T1IK 15HK: OMAHA. TIIUIISDAY, APRIL 13, 1915. V2- KEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Trading; Agtin Exceed One Million Shares with Continuance of Strength. j MOST GADTS IN MORNING VF.W TORK. April 14 -Trading In the 4ork market today again wdf1 !,(. W shares, with continuance o' the strength ami breadth which have made It a moat prominent feature. Bethlehem Meet, which caused much apprehension on the preceding dar because of Its wild movements, which was far leas cnnspiou orr tndar. althouith It made a 20-potnt rain to 14A In the first ten minutes, only to loee much of lt advantage later. II closed at 133. a net rain of polnu t Ry far the greatest part of the day s pdvance waa made In the forenoon, deal ings In that period aggregating noo.uw shares. All lading Issues, as well as two score aeml-aitlve and obscure stocks, shared more or less equally In the rise, which was anb.lect to frequent inteirun tlons on profit-taking and moderate re teal of bear contracts. The railway list. In part and ail cop rwrs. aa well as some of the better known equipments and utilities, broke Into new lilah around, their advance, being again ascribed In many quarters to purchases by commission houses acting for out-of-own cliente. , Motor stock moved Irregularly. m i( them falling under yesterday s final utiotatlona. Vnlted states Hteel led all speculative favorites as to volume of In dividual tranaactlona. but waa made the objective of a freah selling movement In the final hour, the mova extending to Heading and a few other rallera and Im parting an Irregular tope at -the rinse. I ntfd States Hteel's relative heaviness was coincident with tha publication of the werklv trade review, which atated In substance that the eteel Inquiry was not measuring up to the scale of prosperity attributed In some quartera, although an encouraging view was taken of the Tha wild markets for (rain and other foodstuffs dispelled all recent peate ru mors. . !... in tha sound Investment demand vii found In the keen demand for the New Haven one-year notes, which rose to a premium. . . Total sale of stocks amounted to 1,080, tonds were again Irregular, speculative fesucs showing further heaviness, Total sales, par value. aggTrJt 1 Mted stales bonds wore ated $4..K. unchanged on N iimber of gales and leading quotations on stocks were foiiowa: Xataa. Hth. Lew. Cl Abate Dels iiliimii4 Corear . M.wn 1.7KI M.ws 14.SM 1 711. 71 H 71 S las a.arlraB HmI fuiar..., Amertras ' i A wart-.a S. ft R Aaiartraa B. R. M... Am. Ounr Halloing Aaiiaa Tot. Tal... Ameiliaa Tnhewa Annc-oxl Muting At.JiUra Hu tumors a OliH ' Hrrxtklra lUpl Transit., ialinnite, rwmleuai ... llnitltl PacllkD artral Leather f'l-fMlSMll A OtllA I Smici Oreat WWH. tl.lraaa. M. St. r.... Oiliaan K. W :Miw coppar iilorailo Kual Iraa... 4'nlorwda AV Hwl hm. , , . fnvr A mo tiraarte..., Iwi.var '4b R O BIS... lumllltrs' Mrarttle ... y.iie (l.i.aral ICto-trtd iral North' eld it No, Cr rifa fnro-hlm Cuplwsttoa.. IMtania (antral , Intarharough Met. aft..., Inaplrafln ('upper tnlirnatlonal Harvester . 4t aa IMS vn t.l ea 3" 1W ii4 10 ;h its x ma i.iM 1 lS . 4, WW .?" n Jus '4 7 14, H4 1ii VS ' US ' ) 41 81 Tt-4 1" I.MV !" 14. lit) I.IM J im 44 US t US " 21S KiV, 1 S US jnev, H'4 Ml 14 l' tA 141 i ia 7' Mk 14 us us US 1S 7S SS.tol .Ma) , l.am ! 14 11 'i'i ess InO'a ! 4nia MS, 4.v u.7oe 7m lw Imiai hit Houthara jKiitt vJtr 1.,. villa aV Neakvtlle.. 