tmi: ui.Kt omatta. APRIL 1015. WANT ADS Want ade received, at njr tun, but t Insure proper rmonrrttion muat be pre. eemted before II o'clock mon for evening edition and 1M r. m. fir mo-nlna- end ftundsy editions. Want s's rwlvM after ch hours will be under th beading, "Too Lata to Claanlfr." CATt RATFA . Svn mnsecuttv timet. 1 cent wort each Insertion. Thre time witfcln nna week. 1V4 cant word Mrh tnMrtHm. On Unit, I rent a word. fl?Aai RATR Seven eoneecutlv time. escn Insertion. . . Three time wKtitg ova week. It canta line each Insertion. One time. It rent a Tfna. Count six srenwr word to un Minimum charge. M cent. An yert1emet Inserted to "' to discontinued muat b toppeU 07 wnl tea order. Afl clarm for error tin's t "' rtthm fifteen day after th lat rtthln tka of the advertisement Ton ran plara your want ad In Tha B ty telephone. TEUCPHONK TTX.gR 1W- Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" HnndrwTa of other anawer have tveen relied for and delivered durlna tha lat raali It M raaannabla to auppo tj1 II of tha raqrla balow ha ino tha datrd awa(a, (hrofora do not clfor th bataaca af tbatr anawara. Boa raot aoa aura rat raauit nc. lrj n IW.t 1"4 jrt JIM 1W 1S4 1W4 l lt tort mc. 14X1 1 lf.ll ism ItlT lf 153 1b 1M0 1646 l&M IpM 17 1S70 1671 157 )fA5 1M wn ISM 4 l) u ut 1414 141?, UiC 14 nn 14.T 1441 144 14 14M 14M 14M I4AJ 47 1411 no M r m os vm M ' 411 4. ' 1T .1 4M ia- !'! W4 i f n r m tt IT tl tl M M H4 DHATni A!D n'!II5Afc KOTICE LKR-Hr, P. f.. . Tr- . . Funfral Friday mornlnif, April 1, l a. m.. from tha ridnra of hie father- Michael rJ South Mn- feiith to L I'atrlck'a church at a. m. Interment at Holy Bepulchra cemetery. ilcQUILLAN John Clement, aged 7 yaara. died April IS, llft. Only aon of Sir. aa dilra. ). T. Moviulllaji, 2407 Wirt ht. Funeral notice later. BIRTHS AND DKATH". , Birtha Aaco and Anna Jorgenaen. 8107 Sovith Twenty-flrat, boy; Leo and hHlaa l.oth Steven, 2209 Eaat Locuat, boy; Hiilge and Anna Wenant, M2 Maple, boy; il. C and Minnie Uremllih, Omaha, hoy; lly li en and Krana Koiberg, lfl Nirth Nlne 'teentli, loy; Hugo and Bcrtlia Kplnncr, tTS lndge. girl. Ucatha Miranda R. Root. 71, i',U Kpen rer; 1'rter Van Winkle, W, Ml North . eighteenth; Maria - U. Harone, .U. 2710 t-oulh Twentiolh; W'Ullaov Miller, 4i, Sill t-herman avenue. MAHHUUB LKKNtlCI. Urenae to wed bava been Uaued to tha folowlng: Name and Addreea. Age. ltvern Knob, Orotna 21 Francea Copaey, Houth I lend ji Waiter A. Cockrell, Omaha.... 27 Millie liranlff, Omaha 24 Herman F. Brtink. Otnaha 24 Carolina M. leV'ol. Omaha , 13 Oeorga Reudalhuber. Omaha... id Kilaabctb. LAipper, Omaha ,. 20 Odl Hayes. Omaha ,, , 4. 2 Mella Junes, Omaha. IV Morris Moerkerke, Boutb Omaha 23 Julia Von lloutte, Houttt Omaha. II "Wllford E. Uavld. Lincoln ... 24 W ilheimlna K. Herd. Beaver Croaalng.. II Charlie E. Adatnaon, Elgin 21 Nellie M. Tigh. Omaha.. U TODAY'S CX3MTLETE MOVIE ntOCIlAMU Exclusively In Tha Ue CA MERAPIIOiNK, 14 J.K)UULA BT. "W tnniiiK littcb. 2-reel Hioncho drama. our baby and Mine., lu-l, Ui-aiua. . Amltvas Little MHtchet. K LIT 15 MO. 2, 1311 FAltNAM HT. 1 he Or cut Hilenca F. liuahniaul. -r. La. dra. The iUater of Ills Holla (ti. ijuirk). VltaKr4h comHly. Fa HnTaTtTi EAT I.H.' 1414 FAHNAM 8T. liunaway June will be ahown hwre every Tueaiay In coumwtlon with our regular rof(ram end a Keyatone comedy. vote xu&ATiat, iii u anu uakmki liom of rtruaouat Ftoturaa, vau. a. iitAiaai. Feature pmarcara dally. Kayeton auadlaa. a n. ma rAKLOit, lewt lHIJiiLA) T, From UeadnuLrtara. t-r. Vita. dram. Whera'a My Huaband. Mlna fomwly. I'KiNCkri, Ui7-1 1HJUULA ST, T'niiar tbe TaJala. roal L, Ko. ooniedy. The Old Tutor tMurdock TWcyuaxrlel. "W hen BpiiVar Tora Looaa (. rajik Lloyd). Heart feu (ALAMO, 4TH AND FORT. "Kiag Heggot, t-rael feature. The Mtiliua-Dollar Engineer, k'uptd Got It Heat. Comedy. AU1AMBHA. 1HI4 NO. 14Tir 'Adrenturaa of Florenoa, 1-r, Than. Ira. A Mm and Hla Work, MaJ. Dra. Tha Happier Mali, iieauly Com. UtTXAN., illU.AVia. A BLIlUETTli .Weekly. A l-ui'y Mowout. KraxkJta diauii. .WUifui Ambroaa. Coniy. Tha Dunbeas. fMadlaon.) -r. Oold Heal Sidles Utile Nightmare. Neat or com. J'lUNKUN, TH AND PRAN'KUN. Following a Clue, 1-reel Kalem drama. 'J'he Nujlit Opnaator at bin ton. Kai dra, 3tronho billy'a Vengeanoa, luaa. W. dra. J"K 1.1C THEATER, 4lh rjid SpragiM. Will oien soon. Firat-'laJ photo playa. WaUh thia aoe for opening data aud j.rogram.J. C. lvh. Manager. Grand, Theator BeauUlul," It ft lilliliiLy. 1 iw. li Ardun- Mutual. laler In a reels. ,iul a gxl cumedy. lTli'1' ilK )M l liiiTH AN t CI MINU 1 he Inwliling Bride. Hoyal cuinily Jlefmlng Fire. 2-rerl t oat ure The Chineae Ixittery. Ilriiance dranuu, IT, t reela. iriifANU LoiVt'ST Jared Fairfax a MlUiooa, t-r. Kal. dra. A N. II lit Out. Vm. cum., Chaplin. The Htatc Coa.