Bron Electric Works. 318-20 S. Uth. o LeXv'E your name with tin It's quicker. BUSINESS MENS REF. ASSN., 1319-20 Woodmen of the World Bldg. 8TBNO. and dictaphone opr., $Hn. I WATTS REF. CO., K40-42 Brandels Thea. J STENi ., out of town. $!i0 to $. i WATTS RF.F. CO., 840-42 Brsndele Thea. i i " . i ISaetorr aad Trades. LEARN halrdreselng. Oppenheim Parlors WANTED Expert nresser (lady), dry cleaning department. Bluff city Laun dry, Council Bluffs, J a. LADIES wanted for decorating- sofa pil lows at home, spare time, experience unnecessary, good pay. Call Famous, 2307 8. mh. WANTED Olrl for .sundry work. Hotel Fontenelle laundry. Apply to time keeper. Hoasekeeaers aad Domestics. THE Servant Olrl problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you set the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Brine ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler luoO. 4 OIRL for general housework, no wash ing, good wages. I). .12W. WANTED Woman for general house cleaning, isiz Capitol Ave. WANTED-Flrst-class girl for general nouseworg; good cook; neat, competent; permanent home for right girl. Phone H. 3932. 3S30 Harney St. GIRL wanted for general housework; ramiiy or z: noutn Omaha. Bouth xtzs. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. 3315 Burt Bt. WHITE girl to assist with housework; no cooking or washing. Webster 6363. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. Best of treatment and a dandy home to right girl. Treated as one of family. Phone Harney 42S6 or Harney 2268. EXPERIENCED girt for general house work: no washing. 3910 Dewev Ave. Harney 2Sog. GIRL for general housework. 1632 N. 26th St.. South Omaha. lloasekeepera aad Domestics, Wr ANTED An experienced girl for ren eral housework, no washing. 3910 Dpwey Ave. Harney 2800. GIRL to help with housework, good home. reasonaoie wages, on car line. 31U9 Sher man Ave. Webster 6343. YOUNG girl. 16, to assist with house work. Call In afternoon. 1040 8. 2Sth Bt. Harney 1706. EXPERIENCED girt for general house work. Sn36 Farnam Bt. Phone Har. 8K9. WANTEI Young girl to assist with housework; no washing or cooking: must go home nights. 2364 8. 83d. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family. Apply at once. 101 So. Wh Bt. WANTED A girl for general housework. liCJS BO. list Ml. rl. 154. WANTED -A competent maid for general housework, three grown persons In fam tly: no house cleaning. Harney B61S WANTED oookj must be white. Har. 1143. WANTED Qlrrto" assist with housework, prefer one who can go home nights. Harney OOfA WANTED Good girl for general house work, isis to. tn Ave. h. azsi. Mtseellaaeoos. LADIES to sew at home, all or spare time, uood pay. work aent prepaid. Bend stamp for reply. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., St. Iiuls, Mo. YOUNO women coming vo Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toons Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th fit-, where they will be directed to suitable boarding t laces or otherwise assisted. Look for our raveler's guide at Unioa statloa HELP WANTED MALE! Clerical aad Offlee. HTOH-GRADB commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE ft BOND A'BSN. TJ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED dry cleaner, $11W week. Young man to drive Ford car, $11.60 week. Three bookkeeping positions open at $60. Office clerk, rood penman, ona Irving at home, $74. BUSINESS MECTS REP., ABS'N., lSls-20 Woodmen of World Bldg. SQUARE PtXlH IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-W CITY NATIONAL BK. BI4X1. CITY salesman; good proposition. Apply St once 812 Bee Bldg. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Benefit. Health and Accident Association. 