4W tin Iran rairoleuia J.5ia) Miami trPr U.s) K,-y,rl K. a T 4.70O 121 Ml If. 14 1K4 7t- JkllMotirl rarlfle ...... IH Nallnnal Blacult Mat tonal La I t1 4 N..d. vvpvr n Kea York antral I.IM) M TJ T.. M. H It !, t Kortolk Waalara f ytHt N.irlhani r:IM l.knO ! J'.,-irio Mill t 5-4 14 1 7 1S K4H W lii(4 II t'erltia Tl. V Tel IV11S ills !,; lettii 'M4 lot 1 'tis 1S 1MS M INS pamtavtvaiilm ........... Vallmas fe'e Oar..,, la? tea. tPar )1trc krpnbln Iroa Steel. I. o a liaal re lie Irlan4 Cfj. pf4 ... si u k r. m (.. Homhara Palfln a-ulhartt Hatlwav T-oaa Onwier laiaa Cnaipanr I hioa T'arllle ......... t nlntl 1-ai irie t nitril mataa Slaal.,., V. H. ftaal Pt4 14,7eo , 41. w .es l.SOM , 1.7UB '. i joe , t.ni4 , J.' , lue m S is 'tiii I"1. s MS us "rnn . 40, 1JJS lviS in , 1.3'H , It 3'1 M . !.'" 44S . t.i-'HI 4 . 14. 1'WJ 4S . 14, im It MS '. liS 44S 74 t 41 PMI 4'S S tls 1'laK V.la.b p(4 tSrvaare Lnlaa ItMilnyhraiaa Rlectrle , , wciiaaa rearer Total ! fur the 4ar aa l.r.4 saaraa. Weve Yerk Money Market . NEW YORK, April 14. MONET On call, firm: high, : per lent-low, 214 per ifilt; ruling rale, ZVfc per cent; last loan, S per cent ; -closing bid, Z4 per cent; Ifered at t'i per cent. TIME IXJANH Strong; algty ami ninety davs, 2J per cent; six months, 31. per cent. MfcRCANTlUE rAPER-SV44?3 per cent KTERLINO FXCMANQB-B t e a d y ; rlxtv-iay hills. U 7tw0; for cables, M T9o0; for damand. Ill ML,VfclV-Uar, 4c; Mealcan dollar, lc. hONDB aovemmrnt, ateady; railroad. Irreaular. ( loeitig quoUtlon on bonds today were as lollows: V i. .-J h. raa.... MS Me ha. rr. 4a 41 S 4a caupoe ........ ta1 N. T. ". g. Sa.... W V . la. rag 11 S " T. CMtr 4Sa ltMi da nupM tISN. T. HUla 4Sa...US f. 8. 4a. rag WHN. Y , N. M. 4k II. in tHMieaa llS ev. 4a ls faaeiM a Hipa. . l"l S e. fsoino 4s 4'.H Am. Xiarltarc 4a...l"4 4e la 44 A. T. c . -''a ' r " m. a... wm A.cieur re. 4Sa.. M lae. T. T. la.... t4 Aohiaoa raa. 4a.,.. MS'faaa. oaa. 4s tt I,l. 4V Ohle 4a SoRaadlaf aaa. 4a 44 nea. a Okie 4S.. , So cue. 4a 14 f. B Q J. 4a ... Oil. U aai. Y. t. 4a. akV It S g 4s..liu'aSa. Pk. ct. 4s 49t ' 4a c. 4a ,..13S eo rat. 4s US r. t f ft. 4S.. at ee ev. to -.s n. M. O. raf 4. . Rallwar ta ts Krta sae. aa......,. m i,aina r'arme sa....ai. a. Klar4rta 4, ....!" 4 ea . 4a so It. No. lal I,.... .t'. g. Bvbear 4a....lS M (. rat 4a mV. a. Ktaal ta I"l at. r Ho. rat. U...i n Waeaak lat 4 (KS 1k N. anl. 4. ... nal t'alM 4Sa..ls M K T. 1st 4t.. 7S Wast. glaa. a. to.. 4 s)W. I ' " 1 - Bask 4'learlags. OMAHA. April 14 -Hunk clearings for Omaha today were t'i,y44.!K4.fi9, and for the cur respond I rig day last year Dry Caasata Market. NBW VOP.K. April 14. DItT OOOD8 I'oitou goods markets were firm today, wl.h ysrrts tending higher F.mbmlderlea show a stow, steady Improvement. Kntt good for sfot delivery were In better de maii'l while worsted yarns were quirt and Irrre'ilar. Purchases of l.tfn.ftt yards of uniform cKXnlng fur Russia and feuO 0i a rota for Belgium were concluded this Meek. Metal Market. NP,V TORK, April 1I.-M ETA l.S-Iad. raav. at U lf4.: Uvndun. m.3 Its M. bfx-iter, nominal; lxmdon. 14 10a. Tin, unsMUnd: five-ton lots. 1.4 bid. tfiod at Coppa-r, firm: electrolytic, Slt.jii ta 2; raatinii, tla.luO'lH.Jf. Iron, mvt and unrhansed. ly.n l. m: fcpot copper. IT! Ts d. Spot tin. (!h 10a. Futures, 1SS U. Antimony. iii;. gar Market. NEW TORK. April It-fl'GAR-IU. firm; renti it ugal. 4 Uc: ntolaears. 2.sV-' tafim-d. alrady. ruar futures yul.