Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    T1IK HKK: OMAHA, TlirKHDAY. AI'KHj .'),
Foralakea Koome.
MtMON 2lat and Chicago; steam hest;
' $10 tno. and up: cafe in connection D.W,
NICELY furnished rooms at lt Podge
SI.; close In.
I,ARHE front room; nicely furn.shed;
new, mnitrn home. Ma P. 2th Ave.
NICELY furnished room for couple or 2
loung men; private family; no other
hoarders; meals If desired; reference re
quired. Call Harnejr 717.
STEAM heated rooms, U weak.
Hotel, Council Fluffs.
Peautlfully Fur. Rm., mod. 313 No. 2lt.
Mowaekeslas himipii.
2114 IOCT.'ST. modern, south front., large
Light HaawkMpUc Rooms.
6TEAM heated room, with alcove, kitch
enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co.,
rouncll Bluffs. Ta.
lloases and Cottage.
FOR RENT-$63.00
Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St. ; tiled
vestibule, reception hall, front
and back parlors, dining room
and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2
.bath rooms, hot water heat,
garage. All in first class con
dition. Location A-l. Bcnj.
S. Baker. Phones D482, H317,
MODERN 10-room brick, 2601 Capitol av.
nue. Tel. Harney 6T64. .
7-rm. modern house, ion e. 3fth St.
NEW 5-r. bungalow la Orchard Hill. C.
D. Hutchinson, 1ii23 Farnam.
l-ROOM house, partly modern: W13 N. 21st
St lupstatrs). $14,00. Web. 7678.
Five-room modern brick flat, one block
from Farnam St. car line, $27.r0. .
Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern,
hardwocd finish in first story, three led
rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den and
bath on first floor. $30. This house fronts
on a paved street and boulevard, 2H
block! from car line.
Nine-room modern house, with largo
rounds and rarage. Pemls Park, $40.
41 State Hank. Phone Pouglaa fm.
Seven large rooms, gas and electric
light, bath, full basement, good furnace,
modem. Just one block from Farnam car
line. Will be vacant April 17. Call Wal
nut wg.
aU N. 25TH.
Full two-Ktory, square, all modern, one
block to car.
1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2715.
We have a complete list of all houses,
a part men ta and flats that are for rent.
This list can be seen free of charge at
Omaha Van & Storage Co.. SOS 8. 16th St
ALL alias. $.1 per month up. 607 Paxton,
Gordon Van Co. Si:
tig K. 11th St Tel. D. 804 or Web. 1&.S,
Jy T J Exp. oo movinc.
l tPfl Pclng storage.
V"' -LVV"V-V-1 1207 Farnam. D. .
BEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREE
The rent you aire paying for an old
house downtown will make the monthly
payments on a modern well-built bunga
low. See me this evening: any time after
tao. Take Benson car, get off at 61st St,
come south half a block to No. 206.
Phone Benson 122.
Benson. o
K9 CALDWELL Six rooms, partly mod
ern, $16: adulta only; walking distance.
Webster 3726.
$619 CALDWELL Walking distance; 7
room,, modern except heat, first-class
condition; rent reasonable. Web. 3728.
BEMIS PARK-3404 Hawthorne, 8 rms.,
strictly modern; lot and location most
". desirable; good value at $). For 44j.
Webster ST26. or Douglas 2017.
1520 Caste liar St., S rooms, mod. ex.
beat. $30.
2721 N. 3Rth Ave., & rail., part mod., $12.
804 8. 29th 6t., rms., mod. ex. heat, IIS.
3221 Corby St.. 6 rms.. part mod., $13.30.
tM 8. 291 h St, rms., all mod., $20.
637 8. 26th Ave., 6 rms., all mod., $25.
222 N. 26th St., 7 rms., all mod., $.IT.o0.
4228 Harney, 8 rms., strictly mod., $35. y
U7 8. 11th St., 7 rma, all mod., $36.
711 S. lyth St., 7 rms., mod. ex. heat, $20.
2421 Ersklne, S rms., mod. ex. heat, $16.
1506 Dodge St. Douglas 416.
Globe Van&Storage
Stores, moves, packs, ships; atorage, $3
per month. When you move call us.
Satisfaction guar.- D. 43.18 and Tyler 230.
Van and Storage
Co. Call us for ea
t! ma tea for mov-
Ing, pacAiug,
Louglas 14M.
shipping. 1113 Webster St
ITrmuca In U parts of the city.
Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg.
ttorea and Offices.
$,009 aquarn feet, with full basement. Ex
cellent West Farnam location.
12IS-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. Sfi?2.
LA ROE barn for rent, for
222 Howard St.
Tale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler 141$.
OFFICIO furniture bought and sold. i.
C Reed, Uul Farnam Doug. !&
WK pay Chicago prices for aluminum
scrap coatings. Paxton-Mitchell Co. o
Live Oak Colonies
lie ,n the heart ot toe gieat Sacramento
Valley; in a region fiai is exceptionally
rich We have tne art tor success It baa
been proven, ALFALFA a valuable crop
in itself. Is the t. rtl of the dairyman's
aurceaa here. It things big proTTia. While
alfalta not lrlrejiirialy gives as many
as six cutting!, a year, the usual number
of crops Is tlvr, averaging a ton and a.
half to the acre. After the last cutting
the ground is available for pasturage.
The first crop of the season, less puia,
but heavier Iran later ones, la usually
worth $i.u a ton In the shock. The aver
age price for other cutting Is $.vou per
ton. .Baling costs $1.6o to $2.u per ton.
There Is a lield for development in grow
ing this crop for seed. In 1V14 there were
J.3s acres of standing alfalfa In Sutter
county. Besides being. ono of the best
soil nullders known, alfalfa yields profits
without delay. w an acre gross the first
year is nothing very unusual; $iu0 the
cecond year, is no more unusual As a
rule by the third year It is In full swing.
We have an Improved 40 acres that has
some alfalfa already in, more of it ready
for seeding. New la-room bunialnw I.-.
cow, chicken and hog houses, all in fine
order; 21 miles from town; feraed' Irri
gation ditches all iu. Good wells of watr
at house and barn, everything ready for
( ria.ii now anu yvi in. price la chean.
Can make term. Free literature.
W. T.Smith .Co.,
Desk B. City National Bank Building.
For Sale
M acres and Improvements, bearing ap
ple orchard, 2S,da boxes !!14; no better
soil or climate in California; 64 miles
from Wal.un vlllc, t al ; perfectly level
and A-l roads; must sell to clone an es
tate: $3u.w; tTma; no exchange. Write
to one. of the heirs,
Eugene. Ore., R. D. No. $.
