THE REE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, ATRIL 16, 1915. JAPANESE DENY HAYAL BASE STORY Ambassador Say Mikado Never Had Intention of Occupying Any Ter ritory on Mexican Coast SHITS ARE SALVAGING ASAMA WASHINGTON, April 16. Aji official ststement authorized by the Japanese embassy today character- Ired as "preposterous" reports .that naval bare had been established at Turtle Bar, Lower California, and de rlared "there never has been any In tention on the part of the Japanese government to locate a naval base or occupy any territory on the west coast of Mexico." Operations of Japanese warships In Turtle bay. mhnwy officials Mid. were solely for the purpose of salvaging the stranded cruiser Assma. It was stated that while detailed reports from , the arena had not been received, as the con sul freneral at Ban Francisco waa hand llnf the matter, lending on the shore of the bay probably had been found neces sary In connection With the salvage work Of reports, that a naval base bad been established, the embassy statement .said: "It la more than absurd; It la pre' poetoroue. .There never has been any In. tention on the partdf the Japanese gov ernment te locste si ttaval base or to oo eury any territory on the west coast of Mexteo. A few Jspshese fishermen. about a score In niimhor, perh.p, fre quent the waters of this bay.' but they nave no eonncctlon whatever wILh the Japanese naval establishment." Naval Drmrlmrsl Met Kriud. Dispatches from loa Angeles telling of me garnering of fortrign warships la the secluded Mexican haven, of a large camp snore ana or mines laid tn the harbor, ereated no sensation among Washington officials. Assistant georetary Roosevelt said the Navy department wea without aavioea as to juet what bad happened, but If anything extraordinary was going en It certainly would have been reported oy ine American warships In the yicln nm aoaee thst It would not be vnuauaj ir the Japanese had landed In connection with tbelr efforts to aavs the wiaama. " ln ima first went ashore and awe of Ms plight came to Washington, every effort was made tn nrvn k. Information from reaching Germany be- ore aasi.tsjio eeuld be seat. Responding in, wi ror immediate auotor for the '""n"rl or tu Asama. Admiral How. ard hastened to Turtle Bay from Pan THmito on his flagship, the cruiser San Diego, and the cruiser Haleigh also went to the scene. But before the aid of these veaesle could be extended a Japanese col Jler and two Japanese warships appeared and Admiral Howard steamed away. . Japanese Guard Maleatae4. A Japanese guard has been maintained In the bay and vlclntt since t.iv. .k. Japaneae government has endeavored to arangementa with American wreck ing companies to float the Asama. in quiries' from some of these companies as to whether the relief work could be under taken without violation of neutrality de sloped no opposition on the pen of the State department here, though' It -was " " ni me question was "one tor the lexlran government to n,M. The country elong the Lower California is narrwn and without r.ii. telegraphio communication with the rest of me worm ,ann Peealna- vru.. v-.. well out to sea. because of the dangerous ct, o that It is a rare thing for news to reach the byter worlds , . , HYMENEAL " , tleeaberty-Kerrlaaa. GREELEY. Neb.. April H.-John freigh ts Daugherty and Miss Mary Bulalla Kerrigan were united in marriage at the i.urvn oi me Barred Heart yesterday morning at I o'clock. Itev, a gun officiating. retries; Flan- ; The bride was handsomer gowned In a white charmeune court eostuma trimmed ,-with dainty rharmeuae rosebuds, la the , heart of each, nestling a p,ri. and with bodloe. sleeves and pannlcra of Imported. ! Cnantllly lace. Bhe wore a little Iutch cane faahloned out of tho same lace, to which was attached a circular veil caught j w1tl1 a spray of orange blossoms. ,Fh carried a shower bouquet of tea j rosea and totes of the valley. She was I attended by her cousin.