Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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r Nebraska '
1 )
live Stock Body Will Now Hate
Charge of the Stallion Regis
tration Inspectors.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
I.TNCOkN. April lj.-Steolai.)-Tb
Ftate Stork Sanitary board mat
In lit night at the Llndell hotel to con-d
Ider the application of the new laa-sl
affecting the department. Chief among
the new measure In Importance to the
fcoard Is the law that adds to its duties
the functions of the stallion registration
Jioard, which ia abolished aa a aeparate
The W. O. Cleveland company, an
Omaha jobbtnc company, requested the
rermialon of the board to buy and aell
or; cholera aerum. The board before
taking action will necure an opinion
Trom, the attorney general Interpreting
fully the new regulatory law In this re
spect The board authoriied the appointment
tt fmir men for the supervision of tlio
rork of dipping for tcablea, making nlno
men altogether engaged In thla work.
Two of the new men will be stationed
tiear Alliance, one In the southern part
f Oarflen county and one hvthe sand
till!. The board derided to continue tha
pay of the stallion Inspector at the
tame rate - as giren by the old board.
7.50 a day, and, an allowance of S3 fur
team or automobile.
Dorrkntfr Has Plea.
Cltfaens of Dorchester put In their ease
efora the Railway commission this
wornlng for additional passenger serv
Ira from v the Burlington. Tha Saline
county town wants trains Noa. S and S
to stop. They also want an additional
roslng and crossing lights.
Attorney. George W. Berga of Lincoln
Vfcpoeared for the Dorchester people, of
whom about a score were present at the
fiearlng. Tha commtstson took Its ruling
n tha complaint under advisement.
' Thomas to Oahkosh.
State Superintendent Thomas has gone
to Oahkosh. Neb., where ha will speak
this evening at the dedication of the new
fcigh school.
More Eicort Wtai Arrtye.
A carload of escort wagons has been
received by Adjutant General Hall of
the National Guard in Nebraska. The
wagons are furnished by the federal "War
department The guard In Nebraska now
has fifty eaoort wagons. It full Quota
of slxty-fiva , will be made up wltbln a
ehort time.
KEARNEY. Neb., April 15. (Speclal.)
Kearney, rthe see city of the Kearney
district of tho. Catholic churoh, . will be
honored shortly by tha establishment of
a parochial school in this city. The site
for the same having already been pur
chased In the locality of the 8t James
cathedral. Seventeen thousand ' dollars
was raised wltin J very short time this
"week after a successful campaign among
the congregation. Twenty-two thousand,
dollar Is the amount planned for the fc
pendlture and no' strenuous effort will
be necfessary to obtain the balance of the
necessary amount.' The architect in
charge of tha plana for the structure
Is expected hero thla week and no time
will be lost In getting the building under
way. , ' '
Avoca Floar Mill Sold.
AVOCA. Neb., April 15. (Special.) H.
O. Bell, who ha conducted a flour mill
here for several years, has disposed of
the same to William Lea of Kimball,
Neb. In tha deal Mr. Sell receives several
hundred acres of land In Kimball county.
Brandeis Stores
Saturday we shall have
the greatest sale of
of the season. The values
truly are wonderful. The
millinery is extraordi
nary in every particular.
See the Sixteenth St,
windows. Watch Ads.
$3.50 a Month
Special inducement if you
wIbU to purchase later.
SchmolUr & Mueller Piane Co.
1311-131 Far nam St.
lK)UKlas 1K4.
No Proclamation
Yet on the Greater
Omaha Election
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LIXCOUX, April 15.-(Ppecll. Gov
ernor Moreheed has not yet Issued the
proclamation for the Omaha election pro
vided for In the annexation bill, senate
file No. 1 lie has had the matter under
consideration and the proclamation will
probably be forthcoming within a few
days, as the bill provides that. If Issued,
It must be within twenty days after the
governor's signature to the measure. The
bill waa shrned about April 1.
About 130 bills were left In the pjov
ernor's hands by tho legislature. He has
read and signed about fifty of these. The
other eighty must be taken care of within
a comparatively short time, aa the time
limit Is ten day after the bllla reach tht
governor. Any not signed by him within
that time become laws without the execu
tive's approval.
