Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Owa Mta Fire on Carrtnza General
and Staff, Thinking They Are
Villa Soldiers.
LAREDO, Tex., April 18. General
Maclovlo Herrera, Carransa com
mander at Nuato Laredo, opposite
here, waa killed by his own men, who
mistook him and hla aUff for Villa
troopa, according to Information re
ceived late today by General R.. K.
Evans. In command of United Statea
troopa here.
General Herrera and members of
hia ataff had taken a position on a
hill several miles south of Nuero
Laredo. No battle was in progress,
but a Carranxa train bearing a ma
chine gun came past.
Idler Opt Fir.
The soldiers aboard mistook Gen
eral Herrera's party for Villa troops
and opened fire. Herrera fell dead
with five bullets through his body.
His aid and several other members
of his ataff also were killed.
The Information received by General
Evan hare did not siv the exact lo
cation or time of Herrera's death which
other reports said occurred nine miles
southwest of Nuevo Laredo early today.
The version given out In Nuevo Laredo
was that Herrera waa wounded by a
kick from his horse and later shot by a
bullet from one of his own men In the
confusion that followed. Herrera's body
was brought to Nuevo Laredo and per
mission was asked for burial here.
Washington la Doabt.
WASHINGTON, D. C. April n.-Offlclal
Washington Is atlll In donbt as to the
status of the battle tlist has been waxed
for nearly a week between the two big;
armies of General Villa and General
Ohregon In the vicinity of lraputo,
Celaya and Queretaro.
"Doth sides claim victory," said Seo
retary Bryan today commenting on re
ports received, "t suppose we will know
definitely after a while."
There has been comparatively little In
formation from American consular agents
la the battle tone, although the State de
partment las received various claims of
victory made by both sides.
Abaadoa the Mege,
BROWNSVILLE, Tel., April 17.Oen.
eral Villa's attempt to besiege Mata
moras was definitely abandoned today so
far as the present Is concerned. Major
General Frederick Funston and ataff left
Brownsville for Ran Antonio. The general
expects, however, to keep to close touch
with the border situation.
Robber Setnenced
To Pen Flees Jail;
' Third Within Week
FORT IX) DC EX la., April IS. (Special
Telegram.) In a daring daylight break
for . liberty this morning,. Elmer Mar
griun, sentenced to the penitentiary for
taenty years for robbery, escaped from
Webster county Jail. This Is the third
escape from Jail within a week here,, as
Raymond Burgess Implicated In rofcbcrtrs.
and George Murphy held by the govern
ment on boot legging charge, successfully
escaped last week and have not yet been
Margerum Is believed to have received
help from fellow-occupants of the Jail.
He was locked In a cage, the door was
forced. The rod running to the bolt on
the cell from which Burgess and Murphy
escaped was bent so the lock opened. The
bar rawed by Burgess and Murphy had
not been replaced and Msrgerum crawled
through the opening. He descended to
the ground by the fire escape.
Msrgerum last year, held up ,an auto
driver, bound and gagged him and threw
him Into a cornfield. He took his watch,
some money and the automobile. His
wife wss with him. They escaped from
a posse and were a res ted In January. In
North Dakota. His wife .was released
because she was In a delicate condition.
KHKNANDOAH, la.. April lS.-( Spe
cial. )Kry thing from I tow to- get new
members to how often socials should be
given will be discussed at the Christian
Kndeavor convention Friday, Saturday
and Sunday of this week, when delegates
from the societies of ten counties gather
here for the' thirtieth annual convention
of the twelfth district. ' Representatives
will come from Mills. Montgomery,
Adams. I'nlon. Ringgold. Tsylor, rage,
Fremont and Adair counties. The meet
Intra will be held at the Christian church.
Among the speakers will be Dr. Leavttt.
pastor of the Plymouth Congregational
church. Omaha: Nelson W. Wehrhan,
dean and acting president of Tabor col
lege. Tabor, la.; Dr. A. B. Marshall,
president of Omaha Theological seminary,
and Mary B. McPherrln. state secretary,
M. Charles Msyard, director of restau
rants at Hotel Fontenelle, declares he Is
a most unfortunate man.
i nave aee inree seas, out I nave no
time for see sleep." he says.
lie and his wife have an apartment on
Fleetwood avenue, and he also has a
private room with lounge off his of
fice at the hotel. Managing Director
fcui bank even offered M. Mayard smother
room on aa upper story of the hotel In
order that he might retire for a nap oc
But the busy Frenchman says that he
never has time to rest t the fontenelle,
and rarely gets liome before midnight
et he alwaya appears early for work.