- Mies Agnes Ker rigan, who waa garbed la a dainty little srewa of white charm use and laoe, with i white bat with a touch of pink, and car ried shower of pink sweet pea. The Broom waa attended by his brother. Fred. A wedding breakfast was served at the i-orae of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mr. y. 3. Kerrigan, to immediate relatives. "Sir. and Mrs. Daogherty departed by auto r,rn tn inrougn train foe the east at Grand Island. The out-of-town gyeirts were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty. rred. Edward and Oeorge Paugherty. Mrs. C. C. Allleon. Mis Eilea Oetghtoa and Edward Crelghton, of Omaha. Mre, C. F. Tlerney now ana Mr. and Mrs. R. u Urown of Brer ton. MeC'leeker-RaaiB. ; FAWBCRT, Neb.. April 15. -Special. - ie auuuie church parsonage at I o'clock Wednesday morning Father J J. jCerey uarled u merrts. p,trck Mo Closkey and Mies Alma Hump, both pops lar Falrbury young people. The couple were atUaded by Mlaa Lucy McOoskey ad Charlie Hump. A large number or friends and reiatlvea witnessed the Cere, snony and thea repaired to the McCloskey fcoro. where aa elaborate wedding break, feet waa aerved. The bride ia the oldest laughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rump f Fremont. LAZARD FRERES IMPORT SEVEN MILLIONS IN GOLD NEW YORK, April lS-Lasard Freree. a banker with prominent French financial connexions, announced the engagement of f7 (Mi 000 gold ta Ottawa for Import.' tlon to this city. This is th, Ur,, sluglo : Import ef gold mad s.nce th return I of Hie metal early in the year. ' The bankers say that th, t'rs,,ion ,has no especial algnlficanoe, being bawd entirely 1B exl.tlng rat,, of exchange be tween this country and London. ESTATE OF ADAMS IS MILLION AND A HALF fAXJERIDGK, Has.. April ll.-Th will ?f C'""' ' Adams of Uncoln. the I.Morlan, who died at Washington, sisrrh . ii allowed In probe t court tu4y. The e.ute. w,U h consist. . IT?.-' 1,H;r0", "ty. spprel t !... u wt to the widow. Mra. Marr PRINCE LEOPOLD, Due de Brabant, eldest son of King Albert of Belgium, 13 years old, has enlisted in the army of his country, being ranked as a private in one of the regi ments which have been holding the Dixmude line. " f f i r y '.if N s 1 h ' - 0 Night Eider Who Whipped Old Woman , Given Four Years , BOWLING OREE2N. Ky., April X6.-F. w. Jenkins, a prominent resident of But ler county, vii found guilty in circuit court here today and sentenced to four years and one day In the penitentiary on the charge of being connected with night riding operations In western Kentucky. The Indictment charged that Jenkins recently led a band of masked men to the home of W. A. Webster, near South Hill. Webster vis seised and compelled to witness the flogging of . hla wife. daughter-and son. Mrs. Webster la so years eld. Teetlmony at the trial Jelled to disclose 'a renson for the action of the 4 , DEATH RECORD -' " Mra. Elisabeth Ltadsly. TABLK ROCK. Neb.. April U.-(ftpe- cial) News reached here yesterday of the doeth of lira. Elisabeth Llndsly In her elghty-eevrnth year. She died at th residence of her daughter, Mra. Kettle Morton, at 8t. Andrews, Wash., where he went a few years sine to reside with her dauahtcr. 8b waa th wlduw of Dr. W. Llndsly, who settled between her and Pawneo City In 186. and later moved to Tabla Rock, where he practiced medi cine for many years. She la survived by four daughters, Mra Laura parrlsh. Spokane; Mrs. Cora Quackenbush, for merly of DuDols; Mrs. Ella Parrlah of Tabl Rock, and Mrs. llsttl Morton of BL Andrtws, Wash. Joaa Sckalev. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Ar-rtl 18.1BnolaH John , 8chuler died at bia home . six miles north of Falls Citv on Tusr1w fter an illness ,.ot aevenU ' vtara He owned about EdO . ..r IUvhardson county lahd and waa one of the pioneer of the county, having coma io atia -ny in th seventies. He leaves widow and eight children, all of wh ar groan and reside In or near th t-lty. The funeral took place from'tb family residence this afternoon. ' F.aock Reed. ' BEAT RICH. Neb.. Anril ... Enoch Raed. for thlrty-on year a resl- ui ims city and a veteran of th civil war. died suddenly Wednesday night at the horn of his niece. Mra Oscar Wayham of this city, aged U years He bad been a familiar figure about town nany year. H la survived by thro children. O. r. !.!,, PIERRE, 8. D.. April U.