14 ..Ts BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 191.". By MELLIFICIA. Friday, April 16, 1915. SEVERAL of Omaha's younger generation are making rapid proeres In the muslcsl world; no much so that we will no doubt soon art J new laurels to our now scintillating atmosphere. One unusually talented youngster In Master Bernard Ilanlghen. This little tot has reached the pedal stage of supremacy la his work, but not years. Ills feet come within miles of the ordinary pedal, but to facilitate his progress his parents have had a pedal built especially for hi practice. He now pdals like a veteran. Little Miss Elisabeth Paffenrath, although but 6 years old, is a regu lar prodigy. This little mite baa just been studying the piano since Octo ber and she has already appeared on several recital programs. Little Miss Gene Palmer, daughter of Mrs. George palmer, Is not ye: In her 'teens and Is dolna work In the advanced music classes. ! Miss Virginia Crofoot, though some older in her art than the others, bide fair to follow in the footsteps of her mother, Mrs. L. P. Crofoot, and her aunt. Miss Frances Nash. ANGELA MORGAN, poetess of America's dele gation to the International Peace congre&s, called by the women of Holland. Young Hopeful Causes Much Grief to His Fond Parents Wedding Announcement. The wedding of Mlas IMen nirdnn. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Rlsdnn. and Mr. Marlon D. Orr waa clrbratod Vednosdar at St. Francis' church in Council Bluffs. Rev. Father atcManue. pastor of St. Francis church, oftl'lated. Vies Kdna Kogwrs and Mr. Walter Krone wr the attendants. The weddlns wu followed by a breakfast at the home '.f the hrlde. The table was decorated with raeetpeaa and the guenta were Mr LIIHe Orr. mother of the arootn; Mrs. Blanche Emery, Meenrs. and Meadamee H. M. Rlrlon. Joaeph Ine, Martin Jenaen, Fkrl Jeffera. Mlaaes Haael Orr, Alary Waldrori, Olartya RUrrtnn. Meeara. Albert lrvln. Cheater Lane, William Kmery and DenaM Emery. Dancing Parties Tonight Tha Qui Vive rlub will lve their resu lar seml-monthlr dandns party, this evrnlns; at Cliamlwia' academy. The meintors Include: Meera. end Meedamee. W. K Adair, Changes ot Residence. Mr. and Mra. If. I, Martin have taken the houae at WIS ITuderwood avenue, and will move In neat week. , Mr. and Mra. Oliver Mdridse, i Davenport atroet, will tee the Jaeaer home at WW t'nderwood avenue. May 1. Mr. and Mrs. It. A Van Aradrl or Omaha are building a home on Kurt atreet near Flfly-flret. They expect to move In soon after May J . J. W. HMUn. .A. O. ' ir-en, H. H. Wellrr, J. H. Huaete. C. R. Ritrtevsnt, R M. Harrta. U. K. Thompson, . R. N Honca, Tom B Kelly. Allan Parmer, K A. retail. W. K. Pal ma tier. W. M. Taylor. Ralph ! Hroen, K. V. Itmoreaux, F. J. Jumper. F. T. Till'''. IV. P. Mlkeaell, M. M. I.yona. W. F. Funkhnueer, V. II. Hamilton. A. A. I'lel, W. H. Yohe. ' J. f. Oreeley. J. Fred Kerr. F. R. Jnre. W. (. Nicholson, Albert Knu, W. a. Fuller, I. .?. O'Hrten, B. H. Ward, I.. W. Rlraainf, H. ! Danforth. H. H. Mrltonald, H. O. Fowler, I. A. Baxter. 0. 8. Ooodrlch, I. . C. Kohn. Parker Fleury, 1. ee Huff, J. e. Kennard, W. M. Oilier. James Wauajh, K. II. Wllaon, liyron Btnlth, lien Itobidoiix, ,.)eph Iter. Frank Rnrrett. fliarlea K, Thompson W. rl. Htryker. I.e I.. Hamlin. nr. and Mra. K. . Henry. Hr. and Mra. E. H. Bnietilnn. Meeel-a Meeara f)r. . N. Hoyt, W. Moore. M. W. Morrow. J. B. Morrlaon. The Columbua club will entertain evening at the Metropolitan club. this Out-of-Town Engagement. Announcement of the ensasametit of Mlaa Mery E. Hallock of Bast Uver pool. O.. to Dr. A. B. Marshall of Omaha, was made st the home of the bride en Tueaday. The marriage will occur on Bat- urCay. June 18, at the home of a brother of the bride, ev. O. B T. Tlallock. D. D.. of 10 Llvlnipiton park. In Kocheater, N. Y. The ceremony will ba a Quiet af fair. The gueata will be limited to mem bers of the family and a few close friend Wedding Anniversary Dinner.! J Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Croaaman en tertained at dinner Thuraday evening at their home In honor of their flrat wsd dlnif anniversary.'