Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1915, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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The unrivalled special feat
ure patfes of The Sunday
Dee are in a clasa by them
selves. Dest of them all.
VOL. XLIV NO. 260.
Om Trains sad at
otsl Maws Stands. 8
People. Who Want to Keep Facts
Concealed Bring Dirorce Cases
Is your neighbor, friend or fallow
c'ub member divorced? If ho or bis
wile bos recently made an extenaea
v'slt in Fremont, PapiUion or.othor
neaby Nebraska towns, it is entirely
possible, and even probable.
These towns have become the
Mecca of Omaha married folk who
find their matrimonial bonds burden
some and for whatever reasons they
may. have desire to avoid taking- the
public into their confidence regarding
the allegations they make concerning
their spouses and the testimony they
give In order to secure the decree.
Recently woman who If prominent
and whbae husband ! weir known. wnt
to a.n attorney for advice concerning- a
proposed divorce. . . , -
"I .will not file a, suit unleaa It la ros
slblo io kop tha sUavAttons out of the
newspapers," he sa:d. " "My. huafcand Is j
willliiK that a divorce should granted
and will not contest the suit.""
."Well,", the attorney explained, '"the
Omaha .court tlo. not permit., the with.
lr wins' of petitions to conceal litigation,
but In the .own of or or aeveral
other towns the papers may be filed and
Immediately withdrawn and your tes
timony can practically be irlven In
private. Yuu need only go to one of these
towna and Mve there a short time to ful
fill the requirements of tha law, since
y.m arc alrvaily -i resident of" the state."
tacted mora frequently than other towns
because of their closeness to Omaha
and the excellent transportation facilities
hy which the tedium of continued rural
Ufo la rendered less unendurable. In
tha last year nearly a score of Omahana
have .adopted this method of seouring
divorces, it la estimated by lawyers, who
are in a position to know. , '
The rural divorce first began to be
popular Jn Omaha more than a year age
when JudKcs of the district court stopped
tha practice of withdrawing petitions to
conceal litigation. Their action followed
an expose of . alleged. '.''Juggling of tha
records" In the tfflc of Robert Smith,
rtftrV-nf thn Htrtrt ,nurt whan n
tremely prominent divorce ca wa cov
ered up uid uncovered by The Baa.
City to Collect: .." "
Mfva Tovoo tVatti
i ' ' t: :"" nr" '
-. ; ; insurance men
eefved from Assistant City Attorney Te
Poel a tetter advising him that foreign
rira'hsurance oompanlea ahould pay city
taxes oa tha same valuations a? uww
on which they pay county, atat and
school taxes. Mr. Counsman, In accord
nce with this optnloB, will assess these
ompanleaon a basis which will result in
an Increase of revenue to the cley of mora
than K.O0O yearly, ha aald.
Uoat year foreign "fire lnra ranee oom
panlea were assessed on a valuation of
I6S.S00. their gross annual premiums, for
tounty and state purposes, but paid taxes
tor lty purposes on a valuation or only
(183,40, their amounts of cash on hand,
for city purpoaea. ?. .
An Interpretation of a supreme court
decision which ' resulted In tha abolish
ntent by tha city of tha office of tax
commissioner, leaving tha work to be
done by oounty officials, la the baata of
Mr. TePoel'e ruling. Tha decision doea
not bar the city from collecting taxes on
a baata of gross premluraa collected, ha
Autoists Park Cars
in Middle of Street
Omaha autoista have already begun to
park their cam In the middle of certain
aireci, as requireu u.
dlnance. Until next Monday waa given
by Commissioner A. C. Kugel, auperln
tendent of police, for tha autolsta to get
accu.tomed to the new law, before en
forcement would be begun, but tha latter
have atartcd out promptly to follow the
new rules. - .
ATior,u the wide streets where autos
are Already being parked In the middle.
ik Howard street, from Sixteenth to
i Vn,eth, and Eighteenth, from Har
ney to Douglas street.
Fourteen Federal
Prisoners Before
Judge TJO. Munger
Fourteen men, Indicted by tha federal
grand lory, were arraigned tefcre Judge
T. C. Munger today.
William N. Oendron, Indicted for having
coun 4 rfclt ' money In bia possession.
