HIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, APRIL 10, lf15. Nebraska ) OMAHA'S CHARTER MEASURE SIGNED Governor Morehead Affixes Signa ture to Bill that Provides for Greater City. ALL FUNDS ARE INCREASED Nebraska Nebraska FIND SHALLENBURGER GUILTY IT r From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April IS 8peclal.)-The Onmha charter amendment bill signed by 'lovernor Morehead today provides for the establishment of a public welfare ommisslon. fixes mnximum amounts for Mirlous city operating expenses per year iind provides for a method for annexa tion when territory now located between Benson and Omaha shall have been added to Greater Omaha. The welfare commission, under the terms of the bill la empowered to utilize public school buildings for any purpose It sees fit In carrying on "s work; It sliall establish a comprehensive recrea tion system, effect parole and pardon rules governing the city Jail prisoners; shall establish a legal aid bureau, an employment bureau, a municipal farm, and shall look into all conditions sur rounding the public health, welfare and housing In general. It also Is given au thority to make researches of Interest to Its work. tt fixes a maximum revenue of $1,190, 0 per year from taxation, to which It allows the addition of 275.0no for crea tion of a sinking fund to pay off bonded indebtedness, and from ISO.OoO to llOCfriO for creation of a bond sinking fund to pay off matured bonds. The special funds as set out in the bill are given this maximum: Kire department. tW.0nn:, po lice department. ?0,000; public library. ."V: lights. ?!O,000; street repair and Kindlng. t;:,.n)0; cleaning and sweeping. JTrt.erti; repair of pavements and modifi cation and chancing of curbing and gut. tars. $."i0,000. Pr v:lon Is made for taking care of South Omaha expense between the end of the fiscal year there, July 1, and the commencement of the Greater Omaha fiscal year. January 1, V.U3. This provi sion was Insisted upon by the governor as s result of the passage of the con anlidation bill. Jury at Auburn Decides Man Who Confessed to Crime Com mitted It. I Miss Alena Relme took place Thurs dy, April IS, at the German Lutheran church north of this city The electric theater at this place was j bought by Thomas & Bosh from I C. Hacon. H. J. Merry, who has been man ager for the last season, will continue in the same position. I, , I Nebraska i : .i ! Nebraska Apartments, flats, houses and cottages can be rentedqulckly and cheaply by a Pe "For Rent" from Rloumf l-ll. n LOOM FIELD, Neb.. April IS. (Spe cial.) Morris Tessen was arraigned be fore the board of Insanity of Knox county and declared Insane. He waa taken to the state hospital at Norfolk. ' Ed Renner died Friday, April IS, of stomach trouble. The deceased was pres ident of tho Citizens bank here. He waa Interested In the Commercial bank of Warsaw and ihe bank of Spencer. T. M. Wood rough of Omaha has been secured to deliver the commencement ad dress for the high school. The graduating exercises will take place May 28. MURDER OF JULIAN BAHAUAD Ami'RN. Neb., April 18 -(Special.) Fuller Rhallenburger was found guilty of murder In the first degree last night nnd the Jury recommended a sentence of life Imprisonment for killing Julian Pahauad In ISM. This was the second trial for the defendant and the case had occ upied the time of Judge E. E. Good for five day.i. Julian Bahauad. an old man who lived the life of a recluse, tn k small house near the town of Julian In this county, was murdered during the course of nn attempt to rob him of a large sum of money which It was thought he ial with him In his house. The evidence showed that the murderers obtained be tween fsoo and II 00. It was further shown that he was struck on ' the head with a blunt Instrument while seated at the supper table, and died almost in stantly. The murder took place Juno 1R, ISlio, and Ihe authorities worked for years in an effort to unearth eviden-e s to who the guilty parties were, out the affair had remained a mystery until recently. Makes Confession. In the latter part of June, 1913, the de fendant, Phallenburger. suffered a se vere sunstroke near Burlington. Kan., and was taken to the county Jail by the sheriff. Shallenburger, upon being told by a physician that he might not recover from the Illness, requested the 'sheriff to Inform the authorities of Nehama county that he was Implicated in the murder vf Jullnn Bal.auad and desired to make a confession. Later he confessed to a de tailed account of the crime committed, then fourteen years ago. ' In November, 1S13. he was tried and convicted