-h 1'rWer and the tilrl. Belik. JVV. 1STH ATTiTBT'BjjKTtlSL His I Aat Performance. Big J. The Fiaah. t-rpcl Hex. JsrKx koiit Wallop, aiterilng eomedy. lVVAL THEATHIl, 'iijTcKLIiyiYAZ. I'urae of the lfa-rt. t-m Blaoo. A Coat s a t, Ncttur eotaaay. A filnmd Weekly. j"7TH ItoPi ItTH AND LOTH HOP 1 l.e Fireman and tha dirt, S-real drama lo the "i4 Bear of Courage." -rj war dramau ' A LA I.E. ri DA V EN PtRT I he M'Hcaain Print- Frontier. Dude Hafrir. Sn-rllng oonicdy. ll Aboard, l-rr-l Neator. M bl RBAN 21TH A N O AUM. Mr. Jarr Bring Home . Turkey VRa. IU. " The Girl of the Muat HalL t-r. Kal dra. kaatk. .R.r;jR THEATER, &D AND ARBOR. rh .vjuara Triangle" a -rwl fr tui., alau Alary pukford in Just Uae a v itioait.' -I01JX. r- LEAVEN IWuRTli lr. Jarr and tli ljidy hformer I lev graph comedy. H- rat tM-lig No. la. t'"fhl ' Eaiiiy drama. l.'jLe V1LIA. lil0"t0"C'THiTIt A Coat Tale. Eny W. oomedy. M-u tb FaU tVm- Lssanay Uranut. TODArS COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In The IWe. MM. 24TII AND VINTON". !-rcel Reliance. COMFORT, Sympathy rn I Reformation American. I 'rnpplngton'e lvlPili peed. Kf)lonc FAVORITE. 1710 VINTO. 2-reel Yltsgrsph drama. The Jar Family Plecovera Harlem. "Com. The Beautiful Lady. Kb.graph drama KM. I2t,S SOUTH UTU. (Supreme Impute. Imp drama. rami ,oie. i,. ho. nmeay. IJInrlBox No. 5. rwl Special. t.i iii i ' i m'katbh" iwTVintTin-si". lx .Months to Live Rex drama. J'.la. k Hot. No 4 2-reel apodal. Hiitlor'a Busted Rnrrance, ster romedy. PASTIME. J.itT A N D7.K A VKNVVKl IT. I'.lnrk Hox. Third episode. Venpesnce of Sampson. Powers. Magic Mirror. Joker comedy. VENEZ1A. ku &j 14TH T. Fonr reoia f Matual peueaa Weal. MONROK, TMKATEK. 2Tv16 FA UN AM ST. I.plaode !. Million Iollar Myatery. fe- the winner of liu.ow prlxe and com plote aohitlon of thla wonderful myatery atory. A (tood comedy and other reela. Bea.oej. PHNSON. fa MAIN PTREET. No. X2!. 2 reele. Murilork Mr-Uuarrle. The Oolden riplder. Mary Fuller. KnayMoney. U-Kn, rotnedy. loaarll Hlaffa EUTK NO. 2. ' (45 BROAPWAT. Tin- Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 r. Ed. dr. II All Oeoenda. Iuhln comedy. The Man front Tex a a. He I la drama. MCHOI, " 647BROAUVAY-. The Radium Thlevra. X-r. Vltaaraph dr. After the ellorm. Bloraph drama. KOPEK 4.T7 BROAUWA V. Wild Iriah Roae. 2-reel Hold Heal. tllxed l,' Elopement. Neator comedy. lan nd Ilia Money. Rex drama. Moaiaj Oaaaiaa. 24TII AND N. OKHHR. The Fnemlea. J-reel VHairaph drama. The Titled Trio. Mlna onmedv. MAdlC. 24TII AND O. lilnck Box No. 1-reel PoectaJ. All for Peggy. Rex drama. Hay of Kevcn Ialea. Iemmle drama. aaaTilt. ORPHEVM, J4TH AND M 8T8. Good Mutual I Icturea dally In t reels. AKNOUNCEMEPrTS 0 MAllA PILIOW CO., 117 Cuming Douglas 2417. Renovates feather. and matlreaaes of all kinds, makes feather mattresees and down revere. Wedding announreniente. I'oug. Ptg. Co. UH1-7KHMAKINO,, alterations. Work sniranteed. 2401 Caaa. Red 72.1&. 8PRINt CLEAN I NO TIME la here. Ytur wlndowa cleaned and storm wlndowa taken down at reaaonahle ralea. rflrat claaa aervlca call iouglaa S341. AMK.KHlAiS WI.MPUW CI.HANINO CO. LtlCKT wedding rln at Brndegaard'a.' KNROLL now. T. M. C- A. night school, WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all eewlng machlnea. NE BRASKA CTCLB CO., Mlokel s," 16th end Harney. Houglaa ltM. WE wlah to announce that the silverware misplaced on Deo. 2, 1814, was found In our own bouse. Any statement to the effect that Mrs. U O. Hereon took It la absolutely false, Mr. and Mrs. George K. How. AUTOMOBILES Owner will Sacrifice Ptudebaker, e-nassenger. 1 modal: as. week"1 condltlon; must , sell within DR. C. B. POLTZ,' Room I, Crelghton Block. "Overland" $250. 11. P. CAR, suitable for runabout, touring car or' runabout truck; perfect ordr; powerful, new tires, runabout and touring body; worth ITiCucaah, need money; ; Zl if ' LJr- trader. cii at ' . 7 . " V.-p , c "tor WANTtl Overland auto,' lull runabout ' toufing; describe fully and glva best caah offer. Addreaa T 44, Bee car that I will trade for modern home or greater value. II. Pel ton, Z. ma of aauaJ iioo, zu amain. C. ELSASI31t- expert radiator and latna . rnulra C I'll 1 . 9 HJ REWARD for sny mssiuito w. e.n i repair. Cotla repd. Bayadorfer.210 N U. l Clearllle Houae 22o farnam, buy aad Bella used car. Phon Douglas uia. Ov .erton a for leaky radiator, soc, deara. Want an auto. C. J. Cansn. McCague bldg? J,oJAV?'ok "'i 'sdU!ae jas lKlOGHd. t;U4 imt Oakland A. A. A HUMAN. 34 PARNAM ST Industrial Garage fo-Mha Harney 81a Motryol. HAR LET-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCTKfl. .JiralM 'n eWnes. Victor Rooa, "1 be Motoraycl Man." tivt Leavenworth. BUILDIMQ MATERIAL. NAILS, U90 per keg. Petioe, aht roof lug, etc. In proportion. General Mer oanul Co., Otuaha'g great .mail order house. , , BUSINKSS CHANCES POlt HALE Good paying lue ciyam fao tory- Write Box 1m. Columbus. Neb, FOR BAI.K Coffoe and tea bualneea'Tt city of 6,0iX); thoroughly eatabliahed and tyl'ig;nver t,0 Uva customers. Adtlrsaa FOR BALK OR FOR RENT Good hoUl building; good location; 21 rooms; city water, acetylene light. Phone or writ. Reimer Grubd. t'Wand Neb. FOR 8 A LB AND RKNT-W will Mil tha furnishing and futures, ot the Cook hotel, aad will rent the building, every tblng new and la good shape; tha only hotel In town and doing a good business elsht bedroom upalatrs: office, parlor' dining room, large bedroom and good kitchen downatalrs: electrlo light: no suam heat. H. C, Thomas, Cook, Neb JEWELER Fine Mora In k'huier for aale; require only J0. Box MS, bchuy. Kr, Neb. BlGNit. anuw card-. Clark A Hum. D. U71 Rl'lAL eatate Rtislneaa place aunplWd or handled; all state. !' V. Knleat. Omaha. UhT YOUR BlfclNsJss "" with 1 or uuica actio a aad aquar treattuvnt ... - Ql""K UAX.X COMPANY, 