Shew si a letter Just rccclvfrl from his
family 'tn nttsfleld, Mass. Hla voice
broke as he talked of his two' toys.
Judge Munger waa touched, by the evi
dent aincerlty of tho man. Ho had al
ready been In Jrtal aix months and United
States Attorney Howell refused to recom
mend a penitentiary sentence In view of
the fact that Oendron bad showed the
secret service offiirs the place where
the counterfeit money came from. Ha
waa sentenced to thirty days In the Jail
at Grand Island.
George Bun sell received the longest sen
tence. Ha and Hoy WlUlaraa pleaded
guilty to ateallng a package from the
American Express company here. Russell
waa sentenced to a . year and thre
months In the federal prison at Leaven
worth and Williams to one year and a
day. ,'
John J. Pevinc pluld guilty to steal
ing a. parcel post package from the Union
Pacific station at Conimbua. Ha waa
sentenoed to a year and . a day In tha
Leavenworth prison.
Mayor Dahlman Harriet Home to
Be Here in Time for the Meet
' ing of the 0. 0. P.
EmU Musik Found
Guilty of, Murder;
Penalty is Death
Emll Muztk waa found guilty of mur
der In tho first degree by a Jury in the
dliHrlct court Friday afternoon. Ha waa
charged with cutting his wifa'a throat on
tha morning of March S at their home,
412H North Twenty-sixth street. South
The Jury fixed the penalty at death.
If Musik la executed he will be tha first
person In Nebraska to be executed by
the electrto chair.
- County Attorney Magney and Assistant
County Attorney Plattl scored tha man
heavily In their addresses to the Jury.
The 6-year-old daughter of Musik testi
fied In the trial that "papa killed mamma
and then ran out of the house laughing
and clapping his hands." Tha defense
sought to show that this and other acts
proved Musik to be insane. ' Musik as
serted that ha waa Intoxicated when ha
Committed the crime.
Republican plans are proceeding
for a rousing meeting which will be
held at Washington hall this even
ing. A. W. Jefterla la besieged on
all sides and by all aorta of political
cliques. He says that the republican
party has existed for a good many
years and that the McKlnley club has
been In existence In Omaha for a
number of years and he can See ao
objection to the republicans of
I Omaha meeting ' to endorse whom
they sen fit for the office of commis
sioners. 'Tha republicans may inject party line
Into , the city election If they , want to.
but I, for one. will not consent to tha
democrats doing likewise," declared
Mayor Dahlman upon hla return from a
trip. , ' .
.Tha mayor admitted that ha cama home
In time to be here before tha republican
meeting to be held Saturday evening tn
Washington hall. H ventured hla opin
ion that tha republicans want to get In
Una for tha 1J1 campaign, which the
mayor believes will be an interesting one
In thla atata.
"Yea,' I atlll intend to project the wet
and dry Issue Into the campaign during
the next few weeks," added the mayor.
Regarding an electric light and power
rate ordinance Introduced during .his ab
sence, the mayor said ha favors an ordi
nance which shall hays rates which tha
light company" will ' grant without tha
necessity of litigation. He believes the
light company will agree to a reasonable
reduction and that the ordinance will be
come effective before very long.
Filing Fees Must Be
Paid on All Appeals
Asel Bteerejr., deputy cbrk of the dla-
trlct court, this week will notify de
fendants and . bondsmen who have ap
pealed from convictions lit police courts.
but failed to pay tiling fees In district
court. In accordance with a recent ruling
of the county attorney's office, that tha
caaee have not been filed. If the fees
are not paid by May 8, the fliot day of
tha next term of court. Police Judge
Foster will ba notified, and It will then
be up to him to enforce hi aentrnces,
according to oounty officials
The regime la expected to do away with
a large part of worthless appeal bond
abuaes which have existed In police court.