- The table was .'decor r.ted with white and pink ehaded candles and o while baaKet if P'"k roaea. Cov ers were lull for: Mciara ard Metdsinr A. '. i"rr.nn, Raymund Croaainan T. N Cl nr . .Ml laahHtr Ohti uharaof Mead. B. U.; ir. II. ,Ur.'-i of .ieii. t. U. Wit( the Traveler:. Mr. K. O. Ilalatead plana to leave for the east the flrat of the eek. iHie will Malt In New Tork City. In Newark and In Bayonne, N. J. - Mr. and Mra. O. U Payne have returned from California. . Mra. K. B.Koller aspects to leave about .May S te Join Mr. Keller tn Denver. Surprise Party.- Tha office employe of Collier's Weekly gave a surprUa party in honor of their manager, Mr. P. D. Browning, and Mrs. Browning, Tueaday evening. The honor guests were presented with an electro lier. Tha guejt prraent were: Mesnra. and Meadamee In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mlaa Iucy and Ml Orace Harte spent the week end In Hprlngflcld. Mr. J. M. Oilchrtfit will return from Ex relaior Pprlnga today or tomorrow. Mr. C. Fredrlrkaon and duughter left Monday for a vldlt with Mra. I. H. Arey. Mr. J. T. tlolilmnlth of Chllllcothe, Mo., pent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. It. U. Harte. Mr. and Mra. A. C. Hartman returned Tueaday from a week-end vlalt In St. Joanph, Mo. Mr. Andms and Mr. Ooldateln.of Chi cago were gueats of Mr. and Mrs. IS. I Iteall Sunday. Mrs. A. E. Archer and children, Mayorie and Bdmond, left Wednesday to spend a week with relatives In Ord and Central City, Neb. For the Future. The next meeting of the Harmony club will be hold at the home of flenator and Mrs. -Norrls Rrown. 4814 Davenport street, (Saturday evening, April 24. The Cacti rlub will give their annual spring ball .at Chamber' Dancing acad emy Monday evening, April 19. The committee In charge Includes Moears. Jack Huchart. Adrian t.und and Clint Hamilton. v leoture Series. Mra. Anthony Merrill gave . the third of her series of lectures this morning at the home of Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson. The author discussed was George . Bernard Bhsw. Personal Mention. Dr. Samuel Dedda of Butler, Pa,, apent the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Dodda Mrs. II. C. Freeman left Sunday to spend the summer with her daughter In Lexington. Ky, Mrs. A. B. Lathrop has returned from Minneapolis and taken her former home at 4811 Davenport stnret. Mr. and Mra. Glenn Bennett returned Monday from a two weeks' visit In Kan sas City and Rxcelstor Springs. Mrs. T. P. Clarke returned last week from Illinois, where she was called by the illness of her mother, who la now much better. Mlas Florence Rahm returned to s.'hool at Montlcello Tueaday after spending the r.aater holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ream. Mlaa Oladys Chandler la with the Aborn Grand Opera company and sings today In ton. Later this company will pre sent light opera In Baltimore. Mr. Iaae Carpenter, Jr.. haa returned from Dartmouth college for the icrln. vacation. Mr. Carpenter will complete his tlfth year course at Dartmouth thla June. Mlas Gladys Morton, who has been on duty la tha American hospital at Neullly slnoa the war started, arrival last Thurs day to vlalt hsr mother, Mra H. K. Mor. ton. Mlaa Morton landed in New Tork on tha Dacla March V. As?