THE BKE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, APML 15, 1015. Girls! Lots of Beautiful Hair 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching scalp and fall ing hair. To be possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a mat ter of using a little Danderlne. It Is easy and Inexpensive to have nice, soft hair and lots of It. Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne now all drug: stores recommend It apply a little as directed and within ten minutes there will be an appearance of abundance. freshnesSTfl'jfflnpss and an incomparable gloss and lustre, and try as you will you can not fmd a trace of dandruff or fall Ins hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks use, when you will see new 'hair fine and downy at first yes but really new .hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderlne Is,, we be lieve, f he only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and ft never falls to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really Is, moisten a cloth with shuttle Danderlne and carefully draw It thrmiKh vour hair taklna one small strand at a time. ' Tour hair will be soft, glossy ana beautiful in just a few moments- delightful surprise a waits every one who tries this. Advertisement . URIC ACID SOLVENT For Rheumatism and Kidney TronMe. 50Ccnt Bottle (32 Doses) V v FREE Jusf because you start the "day wor ried and .tired, stiff lege and arms and mum-lea, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains in- the back worn o;it before the dtiy begins, do not thlmt you have to stay In that condition. Thoite sufferers who are In and out of bed half a dosen limes at night will appreciate the - rest, comfort and Htrergth this treatment gives. For any form of bladder trouble or weakness, l's ictlon Is really wonderful. Be mrong, well and vigorous, with no more pains from stiff joints, sore mus icles. rheumatic suffering, aching back, or kidney or bladder troubles. To prove The William Treatment conquers kidney and bladder diseases, rheum Hum unci all urloVacid troubles, no matter how chronic or stubborn, if you have never used The Williams Treatment, we will give one 60c bottle (32 lone free If ou will cut out this notice, and fend It with your name anl adrlresH, with 10c to help pay distrinu tlon expends, to The Ir. D. A. 'Williams eonipiinvr Dept. 2337 New P. O. Build ing, Hampton. Conn. Send at once and you will receive by parcel post a regular 60c bottle (32 doses), without VciiHrge a"U. wnnoui incurring any odh Ration.". One bottle only to a family or joUlrexe. FEELYOUNG! It's Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab lets For You! UMaA .i f 4hn Ha hit rnn.tliiu I Inn I. develops from just a few constipated days iinlea.i 'yuu take yourself in hand. Coax the Jaded bowei muacles back to portniil action with Dr. Ed wards' Olive Tablets, i- the substitute . for calomel. Don't force them to unnatural action with aev-rc medicines or by merely flush ing out the Intestines with nasty, sicken ing cathartics. Dr. Kdjvarils believes In gentleness, persistency and Nature's ssslstance. Ir. Edwards' Olive Tablets open the howels; their action is gentle, yet posi tive. There Is never any pain or griping when Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are used. Just the kind of treatment old per hons yhould have. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a veg etable compound mixed with olive oil, you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two occasionally and have no trouble with your liver, bowels or stom m h, I'V and 2nc per box. All druggists. 1 he Olive Tablet Company. Columbus, O. GOODBYE DISEASE For over two hundred years a famous Dutch medicine, the National Ilemedy of Holland, has been a standard for diseases ol the kidneys and bladder. Gout, lum bago, rheumatism, uric acid and lead ,'iii.onlnt;, gravel, stone In the bladder, diseases of organs connected with the Jiinary tract, all find an Irresistible enemy in (iOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil apsulcs. Made from natural. . healing oils and herbs, this dependable temedy Conquers the poisons In your system, where all the "new discoveries" and pat ent "cure-all." fail absolutely. GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules are a standard medical preparation. They sre imported freah every month from Hoi land by the