10 TITE BKT1: OMAHA. APRni 191! WANT ADS Went eda rce4ved at any time, out t , reaur proper rtaoeviioation miit be pr- oeted bo'') re It o'clock noon for evening dtt,on nl 7 34 p. m. for iwrnlni end (FundsT editions. Want ev ree-ived a'ter ieh hour will be under the beading. "loe Late to CI ossify." CASH TUTES. Steven mrtsecutlve times, t bent a wch Insertion. . ... Three tlmee within one wee. lVj eentai word Mch tneortkin. 45on time, I ewts eemrd, CTTARGK RATKft ' even eemaecutlr times. cents nn eeeh Insertion. . ,. - Thro tlmee within on week. oents a lino eerh Insertion. On firms It cent a ttne. -Comit eta svemre word to ime all cl mam chare, to cents An sdrertteement Inserted to be J tfl dlsmwiUnued must bo etopped tea order. ATI (Mtm for mw trim wuhln fifteen dsve after too last '" Hoa of the advertisement Ton sea elaee yewf want ad t T B ty telephone. .- EUFPHONIC TTITR . Unclaimed Answer to the "Swappers' Column" rTimdreda of other gnawer raj'od. for and delivered during Uio Waalc It M reasonable to euppc-e that oil of the pope below made the desired swab, therefore do not tho ba)aef tbetr answers. Boo want .ad our cat result. p a. i C c. 1CT l.v 11P7 . l'Ut 1M4 lt 114 ir io iff l. 1 lt 10T C. 1W J4lt 141 J4 141 1 4-Jf 14.lt 14.H 140 1441 lMt 14t 14 14 14d 14KI 1470 1471 ua sc. 14R1 16.3 un 1NM ir 1W0 IMS VM y.v, ln7 1570 IBTt 1674 irj 16W7 VI M 1-0 s. M t1 ,f .$ 04 OH 411 4:6 4 4t7 4' 4 4.1 47 " 43 IM 07 1S 1 l.J 1K1J tie t m 14 I tat PI H 4 M Sl 'A CARD OF THtSM. WE. th undratnd. deoiro to oxpro.a our hrortfrlt thanks to tho frionrts and rwitihhora and oapocUlly tho Orand Army, lor thrlr kindna and aympathy bioii dorinc tho lUneaa and datlj of oi T Wlovcd father: aUo for tho boautlful IArS'j? WWLKT AND CHILDREN. iltEATHS'AND Pl'XL'RAL WOTlCEi JH.UEfV-W!lUm. v ut . Funeral from tho roldrnc. .14 nrr man avmuo. Thuroday rnornln at 10 o rlock. Inlermonl at Koreat Lawn ceme tery. ( JtOOT-Mr. Mlranrt B April 14. at 2511 Btvnosr nrwl, ax-d V4 yars. Bho U aurvlvod hy Alio M. Hoot, Malwl V. iloot, Jurtjo Jeao La. Kuot and Pr. ImrU-a H. Root Funeral at residence. Friday, 10 a. m. Funeral ecrvloea for Mr' Fanny Kelly, rcatdrnt of Omaha for fifty years, who liiod at her realileniw. Km North Ta'entv filtli atrcol, will be held at ft. Johns hnrch, ' Twenty-filth and California rt recta, at I a. m., 0'hureday. April Is. Hha wsa 4 years old juxl is survived by three children. Kinmet, Walter and May. BIRTH! AiD DK4THI, I'.lrtha Oenrga and Ia Clausen. 1901 Ames avenue, girl; L. ami Myrtle Turner, M Farker, girl; J. T. and Alloa If. Max well, 142 Kvans, girl; tialvatore and Maria Sacca, Cut Tierce, hoy; Maurice and Kmlly Ingram, 2611 tiouth. TwenUettt ave nue, boy. Deatha W. It. Purbahk. it, Klglitoenth and Iouglas; Chris l Winchester, 21, hospital; Mary Van Valkenbaugh, 15. U rHMitn Twenty-eighth; Herman O. Witt. U. hoaplul; Herbert K. Ilarga.llte. 66, hoapltal; Mario T. Harone, bX ZliO South (tccond; Ignore Fiaoliur. 19, hospital.. MARRIAGE Lit KBK. License to wed bar beca lasued to the y foiowing: Jvame and Addreag. i Age. Calno Marlinetto, Omaha........ 21 Linda Varvello, OnuUiC. 