-8pecl. Tl gram.) O. F. Sammia. one of the old Urn freighters between her and Deed wood and one ef th first settlers in Hughes county, died today at the horn of hla daughter, Mra. Oeerge K. March. Spokane, Wash., at which plc Mr. Sam mis waa visiting. Mr. Herat II. Ktea. TORK. Nb.. AprU .WSpci -Mrs. Herman H. Klon died at the family horn in this city Tuesday night 8h was M years old. Th funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock at th residence. Burial will be in Vermont oemetery, flv miles southwest of Tjrk. Mrs. Nellie A. Webber. SAN PIEOO. Cel.. April l8peclal Telegram. -Mrs. Nellie Ada Webber, for merly of Fairmont. Neb., died here today Burial will take place In Fairmont. Th Be Want Ada Ar Best Business Booster. Get BdxmisA stceAt tit tunrt iat cUkz Roumania Ready to Take Hand in the . Great Struggle ROME, April 14.-fTa I'arls. April is.) A dispatch to the Tribune from Halonlha saya the Intervention of Roumania in the war seems Imminent. The army, splen didly equipped. Is rely for Instant ac tion. V Ives Art Collection Brings Half Million NEW YORK, April lS.-Artlsts and art collectors asserted today that th auction of the etchings ana, engravings In Gen eral Brayton Ives' collection, concluded her yesterday, constituted th greetest print sal ever held tn America. Th total sales amounted te 1547,381. - This marked K aa on of th most important art auctions ever conducted here, al though the sum derived ha several times been eaoeeded. , The amount obtained for engraving and etchings was 390,, which set a new record for th sal of prints In this country. Th total derived from the sal of book was W7,9i. Th porcelains brought lies.lO. Th top price for th final session ws W.T90, paid for 'Th Cr1s of Lendon." a set ef thirteen Stipple engraving by Francla Wheatley, reproduced In colors. Whistler paintings brought big prices. Th top prlc of W.soo was paid for hi Nocturn." CATHOLIC CLERGY IN FRANCE WILL PRAY FOR VICTORY ROME. ApriU.-Vla Paris)-A num ber of French bishops .and priests cam to Rome today to consult with th holy concerning th . prayers for peace written by Pop Benedict for use in Roman Catholic churches the world over next nvonth. Thea clergymen said that th Roman Catholics of France, Including th clergy, while subscribing tb the pop'a wish, dscided to embody In th prayer a petition for th victory of their country tn the war. In support of this contention they ' pointed nit that larger number of th Roman Catholic clergy in France than on any previous occasion had taken up arms for their country. , fierwiaaa Sets Dateh Trawlers. MU1DEN. Netherlands. April Is. (Via London.) The local owners of the stesm trawling fleet have been notified ' that four of their trawler flying the flag of Hoiiang nav beea seised by Oermaa warship and taken Into Cuxhaven. Eseter Usa Cle Shoot. EXETER. Neb.. Apnl l.-gpoij Tel egram.) floor of the Exeter Ouu club shooting tournament April It-ls. Ante, teur scores: A. Huntley. Omaha C. W. Bareur, Adams, Neb '.'.m C. C. HoUworth. lieartwell. Neb . t . O. Oellatly. tfutlon. Neb B,sy C. Klngsley Omaha 11. K. Mltton, Adams, Neb Millard Hosier. North Platte, Neb arlo Morthotise. Fremont. Neb.. U R. CVnn, Panama. Neb C a. Palmer, Lincoln Xon C. Klroman. Omaha " ProfeMtonaln- T. 1. Oross, Kansas City. "Mo Ed O Brien, Florence. Kan Oeorge L. Carter. Lincoln lan W. Bovee. Kaoeae Vlty, Mo . ' . jANHIYERSARY OF LINCOLN'S DEATH GoYernment Paya Silent Tribnt to Memory of Martyred President by Suspending Business. SEVERAL LOCAL OFFICES CLOSED WASHINGTON, April 16. Busi ness of the United States government virtually was suspended today In recognition of the fiftieth anniver sary of the death of Abraham Lln coin. In the national capital, ai eisewnere throughout the country, and in foreign lands wherever the American government Is represented the event was being observed In ac cordance with President Wilson's ex ecutive order. The president himself laid aside the cares of office, as did other officials of the government, to pay silent tribute to the memory of the martyred president. By direction of the president all the governmental departments were closed for the day and the supreme court of the t'nlted Plates, headed by a former con federal soldier. Chief Justice White, held no session. Flags on ail government buildings throughout the United States were at halfstaff as a tribute to Lin coln's memory, as were they also on all forte and reservations, naval statlona and wamhips and upon alt American emhu. sies, legations and consulates throughout ine world. The owners snd captains of all American, merchant ships had been