411 Be Bldg. Phone Red HB4. THKATKKaWiuy, Uase or aetl your tbe- Thaater 1, u'iia uio sup puns through lHUg FOR BALK A good paying plumbing and tin bus Hess: aatahliha L w . i''1! Addres Geo. W. 21.1. Nebraska WHY rent! Will sail imv..... .,.... , Itad kiver valley. Minn., erect buildings suppiy cow and hogs on first payment of ir v.n ana interval at Per V.uleh er tberafler. v. . rvmpiMon. eta Be IH,g , Omaha. AN EXl EPTltNAL rhanos la offered ac-" tiva party with l,m ta Invest, together wlin rununon sen and energy enough to oBiluct a. respectable, permanent cash s easily managed, free from compoimon and get-nch-quick hen, SrtlT r"ur 'r.m Mono lo fli,hiU,d .c"red yearly, owner of this buaineas Invites the very closest nvesligatlon In very way. Full partic ular will have to be given at personal liitervlow only, by ad. I reeling Y-4o Be 'V.V'1 or "t of buaineas call on JIANG EST AD. 4v4 1U Bid, DooJ. 1477 Ii)NEi,oN d.M-. luoV, thaallit Tou? bul,H-M. beDeit ! Omaha Nat hk Apartments, flat, houec and fJ.,.;.7 ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Be -For Rent" Ad. CLAIM4 PAID. WILL cash tvujity claim. Douglaa 7k35T Kill CATION A L The Van Sant School Stenography Pay school. I OV to 4;M. Night school. l:lf to U. ' 1Mb and Kirnm SO 'tuff Uft. KOK aale tl folloalnc arhniarahipa .n a flnrt clnaa Omaha ftualneaa Collet: Ona onlimlted combination buaiaeaa nd ahorlband eoura. Una unlimited bualnoaa eauraa. Ona I'oltmlted atenoejraphic couraa. One three month' buaioaaa or etaae fraphlo rouraa. Win ba aold at d'acouot at tha offloa of the Omaha He. Boyles College ! Pchool. Nlrht Prhool. r mnlrte jhualneaa courae, complete ahorthand or iatenolype courae, complete telegraphy ji-oiirae. rivii aervc branciiea and F;n- urn. Buiarnia aamittea at any tinia. W rile, phone or rail for lf1S oaUlogu. BOYI.F.S fOLI.KGE. H B. BOTMW. Frealdent. Tel. D. lies, lloylea Bide, Omaha. Nb. KLECTniC 8UITLIES. EI.KCTHIC waahera, 40.i'.; elertrlo Irone, 12.25, with General Mercantile Co., OniRliVa Great Mall Order llouao. KOIl BALE Farnltore, lloaaehold oooda, Kta. FI RNITl'RF. of "-room fist: good ss new, for sale cheap. Douglas M1f. DFSIvS bought and sold. J. C. Reed. "JUW 127 Fernan HC D. il4a. FOR auction datea call Red TM. Morses and Vehicle. SHIP tfva stock to Routn Omaha, ftav mileage and shiinkaar. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful alien- tlon. NOTICE To farmers and city buyers, a,oi-lb. span black Keldlnga, & years old, pair brown marea, weight 2,4"0 lbs.; 2,1"tt ll. span marea, heavy In oal; guaranteed vr money refunded. 124 8. 24th St., barn In mar. TWO pairs of farm mares In foal. 224 N. 16th t. NICE heifer rslf for aale. Web. Foil HALE Good chunky young mare; will sell chenp on account of alrkness; guaranteed well broke; muat sell, need the CHsh; owned by widow. Call at Btorci 1221 Ho. 24th. 1HUM MONO hand-made buggy, cheap. Douglas hmi. llyVHilAI.N for caah to settle our estate. Pair of Percheron mares, years old, ti lbs., heavy In foal. Also handsome full blood mare and gelding, both sorrel", with white mane and tails. 2327 llniiso corner 24th St. I10KSKS FOli SALE Mth and county Hue. Tel. flout h ?029.. FARM wagons, KA and up; harneas, 140. Johnson-Danforth Co.. lfith s Clark Ste. TEAM of 6-year-old mares, well matched, weignt z.miu; a-year-old work horse, weight 1,4110, and handsome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal. Ben- tie for children; bargain; party going to Pan Francisco April 10. 2421 Dodge R. Stools Cosanataaloai Merrhaata. MARTIN BttOB. dt CO.. KxonatMt Bliig. Bllghtly used high grade piano. P. 2017. Paaltrr, tCgjsa sad BLppliea. 8TEREOTYPB malrlca make tha best and cheapest lining lor poultry houses. Thay are 17x23 Inches, atronger and more durable then tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7 bo a hundred at Tha Be office. WHITE WYAN. cockerela. Benson HW, Mixed grain. 100 lbs., 1L7&. Wagner sol Typewriters. ' v RENT an Oliver TypeVrlter 1 mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter fcgency. 8J6 Far- nam c TYI'EWRITEltJi sold, rented, rivalled. conirei t ypewnter r.xo. r,ti r arnam. Mlaeellaaeoam. FOR BALK New and second-hand earont and cket billiard table and bowling Slleys and accessories; bar fixture of ail kinds; asy payment. Th Brunswick Balke-Coliender Co.. 4o7-4fl 8. loth Ht. NEW arid Id-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, etc., and mechanical repairs: L Bron Electric Works, 114-20 8. 12th. o 15 SEkJOND HAND jenny In-slot ma chine ot various kinds, also coal rang and 4 ga ranges. J. C. Ish, Executor ;ci 81st Ave. Phone Harney 241. Vhand inch. Prima Wreck. l,il t'aul THE Bl'RM EISTER CULTIVATOR BHOVEL. will aair the corn roots; been on the market 1 year. Ar fully guaranteed. I'rlc reduced- thla year to 13 per set of four and 14 per set of six shovels. Book let free. Cha. Bunuelater, Box 11 9. Sutherland, la. FOR SALE CHEAP-SttKk In the Doud Sale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. Bldg FINE Soda fountain, complete, eight foot, oak, marble aiah, two silver-plated double streams, German ailver work board, used ona season, for aula ehean Address X, Be office. South Omaha. o HELP TV ANTED FEMALE Clerical mm Office. BILL CLEUIK Ht OA SHIER Si THE CANO AGENCY, O0 BEB BIJ0. STENOGRAPHER