THK HLE: OMAHA, FKIDAV, AWilL lti, llo. r i A Wise Mother Come to Judgment Bj ADA PATTERSON. She Mve jn tn. Bronx-, .mot; .,, .1 'T Cme to "iMit denlng spectacle of an unwise widow. P who permitted a man to squander her more than half million dollar In injudicious invest ments, he cloak Ins the crooked trans action! with hia love-making. in agreeable contrast th news holda up ' to us the wis widow of the Bronx who asked and received - an allowance of U.0CO rea from her husband's entailed saiua estate, to support and educate her 13- year-old daughter. It will be a dnnhio- ngea sharper who will scours a second thought from this widow. He need not tarry in hop of a dollar. It Is thus she strikes the keynote of -her plan tor rearing- her daughter. "I believe in bringing up the gin of today with all the sweet old-time virtues, but with the self-dependence that goes with our mod ern Ideas of womanhood." Very good so far, and this is as "good, or better: "'I realize that I am only do ing part of 'my duty when I wisely look after the spending of her income. A mother's greatest. duty Is guiding the de veloping of mind of her child. My little gtrl was graduated very young from grammar school and la now taking a preparatory course for Vaasar. Bh thinks that aha would liks to be a lawyer. Perhaps she will. ;'I have suggested, that she might take a teacher's course, which would gv her a profession much' in demand, that Bhe could tall back upon if she should lose her property. . I think that a woman who has property ought to havs a vote to protect It But I believe sincerely that a woman; place) ts In the home. To be the home maker for her husband and children is the highest happiness of a normal, sensible woman, and she is ful filling her greatest duty to the state and to society. ' '. .,' "But- before -marriage, or in the event marrying. If a woman. is es pecially brilliant, I do not see any reason why she should not devote herself to a 'prpfesslon. A good, education cannot be ! taken away from you though you mal tose every oant you. have.. ' k "My daughter Is Interested in art and musio and is a r great-wader, tn,rj:Xrnm taking' pains to teach her housekeeping, and homemaking. I asked the court for m a year for clothes, but' it pleases me that she Ukea to design her own clothing. We make her dresses ourselves her in the horn. . .. , fShwas born In the city and likes beat to- live nera. though I havs begun to - travel with her. Z have taken her through ICanada and the south, and this year we will go to tha Panama-Pacific exposition Up broaden her education." All this is the essenes of homely wis Idom. Hers Is a flash from tho mind of 'a sag I ', Vln guiding her mind I hae tried to give her all the uneful knowledge of the world that ai woman of 25 ought to have, and to giva it to her wisely. aa. she la en tering her - 'teens. Tha old-fashioned mothers brought up their daughters In an Ignorance that was criminal for the mother. ' !" X would stop there to let this nail, of . wisdom enter where it belongs, but her I budget of expenses Is too valuable to omit. Hero Is a good apportionment on the seal of 1&.000 a yesr that may b adapted on a greater or less scale: ' :'Ws live quietly hare In the Bronx b cabse I do not want her to grow up in a ise'etion of tha dty that ts too crowded. !Wy estimate, which the court approved, f how to spend her yearly $3,000 Is this: Rent of apartment, 36d; (Of course Read it Here See : By spedil arransemenU for thl papef a photo-drama corresponding to the in stallments of "Runaway June' may now be Men at the leading moving picture theaters. By arrangement with ths Mu tual Film Corporation It is not only pos- sibls to read "Runaway June' eaoli I week, but also afterward to see moving pictures Illustrating our story. ! CoDvrlnht. 1M6. by Serial Publication I Corporation. Yxorsis Jura, tb bride of Ned Warner. Im pulsively leaves her husband on their I honeymoon because she begins to realise ,tht she must .be dependeut on him tor 'money. 6he desires to be Independent June is pursued by Gilbert lilye. a i wealthy married man. She ' ( from l,la clutches with difficulty. Ned searches .distractedly for June, and. learnlua of Blye's designs, vows vengeance on him. Alter, many adventures June Is rescued trora river pirates by Durban, an artist. 'he poses ss the "Spirit of the Marsh ' is driven out by Mrs. Durbsn and is kld- 'naped by Blye and Cunningham. June esrapes. tries sweatshop work and is dls- ' possessed by her landlady. ' v FOURTEENTH EPISODE. In tb Grip of Poverty . CHAPTER II. (Continued.) That will do. Mary," said Mrs. Sawyer, quietly. "You may go." 8ha Stood motionless until tha nurse walked out "Will you hold th baby. HarryT" . "I'l bet you. Com here. Buster." And ha gaaed down fondly, not at the baby, but Into the eyes of his wife, as he took -the Uny. burden. bhe smiled up at him. There were tears trembling on her lashes. Ph caught up the curly headed little girl, took her over to. th washbasin In th corner and vigor ously scrubbed that chocolate begrimed ' untenant- and kissed it; then . she stooped down by the boy anl put har arms around him. "Moth- doesn't want you to say naughty .'