3U Icondo Cunondagllo, Omaha U Liuilla Morra, Omaha U Jason C, young. Omaha 8 'Uiurma L. Ellis. Omaha. Rlll.Dl.1U I'KHMITg. The following building permits have been Issued: W. J. ivtcrson. Ii7 HaacaJI, frame rldeiii'ef L44; W. J. 1'rterson, H3S1 Has cull, Irs mo residence, tl.iou. Mary K. Howe, Bod ford avenue, frame dwell ing, ii.m , , TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIK PllOUIlAMH lCxciusivcly In Th Hoe l,twi TaM. CAAIEUAPIIONE, la DOUGLAS ST. V, Inning Hack, i-reel liruncho draiuav our ttaby and Aline. Kul. drama. AroiTOMi Little Hatchet. H.1TK NO. 2. 1114 FAKNAM. Lifting the Ban of Coventry. Vila. Mil. ois.. feuC U Wgiker. J. 8. Gordon, lr iny on a ironsyu-ar. iunin comedy. J-'A UNAM THKAT f 7 14 liT ATtNAM BtT Runaway June will be shown here every 1 dtay m connection with our regular i ronrain and a Keyatone comedy. UUP lUiATii.ll. iirld AND AlAitMa,r Home of 1'ar amount Plcturea, rAitai. lliaals.U. Feature program dally. Keystone Corned!. el N. 14TH. 1 AULOR. lfcis DOL'OLAM. 'J he Champion, t-r. Fes -conv, Chaplin, lvsprral Dud. I he Plumber. Kaleta com. -h hruafi Tom, Sellg comedy. riiiM K.i. lsii-m DouoLAa kt i lu, lri-ti Rose (Cleo Madieon. s-mi. Mreels of Make lieileve. (King Haggol) !.,( Furrow. Heart Interest drama. Mes'tau' ALAMO, S4TH AND FORT STH Miow vpna tonight uutler new manage- W siih for our change of program. AUIAMbKA, S. UtTltiT. :,tinoTas Mission. 1-r. Uajestlu drama. i" n ui v r iteysiooe comedy. lli MBl. r s K Uldlt s. Than C. D. CUFfoN. MlUtary Ave. and BurdetU. ran n. ixv a. rnl 1 Hsu. draiua, '! i,e Ionomlcaa Pit. 1 c , ,m. Ii.i a lakhter. Comedy. J'lAMoND. yia LAKE bT. 'n3i I'it tfii. jossr otmey. luy of Seven Isles. Lwrmmle drama. U"'" Iroin rsr Eaat tNelin. -r. Rex 1HANK LIN, 24TH AND FRANKLIN l-.'iioing a Clue. 2-reel Kalem drama. " be NUii-t Orator at Buxton. Kal dra, Hfiichu H;iiy s Vrpgeatu-e. Kss. W. dra. Fl; LIC THEATER, Riband SptagiisT ill open soon. First-cis phutii pisys. u u i this space fur ,. mug ate aud iti,Kran. J. C. Ish. Msnaser. Urand. ' Then tor BeauUIul." 14 it Blooey. I ii 1i Ardenv Mutual. Mastervlec. In 4 reels. ud a good c,nietj-. Hli 1 oDKoAiK. Sill and CUMING. The Haunting Memcry. Beauty drama. Runaway June, l.plsude lu, in 1 Paris. . W I It'll Ambroae. Keyatone comedy. IT. i reel. lT i lAN Dl AK l iiT Jrm rairiaxs Miiiiooa. I-r. Kal. dra. A S j.nl out. Fa, coin.. Chsnlin Th. S'.ao Coach Driver and the Girl, Selig. I IVY, USTil AND HL RDtTTE. A Miu'l T-'ltU.n. lwe. Ul.tiK. ( Aluoler Kejf o. li. 2-reel rpe Piyrr cf a Hois. 2-rnel pig I.'.- LA'AL, CALDWELL. 11 hi. an Menace. 2-reel livid ceeX At of f'lubs. Powers. I e. Fireorks and Janitor. Joker niu 1 ' t il K' l 24THAND loJTH ItopT .eii ilixearet. u f-, pari a. Jrom to latnuiia luiiel ty Duiiuas. llad Colored. Iu-Ku11r.1l. l" nt Mir it P -LACE. XJOJ XAVENPoltT bT. I.i.e.y of Montana. Weel Liauu. i,,' tion l u, k. Nealor Coiiiedy. A i,,i s KufKl c-uriM-dy. TOOAV8 fJOfPT.KTK MOVIK TIUKJRAMS FicluxUelf in Th IWe. M'BI'RRAK, I4T1T AND AMK.T Mr. Jarr I'.rlnss Home a Turkey, Vila. com. The Olrl of the MiKlc Hall, -r. Ksl dm aoatb. ARBOR, AND ARUOR. Jarkle Saundera In "I.lttle Jack," a -reel lmllK drerm. And a itood comedy. AluMil). 2S24 I.F.A V KN WORTH Mr. Jarr and the Iidy Reformer, Vlta aranh comedy, llearat Hells No J4. The ( unfilct. i-reol KMaanny drama. 'l,r.MKIA. 1710 KoTTH i'TH. After the Htorm. J-reel HI sraph dratna. A Htudv In Tramps, Vllar.h romcji', One Law Hreaker. Luhln drums. 4VMFORT. 