WATTS REP. t) 140-41 Brand. Thea. NO FII4N(3 FEE. PEST COMMERCIAL PONITIONP. ROGERS BEF. CO.. Um-I State Bank WANTED Experienced ' Wa,hl Adder operators. Remington Typewriter Co lDth and Douglas. Factery aa Trade. LXARN hafrdraaalng. OppenAaim Parlora WANTED Expert pressor (ldy) dry cleaning department Bluff City Laun dry, Council Bluffs, la. Iloaar keeper aed Dnmratte. THE Servant Girl rroblera Solved. Th Be will run a Servant Girl W auled Ad PREB until you get th daalred result This applies to resident of Omaha. Houth Omaha and Council Blutfa Brlug ad t Tli Be office or, telephone Tyler tOuO. WANTEU Cximpateut girl for general nouseworg, fajnily of 1. Beat wages. References required. TM 8. J7th St. H. 1S30. WAN TED A good giiT for general nuuwwun, lamriy or two. r. v&. G1HL or middle-aged lady to leave city, at k I il W u. u I'.Jl-t . . I - . . t .. - . u.w ...... ... . m 1 1 tww-i. wviiiii , R.riiiiia, IV A V X I. 1 l A -4 1 t.m U ... - - I I -i. wagesjjtilVeerred.D.ll;J day only. umi. 11. r geneiai nousewoik. , ; lauii- ureea ept t rays, .w-s I s St. WAN'i'El Young girl, 14 or IS, to aaalat with houstaork; willing to pay reason able waxes. H, ). U1HL for genersl housework. Apply at once. 101 s. Siith St. W'ANTEl A whit girl for geuernl housework with or without washing: by man. and wife of mlddl age. No chil dren Near Hanacom park. Good placo for good girl. Harney MfJ. WANTED A glil to assist with goner! housework. i.J Harney St. WANTED Voung girl to assist In houae. vork; no wsshlug, uo rooking. II. M 4t W ebater St. A QIHL for general houaework, family of two. Call iHrugia WANTED A girl for general housework; on that ran go home nights. 'JO So Kth Ave. GOOD girl wanurd fur Ugiit houaework. Beat of treatment and a dandy home to right girl. Treated as one of family. Phone Harney - or Harney 2XS. WANTED Flrel class girl for giirral liouaeMork; good rook; iwat. coniterit; pe-riuaiieiil boiue for right glr!. Wal. H-. EXPE III EN CI. D girl fiaei.end housT work; 110 waelilug. lu lwey Ave. Hailiey MlaMllaaaaaa, ' FIRST-CIJkss bon-bon dipper; steady work, good pay. Apply 117 Burt bL nKI P WANTED FEMALE Mia TOTTNO women omtn vo Omaha aa atroiirere are invited to vlalt tha Tount tVomen a Christian aaaorutlon butldlns at 6t Mary'a Ave. and 17th KU. where they will be directed to eultahla boardtnf flacea or othrrwtaa aaxieted. Ink for our raveler'a gu'da a: I'cion atatloa HELP WANTED MALE HOOK KEEPER, acoualntd 'in Pouth Omaha, some outside collecting to do; In 1. Young men for ' clerical poeltlon, IS to 'itUSLVKSS-MEN'is KKFEREXCE AMS'N.. l.t1-;0 Woodman of World Bldg. SALESMAN jnoo SALESMAN, At TO St PPIJEg Ml HALESMA.V. GR'MJERIKS 100, RA1LHOAD ti3 SOLICITOR AND COLLEi.-TOR 7S I nr. CANO AllKNCY, ( BF.H BLDO. PgUARR PEGU IN SQUARE HOLES. .. w hum n poeuion inai tits you. CO-OPERATIVK REFERENCE) CO. coo-11 Kiiy national Hank. SALESMAN wanted for city territory; good proposition. Apply at once. M I D W E s T BO N P 1 NO CO. . 1! Bee Bldg. SALESMAN, drug lM and expenses; Btenog. and clerical, 160; Stenog., out of town. 1 4). WATTS REF.'CO.. S40-42 Brand. Thea. ASSISTANT to manager of small whole sale house; -must lie stenogTspher hfKikkeeper; prefer man 2S-35 year of are. with nn . 1 excellent chance; good salary: g-tve ex-1 perlence, aye, salary, , etc. Addrcs P. 31fl, Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERENCE BOND A'SSN. 711 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldf. Aajeata, dalrimea aid Solicitor. Agents Wanted We want aome one to represent us -In every town In Iowa and Nebraska aa we omn and control aome of the best Im proved and unimproved farms in Min nesota. W are selling the farms on liberal terms so the renter and city man with a small capital can own a farm and watch It increase In value under his touch. W handle corn and clover landa only, and Invite Inspection as we have the soil and get the rein. , Government statistics show that the Mtste of Minnesota Is coming to the front in rarm products. . Minnesota alnd will show a arester In crease In vklue In the next three years then any state In the union. The land wnerecorn is king and clover queen. 1 w rite, wire or come and e us. Lib eral Inducements. E. S. BABCOCK LAND CO.. Austin, Mlnnesotae OPENING FOR HIGH CLASS SALESMAN witli well-established Institution. Applicant must be well neoualntnd with Nebraska territory, must be over 80 year of age and able to show highest records for producing results. Man who Is now successfully engaged In life Insurance work would bo especially qualified for this position, although this work has nothing to do with Insurance. our present salesmen are getting excel lent results ahd earning large Income. we are prepared to pay a well to man of right ability. Answer, no matter what your previous line of business. Thia may be your op portunity. only sucn application considered that are accompanied with full particulars, reference, etc. .liuress J KM, 3e. " ' 8AK8MAN A prominent, long estab lished eastern manufacturer 01 pharma ceuticala .will pay rood salary. Must be experienced, capable, energetic, reliable. State agw, references, etc. Address Ex tracts. R. R. Bruc Co; EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska, Call or writ. Mutual Benefit, Health and Accident Association. 