Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20

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i That is Wnat Wetd Want for Mem
ber Argue Over Guarantee
of Bills.
Tit Water board yesterday afternoon
ram out 'of Ita whit! hlrrnatltfci and
reaolvel ttaetf lnt a .debating sweety,
1th General Mansg-er H. Beecher Hrwe!l
wearing th toga of Pemoitthoeies ami
F. D. Weed taking th rol f Interioo
tttor. .'. R. Sherman and Ohahnum Haafey
entered Into th proceeding, th nsiii
We furnishing an Interesting polamlo for
a large and tithna4att audi! which
wm not then.
Th trouble aUitnd whn Wr. Hawaii
tried to get through a rMoliilkm designed
to better fix th respntwirtnllty for water
Wits In ce where tenant or awn
ehang location and lear unpaid water
Mill srud at okl location.
TT. War It la iMi.
' Th(a reads to m aa If yon ar hold
ing th owner aa well a th tenant at
th now location for watar bllla of an
other location. I do not as? to this,"
declared Mr. Wend.
"flr. you are mistaken," replied Mr.
J. M. HI trn and family of fVd Cloud,
Neb., he moiiil Into t'te Jones preperty
on the boulevard.
The Pollt-viie noatofflre haa received a
Hf equipment rf steel loirk boes and
department window.
Th Woman's MlaMonary society of th
Pre.bytorlen church mt Krlday after
noon with Mr. C. 1 lhn1pa.
Th Ban ford family la parking prenera
try to moving mxt week to CuriU, Neb.,
where Mr. Panord haa bought a hotel,
which will he ufoti aa a aummer reeort.
8prln reflnlshlng and building la going
on In the village. F. A. Lnghetn h
hn doing Interior dworatlons at Prof.
Nlcholls and Dr. MItrhell'e and will
build an addition to the W. 8. Phafer
homo, and Mr. Dunn haa begun work on
th uperatructur for his new bungalow.
HowelL Ph Owr and Alfred and Chaile WTJ1- f
'That la th way I read It." retorted m niotored lo rloront to attena a
Mr. Weed. " """
Then Mr. Howell aaid he had brought
this reeolutlon before th board on three
ocrsslons and he believed artlon ahould
he taken. Mr. Weed came back with the
rejoinder that thla was the first time
Ihe reaolutlon had been formally offered
and h Inaiated that he wanted time to
aiv It oareful examination.
"Thla la a matter which the iceneral
manager ahould b allowed to handle
and should not b brought to the board
at all." suggested th treneral maneger.
t at t Retire Hoard.
Mr. Sherman and Mr. Wead agreed
that the matter waa of aufflctent Impor
tance for th whole board to consider.
Mr. Sherman bettered It la alt right to
follow a tenant or a migratory owner
to another location with an old water bill,'
but he did not hold that both owner and
tenant ahould be held at a new location
for th hill of a former location.
It waa earned to amend th reaolutlon
to agree with M. tread vlewa of th
Mr. Howell finally explained that th
signatures of owner on application
mad by tenant la dnatred merely for a
record of owners of th property.
.Mr. Weed further contended that th
hoard ahould Ret together and dispose of
various matter whioh har been de
layed. He declared that th board ahould
inveet Itself with more esprit du corps.
Th board wltt meet at T o'clock next
aionnay afternoon to tak tip an ar- 1
cumulation of bustnea and atay hi ses
Ion until such bualn haa been dla
poeed of.
From Our Near Neighbors
J. 21 Cornndt and Qeorge Oroth v
been eUd to serv oa th federal grand
Jury la Oroaaa next week.
Mr. and Mra. n. W. Pry ant rsrnme.1
Iaat TnAnr evening frotn a aereral
' months' atay In ttoulhern California.
Mia raaxt Full en and her brotheev Twl
i Fullen, returned on Tueaday afternoon
' from their winter' a atay In CaiUornla.
District oourt will be In eoewlon next
, wee, with Judge er irealdlog. Be
; ral raao of intanavt are to b dla
. poaed of.
i Mra. Irla Kereh ad Oror Cleeeland
I Peck were uaited In marrta4r at th liap
I parannaa on Tueeday mmint at 4
' n rlooa. Tuy will mak their bum In
' Tekamah.