of murder In the first degree. His case was appealed to the supreme court, which reversed the case and re manded him for a new trial on the ground that the lower court erred in ex cluding certain evidence of former con fessions defendant had made which were found to be untrue. Implicated In Omaha Cases. In these former confessions Shallen burger stated that he was Implicated tn the murder of the Jonea family ilea Omaha In ISM. He also confessed to a murder in Nebraska City prior to the Bahauad murder, which he did not take take part in. In the trial Just closed the evidence so strongly corroborated the confession made at Burlington In all material de tails that the Jury took only thirty min utes to reach the verdict of guilty. County Attorney E. F. Armstrong, as sisted by Fred O. Hawxby and H. A. Lambert prosecuted for the state. The defense waa conducted by John C. Wat son and Max Conn, both of Nebraska City. NOTES FROM NORTH PLATTE AND OF LINCOLN COUNTY SCHOOL BILL IS DEFECTIVE Measure Giving State Aid to Rural Districts for Agriculture is Faulty. ONE OF MOST IMPORTANT ACTS NORTH rLATTE, Neb.. April 18.-(Spe-clal.) After having been In the local courts for ten years, the Lyle estate at Brady was settled l:t week when Ad- I mlnlslrator J. J. OTtourke turned over j the money and securities to the alleged heirs In Scotland. W. D. Lyle died In j Brady many years ago, leaving a large . estate. He was a man of mystery and nothing was known of hie past. Adver tisements in papers in Ireland brought letters from alleged heirs residing there. These heirs have secured the money. Becoming suddenly demented Friday night. R. Stethls. a Greek, suddenly leaped out of bed, picked up a rator and at tempted to slash the throat of his room mate, also a Greek. The roommate waa able to dodge the rator and give an alarm. Stethis was arrested and con fined at the county Jail. He will be given a hearing before the Insanity board Mon day. An entertainment, was given here Fri day evening by the high school boys to secure funds for the high school base ball team. The sum of $115 waa taken In. The high school Girls' Glee club fur nished music and a colored minstrel show was a feature of the occasion. Jitney cars have been started here by a local garage. The cars run every day from 6:30 o'clock to 9:30 o'clock and make regular schedules. Work will be started Monday on the tabernacle for the Lowry-Moody evangel- Istlc meetings to be hetd here beginning May 2. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. News of Rennhlloan City. REPUBLICAN CITT. Neb., April R (Speclal.) The marriage of Walter Ott 3 HE'S THE B MD EVERY LIE IS ; 7 a iiiiii "a 1 A LRU toU l I -Hrr at :1B and I j :io o- www i I I I i ii ! wwii, jijmi mmm I I It - ;"- ' ' ' ' , ' Bert at 3:10 and I; VTV' ' 1 . - ! " ' f-- " L-4 Ms 1 v . i BnnBnBnBnBaMMnMnBas-MMnBnBnnBnBnBnBaBnBnBBBBBBBnBnBnBBnnnBBaaBBnBnBnBnnBnnni I . I Bart at 4:35 ana BEIT I1KIB l I lOitv r. . vuy. As "To Typloal xaa." ii m w ... . . j i a BBBan-' Notes from Reward. SEWARD, Neb.. April 18. -(Special.) Harry Rutherford, an employe of the Milford Corn Meal mills, climbed to the ! top of the Burlington water tank Bat urday to take a kodak picture, when the ladder gave way, throwing him a distance of thirty feet and badly wrenching his back. The district meeting of the Rebekah degree mill be held at Milford April SO. G. Menlink sold his farm to J6hn Richert for S135 an acre and paid $13,350 for another farm. Mayor W. T. bonders has designated April 19 as tho beginning of "Clean Up" week and appointed a large, number of citizens to carry out hla plans . Petitions are being circulated to call special election to determine the loca tion of the STiO.000 school building to be built. It Is being considered whether an agricultural course shall be established as outlined by the Phumway act. The body jt the child of Dr. and Mrs. Clyde Moore of Scott's Bluff, Neb., was Interred here today. (From a Staff Correspondent ) LINCOLN. April l.-Spo. Ial.)-The bill passed by the Inst legislature :-ir state aid for consolidated r'iral schools teai-h-lug home economics, agriculture voca tional and Industrial training Is rendered Ineffective by a bit of legislative care lessness. It has been discovered. The measure, H. It. Tt.'