42S-2B Clfy Nat"! Bank Bldg. YOU'LL never get rich working for other. Why not start a cleaning and dyeing business? We start you rlxhtl No prevtoiia experience necessary; but small capital required. Big profits In this (rest re-order business! Full details free. White Wonder Coir.Danv. 12 Nn. tlonsl Btifety Vault Bldg.. Denver, Colo Factory aad Trades. Drug store snaps; jobs. Knelet. Be Bldg. WANTEDMEN TO LEARN THBBArI BER TRADE and accept position at food wages. Bos Barber calling; on u for help. V prepare you in few week. Tool furnished. W Sires while learning. Call or writ, MOLKK BARBER COL LEGE, Ieak B, OMAHA, NED YOU MUST THINK W give you expert auto training; earn a real salary, big money for our trained men. Com right now and get our free course In Elee. Ltg. 4k Start'g systems; free catalogue. Amer. Auto College, 20M Parnam St., Omaha. Tri-City Barber N College. - Tuition 116, on aeoount of big trade. Wage for and 10 cent woTk. Electric IIIUSUI taileht WHritllM chairs. Catalog free. 1124 Douglas St. Omaha Sf laewtiaaeawa, . GET WISE A thorough, practical automobll edu cation at minimum coat Ask for cata logue "C" and axplaaatloa of our get rvault method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE -SCHOOL. 1113-11 Liodtte street, omana, tveb. WAN TED-Na mes of men, IS or over, wlsiilng government Jobs, tfio month. No pull neceesMry. Address Y 440, Bee. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted, U mouth; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partciulare. Franklin Insti tute, Iiept. 221 D , Rochester. N. Y. . , lie an Auto Mechanic and diaw a larg salary, or go Into th auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Writ tat free booklet Nat 'I Auto Training AeVn, ' Hit N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED 1.0UO men to eat ham and egg, lie. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. 81TUATION8 WANTED Yol'NG man, aged . want work on a dairy farm. Good milker and sober. State wages. I hav bad good experience. Address t-311. Be. YOUNG man, aged 36, wants pwsltion driving team. I have had good experi ence. Easy with tha horeee. W rite and stste wage Address M-3UI. Be. YOL'NG girl desires houi swork, U Per week. Address 7 N. Uth Ave. YOUNG man, exierlencd, deelree plac as fireman. Address lit f arnam St. A DANl&H young iiimii wants a job on a farm. Addres 27 on Farnam 8t UL'clNESS MEN Young man, ag 21, wants )ob; business college graduate; bookkeeping arid aelllng xpileiic; good references; want to connect with good, live flim; starting slry low, but future dealrable. Addreaa K 1 J. car Be. PERFECT home washing. Lac curtain a speilalty. Webster 4k3.V COLORED man wanta portion as cliauf- icur ana uuiier. nave naa s year expe; can furnish beat of ref. K. T. Htohle. Webster o77i. 1715 N. iih St i.niEi... 1.11 juui. nutll, i. naving finished lrainliii as cashier and bl I and ocfic cUrk. Ha exevlluut penman hip and la college tiradunt. Deelres IHwitlon In OmaJia or eUewlicre. rugla 'fl. or address J-k, Hm C V L, u 1 l K, . t.1 I . ..... ... . . ColAREU man wants job as porter or Janitor. Phone evenings. W. 1117, Call foi Charles Anderson. CHAUFFEUR and mechanlo wants poal tton. pritst 01 truck; know cttv. and - J N Ave. Council Bluffs, Ion, v LOST AND FOUND BROoCH. lo.t at German Home. Bond vuiUig. I.e. era. Call Webster LT. LOST AND FOIND OMAHA aV cOl NCIL ril.CFFS 8THRET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article wnulA so well to call up the cffli-e of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway cum- fany to ae'-ert a In whether they left It In he street rare. Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to reator tie m to the rightful ower. Call Doug. 41. LOST-IIS worth 6c and 10c postage stamps, between poetofflce and Zlat and Farnam. Reward If returned to Powell Supply Co., 9V.1 Fsmam Pt. LOST Hlaf k hrrwe. white spot on head, with halter and chain. lxvt Sunday from 2T.2I Iecatur St. Phone Webster lu- MAIL ORDER Kl'SINESS SAVE 26 to ft per cent on furniture by trading jWlth General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mall Order House. 715 B. th St. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SiJROICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. -PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients muat come to the of fice. 4sVI-io Omaha Natloaal bank, 17tb and Farnam fctr DU. WILLIAM CKEjajI'lON MAXWELL, Taenty-elght years In Omaha. Graduate Of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. N. Y. o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cure piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eratlon. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARHY. 240 Bet, Bldg Rupture Cured In a few dars without pain. Call or write Dr Wrav. 10 Be Bids.. Omaha. Established 1894. o NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge, plants, roses, concord grape, 60c dosen Home ales ground, 6lrt & Rlggs, Benson. Omaha sales ground, 24th and Cuming. BensonOmaha Nursery. Benson 634. M. P. BIRD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our old location, 17th end iHwigo. Phones: D. 44!W and Wei. 411. BEAUTIFY yqur homo with the finest of nursery stock ever grown. See for your self. Gate City Nursery. Phone D. 2050. Sales ground. 