Want swap something for oraethin? rise more useful to you? Uae the Swappers' column of The Bee. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATItlR Local Showers VOL. XLIV NO. 2G1. OMAHA, MONDAY MOKXIXd, Al'lUL 11, 1915. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SPIRIT OF G. 0. P. 13 REAWAKENED BY REPUBLICANS McKinley League of Omaha Makes a Plea for Renewed Partisan ' ship Among Rank and File. WANT PARTY RESPONSIBILITY Jefferis Declares that This Senti ment Has Given the World the ; Best in All Ages. TO NAME CENTRAL COMMITTEE The spirit of republicanism was re awakened at Washington hall Satur day evening, by a well-attended gath ering of republicans from every precinct of the city, under the aus pices of the McKinley league. The keynote of the resolutions and the addresses was a plea for renewed ' partisanship among the rank and file of republicans, that affairs of the city, state and nation may be administered by the party which the speakers de clared has successfully piloted the ship of state through many storms and whose supremacy was over thrown by "bolters, weather-cocks and nondescripts," as expressed by George D. Meiklejohn. The l!"t sentence' of the resolution adopted reads. "We declare It necessary that the republicans of Omaha support for the offices of city commissioners. May t. 1015, men who are members of our party and who have a party responsibility." Adopt Ilenolnllona. Following- the adoption of the general resolutions, offered by Frank A. Shotwell and including the excerpt mentioned, W. U. Hhriver moved that the meeting In dorse by name J. B. Hummel, Edward Simon, A. C. Kugel, Harry B. Zlmman, W. S. Jardine and Harry J. Hackett. which brought an amended resolution from Ed Leeder, who wanted the nam of J. J. Ryder Included In the list. After some discussion it was decided that the original resolutions covered the whole ground and that it was unnecessary to art upon the Shriver and Leeder resolu tions. C. S. Elgutter objected to the Shotwell resolutions, his point bring that he n against drawing a strict party line la purely local affairs. He said he stood for republicanism In national and state affairs, but would not commit himself to a policy of Indorsing men for local of fices because they wore a certain party label. He wanted the resolutions re ferred to a committee before the meeting took action, but received no support or second. The meeting lasted about an hour and the business was transacted expeditiously. Ar W. Jefferis was chairman and J. M. Talbot and M. J. Oreevy were secre taries. .. Believe In Partisanship. In his opening address Chairman Jef feris said: "The McKinley league wa formed to Inject new life into the city and county republican organisations. There Is need to return to the old Idea of par tisanship, something which finds ex pression In all of our affairs of business, labor, sport and even ouP religion. A partisan Is looked upon as a man with fixed ideas and whose mind Is not turned by every wind which blows. Partisanship has given u the beat thing all through the age. "In theory, fancy and folly some have declared there Is no more ' place for parties in local affair. President Wil son recently aaid that all men should join the democratic party. He is a partisan. There ar some here in Omaha who have said that the republicans should not meet and Indorse republicans. onpartlaanhlp Breed Cllqne. "This so-called non partisanship brings out private cliques, Klates and combina tions. It Is a sort of drifting along. It Is a case of nobody' business. What ha berndone In our recent city campaign,? It has been like a grave yard There, wa no commotion until trie republican talked of holding a meeting. We have them talking. Beuubllcans -have the tight to vote for republicans. " "The McKinley league 'was formed to keep alive the party tlst has always stood for liberty and prosperity. At the old-time party meetings we learned of the capabilities of men, but we have degen erated Into a regime of fancy and folly. The.-tlme has come for the people to get back to republican government and a good administration of affairs." To Eliminate Bolter. Referring to Mr. Ryder, Ed Leeder suggested that those present who have made no mistakes throw the first bricks. No bricks were thrown. "I believe that our policy of nenpar tisanshlp has resulted in placing In giower democratic governor and legis lature In a republican state and also sent senator and half of our congressmen to Washington, besides defeating such (Continued on Page Two,' Column Two.) The Weather Temperature I BBparillo Local RX!r. 115. 114. 1911. U1S. Hiabest yesterday SI 78 SS M lowest yesterday 67 SS S2 at Mesn tempsrature 69 M 59 as Precipitation W T Temperatures and precipitation depar ture from tb normal: Normal temperature 52 i:ces for the day 17 Total deficiency since March 1 62 Normal precipitation IS Inch 1 lefjeiency for the day 10 Inch Total rainfall since March 1... .1.12 Inches ,Iefi lency since March 1 M Inch JJeficlemy for cor. period. 