4:S-if City Nat'l Bank Bldg. lull i,L never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you right! No previous experience necessary; but small capital required. Big profits In this great re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Company. ZS Na tlonal Safety Vault Bldg.. lenver. Colo. I want experienced canvasser to act as district manager to Introduce brand new protected household specialty that's a necesaity and sold entirely by subscrip tion. This la a local and permanent po sition where right party ran make from $7 to $10 dally without any Investment other than honest efforts. Address M $21. Bee. BAHAMAS' A prominent, long estab lished eastern manufacturer of pharma eetitliala will pay good aalary. Must be experienced, capable, energetic, reliable. State age, references, etc. Address Ex tract E. K. Bruce A t. Agents Wanted We want some one to represent us In every town In Iowa and Nebraska a wa own and control some of the best Im proves ana uniraprovea farms In Min nesota. We are selling the farms on liberal terms so the renter and city man with a small capital can own a farm and watch It Increase In value under his touch. We handle corn and clover landa only, snd Invite Inspection as we have the soli and get the rain. Government statistics show that the state of Minnesota la coming to the front in farm products. Minnesota alnd will show a greater In crease In value In the next three yeara than any state In the union. The land where corn Is king and clover aueen. Write, wire or come snd see us. Lib eral Inducements. E. a. BARCOCK LAND CO.. Austin. Minnesota VsrUrr aad Trades. Drug store snaps; toha Knelat. Bee Bldg. WNTED-MEN TO LEARNTHKBAR BER TRADE and aocept positions at good wagea. Boss Barbers calling oa us tor help.. We prepare you in few weeks. Toole furnished. Wagea while learning. Call er write. MOLEH BAR HER OoL I.k!E. ! B. OMAHA. N LB. WANTED A first class auto repair man. None other need apply. Send refer ences In first letter. Rock Port Garage 4 statuine Co.. Rock Port. Mi tarlerr ana Trades. TOU MCST THINK We Rive you expert auto training; earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Come right now and get our free course In Klec. Ltg. tart'g systems; free o-talogue. Amer. Auto College, yifa Fa mam St.. Omaha. Tri-City Barber College. Ti:itlon fin, on account of Ma trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. Klectrlo nnm taught. Ilydraullo chairs. Catalog1 free. Il.'l Douglas S: , Omaha. WANTED A good, experienced candy maker, one ho hns rnd experience In penny roods f-r mnnufacturing trade. JxiR Cuming St. M Isrrlla aeoas. WANTI tnn to cat snd 'ks, IV. Coffee John. Nth nnd Capitol. GET WISE A t!iorou;li, practical automobile edu cation at minimum cot. Ask for cata logue C' and explanation of our get reeultg method, NEIlKAhKA AUTOMORILH SCHOOL. 1413-17 Dodge treet. Omaha, Neb. MAKE $10 to $73 weekly urowintf mush rooms In cell.iin, sheds, etc. Booklet free. .Mueliroom Farms, Hubbard Woods, WAN'I ED Nbiihm of men. Id or over, wlsnlnir government jobs. $'' month. No pulnececsHry. Address Y 4V Bee. RA 1 1 .WAY rTail t Terkr wanted. $75 month; pull nnne'Tcsary. Write Immedi ately for full pal tclulnrs. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 221 1 , Rochester. N. Y. He an Auto Mechanic and draw s. targe ralarr, or Into the auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school snd shops will bring this result for you. Write fur free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED MALI! AND FEMALE. WANTED Persons to copy letters at home. Earn $10 to $25 weekly. Send stamped envelope for particulars. Stan dard Copy Co., 925 Laird, Oklahoma City, Okl. SITUATIONS WANTED REFINED, experienced woman wishes position as housekeeper for business couple. References exchanged. Address A 312, Ree. EXPERIENCED young man, 23, having finished training as cashier and bill and office clerk. Has excellent penman- snip and is college irraaunie. Desires position In Omaha or eMewhore. Pouglas (037. or address J -2.. Bee. CHAUFFEUR and mechanic wants posi tion, private or truck: knows city, and best of references. T. Elmore, 532 6th Ave, Council Bluffs, Iowa. LACE curtains and fancy clothes care fully washed. Webster 4283. WANTED Position on a farm; I am single, sober and can furnish refer ences. Address E 315, Bee. EXPERIENCED married man and wife with child 1 years old, wants place on farm, with everything furnished. L. J. Ijiudet. 