Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 15, Image 15

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m jge!s - Home M
Stage Stars as Star Cooks
The Tea Dance Girl
Age's Greatest
A Few Recipes of the First Magnitude
o I
r, ,1 ! - !
Vision lleared, Sympa
thies llroadened and
Clearer Estimate of
Values Given by Years
"The great consolation prize that age
1 as brought me," said the white-haired
woman who has grown old beautifully.
"I tolerance, and the broader view of
thins, for somehow
es I have grown
older and my phys
ical vision has
tilmmed and failed,
the eyes of my spirit
have grown clearer
until I can see life
rrl an a part, but as
h whole.
It Is. as If In
y nth, I had stood In
h valley too close to
Ihe people and things
rl'ont me to get the
richt perspective on
tl em, but in age I
Fit upon the moun
tain t"p and the
whole panorama of
hnrran happenings Is unrolled before me
and I see how the one exists because of I
the other, bow small are the thing '
rnce thrught ro prcat nnd Important, j.
how everything tends to one great end.
Youth Is so narrow, so Intolerant lt-,n
d mauds perfection. For p. single fault
j iuth condemns an individual and -puts
111 in beyond the pale.
"As we fcrow rider we learn that no
tme is perfect, and no one wholly bad,
and o we begin to take what Is good in
rcrple, and enjoy It, and leave what Is
"T irviAa amlln n mvaclf BO. T think
. " , . '
over my list of friends, and remember .
how 1 pltoutd have scorned so many of
them in my young days when I was so
impatient of everything that didn't meas
ure up to the highest standard. And it
isn't because I have lowered my ideals.
It Is fltnply because 1 have come to have
broader sympathies and to estimate val
ues more Justly.
"There's little Fiflne, frl4olous and
brainless aa a butterfly, to whom the
most Important thing in the world Is to
have the very latest cut in a gown and
the extremest hat from Paris. Flfine
never had a serious thought in her life.
She's indiscreet. She neglects her hus
band and her children and her home.
"How I should once have condemned
her! But I don't now, because I .have
found out that there never was a warmer
or a more generous heart than beats
under the Imported gown that she' gone
in dftbt for. If I want help,- quickly and.
surely, for any needy person. the one I
call on first Is Fiflne, and t never call
In vain. ....
"And there's John, who has made hi
money In questionable wayse and who
doesn't even understand what the Word
honesty means in the sense that I under
stand it. He's a man who has driven close
bargains, who has taken all the short
cuts to wealth, a hard, sordid money
grabber that I should have once despised
from the bottom of my heart.
"Hut I don't now, because I have seen
him In his home as tender, and as
patient to a querulous Invalid wife as
an angel could be. I know the long
rights that he sits by her bed minister
ing to h-r, a-. 1 thnt because hewlll not
care to hired hands he denies himself
every particle of recreation. He never
even so miic'i as goc to tho theater, or
for an automobile ride, or a game of golf.
"He spends his life vibrating between
a lck roor.i and the factory, where he
tni's like r fiend. 1 know that the money
th.-it he wrests from others of ton un
fr.ii ly, h" pours out like water on his
wife, and because his soi'l Is lit by a
f.reat love that has been capable of
malting a great sacrifice, I tan overlook
what Is mean In him.
"And there's Sa;a. crabbed and cross-
(rained, whose tongue drops vitriol. Sara
Is im'iee and tint hnr tabloness personl-
lied. he krows the worst of everybody
anJ tells it. She turns on those who
try to help her, and stabs them to the
heart with cruel speeches, born of envy.
'1 urn rne of the very few friends she
had in the world, and time and again
sl.e Kays things to me that In other daye
would have rondo me drop her. But I
don't even get angry with her now when
she makes one of her caustic speeches
that turns a aear"hlight upon one of my
pet weaknesses. frr I know that Bara'a
life has been one long sacrifice on the
altar of her fsmlly.
"Mlie gave ip the man she was to have
married in her youth in order to support
her old father and mother, and to give
the younger children in the family a
hance 1n life she never had. And since
then there has always been a horde of
hungry mouths to feed, nephews and
nieces, always new baMes being born
to Incompetents who couldn't support
them, and the burden of It all fallir on
Sura's thin little shoulders. When I think
of all that she had done, I don't see her
as tUe termagant, the woman with the
serpent's tongue. I see her aa an un
crowned saint and martyr.
