BRIEF CITY NEWS Ka Boot Prist It Now rWron rrfii Bnr;.(rBdaa Co. LUhtlns: flxtur. "Today's Complete Korlt rrorram" rlasclfled sertion today, and appear la Th Be EXCLCSIVKLT. Find out what th varlouf moving picture theater offer. A BaTlar ef Tim for both cutomer and jrouraelf when your offlo la con veniently located. Th Be Bulldin;-. "th building that la alway new" make thl sarins ur. Ta. fftat aaak ei Omaha par 4 Per cent on time deposit, S per cent on avlnr account. All depoMt In thl fcanlc ar protected by the depositor' guarantee fund of th tat of Nebraska. Xrooml back from Chlca- General Solicitor Loom of the t nton Taclflc Is bck from Chlca go, where he took an actlv part In the Industrial Investigation being conducted by a branch of the In terstate Commerce commission. TUrrf n th Xy Thieve Rained entrance to the home of W. J. Nagls, S23 Leavenworth, Tuesday, by securing th front door key from Its hiding place In the mail box. Two revolvers, a watch and some valuable coins were taken. ripkla Shoot at obbr officer Pipkin exchanged shots with a burglar who wa surprised In prowling about John Parrott's saloon at Thirteenth and Howard streets. Th man had gained entrance through a rear window and had ransacked the place when discovered by th policeman. lie made good his cape after th firing, without securing any of th con ten Us of th saloon. Bandit Catcher Bound Over United State Commissioner Daniel bound over John and Frank Kudrna to the grand Jury, after they waived a hearing on the charg of breaking Into box cars In Inter slat transit Officer B. Peace of the Union Pacific made the arrest and It Is alleged goods were found hidden In an abandoned well and an attic of the Kudrna home, 2S8 South Eighteenth street, flouth Omaha. Then goods In cluded some alleged to have been taken three months ago. Two baby carriage wer in the lot. Frank' bond were fixed at $2,000; John'a at 13,000. THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1015. Herring a Poet; L "Nebraska" Theme of Pen Product That Omaha ha a poet in our midst In th person of Attorney Carl E. Herring la disclosed by this contribution over his name in th current Issue of th Na tional Magazine entitled "Nebraska:" The sun never shone on a country more fair Than beautiful, peerless Nebraska; There' life in the kiss of her rarefied air, Nebraska, contented Nebraska. Her sons are all valiant and noble and bright. Her beautiful daughter are Just about right. And her babies, God bless them ar clear out of sight; That crop never falls In Nebraska. Her homes are alight with the halo ef love, Nebraska, prolific Nebraska; They bask in the smiles of the heavens above, No clouds eA'er darken Nebraska; Her grain waves as billows of gold in th sun. Th fruit of her ochards are equalled by ' none. And her melons), some sot them weigh - 'most a ton. They challenge the world In Nebraska. i IIr girls are sweet models of maidenly grace. - Tn that modern Eden, Nebraska; They'r perfect of figure and lovely of f ac. That' Just what they are tn Nebraska. .Their anulea are bewitching and. winning and weet. ' Their dresses ar stylish, yet modest and naat; A Trilby would envy their cute little feet. In beautiful, peerless Nebraska, . When th burden of life I'm called to . lay down, I hope I may be In Nebraska; t never could ask a morn glorious crown Than one of tb sod of Nebraska. And when the last trump wakes the land . and the sea. And the tombs of the earth set their prisoner free. You may all go aloft. If you choose, but for me, X think I'll Just stay In Nabraska. Maklna- Good TPvric Possible. Ar long a on 1 on bis feet, h can work after a fashion, no matter how badly he feel. But you cannot do good workhave ambition and energy, fell that life la worth living with sluggish bowels or torpid liver. Foley Cathartic Tablet do away with that . drowsy, dull, tired feeling. They never gripe or cause nausea. They're wholesome, cleansing and healthful. Most satisfactory fot stout persons. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. VACANT COTTAGES AT "Y" PARK VISITED BY THIEVES Thieve visited practically all the cot tages at the Toung Men' Christian As sociation park at Carter lake and carried away valuable. Most of the cottages war unoccupied by the owners, but con tained complete outfits for living there n th ummer. Among th cottagers who lost good were O. M. Brotemarkle, Alfred C. Kennedy, Jr., and Mis Ines Bolen. Enjoy Life! You Need "Cascarets" Be happy! A 10-cent box keeps liver and bowels fine for months. feel bully! Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy and constipated. (I 7 ' If. Hwlnrtlme! Clean your torpid liver 'and lugglh bowel with good, harmless t'ascsreis Tney uun i njs i ... Give your inside a good "spring oltan ing" and rid yourself of hradethes. bil ious spells, dixsines. salloan', bad breath, stomach sourness. ge. U. 