Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Spring L&mbi J amp Up $3 Hun
dred and Fork Loin Alio
Coit More.
ftrrtn rtitokms ar on of tha mot
cart article on the Omaha market. It
la aarly. to ba sur. hut thrr are a few
print chicken now and then. " They
it worth about a dollar apiece, retail."
M a talcaman for an Omaha wholesale
rouiv, "but the fact ia If you wanted a
half down of them In a Uinle order you
couldn't net them." The apring chlckem
tliat do come In welth from one to one
and one-half pounds.
Lamb took another jump, mlng aome
H per 109 pounds hlirher than thejr were
latt wvrk. lamb chops will coat a quar
ter a pound unless lamba should drop
Ulitht beef la fare. Hear? beef has
advanced $l.0 a hundred.
Pork loins are 15 centa a round whole
tale, while two weeks mga they were re
talilnc for as low aa 9 rents.
All ftah are cheap. Halibut la 12'4 centa
a pound, ahlle aalmon can be had at 10
rents. Pickerel can be had at 12'. while
pike coats l&H cent a pound.
' Flovr Trifle Stroaaer.
Flo itt is a trifle stronger again. Sugar
I about ateady with a stronger ten
ttnry. , Potatoes have gone up a little,
while new ones are at III bringing TVs
rents a pound. Asparagus In io centa a
pound. Tomatoes are 10 cents a pound,
l ucumbara are a dime apiece. California
new cabbajte is 3 cents a .pound.
Bout hem vegetables are growing scarce,
but new. home grown vegetables may be
looked for at any time now, according
t Al King, manager of Haydrn'a grocery
department, who la watching the, supply
and demand rloeeiy.
Strawberries are extremely scarce In
Omaha ar.d will probably continue to be
"area for the nettt few days. Other
ritle 4a the eeuntry ana outbidding
rmaha at thl moment for tha early
atrawberrlea, so that while Omaha got
bereral carloads in urceston. the cars
kr bains; diverted In another direction
)ust at this time.
Cranberries are TH cents a quart Mush
rooms are 45 cents a pound.
Applea are growing; scarce and high,
IA few Ben Davie and Wlneaap are about
the Umlt of the supply. Orange Jumped
tip S oantg a bog. The season Is here
when the shipping of oranres requires
Iced cars and this is a much more ex
pensive proceaa than the shipping of
oranges In winter. Grape fruit la still
abundant at f and t centa apiece.
C. E. Herring Too Modest to Take
Credit Which Belongs to Another
April tk afoatk tnr Celda.
Harden your s rat em with Bella Plne-Tar-Honey.
It kills the cold germ. Cures
the rough. Only Ko. All druggists. Ad-Vertirsroent.
Ta Baa Want Ada Are Best Business
Plea have I'logenes "paged" in the
Elrrian fields
Tell him not to stop to get his lantern.
The honest mar. for whom he eearched
o long in vain has been found In Omaha.
Nebraska. I. 8. A., Karth.
Many thousands read In Wednesday
evening's Bee the poem "Nebraska." ap
pearing in the April Issue of the National
MaMrlne and signed "Carl K. Marring."
It la a good poem. :t rhyme and
rhythm and meter are perfect. It awing
alreng In tuneful ami Inspiring cadence.
It Is a song to the greatness and loveli
ness and glory of Nebraska, the beauty
of Its women, the charm of Its climate,
the worth of Its men; it makea all who
live here proud that they live here,
and It makes all who don't live
here sorry that they don't live here.
It Is a poem probably written by a man
who waa born a poet, wha did not acquire
poetry nor have poetry thrust upon him.
The signature of "Carl E. Herring"
naturally suggested the well known
Omaha attorney. True, no one had aver
suspected Mm of poetry. He had con
cealed wtll his secret. But the Inspiration
of hie subject wss enough excuse for
Pegasus to break down the doors of any
confining stable and aoar to the heights
with the attorney upon his back.