re quested to display the national emblem at halfmast ' I. or a I Offices Closed. Local army and navy reerultlnr stations were closed todsy In commemoration of the death of Abraham Lincoln fifty years ago today. Th customs force was ex cused In the afteronon and nearly all of tne janitors and elevator operators, and the flags on th buildings were placed at halfstaff all day. These things were don In accordance with telegrams received by Cadet Taylor from Assistant Secretary of tho Treasury H. A. Peters, who has charge of the customs, and from Assistant secretary of the Treasury B. R. Newton, who had charg of public buildings. Steel Subsidiary to Reduce Workers' Pay PITTSBURGH, April 15.-Reductlons In wages In th hot mill departments of all the works of th American Sheet and Tin Plate company, an Important subsid iary of th United State Steel corpora tion, was announced today, The exact rate of reduction was not made known, but It was atated by ateel authorities that it would average be tween and 11 per cent. It t r- . .n the oompary twenty-nine plants In western Pennsylvania, Olilo and West Virginia and comes close on the heels of a similar reduction accepted by the Amal gamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers after th membership had defeated th proposition twice. Members of the Amalgamated association have bad no union lodge, in the American. Sheet and Tin Plat company's plants since lMVithetr soele being signed oy lnde pendent oompankts only. Grandson of Corbin Killed in France Nfcw TORK. April lS.-Friende of An Ir C. Champollton of this city, grand son of the late Austin. Corbin, president or in ixng Island, railroad, learned today that he had been killed while serv. Ing In the French srmy at Bols L Pretre March H The information waa contslned in a private cable message re ceived her and forwarded to his widow, now living at Rodbank. N. J. Mr. Champolllon. though an American, went from New York at th beginning of th war to enlist In th French, Wv. Ice. He waa a grandson ef Jean Fran cole Champolllon. th distinguished Egyptologist and translator of th Ro sette atone. Mr. Champolllon waa . a graduate of Harvard In 1903 end married Mia Adelaide Kno. dauahUr of Jh. J. Knox, at on time comptroller ef the currency. II wa M years old. FBEGKIE XoV MIS Thsm Wit a TU memoes Tkesa Wit Th Othla Vtoaorioa? Thla prescription for the removal of freckle was written by a prominent phy sician and is usually so successful tn re moving freckle and giving a clear, beau tiful complexion that it sold by Shsrraan A McConnell or any druggist under guar antee to refund th money if It falls. Don't hide your freckles under a veil; Set an ounce of othln and remove them. Even th first few applications should show a wonderful Improvement, some of th lighter freckles vanishing entirely. 0 sure te aak th drugglat far th. doubl strength othlne: it i this that la sold on th money-back guarantee. AA vertlsement. A Simple Way To Remore Dandruff nere ' one aur way mat nas -never failed te remove dandruff at once, and that la to dissolve It, then you destroy It entirely. To do this, just get about four ounce of plain, common Uauld arvon from any drug store (this U all you will need), apply it at night when retiring uee enough to moisten th scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tipa. By morning, moat it not all. of your dandruff will be gone. n three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every alnsla stsn and trace of It, no matter how much dandruff you may have. you win rind all Itching aad dutslnc of the scalp will atop Instantly, a no your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky ana eon, and look and feet a hundred time better. Advertisement Alake Teething Easy for Eabj use Krs. Vfel.'iv's Sccl&zS)Ti? A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY YtCrREU-KQT NAKCOTG Obregon's Army is Being Surrounded by Villa-Zapata Forces EL PASO, Tex.. April 15.