'her up! Get a 10-cent box from any drug store Best cathartlo for children. LAY PLANS TO MAKE OMAHA ART CENTER Fint Meeting; of New Organisation Addreued by Prof. F. M. Flinp After Banquet. WILL SECURE FINE PAINTINGS The Friends of Art assodatlon. newly formed to encourage and stim ulate an Interest In fine arts In Omaha, held Its first banquet at the Hotel Fontenelle last night and went Into permanent organisation. A constitution and bylaws were adopted by the new organisation, and Prof. Fred Morrow Fling of the University of Nebraska lectured on "Art and Life." About 200 men and women were present. John L. Webster was elected presi dent, William D. McIIugh was made frtce president, Edgar H. Scott was made secretary and Victor Caldwell treasurer. Members of the executive committee elected were Francis A. Drogan, Thomas R. Kimball and George B. Prlns. Parpoae mt Association. Thl organisation cam about whea some weeks ago 100 men In the city, lover of art, signed a pledge to give each 125 a year for a period of five yeara to y ard the encouragement of art In Omaha The membership of the association In cludes all who have agreed to these con tributions and all who shall In the future gre to give a like sum. The funds so created shall be used for the purchase uf paintings and work of fine art and for necessary incidental expenses of the association. John I.. Webster presided at the ban quet. He pointed out that the time I new rip In Omaha and Nebraska for the development of art. V are no longer pioneers here In th west," be said. "We have ceased to llv in dug-out. The time is ripe for higher education." II said he had gathered the ica for th promotion of thl associa tion when he aw what hug crowd had recently attended th art exhibit at th Fontenelle hotel, when it was glvn by the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. Ho felt then that the time was at hand when the public demand facilities for natisfy Ing tho craving for art In thl community. He said at that exhibit (.000 person had attended In a single day. Frof Fred Morrow Fling in hi lecture on "Art and Life" atated that. aide from being a source of pleasure, art has Its practical side also and that this Is coming to b more and more recognised. "Art is closely connected with the spiritual," he said, "and that Is fundamental to ex-ittence." Following the banquet, the lecture and tho business session the guests adjourned to a neighboring room, where a large ex hibit of F. Hopklnson smith' pic ture were displayed on the walls The guest lingered In leisurely study of these picture until a late hour. Lynch Wants to Have Workhouse .-Expert Come Here John C. Lynch, chairman ef the build ing committee of the Board of County Commissioner, say he will ask the Commercial club to invite John McDon ald of Minneapolis, manager of a suc cessful workhouse there, to come her to tell Omaha how to build and run a work house and public farm. "Thl would be the beet method I know to start the ball rolling In Omaha for a workhouse,' made possible by the action of the legislature;" said Mr. Lynch. "Mr. McDonald is one of the most successful managers of public Institutions in the country and produces a large profit for the city of Minneapolis, in addition to maintaining several other public institu tions, including a hospital." New Members Taken Into Rotary Club W. E. Taube, Dan Baum, Jr.. and Harry a Welter were elected as delegate of the club, and Will H. Clarke, Dr. E. C. Henry. Tom S. Kelly and Superintendent E V. Graff were chosen alternates to the international convention In July at tho meeting of the Rotary club at noon at the Henshaw. A. V. Dresner ha already extended th invitation of the club to Governor More- head and hi staff and party to. mako thtir exposition trip with th Rotanan. C. D. Sturtevant and Roy M. Wahlgren were Introduced as new member of th club. C. N. Atkinson, a Rotarian from Toledo, was also accepted Into the Omaha Rotary club on transfer. He has become f jartner in the Benson & Thorns com. pany and now lives here. COUNTY ATTORNEY LOOKS FOR MAN OUT ON A BOND George Pappandopulus, charged with assaulting his sister, Mrs. Ellen Arban ills, with intent to kill. July 1C, 1914. and released on surety ball of $1,000, fur nshed by Harry Zlmroan, is wanted by the county attorney's office for 'trial. He Is believed to be In St. Louis. A capias for hi arrest ha been Issued. Pappendopulua stabled hi sister, he declared, in accordance with a belief that a woman who abandoned her husband and children for another man. should die. This, his sister had done, he as serted. Mrs. Abanllls died two week after she was stabbed. Ml) SIGMA STUDY CLUB RE-ELECTS ITS OFFICERS All officer of Mu Sigma, the oldest study club in th rlty, were re-elected t ttie home