And so Mr. Herring of Omaha waa pro
claimed to the world as the author of
"Nebraaka." Scarcely waa th paper In
the hands cf the people when congratu
lations began to flood In upon htm. It a
a mighty good poem and the congratula
tions were sincere
What did Mr. Herring do?
He sat right down and wrote a note to
The Pee as follows:
To the Editor ef The Bee: That the un
known Psrd who penned the lines. "Ne
braska," nwv never call me to a ruile
naakenlng. please conect the notion that
1 ever wrote, thought or clsimcd to write
a poem, and more particularly the poem
aforesaid. CAIU, K. I IK R RING.
That la what lie lld, renouncing the
Klory which he knew to be another's and
retiring from the glorious company of the
poets to the rank of ordinary mortal.
And he did It voluntarily, lie might
have winked at circumstance; he might
have quieted the (till small voice of con
science by saying. "I never aald I wrote
the poem. Ia it my fault if my nama Is
signed to It?"
Thus he might have spoken to himself.
And when friends congratulated and ad
mired he might have ahrugged his ahoul
dera and aaid, "Oh. that la nothing, really
nothing." giving the Impression that ha
could do far better If he cared to half try.
But ha did none of that. Ha deoided
that honesty Is better than poe'ry and
sternly puit from himself the oup of fame
whloh waa held brimming to his lips.
RomewK ,ra there must be another Carl
K. Herring. Tha, wrong herring has been
dragged across this trail.
Open Till 10 O'clock Saturday Evening.
Open Till 10 O'clock Saturday Evening.
Crops Are Making
Up for Late Start
General Minmar Awent nt h nn..b
Island railroad imea west of the Mis
souri river Is In town, having coma up
fram Topeka on an Inspection tour. Paid
Mr. Sweat.
I have never seen tha ruiinlra ll
better at the middle of Apifl than right
now. The early aprlng was little brick
ward. but the warm days of thi last
week have pushed vegetation ahead until
it haa reached the normal atage.
Through Nebraska and Kansas the
winter wheat cron ha ".inn thrami. tiu
winter In perfect conlltln and while
me narvest is a long wry ofr, Indications
at thla time point to a perfect crop. My
Judgment is that In Ksnaas the gcreare
la slightly leas than last year. Tn Ne
braaka I think It frl'y us great, with
perhaps a little more sown than a year
R. W. HoUson of Wichita, Kan., re
ported to the police April I that ha met a
young fellow near the Toung Man's
Christian association who told him a piti
ful hard luck story, causing Hod ton to
take th stranger to his rooiVAl the
Lyon's hotel and give him lodging for
the night. In the morning the stranger
waa gone so waa W and Hudson's watch.
Tha stranger waa arretted Friday by De
tective Lahey from the description fur
nished by Hodson. The man haa been
Identified and Is being held at police
headquarters under tha name of Harry
Royr.e of Bloux City.
An electrical snow, which Included
many novel and Interesting electrical
phenomena, was given laat week by tha
Junior and senior students In tha electri
cal engineering department of tTnlon col
lege at Schenectady, N. Y. Tha atodenta
worked for several months on tha ex
hibits, and It la aald that the displays
were worthy of the meat skillful engi
neer. The display Included mechanical
manikin operated by electricity. X-ray
apparatus,- electro-chemical processes,
electro-magnets, electro-welding, wire
less, and the like. An electric flat, show
ing four rooms, with every ptaoa of
houaehold'apparatua operated by elactrlo
Ity waa shown. Foy Porter. Our Beck
ett and Phil Downs are three Omaha
boys wha are attending tha electrical
engineering school at Union and helped
with tha show.
JITS the very suverior aualitv of
igln the clothes we offer that keeps
us customers once made
We Want You to See the
Specially Choice Suits at
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
suits, made from foreign
and domestic fabrics. A
large selection of special
values at $213.00 for Satur
day selling. See the young
i w v
8 W
models they are the kind young men of today want.
Nice, easy-fitting coats that are cut over the narrow
shoulder English styles. Older men are calling for this
suit as well as the younger men. Some very new pat
terns in Glen Urquhart and Tartans have been re-
ncmr tVi ic nronlr A7o orlinon mAn 4-. nv COC? fin
these suits. It is a saving. Ask the man that has had the experience.