1914.. .id Inch ai.-ess (or cor. period, 191J. ...l.M inch t oaiu Veeterday. I Hours. Deg. I I I." I' 1 t a. m 6 fcJSlfK M a. m b7 I' J i ' 7 a, m f A I a. rn SO ' nl jf S a. m sj ESt . to a, m 7 aTTTj M u a. m fli J XL U m 72 Kttll S2 .SS::::::::::::::8 a"V Tt 4 ' S A) i R g- I p. m 7S I ' " t t. m 7 BOY WHO SLEW TO SAYE MOTHER FREE Farmer Youth Shooting Stepfather to Protect Parent Acquitted by Jury. TAKES VINE BALLOTS TO DECIDE ATLANTIC, la.. April 18 (Spe cial Telegram.) Francis Dunn, the 17-year-old boy who slew his step father, T. J. McEnery, to protect his mother from violence, the youth de clares, was found not guilty of Mc Enery's murder by a Jury here to day. The jury was out nearly twenty four hours and the verdict was reached on the ninth ballot. The vote on the first ballot was six for acquit tal and six for a verdict of guilty of manslaughter, . The mother of Dunn, Mrs. Mc Enery, thanked the' Jurors In a voice broken with sobs and then left the court room with her son. The Jury was out from 4:30 o'clock yes terday afternoon until 2 o'clock this aft ernoon. McKnery was killed December 10. Dunn shooting him after he had besten the boy's mother and had started back to the house threatening her end members of the family with further Injuries. The defmse introduced , testimony showing a long list of abuses to which the woman had been subjected at the hands of her husband. It was asserted that Dunn, frenxied and fearful that the man would kill or seri ously Injure his mother, shot him with out rUy knowing what he did and that the boy was Justilled In killing the man in defense of his mother. The case at tracted great attention here. The McEnery farm, the scene of the traeedy. Is west of the city, and the boy and his mother and brothers snd sisters will continue to live there. The lad Is a nephew of Fire Chief Clancy of Mil waukee. . . Night at Last Gets Man of the Key Who Shunned the Day "The night has got me,' J. K. Temple ton, American District Telegraph com pany watchman, told Harvey .Wolf, his employer, several weeks ago. I'm a part of the night. When dusk comes, I feel at eaa-i. I can think clearly, I feel natural. But when day break I am half blind. No matter how much rest I get, I'll feel that way. It ha been so for. year now. It make me lonely, and I think some time it will cost my life." Tempteton was found dead laat night by his . brother at hi, home, ' H1 South Eighth street. His throat had been" cut wl$b a razor, whlrh,.nwas .found at his side. Coroner Crosby said it was a clear esse of suicide. , j - The man was., a bachelor, 41 years old. He had been in the employ , of the tele graph company for the ' laat fourteen years, and had boen working nights for nearly twenty year. Two brothers, 'a sister and his mother survive. According to Harvey Wolf, Templeton tried several time to work by daylight, but always found himself drawn back to the night work. It I thought his mind became affected by spending his waking hour In darkness and silence. Diver Entangled in Line Running to F-4 Rescued by Comrade HONOLULU, April lS.-Whlle working at y depth of 23) feet outside th harbor where attempts are being made to raise the submarine F-, Diver William F. Loughman became entangled in the line attached to the submarine this morning, but wa released after heroic effort last ing nearly four hour. At last reports Loughman wa being brought slowly to the surface and wa resting at the depth of ninety feet to avoid too rapid a change of air pressure. Loughman wa lowered shortly after 10 o'clock and wa being brought to the Surface when he became entangled. Diver Frank Crllly, who recently made a record here for deep sea diving, - was hastily sent down to aid Loughman. Both divers worked strenuously to disengage the line to the submarine from the air tube and line attached to Loughman'a apparatus. Finally Crllly signalled that Loughman wa clear. Crllly wa brought up first, emerging a few minute after 2 o'clock. It wa aald that he had suffered no serious effects, but that he wa exhausted from hi hard work. Ferocious Broncho For Den Initiations Comes from Hermosa If thr U any reckless Knight of Ak-dar-Ben tbla fall who think he should be a breaker of avlld horse, he will have a chance to demonstrate hi ability at the initiation, for a real broncho I to be present. Thl la not a so-called broncho raised In a cabbevge patch one mile out of Benson, but thla brute come straight from Hermosa, Wyo. Qua Rense wrote a great many letter all over the west for a broncho that could kick th tall off Halley's comet or pttoh a Krupp gun over the moon. He found him at Hermosa. He bought him and th brute Is soon to be shipped to Omaha. It la rumored that Everett Buckingham, president of th Mouth Omaha live Stock exchange and presi dent of Ak-8ar-Ba, declare