THE mK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, A PHIL 15, 1915. LAWMAKERS IN CONFERENCE J FRENCH CIVILIANS IN FIGHTING ZONE BEING SERVED WITH ARMY RATIONS Penniless, with nowhere to go, these wretched beings continue to dwell in their old homes, shell-torn and wrecked as they are. They have nothing to subsist on save what the army apportions, which is supplied liberally. THOMPSON, BBLDM S CQ Two Houifi at Dei Moinei Reach Stage of Disagreement Orer r Money Measure. JEIMISQ FEES ) TO BE BEDUCEJ) (Tram a Ptff ComepondVnt.) TIES MOTNES, la. April 1. (Ppertsl Teles-ram.) With the passe (re of a num ber of atvproprlatloa bill! In both houses today end dlsasTeoment aa to details of it any to legislator mmtwowd lti final 1 rural to flrjlah th financial work of the session. Confer wer omf1 to decide on what to do as to equipment of the enatodlal farm and woman' rrtorm rtory .nd H I reitarded aa certain con feree will b needed on the money reeded for flaMInt the foot and mouth 1a. The senate passed a bill to enproprlale n.OM to pay for paving at the flehool for th Dwaf, els to pay tl.&PO to Alfred Han een. an Avoce boy, wbo lost a lea- 'at Anamoa. Tho aenat pasaed a houae bill to pro vide for manaemnt of the woman a re formatory. The houa paaaed a enat Mil t re , hio th area ot quarantine for live Stock. 1 Th aenat failed to paa a bill to tax all doc, a bill to punlah chicken thieve nd a bill for a barber board. . . . i A committee bill wa Introduced In th eenate to reoriranls th Ftate Board of Health .and tear that work to a com mute of cottage professor at Iowa City nd Ante with th labor commissioner. An esrree merit ha been arrived at with th at at printer and binder for revlalon of th ohdul of rate for printing and Wndlcc so as to make a reduction of Marly IS.GOO a year In th coat of the work to th state, to go Into effect at nc. Red Star Charged With Violating U. S, Alien Contract Law KEW TORX, April 14. Seventy- ven ' ima and women, virtually th entlr fore of atewaroa a ad stewardesses aboard tho liaar Kroonland. war placed under arrant today by Immigration officer and a warrant wa served on th company, charging th Red Star Una owner of th ves1 with violation of th alien contract labor law. Th entire consignment of stewards, ixty-ntn men and eight women, It wa charged, had ben brought In aa passen ger aboard th liner. Finland last Jan uary from England. After their arrival her, -It I charged, th Red Star Una transferred them, In accordano with a previous agreement to th Kroonland, thus violating th law. Under th law of Immigration oftlcer asserted th Una had th prlvUeg of tranf erring th craw of 'on ship to another, but could not bring to America aa paMMiger aboard on of their ship a crow from, another ship In an Ameii can port Conviction of th charge carina a pen ally of Sl.Mt for eaen alien employed, in tnta ease th maximum fin upon eonvlo- tMn would b f77,O0. siewaras ana stewardesses were Ytlcwea to remain, at work till th shlo docked. Th captain wa notified, how aver, that the Una would be subject to a fin of ti.ooa for each man or woman who should escape . , ,,.,;., Oeorg W. Moore, the officer making in arrest, said tho government' planned to send th arreaUd men and women to tills Island ttmporartly and would da , port most of thnt at one, leaving only "w nemna aa witnesses. Mr. Moor said th rat of wages for ir nowinu ana stewaraeasea wa eoout nail that paid Americana , Bethlehem Steel ." y is Again Erratic NEW TOWC. April M-Bethlehem Steel was again in tha foreground at th opening of today's aniva stock market, epenad with a sal of 1.000 share at ovenilfiht gain of four point, rrom which It res mostly In mall Vote to ix it then Jumped to 11 and aa suddenly fell back la breaks of on to threa points to 1, U within tho nri wur nour. Els. trier tha market ananuamea general Strength . with In nraa, spevmltive hwuinr. Dealings In th flret sour amounted to -mare., or Wrtlcn Bethhshetn Btael oontrfbtite4 a relatively small ouota. Tit