. - jP & A Vanished American Bird Not So Long Ago the ' Passenger Pigeon Darkened Our Skies By GARRETT P. 8ERVI8S. The United States once possessed a distinctly American bird, belonging to the great family of the pigeons, but dif ferent from all other species of that family, and so remarkable for Its vast numbers snd Its peculiar habits that it became renowned as one of the greatest marvels of the new world. It was called the passenger pigeon. Its singularities msrked It off from -:s distant relatives In the old world as sharply as the Ameri can red man was distinguished from the European, It was so conspicuous a feature of American life that, like the buffalo of tho plains, it passed Into our literature. where it plays a part unlike that taken by any other bird In any quarter of ihe world. Other birds he been sung by poets for the beauty of their songs, or the aspiring Ideals which they seem to symbolise. The passenger pigeon forced Itself upon the attention of American historians and descriptive writers by the simple countlessness of its hosts. When they parsed they changed the aspect of the landscapes; they covered the sky and shielded ' off the sunlight; they broke down forest . trees when 1 they alighted for the night. Usually observer -of vth flight of the passenger pigeons abandoned as hopeless all attempts to count, or to estimate, their numbers, but we have at least two enumerations made by competent observ er whloh serve to indicate the almost lncrdeible numerical strength of the flying hosts, John James AuduDon, the nature I- jgt. computed the number of plgeous in a stream which he saw passing at not less than 1.100.000. He calculated that this host must' consume 8,Mo,000 bushels of w could spend much more than that, but I want her to study economy). "For general expenses, too many to de tail. ' tl,400. "For clothing, $400. "For summer vacations, Mfto. "For music, dancing and riding lessons, $1M. - "Birthday and Christmas gift, ISO. "For amusements, candy and pocket money, 150. (That 1 less than ft a week.) "Tuition fees and books. $300.'' A final word of the wise widow's: "Money 1 Important but it is not the main consideration. "The most impor tant la the development of a child's char acter and Individuality." A compendium of material wisdom. It is enough to overturn the advio of Sammy Waller's parent: "Bewar of wldders." It at the Movies. worda Ilk that" And there was heart, break In her tones. A tear dropped on th boy's upturned face.. Ha anuggted hi head on her shoulder, and a chutfby arm stole about her neck. Elisabeth Bawyer was half laughing and half crying a she sat at hr desk with th curly haired little girl on her lap and the boy leaning against her. She took up th te-'ephone. "Edward Jones, pleas." "Betty! There was such a ring in th vote as neither the man nor the woman had hears for years. 8he held up her hand to him. His Up were twitching and her eyes were swim ming, but she could not speak. 8 he spoks clearly, however, when a tap on th tele phone bell announced her call. "This Is Elisabeth Sawyer. Mr. Jon. I've been looking over your proposition of purchase." A moment of sUeno. She turned her eyes upon her husband. There was a new softness In them. "I might be tempted if you mad tb price high i 15 m. ,r Tt.i7 r 'K A' v ..f f4 '4 I BisiwnMsTTgannaiTiifV'iMiiiTT 'ni "" enough." Another silence. "Now, now. Mr. Jones, you'll have to com higher than that .Make me your very best offer." Her face suddenly glowed. "I'll tak it. I'll fill in th contract, sign It. and you may giv th check to my secre tary. I'll tend it over Immediately." Her husband's arm was about her as she filled In th amount which bad been agreed upon and slgnsd It In Harry Sawyer's other arm was th baby. Th four members of the Sawyer family were clustered in an unsuaJly small spao for them. The husband witnessed tb agr meat with great joy. Mr. Sawyer's sec retary signed it with notarial seal and went away. "Betty!" The man' faoe was against her cheek. "Sweetheart!" Eh kisssd him and rose briskly. Sh took the toddlers each by a hand. grain per day. This was not so oxoep- tlonally Isrgs flight of pigeons, tor Audu bon had often seen thm In equally great numbers. Alexander Wilson, the ornithologist. once saw a flock of passenger pigeons whose aggregate length he calculuted at MO miles, and the number of Individuals contained In It at IM9.CT2.000, about twlco the total human population of the earth at that time. Wilson's estimate of the dally food supply needed for this tre mendous host mrss 17.434,000 bushels cf rirra-iriTnr The Passenger Pigeon as It Looked in grain, which. It will be noticed. Is In good accord with Audubon's calculation of the amount of provender required) by th pigeons. ' On cannot but wonder' how the birds succeeded In maintaining themselves in a wild country, but it Is explained that they began to eat grain only after the settlers' farms furnished It for them, and that their natural food