"And there's Charlie, handsome, de
bonair. mercurla-1, fascinating, a reed for
every wind of passion to blow. Charlie
married as nice a little woman as ever
lived, and had three of the prettiest little
children, and then, for no reason at all
except his own wandering fancy he de-
serted his wife and children and de-
tainiiea Willi anniner woman.
"Weak and unmanly, and recreant to
duty, I grant you; but Charlie had his
hour when he was a man, when a vacht
cm which there was a gay and half
drunken pleasure party struck the rocks,
xnd seven times he went out to what
Muned certain death to rescue those on
' "And so It goes through a long list of
l-eople I know, each one with some re-ce-mlng
trait, no matter how bad the
rest ef him or her is: and I get such i
:i,y and gladness out of them, because
ngn hss taught me how to mine for the
Kohl and throw aside the dross.
"Youth Is colorblind. It sees only black
and white. But age clears our eyes so
we behold all of the delicate pastel shades
, in humanity. And that's what reconciles
r;H; v,
one to growing old.'
Miss Louise Dresser.
I nere are a rw recipes rrom stars on
i the stage which ought 4)o appeal to those
, who like good things to eat.
Mis IXHilse Mresser, one of the stars
orR M Cohan's musical review.
"Hello Broadway." Is sponsor for the
following recipe, which she advises every
one to try:
hop. A I.n (ircrnr.
Take eight baby lamb chops. Place a
quarter of a pound of butter in a chafing
I dish, after removing the water reservoir.
When the butter has melted all your
chops, vlth a scant teasjioonful of salt,
, . '
a half teaspoonful of pepper and one and
one-half teaspoonfuls of dry mustard
Read it Here See
By special arrangements for thla paper
a photo-drama corresponding to the In
stallments of "Runaway June" may now
be teen at the leading moving picture
theaters. By arrangement with the Mu
tual Film Corporation it la not only poa
alble to read "Runaway June" each
week, but also afterward to see moving
pictures Illustrating our srtory.
Copyright. 1816. by Beriai Publication
June, the bride of Ned Warner. Im
pulsively leaves her husbarul on their
honeymoon aecauseehe begin to
that she must be dependent on him lor
Sh. Aeairea to be Independent
June la pursued hy Gilbert Blye. a
" L Bh. tvimi from
hU clutches with difficulty. Ned searches I
distractedly for June, and, learning of
Blye'a designs, vows vengeance on mm.
. .jvitur June la rescued
from river pirates by Durban, an artist,
fihe poses as the "Spirit of the Marsh."
k driven out by Mrs. Durban and Is kid
naped by Blye and Cunningham. June
escapes, tries sweatshop work and is dis
possessed by her landlady.
In the Grip of Poverty.
CHAPTER III. (Continued.)
Bobble Blethering Jumped in front or j
Ned. but was' thrust aside. June's gentle j
faced mother could not be disposed of ao :
"Ned," ahe raid, and her light touch
upon his arm at she looked pleadingly up
Into hia eyes was stronger than any
muscular force could have been.
Shivering with the revulsion of his
passion, Ned put his arm around Mrs.
Moore and walked away with her to the
other end of the tiny room, while Iris
Blethering threw her arms around Bob
bin's neck and enjoyed a few good sobs.
Scattt, left alone In the corner, straight
ened up alowly and, raising his shoulders,
cocked hla head and then gaxed at the
cobwebs. Presently he puckered one
corner of hH mouth line, and there stole
upon tho pentup air, soft and low and
sweet, the melting strains of "Santa
Down a cross street hurried the maid,
Marie,' her high cheek hones burning
with excitement and her eyea red. On
her way she had collected Officer Powd,
and he was a great comfort to her. She
was a person who was particularly pleas
ing ti policemen. A large and extremely
black colored woman with a market
basket caught sight of Marie from afar
off and came bobbing as fast as she
could waddle.