The Last Day of the $15 Suit Sale
Saturday will be the last day of our Semi-Annual $15X) Suit Sale. If you haven't al
ready taken advantage of this price bo here Saturday. We have inoluded many Hart,
Schaffner & Marx suit, as well as ix other well-known linos. Stylos for. Young Men"
and Men of conservative ideas. All the best color effects of tho season will be found at
this price. The largest selection of fine hand tailored suits at one price in Omaha. Everv
garment haa our personal guarantee. Be here Saturday and expect to see the best value's
ever shown at this time of the season. s
Wc Are After the Boys9 Trade. See if These Prices
and Values Do Not Please You
Two-Pant Suits at $4,95
Fancy CHen Urquhart Plaids, Tartan Checks,
Shepherd Checks and Plaids, plain Blue
Serges. Every suit is jjositively made of all
wool fabric, tailored by the best boys cloth
lax fcouaag In America. Both pants are full rut and
lined. Every ault at thla price Is actually a t 9S value,
brl n.f your toy to Msydeu's Saturday and we will
how you why we are entitled to your patronage.
Two-Pant Suits at $2.95
While these suit are not made of all-wool
fabrics they are without a doubt a great
suit at such a low price, and if you just
want a fill-in play suit they are just what
you want; the two pants are worth tho
price of the suit. Saturday, Aty
L'-paut snits '. npL.Uo
:. isyY th
uy Your Clothing the Modem Way
THREE FLOORS filled with a superb stock of high grade apparel for men, women and
children and credit gladly extended on any garment you may select. No matter how
critical you are, you will find styles and prices here to suit you.
Newest at $17.50, $20.75 and $22.50
Our assortment of Shopherd Check Suits at these prices is exceptionally large and com
plete. We illustrate one of the very newest models at $2.30. If you want to wear the very
ncwest 011 Sunday, be sure to see our exception, a I assortment, and you will find just the stylo
you are looking for.
flcwcst Spring Goats at $8.50, $10.75, $12.50 and $15.75
No Char a;e
tor Alter
V Cvf '
Juit Pay
a Week.
Elundreds of Patterns in
IMIcbitq.9 Sunfills
$12.50 to $27.50
AT $12.50 and $17.50
These are prices a great many men figure on
paying. They are prices at which we show gar
ments that mean a saving to you the best se
lected variety it has ever been your pleasure to
to see. Newest fabrics newest modes. , H
We wiU gladly extend Credit
to oat-of-town people ft
Write for our Spring Catalog.
At $20 00 and $25.00
At these prices are the most remark
able suits you ever saw most correct
and snappiest styles newest materials
in overplaids and tartan plaids. See our
unlimited display tomorrow.
$18.00 and $20.00
Your Propositipii
You'd Put it Over
And the place to print it is where all good enterprises
meet prosperity in the Want Ad section of The Bee.
Experienced advertisers will tell you there is no such
thing as the best Want Ad on earth. A Want Ad has a
certain definite purpose ahead of it. When it does the
business, it ceases to be of value.
There are more uses to Want Ads, however, than
merely using one and then forgetting the Want Ad col
umns exist.
If Want Ads bring business once,' they can bring busi
ness again. But do not use the same Want Ad. Plan a
series, so that you may change your Want Ad every few
Say just what you have to offer, or what you need.
If you do not get into touch with the right thing, change
your Want Ad every few days.
If you do not get into touch with the right thing,
change your Want Ad and try again. It is worth the small
effort and few pennies needed.
Waste no time in wishing, but take a pencil and paper
and put down every detail of your of fering set it forth in
the most advantageous way. If you want help in writing
an effective ad call Tyler 1000 and ask for the Classified
Advertising Manager.
When the ad is ready, send or bring it to The Bee
office, or we will send a solicitor for it.
Telephone Tyler 1000
Everybody Reads Bee Want Ads
Try K1YE)ILTS First K