He says he would Ilka to have fewer
leda and more time to use one of them.
WASHINGTON, April ll.-The public
health service was advised today by Hur.
teoa von Esdorf at Morgan City. La.,
tha( the twe patients from the schooner
Persls A. Col we Is crew suspected of yel
low fever had typhoid fever and throat
inflammation. There waa no yellow fe
ver, tt etaa dechvred.
The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Chief Executive Hat Appointment of
Additional Judge of District
(From a Htsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April IS. (."pedal. )-Crestlon
of new offices by the lsit legislature he
set candidates for them afire over the
state snd In poiiglss ebunty ami ss a re
sult Governor Morehead has telephone
calls, letters and personal visits, which
he must sandwich In between attention to
the tall-end of a flood of bills.
A new district Judge must be named In
the Ninth district, a public defender In
Douglas county and a list of candidates
for supreme court commissioner must be
prepsred from which the high bench msy
make Its selections.
The bill providing for the latter offi
cials was signed by the executive today.
No appropriation Is msde for the work,
but It Is probable that the officials will
be chosen and a chance taken that the
next legislature will mske up the defi
ciency. One provision of the bill sets out that
100 rases now pending In the stats, court
shall be given to the commission for hear
ing. Another provision allows the court
to list cases with It from time to time
as It disposes of litigation.
There are to be - threw commissioners,
with salary of 13.000 apleoe. The list
of possible candidates Is to be prepared
by Governor Morehead. It Is understood
that one already favored by the latter Is
former Attorney General G. O. Martin.
(Continued from Page One.)
men as Blackburn, Jefferls and button."
declared Oeorge D. Moiklejohn. He In
sisted that republican supremacy may be
gained by republican solidarity and he
urged the elimination of bolters, weather
cocks snd nondescripts. "I will vote a
republican ticket this time aa t have
done since MM.". Mr. Melklejohn added.
Chairman Jefferls was empowered to
name a city central committee and to call
another meeting of the league. It was
resolved to distribute copies of the reso
lutions to all republican voters of the
ICs tall Republican Party.
After reciting the record of the republi
can party from Lincoln and Orant down
to the present dsy, the resolutions de
"Wherees. During the period of fifty
years, the democretlc party has been In
trusted with the powers of government
for three presidential terms, none of
which have promoted the welfare of our
people or built up our national strength,
but during said three presidential terms,
the nation has suffered through Ineffi
cient government and commercial depres
sion and loss of nstional power; and
Whereas, The present democratic ad
ministration Is most Incompetent It
took over the powers of national govern
ment when the people were enjoying a
high degree of prosperity; It took over a
surplus and on account of Its extrava
gance soon had a deficit; It burdened the
people with e, direct tax; It enacted un
wise legislation and thereby f destroyed
business confidence, closed factories;
took a ay employment and paralysed In
dustry; ft discriminated against tKe col
ored rare In th employ of .the govern
mefit: It made a fare ef the civil servloe
lav its effort to place members of Its
party In office; it failed to recognise
legal and existing government In Mexico
and thereby brought about a condition
of anarchy and chaos In that country:
Its' State department, unmindful of Its
great office and the Illustrious history,
made by (toward, Plain, Hay, Root and
Knot, became more concerned over the
distribution of local patronage and the
settlement of ' a "police Issue' In the
states thaa the protection of the life, lib
erty and property of our cltisens abroad
and tlio maintenance of the Integrity and
dlsnlty. of our nation; and
"Whereas, It Is necessary, In order to
bring about good government, the return
of national prosperity and to restore our
Influence among the powers of the work!,
that the republican party be returned to
power In the national government; and.
Ye Strengthen Organisation.