The county In tha past has been paying
police court appeal filing fees. '
Wanted to Find Women Whom He
Said Was a Friend of His
Georg Wotdlrldge Morrow. 1r.. of
Hartford. Conn., who wa found dead at
Klk'horn Tueday night, called at the
office of Chief of Police Dunn Monday
afternoon tor information which would
help him locale a Mra. Clark, who has a
daughter names Mellcla. .
The chief gave Mtrow the address of
Mra. J. J. Claik of litis Boyd street, but
when Merrow called at that address bs
learned that this woman was not tha
Hark he wanted tn find.
Merrow told the chief that the Mra.
Clark he was seeking had been a friend
of bla mother, but he did not divulge tha
nature of hta Guest.
"Merrow gave me hla card and hla ap
pearance convinced me at once that he
waa a man of education and refinement.
Ha appeared to have something on his
mind, but I did not feel Ilka questioning
him." aald Chief Punn.
The slip nf parer found on Merrow at
Elkhorn was the address give by the
Have Your Rubbish
Ready for Wagons
to Start Monday
The city street maintenance department
announces that . forty-sight wagons will
he started out Monday morning for the
annual cleanup campaign. The city has
been divided Into eighteen districts, with
a man In chargs of each district.
It la estimated that it will take the.
wagons from four to five daya to make
the complete rounds of the city.
The street department has received
many calla from rltisona who aay they
have heaps of rubbish ready for tha
Keea HoweU Regslas.
Nothing better than Dr. Klrvg'a Now
Life ' Pills for constipation, . Indigestion
and sour stomach. Oet a bottle. Only S6o.
AD druggists. Advertisement
Henry Kofmoleter, M Wllllm Street
was treated to ' ninety days suspended
sentenes for abusing bis wife, when
brought before Police Magistrate Foster.
Mra. llofmelster testified that t"geth
with her three little boy she attended a
picture ahow with an old friend of the
family, frank Brown, 1101 flotith. Second
street. Upon her returning boms she was
met by the husband, who spent the
greater part of the nlgnt drinking from
a bet tie of gin and beating- her, because
aha had gene with ' Brown to the play
house. At t o'clock police , of leers, who
ha1 been aummoned to the Hofmelater
home, brought tha husband to Jail.
Landseekers Arc "i
Overrunning West
for Land to Till)
II. W. tvelac of the land departmon
of the Burlington la back from Wyoming
He went out ten days ego with a part:
of thtrty-aix lanlseekera and locate
thirty-five of them In wetrn Kebrask
and in Wyoming. Bald Sir. Ixvelaca:
'The western part of Nebraska an-1
portions of Wyoming, particular!;' arot nd
Gillette and the Big H.t -n basin ara be
ing overrun with men looking for land.
Most of them are men vnV conslderaVn
means and nearly all are buying, some
taking Improved lands nnd others buylns
vacant tracts for ranch and grating pur
poses. It looks as if tha central portion
of tha west Is going to ba pretty well
filled up with actual aeftlers thla prlng."
Hold Out Small Hope
for Alfred Kennedy
. Alfred C. Kennedy's condition la mere
critical than ever before, hla attending
physician enya, and there la only small
hope of his recovery.'; Although ths
former school board man and well known)
member of a pioneer . family la entirely
conscious, ha la to seriously affilctedj
with," heart trouble, and atondlng com
plllca.tkna that tho worst la belna; Tre
pared for. He has been IU five months.
New Label League
Organized by the
Women of the City
G.A. Joslyn Makes
Another Purchase
George A. Joslyn has lust Invested an
ether $15,600 tn Omaha real estate in tha
purchase from E. A. Thayer of the aouth
east corner of Fourteenth and Howard
streets. VI luat bought it as a specula
tion," eald Mr. Joslyn. I thought onca
of, " possibility of building tha Western
Ni VParer Unl-n plant Ultra, but
Kec.-na the trackage la not to ba available.
.Vc-.ertheless, the property waa affered
iuv sle and I took It. as It Is worth the
Ten' former employts of Cudahy'a pack
lng company. South Omaha, have brought
sun tn district court against tbs company
for t50,00 ' each, because they w
searched 'aat February during an In
ventlgi-do. to determine who was stealing
meat. Their rights were violated by ai
authorised search C2 therr persona they
allege v
Makes Fsal 1.1 ks is).