-Offlrlal re port that the Obregon army at Celaya was being surrounded by Vllla-Zapata troops were confirmed today by private advice from th south. It was states that while Villa again was attacking Celaya from the north. General Angeles had arrived from Monterey with 1.M0 men and a large- amount of artillery to assault the Cmrrsnsa position from the east, while General Pandoras with from 000, to 10,r Zapata troops three days age bad reached San Juan Del Rio, Just south of Queatero. Obregon's base. Together with this Information came detail of the first battle of Cefsva. In which the Villa army was defeated severely last week. Th Carransa com mander allowed the enemy to enter th outlying dlstiltts of the town and then swept the cross streets with machine guna and ahrnpnel fire. The Villa troops fled, leaving large numbers of killed and wounded In the streets. Villa's losses In this battle were estimated at 4,000 killed, wounded and raptured. One thousand of the Villa wounded were sent to Ouadala-Jam- Conditions at Mexico City were reported quiet Jn advice reaching here today. The situation caused tnr want of food supplies, however, wa still critical. A German cltlxn on the first of the month was probably fatally wounded by Zapata soldiers, who sought to .rob him In a street of the capital. STOCK EXCHANGE SEATS ARE RISING IN VALUE NEW TORK. April IS. Fifty-nine thou- aand dollars was bid today for. a seat on the New Tork Stock exchange, an ad vance over th last setual sal of (9.000. A fw week ago memberships were of fered st fSS.MO and several transfers were mad below that figure, while th ex change was under enforced closure during the latter part of int. Trading in stocks today waa again In large volume. Dealings embraced many hitherto dormant Issues. , THOMPSON, BEUDEN S GO. White Goods Special Friday 1,000 yards 25c White Underwear Crepe 12& a "Yard Friday Only Another New Shipment Street and House Dresses New styles, choice ma- 1 terials in great variety all prices. CREPE APRON SETS In floral designs and stripes in all colors. Very Practical and Attractive. Sold in the Basement Apparel Section. 3 Hontsty built our bu$ine to eae ef the largest practical la Nabraske. W tsll you on first consultation lust what you nad and exactly what , coat of earn, will be. VAUTLXIS SZTBAOTIOsT T YXTAUSVB Aim. Taft's Dental Roioms 1SXT DOUOfcAS UMIt. Tkirty-fiflh Fter 4 For Lienor and Drag Users MM Remorse permanently th for Liquor and Jrwga. craving Alwaye improves the general health. Surroundings pleasant system he man, nothing "heroic" Drug ar withdrawn gradually, and with the aid of eur tooio remedies . eauenta suir.r no eoll4aa De not be tMreuad.4 that al m.nte are alike. Oure la I all treat the only ertectivs one. aa time anil eaoer- ience erovee. 0m. te ue without delay. These con ditions are serious and th.r. should b n experiments. Send for Illustrated booklet. Corre spondeno strictly ooafltlentlai. The Keeley. Institute Oereee SAtk aad Out gtU slajsa. asm, THE OMAIIA BEE Tilt; HOME PAPER WYOMING STOCKMEN MEET Foot and Month Disease Affords Big Topic of Discussion of State's Growers. NOTICE SERVED UPON PACKERS DOL'GLAS, Wyo.. April 15-(eclal Telegram.) The forty-second onntial meeting of th Wyoming Stock Grower' aseoclatlon wss called to order at 10 o'clock thla morning by President Robert D. Carey of Careyhurst About 3U dele gates were In attendance. After wel coming addressee and responses the con vention spent the forenoon in hearing and discussing the reports of the Wyo ming brand Inspectors iocated at the mar. kst centers. The valuo of the Inspectors to the cattle raisers s shown by the re port of C. I Talbot, inspector at South Omaha, that in twenty yeara 130,000 head af catUe. valued at J77.000.000, has been saved to Wyomlnr growers. Smith Delivers Address. This afternoon Prof. H. R. Smith, for merly of Nebraska, but now with the Hill interests, gave an Interesting ad dress on "TypeKof Beef Breeds." and1 had a buay half hour afterward In an swering the numerous questions fired at him by the stockmen. A. E. Derlcqles of Denver mad a hit with th delegate when he took the packers to task for attempting to control the entire cattle business. He held that the function of the packer waa to take care of the meat business and to let the stock yards, banks and loan companies run Independently and that unlesa such a course would be pursued It would even tually be bad for the packer. Foot aad Moatfe Disease. Tomorrow Bute Veterinarian Davis talks on 'The Foot and Mouth Disease," and It Is expected there will be much discussion on the subject, In view of the recent quarantine by Wyoming against the world on account of