24TH ANI VINTON. Twenty Million Dollar Mystery. Kplaode ' l'hantom on the Hearth. K. H. Reatlna Hearts and Carpets, keystone. favor if IiTkateii, i7io"po7"ith. Hesrat-riells No. Sh. The Hermit of Rlrd Island. S-rcrl Lubln Irama. HtM, J2. Hti;TH 12TH. And They Called Him Hero, I-r. Bison. Olne's Hero, riterllng comedy. I no ttncii, lsmmii drama. LYRIC. 1617 VINTON. The Fstal Note. U-Ko. comedy. The Orlnd, J-reel Rex. PASTIME, 2.1! AND LKAVBN WORTH. W.ve and Spirits, Joker comedy. I nexpectd Honeymoon. Z-rel Vb'tor. t ifle's KHng. Imp drama. VBNEZIA. Lll HO. MTU T Fonr reeta ef Mat vial bletueae. West. MOXROK THEATKR, 2fi.'i FARNAM. Final Mlo.1e Kxplolts Rlalna. The Reck oning. Pes the Clutching Hand 1 n maaked. I'oatponed. VIlaKraph comedy. grama. PKNKON. Mn MAIN STREliT, No. 32, i reels. Murdock McQuarrio. Th Golden Kplder, Mary Fuller. Fv Money, I-Ko, comedy. Coaarll lilsffa t FT,ITR NO. i, -M5 RROADWAT. The Railroad Raiders of '47. Kale-n dra. The Lovo of Women, i-reel I.uhln drama. When Hamuel Skidded, Vitagrapll com. NICHOLAS, M7 BROAHWAY. Hesrat-Selltt No. T. The Millionaire s Hundred-! olr Mil. Vita. dra. The Jarr Family I'lneovers Harlem," comedy. roferT Uf H RoXl' A Y ! Heved by a Dream, l-reel Victor. Skipper Simpson s Daughter, Joker com The Old Tutor. Rig IT. oat UMaaa, r rSPF.. HTH AND N. New K.wplolts cf Elaine tonight. The tJttle Straw Wife. The Master of His House. Comedy. MAUIC, 24TH AND O. Uroken Toy, l-reel Imp. Hahy's Fault, Nestor comedy. aailt. ORITIEUM, 24TU AND M 4 4 reels of drama pictures, And a dandy comedy. AKNOUNCKMKNTS 0 - w an MA HA PJM.OW CO.. 1907 Cuming. uougiaa noi. jnenovaiea learners and mattreaaea of all klnda. mii feather mattresses and down covers. MR. A. HAARMANN has left for an ex tensive trip throughout the west with a full line of pickles and vinegar, hoping his customers will kindly wait for bis re turn. Wedding announcements, Doug. Rtg. Co. D R KHSM A K I NO, lallor.ng, alterations. Work guaranteed. K4tJ Case. Red 7t. 6PK1NO CLEANING TIM EC Is here. Your windows cleaned and storm windows taken down at reasonable rates. For first class service call Douglas Ml. AMERICAN WINDOW CLMAN1NO CO. HjCiCY wedding rings at Brodegaard s. NROLIt sow, T. M, C- A. Bight Khosl WE rent, repair, sell needles and parts for ajt sewing machines. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," IBth and Harney. Douglas ItKl. ACTOMOniLEfJ Auto Buyers Here are a few of our snaps: , 1HI4 Mats Roadster. IMS Ford Roadster. 19IS Ford Touring. IMS Hup S3 'Joining. 1B14 Hup S2 Touring. 114 Cadillac Touring. This la but a partial list of our his snape. Write for our bulletin with com plete net oi cars and prices. Industrial Garage Co., W. C. MARSH, PRES.. rril A HARNEY ST8. OMAHA. NER. Owner will Sacrifice Sfudehaker, t-passenger, 1913 model: ex cellent condition: IJ&0: must sell within week. DR. C. B. FOLTT.. Room s, Cretghton Block. 0verland,, $250 11. P. CAR. suitable for runabout, touring car or runabout truck; perfect ordr-r; niwerful. new tires, runabout and touring body; worth Araah. need money; t-'ro cash buys, NO TRADES. Call at .1 ;-nn fM. or wenater ZM4 WANTL1 Overland auto, 1912 runabout or touring; describe fully and give best cash offer Addreag Y 4M, Bee. 1 ,HA,Y. h-D- White car that I win trad for a modern home of equal r irlr value. H. Peltoa. XM Farnam. C EL&Ac&KR, svi t radii repair. Ty.7W. SfcOl Leavenworth. 