1111 Dodge St. CHOICE, complete line of snrubs. ever greens, ornamental and fruit trees; save agents' commission. J. Westrom Nursery Co.! at old location, zflth and Harney Sts. 200 DUNLAP strawberry plants, 11; -1,000 14; postpaid. W. C Hebdon. Blair. Neb. PERSONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS Unless we receive J0J subscriptions to the L. H. Journal, ILou; S. E. Post, 11.60; or Country Gentleman, II, In April (also 600 by Sept.) that r."") for THE IN VALIDS' PENSION ASSOCIATION can not be earned. Your renewals contribute 50 cents. Phone Douglas 7163, or mall, Gordon, The 'Magazine Man OMAHA. YOUNG- women coming to Omaha as stranger are Invited to visit th Young Women' Christian aasool.tlon building at 17th St and St Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding plac er otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid et th Union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag. tines, w collect We distribute. Phon Douglas 4114 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1111-1114 bods St. . LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OP OMAIIA tssesstaatm. . A. DWORAK, C. P A . AdJrea 431 Ramg Bldg., Phone Douglas 7406. Addlaar Machlaea. -f-Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. It. D. 144. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. UMI Aaistrsr Flalaalaa:. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 414 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architect. &vrtt 8. Poada. 412 Psi'on Blk. D. IM, A at aad Mataite Hepalrlnat. MagTieto repair work a epecialty. D. 1411. Aactloaeer. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-14 W. O. W. R. 1285. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-14 W. O. W. R. 12!to. la Prlatlagr. - HORNBY BLU! PRINT CO., Id Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Brasa SNtaadrtca. Pax ton-Mitchell Co.. YTth and Martha Sts. STEVENSON. !2S S. Od. Douglas M. raJiforato Iliads. W. T. Smith Co.. lg City Nat l Bk. D.l. (hlaa Palattagt. Ruth Ltrhford. dsenrattng. firing. R, 441 Civil Kaa taeere. M. J. LACY. 611 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4718. Crcaaa sesaratan, . Tha Sharpie Separator Co.. 12th' A Para, Daneinar Acadaaaiea. CHAMBERS' Academy, ctaaalo. D. 1171 Try Mackie'a first. 1811 Harney. Doug. (444. Clstera aad Well Dlaglaa. NEED well or clatero .-leaned or dugl SCHAPFER doea It. Phon Web. 6631. DresamaklaaT. Tarry Dreaanuik'g college, 0th At Farnam. Detective. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of United States. Canada or Mexico. OS Pas ton Blk. Doug. 1371. Walnut l&iO. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Block. Evi dence secured in all cases. Tyler 1134.' Den (late. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. Q. W Bldg. Bailey, the lientlal. ;t City Nat l Bank. Taft Det.tal Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. Ha. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank. Dragra. DRUGS at rut prices: freight paid on 110 order; catalogue free. Sherman V Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Byerythlaar fee Weameau ACCOKDloN. side. kntl. sunburst, bos pleating; covered buttons, all slses and styles; hsmatltclung. ploot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Pougiaa Block. D. 1!M4. KtW YORK sample gtora. Must vacate, building coming down: cloaks, suit and drveecS aacrlflel N. liUh6t Flarlat. BATH'S, florists, 1804 Farnam St. D. SnoO. L. HENDERSON. 1611 Farnaru. p. 12ol. Member Florist Telegraph Pel Aaa'n. HESS & 8WOHODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. 1H3NAGHUK. J--3 Harney. Doug. luuL bTOVE rvpairing. Firs Prevention Oo. Douglas 4o4. - Hat Uyer. Straw bat deed Dora Flaal. US4 C Nat Mdhtlaa Ftxiae aad M'trf aa. THOMAS DUR1UN Elect rlo fixture and eupplieo, contract lag and repair ork done reuaonsble. 1411 CUMING. DOUGLAS HUS. lie Stack Remedies. t . OMAHA Remedy Co.. SOT 8. 11th. Red 4X1. Meeaeaaee aad Teasaste. WHITE LINT.. II N. Uth St Doug lt Mull, t Mlyiiin aaa ksdi. Se.elt.a. 1 FG. of lodge regalia and costumea 1 heo. Lleben A Sota-JM4 Howard. D. 41 IL Maaaeara. O Miss STAPLES, ma., eu-c. bath. D. 7)1. Open eve.. I p. m.; Kiimliya. lj to I. M AviAOE 6j) Be Bl.lg I King. W71. MUS W ALTON, huh. Ri TnviU BlkT . LIVE WIRE 111 KIN ESS MEN OK OMAHA Ma.eetim. iliVTIfifd mass., alcohol rub. Laura l "aXX!. it'll...... 1.--... ... Ioiik. S7S1. iipen evcnlnea and Sundny. am a uelll(jy r'Try"'; food, restful Magnetic' Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 11 a. m. to 1(1 p. m.. Including Bundavs. 117 8. 17th St., downatair. Notice: Entrance Basement, reside shrubbeir, cor. I lodge. Mls JaonhsT mass., office 224 Neville Bldg. M. HRI'OM AN, mass R. Bk. R. 2727. (rxj Karbach VISIT Miss Venlta. new message parlors; alcohol rubs and scalp treatment. 119 P. 17th St. MASSAGE. 1721 podue. Mrs. Steele. Clara Ie, bath and masmge, Dong. 8751. BATHS. 214 Bslrd Bldg., 17th and Dong. Motion PI et ores. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargains. Prlatlnar. WATETRS-BARNHART Pt. Co., nnallty printing. Tel. Doug. 210 6!4 S. 13th St. COREY M'KRNaiE PTG CO. D. 2M4. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 1754. Osteopathia phyalrlast. Te. Bench. 2n4 McCague Bldg. P. 3CTL Dr. Peterson. 