F4.RM A IttKt ll I.AKIt FOR I.H
FOH Information about cheap lands In
southwest Arkansas, write W. L. Per
kins, Ashdown. Ark.
FARMERS, do you need money T We ne
gotiate for farm loans, S or 10 years, at
per cent, drallng direct with bor
rower, 2H per cent straight enntmlsslon;
correspondence solicits. Aaoresit l.cpt.
D, Security rtrm Loan Ass'n, 30 N. Dear
born St, -Chicago, III. o
TO SETTLERS ONLY- acre for $306.
Rich corn, alfalta and wheat land; no
sand. J. a. Tiacy. Fort Morgan. Colo.
FOR SALE Farms. li and go acres. In
Peets. Colo. Write Ltelatler. SSa luden
Ave. Chicago, 111.
Write a good description of vour land
and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal.
"lOWa'S Mont PilWfrflll Want A A
Medium." Twenty-five words eveiy Friday
evening, .-.kiuraay morning and every
Saturday evenlim and Hunriav mnrnlni
for ono month, giving sixteen ads on
twelve different Ouys tot $2; or SO words.
$4: or 75 words, $i
Largest circulation of anv Iowa una.
paper. 2f'0,WX readers daily In four great
If SO you Should first tret a rohv nf
the Farm and Real Estate Journal. It
has lands advertised In It from nearly
every state, so that you can- find Just
ni you are loosing tor in Ita columns.
It keeps you Informed on land oppor
tunities In all parts of the country, give
you personal help In finding land. Sena
25c today for a year's subscription, or Wo
for three months trial It will be stoiineil
at the end of the time ordered. Farm and
Heal Estate Jourtnal. Trser. Iowa.
portunlty. 60,000 acrea Irrigated wheat
and alfalfa land for eeUlemtnt at Valler.
Mont $1.M to $rt per acre; firteen yeara
time. Fur particular, writ Valler Farm
Sales Co.. bog 1002, Valler. Mont.
BARGAIN H0-A. farm m. from Mln
. neapolis; 140 A. under cult.; 40 A. good
meadow: 60 A. timbered pasture; can
practically all be cultivated; good corn
land; farm Is fenced ; 10-room house, barn,
granary, machine shed, windmill, etc.. 12
head good milk cows, 4 good horses, har
nesses, wagons, complete set of machin
ery, hogs, chickens and everything on the
farm goes at $46 per acre; $.000 cash,
balance can stand for 10 years at 6 per
cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
BARGAIN t40-acre farm 20 mile from
Minneapolis; 14t acre i.jder cultivation,
10 acres aood meadow. M acres timbered
pasture; can practically all be cultivated;
good corn land; farm la fenced; 10-roora
bouse, bai n, granary, mach na shed, wind
mill, etc; 12 head gdbd milk cowa, 4 guod
horses, harneaaes, wagons, complete set
of machinery, nogs, chickens and every
thing on the farm goes at $4 per aore;
tt,0is) cash, balance can stand for 10 year
at per ceut. Schwab Bros.. i02 Ply
mouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn.
60 ACRE8, fourteen mllfa from Minne
apolis; good soil, good building! price
$126 acre; adjoining land selling for $150
to $175.
120 acres 12V4 miles from Minneapolis,
good soli, good buildings; price, $130 acre.
luu acreB 14 miles from Minneapolis,
good soil, fair buildings, close to schools,
good ro&ds; price for quick sale $120 acre.
7,000 acres In famous Musselishell val
ley, Mont.; US er cent tillable; bent
soil; for quick sale, $.f0 acre.
Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis.
A Missouri Farm
And Independence
For $5 Cash and $5 Monthly.
Either 10 or 20 acres (you take your
choice regardless of else), also three town
lots and 300 shares In successful l.uw-acre
orchard company, with two canning fac
tories and full equipment; all for only
$10o; $5 down and fS monthly, without 'in
terest or taxes, will pay round-trip rail
road fare of buyers, paymenta stop In
case of death. Write for photographs and
information. We have been thoroughly
Investigated and our land and orchard
inspected and approved by the state au
thorities of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska,
South Dakota. Munger Securities Co.
J. T. Small
Loral Agent. '616 Urandels Bldg.
FOR SALK Good Deuel county. Ne
braaka, 160-acre farm, 6 miles north of
Chappelle; 50 acres n wheat; all tillable
land; 40 acres close by made 48 bu.. per
acre last year; $27 ac,re; one-halt cash,
balance your own terms. Reason, plenty
same kind of land nearer town. Owner,
Claude J. Wright. Aurora, Neb.
East Nebr. Bargain
373 acres six miles from Petersburg,
Neb., and one and one half miles from
Raeville. Nob.: tM-oont house, all modern
throughout, with electric lights; barn S2x4
with shed 16x100; two good hog houses,
all floored and divided Into pens; granary
i'ik; machine snea lbxioo; some good
fruit trees; HO acres wtid pasture; 70 acres
alfalfa; 24 acres timothy and clover; land
ilea slightly rolling, but not rough; good
crops and good soil. Price $40,0u0. Write
P. N. MCOY. ill State Bank Bldg.
FOR BALE Best large body high-grade
medium-priced land In Nebraska; very
little money required. C. Bradley. Wol-
bach. Neb. a
MUST sell 40-acre Improved ranch near
Grant's Pass: Ideal climate; good build
ings; Tokay vineyard; young pears; grain
planted; $4,000. Owner, Wm. Jetfers,
Murphy. Ore.
Sooth Dakota.
Splendid 2 W-acre valley farm, small
bidgs., best of neighborhoods, 3 miles to
town, $47.60 per acre.
$20 A. 10 ml. So. Dak. state capital. 6
ml. small town; Imp.; sale at big sacrifice.
Carlson Wallin. Omaha Neb., McCague
Bldg., Omaha.; Carthage, So. Dak.
COME WKST-Pure water, fine climate.
fertile soil; low prices, easv terms, nave
a large selection to draw from, if you
are Interested In the west and Washing
ton, address dward Abellng, Uoldundale,
FARMERS, do you nted money? We ne
gotiate for farm loans, or 10 years, at
$ per cent, dealing direct with bor
rower; 21 per cent kt.raight commission;
correspondence solicited. Security Farm
Loan Ass n, 3 N. Dearborn St., Chicago.
Id. o
$1 TO I10.UUO made promptly. F. D.
Wead, Wead Bid., lxth and Farnam Sta
CITY and farm loans, , V. per cant,
J. H. Uumont V Co.. 416 Stale Bank.
WANTED City loar.a and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith Co.. UJ0 Farnam St
MONEY on hand fur city and larm loan.