"Whereas, It Is fitting and' proper that
our party organisation be strengthened
and maintained by developing a party
movement In our city campaign; and,
"Whereas, nonparttsanshtp Is but a
subterfuge to permit weak persona who
have . no party responsibility to obtain
office, which, policy Is destructive of
representative form of government, be
cause such persons owe no allegiance to
any party and are, therefore, unfit to
carry out a' policy of government; now,
therefore, be It
Resolved, By the members of the Mc.
Klnley league and of the republican
party of- Omaha, In convention assem
bled this 17th day of April. IMS, that we
are In harmony with the platform of
the national republican party; that we
am proud of Its achievements; that It
is necessary for It to return to power In
order to bring about the prosperity and
general happiness of our people; that It
should be returned to power la order that
our government can resume Ita place as
world power. That In order that our
party may be strengthened, we declare
It neceeeary and proper that the repub
licans of Omaha support for the offices
of city commissioners Msy 4. IMS, men
who are members of our party and who
have a party responsibility."
Jasaee G reeves.
FAIRBURT", Neb.. April 11 -(Special.)
-James Qreeves died at his home several
miles northeast or rairbury. lie was
born In Yorkshire, England, September 1.
1M1. He came to America with his par
ents In 15. Mr. G reeves removed his
family to Nebraska In Was, locating In
Saline county, near Toblaa. He again
removed to Jefferson county In 1101, lo
cating northeast of Falrbury. Mr. O reeves
waa aa Odd FeUow and belonged to the
Episcopal rhurch. -
lafaat Wlrl Ulea.
OXFORD, Neb., April ML-Bpeolal.)
The Infaat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
D. McMurran died and wss buried yes
terday. Pneumonia was the cauae of
death. The funeral, which waa largely
attended, was held at the home. Dr. B. K.
Bailey erf the Preabyterlaa c hurek errV
clating. f old BUsta SrUttoa.
Bjloan's Liniment will help your
sciatica. Get a, fcc bottle now. It pene
trates, kills the pain, stops msny aches.
All druggists Advertisement.
E. E. Dale Praise Boyi Who Have
Already Planted Seeds in Pre
pared Ground.
E. E. Dale, expert who will have
charge of garden contests among
school children this spring and sum
mer, yesterday visited several dis
tricts of Omaha In company with sev
eral boys, Inspecting gardens that
had already been started. With hia
rrrlval came also the offer by real
estate men and property owners of
tneny vacant lots for garden contest
purposes, the lots to be given rent
free for the summer, In return for
cutting weeds bordering the side
"I'm glad to know the boys snd gtrla
are enrolling early." said Dale, who was
recommended for his position by agricul
tural authorities of the University of Ne
braska. "The early starters In the con
testa will be the ones who win the prises."
Boys' Secretary R. 8. Flower of the
Toung Men's Christian association has a
list of sixty-five lots that may be had
by school boys and girls who want to
enter the gardening clubs, but have no
available ground of their own. Instructor
Dale Is employed In the movement for the
purpose of teaching the children how to
make garden and raise vegetables. He
will give personal attention to each
garden started by an entrant In the com
petition. Dale waa reared on a farm
and has been an Instructor In gardening
at the state university farm.
Free tomato plants for the gardens will
be given by the city park department,
whlrh has started 60.000 plants In boxes
at the Hanscom park greenhouses and
will Issue them to boya and girls who
present orders from school gardening
club or Civic league lot Improvement
To launch the school gardening move
ment. Expert L. T. Skinner, an agent
of the department of agriculture, spent
last week In Omaha. He visited forty
five public and parochial schools with
Secretary Flower, explained the garden
club Idea to over 7,000 boys and glrle.
Discounts and Loans
Gain During Week
In Federal Banks
WASHINGTON, April 11-Dlscounts
and loans maturing within thirty days,
In the hands of the Federal Reserve
banks, increased during the last week
about 12,000,000, according to the state
ment of the banks conditions April IS,
Issued today by the Federal Reserve
board. It shows:
Resources Gold coin and certificates,
$ZI7.tna,0ii0. Legal tender notes, sliver
certificates and subsidiary coin, 2.3O.OUO.