A larg bam belonging to Oeorgo
jvver bamed to th rrmnod on Thur
' day at luat about th dinner hour. It la
' mi fully known how th fir atarfaed.
Th Ion wa partly covered br luauranc.
raehtor H. M. Hopewell of the Burt
. Count Stat bank and Mi daughter,
; Mlxa Morenca, rttrnnd Tueeday evening
. frotn a three weeka' vlult in Jndkuia In
the neighborhood at Bloomlngiun.
Vr. and Mr. A. P. Neehtt returned
i Tuesday evening frm a three month,'
i atny In -Southern Callcrnl. They took
,' In both exponlttotie and r enthuaiaatle
at out th climate of California.
The Omaha Preahytery will meet In
Tf-ktmnh next wek. Th Induction of
tlev, Benjamin Ky Int th peatorat
' or th Inral church will tak plao at that
time. Kev. Mr. rye aa formerly at
Kflltor J. R. "futherland of the Herald
anil hie datiKhter, Mra. Wmit, returned
S'edneadiy from a eve ml weeka' at.iy
In Canailn vleltlng In the vicinity of Mr.
Hutherland'a boyhood home. Ilia dauglt
. ter, Mra. Irene Jlrerketirldge, reald'W in
Ontario province and they apent corn
time at her home.
11. U Thofnaa and wife- a pent Sunday
In Fiiti-ra.
Contrr -tnr Pmwti waa In rlatlamouth
m bt.tiieaa Monday.
"'Mia Kate Gordon wa a Weeping
'.r vleltor Tunailay.
ri see C'liatpe and Rueaell Btratten r
guiie rick r. Ii pneumonia.
Mra. Illxlev and daughter. Ollva war
In Omaha ehup!!ng Thurwlay,
Mtaa Frunie Kim entertained her lady
frieiula at a kenslngtun Vediiedny.
Mra. O. IV Bt. John I entertaining Mls
Ii nr Kaaler of Wyoming thla wttek.
,. W. Hihrador retuni"d Tueeday from
a irlu to hla rVrnaa county ranch,
Mra. J. J. l'oliard ai'comianltd her
fkihr and mother to Nebraska City u
Hugh Burrow, left Tt'eaday for Chaa
cininiy. where he goea to linprova aom
nnl land he owna,
Mr. ami Mra. Bennott Chrlatnieaea of
I'livx 'iia,.M'h are visiting their eon, j
('horloa, thla week.
FMItor K. U Hunter of the Waoplng
Water J'.eviublii an waa In towa on bual
n'M on Weuneeday.
Mra. Bain rettirned to her horn In I
X'nlon alier a wiwhk'b vlall with bf
duuffhtcr, Mrs. Hhaffer.
Mr. and Mra a. I Wllaey of Farker,
i., are vlaltlng their daughter. Mr.
J. J. Follard tola week.
lr. Davla of Iiitooln waa called tir
Tueaday to aee two of Albert Murdork
..l.lldren, who are down eiili pneumonia.
Mra. Taee-rt and duliter cf Farsro,
., N. 1., are vlaltlng her titter, Mr. Jlob
ert Caldwell, thie Week.
Itev. and Mra. Itoa f Weeplrer Watar
and Mra. Caiti of tien-i .spent W'ednea
duy with Mr. Omar to'-hkutaiiiair. (
An attorney rettreeenUriaT th Uoa
Bonding oompeny of OmaJia, waa la town
oa buaiaem fur tho oonipany Wednesday.
Rvermnnd Flybon of Maid an, Waelu.
waa vlaitlivg old frienda In town Tu
!.. lie as on hi way to v!H hi
ei4 Virginia hunk.
Mr. and Mr. Htarfena, aooutuiwuivd
the latinr' mother, Mta.- Taule. to
Omaha Vt'edneeday, from wher au will
g.j to Ne York, u awut word from br
hiigband In (kuniiniy, when It wilt be
aefa fur her to atart born.
f i lend. Mra. Ornar SohUoteroaler, near
Fev. W. M. Plledg waa called to Wel
lington, Kan., . Wednesday to preach th
funeral aerrooo over the body of a firmer
Mn. Henry Plre left Wedneaduy for
her hojna at Long Hne, Neb. 8he haa
been apendlng aomc time her with her
friend, . M la Mabl Dudley.. ,
Mia Opal Lewton. who haa been teach.
tag the iaat four yeare at Khelby, Neb.,
baa reoelved a poaltlon In th Llnooln
choola for th coming year.