stock reeurered from ISO' to 136 by n clock, by which tlm It ceased to a. arciaa any influence aa a market factor By MUMajr something Da foo.ftin share ha changed bands aad, Bethlehem raaars tnnuoac showed steady dlratnu tlon. Tha stock continued Its feverish fw", hf-e-w. tsntcg buck from xst to u in in grneral list higher prices mm Bsaiia during th second hour, but profit taking helped fcr check' th "ad vaneo. United EtAUs Bteel. Vnton Pa clflo and Beading falling back a point 3 r? C . a " a. . r it Hp: - i , - ' . . . f' ''" , i I i! j . , 1 nil iHiH ii iiimii iiMiisiinwiiMtM i iiiimWiMignii i i nil mwmmimtmim wiiiaii iiimwiiimi 1 1 imi m i liriwi ill iii'Hiiiia rr i 1 1 i if J in i iw 'jiwiiw-wpt y i mmmxiMximmmmH ntmmmun('jr ---j-n-iTnaiiiSj latiwfr 1-illWHP1WWiill mi. -ILiUI m ill IJ I1-1UIILLIL.H J.III HM'i fht-f-rnnsfu iatHjis sTlilliMOKl 1 1 inasHatl Tsltsj I rTT- i"lmnfaa-lt-xT rfa. , --A ; . , BIG BATTLE IN HUNGARY HOLDS CENTEROF STAGE (Continued' from Pag On.) contesting stubbornly every foot of the Russian advance along th front from Martfcld to Wry. This front run almost due eaat and west for lit mile. Dartfeld j Is In northern Hungary and "try In East ern Osllcia to the south of Lemberg. Attacks and counter attacks follow with such rapidity that both sides may be said to be taking the offenMve simul taneously. The shocks are resulting In ususually heavy casualties, with only a slight change In tha comparative positions of th opposing force. Ussok, at th head of th pass of that name, still remains In th possession of th Austrian, but th Russians have oaptured th heights to th northward, coming within thre mil of th rail road station, and their occupation of the town Ksolf Is exrctd her. ' ' Coanter Move by Austrian. Th Austrian ara successfully repeat ing their efforts ' to penetrate from Bukowlna Into Russian territory In the direction of Chotln. The Ruaslnn4 char' acterls this tnov as a device on the part of th Austrlans to draw Russians from th Carpathians. They assert that th Austrlans have been unable to bring up sufficient reinforcements to 'check th Russian advance, and thai Hh only alternate for th Austrlans Is to divert part of th Russian : forces In other' directions.' To th north In th district of Prussian frontier, there are no movements of first Importance. Small battle ' are a dally occurrence In th Jlarlampol district- The Germans tiavs occupied fortified positions from Marlampol to Buwalkl sine their unsuccessful Invasion of a month ago. Th Russians are attempt ing ' persistently to oust the (Hermans' from this region. Th Ssesiupa river, flowing northward from Marlampoi, forms a strong protection for th German left wing. Th German are attempting to under take an offensive movement at several points along th Nare river, but r avoiding battla In the district beyong the Ntemaa. .. British See Fight At Neuve Chapelle .Greatest Victory (JENEIIAL. HEADQUARTERS OF THE BRITISH ARMT IN FRANCE. Tuesday. April 13 (V& Ixndon, April H.)-In the trenches along the British front, sprawl Ing from Tpres to Ia Bassee, officers and men alike are still talking of the battle of Neuve Chappcll. Th (officer characterise this British victory as likely to be recorded a the greatest local suc cess of the war, and the privates hail tt as vldenc that the German line can be broken whenever their leader decldo this must b done, and that the ground gulned will outweigh th Inevitable loanea sus tained. The misgivings in England with regard to th British losses at Neuve Chappelle are hardly Justified In view of th ad vance gained, In th opinion of staff officers at the front. On officer ex plaining today the atrateglo importance of this dent In th German Una, saM the Germans In st weeks more, had they continued to hold Neuv Chappelle, thus flanking the British on th north anJ the atuth, wold have Inflicted losses equal to those sustained by the attack! pn that memorable March morrnng. - Thua the British would In a short' time hava loet Just as