o. Mr, rrank Boyd. Mra I. W. Carpenter la president; Mr. Of orgs Damon, vice president; Mr. M. D. 11 us sle, secretary, and Mrs. E. M. Axtell, treasurer. The study ef Browning's works, which ocupied th last year, will be continued till year. Mrs. 8. R. Towl gave a re- sum of the year's work. Fifty dollar round trip to Portland, Krattle, Tacoma. Spokane. Everett, Van couver, Butte, Great Falls. Iewistown and many other points in th Northwest. Tickets on sale daily. For futther par ticulars Inquire of Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, 137 Faraant it.. Omaha, Nab. IMPERIAL POTENTATE OF THE MYSTIC SHRINE RS HERE. v . k 1 k;, FRED n. SMITH. Demos to Wait to See What G. 0. P. Candidates Will Do The seven democrats of the fourteen city commission nominees are discussing the probability of meeting the republican half way on the proposition of drawing the party lines at the city election. it Is understood thut nothin will be done along this line until the return of Mayor Dahlman, who la expected home on Rnturdny or Sunday. C. H. Wlthnell also out of the city. Speaking for himself, Tom Flynn says he is opposed to any democratic lineup, notwithstanding what action the repub licans may take at the mass meeting scheduled for iaturdny evening at Wash ington hall. , Dan Butler likewise states that the dem ocrat will wait until after the Saturday night meeting of the republicans. COMPLAIN AGAINST THE DUP0NTP0WDER PLANT A deputation of resMents of the vicin ity of th Dupont Powder company' storehouses north of Florence appeared before the county board to request that th houses bo abolished or the company be required to lake precaution to avoid an explosion. Action on their request was postponed. John O'Rourke testified that nephew lost several fingers by an explosion of a dynamite cap. It developed, however, that the cap was not in the possession of the powder company when the accident occurred. Hammer Complaint Cared. Dr. King's New Life Pills will rid the system of fermenting foods and Doisons. Keep the stomach and liver healthy. 85c. All druggists. Advertisement. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kitchen will start Thursday on a six weeks' tour of the west, going- to the California exposi tions by way of the southern route and the Grand canyon, and returninir hv . v of Canada. General Secretary K. F. Denlson and Plate Secretary J. P. Iiallpy or the Young Men's Christian association, will g-o to Lincoln Saturday to attend a life work conference among young men of the tale. Miss Harriett From Is confined to her home suffering- from a sprained ankle sustained whiln practicing folk dances at the Young Women's Christian asaocta- ciation gymnasium. It is Just Natural To Admire Babies Our altrustio nature Impels love for th cooing tngint. And at th same time th aubjeclof motherhood la ever before us. To know what to do that will add to the physical comfort of expectant motherhood la a subject that has Inter ested most women of all times. On ef the real helpful things Is an external abdominal application sold In most drug stores under th name of "Mother's Friend." Ws have known so many grand mothers, who in their younger days relied upon thl remedy, and who recom mend It to their own daughters that it certainly must be what Its nam Indi cate. They have used It for It direct influence upon th muscles, cords, liga ment and tendons a it, alms ta afford relief from tne strain and pain so often unnecessarily sever during th period of expectancy. Every woman should mention "Mother's Friend" when the stork I the subject of conversation. An Interesting little book is mailed free upon application to Brad Held Regulator Co.. 03 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Ga, It refer to many thing that women Ilk to read about. Get or recommend a bottle of "Mother's Friend" to-day and writ for the book. RECIPE FOR BALD HEADS Well Known Politician Nearly IlaJd Now Has Xew Growth of Hair. Tell How He Did It. A western politician, well known on ac count of lit baldness and hi ready wit, surprised his friends by appearing with a new growth of hair. Many of hla friends did not know him, and others thought li had a wig. On being asked how he did It. he made the following statement: "1 attribute the growth of my hair to the following simple recipe which any lady or gentleman ran mix at home. To a half pint of water add 1 ox. of Bay Rum, a mall box of Barbo Compound and V ox. of Olycerin. Apply to the scalp two or three time a week with th finger tips. It not only promote th growth of th hair, but remove dandruff, scalp humor nd prevent the hair from falling out. It dsrkens streaked, faded, gray hair and tnakea th hair soft and glossy. These In gredient can be purchased at any drug tore at very little cost and mixed at home." Advertisement. Judge