be can ride the horse. But while Buckingham may have some reputation as a rider In the stock yards. It Is noticed that he saw to it that his membership money was forth coming In time to let him In among those first 7S0 member who are to escape the Initiation and therefore tb rigor of th broncho busting. PRESIDENT WILSON in his box at the Washington base ball park, at the opening game of the season, last Wednesday, when he threw the first ball. , . ov" Is - ' MISSIONARIES ASK U .S. TO SAYE CHINA Religious Proselyters Call on Wil ' son to Intervene to Protect Eastern Republic. TOO GREAT AN ARMY-PRESENT ; ' PEKING;. April- J:-lntervenaon by the. United States in the negotia tions now proceeding between China and Japan is recommended to Presi dent Wilson in the appeal recently sent to him by 'American missionaries in this country. The message of 5,000 words was cabled to Washington. It characterizes the Japanese demands on China as acts of aggression such as eventually will present a menace to the United States. Troops In Chlaau Recalling the fact that Japan has at present in this country doubled its usual quota of troops (amount ing to 60,000 men)., the missionaries urge that Japan be notified that the excess of troops should be removed. ' 'Those "Stamina; Paper. The undestandlng here Is that a Chinese .official,- or several of them, paid the cable charges,, amounting to nearly $6,000,' on the . message to President Wilson. This .oommunlcation .was 'signed by Rev. Thwing, John ,V.. Kerry. 'C. H.' Kenn and W. A. P. Martin, all connected with the American Presbyterian mission at Peking; Rev,, Chauncey Goodrich of the American board of commissioners, for foreign misalons, who is.- stationed ' at Tlentalng; Rev. H. It. lxwry of the Methodist Episcopal mission at Peking and the. Rev.' C' F. Hubbard. . ' The petition asks President Wilson to demand of China and not of Japan, Amer ican participation in the conferences now under way. It la suggested that Great Britain and other nations be Invited to participate. The memorial denounces "Japanese aggreflon" "a danger not only to China, but eventually to America," and adds: "Shall ; we ' go on forever fooled by apeeche made at full dress banqueta at th Japanese capital 7" Just Salvage Work On Cruiser Asama WASHINGTON, April' 18. -L-Com-mander Noble "rwln of the cruiser New Orleans reported to the Navy department today that be had In vestigated the Japanese naval activ ity in Turtle bay, Lower California, and found no indications' other than salvage work on the stranded cruiser Asama. . Step Takento End Chicago Labor War CHIOAGO, April 1.-The tint step toward th arbitration of the building trades, strike and lockout , which has thrown 126,000 wag earner out of em ployment wa taken here tonight Under a plan announced by the atate board of arbitration the difficulties be tween the workers and employer will be eubmltted to a board of three arbi trator. Thla plan has already been accepted by th carpenter' district count! ... 3 . AT a fcjL c! 1 i M & A ONLY TEN BILLS DP T0J0YERH0R Their Being- Left to the Last Not Regarded as Indication They Will Be Vetoed. 1 1 REASON FOR . THE NEGATIVES iVrwm a Staff Correspondent.) "r LINCOLN. April IS. (Special.) But fn bill remain for Governor Morehead to dispose of. Among them Is the appropria tion bill for 9160,000 for the Omaha hos pital. Because thl bill I held until the laat It la not any Indication that the gov ernor will not sign It, It is said. Other bill left are not Important and will probably receive the executive ap proval with the rest. The governor haa refused the executive approval upon but three bills. The first was the Omaha Water board bill allowing the board to go Into the electric lighting1 bustnesa. On a petition signed by a majority of the legislature from each branch the gov ernor vetoed the bill. Another veto waa put on a Justice of the peace bill, also frotn Douglas county, on request of the Introducer of the bill. The third, the sterilisation bill, became a law without the signature of the governor. A similar bill passed by the former legislature was vetoed. Two Boys Expelled By Trat' and School; Some on Probation LINCOLN, , April IS A a reault of an Investigation concluded tonight by na tional officers of the Sigma Chi fra ternity,, two members of the local chap ter." Frederick A. Bock and Frederick Heltshausen, have been posted for expul sion from the fraternity. Hock has been expelled from the University of Nebraska and Heltshausen, who wss a student two years ago, haa been notified he will not be permitted to register again. The charges against the men were pre ferred following the arrest recently of a group of students of the school and a hearing in police court. A number of other students have been placed on pro bation by the university authorities. The fraternity Investigation was made by George De Graft of Des Moines, presi dent of this district; W, E. Brothers of Chicago and Frank 8. Proudflt of Lin coln. Germans in Caves Shelled by French PARIS (Via London), April 18.