In a swift taxi came a vivacious bru
nette. All these were centered amund the
destines of the beautiful little runaway
Tired and still dased from her disillu
sionment, June. Warner turned Into the
dim ha'lway of Mrs. Waters' lodging
house, and wearily she climbed the
stairs. Halfway up rhe stopped to stifle
a cough which has been growing upon
her since she had entered upon this strug
gle for an elusive independence. She
turned into her bare little room and sank
J ,, he on,,r WUn mW Indifference
,ho no,cd thHt ihf, Washtand had been
moVB(1 frorn Hg place in front of the door
j at the nead cf th. but .ne WM ton
much preoccupied to wonder at it. Khe
stopped to rest for a moment, lier hand
upon her chest; then mechanically she
picked up a pair of pants from the table
and started to sew.
The hall door slowly opened and . a
young woman, her eyes sparkling, her
rheeks ruddy with the flush of health.
wanted in, riaa in gorgeous raimeri. n
was the vivacious brunette. Tommy
"You poor desr!" cried Tommy.
"There wss no place else to go," June
"Oh, yes. there was!'' said Tommy
Thomas, laughing gayly. Khe fled Irom
the room. 8he returned in a moment,
and with her was the ahlte mustached
Orin Cunningham.
"Go:" June said and pointed to the door.
xil it Al 'i"':-U I'm f:-J
Miss Ruth Shepley.
Keep turning and basting the chops till
ready. This Is enough for four, and can
he made without much preparation and
on short notice.
MltiN Ruth. Shipley . leading lady of "It
pays to Advertise," recommends the fol
lowing: l.ohater Amrrlgsllksae,
Take one cupful of chicken stock, one
cupful cf cream and boll together. Fill
pan half full of olive oil, and when oil
Is very hot put In the lobster. Add one
finely chopped crumb of garlic. It this
cook together for about five minutes,
season with salt, red pepper and wine
glass of white wine. Then add one
It at the Movies.
"You don't mean ItT" laughed Cun
ningham. Bill Wolf came out of the saloon across
tho street, wiping his Hps. There was a
plaold expression on his round face, and
he had a short, thick stub of a cigar
in the corner of his mouth.
A handsome collie dashed up to the
well known and Justly famous private de
tective, barked and dashed away, barked
and dashed away again.
"All right, sport." said the comfort
able Bill Wolf and followed the dog
across the street.
Leaping and jumping and stopping at
every few steps to look back. Bouncer
led the way into the abandoned bank and.
springing against the heavy iron door,
yelped his loudest at every leap. Whin
ing, he crouched at the crack at the bot
tom of the door, and a vigorous pounding
answered him.
"All right, sport," said Bill Jovially and
lefted from Ita place the heavy bar.
Instantly there dashed out Ned Warner,
Advice to Lovelorn
ur SBAraxcra taxstaz c.
A Danaerous Afialr.
Pear Mlsa Fairfax: Iam', and love a
msn (married) whom I known for
the last two years and who was my
former employer. He is a perfect gentle
man In all rcspecta and Is kind and irood
to all. Have noted the way he speaks to
his wife. He treats lier and loves her in
a way that every man should, and on
that account I admire him ail the more
and love him for it. He Is my sole ad
viser and he occasionally calls me up
and we talk for an hour once or twice a
week. If anything troublea me 1 tell him
and he advises me.
Am I doing wrong meeting a married
man, although l oiuy think of him as a
good IrtcMid'.' I have no friends whatso
ever and look forward to seeing him with
pleasure. PICRPLilXED.
Bnduro a quick, merciful wrench now
and put out of your ltfe this most dan
gerous, and even wicked, friendship. To
the man It may mean merely a lltle di
version, and to you It may come to mean
more than life and honor. Or to you It
may mean only a refuge from loneliness
and to htm it may come to be a cloud on
his domestic happiness, which you your
self say Is commented on for Ita perfec
tion. And It Is unfair to the wife In any
case. Meeting this marrhd man secretly
is fraught with dangerous poslbtllties.
But there Is one thing that is unavoida
bleand that is harm to your reputation,
for when you are discovered together as
discovered you will be sooner or later,
the world will not interpret It kindly.
Put him out of your life at once.
Hear Miss Kslrfax: A girl of of
whom I am very fond recently had her
fortune told, and learned that she was
fated to wed a widower about two years
I. who am 23 and not a widower, be
lieve that there Is now no chance for me
to win her, as she hss much faith in
cards and in the lady who manipulated
them. I M.