was berries, soft shelled nuts like beechnuts, acorns, and wild fruits. Their ordinary migrations were simply movements in search of food, and not seasonal changes of resi dences Ilk those of regular migrant birds. They gathered ' wherever their natural food abounded at tho time and. when It was exhausted, moved on. Their Invasions were as erratic and sudden as those of th Goths and Vandals, and as well calculated to excite astonishment concerning their place of origin. Th region of th great lakes seems to have been a favorite place of congrega tion for those strange hosts. There they found many of th natural productions on which they relied. But how they ever at talned such incredible numbers, and what special circumstances favored their de velopment, are standing mysteries. Ths beach forest and the vast numbers of native berry bushes appear to hare nour ished them. In Fenlmore Cooper' story of "Th Plonners" will be found a thrilling de scription of a flock of passenger pigeons which "extended from mountain to moun tain In one solid blue mass, and the eye looked In vain over th southern hill to find Its termination. Th front of this living column was distinctly marked by a line, but very slightly Indented, so reg ular and even was th flight" These columns of birds were attacked not only with shotgun, but even with small can non, as Cooper tells In his story, his statement being baaed upon actual facts. By th middle of th nineteenth century th flock of passenger pigeons had be come very rare. A series of cold winters and springs from 1800 to 1870 Is said by a "Harry, dear, let go to th house and stsrt a horn!" The office was empty except for the forgotten little figure near the window. and from that corner there came a low moan. June Warner rose unsteadily. Something dreadful ha happened. The rock to which sh had clung had crumbled under her grasp. Was Independence, too, a failure? Nothing could have been more perfect than the mutual esteem In which the Sawyers had held each other, and In treir love had existed no taint of obligation or of beauty. Yet through all these years they hsd missed something which now, for the first time, they were to find. - June was dased as sh hurried to the bar llttl room.. Bh had left Ned to achieve her Independence, as Elisabeth Bswyer had done, but June had not taken motherhood Into her calculation. CHAPTER III. Scattl in ths deserted bsnk vault stood with his eyes lowered for a moment while the pursuers of th little runaway bride crowded about hira. Presently he lifted them to the ceiling, but they did not look Into Mrs Moore's on their wsy up, and he began to edge slowly slong th wall again. There wa a growl of anger from New Warner. "I'll beat It cut of him!" declared Ned and started for the extremely silent chauffeur, who jumped into the corner and lowered his bead and covered his fac with his arms. He was afraid of fists, though not of knives or revolvers. (To B Continued Toms ' nrf'riiiiiaMrrnrMi'TiTfBiujiTririnn'Ji 1 Life v writer In the "Encyclopedia Americana" to have hastened the dlsappearano of th birds,' and now;. only a few small flocks remain at best and Indeed It ha been questioned whether a single rep resentative of the genuine old race is In existence. A card of the National Asso ciation of Audubon Societies says: "This bird Is now believed to be extinct. Many other , valuable species are threatened, with a Ilk fata. W are trying to pre serve them." i . Th passenger pigeon bore, in many ways, a resemblance to th messenger pigeons, or homing pigeon, of XXirop. It was a large bird, much more graceful In form than the ordinary pigeon, and very powerful in flight. Ihe upper parts of the body were of a bluish color, with metallic reflections about tho neck. . Un derneath the color changed to a brown lah or reddish purple or violet A The man who wants to be young at fifty must stop digging his grave with his teeth. He must cut out the u high-pro tei diet" and eat cereals, fruits and fresh vegetables instead of heavy meats. v teedlded contains the , greatest amount of tissue - building, strength-giving material in a digestible form the maximum of nutriment at lowest cost Keeps the brain clear, muscles strong and supple and the bowels healthy and active.' Two Shredded Wheel BieeaiU, heated fai the oren to restore crispnest, erred with hot milk or cream, make a complete, nourishing, satisfying meal at a total cost of fire or six cents. Also delicious with fruits. TRISCUrr b the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast with butter or oft cheese, or as a substitute for white flour bread or crackers. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. A hi The Panama A costume of extreme beauty has been devised for th girl who contemplates a trip to the . Panama-Pacifla exposition. And sine th old Idea, that good-looking clothes are not compatible with tha ex igencies of travel, has been explodej th association of rood lines, good fabrics snd good style is found In th suit de picted In th sketch. Th skirt is a box-plalUd model, In length reaching only an Inch or so be yond th shoe tops. Th plait are not atltchsd, but hsng in loose, pressed form from band to hem. Vary jaunty la the short jacket, which Is indeed.' more than an elongated Eton belted across th back and showing th fulness . of th front drawn Into plait folds, whloh ar oonflnad beneath th en velope pocket. Of course there must be pockets, for th fair girl will want to carry small change In on and a dainty linen moucholr in th otheiy and thereby dlrpsas with th necessity for the regu lation wrist bag. Th shape of th neck should prove very becoming, because it I cut down to reveal th whit of th tailored blouse beneath. At th back th high collar to Youngster tiMiiwini'wtfiHiiipiniM(iMfiiiiMiMitHimnM(iiHiiiiiiMiiiiiMnu(iie'. .r- - Pacific Girl turned back against Itself and 4coratd with small motifs don in blu and tan embroideries. Th sleeves have a slight bell outline at the wrist. Do You Know That In order to cnoourag th erection of beautiful residences In Paris, th author ities award three gold medals annually to th design era of , the most artistic dwellings. The owner of these homes ar relieved of half of their Annual taxes. During th first six month of every year ixmaon araws in oum of M sup- pile of shrimps from Holland, Serbia's Parliament "Skupatchina." la known as th One-sixth of th land aurfac of th globe la occupied by th Russian empire. During a recent ysar M.K1 tons ef bulbs war exported from Holland. Bachelor were taxad In England In th seventeenth century. at Fifty Wheat ....liMCKKSi S. Science for Workers Ily F.rMJAR IACIKN lRMN. g.-'MH there ever be one tmlvers l 'angusee?" A. -This Is Indeed an Imports. ,t q-o itlon. Coiumeroe ts the arest itvl'lir o. mankind. Kffl'-irncy is the watchword of rommerce. nnd leaf I cost of funl. ' mental. Now when ie v.lreless telep!- e Is In hourly use between a'l of the tv: 1 Ised races of the earth, and of races no now, but to heeimo civilised, thru th two basic Ideas efficiency and lee A co ' will rife Into wtrld Importance n ttv'r nelore. WileK sitsls will rise bv million i in all ports .if the world, to remote pistes where commerce extends. Thea cffl 'lenry at once dictates that ths employment of thnussnds of Interpreters must be dis pensed with and. one common language be substituted. The bu-.den of expense will Torr.pletrf overthrow lenst cost. We w'll suon tsU to Kurope; goods will be ordered, mer chants will be in communication the dsy long, and tne expense of Interpretation will lucerne iniolerablc. Then It will be cheaper to hsve one lsngusge Therefore this one speech must come. And alt can sea that the one world Ir.nsusg must be tha English. Q. I am very anxious to find ou( whether a ship will sink If the bottom of tre ocean Is at great dpth. or. at lt at such depth that the weight ef the water would be greater than the weight of the ship It is the opinion of many lhat at certain depth the ship would remain suspended insteed of sinking to the bottom. Fleere explain th exact truth of the matter. A. Any mass that will entirely sink below the surface of th ocean will sink In the bottom of any sea or ocean on earth. This is because water' Is almost incompressible. Enormous pressure In hydraulic presses has been msde upon distilled and also upon sea water, and the diminution r volume that la. Increase of density Is only .O0OCH4 for ocsan ' water for each Unospher. I. .. eaoh addition ot fifteen pound to each square inch. Th water soaked wood wo'ill be Increased In den sity by very nearly th sam amount. ' Hence, if all of the woo in a wooden hip sink baliyw th surfer It must go to th bottom. Th question , of reaching th bottom r th ocean Is decided for any kind of matter of any ship or boat by Its behavior at th surface. It alt of th material of the boat sinks st all be low th surface, then It will fall to the bottom ot any sea, there being such a light tnenus In- density of water at th bottom of the deepest ocean. Q "Many years ago, wh.'1e on the lookout of a ship bound tor Australia, t saw a meteor pencil a line ot MTld light ' across tit sky. and fall Into th tea. so close that I was disturbed, pondering the swirt blotting out of myself and mates It th hext meteor should strike our ship. Is It not possible that som missing ships met their er.d In this manner T "What affect would happen If a meteor say half-nil! In dlameterwer to rail in tb Pacific a few hundred mile weal of flan FranclaooT ould tho wave created endanger th sea-bound miles of California?" Oeorga N. Low. WX Phst tuok avenue, Berkeley, Cat . . A. If a ship should be hit by th twunty-two-ton meteor on display tt tho fair at Portland. Qua., several years . It would surely sink. It Is barely possible that ship have been sunk hi this man ner, as anclunX history records that six humsns he ln killed by meteor. A meteor half a mile wtde falling Into th sea a few hundred mile) wsat of Cali fornia would be too small to have any appreciable effects en th coast. A sen sitive instrument might detect a little ripple or wsv. . ... i , flr?ttftirwemnimij 1 r-t Dl .;.. f:W .": .