-t. with riaar aoltioi' lower, unor scattered lit t.idauion. Prices at midday were un isoged to i points lower. Kaasvoreted alri aaat Dried Kralts NKW YOKK. AprU M.-KVAPORATfcJJ AI'I'I.KS Vul.-t. ItKlr.D r HI 'IT-t-Prunes. neglected. Aprvola and arhva, dull and eaay. ttaimlus. quirt. l, IH JT HH It laita eiMtut IM4 Lt at Saw York lva Hi' aiiea amamiaa. ii .(M-ial tairM I ua o.all laiur. 1 aval, raiurilar- II av a I aaf awae NiW'll ffla-' Hro4aav. Srw Var ril y MORE FUNDS FOR GREATER OMAHA Money for Farki and Sewert to Be Available This Tear, but Other Improvement Matt Wait. PLAN TO ANNEX BENSON" ALSO When Governor Morehead signs the Omaha charter amenttment bill now before hlra city officials will hare to adjust themgelvea to various new conditions, some of considerable Importance to the municipality. One important feature gives the cltj council power to Issue sewer bonds in the sum of $200,000 a year for five years without a vote of the people. The present charter allows ao annual sewer bond Issue of $100,- 000. This Increase' wlir enable the city to begin this year an extensive sewer program,'; most of which has been outlined. - City Engineer Townten some time ago declared It would require not Jess than fl,Ono,Q00 to furnish this city with an ade quate aewer system. Commissioner Me- Govern stated, that , he expected to start on these sewers and extensions this year and complete most, If not all of this work: 'Extension of' Miller park, sewer, from Crown I'otnt avenue to north line of park; extension of .Fontenelle boule vard storm water sewer, from Thirty sixth avenue to Thirty-eighth street; aewer from Eighth and Arbor streets to Fourth and Castellsr streets: main sewer along Kelt; line, from south, city limits to Martfta street; extension of Pad dle creek aewer; storm water sewer on Seward street. Thirteenth atreet to the river to drain North Omaha bottoms; aewer along Lavenworth street. Twelfth street to river; extension bf main sewer. Thirty-third and Cass streets, through Harold Olfford park to Thirty-fourth and Dodgs streets. More Money for Parka. Py tha charter amendment, tha general park fund may be Increased from IHO.OOO to $90,000 a year, and bonds of 171.000 a year may be Issued for parks and boule vards without a vote of the taxpayers. It Is proposed to Improve the boule vard from tha Florence boulevard to Car ter park this year at a coat of about f,000. Carter park needs considerable mora money to make It the pleasure place originally planned. The't boulevard system already laid out requires much money for development. The Increase of 1125,00ft In the police, park, library, fire and sinking funds will not be available until next year, but tha ewer and park bonds may be realised on tins year. Another provision reqtirres the city to levy ar.eh year iNnd retirement fund of no'i less than IftOuQ nor more than tirAKti. designed to pi-event reaching tha tlmlt in tha issuance of bonds. In 1914 tha city rfflclals fixed the gen eral fund budget at Jl.Oin.ooO, which waa tha charter limitation, In addition to which there was a sinking fund of K50, 000, 1100.000 for hydrant rentals. HOO.noO sewer bonds ant 1100,000 Intersection bonds , Tha amendments permit tha paving of any thoroughfare leading out of the city, to be ordered by a two-thirds vote of tha council and by a majority any street within a radius of one and one half miles from tha city hall. ' Greater Omaha Kanri. In event of Ores