Rev. N. W. Rich of the Mennonlta
Church waa called to Oabom, Kan., on
Thurarlay to preaoh a funeral aermon
over the body of a woman who wa a
member of th church he flrat nreached
in some eighteen year ago.
Toot B"reebecgar la In Quarantine with
Mia Margaret Haney la vlaltlng rela
tive In Uriiolit.
Mr. and Mra. Jack Blakawell of Ben
on ax vtalilnf her.
Mra. Caaper Plaher tiled at the TJnceln
loltai for th Inaan Iaat Sunday.
Mra. Levi Klrahatl of La Flalte via
I ted frienda th for part of the week.
Mra. Mlloa Carpenter of Colorado la
vlftltiruf her mother, Mri. Holoinon &oe
rlan, A birthday orrlee party waa given
Harvey Weeth at hla home Iaat Monday
veiling. '
A barn and four horaea, belonging to
Mra, Kate Myrtle, were burned Iaat Mon
day fifternocn. ( .
Willie Klerk, who la atsperlntendent of
th Chaa County High achool, waa home
on a vlult iaat Bunday. .
K. II. Klger and hla daughter, Qracit,
attended the wedding of a coualn in
Council Bluffa on Monday.
C. R. Aahton haa realgnnd aa local
Tnanager of th NehraeVa TeTephone com.
peny. H will mov to Omaha.
Mr. and Mri. Henry Bchadendorf made
a five weeka' vlalt to the lltnama expu
altlon, returning loet Saturday.
W. EX Miller and wif. after a alx
monlha' abeunc In Lincoln, hxve con
cluded to move bark to Springfield.
Mr. and Mra. John Hrlieel, accompanied
by Mm. E. 1 Pflug. ar fanning nn
automoblls trl( to. the Panama exposi
tion about June 1.
Mr. If. W. MarquarCt waa vlaltlng her
parent at Dunbar over Sunday. .
Henry F"ranen and wife were vlaltlng
Lincoln frlnndo the flrat of the week.
Mrs. A. 13. Cutter of Bethany win null
ing relatlvoa north of town over Sunday.
Mra. B. O. Hpencer wna here from
Talmnre TTuredav vleltlng her parenta.
MVa. f-hnrl'a Wondaon 'nd eon of
Council Bluffa arc vlaltlng Avoca rela
tive Mr. f WRiihg la apendlng the week
with her.'dmiTriter, Mra. Louie Ulllin, at
Cornell Blnffe. .
Mlsaea .Tudlth Rtrauh. Villa Oapen and
Anna Altt.iiron were Vle-jing Water
vialtora Saturday.
Mra. P. N"mn entertained the Con
gregational Laolea' Aid eoclcty at their
noinu ia,i i nuiauay.
That the juror who heard the evidence
In the lull brought by Oneat Oleen
gat net Orandlaon Perria for alleged
alienation of th affectlona of hla wife,
read coplca of an laaue of Th Bee which
contained an account of a polaoned
orange episode which developed In the
trial and were prejudiced by It la aMrged
by Kcrrla In an affidavit supporting a
motion for a new trial. The Jury re
turned a verdict for IViOO for th
Th Jurors, the affidavit eeta forth, dl
peraed to their homei th evening . on
which th atory appeared In Th Bee and
In tbelr homes read th account,
Th account presented only aaaertlona
which developed In the trial of the suit
In open court.
' I . -
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April l.-(Speclal.)-John J.
Ledwlth of Lincoln haa been appointed a
member of the Htate Bar commlaalon by
th supreme court. He succeeds tooths
place made vacant by th resignation 0f
N. P. McDonald of Kearney.
The commlasjon conducts the examina
tions of applicants for admission to the
bar and hear disbarment proceedings.