Most of the bills signed so far are un
important In their nature. '
fEWARPi Neb., April 13. (Bpeelal.)
n.r.rhel Gereke has been elected secre
tary of the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation here.
Winter wheat looks fine. A large acre
age of oats Is being sown.
- . h. HMia-htB hloclk of
r reu v i i in ij vm it " v . ,
c'ty lots and on this I the old house Ter
merly owned and occupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Moffltt. long dead, who bequeathed
a fortune to Seward county to build the
court house.
Mrs. Sk-heumann. mother of County
Commissioner Charles Pcheumann. of
Maryavllle. thla county, died at her home
Monday, aged M yeara. Her' funeral wss
held yesterday.
Miss Cora Smith, a popular teacher, of
the count, was married last night to
Bamuel Brigg. a leading tockralser of
the county. Rev. Morver of tho united
Brethren church officiated.
Mrs. 8. R. Anstlne, aged 80 years, died
at her home at Tamora on Tuesday.
The Seward lodge of Odd Fellows and
the Dauahtera of Rebekah will have an
anniversary banquet on the evening of
April I.
Tha senior class of the Seward High
school will give a plsy on April S3 to get
funds to buy a class memorial.
Rov Schick has purchased six acres of
the Kselfmler ground In East Sewarl and
will plat It Into city blocks
William - Boeka and Miss Elsie Hen-
mann were married yesterday.'
Fred Abele. a farmer living near nere.
while sharpening a disc on an emery
wheel yesterday accidentally let the dlse
slip and cut a piece of the bone of his
The Seward Commercial club gave a
luncheon , Wednesday at the -club loom
for thirty of tha leading stock grower of
the county. Dean Burnett of the. Agri
cultural school and Prof. Gramllch and
W. R. Mellor of Lincoln were the speak
er. A Cc-Operative Improved Llv mock
association waa organised with these offi
cer: President. Joe Btahley; vice prest
denta, Charley Ritchie, D. M. Hlldebrand,
Joe Rousselle, S. P. Brlggs' and pr. I
H. Dlers; secretary, - A. , H. Beoklioff;
treasurer, A. C. Anderson. ' ,
RANDOLPH, Neb.. April 16.-Spacial.)
The Randolph Commercial club waa or
ganised Tuesdsy by a citisens' meeting
to supplant tha old and rather Inactive
Improvement club A constitution, simi
lar to that used by Norfolk, waa adopted.
The board of director elected were: J.
V, Gillespie, president; A. W. Stockham.
vice president: W. R. Celn, secretary; F.
8. Stegge, treasurer: John Kuhl, W. R.
Boughn and Fred Robinson. Thl board
ha power to appoint all committee
necessary to carry on the work of the
organisation, also to fill such vacancies
a may occur. s
Notes from North Piatt.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb., April 16.
(Special) Mayor K. H. Evans, re-elected
at tho city election, together with the
new city council met for the first time
Tuesday evening. The new members of
the council are V. Von Goets, Lee Sim
mon and J. H. Van Cleave, State Fir
Commissioner Rldgell waa present and
addressed the council on fire prevention.
He spoke favorably 'of the condition In
North Platte.
Tha high school seniors have started re
hearsals on their class play, "A Peaceful
Valley." The cast contains many tu
dents of woll known ability locally . and
the play promises to be a success.
Sergeant Snyder of the F-h United
States cavalry was In the rlty this week
to look after putting new headstones at
the graves of deceased soldiers in Fort
McPherson national cemetery.
Wotes from Beatrlee
BEATRICE. Neb., April lo.-(Speclal)
The jury in the district court Wednesday
brought in a verdict against the Union
Paclfio for $127.50 In favor of John Mor
ris, who sued the company for a horse
killed by. ouo of Its trains last summer.
The Jury was dismissed, there being no
other Jury cases ready for trial.
General L. W. Colby arrived home
Wednesday from St. Francis, Kan:, where
he appeared as attorney for E. L. Oary,
a farmer who shot and killed Armo Z.