Total, .'e8,2ti,O0O. bills discounted and
loans: Maturities within thirty days, IliCS
tM,oiO. Maturities within sixty day, 914,
lU.OHO. Others, r7.2.nM. Total. Ho,lf..iA
Investments, (23.3oX.0oa Due from other
Federal Reserve banks: Items In transit,
IMIS.OUO. All other resources, IlO.OW.OuO.
Total resources. 54l.l7.O0O.
Liabilities Capital paid In, 1311,307,000;
reserve deposits. t2M.154.000; federal re
serve notes in circulation (net liability).
llO,77.; all other liabilities, 1,000: to
tal Mahllltlce. H41.17,(iOO, Gold- reserve
against net Debilities, 7!.l per cent. Cash
reserve against net liabilities, H per cent.
Cawh reserve egalnst liabilities, after
setting aside 40 per rent gold ranerve
against net amount of federal reserve
notes In circulation. (0.1 per cent.
It wssn't enough that Henry Mac, col
ored, living at SOU Evans street, should
be pushed off a etreet ear at Twenty-
ninth and Cuming- streets by a passen
ger, but when he landed In the street, a
rapa-tous Jit-wagon ran over his feet
When Msck got up uninjured, both
street car and nickel-bus were mere
specks In the distance. The patrol came
for him, bringing medical aid, and he
waa later taken home.
relet Their ftltrer Weddlasr.
EMERSON. Neb.. April IS. (Special.!
Over lfio people from Lyons, Oakland,
Bancroft.' Pender, Thurston and Emerson
attended -the silver wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Bring hre at the Masonic
hall. , The occasion waa In. the form ef
a surprise, and wss a social function ef
great Importance to northeastern Ne
braska. Inaamtirh as this worthy couple
have spent their entire married life here
and are recognised factora In tha devel
opment of this section of the state. They
were presented with a beautiful cabinet
of silver by the assembled guests.
Try this easy
way to heal
your sldnwith
If yoa are suffering from ecsatna,
ringworm or similar itching, red,
unsightly skin affection, bathe the
sore places with Rcainol Soap and
hot water, then gently apply a
little Resinol Ointment. You will
be astonished how Instantly tha
itching ttopa and healing begina.
In moat cases the sick skin quickly
becomes clear and healthy again,
at very Unit cost.
.Jiaal Ohfiiis asd Ittsiaal SVaa aUe
cliu " eUBpU. MirtliMito aad eta4r0.
& W all amsjuei i far krul It wrhs te
Rniaol, !. -S, DalUaMra, M4
il&ke Teething Easy for Baby
l!rs. Yihshw's Scclfcing Syrup
Closing Seuion Occupied with
Many Baiinen Affairs of the
LAMO.N'f, !a April M.-(Speclal Tele
gram The Saints' conference today or
dered Mark H. Siegfried of Independence.
Mo., ordained a bishop.
T. A. Hougas of Henderson wss chosen
to succeed himself as member of the
board of Gracelnnd college trustees. C.
B. Woodstock. Lamonl, was chosen to
succeed Fred W. Newcomb, whose term
expires. Alvali J. Yarrlngton waa chosen
to fill a vacancy on the board of mana
gers for the homes for the aged caused
by the resignation of Lorenxo Hayes.
Hlialnnsrr AsmIiiiuIi.
The various officers and quorums were
sustained and the missionary appoint
ments were read. About 3.V) appointments
were read today In the conference. Anions'
them were the following pastoral charges:
Psul N. Craig to Omaha. B. J. Scott to
St. Joseph, J. A. Tanner to Kansas Cltv.
J. M. Baker to Dea Moines. V. M. Good
rich to Sacramento. J. M. Terry to
Seattle. Walter W. Smith to Philadelphia
and Warden Christy to St. Louis.
Oomare R. WeUs wss appointed to de
vote bis entire time to BunJav school
supervision. Peter Muceus. for fourteen
years missionary to Scandinavia, waa re
turned to that mission and Alvah U
Chrlstenson and Clyde Ellis, already in
tne South Sea Islands, were sustained In
that mission. Apostle Psul N. Hanson
Is to go to the Australian mission. Apostle
L. W. Green to the British mission and
Apostle J. W. Ruahton mam tn tha Pa
cific coast, while Apostle Oomer T. Grif
fiths has charge of the eastern states.