Mr. Ledwlth la a practicing attorney In
Lincoln and a member of the faculty of
th college of law of the t'nlverslty. f
Again Saturday TJe'flf for Great Ua
in Suits, 3oats and iSlincrv
You weU-diTd women, who want the; lateat, snappiest apparel without
having to pay the his; price naked by tho bin uptown, high-rent wtorea you
are the women who will erratly Appreciate the great jgmlvrm we offer. Satur
day will he another trig day of bargain-giving in our second floor read j -to-wear
depart men t. Head these specials: . t
Remarkable r.iillincry Values Saturday
Everything that's new and styllah in Spring Millinery.
showing to select from.
A Wonderful
Hobby Trimmed Hats
Values up to $7J50 Saturday we will
place on gale 225 trimmed hat, hard
ly any two alike. Every new and
pretty style. You'll be sure to find
' the very .one you want.
All go at $3.75 .
Ono T.bls Full of Shsrcx
I'ntrimitied Hats, worth up to (3.50,
including all the aeaaon'a neatest
stylo, all shape and colors,
go Saturday at
riaVJkisJ tbe newest novelties
for trimming hau, go Saturday
at, per bunrh
A Sale of High Grade Sample
We' bonght aeveral sample lines of very stnppy suits and coats. ' In this lot
Just 124 suits and 113 coats, which go on sale Saturday t savings of nearly one
half to you, t
Hardly any two alike. All are made In the very newest and snappiest of modern
!ergr, chuddahs, , gabardines,' coverts, poplins, etc. All the lending tthades. All
sUe for worn and mKes, go Saturday Jn three great, special lots, C f 1 r"
t" 814.75,. 813.05 and..... 5y.0
Ixtok tiieae over -the season's best offerings, in every new style, color A CkC
anUfabHc; at S0.75, S7 SO and. ... . 34.7D
In all Ihe new, smart models, colors and
i fabrics, the kind sold elsewhere up to
?n.;vo, are here
84. 05 J. .......
worth tolc, good quality
striped gingham . and per'
cnle petticoat go.
Saturday at
214-218 N.
Fancy Silk Kimonos
$3.R0 value, at
Iok . these ovet you will be surprised
at the beauttfur dresses we offer Satur
day in all th best styles nd (Jyf Qf"
silks at S9.75, 87.05 "1 VVD
Just a Few Steps North of High Rent District.
3 Be value, extra fine qua.
Ity, blacks and col
ors, pair
Block' North
of Postoffiee
Mr irl Mra. Hans Johnson motored to
Om.hi Wednesday.
Mia Mary Israeli l.aa returned horn
afirr a lo weeaa' vlail wlih Omaba rel
envea. Juha Petersen and Mr. Pelersrn vol.
roinod a strl to their hout ttu
Tb etaa play "A Oeuntry KM" will
t atven at trie VSoomea hall Friday
evei.uig. Alrtl ,
N'ra. W. W. Ma entertained her par
llr. and ibiie. J. Vf, Tbuiuaa of
..l:.uf., ouuday.
rnr liniuii Kelaer and Juhn Karnneman
Btti itietr iarultiM j ujuUig U, w autu
..Md immi we. k.
. --fciii ttliMrt, Ui lltt! daughter nf
. mrjiwi , iiMfnua Try i;i wia j
en atlaca ut Llnill Ilia.
r Ftw.m limn . tnlti mrrmA iJl i
am Htitut- tKuclnr of trie lnuriutdtate
;.'..u lur two tleya thla week
Mr. and ilri I-tgc rt Oft antertalned a
i.-n.U.r of inititM and triuie Weiiia
o', in l.unut ut U:e lurimra bltthdey.
i V lloi Juhnaim. iri lir of the ln
tu. tiM-Uiniu rvHjuv, waa taxuu 14 l&t aYl
U) I't. Kltney llX'Iiuuura It to b
f-lp-it Hud t..m la now at an Omaua
iHK.uui fn- trwAlriifiiL A1l lttvu u
1 l tUe t'itrrimduil room umU kllmt
J.iilu..ji a teluro.
A son was bora to Mr. and Mra Thomas
Hunter Thursday.
Mr. ai d Mrs. I... P. JJyars irtotored out
fruru Ueiuxin Sunday,
Mr. and Jlr, r. . Kennedy jnotorsd
to r'reinoiit Wcanwulay.
Urs. John Mxrtahon and Mr. John Len
tell went to r"remotit Thuraxlay.