-The following official statement was Issue! tonight by the French war office: "At Notre Dame de Lorette, three German counter attacks were stopped short on Friday night. "In the valley of the Aisne. our heavy artillery bombarded the caves of Pasly, which are being utilised as shelters by the German troops. That several of the caves had fallsn In was Indicated by aucoesslve explosions." GERMANS ARE GAINING ON BRITISH IN SOUTH DAKOTA PIERRE. 8. D., April IS (Special. 1 More German took out final eltlsenahtp papers In Bouth Dakota in 1914. than did English or representatives from Htiglish dependencies. The Gennans numbered 162, while the combined representation from England. Ireland, Scotland and Canada was 123. The highest number from any one country was Norway with Rusia showed 108, and Austria, 60. 4 SIX CHILDREN AT PLAY KILLED BY BOMB FROM SKY Half Dozen Little Ones, Woman and Two Men of Freiburg Slaugh tered by Shells of French Flier. ATTACK IN BROAD DAYLIGHT Night Raiders of Air Repulsed and People Lose Fear of Foemen and Crowd to See. ! MANY BADLY HURT. TWO DYING FUEIBrrUJ, Baden. April 17. (Via The Hague and London, April 18.) Six children, two men and a woman are dead and two men are dying as the result of the attack made on Freiburg Thursday by a French aviator. Klght others, mostly children, are in the hospital, se-i verely Injured, and six more werej slightly hurt. The raid was executed In broad daylight after a series of night at tacks, which were repulsed by anti air craft cannon. The high mortal ity among the children was due to the fact that one of the bombs fell amid a group of children at a street corner which Is a favorite place for the youngsters in the workmen's quarters. Flee to tellers. The Inhabitants of Freiburg, which during the last five months has been lulled irpraledly by hostile aeroplanes, were awnk. nod at 11 o'clock at night by the signal of three cannon shots, giving a warning of the approach of an eenv nlane. All the people took refuge In cel lars, ss prescribed by the authorities. A few shotn sufficed to drive the flyer off. The residents wee Just returning to their beds w hen a half hour later a fusil lade Avar opened aKainnt an aviator ap proaching front another direction. He and a comrndf , who was sighted an hour later, were driven off before they hod a chance to drop bomb. False flense of Safety. These repulses gave the people of Frei burg a false sense of security. When an aerial machine appeared the gardens, roofs and windows were filled with spectators who Ignored the Instructions to take refuge In cellars. They aaw llttlo for their pains, however. The machine was constantly hidden In the clouds, but three violent explosions ahowed that th aviator this time had succeeded in drop plug bombs in the Industrial suburb. One bomb burst in the front of the Catholki .church Heart of Jesus, mor tally Injuring a passing -workman, A seoond bomb traversed the roof of a house, tearing off a woman's right arm, and a third fell among a group of chil dren playing In front of the freight sta tion. All of the little ones were thrown t the ground, and when the dust and smoke cleared three of the children were seen to be dead and badly mangled by large fragment of the bomb. Die on War o Hospital. Two other died on the way to the hospital and of the several other who were wounded one haa since died. Tho other children -escaped with light In juries. A freight truckman at the rail way station at Haltlngen and damaged killed and two seriously wounded, one of them so badly that he died. French aviator also attacked the rail way station at Haltlngan and damaged several freight car. They got away safely, but It Is reported that they weie brought down by gun fire on their re turn trip. One aviator 1 nld to hav been killed and another captured. Wyoming Tax Title Deeds Are Valid CHEYENNE. Wyo., April 18, (Special.) Affirmation by th Wyoming supreme court of the Judgment of tho district court of Laramie county In the case of the McCague Investment company against Chsrles F. Mallln and others haa estab lished for the first time that a com missioner's deed for property sold for delinquent taxes In this state conveys a valid title. Incidentally the decision lias quieted title to a large amount of prop erty In Cheyenne' original townslte and additions thereto. CharleS F. Mallln and others bought St tax sale many lots In additions to Cheyenne which were owned by the Mc Cague Investment company, an Omaha concern and taxes on which had not been paid. A year ago the McCague company undertook to secure possession of thla property, alleging that the tax titles thereto held by Mallln and others were Invalid. Judge W. C. Mentser of the district court ruled that the titles were valid and the McCague company carried the case to the supreme court, which now has affirmed the decision of the lower court. The question of whether or not a com mliwloner'a deed conveyed a good and valid title had not prior to thla time been definitely settled by the supreme court. Free Sea the Price Asked for Belgium PORTLAND. Me.. April 1S.