Genuine Haarlem OH Mfg. Co., 54 Water Kt., New York. Each ship ment Is carefully examined and . passed upon by I nlted States Oovernment chem ists before being admitted Into the coun tiy. Therefore you can be . absolutely mre they are safe and that no habit-pro-Mucins drugs are in them, it they were harmful you could not get them at any I rloe. They would not be allowed Into thl country. Remember these are the genuine Haarlem Oil Capsules im ported fiom the mother country. There fore insist on your druggist giving )ou HOLD -M ED A I otherwise you may get an Imitation. Price SOc and II. WL Monev refunded If thev do not help you. for the name OOI.D MEDAL, on eery lox.-Advertisement. Nebraska SEYEN FOOD BILLS ARE SAFELY PASSED Commissioner Harman Secure All Changes, in the Law that He Desired SALARY RAISE WITH THE REST (From a Ftaff Correspondent) LINCOLN. April 14. (Special.) The food commissioner's department fared very well at the hands of the IMS legis lature. Of the seven bills In which Food 'Commissioner Harman was Interested nn behalf tf the department not one fell by the wayside. . One of the measures passed makes It a felony to sell disease J meat Formerly it was only a misdemeanor and the only result of most of the prosecution waa a fine that rarely exceeded $10. The dairy bill provides for dairy In spection from May 1 to Ottober . 1. whereas under the former law it was only for the three summer months. It also authorises the department to put the buying or selling of cream on a quality basis. The weights and measures amend ment provides for three inspectors In stead of two. The stock foods' law requires the filing of the name of each ingredient with the food commissioner, an analysis and a $8 fea from the ' manufacturer for each brand. The concentrated feeding atuffs law require the branding of mixed feeds or parts of whole feeds with ft fat, pro tein or fibre analysis. The food commissioner got his $350 a year raise In salary and 50 cents a day Increase tor his Inspectors. No Money Provided For Court Commission (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN. April 14. (Special.) While the legislature provided for a supreme court commission, It failed to make any appropriation for .the payment o fthe commissioners or for .the stenographer who la to assist them. The bill provided for three commissioners, who should re ceive a salary of 13.000 per year, and a stenographer, who would receive $1,000. However, they will have to serve with out pay unless something Is done to help them out.- , ', RELATIVES OF BOY WITH WORTHLESS CHECKS SETTLE YORK. Neb., April 14. (Special.)-Cecil llarvel, a 16-year-old boy, who formerly lived In this county, but at this time la resident of Norfolk, came Into the city a few weeks ago and made his headquar ters at a hotel here, where ha had a board bill of $35. He Issued ft number of checks without funds In the bank. He then started west, and was caught at McCook and returned here and placed In jail. His relatives at Norfolk paid the hotelv bill and made all checks he had Issued good, and paid all costs pertaining td the case. He waa released yesterday and left for his home.' RED AND. BLUE ARMIES U CLASH AT LINCOLN . (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. April it (Special.) Two armies met and clashed In a pitched battle a la Europe this afternoon In the hills near Belmont, a Lincoln suburb. It was very real with tho exception that there was no bloodshed, the problem be ing to prevent overland movement of supplies to Omaha. 1 It was 1 the annual maneuver clash of the state farm cadet regiment, the Blue army, with the Reds, the cadets from the city, campus. Tho chief umpire waa Adjutant General Hall. MAYOR OF YORK FAVORS CHEAPER WATER AND LIGHT YORK. Neb., April 14. (Special) Mayor Col ton baa taken charge of city affairs. He appointed M. M. TVIldraan city at-, torney. Rr. Robert McCcmaughy city physlolan, O. H. Finney1 chief of police, and Will Miller night officer. Mayor Oolton announced today that he was In favor of an ordinance abolishing meter rents and a reduction In the price of electricity from IS cents to U cents per kilowat. Ha la also In favor of reduc tion In gas from $1.60 to $1.40. t DUtrlA rssrt Is Ms4Ims. MADISON. Neb., April 14. (Special) An adjourned session of tho November, 1914, term of the district court convened at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon with Judge A. A. Welch presiding. The quo warranto proceedings brought by Watson Purdy to oust J. W. Fitch from the office of county commissioner, waa continued on motion of William L. Dowllng.' attorney for Fitch,, until May 17. Mr. Dowllng In his motion stated that a motion waa pending . before the supreme court for a rehearing on the Purdy-Fltch mandamus ease, a decision of which waa recently handed . down In favor of Purdy. In the case of Ralph N. McKinney against Delia McKinney for divorce, hearing waa had on application for de fendant for temporary alimony and suit money and the plaintiff ordered to pay defendant $75 for suit money on or before May 17, 1915, and $10 per month for sup port until further order of the court. In the cava of the State of Nebraska against Herman and ' Paul Lease for stealing hides, defendants were arraigned and each pleaded guilty and were sen tenced to the county Jail for twenty days and coats. In the case of Chris J. Sorenaoa against tho Union Pacific. Railroad company for damages In the sum of $30,100, the petition for removal to the United States circuit court waa sustained and cauaa ' ordered removed. , I rirat Pipe Onas la Pelk Cawatr POLK. Neb., April 14. (SpeciaD The people of Polk last Sunday evening had the privilege of listening to ona of the best musical programs aver presented in this vicinity. The occasion waa the de dication of the new pipe organ, Just com pleted, for tho Baptist church of this plaea. Miss Florence Malone of Lincoln, Neb., who gave tbe opening recital lat Friday evening, waa engaged to return and give, ft short recital and play Die ac companiments. Besidea the solos, duets and mala quartet, a chorus of thirty-four voices, under the direction of Philip Sack, Jr., rang keveral numbers. This la the first pipe organ in Polk county. Nebraska Lincoln Women Will Hold Mopt Session of House foi; 0ne Day MNCOL.N. Neb., April 14-(8peclal.)-After the spring winds have swept through the open windows of represen tative hall at the Nebraska State Capitol building, doing violence to tobacco smoke and other evidences of mere lawmaking men, 109 women , will take possession. Suffragists, members of the Lincoln Wo men's ' club, members of the Women's Christian Temperance union, quiet women with babies In their arms, these wilt be representatives of he state of Nebraska tor Just one dsy. One hundred women will be seated on the main floor as members of the house. In nearly all cases the representatives have at soma time resided In the district from which they are registered. Lobby ists, of course, wilt be barred, but the galleries will be open to the men, If they care to come. The speaker of the house will be Mrs. Bess Oesrhart Morrison, wejl known throughout Nebraska as a reader and uf friglst. The clerk. Mrs. I. B. Schreckengast. of TTniversltv Place, la Hhe wife of 'the vice chancellor of the Nebraska Wesleyan university. , Mrs. A. M. Bunting, who has been appointed chaplain for the day, la prominent In tempera noe work throughout Nebraska. Mrs. A. 'TV. Slosaen of Normal will act as sergeant-at.arms. Mrs. O. I Reeder. chairman of the day's activities. Is as sistant leader of the parliamentary de partment of the Woman's club. ... The day's program, commencing at 10 a. ra , will be carried out as a regular session. However, the women claim that unlike the present house, they will main tain strict order and will follow Roberts' rules of Order to the letter. . Although the day's entertainment will ba a take-off on the Nebraaka legisla ture, the discussions will not be frivo lous. Buch Weighty mi iters as minimum working .hours for women and children, child welfare boards, tuberculosis pre vention, naturalisation questions and fe male representation on the state board of control, are bills to come up for de bate and action.. Wymore Farmer . Must Go to Prison BEATRICE. Neb.. April I Telegram.) William Elbenl a fa lug near Wymore. this afternoon nleaderi guilty In the district court to the charge or snooting John M. Trauernecht with intent to do great bodily Injury on the evening of November ' 29,' 1914. and waa sentenced to from one to - five years In the. state penitentiary at hard labor h Judge Pemberton. '. -r ' Trauernecht called at the home .of Elben 'to accompany MaacU her homeat Baraeston ' and wag ordered away Ty Kiben. When he refused to go Eiben