Seed Proves It is Easy to Ride on the Water Wagon After administering word of caution to several Inebriates who appeared he fore him, saying. "If you don't climb aboard the water im, you will surely come to a bad end," Tollce Judge II. W. Heed of South Omaha proved to all who traveled South Omaha that he practices what he preaches. For upon leaving the pulke bench after the morning session JudKe Heed donned his blue overalln and clamored aboard a regular water wagon, as the men employed rt th ilty failed to appear, lis drove the wagon up and down Twenty-fourth atreet during the noon hour, flushing the street as he went. "Its a cinch fo ride the water wagon," says the Judge. MRS. MIRANDA ROOT DIES AT AGE OF SEVENTY-F0UR Mrs. Miranda B. Boot, Tl, of 12 Ppencer street, died yesterday after an Illness of a week. Funernl aorvlrra a-m k .. ducted at the home at 10 o'clock Friday morning ny Kcv. F. W. Iearttt of the Plymouth Congregational church. Mr. Hoot died six year ago and was burled st rinttsmouth. where the hoilv nf Mn Knot will be taken for burial. Th surviving children are Alice M. Root and Mabel V. Root, teachers In the Itublhi schools: JiiAan J.u I. !.-... this city and Dr. Charles H. Root of Norfolk. Neb. Mrs. Root formerly llveil at kluln m he had not been well all wtnler. but not until a week ago waa her condition re garded a serious. HARRISON ASKS REALTY MEN TO CONDEMN THE GOVERNOR C. F. Harrison Introduced a resolution at the weekly meeting of the Real Estate exchange condemning Governor Morehead for vetoing the electric light bill. The resolution wa referred to the electric light committee to report back at the next meeting. Turn Hair Dark With Sage Tea Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy and thick with a simple mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. The old-time mixture of Page Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streuked nd faded hair Is grandmother's treat ment, and folks are again using It to keep their hair a good, even color, which I quit sensible, a we are living In an age when a youthful appearance Is of the greatest advantage. Nowaday, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy mixing at home. All drug store aell the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth' Bag and Sulphur Com pound," for about r0 cent a bottle. It is very popular because nobody can discover It hss been applied. Rimp)y moisten your oomb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, tak ing on small strand at a tlms; by morn ing the gray hair disappear, but what delights the ladlea with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, beside beautifully darkening the hair after a few applica tions it also produce that soft luster and appearance of abundance which I so attractive; besides, prevents dandruff. Itching scalp and falling hair. Advertisement. Just a Little Teeiptatioe to Piano Buyers Just to start our April Piano Sale we are going to make some of the most wonderful piano prices we have ever made. This is a Genuine Piano Sale, as the prices below will indicate, so if you are contemplating the purchase of a piano, now is the opportune time. This list of prices includes both new and used instruments. Kimball . . . McCammon . Lyon & Healy , Briggs . Emerson Miller . . . Swick & Kelso $ 90.00 75.00 65.00 65.00 100.00 125.00 125.00 Bordman . . $100.00 Schaeffer . . . 150.00 Wellington . . . 150.00 Vose&Sons , 150.00 Weiler . . 140.00 Cable .... 175.00 Steinway . 300.00 Raddison . . 175.00 MAYDEN BROS. Get into business via the "Business Chances !!;;:!i:r ill'ilii. '.Mi III' Kit Mm UMMiP iKe HO vSsa" WEIGHT BBSS. LBS. p! inch l?vjf 7v'-s3jf ju':, I l "V''-V ' SI WHEEASSMm ) -it II BMHMawar s Hi! iiSiiii iiii: Vs-t I;:!;1 :;,t;!; 0 STREAMLINE DESIGN THE CAR THAT COMPELS ATTENTION HERE Is th beat car In the world for th It captivates the eye at the first glance, because of its STiT1",? pleasing lines, its elegance of finish and its noiseless running. Here is a car that meets all the requirements of most exacting Automobile buyers. A WONDER AT THE PRICE$1,495 The motor is continental G-N, noted for its silenco, power and efficiency. Quality, Comfort and Service aro emphasized in every detail of the Euger Six, a car any man would be proud to drive. The Enger Six lias a genuine stream line body, fol lowing the latest European design, finished in the highest polish. The upholstery i truly comfortable and luxurious, made of genuine leather, best hair and springs, 10 to 12 inches deep. nfCVDIDTTTsTIDC 17 A M T 17 W iave some Sod territory ojen for good, live UIO I IXIUVJ 1 JliJ IT rill 1 UU agents. You should get our most liberal proposition. The FOSHIER-ENGER COMPANY GENERAL WESTERN DISTRIBUTORS, OMAHA, NEB. FRANCIS & CULLIS, 2024 Farnam Street, Local Distributors, Omaha, Nebraska