4100 REWARD for any magneto w can't repair. Colls repd, Baysiloi fer,21 N 14. e Al io Cea.riig House, 2Ju Jsrnam, buys aaa sens uoi cars. Phone liougla LIIA. Overton s for leaky radiator, buc. dealer a. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCagu bidg. If Buick.. $ I 1I2 Cadillac a Wlu Glide t.i.4) ( 1914 Oakland fxal A. A. AH1.MAN, AM FARNAM T. lnduatrial tiarage Co.. SHh A Harney Sta. USED CA1W Five-passenger Studebaker, five-pas. tenger Abbott-Detroit. Hupp roadster. NEBRASKA BI ICK AlTO CO.. 1914 FARNAM. Malwreyelea. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCU.S. Bargains In used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man," y.Oj Leavcnwortlu . r -s , -a . Ul'HDIXO MATERIAL. NAlLd. 4iJ per keg. Fauce, sheet roof ing, etc, in pruiwrtiou. General Mer cantile Co., Omaha's greet niail order house. . IllSIXEsa CHAXCES Foil oALE Guwd alng Ue cream fac tory. VS lit Box .'. Columbus, Neb. FOR SALE Coffe and tea buainesa la cliy of ,.; thoroughly eatsbltshed and laying; over 4 0V live vustenwra Audtcsa 1 , Re. T Foil SALE OR FOR RENT Good h.,Lel I building; good location: 21 rooms: citv str. ecvDtene lights. Phons or writ. iirmwr ,-,,ui, v ,iaiia r.eo. - rOK SALE AND RLNT-Ve will sell th luruiaiuiigs ana natures of the I ok hotel, and will rent th building; every thing una sod in good shap; thai only iHitel lu town and doing a good buainwu; eirfin Leirwiui upiaira: oriu.:. Larlr aniiug room. isrg boarooin and aoAJIFOK SALE CH fc A P -t.K k la the Itoud kttciiea downstair lrs: eioctrie liaht: uJ C. Thomas. Cook. Nsb. sifam heat. II JEV kbi.lv r in slor In shIiu) ler for sale; roviuirt vUi iiuk ai4, bchuy ler. Neb. SIGNS, souw ear ir a H.,n. t. 117 1 HEAL estate Buine place supi.lid or Laou.ta. ail slsivs. . . ivuieai. . utaba- LIST TOUR BCSlNe-B1 wtth tie tor quick artlon and square treatment QUICK BALK COMPANT, 41 Reo Rlrta. ' Hnone Red MM T1IKATKRS Uuy, leaae or aeil your tha a'er, machine and summon throucB Theater exchange Co., 140S Fatnam Hi. iKiualas IKfl. , FOR 8AI.K A irood pnylns iumt'lng atd tin l,ualie"n; eetahllshed K yeara; well located. Addresa Geo. W. Zlla, Nebraska 'tly. Neh. WHV rntT Will sell l-a' re farma In lied River Valley, Minn., erect buildings, supply cows and hK on flrt payment of tf'H and II per ai r,; ami Interest at per ,v. O. Templcton. Ml Uoe 'Rldg . Omaha. I.K ORAND hotel at York. Neb., bidg. and lot, to be sold to hlnhet bidder at sheriff's sale Monday, April l:; sale starts j i i:. p. m. ; mis property sianna in nest location, in nest town In tne state ror I hotel. For full narticulara. aildrcsa Rox i i.i. York, r.rr. AN KXCKII loNAL chance is offered ac tive party with ll.tjfa) to Invest, together with common senwe and energy enough to conduct a respectable, iormanent raah hiiaineaa that's easily menaced, free from competition and get-rlch-ulck s-heme. where, with ordlnsry labor, from la.!