H. W. Binder. City National Bank Bldg.
WANTED City loan. Petc-rs Trust Co.
SEE us first for farm loans in eastern
Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha,
CITY LOANS. C. U. Carlbarg,
21'-'li$ Brandels Theater Bldg.
UHAKA homes. East Nebraska farms.
10K Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2711
Title Guarantee and Abstract
Co., a modern abstract office,
Ju6 So. 17th St. Phone D. aM7.
Jeesen Si. Morrell,
2.H-1 State
Bk. Bldg. D. 222.
REED AilffTH ACT CO., oldest abatraci
otfloe in Nebraska. 2uti Brandela Thea.
' ' -r- - - - - ----.-a
S ACRES, western Nebraska, north line,
near railroad, tartiy improved, mtg.
ft.auu; equity .'.; waot city property.
U acres, Improved, rich wheat land,
central Oklahoma, want Nebraska land.
Want mdse., hardware or Omana prop
erty for HA.uuo equity in eastern Nebraska
farm land.
li.ii clear prot erty, best city in Okla
homa; want land.
SJft acres. Holt rour.ty, Nebraska, raw
farm land, near town. Price low. long
time: owner willing to advance cash for
If you want to buy. sell or rent city
property, farms, ranches, write or see me.
riiAPEK, Mi Bramleid Th. ai.-r, Omaha.
w an f s ott am kg umv
near llanrtn rjk for tldsmohlle.
h. p.. .Vpass.. splendid sh-e. 2 new
tires, tllve hue number. Address K 307,
CANADIAN farm for axle or trade for
city property. For partl'-ulsrs, addreea
Y. E. hlie. S24 H. rh St., Omaha.
Nine Rooms
Nicely finished
1821 Binney St.
Two blocks west of Sherman Ave. car
line, on Binney St., which Is one of the
prettiest strecta In Kountie Place. This
home Is strictly modern and In Ideal con
dition, nicely furnish, d throughout. The
owner Is lesvlnir the city for one yrar
and will rent this home furnished at the
very low rental of $'0 per month to the
right parly. Must he one years lease.
Has a full lot on paved street, with beau
tiful shade trees.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1 '. 4!.
Price Kpduced for Quick Salo
on a Xew House
Two. blocks from Harney car. Sen
rooms finished In oak with oak floors
throughout, ct.emel and mahoKany on tlm
second floor, with tile vestibule and bath,
laundry chute, built-in bookcase, writ
ing i?esk, buffet, electric wall plugs and
up to the minute In everv detail. THOR
OUGHLY WKLL Bt ILt: never offered
at this price before. This house will
pleaae you. See It today. It's worth $i,0w).
Glover & Spain
91-20Clty Natl. nnl. Phone Douglas SW.i
Just Finished
A splendid new bungalow, five rooms
and hath, with beautiful oak finish and
floors: built-in bookcases and buffet set
In bevel plate glass; large attic and base
ment; classy, iin-to-datn light futures;
guaranteed furnace; large lot. Located
3173 Larimore Ave. Price $3,250. F.asv
Norris & Norris
400 Bee Bldg.
Tel. Douglas 4270.
In a 5-room bungalow; has oak finish
r. three rooms, one a sun room, beam
rvillng, bookcases, window seat, fine large
Kitchen, with convenient pnntry nd Ice
box room; furnace heat: cemented base
ment; fine lot: paved street: cluso to car;
located near ltth and laird Sta. Price,
$3,950. Kasy terms, or lot taken as first
liKi McCague Bldg. Douglas 1SK3.
Carter Lake
8-mnm bungalow, acreened-ln porch,
electric lights, good brick cellar on west
side Carter lake, close to public bath
house. 1-ot 40x120 feet
Price for quick sale. $1,100.
George & Company
Phone Doug. 75fl. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Beautiful Stucco
Brand new. oak finished stucco home,
on high and sightly corner lot near
Bemls Park, Fine oak finish, fireplace;
tiled kitchen and bath; large, light
rooms and attic above. A fine buy at
$4,760, and terms can be arranged.
Jeff W. Bedford & Son,
609 State Bank Bldg. Doug. 3fr,
$150 Cash
All modern cottage, located on a fine
east front Bcmis park lot, one block from
car; lot alone worth $1.400. . Price. $2,100;
$150 cash antl $25 per month.
59 Btate Bank Bldg. Doug. 8320.
Bargain in Stucco
Kountze place Home, S-rooin bungalow,
strictly up-to-date, oak finish. Get loca
tion and particulars from owner. D. 21 Hi.
ALL modern, having new furnace, electrlo
lights; close to car. acnoois ana
churches. Very easy terms.
Douglas 171. Ware Block.
New Bungalow
Fine Location
Six rooms, entirely modern. Including
furnace beat; built by day labor, conse
nuentlv right. Oak finish, splendid
arrangement and nifty appearance. Never
occupied, ready to move Into. Street Is
paved; in a neignoamooq or aanay new
homes. You'll he pleased with It. Ask to
see it. Good price and easy terms.
Scott & Hill Co.
Douglas liiOl1.
test -M.'ta'agut) Bldg.
Open for Inspection
2518 N. 19 Plf ST.
Kan front on Pourevard. No special
taxes, beautiful shade trees. cement
Six rooms on one floor: modern evrent
furnace: oak floors; l-eantlf ully decorated.
ccmoinution ugnting rixturei. frtca
l'7o. a small payment down, balance
same as rent. VV. 11. Adunibon, Owner,
2618 N. lth St.
Call Doug. 292C any day next week.
Almost new' house, oak finish In living
rooms; 4 rooms downstairs, 2 bedrooms
and bath upstairs; full baaement; all
modern; south front lot, paved street;
located on Fort St Price $J.la0. $,',00
cash, balance $30 a month.
v.,312 Urandels Theater Bldg.
Nifty Bungalow
M-mmh K.l.n. Ilk c -r . .
strictly modern; one block to car; two
blocks to school: near Millar nark Peic
$2,750. Open evenings.
iiir- vuuKti MhiAiyrx AUKNCY,
1015-14 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 3bl.
Six Rooms All
Modern, 1
$30 Per Month
IMG South 2-Uh Ave., all oak floors on
both first snd second floors; good base
ment: local.! on big east front lot
within 14 minutes' walking diatance of
retail district. Will make any reasons hie
repairs and give one year's lease If do
sired. Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
230 Omaha Nat. Ua nk H 1 dg. 1). 4w.
$500 v Cash
Hanscom park district, &-room bunga
low: four blocks from Hanscom park, in
Crelghton addition; domnatairs has oak
finish, with polished floors; two bed
rooms and bath upstairs; full cemented
basement; hot air furnace. Owner wants
to sell at once and lll take I2.tu0 for this
$l,2iw proieriy. Oin eveninga.