Mlaa Ovrtrtule Ingram entertained the
Kenelngton club Monday evening. ,
Mr. Condron returned from Omaha
Saturday evening. Hlie Is feollng much
Mlea Mary Bmth Omaha, was
th gueat of Mies HeteD Mt'Ke Monday
and Tueaday.
Rev. McAlIlnter Is Conducting revival
servli-es at the Methoxiat ohurcb at
lhara thla wrek.
Mrs, R- M. Krway waa elected delegat
to represent the club at th dlatrict meet
ing and Mra BUM alternate.
Tit menibera of the Pa Mint ehurehes
gave Mra. 1'areon an enjoyable aurrrlet
J neaday evening In honor of her birth
' The' Vallej Women's elnb met Krtdsv
efternoon at the home of Mra R. k(.
Hrway. Mra. Hieele read a plr on
"Haruld Hell Wright" and a review of his
The regular monthly meeting of th
"nuire liees" held In th Dohertv
hill dn-etay. Mra Monahan, Mr
Klanhammer and Mra. wallstroni served
the supper.
Pmul fttartser haa nee on wnrk on hla
new realdenc In South Papilllon.
Mrs. C. T. Thorton la vlaltlng tbla week
with Mr. Thorton at Ferry, la.
Mra O II. Magaret entertained th
Kaatrrn Star kenainglon at her honta
Tueaday afternoon.
Mra Patrick Dowd of Sterling. Colo.,
arrived Moniay, to Hd a eou4e of
weeks with Mr. and Mra, Louts t!teur.
Mlaa Irene lleffley of Gretna and Mra
Wuiiurn hya of Madrid, la., were guta
of Mr. and Mra Arch Morrlaon the first
of th wee.
Mr. and Mra T)rm Wright moved to
Springfield thla w.k. Ttmlr son. tjovd.
who la eenlurat high achool. will remain
ber until th eloe of the thKl yrr.
Mr. W. n Pattereon entertained the
Woman' club at Ita ruir evasion
Wedneaday afternoon. Mra. ttoor
lver reed a very tnatructtv parrr on
"tViremU Ar In Nefaraaka." STra Kittle
eon of Omaha wa a guost and gwv av-
erai readings.
ralrbary Newa Kea.
FAinBt?nY. Neb., April l.-(8peclal)-W.
r. Tjeepor sustained a dislocated leg
while taking coal on a large mogul freight
locomotive last night, deeper is a Rock
Island fireman of thla city. The aectdent
happened at Cortland. Kan.
Th ralrbnry Board of Education has
uimer uuiiHiueraiion ininywiva ppucaJ
, v., .Kinfniiiriiunuvx vi in. r air-1
bury a choola Th succeisful aspirant will
probably be chosen this week to succeed
A. U. Cgvlness, realgned. Mr. favlnena
has been at the head of the Falrbury
choola sine September, 1!X.
Charles H. Fletcher has returned from
a trip to Topeka, Kan., where he waa
called by tbe alt-knees and -death of his
mother, Mra. KC. Fletcher; Mr. Metcher
Is a looomotlv fireman on the Chlcago
Nebraaka flyer runs. Lincoln to Council
Uluff .'
Th preliminary hearing of Walter
Hlckey and William Johnson, charged
with grand larceny by Jefferson county
officers, was held ''before Judge L. J.
Nutsman !n county court. Thea men
were arrested on th night of April two
miles south of Falrbury. when they drove
Into the timber and attempted to load up
a pile of Junk concealed In th brunh.
They plead not guilty and Judge Nuts
man bound them over to district court,
fUlng their ball at 1300.
The Dreiel Kid 5yi:
"If all kids
Dada knew
how good Steel
Shod shoes are
ther wouldn t
ever be any
other kid
shoos sold.
You can't bat
For Over Quarter of a
We have been able to se
lect our boys' shoe from
all the lines made In tbe
United States. We have
chosen .
' Nave Ifvte f Weet Pol at.
WEST POINT. Nb.. Aprit U.-(8pe-clal.)
Th marrlag of Michael F. Qate
ley and Miss MJnnle Hugo took plao at
St. Mary' church at this place 'on Mon
day, Rev. Ferdinand Pelts, pastor, per
forming th ceremony.