-) to IS.noo should be cleared, yearly. Owner of this huslriess invites the very closest investigation in every way. Fun partic ulars will have to l given at personal Interview only, hy addreaslng Y-4T9, Dee. TO (1KT In or out of hulnesa call on GANGESTAD, 404 Ree Rldg. Doug. S477. DONF.IXON does more than list your rUMlna, he sells It arl Omaha Nat. Rk. layest aneata. Our Nebraska farm mort gages are not affected by Kuropean wars or panics. "Amounta H00 to 120.000. We collect all Interest and nrlnclnsl free of charse: 10 7 years In th Nebraska farm loan field witnout a loas Is our renord. KLOKE INVRRTMENT COMPANT. $01 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Omaha. o CLAIMS PAID. WILL cash county claims. Douglas 7860. EIirCATIOXAL Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school. :M to 4.04. Night school. 4:1S to t:K. ' lU and Famam Hts oug'ss SA47. FOR sale Uie following scholarships n a first class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business nd shorthand course. One unlimited business course. Ons unlimited stenographic course. One three months' business or stent grnphlo course. Will be sold at a d.'acouat at the office of the Ornaha Bee. Boyles College Day School. Night School, complete business course, complete shorthand or stenotype courae, complete telegraphy course, civil service branches and F.ng- nxn. Hiuucnls admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1915 catalogue). roti.es coldkge. If. B. ROVI.ES. President. Tel. D. lMSfi. Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. ELKCT1TIO 8CPPUE8. KLECTHIO waahers, 40.7o! electrlo irons, I2.2&, with General Mercantile Co., Omaha's Great Mall Order House. FOIl BALIS Faraltere, Itewsebold Ueods, Kto New A Sd-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Amer. Fura. Co.. aus N. 14U NATIONAL Sale and Auction Co. 1327 w. a w. FLr!nITURU of 7-room flat; good as new, tor sale cheap. Douglas Mis. DKSKS bouht and gold. J. C. 1 ur'01Vk3 1W7 Farnam St. D. 14. Read. Ilerseo aad Vehicles. SHIP Ttve stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and shrinkage Your consign menu leoerve prompt and careful atleav lion. NOTICKTt farmera and city buyers, S.OUG-lb. span black geldings, 6 years old; pair brown mares, weight 2,400 lbs.; 'i.tkO lu. spna mares, heavy in foal; guaranteed or money refunded. 124 S. 24th fei, barn in rear. TWO pairs of farm mares In foal. 224 N ' lth St NICE heifer rglf for sale. Web. 6&. FOR SALE Good chunky young mare; will sell cheap on account of sickness: guaranteed well broke: must sell, need the cash: owned by widow. Call at Store, liji no. 11 ii. DRUMMOND hand-made buggy,, cheap. iougias d41. BARGAIN for raah to settle our estate Pair of Perchertin mares. 4 yeara old. 2,bnt lbs., hesvy In foal. Also handsome fullblood mare and gelding, both sorrels, with white mane and talis. Tlf! Dodge, comer mil m. HOUSES FOU SALE S4th and county line. Tel. South W2. FARM wagons, SnO and up; harness, S40. jonnson-Lantorth Co.. ifctn Clark Sta. TEAM of 6-year-old mares, well matched, wetgnt z.ihm; e-ycar-old work horse, weight 1.4t0. and handsome black and white Shetland pony heavy In foal, gen tle 'for children; bargain; party going to ban franrlaco April 10. Uil Dodge bt. FOR SALbl Gentle pt pony auttable for ciuiaren or inuy. 11. iwugias Mi. Live gteolc Ceasnstealea taereaaata. MARTIN UROd 4k CO.. aUooanae Bldg. Slightly used high grade piano. D. Hull Pealtry, Kaas aaa saypiive. bTEKEOTYPB ma trices make the best and cheapest lining for Poultry bullosa. They are 11x11 laches, stronger and more dureble than tarrd felt and practically flreproorjlfto a hijadred at The Bee office. WHITE1 WYAN. cockereia. Benson MS W, Mixed grain. 1M lbs.. II 7a. Wagner kul N.14. 