101Hi W. O. W. Illdg. Douglxs 5W1.
Mr. Railroad Man
$l or $V0 strtits you out right on the
purchase of one of those new bungalows
at Jtli anl William; two of thfitt are al
ready so'd and only two left. These will
surely be sold this spring, so do not
delay, but take action at once. They con
tain five nice rooms, large atth full base
ment, strictly modern, including furnece
and open plumbing, electric IIkMs and
new 'ecoi allons. Trice $:.'.iuo, $ nr $.
down and the balance like rent Close to
work, where yon can save rent and
car fare.
Payne & Slater Co.
M Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg
See This
If you want a real bargain In a 7-r.,
mod. home, full, level lot, K front, large
trees. Iron fence. paMiig paid I'esirnble
location, N K. Hnhscoin Park: 20 mln.
walk downtown, tiwncr ..bilged to nacrl
flca. offers equity fi r $.V, any proposi
tion and terms considered. Present mort
gage. M.(W.
Six-room, moil., fin big corner lot,
(room for S houses i. Inrge simile trees,
cement walks, paving paid, goid location,
near 24th and Onk, snap at $.50, lest
Mc KITRICK R. K. CO. Douglas lt'O.
West Farnam
317 S. Jld St., V, block to Varna m
seven rooms, three on first floor.
flnlshAfour on second floor, while enamel
fli.lsh.'and iwo finished rooms In attic.
Hot water hent. Tiled vestibule. Tiled
bath room. Price. $i.6O0. Reasonable
teime If desired. .
Alfred Thomas
.W First National Hank Bldg.
Close-In Home
Must Be Sold
Good 6-room. all modern home at 27th
and Chicago. Price cut from $::,&I0 to $2.0
for immediate sale. Villi lot.
The Byron Reed Co
Tel. Douglas 297.
212 S. 17th St.
For Sale
30 Lots
In Cloverdale
Prices i,
$250 to $500
Discount For
All Cash
J. H. McShane
Doug. 1575.
319 First Nat'l Bank Hldff. o
Strictly Modern Cottage
tXO cash, balance $20 per month; ft
rooms; large lot, 60xlM. Close-to car and
school. Price only $2,200. open evenings.
101R-1S V. O. W. Pldg. , fiougles .Wl.
For Sale
Five-room house, modern' except heat
Everything in good condition. Part cash,
balance monlly. payments. 271S S. 21at St
See Happy Hollow;
Isolated between ITnderweod Ave. and
Dodge St. and 52d St and Happy lldlow
club grounds.
Take West Farnam Dundee car, git oft
at ("ndorwood Ave. and Boulevard, walk
southerly along the Boulevard and r.oticu
tht many beautiful homes already built
Has been developed to give the home
owner as perfect and permanent sur
roundings as posstDie. so that today It
not only has the convenience ot the
downtown residence sections, but the
added advantages of beautiful views over
the parks and boulevards to the wavt and
when you buy In Happy Hollow that
there will bo good buildings around you;
that there will lie no stores or apartments
near you, and that you will be one of a
number of homo owners not among
to live where all the surroundings have
bten developed to furnish the ldesl set
ting for a home rather than to live on a
street where apartments or stores may
spring up at any tliueT
to select your location In this (deal resi
dence suburb. Jf you haven't All the
money we will make the terms as low
as 1-10 cash and 1 per rent of purchase
price payable monthly. . Plats with prices
will be mailed upon application, and we
will be glad to show you this addition
b,' sutumobila at any time,
George & Company
Phone l. 7. 02 City Nat. Hank Hldg.
Happy Hollow,
, $5,500
Seven rooms and GARAGE; large liv
ing room with beamed ceiling, beam 11 ul
fireplace that ran be used; largo dining
nora with wli.oow teat, beamed ceiling;
kitchen, pantry and be box rooms, coat
closet with mirrored door; four nice be1
roome on second flcyi. one an enclosed porch overlooking this district
of heautliul homes. This bouse Is thor
oughly well built and modern In eveiy
detail and reduced In price for ijulck sile.
Shown by appointment. It will pay y.ju
to aee this house If you aie looking for a
Glover & Spain
li-20 City National. Phone Douglas 3SM 2.
Model Home
. Dundee
At the southwest corner of 4MU and
Farnam bis., we have tne let bargain
! In Dundee, a 7-room, brand new, all
modrrn house; baa living room, dining
room, den and kitchen on first floor; ii
very fine bedrooms snd bath room on
socond floor, one of the bedrooms Is
12'i-x.a feel. -
Ail of the bedrooms are finished with
beautiful oak floors and oak doois and
ivory linlsn on the woodwork. The liv
ing rooms are finished in beautiful oak
with lieained ceilings, built-in buffet In
the dining room, built-in book rase and
writing desk, built-in "Ponaell" cabinet
in kitchen. A good automatic heater In
the basement. There la absolutely noth
ing lurking in this house. It has screen,
shades and decoration. The street is
paved on both aides and It is a beautiful
corner lot. kltxl:i feet On top of the
hill, a high and sightly location. blocks
west of the Omaha lily Hall. The price
Is t.,600 snd reusonabls terms can te
made to' good party.
ie It today.
Oharles W. Martin & Co.
Tyler 1K7. tU Omaha Nat l Uk. Bids.
Beef Cattle Steady to Easier on the
Heavy Grade Butchers' Stock
Steady, Feeders Strong.
SDITll OMAHA. Ani II U. 1 i r.
Receipt acre: l aitle. Iligs. Sheep
Official MoikIhv ..;
oiflclal Ti;rs.lnv 4 HO IO.Ti
."stlmatr'l Wednesday.. .1,7"! II.
I Three d s this week. 14.171 Ji.Tit
Samo days last week..r.'.74 32.v
Kumo day" 2 weeks ago 1.9;h .t'l 17
Sntne dvs 3 weeks ago 1.1.wli .Ts.SM
Same 1h a I ceks ago :'J.4. Mill
Same dilys last year. ..ll.kVl f'J Wl
"" I
The following Inhle shows the avcrsgo
of cattle, hogs and k:n-ep at the ttoutH
Omaha live stock -nark.'t for the year I
to date, as compared v.ith last year:
Hogs ,
... --"S.oiH
1l l; i
14.:l.!l i
Tno fuioiwlng tame sncas the average
price for hogs al the South Omaha ,llvo
stock market for the last few days, Kith
Pa U ' y.iU.. tin 4'. Iil;t 1!12. V'll. l'ilrt . ' 1 it .