Alsrk H. Siegfried wss ordained a
bishop by President Elbert A. Smith Just
prior to the adjournment, which waa
taken at noon, closing the most impor
tant and momentous conference In that
history of the Reorganised church.
Thirty nurses of Wise Memorial hospital
will banquet at the Fontenelle Tuesdsy
evening In a private dining room, and
100 members of the Omaha Builders' ex
change, have arranged for a banquet In
the grill room the same evening. Anothar
dinner party at the hotel that night wMI
be for the local salesmanagers" associa
tion. Clear Lake
The Summer
Home for
Your Family
Onej'of the largest
nd.' Whost popular
summsr- resorts of
northern Iowa SIS
miles from Omaha
connected by elec
tric line with Mason
City. Good summer
hotels, boarding
house and modern
cottages fronting on
. one of . the largest
and most beautiful
lakes in the state.
Call for literature.
I Ifiij 7 " Ch"e
If you could find the ideal motor oil one that
eliminated wear, tear and engine troubles, ten
dollars a gallon would be cheap indeed.
There is no such oil.
But there is Polarine
Lone Boll Moose of United States
Senate Will Run Next Time
at a Republican.
SPOKANE, Wash., April 18. The
sole progressive in the t'nlted States
senate. Miles Polndexter of Washing
ton announced here tonight that he
would seek re-election on the repub
llcan ticket. He took his seat In the
senate as a progressive April 17,
1911, and his term will expire March
3, 1917.
Senator Polndexter arrived at his
home here today and after a day's
consultation with friends Issued a
statement which read In part:
"I will be a candidate for the re
publican nomination for senator. As
the nomination is to be by primary,
the people will have full opportunity
to decide all questions connected with
my candidacy. -
"There will be a concerted and
rigorous movement by republicans
throughout the country to nominate
a progressive on the republican ticket
for president of the United States.
When united the party is progress
(From a Stsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April Id (Special.) Three
dry towns In Lancaster county were
visited by Sheriff Hyers and his deputies
last night and In each a club was raided
and liquors found sufficient to cause the
arrest of the manager cf each clu.
At Hickman the Farmers and Mer
chants club was raided and thirty-five
cases of beer taken. At Malcomb forty
cases of beer and a large number of
bottles were found, while at Raymond
the Oak Creek club yielded a goodly
amount of beer.
The Bee Want Ada Are Best Business
, Automatic Safety Signals
OR the sake of safety
cago GREAT Western
main lines of heavy
matic safety signals at a cost of over $1,000
per mile. These tall sentinels guard Chicago
GREAT Western trains day and night flashing;
"stop," "caution" or "proceed" to your en
gineer, as the situation demands.
They expedite the movement of all trains with the
greatest safety, they watch every curve and see and
communicate every obstruction Instantly. They
never err, and when out of order the semaphore arm
drops to "stop" by simple gravity Safety TOST.
,.When you use the Chicago GRWAT Western you get
the benerit oc an ineee precaunona laaen ior jfRj;
eafety HUtoinatlc signals, firm spikes, sound tie. '
heavy rails axxr solid ballast try It the very next
Your Telephone
Furnam st.
Omaha, Neb.
Emphasijt th
reduces these troubles to an absolute minimum.
And Polarine costs no more to buy than many other oils.
Use Red Crown the miles-per-gallon gasoline.
Standard Oil Company
Crackers and Milk
on Trade Excursion
for Next Thursday
Crarkers and butter, or crackerj and
cieam. may constitute a banquet Thurs
day afternoon for several hundred men
and women of the Omaha Manufacturers'
association, when they are to visit the
Alamlto creamery and the Iten tllscult
company plants during the afternoon.
This Is to be the first of a series of home
trade excursions In which the wives of
the manufacturers sre to participate. Men
and women sre to gsther si the Commer
clal club at noon Thursday and after
luncheon start on chartered street csrs
to visit the two local manufacturing
plants. The excursion Is to be under the
direction of R. A. Leussler of the etreet
railway company.
At the creamery the visitors will be of.
feted buttermilk, and will be allowed to
taate the butter fresh from the churn.
At the biscuit company plant they will
h given crackers and alt the various
brands of biscuits made there.