ythls disease. Many catlemen held that the quarantine order, coming as It did, when the dis ease Is virtually chocked, la entirely too rigid and resolutions to modify it will undoubtedly be psssed. die entire South Omaha delegation Is EXTRA Bleached Table Cloths, all Round Designs, Fri day only . $2.50 2x2-Yard Cloths $1.75 ELASTIC BELT APRONS Made of Amoskeag ging ham, all colors. They are a dress as well as an apron. Hotel Lenox LUXURY ECONOMY BOYLSTON ns EXETER STREETS BOSTON One block from Copley Sq. and Public Library. Convenient to Shopping and Theatre District. All Outside Rooms. Excellent Cuisine. Single Roome S3, with Bath SJ.S0 and np louble " S1.50. " $3.90 " (OoodGarajos a minutes' walk) L. C. PRIOR. Mas Two mi nut from Back Bay 8tatloo Tn minutes from North Station 50c IV for First. Half- 49o lor II ok idtSnil nil there- iftif forthi utile, yes rids. I chirr, (or ci!l lag ir riturituj, wettlB Time at Bete ef ILM v Sou. "There 0f ftwvloe" Telephone Dongj 90. Onalia Taxi Ssnrica Go. 2104 Ferment 8t. OMAIIA v $lhM urn enthusiastic ever their reception and en tertainment In Douglas. "We feel well repaid for our trip," ssld 8ecrtsry Strycker. "We hsve been splendidly en, tertained and have met a large number' of stockmen. It is a fin convention. Tonluht a smoker, wss given st the Lahonte hotel for the visitor and one of the features of the evening wss a six round go between two local welter weights. - Denver Is msklng a strong hid for th trade of this territory, a delegation of about forty representing that city. They are handicapped by Omaha's natural ad vantages as a market, but have a strong asset in being easily accessible through tho Burlington's new Wyoming line. Sioux City la also looking toward trade extension and Is well represented. The Omaha delegation will leave tomor row afternoon for Casper and Lander and thence to the meeting of the Mon tana cattlemen at Miles City. Inspector Locate Strays. Inspectors employed by the Wyomlnf Ptock Growers' association at th South Omaha and Chicago stock yards save! for members of th association 1116,7). during the last year through the Identi fication and aale of 1.8X1 head of est ray cattle belonging to such members and shipped to those market by other persons. Is related In the annual reports of the Inspectors, which were read at the .asso ciation's convention today. i . . C. L. Talbot, inspector at Omaha,-reported that during the year from and In cluding April. 1914, to aMrch, 191&, he In spected 4.24S cars of Wyoming cattle, the head total being 108,434. Of these 1.351 head were Identified as est rays and sold for the benefit of the owners, who re ceived from the Inspectors through the Wyoming association t93.2Rl.RJ. Frank Brainard, Inspector at Chicago, reported that during th year 1914 he de tected 261 head of Wyoming estrays. the proceeds from the sale of which saved the owners $32,629.01. The report of the Inspector at Chicane shows thst during the lsst twenty-five years 16.781 head of Wyoming estrays. . worth I77M87.7S, have been Identified al that market and the proceeds transmitted to the owners. The Bee Want Ads Are Best Duslnesk Boosters. Announcement Watch tomorrow night's paper and the windows for announcement of the Coat Sale Saturday. '.This will be a genuine Thompson & Belden Sale of a special purchase of fine coats, both silk and cloth. Friday The Ready-to-Put-on Suit Section will feature an offering of tailored and Norfolk Suits for $19.50 In addition to the large showings at $24.50, $23.75 and $35. k - (No Extra Charge for Alterations. AMUSEMENTS. QRAtlDEIS nuns 2ittS?.. April 17th Oa Say Only Th SWdUoklag Knaioal Comedy ueeea. HIGH JIMS 2? - e SO. yMagJ so, to ga, M, t,. gg t. S1.I SO. eat ffaday, Monday, day. Wad. MaUaee liAl'ttHTE'It, MELODY AND - SPECTACLE Are Combined in Henry W. Savage's Music Hit, BOYD" OMAHAT MOST Tonight Matinee Tomorrow eM,Cehaa'e Ur Muiuioom. Talk ciHIw York 8.521 :. - . Vigbte, 860-600. 'OMAMA.U TV m...' ' Johnie Weber , ,A tn s j . .Th slag Boa ias London Delles Jnv1 Ik'?" th wost tun " uV PI IP P THEATE liU Home of Paramocnt Pictures TOMV awn - . BETTY BELLA. HQ iiw wienisn oaao A VaaoUatia- Zm. ... Stkeae 1Kb-, eae 4-lXVl.lfm Adveaeod Yaade- SilS. BTLa-ht. B:ia. SEIBS KITTT ooscos fhn Arte: WIIms lh. rorsu. M.n. irui. it bom. Mm. Kmlm m...