Mar. f
XI a r. M.
Mar. m.
Apr Id I
April i.
fal I l Ml T ti :t j 1 1 o 7l H t
0V 142 T 711 I 24(10 Mil M
$0 ; g 71 It. 10 7 6 ti
k k.i 7 72 ( 37,10 4W1 3 ?:(
I ts' I M
I 70-'s I V
g Ml T li '. S lot 1 ttf
g li 7 7l ! 7
I Ml
8 77 7 1
Ih. 10 m
6 (RA,
iti I bji a .i
I 7 Bol II, U M
7i I m io ij
I K) t W I 12W i W
g 74 7 W
i r .io 42
I 47
6-,i S 421
I ko I S 471
t so ! g b
l hi
K :ill 7 4K, W 8
April 121 g 9
April U 7 tn. 9 2
April 141 HSSil H
Ml 7'l & l 791 !
7 u 2i 7 Id
g P0 6 901 W W
Receipts and disposition of live atock
ot the I nlon stock yards. South Omaha,
for tcnty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock
p. m. yesterday:
C. M. A St. V
Wabash 2
MUsouti Paclllc .... 20
' nlon Pacific It
C. 1 N. W., east... 17
C & N. W.. west... 1j
C.. St. P., M. tV O.. 2.
C, II. Q., east...
C, II. A Q.. west. i. ?.l
C.. It. 1. r P., east. 11
C. It. 1. A P.. west. 2
Illinois Central 12
Chi. ago U. W 7
1 i
i i
31 20
i7 2
SX $
157 IS
Total receipts ...170
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris & Co 4l (if
Swift Co Ni l.Sfi
t'udahv Packing Co 70 HKX
Armour Co 874 2,W0
.1. W. Murphy !.
.Morrell i
Uncolti Packing Co 17
So. Omaha Packing Co. I
Cui'ahy. Kansits City... 42
Henton, vansant A I,... 14
Hill & Son 22
V. B. I.els 167
Huston Co g
I H. Root & Co 4i
.1 II. Bulla 12
I, !'. Huss 4
Hosensliuk Bros K
Kellogg 1M
erthclmer. & Degen... 1W
II. V. Hamilton 37 .....
Sullivan Bros .14
Rothschild & Krebs 2
Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... ho
Chrlstlo 71
lilgglns s
Il.ilfinan 13
Roth 13 ..i
Meyers 11
Tanner Bros 71
John llarvev 87
Dennis 4k Francis 2.i -
Other buyers 341 1.1W
Totals 4.828 $.028 g.lfsl
CATTLE Receipts tnis morning were
only moderate, 152 cars being reHrted In.
This leaves tne three days' total at H.
174 head, slightly larger than last week
and larger than a year ago by g.Oul hand.
Handy ' lightweight beeves were, as
usual of late. In tho best demand, and
they - sold quite freely it good, steady
prices. Heavy cattle wrre nut so much
sought after and the fiellng on that kind
waa hardly as good as yesterday. The
best yearlings sold up to $!.2&, the same
as yesterday.
Good cows and heifers were In very
fair demand and were strong sellers If
not too heavy. Big, heavy cowa were a
little slow, the demand for that kind be
ing loss urgent, t anners and undesirable
grades generally were very slow sailers.
Feeders were In good demand at strong
prices. Hay-fed Westerns brought $7.76.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
beeves, 7.7;4230; fair to good cornfed
ueoves, i.(rU'i; h.V. common to fair corn
l'ed beeves, ttj.kiMft7.60; good to choice
heifers. tii.ft(.'&7.2S; good to choice cows,
$4 ;(TV,.90; fair to good cows, $5.756.S;
common to fair cows, $H.7My6.7S; good to
choice stockers and feeders, $
fair to good stockers and feeders, $7.00ff
7 25; common to fair stockers and feeders,
$ti.uu7.oo; stock heifers, $6.5uiiitVfc; stock
cows, $5.60u).!; stock calves, $i.2frall.2o,
veal calves, $7 004(10.00: bulls, stags, etc,
-Representative sales: .
iti.-irio HTtrirna '
No. Ay. I'n No. h4. Pr.
a.J M J UJI 7 7t
DasilM. ,
In Dundee
100 Ft. Frontage
If you want to see two of the iswt Io
cs Led, high, sightly lots In Dundee, you
should look at these two lots, located on
Nicholas St., between froth and gist Sts.,
which Is the highest point In Dundee,
overlooking Omaha, Dundee and the sur
rounding country; where many new
homes are b. Ing built now. The price
fur the two lots for iulck sale $2,3UO, or
will sell one alone for ll.l.VI.
Dundee Home
Corner Lot
Must Be Sold
Seven roonu., quarter-sawed oak wood
work and floors; elaborate lighting fix
tures; fireplace; first-class hen Una plant
One of the best locations In t tie village.
House Is practically new and couldn't
oe duplicated tor the money, r'rlce, ,iw.
Armstrong-Walsh Co.,
Tyler li. State Bank Bldg.
touurll Bluffs.
I.V Council Bluffs All modern home
-Practbally new. Nino, rooms, beaull-
f ill location. Garage with cement drive
way. Fruit tra and garden apace; IS
blocks from Broadway. Conveniently
l" aled lose to scnoois and churches.
Mrs. Anna Bender, J4 Park Ave. Tel.
I22S. o
1 1 h;i.K IS A DANDY
Five rooms, entirely modern, furnace,
gaa, electric UkIiIk. etc.; lot 40x120, paved
street Price. IJ,'M. Located on S. feth
(.. (J. CMlLHFAiO,
812 Brun.lels Theater Bldg.
and desirable fur somelKxIy to secure for
a home or an Investment. We an see
the advantages In the property you hsve
for sale anu can supply the man who
wants those advantages. Let us Sell that
good home of yours. ,
121S-1H W. (J. W. Hldg. Kong. 3;:M.
I WANT to buy a strictly modern
bouse In Hanucom park district.
Will pay 300 cab n and $25 or. $30
per month. Address H 301. Bee.
WA!Tr.i7TOBL Y-Ho"ue if flVeorU
rooms; two lots or mote. No objection
to suburbs if on or near car line. lowest
cah price. Address K :sl, lt-e.
WANT EH To buy a S-rofim modern new
bouse in desirable location. Call u. 3477.
7 I K7S 7 t
; r r .. ims i m
II 13 IMS 7 .