3 Brandels Kldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 811 Bee Bldg Patents. D. O. Bamell. Psxlon BIk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges, Brandels Theater Bldg. Patent aieveiopnaeat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 11f S. th St HUGH M'MAKrjst. 417 N. nth. H. 172S. Omaha Paste Co. Pnowflake paste. D. I7S). Pinnae Renovated. PLUMES at HATS mad over, cleaned dyed. Bertha Kruger, 421 Paxton. D. MM. Prlatlagr. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 44. Roach Kstrraalaatot. B B B Roach powder, Merrlt'g Pharm. Safe and Time Leek lSaarerta. SAFR&d. Opened, repaired, coma, P. E. Daven port ! Dodge. t. 1MU Shoe Repalrlas. FRIEDMAN BROS , shoe reoalr. 211 8.14. lata aad bhowrard. E. M CLARK eV SON. Ill S. 1ITH ST. Steel Celllnsrs. CARTER Sheet Metal Compsny. 110 S. 10. Store and Office Fmibmb. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase, shslv. Ing, etc.. We buy. sell. Omaha Flit nr. ana nuppiy to., i-ie-is a. van. u. ZiH, Tlanark. CENTRAL TIN SHOP, HIT Dodge. Doug- Towel Sannlle. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 S. Uth. D. 621. Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDFRYOU. InS N. I5th flt Traaka and Saltcaae FRELINO ft STEINLE. 11 Farnam St Veterinarians. DR. G. R. YOUNG. 4GOJ Center. Wal. SOS Wall Paper Iranlaa. QVIV.RM r1tv Pl.iintne I ' nlJ .11 paper and painted walla like new. Ty- wr it.1. Wine and 1,1 q a ore, ALEX JETES, 201- S. I'.th St. Wine, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners, 11 to 3, 10c. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine. 11.26 per pal. Writ for price list &p:NRY POLLOCK UQt'OR HOUSE, 15th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUT your family liquor at Klein' Liquor House. S2J N. Ifth- Douglas lsut, SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO TUBES Two new auto tubes, never have been used, 16x4, for lady or gin s oicycie. Address . Ui wt. e, AUTO Will trad1 1912 model 6 pas senger rianoer auto, iuuy equipped, r uootl lot or acreage. Address-Be. fOO foe I'CC. AUTO Passenger car, run one season f just overhauled and painted, Will trade for good paper, real estate, or what have you. ti. C. 818, care Bee. AUTOS W14 model, 4-cyllnder, 7-paa., almost new; will trade for vacant lot or what have you? Address S. C. S70, Be. A I TOS-6-passenger touring car In flrat clasa condition, top, windshield. Presto lite, chains, etc.) worth tauO. and would exchange for good building lot in Omaha of the same value. Address S. C. 827. AUTt First-class Brush auto; might ex change for a diamond or good horse and buggy. Addreaa S. C. 9, Bee. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobll bargain e th "Automobll" classifi cation. BUSINESS CHANCE Hav paying dry cleaning business. I need more money to expund It. Will trade half interest for vacmu jot. Address S. C. 16. Bee FOUR-HOLE oook stove to trad for vnvy wiu, jiqqreae p. i., in. tee. FOUR-HOLE ga range to. trad for baby cab. Address S. C. Ill, Bee. MOTOR BOAT One twenty-foot motor boat 4 horsepower Ferrow engine. Will trade for Ford Roadster or touring car. 8. C. SOI. BED and springs; 1 dresser; want china cabinet or what am I offered. Address 8. O. m. Be. CORN PLANTER What have you to exchange for a first-class 'corn planter. 7-foot weeder, l-horee plow, S-hors wagon tongue. Prefer chicken. Addres 8. C- 907, Be EDISON MOVING PICTURB MACHINE for motorcycle, chicken or anything of equal value; price, 176. Addrcs S. C. 82. Be. RED DAHLIAS for other colors or other plants. Address 8. C. Sit, Bee. MOVIE MACHINE On new exhibition motion picture machine; will exchange for Ford car, motoroycle or anything I can. use. Address 8. C. 117, Be. FINE DOG Boston bull pup, t month Sid. male, color and appaaranc fine, full blooded, for what hav youT Ad dress S. C. SUA. Be a FOR SALE Good Hariey-Davldson mo torcycle or trade for lUrht roadster. Tullls, 1400 Avenue C, Council Bluffs. LOT-HAVE CLEAR DEEDS AND TI TLE TO LOT IN CASPER, WTO. WILL TRADE FOR DIAMOND OR GOOD VICTROLA. ADDRESS B. C. 114, Bee. MANDOLIN Burton 136 Mandolin, a very fine Inatrument. In perfect order, trade for jewelry, typewriter or chickens; offer. 8. d. ll. Bee. JITNEY BUS-WIII trade my Interest of a ! payment on new ll.iw studebaker delivery car, balance of which can be paid at SrtO per month. Will trad for vacant hit worth I3f0. Addreaa 8. C. 920, Pee. HAVE diamond and other property. I wish to trade for ams.ll auto or motor cycle. Address 8. C. SMS. Bee. , OAK dining room table to swap. What hav you to trade. S. C. 897. Bee. PIANO Dandy piano for good horse and buggy. Address S. C. . Be. PIANO High grade piano; am using It In my home; would exchange it for a diamond for my wife. Addreaa S. C. SOS. Be. fclGNS. ahowcarda. Clark at Son. D. 171. TYPEWRITER Practically new, and .CASH, for auto. Address S. C. 101. Be. VACUUM WASHERS 200 Vacuum Wash era sell at 13.6u each. I have traded for these and want trad for something I could use. What have you? Can mak big money here. Add re sa 8. C. 8SW. Bee. STcaTK What am I offered in exchange for 1.600 shares of stock, par value 11.00, in one of best coal mining properties la Wyoming? Address 8. C. A Bee. WILL TRADE a good car for a diamond. IS to 1 karat. Douglas ln36. W ILL trad typewriter for a safe, snap. Address S. C. 904. Bee. WATCH 433 WaJtham watch, trade for diamond, gun or chickens; make offer; will consider typewriter. S. C 134, Bee. W HAT have you to trad for a C. & H bicycle fn A-l condition, also a l-H p. gasolin engine? Address S. C. 6, Be. FOR RENT Aaarlaaeats aad Plata. 