Th member of tho congregation of, eH.
Anthony church In t. Charles .town
ship, southwest of Wes folnt, hav com
menced to enlarge th church building.
Th original church structure was first
built and used for religious purpose in
tb yar l&oq. Th present Improvement
I largely due to th seal and labor of
th present parish nrleet. Rev. Peter
Orobbel, formerly of Randolph.
The marrlag of Anton 8. Tweebua and
Mia Ann' Throener, prominent young
people of f hi vicinity, v a solomnlxed at
Pt. Mary's) church In thla city on Wednes
day morinng. by Rev. F. Telta, rector
of th parish.
Th Klkhorn river at West Point on
Tueaday threatened to overflow ita tnanka,
and did so In a few pieces, but without
sny serious damage. '
t)n Wednesday, Father Pelts united rn
marriage William Ululmeialer ul Mtaa
Josephine Meier, at 8t. Mary's church.
T L3l3laa
Because they are better
made of better material.
Our judgment Is ftood
for these shoes will out-
wear two pairs of ordi
nary boys' sboes. We
have them In Button and
lilucher. Boys', 1 to BV4.
$2.50. Little dents'.
to 15 V4. 82.25.
Parcel post Paid.
1419 FarnaM
$10 Ladies Coats for $5.00 Men's and Young Men's
Ul sample coats in blue, gray SmtSJ $15 Values at $10.00
or navy; all the latest stylps ' w
on sale now at $5,00. asaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
' $2.50 Hats on sale at . . $1.50
$6.50' Skirts for. . . . . .$3.50 .
latest styles and colors; your VOC UlUOn Suits at 50c
Choice Saturday for $3.00. ssasaaaaMBsaBSBeaaaaaaaaaaae
tt - -$1.50 Union (Suits at. .89c
$1.03 House Dresses . ; . . 68c '
Gingham and percale - aU $100 Caps CH Said at -. .50c
siies and colors. - aaeBSMBMsssaBasa
$1 and $1.25 Waists for 48o $2.B0 Pants on sale at fl.50
styie?,r tr,n,n,ed' u "l6" "d 50c Neclcties on sale at 25c
1 iii r
Wrraiai Water.
f&virsr W. Voti of IJnoula was a bual
i . vi.i'or to ltn Wedneaday.
Mm Tf.Teaa Wlleg waa a wek-enJ
. r elirt relaUtea at Uyuard.
Mr ani Mra C. W. Oyer of lincoln
f r ihv new proprietor of the Lur.
'j..i.e of t'ni'Mi has heu vis
v .i,.-: ti.U wb at tne John Ftiapatmck
'Ira '.irrie If e of TtcuniMli vutted
: i.Uy and MiUii.y kh her mm, Mr
t.. I, tijuttr.
Mi I.. V. Mij o? Lincoln la Clouding
ir, her parvuts. Mr. and
Irrlaitaa. . .
Mr. Muroell waa an Omaha vMiur
Cheater Hendrtckaon left lioM.T fur
Winalow, Neb.
. Mr. ftp r rue of Penaoa visited at the
Hackmaa horn Tueaday.
Mr. Haaard la In Miaannrl vUittn VI
Craig, formerly of this plao.
Carl lllbbard of South Orraha spent
Saturday at the 6. K. lireweter honw.
The Willing Workers met at th Jotm
Hendiickaa bom for dinner Wednesday.
Mr. B. K. Brvwster returned Monday
from a few days' vtalt m Johnson Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. I of fUieldon ar visit
ing at th hont vf their daughter, Mrs.
n1 Clarenn Brewster and
children of lie n son vlaitl rr.,n wi.i.v
until Sunday at th. Finch home.
Wllaon Mnheart, Jame eV anion. Jo-
MOTtCLg, oa tuacwHcac
t ,e KW-H tt
Mm J.'ot lii.min.o atid tAugttar, Mr
I i btiuin. e Mn .titg t ttie tmia Htiiith
iiffd iu i'Ui.utiMjuin a few Uays ILla
I -eV. nd Mia. M. W Roe VUiVj the
vt u. . at tU IAti of tUeir
Ui rc.J-i.-tk fur U l;zu
Dclictous, invtgotstins and custsinics.