- '' J VW-t fir frjah y,J The juvenile mind la characteristically blind to social dlatlnctlcn. It does not perceive the great gulf fined between the poeeeeeor of Masuma snd the Nonpoaseaaora of Masuma. And young Van Renerllaer ripp, heir to the Plpp millions, flnrta company and Joyous rompsnlnnahlp In Tommy Jenka. eon of Jenks, the hod carrier. Behold now the exploit which thla very characteristic bad dictated right here In Omaha. The small heir apparent to a sickening amount of Omaha masuma la the hero, although his proud father and hla doting mother would call him the villain. ' Iet us call the family Plpp. Just for convenience In narration. The Plpp motor car la vsat in else and glistening in appearance. Mamma Plpp feels that It properly represents the dig nity of the family and Incidentally pre vents too Cloee Inquiry into the occupa tions of two grandfathers who were, Mrs. Pipp Is secretly, silently, aorrowful to remember, honest worklngmen. The Plpps glide about the city In their wheeled palaoa In aa regal splendor as King Oeorgs In his gilded coach riding tn Parliament. Toung Plpp, starched and Little-Lord-Faiintleroy-eJ In clothes that he hates, accompanied his loving parents. He 1 to them as the apple of their eyes, aye. even more than their wealth and ' their pride The other afternoon the Pippa. gliding down Farnam street, were Vurprlaed at the number of persona (peraona1 la the word haughty acrent on the first tyllahle) who waves' their handM at them aa the wheeled palace gilded on Its way. Mrs. Plpp wss at first astonished, then tn- tdlgnnnl. ."he wondered vnguely whether the i.ijblic had leerned about thoee arand fa there. Mr. Plpp wu surprised, too. Maatcr Pl;p waa not surprised. Ida mother lae not lived with him nine yeara without becoming acquainted with hla characteristic. And i.i, ss folks continued to wave at the automobile. Mamma Tlpp turned her ariRtocratic head upon her regal neck and raa her haughty eyea upon her son, the apple ot her eye. Son's gool looking, good nstured. rosy fsce wss sj'fused with grins snd hla big blue eyea were fvll of Joyous Juvenile twinkles. One chubl v hand was at ths sill of the open limoualno window. "What have you In your hand, dear?" demanded Mamma Plpp In a Mrs. Potter Palmer volc-e. "Aw, nothln", mother," grinned Master Plpp. Mrs. Plpp decided Inatantly that, umler the circumstances the Queen of Kngland would slese the hand of the young Prince ot Wslee. She Instantly did the same to young Plpp. The hand came In and with It a large placard. Mamma Plpp's eyes gnsed upon the placard and this Is what sho saw rudely lettered upon It: "JITNey BUs "S CENs." Almost Mamma Plpp wept. Almoat Father Plpp laughed when sho showed the awful thing to him. Mamma Plpp thought he detected a wink going from her husband to her eon. tut she decided eh must he mistaken. Master Pipp loves hla mother. And so ho haa solemnly promised her that he will act In the future aa a youiur orna ment of society should act. F. I. Browning, Mlsrea H.ella K.rekltie, M. l oufal. Kate Anderaun. Ki:th on, ;!! Ceughlin, I). i. lioban. C. A. Barras. Mlssea l.ula Hinlth, Reulah Parker. Pauline Pregler, Catherine Nyland. Measre. Robert Barras. Orchard & Wllhelm Co. This Quarter-Sawed Golden Oak Dresser, Large Size, $20.00 (Like Illustration) It Is selected quarter-sawed oak throughout with a big bevel plate mimi 24x30, best rubbed and polished golden oak finish, two large drawers and three small ones. Onr I Vice for Thl Hue Dresser 820.00 SPECIAL PRICES ON GOLDEN OAK DRESSING TABLES Lrncheon and Cards. The Friday Auction Bridge flub was inlertatned today at luncheon, at the home nt Mr. A. A. Foatcr. A large ,boi cf tulips wss used ss a table center piece and covers were pieced for: M lrinw II. t'unant. 