Don't let ridiculous belief In fortune
telling come between you and the girl
you love. How under the sun can the
!all of a few Inanimate playing cards
determine the force of love In a human
heart or foretell the ways of Providence?
Of course, you ran sit idly and make the
"decree" come true, or you can set
about winning your love and proving to
k.r that Inva A ajrvultAr than a.lnratL-
I tlon
Km t'aese for a Qaarrel.
liear Miss Fair 1 ax. I have been going
out with a young man two years my
Junior. A few clays ago I saw him witn
another young lady and have not spoken
to him since. Would you advise me to
speak to htm, as 1 like him very mu.-li.
If you are not engaged the man is
privileged to go out with whom he
pleaees. Crcet h'm plrssantly and In
natural if ou alue his friendship.
Miss Mnry Ryan,
chapped onion, one green pepper and
small tomoto. Cook for ten minutes
more and serve quickly with toast.
Miss Mary Ryan, now appearing in "On
Trial," la the author of many recipes
for chafing dish preparations; she con
siders this her best:
Veal Kidney l.a Heine.
Cut finely one onion, one green pepper
and one veal kidney Into a large lump
of butter, anrt stew until tender about
twenty minute with a little water. Add
one tablespoon! u! of Worcestershire sauce
and salt and paprika to taste. Serve on
toast or plain bread.
his Jaws set and his fists clinched, and
after him came June's father and mother
and Bobble and Iris Blethering. Ned
rushed across the room and sprang for
the atalra as Bill Wolf grappled savagely
with the Italian chauffeur. Around the
coiner came the high cheek-boned maid.
Marie, and Officer Powd. closely pursued
by fat old black Aunt Debby, while down
the street rolled an electric coupe, with
the sharp-featured Honorla lllye at the
In the narrow bedroom upstairs June
Warner stood, pale and erect, looking
straight Into the eyes of Orin Cunning,
ham. For a moment he resisted her
clear, steady gaxe, and then he dropped
hla eyea, abashed. Suddenly he lai-ghed.
and, pulling from his pocket a dassllng
string of pearls, he took a step nearer
and flaunted them before June's eyes.
"Orin Cunningham!" A stern, cold
The door behind June had clicked She
turned. Gilbert Blye!
"Oo!" he ordered.
Without a word Orin Cunningham,
cringing, left the room' with the sneering
Tommy Thomas.
Gilbert Blye'a black eyea softened as he
turned, and they glowed down at June.
To Be Continued Monday.
We believe we can reduce ypur cost of living.
Twelve stores and markets soon in Omaha and
Benson. Our New Locations are as follows:
No. 264108 No. 2 ttli Ht.
No. 27 In the IWwutlful
rnstle Hotel, 688 South
luth Street.
No. SO 2700 Cuming Ht.
No. 81 80th and Maple.
We have contracted to buy
No. 21 818 No. lOth Hi. I No. &M SOtil Farnam Ht.
No. 22 1406 No. 24th Hi. No. 25 2518 No. 24th Ht.
No. 28 1807 Vinton Ht.
Other HAHKET STORES at Lincoln, Havelork and Univer
sity Place.
Pig Pork Roast 8?
Fresh Dressed Chickens, dressed to your order WYi$
Hlndquarter Spring Uamb and Knre
qiiavrter Mprlng laiiib at wholesale
6 leer i'ot Roast tVe
Hi Pork But la llc
Young Veal Boast 1H0
Yeuug Veal Chops 9Vo
Hut'.on Chops 13 too
We deliver to all parts of town
Mall orders given prompt attention. The Kmprens Sanitary
gives the people high quality and
Opp. Wool worth Oc and 10c Htore.
Pig Pork Roast
Fresh Dressed Chickens, our
Steer Pot Roast
Pig Pork Putts
Young Veal Boast
Young Vea.1 Chops
Mutton Chora
Mutton Roaat ,
Hiare Blba
Halt Pork ,
Hwlft's Premium ltam
riklnned Ham
Mall orders filled from this
Ho I
imo i
nm i
The frilly dance froek seems to be the
favored thing a beautiful creation of
soft taffet and cloudy nnet In white, buby
blue or pink, elaborated with lace or em
broideries. An exception to the general
rule Is Illustrated in the sketch, which is
of Cleopatra green tulle, mounted over
white net, which, in turn, Is trimmed
with bands of silver lace.