7 m T ! n
11:1 i Ml
111 lh
I Jit T
1 .1 I li
la .J I Jj
. 4 Us 7 J
M.. m it fi T a
... X) M ll'O t 40
1MM II 17 HI !H
i u
14 411 1 la
HtlUS(te -elpia were Just fair today,
Iniit I.V. cars, r ll.imo head, In-lng re
ported in. For the three days the supply
totals ;V.7. being 3.0.10 smaller than a
week ago. but a gain of almost T.fMl over
the corresponding week last year.
Packers starle.t out talking ery lesr
ish this morning, and as the shipping de-
n sml did not look quit so strong sa it
. 0 J
J1'':laa early In the week shippers had little
rJ-rii itrotinle in buying such hors as they
tav- . va ... I akt I . aaai thai warn til IV rYt ' i Ih
j'-JJilaiid in most cases nearly a dime, lower
v ! 11 "n yesterday. The bulk of their nur-
... i.,, m-t h.i.m hnaa mm
,K, a i7,ni, ,
v.ick..ra ' fl'rai ere a flat rtliti.
loaer, but nothing was cashed on this
jbaala, an I they were forced to raise prices
to a nickel lower basis before they were
able to buy anything. Kven at this tlni4
the movement was very dull, and when
keen competition between packers and
shippers on the mined kinds strengthened
prices toward the close, a good shnie of
the offerings was left to sell at figures
thAt wcic iully steady with yeatcruay's
killer trade. The general market was
anywhere from ateadv to a dime lower,
and as the big end ol the decline was on
slipping grnaes the average was tully
,o otf. Hulk of all the sales was made
at aH.Vfi7.i, with tnpa at $7.0$.
Na. At. Bk. IT. Me. A. a. tr.
a,1 11 ... U 71 Ki ... 7 0S
..! M
..Hi . UO
. t ...
..rri ...
g to
47 MS ... I
44 IU i: 7 t
g tT.
.-Mll.tVI ll liMUi,
ways the alu-ep mat
ket todav wis a .lupllcate of yesterday,
and a good deal ot what waa said al this
time would apply equally well today. Re
celpta again consisted almost entirely of
Colorado Mrxlian lambs, with only a
very small sprinkling' of western lambs,
ann iwo or Ihrre seattrrlng loads of
The feeling wis the same as noted yes
In day. that Is, Inat prices on both lambs
and tf are loo high efc compare 1 t
the way other kinds of stock are selling.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: lmhs:
Mght. $lo.vtf0.W: lames., heavy, W.7nYf
10 00; yearlings, light, Ig.wvjfl.Jg: yearlings,
heavy, $k.lKij.!9; wethers, good to choice.
$K itHjaM tai: wethers, fair In sood. 47 7aSV
1 ilflO; ewes, good to choice, $7.7jt.ij; ewes,
tair to goon. .tT7.iB.
.Itepreseutatlve sales:
No. ,
211 fed lambs
11 fed ewes
41 Mexican lambs
.. fit
.. 7$
10 w
10 36
la til Weak aioga Weak- Sheep
CHICAGO. April 14-CATTLBV-ne-celpts,
l,fl head; weak; aatlve beef
steers, HOOffg.55; western steers, $5
7.40; cows and heifers, $2.g"tt.00; calves,
HOGS-Ttecelpts, 23.000 head; market
weak: fie lower: bulk of sale. $
light, $7.l0iT.4.-: mixed. r.oMTT.40: heavy.
4Vi.MVd7.36; roiigli, W.lSrtTa.jOi pigs, $.0mijk 90.
BHIiKP AND UMU.S-Keoelpta. 12,000
nrsn; market steady; sneep, fi.4OQV.a0;
lambs, $X.(KSJi 10 TO.
ftt. I.onla Lire Stoek Market.
ST. LOI'IS. April 14.-CATTL.B-Ke-
eelpts, 2.000 head: market higher; native
lieef steers, $i.oofl g.Tft; cows and heifers.
K.fa.z5; stockers and feeders. th.lMt
7.2A; southern steers, $&.s"7.7: cows and
heifers, $4.0uit.oo: native calves. $l.00
HOGS Receipts. H.100 head: market
lower: pigs and lights, S.lMr7.Wl; mixed
and butchers, $7.25tr7.46; good heavy, $7.10
U7 40.
hiftid; market steady: ewes. $.fi01rll.26;
Ismlis, .fii'l0.0; yearlings, $.50fl0.60.;.
fh eared yearlings, $7.0ii47.7a.
Ksiaaa ( ly 1.1 ve Stork Markets
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 14.-CAT-
TlK Keeelpts. 4.SH0 head; market steady;
pume ten steers, vikij.; dressed beef
steers, $7.10fi8.00; western steers, gfl.TVtf
g.00; stockers and feeders, $4.6047.stf:
bulla, M.2.'ti.00; calves, $OWr.00.
HOQS-Hecelta, (,SU0 head; msrket
lower: bulk of sales, $7.0fS7.1u; heavy,
$7.0ojj7.lS; packers and butchers. $7,000
7.1R: llifht, r.OTil7.15;, Pigs, $S.6ntf7.fl6.
bHEt)l' AND IaMBH-Uecelpts. g.Sa)
head- market lower; lambs, tv.Oiatf I0.S6;
yearlings, $S.00.SO; wethers. g7.So(ii.tlO:
ewes, $7.S6$j S.fA
Slosx City Lira Stock Market.
ceipts, l.&oo hesd; market steady: native
steers, $7.000i1.1(; butchers, $5.25ti7 00;
tows and heifers, K.Dfr&ti.tlO; ranners. $3.60
(ifi.OO; stockers and feeders, $6.3$ui.K);
nuns, stags, etc., so.u'tri.w.
HOGS Becelpts. t.Ota) head; market. Mp
10c lower; heavy, $6.97 W'a7.0j; mixed. t.tba
C 97H; light. (6.(y(4.95; bulk of sales, tHMi
SHEEP AND iJtMBH Receipts. 500
head; market steady; lambs, $4.00(010.26.
Ht. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo,. April 14. CATTL.T5
Heielpts, !.( head; market strong;
Meers, $7.sbK.W; rows and heifers, $4.0u9
g.20; calves, $n.li0j7.l.
HOGS Becelpts, 14.000 head; market
steady; top, $7.12V; bulk ot, sales, $7.0fxfj
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. . J.M0
head; market steady; lambs, $9.7Mii0.3e.
Kaaaas City Gra:a aaal Prorlaioas.
1 hard. ll.6Krtl.614; No. red. $1.60, May,
$1 60',; July. $1 22; September, $1.0S
COKN-No. S mixed. 7!f73H!; No.
white, 75c; No. J yellow, 73'074c; No. $
yellow. 7:in4c: May, 1ic; July, 74S-&
744c; September, 74He.