Archer ut that place last August. Cary
was acquitted on ( tha grounds of self
defense. Hon. and Mrs. Dwlght 8. Dalbey left
today for Washington, D. C, where the
latter will represent the local chapter
of the Daughters of the American Revo
lution at the national convention.
State Fish f ar Visits Mitchell.
MITCHELL, Neb., April 15. (Special.)
The Stat Fisheries commission car ar
rived in Mitchell Tuesday after a trip
through western Nebraska stocking lake
a 1th black bass, perch, aunfish and trout.
While here Lake Alice. Lake Mlnatare.
Lake Waitman and Lake DeLaMatter
ere stocked. This is the first time the
car has been brought so far west In the
state and the work of tha commission is
Backet Brigade lsi Faros Ifoaae.
FALLS C1TT, Neb., April U.MSpeclal)
The country borne of Gust Duerfeldt,
living north of the city and near Barada,
caught fire about roon on Wednesday and
was saved from burning to the ground
by the quirk response of the neighbor
farmers to the call for aid. They termed
a bucket brigade and soou had tha
flame under control.
k THi; HEK:
Takeoff on Member of the Home
of Representative! Held in Hall
Just Vacated by Men.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, April 15.-( Special.) -Women
of tanr.tor county Interested In the
cause of woman suffrage held a mo-k
session of the legislature In the house
chamber today.
Mrs. Belle Oerhart-Morrlson of Univer
sity risoe filled the position held by
Speaker Oeprge Jackson during the regu
lar session and did It excellently, so much
so thst the speaker himself, who stood
leaning over the lobbv rail a port of the
time, wss perfectly satisfied with his
successor. The plsce held by Chief Clerk
George Totts Was filled by Mrs. I. B.
Schre'ckengsst of University Place, while
Mrs. Alabaster of the same town acted
the part of First Assistant' Davis.
Lobby Harmless.
There was no sergeant-at-srms, or If
there was, she had little to do, for fie
gate wss wide open and the lobbyists
were very harmless.
The chaplalnt, however, was In attend
ance and prayed that the women would
pass some laws which would be of benefit
to the state. The chairs of Fries. Mere
dith, Regan. Lanlgan, Relsner, Rudesll.
Oreenwalt, Jerry Howard, Taylor and
otheis were filled by women who tried
to do aa well as the original occupants
had done during the winter, while Mrs.
Hoetettler endeavored to make a better
showing than she appeared to think her
husband had done and occupied the same
Representation to Women.
A Douglas county member opposed a
bill giving the men the right to vote be
cause she thought If they did- vote they
would vote too often.' A bill to give to
women one member on the State Board of
Control was ably advocated by a mem
ber who said the state institutions were
largely filled with women and for that
reason they were entitled to representa
tion on the. board which purchased the
supplies Tor the Institutions. Mrs. Bunt
ing was against the bill because the
women wouldn't know what to buy or
how much to pay for It.
"The women are not used to purchas
ing anything Involving large sums of
money," said she. "Why should we want
to buy soap," she continued, "when we
never us any?" The bill was.i however,
A bill regulating the hours of women
brought out quite a, discussion and a
roll call wai had. When It appeared that
th motion to postpone Indefinitely had
been lost, several changed their votes.
One member said that she wanted to be
on the winning side and would change
from yea to no. Another wanted to
change her vote and appealed to a neigh
bor to Inquire which way she had voted.
One who had changed from aye to no
asked leave to change back again.
Playgrounds Foolish.
The big discussion of the morning wss
over H. R. 77, a bill known a the child'
welfare bill. Mr. Bunting again op
posed the bill, because It waa foolish to
expend $10,000 to fix up playgrounds when
they Were not needed. She opposeir sum
mer school and all the new-fangled
Ideas of the present and compared them
to tho time when she was a girl. Her
speeches were humorous and entertain
ing. Some of tha members sat through
the session with their hats on and some
were crocheting. There was a good at-
Praise Lyclla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
. Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific from all sections
of this great country, no city so large, po' village so small
but that some woman has written words of thanks for
health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corrt
pound. No woman who is suffering from the,ills peculiar
to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy
a trial? Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for
these women it will do for any sick woman ? ,
Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen,
i of Bushnell, III.