As worn by a stately blonde, whose
alabaster beauty is not unknown to the
drswlng rooms of New oYrk, the gown
created a veritable sensation" the other
evening, for with the green of the tulle,
the sliver of the embroidery and the bil
lowy under flounces of white net, there
were associated clusters of bright red
roses, which caught up the skirt draper
ies at one aide.
A unique touch was given by a bow of
red velvet ribbon, which presumably tied
No. 28 2221 Military Ave.
No. 20 Corner 10th and
Hickory Sta.
out Mr. Homer Hill.
No. 8135740 Main Htreet,
Bnare Hiba B4e
Halt Pork iUt
Hwlft's Premium Ham 144e
Klilnne.l llajim UC
Kxtra lan lireakfaat Bacon... list
, . . .
nu gar .ured Hacon ....
t'ugar Cured Mum .
9. 11 30 and S
low prices 16 os. to t lie lb
1X3 South 10th St
Tel. I. 2807.
own dres'g, 16 oz. to lb. 11$
Kxtra Lean Breakfast Bacon.. IB e
Hngar Cured Hacon 18
HuKtr Cured Ham t0
Meat is down 26 to 40 at the
PuhlK Market. By buying In car
load lots we can buy cheaper and sell
cheaper. We supply -the leading
hotels and restsuranta
Kram I to t P. M Urob Chops Be
From to 10 p. M. Pork Chops 100
Three deliveries a day . 11, 3:10.
the stems of the rosea and whose ends
were passed through a slash In the
flounce to reappear In a box-knot posed
at the very base of the skirt hem. In this
way the designer had evidently avoided
an undignified use of too much splashy
Tho charming blouse wss girdled In a
rather hlgh-walsted lino by bands of
satin, fastened In front with ornaments
composed of brilliants set In a silver
background. Narrow flounces of the net
finished the short sleeves. The neck was
In V outline In front and at the back
there was a narrow collar of the silver
Between dances, whllo promenading the
broad veranda, thla yclrl wore a wrap of
white taffeta whose deep collar was em
bellished with disks of silver In applique
19 Pounds for $1.00
Best granulated Pugar Is advancing.
Our (.'of fees are always fresh; Moyune
private brand, t pounds for 11.00: Bpe
clal brand, 3Vi pounds for 11.00; the
best 25-cent Coffee In the city, i
pounds for $1.00. Teaa, all kinds, 40
rents to NO cents per pound. Sugar Sold
with tl.00 other goods.
Moyune Tea Co.
406 N. 16th St Phone Donf. 2446
The Merchant Who Doss a Credit
buslneaw may try to convince the public that he sella hla gooda aa low In.
prices like the merchant who does a cah business.
OCR MKTHOli We buy In large quantities for rash and aell for eaah
and get special bargains and discount, and give the people the benefit, thafa
why ue can ssve the people from 84 to 60 per rent.
Compare every Item of ours and convince yourself that it navs to traAs
with us In the snow white up-to-date store. The pride of the oliy. Bvery
thing military. Mere are a few of our bargains. 3oO other articles for loaa
monny than any other store In the elty.
Creamery liutter Idlewlld, Meadow Gold, Ideal or Wedgwood. Sat'y, lb. Sle
4 4-lb. sacks Purity Klour nothing finer Haturday $lMm
We will p laves oa sale Saturday 4O0 doaea Koaaehola teuBdry Waa, regular
6c snller; limited no more thajt 10 and not lesa thiui i to a customer, ea la
1,001) boxes Crane's Peppermint Life Havers, regular to sellers; Baturdajr.
inree noxea for
Yellow Onion Hets. nt f3e
6c pkgs. Dates, t pkgs. for Do
(e Oil HardineH, I cans for too
10c Mustard Htirdlnes, S for So
1 oc cans Tall Halmon aa
Home Made Taffy, strawberry and
and :6c per lb.; Haturday, per lb.
4, OnO Iba. Chewing and Hnioklng Tobaoco and i,000 Cigars: on Bale Saturday
at prlcea actual H of the regular selling price. Horseshoe, Climax thin
or thick, t.'nlon Htandard or Index, per lb., saVtoi Kplcure. IVugrh Cambell.