119.50, THREE large rooms part mod. flat for small family. lu Elm St Dl sum. I FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. THE THORVAT.t-One elegant 4 room apartment: will decorate; reference re ij'ilred. Harney VUO. 11 ISC-IN APARTMENTS, THE LAFAYETTE, 17th Ave. and Jackson. Two and three rooms, with flrat-clsas equipment, reasonable rents. References required. The Jnnltor will show you throurh st snv time. PAYNE PLATER COMPANT, UK Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. FOR RENT 5 rooms with toilet and bath, easy malklng distance anj clot ta car. 112.50 per month. T. SULLIVAN, 111 Prandels Theater HlCs. Dong 411 ST. GFiORGE, 113 N. Sit Ave.: five-mum suite; select West Farnam district. Phone Weh. 1574. , CENTRAL Nc equal n prlc or quality; T room house; 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. FIDELITY rhone Dnuslss V for complete list of ' li vacant houses and apartments, alsj for Btorage. moving, packing, shipping. HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS, J CIXSIMN. ' THE ANGKLUS APARTMENTS, r.(h Ave. and IVruglas. Three snd four rooms, with disappear Ing beds, electric elevators and other first-class equipment. Janitor vein show you through at any time. PAYNE SIFTER COMPANT. 1 1 Omaha Nst'l Bank Bldg. Famished Apsrtsirsli. Kt. RNISHED spHrtment, rooms), bath and kitchenette; New Hamilton; Imne 1late possession; liberal concession. Tel. Doug. 2446 or Doug. 6792. Famished Henana. s'ADISON list and Chicago; steam heat; are mo. ana up: earn id connection D.CruX NICELY furnished rooms at 1703 Dodge yt. : close In. LARGE front room; nicely furn.hcd; nf, mooern nome. ut . L'-ttn Ave. NICELY furnished room for couple or 2 jmmg men: private family: no other boarders: meals If desired: references ie- qulred. Call Harney 71CT. STEAM heated moms, 13 week. Cgden tpimiii ruuns. BEAI'TI FULLY Fur. Rms.. mod. D. 7.-.4R. Mgkt Hasirkeeplag Ratal, STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kltch. . enette furnished. Ogdcn Hotel . Co., Council Bluffs, la. Famished Hoasea Nine Rooms Nicely Furnished 1821 Binney St Two blocks west of Sherman Ave. car line, on Binney St., which Is one of the prettiest street In Kountxe Place. This home is strictly modern and n Ideal con dition, nicely furnished" throiiRhout. The owner is leaving the city for one vear and will rent this home furnished at the very low rental of 150 per month to the right party. Must be one year's lease. Has a full lot on paved street, with beau tiful shade trees. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 239 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 498. . Ilonsee mmi Cotta-e. DUNDEE, all modern, 128. 'W. I Selby Sons. MODERN 10-room brick, 2601 Capitol ave nue. Tel. Harney 6644. 261& CALDWELL Walking- distance; i rooms; modern except heat: first-claaa condition; rent reasonable. Web. 3736 Six Rooms All Modern, $30 Per Month 1306 South 26th Ave., all oak floors on both flnxt and second floors; good bs se men t; located on big east front lot within 16 minutes' walking distance ot retail district. Will make any reusonahl repair and give one year'e lease if de sired. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bank 'Bldg. D. 48. FOR RENT, 1008-10-12-14 DBWEY AVE. New double houses. Five rooms and sleeping porch.. Clothes chutev Gas stove. Kitchen cabinet. Rent 1.(7.60. Open Sunday p. AMERICAN SECU Phone Dnuglaa 601S. RITY COMPANT. Phon Walnut 30B7 FOR RENT-$65.tj0 . Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. Berij, S. Baker. Phones D482, H317' REM 18 PARK-4404 Hawthorne: 8 rma" strictly modern; lot and location most desirable; good valua at 160; for Hi. Web- siersiio, or LSDUgia 2017. f0S CALDWELL Six rooms; partly mod" .io. au una omy; walking distance. Webstar 1724. m WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 7-rm, modern house, 106 8. 85th St. NEW 6-r. bungalow in Orchard Hill. c. .-. niwmi, roa r arnam. 6-ROOM house, partly modern: 1621 N llat HA .A .1- l. V XNVA PATJiVlDvTT. -A 1 -.. H.V.H I . VAtm- . iiih kath h,ii K..r-""'"l.a 'r;o modern. Just on block from Farnam cae nSr)S'1" b VlCant AprU l7- c3i W.U FOR RENT W hav a eoinpltu list of "all housea apartments and flate that ar for rent ThU list can be seen free of char at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 804 iff oV ALL sise. tt per month 'iu vr? H. , Gordon Van Co. CS N. Uth St Tel. D. 154 or Web i moving. ewrage. e amajn, D. tig. 'MiMin u. tiav BEE the Central Furniture Store FHp'p RENTAL LIST. oiore. j, Kbfc Globe Van&Storage tatl.f action guar. D. 433S Tndn-tTi1- .' 9 efJW. Maggard's j In tUii Kliitf .hlnnU- Van and Btorags Co. Call us lor ea. Inc. DUC SK. PPl-g.TWte LuugUs 144. IlOUSCSif LT"h J' the city. Cr'h Co.. B Bid. MODERN apartment., and Cold Water f r A . UP- Hot , cieonina. STORE or office, modern" 42VrT office. G. P. stebbln. 1 ner Pot- FA HowaTd St ret-' tor -"tomobiles. WANTED TO BUY Yal buy, everyth,, srn.dT TvinilTT OPFIOE lurnllui uJuT.irr TT -