tor Omaha consolida tion, the officials of tiie consolidated Ity may levy to the extent of tha exist ing legal limitations of the towns ao nnexed, which really means combining the various funds Into one Oreater Omaha fund. Oreator .Omaha may bor row money or Issue warrants to cover a five-month period when South Omaha would be without funds for maintenance In that portion of the consolidated area. Another section provides that In the event of annexation Greater Omaha of ficial may annex anv munlclnalltv whose boundary lines are within two- thirds of a mile of Omaha, this having particular reference to IJenson. DEAN HALSEY ADDRESSES THE MEN0RAH SOCIETY Trof. Walter Halsey. dean of tha Col lege of Arts and Sciences of the TTnlver slty of Omaha, delivered an addres en Tha Study of Character" to tha Menorah society Tuesday evening. , Election of efflcera was held as follows: President, Dr. Isidor Dansky; vice, pres ident. Miss Sarah Brodkcy; secretary, Miss Hannah Kulakofaky; corresponding secretary, Mr. Jacques Itleur; executive committee, Miss Lena Llpsey, Darnry Kulokofsky. Dr. Aba Oreenberg and Jack Maloahak; reporter, Sol Rarlts. E RANGE ETERNAL EVERLASTINGLY GOOD jy- the Lira you un Ask for the beer and save the coupon. FRED imUG DREfJIIIG COHPAflY Who Owns Treasure Box Taken from the ' Old Board of Trade? If the sealed metal box in the corner stone of the old Bnard of Trade bitlldlnj contained, say l,0O0.C0 In gold for ex ample, besides other valuables, how li this treasure to be disposed of? That Is a question that Is perplexing a few who ere Interested. The cornerstone has been removed. The settled metal box has been taken out. This waa done last Haturday. It was re moved to the local office of i. C. .Mardts company, the wrecking company., An this company felt. It had no right to the treas ure, the box was carried to the office of E. M. Morsman, Jr., one of the fr.rmer owners of the Hoard of Trade building. There is some talk of turning the box over to the Masonic fraternity, a that loose laid the cornerstone over thirty yeats ago. It Is up to some legal glen' In step to the front to expound the status of cornerstone treasure In such a tase. Connell Pays Big Sum for Back Taxes ' W. J. Connell has paid 119.00 of bsck loxea owed bj Mm in accordance with a settlement recently made between him and the cliy and county. County Treasurer' Ure reports bark tax collections this year far In advance of taut year and predicts a total for 115 of 1300,000 back taxes collected. The total last year was 2no,flno. Taklnsr Care tr two Chllalrea. , No parent would consciously bs Careless of tha children. Joe A. Roi marln, Clarkson, Neb., uses Foley's Honey and Tar for hla two children for croup, coughs and colds. He says, "W are never without Foley's Honey and Tar In tha house," A distressing cough, sleep less nights, and raw. Inflamed throat lead to a run-down condition In which tha child la not able to resist contagious or infectious dlseasea. Foley's Honey and Tar la truly healing and prompt In action. It relieves coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold everywhere. Advartlaement MRS. W. R. BURBANK TO MAKE HER H0MEJN THIS CITY Mrs. W. It Biirbank, widow of the late truTtiager of the Hotel Fontenelle, la to continue to make Omaha her home, con trary to-reports that have come out to the' effect that she Would go to New York stale to live. This announcement comes fiorn tha hotel