260S Harney. REFINED lady wishes board In private family In exchange for companionship or light services. Address C 826, Bee. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would da well to call up the office of the Omaha 4 Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In ,he street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore tl sin to the rightful owaer. Call Doug. 41. LOST Bungalow curtains, between 38th snd Leavenworth and Center and 42d Sts. Reward. Phone Harney 8161. BROOCH, lost at German Home Sunday evening. Reward. Call Webster 1278. -J MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without 8UR0ICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice. 408-4-10 Omaha National bank. 17th and Farnam bts. DR. WILLIAM CEEIGHT0N MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate ef Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. T. -o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical ou eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. K. TAllltY. 240 Bos Bldg. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE 26 to 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mail Order House. 71S 8. 9th St. NURSERY SEKDb AND PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants, roses, concord grape, sue dnsen Home sales ground, 61st ft Rlggs, Benson. Omaha sales ground. 24th and Cuming. Benson-Omaha Nursery. Benson 634. HAZEL DELL NURSERY Fruit, shade and ornamental trees, shrubs, evergreens and roses. Nursery west of Florence. Tel. 4006. Omaha sales yards 24th and Plnkney. Phones Web ster 4127 and 3496. M. P. BYKD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location. 17th snd Dodge. Phones: D. 4498 and Xveb. 4161. BEAUTIFY your horn with the finest of nursery stork ever grown. See for your self. Gate City Nursery. Phone D. 2060. Sales ground. 1118 Dodge St. CHOICE, complete line of snrubs. ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; save agents' commission. J. Westrora Nursery Co.. at old location. 20th and Harney Sta. 00 DUN LAP strawberry plants, $1; 1,000 $4; postpaid. W. C. Hetdon. Blair. Neb. PERSONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless we receive ZC9 subscriptions to the U it. Journal, $1.60; B. E. Post. $1.50; or Country Gentleman. $1, in April (also SuO by Sept.) that $7.0u0 for THE IN VALIDS PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Your renewals contribute Ml cents. Phone Douglas 7163, or mail. Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as Strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Cbrtstlsn association building at ITth St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places sr otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne so Helta your old rlotb'ng, furniture, m ani lines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4l and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bums. U10-U13-1114 Dodas bt. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAUA Asssssissls. E. A. DW OKAK, C P. A . Address 431 Ramgs Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7u6. Addla Machine. DeJton Adding Machines, all a. la. D. IU. Adder Men. Co. Wls. W. O. W. p7taa Aatatear riaUklag. FILMS developed free If purchased from 9 "vw vnn oiioy. sis zee tiiug. iept U. ArchltaM.. fcyerott 8. Dodds. sU Ptxtoa Blk. P. Msl. Anla aad Maaavte Ueaalrtaau Magus lo repair work, a, apswialty. D. till, LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OK OM AHA A A.I Dowd Auction Co . 1U5-1 W. O. W. R. Iowd Auetton Co.. llin-l W. O. W. R. 3J6. -r Blue Prrattaa. HORN t.' I ll-ai rwni J.. m umin, Nat l Bank Bldg. Braaa Fnaadrlea. Paxton-Mitch)l Co.. Tth and Martha Rts. Carpenters and oatraetora. STEVENSON. 83 8. 