many jrien, the speaker. de clared, Without the Physical and moral advantage scored1 'the spurt forward.' Th mild weather of spring 'prevails to day along the battle line; and. the Britlah private, the man from . Canada and th fighter from India all feci very much like a foot ball team, confident of its ability to scorv against tha other side whan th ground U a little drier. , The Germans In soma Instances ar now using American mad shell. Several fragments of shells have been picked up within th British lines marked "R. Stock tc Co., U. 8. A." Whether these ar re cent acquisitions or old shells sent to Germany from America long ago. Cannot b determined In th tinea Battle at Celaya In Favor of Villa; 45,000 Engaged WASHINGTON, April 14. Hard fighting at Celaya today seemed to favor th Villa forces, according to a consular re port to the State department, which saya that at least 46.000 men are engaged. The fighting line extended from Celaya lo Queretaro to La Griega, and tho State department report aaya two of General Obregon's commanders have been sur rounded and retreat to the south' Is cut off. A State depsrtment summary of Mexi can advices today said: The department Is advised. In a report dated April 11, from Laredo, that th bat tle of Hulsaschlta on April 12 resulted severely for th Villa force. Advices con firm the published report that the Villa wounded wer killed on the battleffeld and th prisoners were executed. Th loss of the Vlillstas Is said to be 400." Rent room quick with a Be Want Ad. 1 11 1 - i Plans to Eovivo i - Black Hills Trail SIDNXT, Neb.? April U-HSpeclal Tele gram.) T n ' Associated Commercial Club of Wetm Nebraska met at the court houa this afternoon and delega tlon were present from Crawford, Chad- ron. Alllanc. gcott' Bluff, Bridgeport Otiioball, Ldg Pol aa4 Chappcll. . JUiscuaslona wer principally on goud, roads and th asaoolated club have ar range to r-atabltah th old Black silli trail connecting , with, th Llaoola highway at Sidney running to Hot prlBga. 8. D Th road will b graded ana properly marked. Th avoct actlv garUclpaat l discussion this afternoon wer Secretary MoCleaagaa, Commission era U R. Barlow and Fred Lhnikuhl. lxlg Pole; W. D. Fisher. AllUno; p. er Ilt. Chappell. and Mcasr. Webber nd Randln. Crawqford. banquet was given tit delegate this evening, at which James U Mcintosh was toastmastar. Th report of LocaJ Secretary McClen Caa shows that approximately $300,000 of Improvement war mad la Sidney dur ig UK a4 many contract ar let for Jews Brand Russian; . Statement Falsq . i - NEW' YORK. April K Five American Jewish workmen's organisations . Issued a Joint statement her today , branding as false the recent denial by th Ruaslan (government of charges that ' Jews In Russia had been persecuted, daring tha war. ' , , The . stslement asserts that the. facta prove that Russian Jews hav been th victims r-f cruelty' by the Russian sol dier, and calls upon tha civilised world to protest - against tha policy of the Russian government, which has only on aim In view to exermlnat tha JewJah rae." Of this th Russian people them- selves. It Is explained, ar not acousad. Tha flv organisations ar th United Hebrew Tradus. Jewish National Work er f America.' Jewish socialist labor Party. . Jewish Socialist Federation of America and the Workmen' circle, who represent, they aay.' JW0.000 woiklngmen in th United State. . ... DEATH RECORD. Tare Faaeral at Daaraa. COLUMBUS, Neb.. April 14-- Special Telegram.) Thre funeral took plao this morning at Duncan, Neb., . being those of Kaximer Boyera, aged TO years; Rosalia Issek, aged 48 year, and Den nis Koala!, an Infant child of Peter Ko slal, who I serving a sentence in th state penitentiary for murdering Peter Meatek at Tarnov on Christmas day, 1811. Services for all funeral wer held in th Catholio church at Duncan, and interment mad In the Duncan Catholio Cemetery.' Something You P Th Be Want Ads Ar Best Business Boosters. Making ytaif.'Will is au important matter nnd it i