-A letter from Dr. Kernhard Dernburg. former colonial aeoretary of the German em pire, wa read at a mass meeting here tonight at which the German side of tho European war wa let forth. Dr. Dern burg laid stress upon the German fight for an open aea and asserted that the advantage accruing to Germany from permanently retaining the land which It has taken In Kurope could be disregarded If all the other German demands, es pecially a guaranteed free sea, wee fully complied with in making peace and "the natural commercial relation of Belgium to Germany were considered In a just and workable form," "GRAND OFFENSIVE" OF ALLIES, IS HEAR PUSHING ON IN ALSACE ZONE French Aisen Pressure on Foe Lines Begun All Along Front to Be Gradually Intensified. LONDON, April 1 8. Appreciable progress on the two banks of the Fecht river, as announced In the. French official statement. Is an In-j uicaiion tnni tne anion lorces are pushing their campaign In Alsace, for thla river runs past Colmar, capi tal of 1'ppor Alsace, which Is one of the French objective points. This Is one of the movements by which. In conjunction with the op erations along various sections of the battle front from the sea to the Vosfte mountains the allies hope to put pressure on the Germans to force them gradually to withdraw. Offensive llrvelopliia. The military authorities at Paris say that the offensive operations are devel oping along all the line and that the pressure thus applied may simply grow In Intensity until the "grand offensive" long looked for, has ben Insugurated by a gradual process and not by a sudden onslaught on some fixed date. For the time being Russians and Ger mans and Austrlsns appear to he dead locked around that pivotal point of the Carpathian mountains L'ssok pass. Sev eral millions of men are fighting there for supremacy, hut, although the Rus sians have ceased to advance, they hnve not been driven back. t'nfavorable weather conditions, swol len streams and lmpaHblo roads a'e having a great Influence on these oper ations, In which no decisive advantage may be gained by either the one or the other of the opposing forces for weeks to come. I snores Protests. A frontier Incident which, during or dinary times, would pnss unnoticed has occurred on the italo-Atistrlnn border. It Is said that an Austrian patrol re cently passed through Italian territory, iRnorlng the protests of the customs of ficers. These matters, however, do not alto gether divert the attention of English men from domestic questluns such as the liquor problem and the acceleration of the output of war munitions, which Par liament la expected to take vindor consid eration In earnest next week. Committees already are at work in the Industrial centers, speeding up the work of the armament factories. A number of establishments which heretofore have devoted part of their attention to gov ernment work have ben taken over by these committees and the working force la , other establishments have been In creased In order to keep up the output of gun and ammunition. Committee are engaged In aecurlng a many men as pos sible for work In those factories and In some case municipal employe have been commandeered for the purpose. A to the liquor ouestlon, it Is aald an agreement between the government and the opposition ha virtually been reached on the scope or he restriction to be in troduced. Visiting Stockmen Make Stop at Lander LANDER, Wyo., April IS. (Special Tel egram.) Houth Omaha stockmen arrived here tonight and were entertained by the business men at a smoker at tho Lander club. Hecretary Btryker say he ha noted great Improvement. In live stock condition In central Wyoming over two years ago. He say thl will be a great feeding center within a few years. With perfect weather, the visitors found sheep shearing In full swing at half a dosen station between Casper and Lander. Mr. Campbell of Rosenbaum ' Bros, report range sheep In the best of condition. The psrty will transfer to the Burlington at Powder River tonight and will be In Thermnpolls tomorrow. Everybody In the party Is well and all say they have had a fine time In Wyom ing so far. It appears that stockmen have recovered fully from their winter losses of three and four years ago. ROBERTS AND FOURTEEN LEAVE FOR PEN TODAY INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. April 17.