21d. Douglas BJ0 ( hlnn I'nlnllna Ruth Letrhford. decnrstlng. firing. R. 441 ( Knslsrers, M. 3. LACY. f.H PEE BLDO. DOUO. 471S. t res in Separator. . Tbe Pharples Separator Co.. 12th Fern. tianeins ' Acaieiies. CHAMBERS' Academy, ctaealc. D. 1871 Try Mackle's first. 1818 Harney. Doug. 5448. I Cistern find Well IMaglna. ' NEED well or cistern . leaned or dugt 1 BCHAFFER does It. Phone Web. tin. , Prrnmsklst. I Terry Dressmr.k'e; college. 10th Farnam, Deteptlvrs, INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States, Canaoa or Mexico, to Paxton Blk. Doug. 1773. Walnut 152a JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1136. DeatlMs. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W.Bldg. Bailey, the Dentist. ;oii City Nat l Bank. Taft Der.tal Rooms. If, 17 Douglas. D. 211. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 724 City Nat. Bank. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Donnell Drug.X'o., Omaha, Neb. Kverythlaa (or Wosaea. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst tto pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and Styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 193. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed MS N. 16th St. Klnrlata. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam Bt P. JOOO. L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. Memner florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. Hat Dyers. Straw hats ded Dora Elsele, H3 C. Nat Llabtina- Klxtavea mm Wlrlaa. DTIRKTN Thomas. Douglas 2519. Live Stnelc Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 S. 13th. Red 4251. Messeaaee aad T..... WHITE LINE. 910 N. 1th Bt. Pong. 3311 Mask. ..rf ...... .. ' MPO. of lodge regalia anc? costumes. Theo. Lichen Sc Bon. 1614 Howard. P. 4111. Maaaenrs. MJ?S JSTAPLBSi mass., eieo. bath. P. 713. Open eve.. 9 p. m.: Sundays. 12 to t MASSAOK 620 Bee Bldg. Doug. 372. Maaaenra. BATH an'1 mass., alcohol rub. Laura ' Wilson, 1802 Farnam. room 2. Doug. 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. fYYRA nP.T.T.TWftV Eastern arrl VR, Try my good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m., Including Sundays. HI 8. 17th near Douglas, notice walk In, up stairs front room 6. MISS JACOBS, msss. Tel. Doug. 4297. IS1T Miss Venlta, new massage parlors; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments. 100 8. 17th St. MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Bteele. Clara tee. hath and massage. Doug. 8761. M Brugman, mass.,203 Karbach Blk. R.2727. BATH8, 214 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. Motion Plotaree. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. printing;. WATETR8-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 1190. 624 9. 13th St. COREY M'KENIE PTG. CO. D. 1044. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUO. 8764. Osteopathia physicians. Dr. Renicha. tns-4 McCsgue Bldg. T. SUM. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg.. D. 2141 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg Pateata. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bturges. 630 Brandela Theater Bldg. Pateat Developxaeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th 8t Palatlaar and raserlag. HUGH M'MANlrn. 417 N. 40th. H. $73. Omaha Paste Co. Snowflake paste. D. 8760. Plntnea Renovated. PLUMES HATS made over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. 8394. Prlatlafj. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. Roach Rxtermlantoi. B B B Roach powder, Men-It's Pharm. afe and Time feock alxperta. SAFES ssssft- reFD."E,r,-ra3vm?: aae Repalrta. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 111 8. 11 Signs and IkswearSa E. M CLARK 4k BON. 11$ 8. 16TH 8T. teel Celliagra. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. Mere and Office rsatarea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. $724. Tlawork. CENTRAL TIN 8HOP, 1117 Dodge. Doug, las 4Z&4. OMAHA Towel Supply. 807 8. tlth. D. 628. rausrs. CHAS. C. LANPFRTOT7. 108 N. loth St Trnaka and Suitcases FRELING ft STEINLE. 1808 Farnam St Vrterlnarlaas, DR. O. R. YOUNG, tor Center. Wal. JDla Wines aad Llaaore. ALEX JETES. 