something that you should attend to The Peters Trust Company will mto your Will and, store it free of charge when named aa your Execu tor. Call -'or write us for any desired particulars. Capital $500,000.00 iiusji aw mi aiii rim IVJ i 12 FAR NAM BTHttT f ii 'm in Igmmi.iai iiih. The Store for SHIRTWAISTS . An unusually attractive showing of all kinds of waists most moderately priced: Wash Blouses 1.00 to $2.95 Silk Blouses $3.95 to $5.95 Georgette Crepe Blouses $5.95 to $16.50 Second Floor. Extraordinary Silk Selling Only Three More Days at These Special Prices Styles come and go, but SILK and WOOL POP LINS and CANTON CREPES with their irresistible charm remain ever popular. There is an indefinable something, a refinement, a certain sense of luxnriousness that appeals to the f em inine heart. $1.25, 40-Inch Silk-and-Wool Poplin 89c a yard $1.75, 40-Inch Silk-and-Wool Canton Crepe, $1.10 yd. In this sale every piece is new andvery color a, beauty. We assume the responsibility of pleasing you. ' Silk Section Main Floor. "May Duffy's Do for Many Others, What It Has Done For Mo" Kartaer Aeeldealally . MITCHELL, 8. li.. April -(Special TeU-gram Clay Bartee, a tenant on a farm twrlve miles northeast of Mltrhell, was instantly killed in Ills bara last even ing by a charge from a shotgun, which tiMilkd a bul in the left aid of bis body. A roronvr' Jury dclurfd th shooting '.l4ull. kart u about yeai 11. and leaves a wUow and lufnt child. AVOID II1DIGESTI0I3 It is a sure enemy to ' health, etrcuth and hap piness. It robs you of your appetitej causes con-. , stipation bilious spells . aud a general rundown condition. You can help Nature conquer it by the timely aid of i lOSYETTEQ'S Stomach Dittcn It will help you bring back the appetite, aid digestion and promote health in a general way. For over CO years it has en joyed, pub lic confidence. Try It Today. Avoid Substitutes V j ) ( MR. T. A. ItecAuc healthy system vrlll throw off germs, through th various . eliminating organs of the body, tho wate-rrpsjrtng and strength producing properties of Duffy's Pure' Malt Whlkey prove particu larly valuable in the relief or throat and Inng troubles, as this gentleman so clearly states: "I fel It a duty to tell everybody th good Duffy' tntr Malt Whiskey haa don me. Kour year ago I bcam very ill had suffered for years wltn lung trouble; la fact hav lost two sla ters, a nephaw and niece with th earn malady. Th doctor told my family 1 could not poaaibly live the winter through. I read your advt. and resolv ed to try Duffy', and tt haa certainly don wonder for me. I ara much bat ter than I hav been for years, and a 1 hav taken no other medicine but yours, I feel all the credit la due to Duffy's. May Duffy's do for many others what It haa don for ma" : (Signed) T. A. Hall. JI- Locuat St.. Barberton, O. HALL. Duffy's Fui'G aliUhlGlioy U made to meet th demand for a high grade tonle stimulant, free from the in jurious by-product runtalned in beverage whiakiea. and suitable for th us f the delicate. tlo who are not entirely well, and the .! who require a tunic stmiulnt to maintain good bealtb. It It truly a meoltine for all manktnd, which makes the vM feel oung and keep th young strong ant vigorous. You. too, can , i "Get Duffy's and Keep Wqll" Sold in SEALED BOTTLES OXLT. Bewar of Imitation. ! ATE? i tM parry's (rea year wul aragrts. si rr aotue. 11 ae ikao auov-r w will tall a wkai a set It. ekies free. N. T. Beautiful New Street Hats $8,75, $10, $12.75 and $15 . We will place on sale Thursday, Three Hundred New, Up-to-Date Models, in all new shapes, trimmed with the latest materials in Milan Leghorn, fine Milan . Hemp, Belgian Splits, black and all the new shades, large, medium and fynall modes. $8.75, $10, $12.75, $15 A Free Offer With Every Pair of Pony Hose purchased in our Hos iery Section Wc give an ' Interesting.' Kaleidoscope Pony Hose are the best made children's hose on the marketgood looking, serv iceable, not expensive. Triple Knees, Triple Heels, Triple Toes. Three