management. Mrs. Biirbank will accompany the body of her husband to Syracuse, N. Y. She wIM soon return to Omaha to live, according to the announcement. All Germs Ordered To Beat iU Git! Searching Influence of a Remedy That Worki : Wonders. rVVs -lev, , Tha Introduction ef 8. S. 8. la at onca command to blood imparities to find a way out . And what are blood Impurities' 'They may ba the hypersecretions found In tha mucous linings of tha body; they may ba acid accumulations known aa rheu matism; they may be bolls, plmplea, ac aema, acna and atubborn. Indolent sores. But examined closely, they are ail germs that have gotten tha upper hand and It requlrea tha flushing Influence qf 8. 8. 8. to drive them out. And out they go when B. 8. 8. beglna to circulate in tha blood. It only requlrea Ave minutes to begin this influence, for it la a fact that In this limited time 8. 8, 8. may ba traced In tha urlna, in tha perspiration. In tha effloresence from tha lungs to how that It la at work. Germs, mind you, are of. varloua kinds, but all are foreign to health and & a a la no re specter of destructive germs, it drives them all out. of whatsoever name they go by. Juat get a bottle of S. 8. 8. of any drugglat and aoon you will obaervs a derided change. And If yours la a atubborn case, write to tha Medical Ad viser, ears ef Tha Swift Speciflo Co., 107 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Qa. Ha la a regular physician, proud of his name by virtue ol hla distinguished family and ta recog. nlsed aa a foremost physician on tola own merit. . wl Special sale and demonstration all this week. . FREE During this sale and demonstration only the factory salesman will give a fine set of aluminum ware absolutely free with every range sold. RANGE ETERNAL The best malleable steel ranjo ' made; up from. .$55.00 We sell "GARLAND" Gas Ranges. UAYDEH DnOS. COUPONS Soil in Condition ' to Sow Spring Crop The government's report for the week regarding weather and crop conditions In the corn and wheat belt shows that the soil Is In excellent condition for sowing and the winter wheat crop Is in good shape. The report follows: The much needed warmth and good Showers, where most needed In the winter I w heat belt were highly bcneflrlal. and caused rsrld advancement and the crop la reported In giod condition gen erally. In the spring wheat lelt on dltlons were favorable for sowing, except soil was too wet In portions of Minnesota, Friday and t r Saturday uur. ijYeat Annual Kosc Dusii ana onruooery iS to 27-incf) Lace Flouncings The Most Popular Laac for Hummer at About Half. $1.0) Iace Flouncings; at, yard. .55 v $1.50 Lace Flouncings; at, yard. .79t $2.00 Lace Flouncings; at, yard. .98 $3.00 Lace Flouncing??; at, yd., $1.75 VL n Cluny I.are I'nderpriord. Garment Modes That Are Strikingly New, Becomingly Designed, Superior An Quality and Workmanship and Pleasingly Priced at. I ! in, ass. ., .-.n i.l No Man, Young qr:jOld,:With Clothes -to Buy Can Afford to Miss Our Great Semi-Annual $15. 