-Mayor Donn M. Roberta, Judge Kit It. Redman and thirteen others who were convicted In federal court In the Terre Haute elec tion conspiracy rase and sentenced to leaven wortli penitentiary, will start for the prison tomorrow In a special car. This announcement was made' after effort to obtain bond for Mayor Roberta and the others had failed. Roberta, against whom the Terre Haute council had voted to bring Impeachment proceed ings was hopeful until the last that he would not have to make the trip. His I sentence waa for six years In prison and to pay a fine of 12,000. The men were sentenced last Monday, tut were permitted to remain in Jail here pending their efforta to give bonds, which Federal Judge Anderson fixed at I10.0U0 for each year the men were sentenced to prison. Negro Thief Shot to Death hy a Mob VALDOflTA, Ga.. April IS Caesar Sheffield, a negro, waa removed from the Lake Park Jail near hue late last night and ahot to death by a mob, according to advice received here tonight. Sheffield had been arrested on a charge of theft. FRiSCO STREET CAR MAGNATE TO FIRE ALL UNION MEN HAN FRANCISCO, April 1.-Jese W. Llllnthal. president of the I'nited Rail roads, announced today that lie would continue to discharge every man whom ha believed to be affiliated with the newly organized Street Car Men'a union No. 677. He said he considered the demands of the union for an eight-hour day and a mini mum 13 wage to be unreasonable and that the company could not afford to meet them. TURKISH TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYED; 100 BRITONS LOST Admiralty Says Scores Aboard Transport Drown When At tacked by Sultan'i Ship, Which is Sunk. ACTION IN THE AEGEAN SEA Report Does Not Explain How Men on Manitou Perish While it Remains Unharmed. MOSLEM SHELLS MISS MARK The Days War News THK 41.MF.I OFFF.MSIVK en the western front Is developing. A e rordlner to Ifce allies, the offensive movement ha keen In nrosires for several week at ntratesrlr points from the sea to the Alos, with sar rrnae la Chnmpnsne, st I.es K purses, Nenve Chnoelle, Wotre Dame de I.oretta, La Bolsselle, Dis suade, llnrtmnnn's Wetlerkopf and oath of Mets and la Alsace. Rl SSIAKS AXI) (iKHMIX and Ana. around the t'taok !, the pivotal point of the Carpathians. FRRMC'II AVIATOR shelled Fret- j bar, kllllnar sis children, m mnn j and woman. Severn! more rhtl. dren were Injnreu. Ill I.1.KTIV. CONSTANTINOPLE (rig London), April 18. The British battleships! Majestic and 8wlfUure, on Thursday bombarded the Dardanelles fortifi cations near Gabatepch. LONDON. April 18. A Turkish torpedo boat, which attempted to In terfere with the preparations for the resumption of the operations against the Dardanelles and Asia Minor by attacking the British transport Manl- ton, was driven aground on the coast j of Chios this morning and destroyed by the British cruiBer Minerva and British torpedo boat destroyers. An official statement, which was Issued tonight by the admiralty In reference to the affair, says that three torpedoes were fired at th Manitou, but missed the mark, but that. 100 men from the transport were drowned. Thla Trot Ktirialaed. ,15 ww this .occurred without the transport being struck: la not ex plained as particulars apparently have not yet been received. This Is the only official statement from the allies on the land and sea operations against Turkey, but from unofficial sources It is learned that warships have been attacking the forts at Bulalr on the Oalopoll penin sula while Turkish reports say that attacks have been made on the Dar danelles from the outer entrance and that the Majestic and Swlftsure have bombarded the forts near Gaba Tepeh. . Admiralty Statement. The text of the admiralty statement was us follows: "The transport Manitou, carrying Brit ish troops, was attacked by a Turkish torpedo boat In the Aegean thla morning. "The Turkish boat fired three torpedoes at the transport, all nf which missed their mark. The torpedo boat then made off. but ws chased by the British cruiser Minerva and British torpedo boat destroyers and was finally run aground and destroyed on the coast of Chios In Kalammutl bay. The members of the crew of the TV.rklsh warships were mad prisoner. "It I reported that about 1X men on board the transport lost their live through drowning, but full particulars have not yet been received." Yield to Greek. ATIIKNC. April 17. (Via. Unilnnl-It j Is stated hrr thst the rommsnder and crew of thirty of the Turkish torpedo boat, which ran aground on the coast of Chins when puraued by allied war ships, hive surrendered to the Greek au thorities and will be Interned. Free Coupon Good for 25 cts. or 50 cts. By. special arrangement with the management for the bene fit of Bee readers. Observe strictly the conditions and limi tations stipulated In th coupon. This lie Coupon. Entitles Dearer to one 25c or 50c Seat For the performance of "Paid in Full" At the Boyd Theater, Monday Evening, April 19 Present at Box Office any time prior to performance and get a free admission ticket In addi tion to the ticket you buy at the regular price. You must have a Bee coupon for each extra ticket you ask for.