reasons why they wear. 25c, 35c and 50c a pair. . La Grecque Corsets Every woman who has worn Le Crecque Tailored Underwear will doubtless appreciate knowing that we now offer Le Crecque Corsets in a number of beautiful new spring models. La Crecque Corsets maintain the same tailored lines, simple, but excellent trimmings as the underwear, and are no more expensive than ordinary corsets. i Prices, $1.50 to $10 Haven't you often wondered how some women in particular among your, friends manage to be always smartly dressed, on what must be a limited allowance? . j You'll find the answer simple It's at the head of this advertisement. '' Cornet Section Third Floor. : . . Best Service to St. Paul Minneapolis Dnluth Our -Twin City Limited Is th first train from Omaha to arrlv In the Twin Cities in tha morn ing. Lt. Omaha.. I M . m. . L. Oa. Bluffs ' . Ar. Pt. Pl.. f:M a. at. Ar. MlBSMpolla :6 s-m. New Bteel Bleenera and Chair Cars. Buf fet Club Car for th evening and befor arrival In th morn ing. Day train with Coaches and Cafe Parlor Car leaves Omaha :30 a. m.: .Council Bluffa 1:11 a. m. Track Examined Daily ON dark, stormy nights when' the thunder crashes "or the blizzard rages over the prai ries and we're all glad to be Indoors, the trackwalker faithfully patrols his section. No one knows better than he the Btlngins lash of the storm, but he has work to do his duty is to see that the track la clear and sound that you may travel In perfect safety and comfort. Every foot of the Chicago GREAT Western track Is examined closely every day, and during stormy seasons the ' entire system is virtually under constant surveillance. THAT is1' just - another reason why the Chicago GREAT Western should be your, first choice when you travel or ship you'll find the same care and precaution taken for your safety, comfort and interests in aU departments. j for ficAofs, &rf As, Mrormafi'.n, te , mtk P. P. BONORDKN, C. P. A. M E. SIMMONS, D. P. A. 1603 Faraam st. Omaha Neb. M k Phone i T j sao (Emphatiz the "GREAT") , '!! THE BEE'S SPORT EXTRA Et if Them All Buy it From the Newsboy AMI SEGMENTS. 'SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES.' -Horteslsrn Unlversit College) of Ensineerinr Flv Jr sf brM. tkstvash tralslne snail clum, ta whlek eacb Mutest iMMn as aauAu&i attovat at inaivinu! aiutnii OMliin tar IM uva, aiui ii-te-4ua w- gr! asia-iAS pM3mm aaa u mm ar. A yuas rtiBaUa. aainrs WMITMIU tr4Hltfa. WrM f fT.!iua tor augiaMrlat" aa "iMefclet i "Toxjt r. liTToas, xirott Svaaoa. liuaota. AMI SKMKKTS. 18th and Douglas 8ts. - New Show Today BickselL, Reynard tt Ro aeUa, Serin A Krwootf, lay. lor lions and MA Daughter of the People." New Show Sunday. AMUSEMENTS. O V P o- aroaV afatta Te4ay, Si30 TOBifba aa4 Weak. &a. SC. Oohaa's !( Kusieai Oom4y Talk of (lew York start Wek Mis Bath Set. U "fAW 17 UI.L" Tmady. SKMuety Mlf ht, Btael Sol, saaa, aopraaet rami sveeae, Barltoa. atala IM SILStata, 6, aoc 3 IPP Til E ATE Hssiet Piraxssnt Plctcru Tlaaa Tossy ' VVliliam Elliott "Rhea Xit Urt Ttmcty-CBa" SaI BOO Via S atarla Tsaiol. raaa XX as. t4 lCrrV) Advaaoaa Yaaae. Xtailv aaa. lilt, iria-bt. fcas. 0hr Ana: Juk Wllua. Siki Hmun'i Kibm t tfe Trl. liarl rttt- gllfei. Umm. Htm Kkriby. KnaU Bratkwa, h,K.UM. Ha4r A Ca.. Orvbevv Trl WMI,. fries: alalia '. 10c. Mta Wicw Ski affair 4 Stuteil. He KlUU, Wc. tiv, M aa4 IM. BUM iitrt BnmiDEis""' . . TKIAT OUV DMTCO BvBaT SO to I Seat., Steal MM, $1. ut, Anu, lrth. Mir. aaa s-rira. Ta olUoklma' Kualoal Comedy soecast With Stalla haw ooaa- paay f so. rvenia. BO t ai Vai, So t $10. Oortala. aCatlaM. tOi Uvula. SiOO. azt Bdjl, Vn, Tasa. aa4 wa. sria-hta. SEATS ON SALS Pop. Mat, Wed. "Paris O. ty Tas, Smsw" Is oa f ta soar hits la Kaary n SavMra's OaLAXAY TITaT CXWTXB" B BydaU rreasata Johnie Weber ..,.,., l. London Defies by Ions odds, th most fun in town. John! Wsber and bis funny yeii. Beauty Chorus of Kesl Helles. La41- Dim htatlae Every Week Day. a. a wk., bit kal an luuttllti Taaa. Tb Duffy -Halt Whlsky Qo.. Rochtr. s