00 Suit Sale A Splendid showing of Men's Spring and Summer Suits, all hand tailored, silk or fine alpaca lined, also half and quarter lined. Colors are the season's choioest shades in plain colors, with Olen Urquhart's, the popular Tartans and checks and Hart, Schaffner & Marx and six other prominent Chicago, Rochester and New York this great semi-annual event. All necessary alterations Resulting from our purchase of seventy-five (75) dozen shapes from a large Chicago 'manufacturer we arc able to present to the ladies of Omaha at. 1 . . . . . . . A MOST EXCEPTIONAL SALE OF , UNTMMMED HA TS ' Theso are positively the firfest shapes ever placed on sale in Omaha at the price, $1.49. Inlthe lot are fine Milan Hemps, Plain Hemps, Lizeret and Pyroxeline Braids. Every Shade ons Sale Worth from $2.49 Upward Sale of these shapes will start Thursday morning. We feel prompted to predict the most active hat selling in months. Read the Big Special Grocery Sale worn Savin ef as Q ea Coat Of UviBT. , a-lU. ui lii beat high grade Dla mand rt (lour, nothiiia finer fur triad, plea or raikea, aaatk . .Si.TS It Hie. bral granuUled sugar llJOQ It bra Ueat 'Km All. lHtuuond C . Lenox vr Laundry Queca while laundry aop a I lba. bal hlte or yellow corn- meal , "4 1 lba. beat rolled while break fa al oalmeal IM 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice ....... aio ' 4 lba. brat hand picked navy beans at vans oil or mustard sardines too Tli beet domestic naroul. ver micelli or apnalieltl. pkg. . .TVa Advo Jell for deaaert. tlie Jell ttit - whips, nothing Ilka K for dea aert, pkg TM Tlerehey's breavkfast cocoa, lb. SOe Yeast loam, ckg 7 lba. beat bulk laundry starch toe !-oa. Jara pure fruit areaervea aa ill-oa, Jara pure strained honey. at S6e The beat aoda or oyster craekera. lb Va K C. Corn Flakes, pkg so tirape Nuts, fk 100 i; boxes aafely inatehea South Tak,ita and Nebraska, and more moisture la needed In Montana and North Pnkota. In ti-e far western por tion of the belt cnnultlone are excellent and early aown grain Is coming up. I'rep n ret Ion of aoll in the'coin belt Is sdvsnc lng ranldly under fnvorsble renditions, and planting Is progressing In the south ern portions. Rangea are reported In good condition, and grass, In other sections, made satisfactory progress. r The mt Rhewmatlasa. t'e Hoan'e Liniment and you won't rare what causes It. The first applioa tlon helps. Good for sciatica, neuralgia. 26c. All druggists. Advertisement. Apartments, flats, houses and cottagea can be rented quickly and cheaply by a Bee "For Rent" Ad. . J f t T A Remarkable Suit f5fi ""THE 1 t -;; 'I1 Tailored Suit Made to sell at $20.00, board assortment of classy models, . .' Come in nobby checks, the popular gabardines, poplins, serges afad novelties; both regular and extra sizes for women and misses, Choicest values of tlie Hundred ffcyryfJJV i, Thursday New Kl iT' 'i'.r'.llYp Morning. Including a splendid line of silk suits; any of them well worth $35.00. Jlun dreds upon hundreds of discriminating women have pronounced them super ior in every respect to other suits show n at $25.00. An Immense Showing of , New Cunts Almost unlimited assort ment of authentic style ideas in the season's best colors and fab ric, at S7.95. 810. $12.50. 815. $10 Pretty Hilk Dresses, made to sell at $10.00 and $12.00, on sale at $5.05 New styles, most popular colorings and weaves, extraordinary values. House Hreaae, worth to $1.25, choice of over 25 doren, in all sizes, at 59 Thursday Forenoon Only. stripes. TICMOlt tha lli-os. cana condenaed milk ..TUt ramy Queen olives, quart ...aao 2-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn, wax, airing, greeu or lima beana at Te 1-lD. cana Uolden pumpkin, hominy. aauer kraut or baked baa.ua Tv Tha best tr aiftlnga. lb. ...It We aVlacLaren'a peauut butter. lb. at im Golden Hantos coffee, lb SO