. Introduced by Representative Klmeli.ml, falls to pro vide for the appropriation In the title, although the body of the hill provides for the appropriation ut of the general fund. The appropriation inuei.be in the title. ld for Small l-airlct. It was regarded as one of the most Important pieces of school legislation passed during the session It was espe cially designed for the enstern purt of the state, where the districts ar small and can be more readily consolld ilrd. It provided for state al.l according to the number of rooms in the consolidated school. A district supporting a school with one room was to receive stste aid of $wo a year for equipment and I1W a year for maintenance; one with two moms, $l.v for equipment and $3)0 for maintenance; one with three rooms, I .'50 for equipment nd $300 for maintenance. Meaanre la ftlanrd. It was estimated that between J40.000 and 150,000 would be used In this man ner. Governor Morehead has signed the bill and it will go on tne statute hooks despite the fact thnt the appropriation it provides for will not le available. Governor Morehead has also sinned H. R. 32, the bill providing for the appoint ment of a supreme cturt commission, should the governor recommend one. This bill also, as discovered after the legis lature adjourned, lacks an appropiistion. Inc. following a recent Inspection of the Ieru Normal. Members of the board are R. M. Campbell of Columbus. C. M Wal ton of Wahoo and H. M. Kalon of Km erson. The state sui erlntendenl has adopted a new plan for keeping Ihe record of the board s expenses, putting It on a straight certificate be-os. Hereafter no mlleaRe books will be used, but a receipt will be required for arh ticket purrhased. STOCK YARDS PETITIONS FCR INCREASE IN CHARGES Think of the comfortl You can do your work State Cleanup Days Fixed by Governor (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April lS.-(Speclal.)-Gov-ernor Morehead has Issued a proclama tion setting apart April 23 and C4 as "clean-up" days. He urges the observ ance of these days, not only as a means toward civic beauty, but also as a pre caution at this season of the year In the Interest of health and the safety of prop erty from fire. i From a Staff Coriespondent.) LINCOLN. April 1 (Special.) The t'rdon St ck Yards company of South Omaha has filed a request with the State Railway commission asking certain In creases In rates. One proposed Increase would charge the Cidahy Packing com pany pi Instead of $1 for delivering cars of stock thought to have been exposed to Texas fever to a separate and private chute: another item would rale the switching rhage from one line to an other from t'2 a car to $.1 a car. The petitioner explains that a similar complaint has been filed with the Inter state Commerce commission, and that that body has set tt for hearing In Omaha on May 5. The proposed Increases affect only a small per cent of Intrastate ftfflc. Methodist Church At Ponca Is Burned I'ONCA. Neb.. April lS.-(Speclal.)-Tha Methodist church at this place burned last evening. The fire Is of unknown origin, but it Is surmised that It was caused by a gas explosion. There had been a choir rehearsal and the last person had left the church about ten minutes previous to the time that residents saw fire burst from the build ing. It was with great difficulty that tho manse and other nearby residences wn:- saved. The Insurance carried was about $:,0n0. Rev. A. IT. Kggleston Is pastor. in half the time if you 4 I fifiSiiteffe j soap. Vnn Ho not nppH 7 hntV SCHOOL EXAMINERS MEET IN SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 17. (Speclal.)-The board of examiners and Inspectors for state and life certificates met In Stale Superintendent Thomas' office this morn- ftnlendlrt tor Rheumatism. "I think Chamberlain's Liniment It just splendid for rheumatism," writes Mrs. tUinburgh. Eldrldge, N. T. "It hat been used by myself and other membert of my family time and time again during the last six years and has always given the best of satisfaction." The quick re lief from pain which Chamberlain' Lini ment affords Is alone worth many tlms the cost. Obtainable everywhere. Adver tltcment. do not need a fire, you do not need to waste your strength, and you can get done in half the usual time, no matter what the work, washing, scrubbing or housecleaning. Ptlt b Co., Philedelph' MINNEAPOLIS MAN IS RESTORED TO HIS HEALTH BY USING AKOZ Elmer Erickson Ends His Rheumatism and Stomach Ills With Remedy. I.lrrry Barn Darns. BRA PSHAW, Neb., April l.