pulled a revolver and shot him three times. He was In a critical condi tion for several months, but has recov ered. He la IS and Elben 46. Elben has a wire and four children. . STROMSBURQ COMMERCIAL . CLUB IS AGAIN BUSY - " -'sas 4T, tv-jroe elal.) The first bi-monthly dinner f ha tromahurg Commercial elub waa given on Friday evening and eixty-ftva business men war present, and all thera expressed themselves highly pleased and agreed to br. there again at the next meeting, which is to be given on Friday evening. April 33 - After 'the dinner aevwral irutlm . importance were taken up, and discussed by members, among them that of accept ing the Carnegie corporation proposition to erect a library for th city; the matter of beautifying the ground donated bv John B. Buckley for park purposes. ' jonsiaeraoie sentiment toward paving some of' the principal' city street was expressed, and a committee; was appointed to meet with th city council with a view of ascertaining If It Is the proper thing to do at this time. April 20-S1 were set aside as Mmhhk days for the city and a nrlce nt u i. b awarded for the alley through a Mock presenting the cleanest appearance, in cluding back yards of the lots. Band concerts that are riven, in tk. city avery Wednesday and Saturday eve- nines during tbe summer months are to ce continued. NEBRASKA-IOWA BOUNDARY ' BILL PROVES DEFECTIVE (From ft Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb., April 14. (Kpecla.1 Tel egram.) A result of the .hurry of the rast days of the Nebraaka legislature has been shown In the rase of II. R. 3M, a bill to ftx the boundary line between Nebraaka and Iowa near Omaha. The bill, which . appropriates $300 for making the survey and for-the expenses of the. commission, does not recite the appropriation in the title. ..This will In validate It, according to those who say trey know. The title of a bill la supposed to show what the body contains. Netfsa from Beatrice. -BEATRICE, Neb., April 14. (Special) Anton Schlndler. a contractor nf m. city, sustained a dislocated shoufder and severe cruises about the body by falling from ft scaffold at the home of Abraham Epp, near Hoag, Tuesday. Ha is 70 years of age. William Tatea, aged 60 years, and Mar. garet MMdlemlss, aged H years, . drove forty miles over rough roads In Kansas and Nebraska Tuesday from Marysvllle to procure ft marriage license from Judge Walden. They were later married . by Rev. B. F. Oalther. William Clark, a regulet army officer In the Philippines, arrived In the city Tuesday to, visit with his sister, Mrs. C. 8. Blakeway. 1 Schawl Swperlateaftaat Elected. GOTHENBURG, Neb., April 11. Fpe clll.) Prof. Clinton E. Collett of the Fairmont schools has born elar4 niur. lntendent of the Gothenburg schools for ma coming year. Prof. Collett has been at the head of the Fairmont school ava. tarn for four years, and nothing but good works are spoken of him by resident of that place. Prof. P. M. Whitehead, the retiring superintendent, has dedajed to quit teaching and look after land Inter ests that ha has In 'several states 4 Cowgb Medirlae that Helps. Dr. King's New Discovery will help your cough or '-old; "keep a bottle at home for emergencies. 50c at druggists. Ad trtUemtiit. . . Nebraska NORMAL MONEYDISTRIBUTED State Board Divides Up Prospective Cash, Leaving $200,000 for New Buildings. NEW ONES NOT YET AGREED ON (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April ll-Speclal.-The State Normal board, meeting at the state rua, has apportioned the amount of money to be received during the coming blennlum by the four normal schools of tiia state for the ' purposes of mainte nance. The school at Chadron will gel $; the school at Kearney, $l0,0o; Peru. $1&0,(0, and Wayne." $130,000. The nor mal school levy of .fti mill brought In $721,107.63 last blennlum. , It Is anticipated that the regular Increase In the assess ment roll of the state will hi lug this amount up to . about ' $730.ono for the present blennlum. J The total aportloned among the schools for maintenance as outlined above Is $MR,0n0. This will leave about ttuMKO for new buildings, architects' fees and ex penses of the board. Increase for this blennlum Is divided as follows: , Cliadron, $10,0(W: Kearney, $10,000: Peru.' $l?.ttio: Wayne. $M.0( At the morning the meeting tl.e board had not yet decided as t,o the appor tionment fo the building