ke aatWr aa Sgg Market foe tle Veopla. The beat strictly freah eggs, per dnaen So Nothing finer at any price. Tha beet creamery butter, caxtnn or bulk, lb M The best No. 1 country creiuiierv butter, lb Sao No. l dairy tabla butter, lb. ,.tai 4!od dairy butter, lb SJo full rreatni New Tork White, Vi ronsln cream or Young Amerli-a cheese, lb. ...I X)) vetal aUa-Uaaa sTavel Oraae Bale ke Otaaage of Quality MeUUag Mur Urow a. l!t six. Viuraday, dosen 15a 169 else. Thursday, dosen aoo lit else, Thuraday, dosen too lit alxeThuraday, dosen lo 10 alxrrhursda). doacn. . . .ltVii IT TDV MAVnPflV Fin ST JI.. BECOMES CITIZEN THAT HE MIGHT JOIN THE ARMY Jen K. Thomsen. though In this coun try only two years and still a subject of tho king of Pehmark, presented t himself at local army recruiting headquarters to enlist In I'nrle Pain's army. He was nn employe of the Omaha Box company, but he longed for a more adventuroua life. Hecmltlng Sergennt Hanson saw that Jens wss of proper physlrsl and mental caliber and soon overcome the little matt ter of cltlsenshlp. Jens took out his first papers, renouncing his allrglance to good King Christian and swearing fealty to the United Htates of America. He I I PI II ... Special Thursday $22.50 and $25.00. $13.75 . Hundreds of Hpi-ing Waists, $3.00 to $4.00 values, in pretty Crepe de Chines, Stripe Silks, broad assortment of Wash Silks, elc, all colors $1.95 Women's Aprons, made to sell at 50c to 60c, good assortment , 33 Thursday Forenoon Only. Models to suit the tastes of men of all ages ; also mighty snappy styles for young fellows just assuming long trouser models. Styles include young men's one-button soft roll models fnd the English soft roll styles in three-button, modes and many other .splendid numbers. . made without charge. Brooms 15c Brooms 15c Tbey are a gutid 4-tle jiairlor lirooni and m bargain you need at this houserleanlng time. KXAMKLWABK On - lot - of blRk grade peppered white ware, all large pieces, dish pans, preserving kettles, coffee and tea pots, Berlin sauce pots. rice boilers, 11-qt. water palls, etc.. vaJuea to BHc, to clone out, at 49 I If) i came from the town of Norre Cundby. Denmark, lie enlisted In the cavalry and was sent to Kct t lgan, Colo. BODY CF DEAD MAN FOUND NEAR STREET CORNER Aa Frank J. Koestur. 19.12 Hellevue boul evard, and Harry Lohrman. 2023 Maple street, were pasolng the corner of Twelfth and Dodge streets Tursdsy night they found the body of a dead mat lying In the alley to the rear of 12W Dodge street. The fellow was Identified as John Willenger. a confirmed morphine fiend. A sister and wealthy relatives living In the vicinity of Missouri Valley have been notified. CI On Fourth floor oaie watchPaPer, 50c Laces, Thursday, 19c A splendid lino of Cream, White an. Ecru J)emi Flouncings and Wide Edges, in Oriental, Quaker, Shadow and Plat Val Laces, made to sell up to 50c a yard. Choiceof the lot Thurs day one price, per yard 19 makers have contributed to Some) Garden Tool Bargains Any size malleable garden rake, 10, 12 or 14 -toot b jo Full site garden hoes .... 10 Full site shovels, round or square point 49 Lavwn rakea $1.49 Washing Machines Rouud Western "Washers, 6jocial, $2.98. O. K. Washing Machines, special. .14.98 We sell "One Minute," "Motor," "Regal," "National Vacuum," "Dexter" and many other of the be6t washers inade. "White Lily" and "Voss" Electric Washers are best. FITS I U 1 U UsWiaaaWat-a V aaaw . rAj;