The aim Is to Interest the Omaha house
wives In home manufacture and lo Im
press upon them the fact that Omaha Is
rapidly becoming a great manufacturing
center, especially of foodstuffs. Other ex
cursions to various points In the city will
be made from time to time. From two
to four manufacturing plants will be vls-
DENVER, Colo,, April IS.-Dr. William
A. Jolly of Boulder was commissioned a
surgeon of the American Red cross today
snd will sail from New York, Msy 1, for
Serbia. He was ssstgned to active duty
as a medical officer for the suppression
of typhus fever.
An "Acid"
l needs soothing not the harsh
ness of a cathartic. GOLD
'MEDAL Haarlem Oil (Cap
sules) from Holland is a balm
for all stomach troubles.
Price 25c. 60c & $1.00. All Druggists
sfoeey refunded If they to Dot help yoa.
Genuine Hssrlsm Oil Mfg. Oe.,
American Office. 194 Water Bt.
New Torn city.
and speed the Chi
has equipped Us
traffic with auto
is Handy
)ftrriir nf FlVs
for Cross, Sick
Feverish Child
Mothers rsn rest . essy after giving
"California Syrup of Fls." because In
a few hours all the dcRKed-up waste,
sour bllc snd fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again. Children
imply will not take the time from
play to emty their bowels, and they be
come tightly packed, liver gets slug
gish and stomach disordered.
When cross, feverish, restless, see it
tongue Is coated, then give this deli
cious "fruit laxative". Children love
it, and it cannot cause Injury. No dif
ference what ails your little one If
full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea,
stomachache, bad breath, remember,
a gentle 'inside cleansing" should al
ways be the first treatment given.
Full directions for babies, children of
all ages and grown-ups are printed on
each bottle.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a lid-cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," then look
carefully and see that It Is made by
the "California Fig Byrup Company."
We make no smaller else. Hand back
with contempt any other fig ayrup.
Advertisement. '
l . -.
Soap should he used very sparing
ly. If at all, If you want to keep
your hair looking Its hest. Most
eoaps and prepared shampoos con
tain too much alkali. This dries the
sralp, makes the hair brittle, and
ruins It.
The best thing for steady use Is
just ordinary mulsifled coroanut oil
(which Is pure and greaselens). Is
cheaper and better than soap or any
thing else you can use.
One or two teaeponfuls will cleanse
the hair and scalp thoroughly. Sim
ply moisten the hair with water an.1
rub It In. It makes an abundance of
rich, creamy lather, which rinses out
easily, removing every particle of
dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive
oil. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft,
and the hair fine and silky, bright,
lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage.
Tou can get mulsifled cocoanut oil
at any pharmacy, and a few ounces
will supply every member of the
family for months. Advertisement.
CftoTTB mm, en.
Oaaaka, Neb.
More Heat
V Lei Ash-No
Smoke Ak
suur tcawr
Telsphoas Song. 1BSX Eyes
T f) WT fiRT a. an
k ttWMT W. I1TAQI Offsrs
The European and American Operetta
SARI . P"?FAo.i
Prices i Bvsnlnrs, 80e to ga.OO
wbw, moo to ai.oo
BCoa. an Tees.,' April S8-S7; Mat. Tues"
CHA.KX.Xa raOBMlS Presents
Za Bar Oreatest Comedy Baoeaa
"JhHHY" wb
Prloesi Tla-hta. 6Qc-Sa Mat.. MKuai.60
Toalght aad Week,
acTK OitEs-mwiiD iTircrx
A Big- Play Dealing With the
Klga Coet of twin.
Tuesday. Society airat, Bthel Solo,
man, iprano raol Keess, B art ton.
betweea acta.
Matinees Wed.. There, aad gat. aa.
Vest Week "Til SBP PVBPZ.B.-
8:1 6, Might. a:i
ADBLAIDE f,h" srt: m ,,.
a bdohci w".Nlt',f ""'i".
- - .n a Mm w i ,
-ens, ffm
Imio. "fu r"S'". Oryhoim Tl aItu'
fTK: aiin iw. K. mu .rr..
hiurlr b4 SuiUj). Be Kunu. McT li TL
as (be -