funds,' Jlevr-Telephone Btork. The State Railway commission has Is sued an order authorising the Munroe Independent Telephone company to Issue $15,000 worth of new atock. Of the amount to ba Issued,. $.fi00. Is for the purchase or construction of an exchange building at Newman Grove: $1,600 for similar purpose at Albion: $1.'500' for a building at' Mun roe, $3,600 to take up existing Indebted ness. Frth in f-o Trl-Weeklf. The State Railway commission has ku thorlaed the Northwestern railroad to make ita freight on the Long Pine and Chadron branch trl-weekly Instead of dally during the summer monlhswhen the business slackens. i New lloapltal Started. Commissioners Gerdea and Kennedy of the Stale Board of Control arc at Kear ney, superintending the starting of the construction of the new tubercular hospi tal building. "Aarora Roads Reftlatrred. ' A delegation of three Aurora cltlsens called at Auditor Smith's office this morning with $8,5no worth of the paving bonds of that city, which they registered. The whole Issue was $JS,0CK''. Of this, $16,600 was taken up at -once by the property owners. Take Veterinary Kismlsstlosa, Twenty-six aspirants . for licenses to practice. In Nebraska as veterinary sur geons took the semi-annuaf examination at the slate house this morning.. The examination waa given under the old law. ' " : V Omaha Maw Bftrled at Y'othenbwr. GOTHENBURG, Neb., April 14. tSpe olal.) The body of George Bryant, who was killed. In tho Vnlon Pacific yards here , last Sunday night, was burled , by the-county here yesterday.-- Hta wife, Mrs. Daley Bryant,- arrived In tha city last .Tuesday, night. .from. Omajia,. and When Your . IV ; . . .. IL20A X 1 CS : ': : V Birthday Comes - . I..'-' '..''' wilyou have the sound heart, steady nerves and good digestion of your younger days? Many men and women reach the prime of life, burdened with stomach trouble, headaches," constipa tion, nu"vou6ness, heart flutter, etc., and frequently tho cause is the drug, caffeine, in the coffee they drink. You can quickly tell if coffeeis injuring your health by stopping it ten days and using Instant Postum This delicious, pure food-drink contains no caf feine nor any other harmful ingredient. It is whole some and invigorating, with a snappy flavour very like that of the Old Gov t Java's. And Instant Postum is so easy to make. Put a level teaspoonful in a cup and add hot water-that 's all. Tie convenience of Instant Postum is seen at a glance. Sold in 30c and 50c tins." Some prefer Postum Cereal the original form, which must be well boiled, 15c and 25c packages. . Grocers sell both kinds, the flavour is equally de licious and the cost per cup is about the same. . "There's a Reatori" for POSTUM Nebraska ever effort wns made to locale his par ents, but Ihey could not be found. SPEAKER JACKSON HOST TO MEMBERS AND NEWSMEN TFrom a Ftaff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Neb.. April H.-tHpecli! Tel egram.) 4s a dosing act of the legisla tive session, Ppeaker Jackson of the house entertained a few of the members ?ll re maining In the city and the newvaper men who covered the legislature, at a din ner at the Undell hotel this evening. Wheat Market Goes Wild on Rumors of ' Big Foreign Demand CHICAGO, April 14. rrospects of a world shortage. In wheat available for Im- i mediate ,' shipment resulted today In a ' sensational bulge in prices. Business sud denly assumed large proportions ' In the Isst ttour of trading and prices fluctuated wildly. Jumping up at the rate of be tween transactions. May wheat rose swiftly s' cents to $1.3, as against $1.M at the close last night. July wheat rose even more sharply than May, touching $t.?H. a leap of ( rents a buiihet above last night. The ascent was accompanied by assertions thnt the Brit ish government had cessed Imylng. having obtained all tliat -wss requlre-1 for Brit ish needs and that a scrsmble was ex pected on the part of countries for the small remaining surplus supply. Before the finish July soared H cent j higher to $1.33, a total ascent of ' cents. compared wmn last ntgnt. Heavy prom taking broke the mnrket back 4 renta from the top, but on a. resumption of active buying prices started upward again. The close waa excited, with the market as a whole ranging 34 to, 6 cents above last night. Makes 1 rl Lilt 1. "I suffered with kidney ailment for two years." writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robin son, Miss., "and commenced taking Foley Kidney rills about ten montha ago. I am nowable to do all my work without fatigue. I am now 61 years of agw and feel like ft 16-year-old girl." Foley Kid ney Pills strengthen and Invigorate wesk, tired and deranged kidneys; relieve back ache, weak back, rheumatism and blad der trouble.' They are tonic In action. Sold every where. Advertisement. 