1 orsell. MIH.wi Mah. Muo:e, Medams l.iivk. .1. V. Piilver. A A. Foster, Mix Mecti. Pleasures Past. Mlra Marie llodae entertained one of the aftemoen bridge clubs Monday of laat week. Three teblee of play era were -revert. Mr. and Mr D. C. Dodda of Ralaton entei tallied at dinner Sunday for Dr. Sam uel IRtdiia of Butler. Pa., and Mr. anj Mra. 1. r. Dodda. I Mi. and Mra. J. F Dodda gave a dinner Wedneadav in honor of Dr. ham uel Ilixld of Butler. Ps. Covers were laid fur eighteen guest. Mra. M F. Kunkhouerr and Mra Nellie lltvena ave the laat or a series of bridge parties st the home of Mrs. Funk houaer Tuosday afternoon. Three tables of players were present. Mrs. Anthony Merrill waa guest ot honor at ths Omaha Wosaa'i Press club luncheon Thursday at the Commercial club. The table was decorated with ferns BDd covers were placed for fifteen. Enttrtsins Bridge Clnb. The Friday Bridge Dinner club will be entertained this evening by Mr. and Mrs V. E. Cdgeoome st thhelr home la Dun (Jre. Spring flowers will be uaed ss the liMt decorations. The saembers Include: Meaera and Meadamee 1. II. li-aloi.. Uere Gillespie, FrttlMit k C. mil. C. O. Shepard, Informal Luncheon. Mr. J. H. Arey gave a luncheon Thuredey is honor ef Mlaa Gladya Mor ion. bi baa Just returned from Neullly. -He- Woman's Exchange NEEDLE-CRAFT SHOP Lobby cf Bet Bmlding Ideal gifts for wedding presents, or card party prizes. Orders taken for all kinds of needlework and liome haking. Mrs. C. S. Marshall Shop Phone, Doug. 3879 Res. Phone, Walnut 839 HOTEL LOYAL will ttrvm a iptcial DINNER ON SUNDAY rlXssJF.tf. sfdiaff. M. AT $1.00 PER PLATE reUat May f Jtsarrees MUSIC ? FUTTOH Teleykeae Oeug. 1SSX About Yoor Eyes n Dressing tables regularly $20, for Dressing tables regularly $37, for .$13.50 and $15.00 $28.75 ( Sale of Window Shades SATURDAY 10c Hoosior Kitchen Cabinets Saves . Miles of Steps. Everyone of the hundreds of Oinalnt women that bought Hoosiers at this store aro more than pleased. 800,000 , now In' .tin. Come In and se them. Wo Are Sole Omaha Agents. WHITE HKAtls THE NEW HOOSIKK READY MADE SHADES, EACH .. Shades worth up to $1 a variety of sizes averaging 36 inches wide) and feet and 7 feet long, several hundred In all, choice of many colors, dyed shades and opaque shades with slightly Imperfect shade cloth, all are shades re maining from on big purchase from the Yetter-Moore Wall Pa per Co. Iet us estimate on your Window Shades. We make no charge for measuring. Drapery Section, Main Floor. Saturday Sale of Blue and White Enamelware Utensils 694 604 094 O04 Buy the Best; It's Cheapest! HKHUICK KKPRIGEJIATOKS Perfect circulation. You can put llmbursrer cheese) In th same compartment with your butter and the butter won't taste. All sixes Up from $11 We make tertna on liberal credit refrigerator. t aiscK asusBst A limited quantity of beautiful blue and white ware at astonishingly low prices, occasioned by a special purchase from the manufacturer. Teakettles . . . 69c Water pails . . . 69c Dish pans . . . 69c Preserving kettles, four sizes 29c, 34c, 39c, 49c Coffee pots ....39c Mixing bowls ...,8c, 10c and 15c In the Kasemont. All-White Mixing Bowls 29c Large Size Sale of Fancy Baskets, Saturday Baskets priced $1.00 to S1.0. 75c Baskets priced 11.00 to'ji.oV, " " j sg Baek'eU 'priced '$2.00 to 2.2 5, Basket priced '$i.5o' to $ J.Vo. A variety of small sooad baskets aaa basket traya at 6o aaa 10c A number of willow ault run, hah jr. hampera ami other baakets alifhtly aullrd at a fraction of their value. Xa tae Baaemeat. ORCHARD (El WILHELM CO.. 414.16-18 S. 16th Street 40 Dos. Tub and t rfSeT6 H 95c CLOAKS. SUITS O MILLINERY 2( Dos. Tub and pe de fhln Waists, worth to 98.50 NOI THKAST COKNEIt 16TH AM) DOl'ULAS 8TS. Vomen's and Misses' Suits at $15.00 QRIGINALLY made to sell at much higher price. J By