201-3 8. 13th St. Wines, liquors, cigars, flats dinners. 11 to s, lOc. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wuic, ua pgr ssi. write ror price Hat HEN-RY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE? win, wr. in-cgm luncn. BUT your family lliiuora at Klein's Liquor House, tm N iSth. Ixauslas iog. Wall Paper Cleaalaa;. QUEEN City Cleaning Co. makes old wall paper and painted wa'is like new Ty ler 1481. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO TUBES Two new auto tubes, n.v.P hav. IwAn 1 1 mA v.l , !-.,.,- or gin s Dicycie. AUdress c. 910, Bee. AUTO FOR MOTORCYCLE Have 30 h p. car. stripped for racing; engine, trans mission, mag-ueto, etc., just overhauled Rear tires 36x4inch Nobby Threads and new. Only late model two-speed motor ryles considered on this car, if anything like even trade Is expected. Address b C. 923. Bee. AUTO Passenger car. run one season; just overhauled and painted. Will trade far good paper, real estate, or what have you. b. C. 918. care Bee. AUTO TRIC KFOR SALE. IJall.Inn all, A , .-. l.'L- . 1 . . . . l - thing for a market gardener. Price, $J0 for quick sale. Truck is In In good run ning order. m itus4,itA.PKN co.. 1611 Howard 80 A. lioyu Co., Neb., to trade for good emu or voltage. jiuuress I AL Tt First-cutsa Brush auto; mi hi ex change for a diamond or good horse and butgy. Address o. C. 9US. Bee. Al'TtS 1 hsAe 1 Brush autos In freight house, with about I A) freight against th-in. What will you trade me worth $1W for them. Have to be taken out Monday. Let roe know Immediately. Ad dress S. C. Bee. AUTOMOBILES Fot other automobile bargains sea la "AuluuHibUe ' tasmft caUwsb v SWAPPERS' COLOIX Bl'SIVKSS CHANCIv-Have psylng dry clesning buoinefs. 1 nocl iikh iiioney to expand It. Will trade hlf Interest tor vacant lot. A(1ircs . ! iVuVtnii it'll on K. with Sn selected rec- ords; recording and reproducing needles. Will exchanue for visible typewriter. -1I v a t.. , i l.vmi I V(!l' WO ntt-fm irood ChrlS- linn ('o Missouri land, well located, for good serviceable car. Will take any dir I terence lacking on land. Address O. 317 Bee. FOUR-HOLE cook stove to trade for b by rub. Address S. C. 912. Bee. FOUR-HOLE kb range to trade for Imby cab. Address S. C. Sll, Bee. CORN PLANTER What have you to exchange for a flrst-clnss corn planter, 7-foot weedv i-horse plow, 2-lirse wagon tongue. Frtiffr chickens. Address 8. C WC. Bce EDISON MOV1NO PICTIIIK MACHINE for motorcycle, chlctens or anything of equnl alue; Xi2, Bee. price, $7; Address 8. C. RED DAHLIAS for other colors or other plants. Address 8. C. 916, Bee. LAWN mower. 60 ft. 18-cent red garden hose, spade, two shovels, two rakes, one hoe and revolving lawn sprinkler; all fine condition. Will trnde entire lot or any item separately. Could use drop-head sewing machine or kodak. Address S. C. 924. Bee. MOVIE MACHINE One new exhibition motion picture machine; will exchange for Ford car, motorcycle or anything I csn use. Address S. C. 917. Rec. FOR SALE Good Harley-Davldson mo torcycle or trade for llpht roadster. Tullls. 2400 Avenue C. Council Bluffs. LOT HAVE CLEAR DEEDS AND TI TLE TO LOT IN CASPER, WYO. . WILL TRADE FOR DIAMOND OR,' OOOD VICTROLA. ADDHiiSS 8. C. 914. Bee. LOT IN DIX, NEB. On Main line R. R. Value $50, to trade for electric fans, bull dog, or what have you 7 8 323, Bee. MANDOLIN Burton $3S Mandolin, a very i fine Instrurrent, In perfect order, trade for Jewelry typewriter or chickens; make offer. 