1 Pittsburgh Mills Making Shrapnel PITTSBURGH. April lr-Htorlea of unusual Industrial activity in the Pitts burgh district because of the presence of orders for war material were confirmed to the Associated Press today by repro aentatlves of ft number of manufacturing concerns. . At tha Wcstlnghouse Airbrake company It wis said that special machinery had been Installed and workmen were now making shrapnel shells, cartridge eases and fuses on a contract that will require a year to complete. The Westlnghouse Electric and Manufacturing company Is making large projectile r for tha war. Spe cial machinery has bee.i put In the shop. A number of smaller concerns are also making ammunition, . Fiftieth Sturdy Suits With Extra Trousers Up-and-a-eoming suits full of style and built, to withstand se vere wear. That's tho sort your boy needs. That's tV sort 'we feature. Norfolk suits, in Glen Tartnu Plaids, Stripes ty Mixtures all sizes knickerbockers suit very special at. . . : mm- w aa nata iwa KLiU .aOlOHXUiH 8 Yellowstone Park 3 ' Q iw r?1 wSo Destination o w tit l jw Tk. w I ' a . Maw - " - avr a rw Mercs' T v. ii i i 3en Frpra Omaha and Return - -From Lincoln and Return - - ' -From Council Bluffs and Return an tMafo may be ineludsd without sitra charge. Going trip via "OOI.DKN STATK ItOUTK" through Kansas, Oklahoma and Teaas panhandles. At Tucumcsrl. N, M., one begins to ent"r the enchanting Southwes'. , At Corona, N. M., the highest elevutlun la reached 6,6flA feet above sea )ivei. . Among the numerous interesting scenes en route are Cloudcroft, on free sliis , trip from Alamognrdo, Kl I'sjio oml the old Mexican City of Juares, across the river: Pouglaa and the great smelters; Tucson and San Xavler mission; Kooae velt Dam; l.aguna Dam at Yuma; linperlsl Vallev and Halmn Sea; l.os Angeles; ML w; Del Moule; Hunts Barbara; the pig Trees and Tosemlte Val'ey. Return trip In via the Feather River Canyon that mighty rift of 'tha, dreamy Hlerra Nevada, which runs for ninety spectacular miles, it follows tho famous old trail of the overland emigrants along the Humboldt River. . . . i . i - . , 1 1 i .. t .... n.ii.ifrt 1 ne route irnm iinf vavtliic nn'i'o di vai,iim in tii iii, k . v . . . .. . pass over the Sierra Nevada through which entered the forty-niners. Just be fore reaching Halt Lake the onrt enters the great Halt Beds. Jlero for thirty miles the road bed is laid upon white solid salt , At Halt Lake City an opportunity Is given one to' visit the Mormon Temple, Salt Air Beach. Cottonwood Canyon, leaving Bait Ijike the route is via C'astla (lath, Ulenwood Hprtngs, Canyon of tho Oraml Hlver, Royal Oorge and Canyon, of the Arkansaa, Colorado Springs and the I'ike'a Peak Hcglon. . , 1 ..Tickets carry ninety day return limit, and stop overs at! pleasure are given on ootn going and return trips. Bill JL-e" 'VVHiiwiiiKPrr Jr: Berootm It hx a t&stA And IndiriJuaJIty tKat cannot bo cquaJed, Bcau$i it h always th ame always good. ican it U brewed to carefully and under auch aanitarj con . ditiong that it u abaolately pure. fifflnti it b nouruKln, to appetizing and to uniforml good that it b enjoyed by every BcavM every user b constantly sieging ita praltea and will u4 no other. ' vma m Vai iac argumenu ClatM Bmnuig Try m Cat and OMAHA, NEB. Cmmpmv CoincJ l ru.iws.mi IFiMiiw ' - 802-S10 DOUGLAS ST. Rhcumatlam Can Be Cured, Why auffar whan tha nw treatment will positively eure Rhaumatlami to tan days. Stop Buffering and avoid serious complications which may' bother xou (or U(. Call or write for testimonials gad full partlafelars.i DR. W. W. BOWGER 814 Be Building. Omaha,, HeMraaJUh) Urqubarts, tf and Novel- P two pair of complete urn 9 a San Francisco. $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 For further infonnation, and descriptive ; literature, inquire of ' . ' , J. S. McNALLY, Div. Pass. Agent, W. 0. W. Building. I ' I 55v ? ' " 'ff;.i.,ivl;;::sl:r';:4 member of the family. . - . . . r umu cannot De gainaoa- mm AS