OATS-No. $ white, MH67e; ' No. I
mixed, 54.iio.
BHTTk-it-Cresmery. I9c; firsts, ?7c;
seconds, tic- packers, ISe.
tx KlH rlrsts 17Vc; seconds, 17e.
POUI.TRY-aiens, 14c; roosters, 10c;
Turk-ys, 15c.
Mlaaeasxtlls Grata Market.
Wll EAT May, 1.62S Julv, $1.47S: No. 1
hard. $IKS; No. 1 northern. $1 64S'
$1.6iik; No. 2 northern, $l.47S'flI.5il.
VIAA'H Advanced. Fancy patents,
I7',"0; first clears, $A.40; second clears,
$4 U0
RYB $l.ntl.M. .
BRAN-22.5I). y I
COKN-No. S yellow. WStfTTOUc.
OATS No. 1 white, MHJo6e.
St. Lrfsals Urala Market.
ST. 1X)UI. Mo April 14. WHEAT
No. It red. lltfcl.M: No. 1 hard, nomi
nal; May. $1.64 V July, $1.2;,.
CORN-No. I. 74c; No. t white, 77c;
May, 74e; July, 7Sc.
OATS-No. $, 6ec; Na. 1 white, lc.
Liverpool Urala Market.
LIVERPOOL. April 14.-W'HEAT-Spot
No. 2 Msnltoba, Ua bxl: No. J, Us sHd;
No. 2 hard winter, 13 lHd.
CORN Spot. American mixed, new, 7f
$Hd; American mixed, old, is Vd.
toffee Market.
NEW YORK. April 14.-COFFEE-The
market for coffee futures opened 1 point
higher to J points lower and sold about
I In i points net lower during the early
trading order May liquidation and offer.
Ings of later deliveries through houses
with Kuroean connections. May longs
seemed able to switch freely from that
position to later months at the prevail
ing differences, however, and the market
firmed up in covering and trade buying,
Willi the uloaaa g to i points net higher.
Sales. 42.000 bags: April. j.Wc; Msy, 6.la6c;
June, f ; July. 7.10c; August, 7.17c,;.
rtepteniDer, i toe, txtooer, 4.aur; Novem
ber. 7.aV; lecemhr, 7.40c; January,
7.47r; February. 7.5V: March, 7.V.
Spot, steady:. Rio No. 7. 7.c; Santos Sd.
4, I0H'. Cost and freight offers were
stcadv, ranging from about 7.Xv to 7 too
for iUo '."s, snd front 10 J5c to 1 7ic for
Santos 4a. Rio exchange on Ixmdon was
I 1-1M lower. Mllreis prices were un
changed. tottoa Market.
NEW YORK. April 14-XTTON-Spot,
quiet; middling uplands, 10 lie; no sales.
Futures closed tvurely steady; May. Noc
July. 111.07c ; October. 10.i2c; Liecember,
10 ,.c; January. Iu77c.
The cotton market closed steady at a
net derltne of from 4 to ( points
ftrm; good middling, gllid; middling.
&.77d: low tulddling, 8.9d; sales, 10,ux
Wheat it Stronger nd Three-ftoar
ten Higher, While Corn ii
Some Lower.
OMAHA. April 14. 1915.
Wheat was strong, selling ".c higher,
while corn was Vac lower to 'c higher,
snd oats were 'fce lower. The receipts
continue light and there was only a few
cars M n Ih. I .u 1 A,hBntfa Tk. a .
jboard reported sales of I.OUO.Ono bit. of
wheat. This was ssld to hsve been taken
by exporters. liquidation on a large
scale was to be seen not only In wheat,
but In corn and oats as well. It would
not surprise traders to see higher Trices,
for May wheat.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour.,
equal to m,00 bu.; corn. 1,000 bu. oats,
'i.O0 pu.
Liverpool close: Not quoted.
Primary wheat receipts were 852.000 bu.
and shipments 3.W.CI4 bu , against receipts
of 27?.imi bu. and shipments of 43,000 bu.
Isst year.
Primary corn receipts were 44.OnO bu.
snn shipments S24.0OO bu., against receipts
of 4.11.000 bu. and shipments of t"9,CO0 bu.
last year.
Primary oats receipts were OB,000 bu.
and shipments iwa.nno bu.. against receipts
oi'i on. ana shipments of 72S.U0O nil.
last year.
, , Wheat. Corn. Oau
Chicago (4 64 M
Minneapolis 67 ' ...
Diiluth at
Omaha f 4
Kanaas City 3k 41
St. loiiia 27 J2
Winnipeg , jfti ...
'theee. sales were repirted todav
"heat: No. a hard winter; 1 car. $1 MV
No. t hard winter, 1 car tTurkey). il.2t.
No. $ mixed. 1 car, $1.M: 1 car, $1.42. Rye:
No. t, ii sacks, $1.03. cWn: No. 8 white.
I lr. No. 4 white. 1 car, 70c. No.
J yellow. 4 cars. 70c. No. 4 yellow, 1 ear.
gwe- $ cars. tic; x car. Hi'lc; 1 car. gsc.
No. J mixed, 1 car I near w hite). 70Ho; 1
car fnear white), 7v j car. 69'4 No 4
nilxed. 1 car nrar white), 70c; 2 cars. Sc
t car. Ks'c Oats No. white. 4 2 6
esrs. 4c. No. 4 white, l -g cars. 6JVe,
wmsna cash PrlceaWheat: No. 2 Tur
rv.' ,-MVl-M,; No. 3 Turkey, $1 51Hi
l.fe'; No. 3 hsrd, $1.RWM,; No. I hard,
l.5n4?l.M; No. spring, $1.4M.61; No. 1
durum. ri4.If1.4g; lio. durum, $ 441 4S:
Corn: No. 1 white, 71ft72c: No. 3 white.
Tmf71V; No. white 714jTVc: No. 4
wniie, N.n-,r; rvo. white. "tWrWe : No.
white, WiiyfiSOc; No. I yellow, 70H9
70SC; No. t yellow. 7k1MW4" No. I yel
low, 0M,70c; No. 4 yellow, tiWi; No.
yellow, spu-nnsue; No. t veilow. wfk-..
No. 1 mixed. 7wu,;is.c: No. 2 mlaed. 6a.4s
70o: No. i mixed, iWVe; No. 4 mixed.
kHttc; No. mixed, tSiHe: No.
mixed. trrmiWe. Oats: No. i whits, MSS
6:V; stsrxlard, MHiM4c; No. t white, sil4
nr; IS". write, Majtvjio. Bsriey;
Malting. tiMtTtc; No. 1 feed, mvfftrTo. Ryei
No. t, $1.07HCI O: No- . $l.Sfll07.