Hhag or Central t'nlon and other brands, regular 10c tins for Ao
Tlxle Kid, In 1-lb. dinner paila, regular 65c seller for 36a
Central Union, W-lb. tins for XYMa
Cigura Maude .Hall or John Hlearn, 2 So clgara to a tin, retrular five cent
i UaJ per tin. Saturday only .aao
A good arooke for only . .Xe
Home made Smoked Frankfurters, na kind, KaturUy, per lb., only ltVfe
Choice Cuts Hirloln or porterhouse Htnaka, per lb. ...lSo
No. 1 Bugar Cured California Haiua, per lb. .. Se
No. 1 Bugar Cured Hklnned Hania, per lb. Ito
I'ork Bhoukler Koast, per lb , 4o
Hum Made fresh llanibergar or I'ork 6ausae, per lb. lOo
Choice cuta Pot Hoast of lleef, par lb lBie ana lOo
; 3, ,'.,.,iU'.V T.p.
Mall orders shipped at the same price and will receive prompt attention.
Vree Delivery.
Telephone All Phones lKutlaa l.VSO.
quart, and regular $1.25 value, at
OI.I ( HOW, full quart, 1.25 value, 8 yearn old OSc
( KDAH HKOOK, H jeara old, 91.23 value, full quart -18
CLAKK'H It YE, H years old, 91.23 value, full quart
Mail orders filled. We
Oh, the foxiest youth of the lada I know
Is gossamer-winged Pan Cupid.
He shoots his arrow and twangs hla bow,
i IH1 miff i nr, raiw.-ii'r. v
All other lads or swift or slow,
1 All other hoys seem stupid,
; But still when courting these swains
would fftv
They follow Danny Cupid.
T.y this little ehap sre the big chaps led
Bv little Baby Cupid,
Who lures them on til tnelr "yes" Is said.
And then away flies Cupid. ,
If he flies away when the wedding a
Surprise Is very stupid,
Since the King himself has never wed.
Why hope to alter Cupid.
a irl is foolish to throw herself at a
man's head -before she Is sure ahe can
strike his fsnry.
Some folks are willing to give a man
a boost after he has climbed to the top.
Have you noticed haw the folks who
keep you so busy listening to their
tioubles. that you have no time to talk
of your own, seem to add one to your
list of woes?
Have you noticed ho-v seldom stuck-up
folks stick up for each other?
Truth may not alweye be stranger than
fiction, but It Is generally more rare.
There la something wrong with tho
man who looks upon any charitable act
with suspicion.
It Is a satisfaction when paying the
rent to realise that , the landlord Is going
to be eoaked for the taxes, anyhow.
If the girl with a pretty dimple It wise
the will smile often.
As a rule, vanity, to exist, doea not re
quire food of a very substantial order.
He who loves his neighbor aa himself
does not extend the affection to the neigh
bor's wife.
Do You Know That
Slocks of gold sre held by the Bank of
England In both Canada and South Af
In Russia bricks made of coal dust are
used for paving; the coal dust l com
bined with treacle and resin.
The rose of a waterfall Is produced
almtist entirely by the bursting of millions
of air bubbles.
On January 10, 1M0, 1M0, penny post
waa Instituted.
Oxen and sheep are believed to fatten
better In company than when kept alone.
The lord-lieutenant of Ireland receives
an annual salary of tlOO.ono.
fL-i-I.!Llii!.iii'!i.;ii. ! i ..JS
I The Best T&sting Dish
on Your lable
Can be made with a combi
nation of either cheese,
tomatoes, beef, fish - and a
package of
You can get It at all leading
grocers In the U. 8, Delicl
oni recipe in every pack
age. Skinner Mfg. Co. Q
Tfte Laraail ma
Factory la Aairte.
I Oo pkg. Corn Flakes ja
raacy Hweat Orangea. do sen- . ..lao
Ffency large laMnons, dusn leo
Extra fancy fresh Aaparaxrua, per lb.
bunch . . . .' .....lOo
Oreen Onlona. per bunch le
lemon flavor
regular selling prloe zoo
issue Shoppers' Mileage.
121-2 Nu. 16th 8C