-(Speclal Telegram.) The livery barn belonging to Park Emitter ft Son burned yester day with a loss of IVOnO. Most of the horses were saved. One valuable colt belonging to Johnson ft Rears and one team of mules belonging to P.udlett Hrothera and five other horses perished. The fire Is supposed to have originated from a spark from a pile of rubbish. Klmer Erickson, engineer of the Min neapolis Klks' building, whose residence Is at 1013 Park avenue. Minneapolis, Is loud In hla praise of Akot, the new Cal ifornia medicinal mineral, because of the promptness with which It ended his rheumatism and stomach trouble of long standing. "For seven years I suffered with stomach trouble and one year with rheumatism.'' said Erickson. "1 think I tried about everything. Various rem edies and physicians failed to relievo me but when I tried Akot. I began to feel better almost at once. "The ae'vere rheumatic pBlna In my arms, chest and shoulders left me en tirely In a few daya, and the sever palna, gaa and rumbling In my stom ach also d4sappeared. I now rest bet ter at night and feel better In every way than" I have In years. Akot la also a fine tonic, and I can cheerfully rec ommend It to others Buffering aa I did." This Minneapolis man Is but one of the great ' number who have found Akot most effective In the treatment of rheufnatlsm, stomach, kidney, blad der and liver trouble, ectema, plies, f o ELMER ERICKSON catarrh and other ailments. Akot la' a natural mineral containing no harm-! fut element. Akot la now being demonstrated at Sherman ft MeConnell'a Uth and Dodge St. atore. Visit, phone or write tho Akot man for further Information re garding thla advertisement. I Swap Anything in the "Swapper' Column' n rrn !EST IJ&Rt OtJ THE . ABUERIOaPl.STa XXD EVERT .LIE IS A LA86H J L ",,r " ' """ 11 1 " 1 1 1 nii.iiiiainii.ii.ia HlfilF? MATINEE liviUibu DAILY IF nn UbJVSl Xiie Reason's Most Notable Engagement n 17 , t'-'VIT" ) n wm LM M YOU CAN'T tlia fact that the following lineup la amply able to entertain you and yuur whole family, royally. BERT BAKER . Great Anyway Ton Consider Xlm MIDGIE MILLER Effervescent Sonbrette. MZmCXDES AaTST ALVIN & WILLIAMS In "Jost for Jeot." LUCILLE MANI0H sTothlng Bnt Class TITS Mill GJRDOM & MURPHY Wonderful Aorobatio Danoert. CKAS RAYMOND YersatUe Comedian CXAS. KATKIX CALLAHAN & MILLER lngera and Sanoara Xztraordlaary. ABB inui OOLAil & JACKSOm Wblrlwlad Dancers. ANTONIO QUORADO lrom gancy Italy. rZAXI. DAIST BROWN & NORTH Vnnsnal remlnlae Punsters. And Kuperb IVeauty Chorus of SWEET YOUNG THINGS AND THE Replete With Striking Specialties ill tu.l 'V (. -!.; iiv i..-.s Ak-tt.' .VI' ,.i ' Q 9 : j. . .. LUCIUS MA.HIOBT mearta Ara Tramps MIDUIB af.lIiI.Em Cyclone Comeoleaaa O CV-- BEST BAKES Za lnblle or rrlvate Elfe, Sleeping or Waking, AX. WATS THAT BAKXB IMTL1, THE KANSAS CITY PAPERS OF MONDAY, APRIL 12, SAID IN PART: "JOl RAI," The (iayctjr thaa an unusually successful comedian thia wek In IVert Hker. Ho extracts nearly all the laugh which he puta Into "My Wife's Husband" of which he la author. A lively chorus aid In the fun. "TIM KK-HTA R" -Bert linker and hla Ilou Ton (ilrls have a live and interesting show. The houae rocked much with laughter at the troubles oC the husband whooe lot is to always explain. Raker In the stellar role 1 well supported by a good roinpany. la hla i monologue, "The Typical Tad," he tells tales of his boyhood that bring the laughs or tears, as he wills. "ItKST' JACK LONDON'S CRITIC. SM OF THE BON TONS . The soeaery was massive and fins painted, the stare was full of eaceedlngly pretty glris, beautifully eostnmed, and moving gracefully, tn tnne, and of evident cultivation. Bert Baker, tne principal comedian, waa aa artist of tne first rank and kept the audlenoe la constant roars of laughter. I have never beard suoa hearty, uarsetretaed laurbter la aay tbeater la my life. Then came Mldaie la tiler, the suubretve, a remarkably aa-lle youaar woman, beautiful of face and flfnre and possessing- a sweet tiuflDf voice and dancing' skill. Then tbe leading woman, la'i elllo atanlon. Here waa a aurprtae of tb evening a younr woman of great beauty and polae. Her voice was cf remarkable range and sweetness. Tor two hours I sat admiring thla great snow and wondurLuf at the chance that baa taken place la burleaaue since tho old days wnen, aa a boy out for a frouo, I gave up my old dime for a- Beat la thawfallery "to see the girls." Tbe whole show impressed me greatly not a word eg aotloa that would off and aay lady or gentleman a show to which saea aad women may go without the sUahteet ml salving. It waa a new ens a me. (Slf-aed) JACK I.OsTDOsT. NO INCREASE IN PRICES; QUESTION: Will There Be Scats Enough Horo's tho Show Bert at 6:00 and 11:05 r.M. Daily- HE'S THE JOHN BUNNY Er Clean. Classy. Brilliant BURLESQUE THAT KriTOMIZEH WHAT WKVK HKKN WAITING F O It ALL MKA8UN And Now It's Horo GRAND CONCERT TWICE DAILY Ity Professorine Uertina Baker's Suffragotto Dand (With The Human Fountain Pen) Bear It and Laugh Your Laugher Loose il :