purchasing several hundred new sample models 1 am able to offer you high ' H v grade suits that are worth $20.00 to J S27.50f at . . They como in all colors, materials and sizes. lloaotifu) Worlk DBJCHKES, To $85. At $15 Every Dress In this let is an original model tnd only one of a kind, and can't be duplicat ed at any price. It you ran find what you like and your also you will be lucky to secure thio dress at tta.ou. . Silk and 'Silk Poplin Dreases at .VtA. 9T.V.1 aad O.H3. SKIRTS AT 35.00 " 82.03 I hare selected several hundred Skirts out of my new stock and priced them special for Saturday, In two lota Skirts worth $3.15 to 14 B. at 82.05 Skirts worth $(. to $l.5. at 85.00 Kvery new style in cluded in these lots. Stunning New Spring tX)ATS Just received and placed on sale for Sat urday, at 87.05 and $8.05. NEW SILK tXATS 85.05. $0.05. In Black. Navy and Belgian Blue, at 812.50. 814.50. S10.0O and 822.50. $1.95 ' v) i MM) 1L The Dansant USUAL SATURDAY THK DANSANT FKOM FOUK TO SIX Soupers Dansants Changed From Tuesdays and Thursday! . To Mondays and Thursdays BUILT FOR YOU TO ENJOY Hotel Fontenell Always the Newest and Latest Styles Will be Found in Walk-Over Shoes THE "Dansante" w W VS. A 1 - "Dananle" V One of our most striking and stylish Pumps for this season. Cf) r ZR Either long or short Tmps.Vs'V rv THE The "Minuette" "Minuette" A sensible, bat stylish Pump lor everyday wear. All aires and widths. $3.50 to $6 WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP 317 SOUTH 16th STREET Phoenix fruarMteed Hosiery for Men and Women. All colors. We Do Expert Shoe Repairing While You Wait. BRANDEIS STORES Brassier $8 A Dress Essentia I Good fitting bras sieres are just as es sential as the corset. The articles are worn together and the bras sieres complete the cor set. We recommend Warner Brassieres. They are perfect fitting, made of dainty and durable materials, well tailored no matter what price you pay you receive exceptional values and garments you like to wear. We have a complete selec tion of sizes in either front or back closing; lace and embroidery trimmed. Our fitters understand perfectly the fitting of brassieres and this service is free. The brassiere illustrated is of batiste, lace trimmed and hooks in front. Or Sizes 32 to 44; each. L, Other Models, 50c to $3.00 tj. liiJi. . .Jti.. m.. itt.',rf:AMai..c. a- t.h)V;iiirtaaMiaawiiaaiMtiihsisiJiiL. j i "I want Lee's Shampoo" Don't hesitate ia desnaadlnc the use of Lee's Shampoo by your barber or hair dresser. It costs the barber more thaa sosae other kinds, bet, in gal lon bottles, the cost la less than one cent per sham poo and it takes leaa time aad labor in doing the msaual work. There Is only one place where it hurts the barber and that is la elimiaatias; the need oi hair tonics, hair restorers, dandruii cures, etc., but that is always lor the custosner to decide. Lee't Shsmpoo cleans quick, washes out quick aad dries quick, h lea res no soap la the heir b bre and scalp pores to set op scalp irritation and hair troubles. It is a very do re aad neutral vegetable. Oil. alcohol. s-Wcefiae. aeml-liaatd mas. ammU sreen la color, heeeuiully traaspareat and pieassntty psutaaed. Don't sk merely for rreen soap. Any soap can be Colored green but there is only one Lee's Liquid Shampoo. OSkmmtpoo Botttm 2M es. At your drvggitfa or postpaid. psajsjr-.' M Ska ; fiVio, SPECIAL TO 6ARCEZS AND HAIR DRESSERS To any bona tide osraer of an operatiag barber shop or hair dress inf pailor. we will luraish free a quart bottle of Lee's Shampoo. The only condition la tfist vow follow our directions la applying the Shsmpoo aad buy snore from us if your customers are pleased. This applies ia or out of Usnaha. GEO. IL LEE CO.. Laboratories) Omaha, Net. i