8. C. 913, Bee. JITNEY BU8-W111 trade my Interest of a $i0 payment on new $1,135 Btudebaker delivery car, balance of which can be paid at $60 per month. Will trade for vacant lot worth $360. Address 8. C. 920, Bee. HAVE diamonds and other property. I wish to trade for small auto or motor cycle. Address S. C. 919. Bee. PIANO Dandy piano for good horse and PIANO High grade piano; am using it in my home; would exchange It for a diamond for my wife- Address 8. C. 908, Beo. REFRIGERATOR H ve nearly new Peerless refrigerator, used only two months, 100-pound capacity. Address B. C. 9C8, Bee. SEA LtoKlNS Have 1 whole Alaskan seal-. skin; 2 Alaskan seal ladies' coats; have been used for exhibition only, and 4 whole deer skins; will trade for 6-passenger car In good condition. Address Y 479, Bee. PIANO Want a Bond liu-h 1r4vln fit for Lyon A Healy upright piano. Address 8. C. 921. Bee. SIGNS, showards. Clark ft Bon. D. 187a. PIANO Want a Ford runabout. In good running order, for best vacuum washers manufactured or a selected Lyon ft Healy upright piano costing $360 cash. Address 8. C. 922, Bee. STOCK What am I offered In exchange for 3,600 shares of stock, par value $1.00, in one of best coal mining properties In Wyoming? Address S. C. 902, Bee. WILL trade typewriter for a safe, snap. Address 8. C. 904, Bee. WATCH $32 Walthara watch, trade for diamond, gun or chickens; make offer; will consider typewriter. 8, C. 930. Bee WILL trade 10 acres of fruit land In Klamath county, Oregon, for a Ford runabout in good condition. Address L. 320. Bee. WHAT have you to swap for complete brick making outfit; been used very lit tle. P. Simpson, R. F. D. 1, Box 54, Genoa, Neb. FOR RENT Apartments and Klata. THE THOR V A LD One elegant 4-room apartment; will decorate; reference re quired. Harney 6610. $10.60, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family. 1915 Elm St R. 6073. ST. GEORGE, 118 N. Jit Ave.; five-room suite; select West Farnam district. Phone Web. 1674. FOR RENT S rooms with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and doss to car. $12.60 per month. T. SULLIVAN, $15 Brandels Theater Bldg. Poug. 441S. 10-ROOM brick flat, six blocks from post office. Tel. Douglas 1298. CENTRAL No equal n price or quality; iiwn nouee, s-room liar, ri . imo. FIDELITY Rental frm? Phone Douglas 288 for complete list ot ali vacant houses and spartmenta. also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. MODERN apartments, $20 and up. Hot end cold water free. G. P. Stcbhlns. CHOICE APARTMENTS. Save car fare. 5-room modern. Janitor service. CALIFORNIA APARTMENTS. See Janitor. Douglas 62.17. FIRST floor, four-room, modern. Tele phone Harney 6298. VIRGINIA, corner of Park and Popple ton Avea., R-room apartment, first class In every particular, vacant May 1. Har ney 6497. Vara lab est Amariaaenta. t OR 4 rooms furnished apartments for nouseaeeping. r amam. Farnlabed Hooxas. MADISON list and Chicago; steam heat: $10 mo. and up: cafe In connection. D.WsX STEAM heated rooms. $1 week. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. Beautiful front room; new; close In; priv ate; gentlemen preferred, wf. D. 4356. GENTLEMAN wants roommate, 4th and Farnnm: $1.60 week. Harney 72''. FURN. room: nice, quiet place; 2513 Ohio Bt. Web. 6X66. call eve, and mornings. 2412 CASS ST. Newly furnished or un furnlshed rooms, single or en suite. TRANSIENT rooms, 50c and $1 per day, or by week, also housekeeping rooms. 17TB Doage. 3 OR 4 rms.. mod., reasonable, for colored I MAI ' 4..L. . MWM people. if isv. -iiib ci. nru lwj. 3-R. mod., with barn. 1424 No. 17th St. 1'af orateaed Rooms. rOR RENT Beautiful front parlor; fine neighborhood; walking distance: refer ences exchanged. Red 3762. Llsjat Housekeeping Rooms. 6TEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kltch. enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs, la. Iloasekeeplag Rooms. FARNAM. 2S23 Three nice housekeeping rooms; eiecinciiy; gas range. 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 216 N. 23d. HKPQ. rms.; mod ; gaa furn. 2208 Harnev. Italia. BEST equipped lodge hall In Omaha, las. Inrun miul.rn Annf. V. . H i- . floor In city. Druid riall ,2414-1-1S Ames Ave.. Web. 2900 or Web. 782. Ho as a aad Cottages. MODERN 10-room brick, 2601 Capitol ave ni:e. Tel Harney 6664. e-ROOM. modern flat. $28. S3Z1 Cuming Call Walnut 29. b SA HOWAHI 6-rvom bouse, furnished or part furnished. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con-' dition. Location A-l. Benj S. Baker. Phones D482, II317