Fea tares of tho Trading aaa Clostasj
Prim sa Boar 4 of Traalo.
CHICAGO, April 14. In one of the most
exciting markets since the beginning of
the war. wheat prices today shot upward
nearly 10 cents a bushel, finished wild.
V tn c above last night The trade
was stampeded by fear that Tlrtually ex
hausted reserves throughout the world
would have to be faced before the first
of the new erop In the United States could
be gathered. Other staples hardened with,
wheat but the galna wire comparatively
small-:om. c to BWlHe; oats, He to
r. and provisions, 2Vte to 7 He.
Evidence that the buying force back
of the excited advance la wheat came
chiefly from the big short Interests ap
peared In the fact that the assent of
values for July and September, the new
crop deliveries, was greater than for Ma v,
which represents contracts for wheat al
ready la store. Remarkably heavy pur
chasing of July by a large house Identi
fied with one of the most prominent spec
ulative traders on change was what
first alarmed the rank and file of shorts. . 1
It was not long before other strong In
terests took to Uv buying side, and when ':r'
the final hour of the session was at
hand the pit wa soon In a whirl.
Word that the British government had '
decided to cease buying wheat waa In- ","
terpreted to mean a iree-for-all acrambla '",
on I he part of other large consumers, and
was also taken to Indicate that Great
Britain had-, acquired control, of a mtteh t
larger amount of wheat than has here- ..'
tofore been supposed wss tho eass. Sharp ''
attention waa given to a report that
reserves In the United States were al- u:
ready nearly Jo.Oro.'iOO bushels less than
at this time year ago.
Profit taking by longs Just before tho ,
close broke the wheat market back 4
cents from the top level reached. Eager ' '
buying, however, quickly absorbed all tho ""
offerings, and It seemed plain that bul
lish sentiment was decidedly uppermost
when the final gong raag. ,
' Corn bulged not only on account of
wheat strength, but as a result of Im
proved cash demand. It could not be
verified, however, that export buying had ",
been enlarged. Houses that rnnarallv aver
for Canadian exporters took hold freelv '
in the oats crowds. Big clearance of oats
at the seaboard tended alto to help tho
bulls here.
Provisions rallied when grain began to
ascend. At first the market had been
uruier some pressure rrom packers.
Artlclel Qen. ) Hlgh. low. C'loae.j Yaa'y
Wheat T I
May. 1 B7 1 3 1ST lMi
July. (124 li3 123H 1 H I23i
May. 724 74 . 734 74 72
July. 76HI 77 7i 7H 7Hj
Oau l , I
May. SH ITW KH4 tV& , lV
July. . fe', iwHI sJHI o4 tVI!
Pork I
May. 17 !7H IT 45 ) IT K 17 K IT 84
July, ti 77 V 1T7H 17 70 IT $7H 0
Lard ' ' I
May.) 10 Id 10 1 10 0TH 10 VM W
July. tStXH l47HI14)fcH W42H W$7',
Ribs i
May. 17H Mil MO OH 12 WIYT1,
July. 10 S7HI 10 47HI 10 10 42H 10 7H
Chicago Cash Prtcs Wheat: No, I red,
$1.67HH No. I hard, nominal. Corn: ..j
No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow, 71lt
73tc; No. 4 while, 724r73e. Oats: No. '
4 wniie, omdxi'4ic; sranaara. o.-isc. nje;
No. 2, 11 1. Barley 72iaOv. Seeda: Tim- "
othy. $4.iAj.2; clover, $S.2l43 IJ.60. Pro- "
visions: Pork, $17.12H; lard, a.7H; ribs, .
BlTTER-Ixwer: creamery, t2Hc.
eiGUS Higher; receipts, n.wi cases; at .
, , v . ...w.ww, ,.. vi aim..
firsts, lMllKHc; firsts. lolU'jC.
POTATOEfc Higher: receipts, 71 esrs:
Michigan and Wisconsin, red, 40nso, ,
Mlchisan and W UK-onsIn, white, 4v(i47e.
POl TRI Alive, steady; fowls. liHc;
springs, 17H".
Kjrw svnaa, ,,... n . u
Qaotattoaa of tko Day oa Varloas
NEW YORK. April 14. FLO tTR Firm;
spring patents. $7.3Ma7.7i; winter paten's,
$7.(iiri7.2o. winter straights, $4.a97.0i);
Kansas straights. $7. 27.40. pot, strong: Ho. t red, H.S1.
and No. 1 hard. $1 H. all rail e. I. f,
track export: No. 1 northern, Dulnth,
fi M3. and No 1 northern, Manitoba.
ll.nOH. c. I. f. Buffalo, opening navigation.
Futures, strong; May. $i.634.
CORN-Spot, firm; No. t yellow, $
e. I. f. to arrive.
OAT8-Spot, firm: stardard. Jc; No. S
a 'lite. 2V . fanev clipped white, SiHe.
II AY-Steady.
HOPS fcteadv. stata. common to choice,
)oi4 crop. UOlf.c: Pacific coast, 1914 crop,
12il4c: Iftll crop, rtllc.
HIIiKS uulet; Bogota. 31c: Central
America. 30c.
LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts. Sic;
seconds. 3r.j:ilc.
PROVISION! Pork. trely steady;
mart, gllt.uiMi l 60: family. I-T. oc a uo
short clears. $1 0"321 60. Beet, unsettled;
mesa. Il COiilS M; family, f.1 "a.'.00.
Lard, firm; middle west. S Kb4 .
TAI.IjOW-Steady; country, i-W'ie.
BCTTER-Steady; re:elpts. 4.7i4 tubs;
creamery extras, 91 score, Xc; creamery,
higher scoring. 3.fi33c; firsts, swjaiu;
seconds, 2v)Hc.
FiGS Pnsettled; receipts. 1.T2 cases.'
fresh gathered extrss, Sic: storage packed,
extra firsts. $2ti'2!Hc: firsts. SJHio22c; reg
ular packed, extra firsts. t2c; firsts. 'Ju
142144c; nesrby hennery whites, fine to
fsncy, 23Stc; nearby hennery browns. 2S
CHEESE Firm; receipts. XT.n boxes;
stale whole milk, fresh specials, U4l.Vtc;
state whole milk, average fancy, liVi
POt'LTRY Live, steady; weatera broil
eta, tolaakc; foals, ltM.-; turkeys. !4v 1. c
dressed, quiet; western froxea roasting
chickens, r,j'.ie; fresh fowls, Iced. 1J
17v; turkca, froten, liji-'c