Keep k oa your skicLoaicJ st h.
Don't trartj widtout IL
A quick Liuci prrpaiei La a t&iauU.
t?-n I a mm yoa wy HS.ZIIC.TS"
you my get a Submtltute.
tj- ;
j m TS . ! . t a,
For Springtime
Every style your heart desire is
included in our eompreheiifflT
, showing. ,
The pretty model shown today oomes in Patent or wn
Metal, jeweled with buckle of jet. So Taried are the
styles this spring that it is impossible to describe them all.
Suffice it to say that our stock contain all the charming
styles of the season many exclusive with this store. Mod
erately priced uch as
and 84.50'
tr. "a
pay unen gured
SUe a4 AU Rectal sl. ard
wliuoat th kali. rtriwum cam
Ulitl I'i. ll geeraeaeea. w n iu are tiinerretea
W k3 as U Wtk aa avaetoU Klsea aa4 n
tm.a of fcaaaretla eu yalaanta U
k.hraaa " lews
OR. C R. TARRY - - 249 Ue Old-., Omaha, Neb.
Th MUsouri VaUey
Greatest Farm Taer.
UO.COO Copitt Wedly
75. MS sHiaia lit mdmtOmJ
The qugllty printer urge
his customer to tpend
money for good engravings,
leccuse it it money well
tsent. The best printer in
the basinttt cannot get re
mits out of an inferior cut.
1 We mcke them to suit the
! jo.
vPljt,AJk Tttt-
Watta Today, 1:30 Tonight. Taat
s-etfurnaao. of Qeo. M. Oeaaa
Talk of f I civ York
A Big; Tefoaical Comedy, with
Boaaad ttaaeea.
Begtnaiag Sgatia. Tomcrrow, TkTiaa
ava.t wts l AU IMF rDLL."
Vim. avouiaty a'ght. Siael SWtuiuaaj.
atoprmavi l-aol kot.i, BtnioMt
SUM. Soes Mtsat. Saw .w.
Xatk, Stao
few. a moo
sit oai
Th BVolltofclag ICaatcal Comedy gaoea
HIGH JlllliS .v?H
of go.
Katk, so to $Mi mvr-, so to saoo
Toaaorroiw, Menay,
Tueaday and wii.
andif WdaOar
Dance ltellghta,
Sons Hit. -OufBedr
Spectacular Marvels ,
lak up Henry W.
-OatAJiA-a rxrm obstis
rywsgrfm iiiy is-ss-so.
a sydu riMat -
I.U.I. taf-sAB. Am I
UIIIIIU aaUM.l TaaHUxng ISoa
London Dcllesj1
by long odds, tn moat run to tewn.
Johnl W ebr - and hi funny ye.iL
Heauty Chorus ar neat ttelie.
ladle' Xun htatia Xvery Week Xtay,
Sua. wa.; Mia. tat Hen baker Bee Two.
y Kor.i of PinscBnt Plctans LI
ZJoyd Iagrahaa aaa siutavi. Cast ta
The Spanish Jaao"
A rhotographlo hfaatarpUe.
Advanced Vaudeville
Price. Qaliry beat Seats t&-f -T
The presence of
agents of European
nations, buying
horses by the car-1
load for war pur
poses, emphasizes
the importance of
Omaha as a horse
market. -
from half a dozen
states between
Missouri and Mon
tana, come to Oma-!
ha for the purpose
of buying horses.H
Most of the horses
for sale from this
same wide territory
are shipped to Om
aha. Many good!
horses off city win
ter work are alstf
being sold now.
Springtime brings
activities in farm
ing, building and
. j
other outdoor m-,
dustries. Get inl
ahead of the rise inl
prices which - the!
increased demand!
may onng wita
the advance of the
, ' , l.
The important ser
vice of introducing
the 'man who has
horses to sell to the
man who wants to
buy horses is per-j
formed by Bee(
Want Ads.
These little ads in the
Horses and Vehicle coIJ
ama have bin "horse
poivcr" la this lavoretfl
raarket. Doycrs anq
sellers both testify that;
MBee Want Ads are!
Irne pullers. "
Turn to the Want
Ad pages. You will
find the pick of tha
Omaha market
hordes for every
Telephone Tyler 1000.