1'y pe writer. RENT an tillver Typewriter 1 mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, 19U6 Far nam St. TY PEWRI1 ERS sold, rulei. repaired. Ccntrsl Typewriter Kxc. 1906 Farnjm, Mlaeeluaaeeaa. FOR SALE New and second-band carom aud S-ckst billiard tables and bowling allrya and aoceoiies; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payment. The Brunswick Balk-Coliendr Co.. 4U7-4 B. 1Mb at. Eiitxrneic motoks l-H. P., ?X volts. 1 phase, new 7 S-H. P., SJO volts, I uhase. new.... 40 S-H. P., & volts, S phaa. now.... hi S-H. P., 20 volts, I phase, new ii liYNAMOs. S-K. W., lie volts, D. C, new K. W., li volts, 1. C. new 1S-K. W.. l.'O ho volts, new 10 M) S4 l-l I. P.. aaaollue nglne r. 6 H P. gasoline engine, throttling gov ernor 1U0 LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, SIM S. 1-tll St. o 1 t-EVOND HAND I emiy-ia-elot ma chlnee of vanoua klnda, also coal range and 4 gee rang- J. C. Ish, Executor ;C3 Slat At Phone Harney 241 k4IAL barrel of outaid boua paint, Sherwln A WUllains, worth ll& p. r gallon. Will take S for baneL 4140 N. th St. Web-ler !. -hand in, n. i.r.. VV leek. 1 o., .1 4 TTul THE BUHMElSTKlt CULTIVATOR SHOV EL will save Ihe corn routs; been oa th market S yeais. Are fully guaranteed, fill reJuced this year te U per et of four and M per st of six ahovela. liok 11 free -Chaa. Burmelater. Box li , Sutherland. Ja. tvale 4k Auction Co.. 17 W. bldg. II EI J ANTED FEMALK 4 lartral aad OI flee. k Sl rsMliV REAL CSTATK COM hTF NOG It A I' 11 Ell S-0 ATTS KtF. CO., S-tlM2 Brau. The. ITKLr TTAXTFTW FKMALB . 4 lerlral anal uf flee. NO USUAL FILINO FEE Iave your name with us. It's quicker. Cslla are coming In now. BUSINESS-LIEN'S IiEFEKENCE ASSN. Woorlmen of World. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, splendid pIsco and chance for advancement, ) Stenographer, bright, capahle young lady for Insurance office; good appear am e, start at VM. Steno. and bookkeeper, small town, ex cellent chance for you If you are capable ami like a small town, tr3. Hookkeener. must be good and caoahle of hanollng small olfKe and eoplc. etc.. iig. Stenographer, brtcht young ladv, who wants to get a good start, about 4to. WF.STKKN IlKF. & ROND ASSN. 752 Omaha Nat. Rank Rldg. NO FILINO FKE. Experienced bill clerk, one rate Reming ton typewriter. Also bookk, cshler and typist, I A-f4u. RfJtlKRH RBF CO., hi State Rank Rldg. NO FILING FEE. REST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. RoOEHS REF. CO., Mrt-H State Bank. lartsrr aad 'trades. LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenhetm Parlora WANTED- Expert pressor fladyi, dry elesnlng department, bluff City Laun- Ory, Coun ll Bluffs la. TW'O floor ladles wanted; If not capable. no not apply. The House of Menagn, Tdll Farnam. I iianaekeeprra ana nesaeatica. THE Bervent-Girl pTOblero Bolved. Th4 Bee will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad PUKE until you get the desired results This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs Bring ad te The lice office or telephone Tyler MOO. G1R1. for geneial housework, $?; latin- ore as Kept z cays. av Cass Bt. TOT NO girl about IS to assist with housework. Call In afternoon, 1042 S. Mh Bt. Harney 27. GOOD girl (or general housework; good wages. Harney IMS. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, four In family. Walnut :1m. NEAT apM-aring white girl for general house work. Small npartment, 1 in the family. I'leaaant homo. Rhone Harney 4i.W. or rail 109 8. 42d St. WANTED Young slil. 16 or 111, to assist with housework: willing to bay reason able wages. H. 4CA8. GIRL for general housework. Apply at once, 0I s. mth St. WANTED A white Kill for gener-1 housework with or without waahlruc: lv man and wife of middle axe. No chil dren. Near Hanscom park. Good placo ior goon gin, iisrney w'l WANTED A girl to assist with general nmiaowora. ;. nsrnev Mr. WANTED A competent girl for general nousewora; no washing, good wages. Mrs. F. D. Wead, ftt'2 8. 40th St. Phone Harney 171. WANTED A girl for general house- worn, Apply L'414 Hurt. WANTED Young girl to assist In house work: no wasliina. no rookins. II. SJtl 340(1 Webster St. A GIRL for general housework, family 01 two. can Douglas 9:. WANTED A girl for general housework; one that can go home nights. '00 8a. 25th Ave. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. neat oc treatment and a dandv home to right girl. Treated as one of family. Phone Harney tl'Xi or Harney 2:6 WANTED First class girl for general housework: good cook: neat, competent: permanent home for right girl. Wsl. 8269. Mlseellaaeoas. TOTJNO women coming vo (rnisha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th SC. where thay will be directed 1 to suitable boarding r laces or otherwise assisted. Look for our reveler's gu'do at Union station FIRST-CLASS bon-bon dipper; steady worn, gooa pay. Apply tow nun si. HELP WANTED MALB Clerical aad Utile. TRAVRLINO salesman to call on Job bing trade in eastern Iowa, staple, five, established; approximately, l&t). Traveling salesman: can you sell auto accessories? If so. better look Into this position, approximately 1100. Young man familiar with autog. tires. etc., excellent chance for splendid posi tion. Silt. Bteno. and bookkeeper, young man with experivmo In handling lot of small ac counts Sis), Asst. bookkeeper, young man who can later take charge of books, excellent place, tod. - Stenographer, young man. small office and chance to learn good business. WKSTERN KLr. BON D ASSN. 76S Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Wsl can place as many Business College muuents aa we ran get. Several open at S'l. S4. and ITS to sta't. BUSINESS-iLEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N., - 1319-30 Woodmen of the World Bldg. SALESMAN. DRUGS tlUt and EXP. SALESMAN, SPECIALTY COM. SALESMAN, RrUAI. FHTATK COM. SALESMAN, CITY, EXCELLENT PROPOSITION. STENO., OCT Or TOWN IT STKNO. AND CLERICAL. hO STENOGRAPHER W OKFICB BOY 15 WATTS REF, CO., S.ls-40-41 Bran. Thea STKNO.. R it, EXPERIENCE. S.4. BOOKKEEPER AND STKNO.. . CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE- CO.. 101i.lt) CITY NATIONAL. BAILSMAN wanted for city territory; good proposition. Apply at once. MIDWEST RON DING CO.. SI Re Bldg HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST. REFERliNCE A BOND ASSN. 