I suffered with kidney ailment for two
years." writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges. Robin
ton, MUx. "and commenced taking Foley
Kidney Pills about ton months ago. I
am cow able to do all my work without
fatlgu- 1 m w 1 yeara of aja and
feel UHa a i-year-old gtrL" Foley Kld-
rey Pills strengthen and invigorate weak,
tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back
ache, weak back, rheumatism and blad
der trouble. They ara tonio in- action.
Sold everywhere. Advertisement
A new central organisation of labor has
been organised In Omaha, the officers o(
which are all women. Thla la known as
tha Omaha. Trade I'nlon Card and Label
league. It contemplates representing all
the trades union men and women of
Omaha, much as tha Centra) Labor union
doea, but tn addition carries on constant
agitation for tha furtherance of tha union
card and label. The organisation is to
meet. every Tuesday evening at the Labor
Mrs. R. il. Donahoe, wife of tho presi
dent of the Iron Workers, la president of.
to new organisation. Mra. K. A, Knimm,
wife of the president of tha Mowers
union.. Is tries president Mra. Jamea 8wan-
ton, wife of the secretary of tha Molders,
is secretary. Miss Katherina Leonard la
treasurer, and Mra. Charles Fiilman la
Street Railway and
Gas Company Pay
In Occupation Tax
The Omaha it Council Bluffs Street
Railway oompany haa paid Into the city
treasury 114,461.20 occupation taxes for
tha first quarter of thla year, this being
3 per oent of tha gross earnings as re
quired by ordinance.
The Omaha Gas company has remitted
rS.tBt&tS occupation taxes for the same
period, this payment being made under
protest, aa the company has dona for
several years. ,
The sale of book tickets for tbs Men
delssohn choir and Thomas' orchestral
concerts at tho Auditorium on April W
and 27 is going very strong this year,
Indicating the tremendous growth of mu
sical taste In Omaha. Manager Olllan
of the Auditorium and his ticket sellers
have begun to -fill the mall ordera which
have been rolling In to' hla office during
the last week.
'We have never had so large a mall
order aals for the Mendelssohn choir as
that which haa come .In this year." said
Mr. Gtllan. "We have now nearly 09
ordera numbered and filed, and these will
average, I efcould say, about two and a
half season tickets to tha order. Ws will
begin today to fill these ordera In tha
exact rotation in which they cams to this
office. Ws kep a record of every mall
order filled, ahowlng the numbers of ths
tickets given out In exchange for ths
book tickets. All orders that wars ac
companied by an addressed and stamped
envelope will be mailed out to the per
sona sending tn the order, on April 20,
one day before the box office opena for
the personal appHranta. Those who did
not aend addressed and stamped envel
opes may secure their tickets by apply
ing at my office on April 21. AH mail
orders will ba filled before the box of
fice opens on April 21, but none will ba
malted out unless tha orders were ac
companied by addressed and stamped en
velopes." 1
Dr. T. J. Magarell of ' ths . Vltapathto
Fsnatartum, 2736 fcouth Tenth street, was
given a fine of t-3 and coats suHi.wided
sentence when arraigned In police court
charged with inallcluus destruction of
property. Magarell was Convicted of hav
ing scattered poison in an alfalfi field
near his house and in so dolnga killed
a number of chickons telonglng to A.
Lurnecy. 1021 Bancroft street, and J. D.
Ryan. ZTJ3 South Eleventh street. Attorney
John Wharton defend! tbs pbyalclan.
Mem s ' Store I
, m&M .... '-4Li
Mil k r : MTP
of greatest utility because it of
fers Nebraska's premier exhibit of
Fashionable, Hand-Tailored
Mew Spipg Suit
$20, 25
Such beautiful fabrics and models are a revela
; don-compare with $20 to $35 values elsewhere
Distinctively Beautiful, soft, rich vro re teds, smart Glen Urqubftrt
Different ' plaids, newest Scotch tartans, new shades in green,
Weaves " brown, gray, new styles in validated tints, character
ful hairline effects, shepherd checks and overplaids, in a vast rango
of new, ideas in design and color. The special selection of our clothes
experts, from the best olothes made in America.