BcsHNELL, III. u I think all the trouble I have had sinoe my
marriage was caused by exposure when a young girl. Jtf y work has
been housework of all kinds, and I have done milking in the cold and
snow when I was too young to realize that it would hurt me. I have
Buffered.very much with bearing down pains in my back and such
miserable pains across mo, and was very nervous and generally run
down in health, but sine I have taken Lydia E. Ilnkham's Vegetable
Compound my back never hurts me, my nerves are stronger, and I
am gaining in health every day. I thank you for the great help I
have received from your medicine, and if my letter will benefit suf
fering women I wUDe glad for you to print it." Mrs. Jakks Cbdbev,
Bushnell, Illinois.
A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman.
IIodgdon, Me. -I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to
tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. One
year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides
and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My
back ached. I bad no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep,
then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around.
It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I
thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera
tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and soon fult like a new woman. I had no pains, ilept well, had good
appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam
ily of four. I thall always feel that I owe my good health to your
medicine." Mrs. IIaywa&d bowsas, llodgdon, Maine.
For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has ben the standard remedy for fe
male Ills. Ho one sick with woman's ailment
does justice to herself If shedoes not try this fa
mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It
bas restored so many sufferingrwouien to health.
Your letter will be opened, read ana answered
by m woman and held in strict confidence,
tendance In the gallery and nearly every
chair wa occupied by a "number."
no apportToWent
for new buildings
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 15. - (Special. )-Th
State Normal board has adjourned Its
meeting without making the apportion
ment of the Mennliim funds among the
four achools for building purposes. The
rficortlonifc-nt of maintenance was msde
yesterday, a total of tstS.WO having been
olstrlbuted for this purpose.
The 'building apportionment may be
nade nent meeting or may be left until
even later. The board hss emplod H.
H. Gibson of Cornell university a head
of the combined departments of biology
and agriculture at the Kearney normal.
Ill salary Is to be 1160 a month. Miss
Ludden, former head of the biological de
partment, la to rt-main at the same salary
as assorlst professor of biology.
The board voted to give the presidents
l os the normal and Instruction commit
tee full discretion to epiploy the fsrultle
of the various summer schools.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 15 (Special.) Mrs.
Ellen J. Sheehan, who formerly lived In
Columbus and was on of the old settlers
of that city, but who has been living In
Lincoln th last three years with her two
daughters, one a school teacher in th
public schools and the other employed aa
a stenographer In th railway commis
sion's office, la very dangerously ill with
pneumonia. Mr. Sheehan I 70 year of
age and It la feaid that ah cannot sur
vive th lllnes.
ALBION. Neb., April 18.-Speclal Tele-gram.)-The
Albion Commercial club held
Its annual banquet last night at tho opera
house, at which represents lives from the
Commercial clubs of Lincoln and Omaha
made addresses. H. F. Lehr waa toast
master and speeches were made by United
States Senator G. W. Norrls and W. J.
lianahue. The banquet was served by
the Ladles' Ald olety of the Methodist
SCHUVLER. Neb... April M.-(Ppeclal-Anna
Mk Hilhach, by her attorn I -a,
Becman Everett of Kearney, filed suit
In district court against Joseph Olasner
of Wilson precinct for alleged breach of
promise In the sura of tlo.OOO.
Helps Weak Kidneys and Lanthngo.
Get a Sue. bottle of Sloan's Liniment,
apply on back and take six drop four
times a day. All druggist. Advertise
ment, i
NEW YORK. April J6.-M,ra Theodora
Roosevelt was operated on In Roosevelt
hosnjjal tod a J.' Dr. Alexander Lambert
of the Cornell medical school 'was the
surgeon in charge. While the nature of
Mrs. Roosevelt' ailment wa not dis
closed it was stated that the operation
was successful. Colonel Roosevelt ap
peared at the hospital with Mr. Ruote
velt last night. Hhe remained with ' her
until she wss taken to the operating
room. He declined to discuss hi wife's
Illness. '
16. lfir.
Legislature Did Not f ass Single
Measure to Change Baiio Law
of the State.
(From a Staff Corrfapondenl.)
LINCOLN. April 15.-(Hroln-Amn(i-Inir
the ronMltution did not tvn tn N
a P plar thin; with tha Iratnlatur Juot
paiidod away. ElKhtn bllln iloalina with
changr In thf ronatltutlon weff Woatcd
and pot on carried.
Of tl'P numhar nlnp orljilnatel In tln
hot;p and the same number wrt tartej
In the enate. Four, among them tha
bill culllnn for a constitutional convn-
Men Who
V i a ,' J N. - ? Tatt r
XjLof employing them to destroy, vc use them to impi
The men engaged in the manufacture of explosives
clear-minded and steel-nerved. Of course, they c
smoke but they want the solace of tobacco while at
Most of them chew STAR., They chew STAR all da:
and find the last chew as good as the first.
You'll find that, the thick STAR plug: allows you more of
the mellow, longr-lastin? chewing1 leaf ; that STAR can't
dry out like a thin plug and that every STAR plug weighs
a full 16 ounce pound. .'
The demand is so great that STAR never stays long on
the dealers' shelves. . , ' '
Leading drahd
.1. M
."mil,, .
Henry Rohlff Company, Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St., Omaha, Neb,
Telephone: Doug. S76
tlon, (rot through the bonne all rlKbt, but
met deth when they went to th cnate.
The 11 -1 is ns follow:
llonae llllla.
M. It. I Constitutional convention
H. R Irt-Remii of all elective officers,
Inrludlna Jiirtaen.
II. H. t-To prevent cumulative voting
of stock In co-operntlve coninnnlca
H. H. l-rermlttln eountlea to adopt
townatilp ora'anlFRtlnn plan by majority
vote upon the oueetlon.
II. n. I tntltutlonl amendments to
be adopted by mstorlty votlna thereon,
rerardlee of number of votes cast at
II. R. Iff Klectlon of supreme' )udoc
bv dletilcts.
H. n. Tour-year term for state of
flcera and Incresse of salaries for mem
bers of the leaielature from p) to Sl.ftKK
with a minimum session of 1"0 davs. In
stead of sixtv.
M. K. TH Prohibiting appeal of a suit
evw money, Involving less than Svtrt, to
: "STAR A Good Thing To Paw At
Chew Are Men
arc large users of explosives, but instead
of the world
June JOth. 1840: FURS The St. Louis Bulletin of the
5th says: 'Two Mackinaw boats arrived here yesterday
from Iowa, loaded with buffalo robes'.
1840-1915 "
Seventy five years ago
when buflalo abounded as far east as
the Mississippi, the brewery of Lemp
was founded the oldest in America
with a National patronage.
It is not surprising that three genera
tions of brewing effort should be re
warded with the supreme brew
" o f rt art
Lemp'a 75 years brewing experience is proved
by the perfect flavor of this incomparable beer.
risfe4. Bread snd bsi as ssad af th
saa BkUriui; esraalMrsasi soa oatar. Br. id
is soiM.bMr Is liquid but ar talgbi aourtsblDg.
Fbrslclaas prascriba ber la atoouoa co.rt r.
build Hhu and strsagtaa aerra. Oaod baer 1
laasUilr eillla I
the supreme court.
H. R. 7l-Kmpow-erln the. legislature
to ?rea Inferior courts.
aenste Rill.
P..K, -Ccnstitutlonsl convention.
8. F. 101 To withdraw suffuse rialit
from forotaners who fail to complet"
nsturalisstlon within five years.
R F. 121 Election of auprome Judge bv
K. F. 14.1 Extending the term of mem
twrs of the legislature to four yepa, one-l-slf
to be elected every two years, an'1
limiting the membership of the house to
fitly and the senste to eighteen.
K. F. ITS Constitutional amendments to
be adopted by majority voting thereon,
legitrdleea of number of votes cast st
C F. 2S Authorising th legislature to
provide for the Indemnity of persona in
jured through negligence of others and
to create a commission for the purpos
of awarding such Indemnity and fixing
the amounts
f. F. 2M Olvlng municipalities wH
tstitude In regard to taxation.
8. F. 2 Constitutional convention.
R F. i-Maklng all state officers, ex
cept governor and lieutenant governor,
appointive by the governor. ,
Rent room quick with a Be Want Ad.
Who DO