New Models See the new. low gorge lapels rolling over the top
-a Tailoring bntton. JJew, wide lapels in distinctive treatments.
. Achievement New needle point lapels. Lounge suits without a trace
of stiffening; slender, olose:nt models for young men, or strictly con
servative styles. One. two or three-button
coats. Patch or welt pockets. Undupli
2 cated new spring suits at
riuiK uicu, or ninouy cou-
Greateet stock of apwlal sixes In the west. Rtonts, short a touts, long
atouts, short and tall men or extra give men fitted with ease here.
Mi JLi St m J1 C ai'J
Gold Bond True Blue
Serge Suits
Dominate the field In raltie and fine
tailoring. Every yard of theae cele
brated sergea la carefully gun tested
and absolutely guaranteed fast color.'
All the new modela In genuine Oold
Bond True Blue a a- tQA
Serge Sultt at. SXU LU P3U
Men's Shirts
Special Purchase Sale
Thousands of shirts from largest
shirt manufacturers in the country
bought by our Mr. Win.1 L. Ilolsman
on his recent purchasing trip to New
York a timely sale for . Saturday.
$1.00 Negligee Shirts
Made of fine quality per
cale In neat stripes and fig'
ure effects. 1.00 Quality, at.
$150 High Grade Shirts
Beautif nl selection of new m m
madras and percale shirts. I IS
World's Finest Spring Suits for Men
No other clothes to compare with our showing of Rochester,
N. Y.'s finest hand tailored clothes. Not one but many of
America's leading makers. We recommend these 'clothes
For their style correctness
For their lieauty of finish
For their staunchness of tallorins;
and above all for tha prestige they give to the men who wear
them. The acme of excellence tQf (QC Ulfi
In finest clothes making, at OOU) PjO PU
11.60 valuea at.
$2 Fine Spring Shirts
Exclusive patterns in mad
ras, percale, rep and bri
tol cloth; 12 values.
$5.00 New Silk Shirts
Every man wUl want to
get In on this unusual of
fer of fine quality silk
shirts; 1 5 values, at
Men's Spring Hats
Presenting leading styles at most attractive prices.
John B. Stetson
World Famous Hats
$9F,n and
Maybe you Insist on wearing
a Stetson. Then why not
choose from the largest Stet
son Hat Stork? All the new
Stetson novelties and staples.
The Nebraska
De Luxe Hats
To make a new record for
value giving we have estab
lished a new standard of
quality the Beet $3 bat on
earth awaits you here.
The Nebraska Special Hats $
No wonder men are surprised at the fine qual- . .
Dollars Tom-
hats elsewhere
ity of these stylish hats at Two
pare them with usual $2.60
Men's Cape, styles of the hour, Bc to 4.
Hoys' Hprlng Hats and t'tips, 50c to 91. SO.
Mat Papt afals moos at Ajsla,
XXen'f Spring
1 Oxford
Newest styles.
I0 a?)
'"ll 7MSM -fiTlfH' Wl ff"J J
m 0 .0 L A
tin ThntvrnXl fkrA ffii
Unusually Stylish
Nev Balmacaans
$10, $15, $20
New broad lapel, velvet or self collar
spring overcoats In latest fancy
weaves. Beautiful models that ap
peal to good dressers; most surpris
ing values at 410, SIS, fSO.
Boys' Clothes
Great Double Attraction
For Saturday
The largest, most comprehensive
showing of .boys' and children's
clothing Matchless values, and to
further Introduce this greatly en
larged boys' store Second floor,
we are
Giving Away
A Guaranteed
villi suits at lM.50 or over.
I :)' Norfolk Suits at $2.ft0 to $10
Extra runts Huits at $3.50 and $3
Children's Clever Xovelty Suits,
all the new style kloks
82.50 to 87.50
Children's wash suits, ft to $5.
sooag Tloos- Herts) sotloa.
Suit Cases,
Bags, Trunks,
Lowest in the
City Prices.
.Vr .rf, k
; i ; -w j