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Ageata, Saleaaara aad golicilwra. Agents Wanfed W want loma one to represent us In every towa In Iowa and Nebraska as we own and control some of the best im proved and unimproed farms in Mlu lii'sota. We are selling th farms on liberal terms so the renter and city man with a small captisl can own a farm and watch 11 increase In value under his touch. W e handle corn and clover lands only, and Inula Inspection as we have the evfl and get th rain. Government statiatlcs show that the state of Minnesota is coming to the front In farm products. Minnesota a Hid will snow a greater In crease In vain In the next three years than any stat in tn union. The land whet corn is king and clover queen.' rite, wire or come ana see us. uo rral inducements. ti. o. ma net K K 1A PD CO., Austin. Minnesota 8AESMAN A prominent, long estab lished eastern manufacturer of nharma eeullcala will pay good salary. Must be experienced, capable, eneigetic, reliable. State age. reftreiuea. etc. Adilreai fcx- tracts S F. Bru f. EXCELLENT pioporltlon for Iwo good man In Nebraska. Call tr write. Mutual Benefit, Health end Accident AsaoClaUon. 41- City Nat'l Bank Bldg. YOU'LL neer get rich working fur other. W hy not start a cleaulug and dyeing business? We atart you right! No previous experience nxotwary; but small capital r.iulrd. Big profila la this great re-order buslne&a! Fx ill details fi. White Wonder Coii.r-any, tJt Na tional Safety Vault Bldg . Denver. Colo. WANTED Tn high-rlaa farm apeclaliy a lea 1 oea. Apply immediately. Bala Broa Mfg. Co.. Cedar Rapid. Iowa. e Faelerg aad Trade. WANTED-MEN TO LEAKN TUB BAR. lit R TRADE and accept poaltloiia at good w ages. Boas Barbers calling oa ua lor hip. We prepare you in few weeka Tools furnished. Wanes wbil learning. Call or write. MOLE.lt BAHHKR CoL LLGU lvk B, OMAHA, NfcU. UK LP WANTEfi M.LE lartnrr aaal Trades. tir anr. .n.r... k. vn.., r.. t a. . . . . ...... lou ii m honk we give you expert . auto training; earn a real salary. Wn , money for our trained men. Come right now ann get niir Tree courae In Klec. I. Is. ei Start's syiitema; free rMelogue. A men Auto College, 213 Fsrnam Pt . Omaha. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition II;',, on B'cuunt of big trade. Wages for i and 11 cent work. Kle.lrlc inarsage tauclit. Hydraulic chair. Catalog free. 1U'4 Douglas 8t , Omaha GETWISE A thorout i. practical automotive edu- eatln,, mi tnltilfiilim l.b f,,r pat,. logue C and explanation of our get- I results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, 1413-17 Dodge Street. Omaha. Neb. GOVERNMENT wants clerksftTO north: Omaha cxarnlnntlon Arii 2S; common education sufficient; particulars free. Apply immediately. Y 4"9. Bee. RAILWAY mall clerks wanted. 175 month; pull unnecessary. Write Immedi ately for full partcliiiarii. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 221 D., Rochester. N. Y. TO IJVH man ahlu to unlii, factory. will give exclusive contriict; new auto specialty, everybody wants cne; sells S4.S0; big coinmlHsinn; salesmen cdnlng monev. See Mr. Ogdon, Midland Hotel. lie an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go into the auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Writs for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training AssX t14 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED 1.000 men to oat ham and eggs, 15c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. SITUATION'S WANTED BCsiiNESS MEN Yq,ung man, age 2l7 wants Job; business college rraduate: bookkeeping and selling expetlr h'-e; good references; wi.nt to connect with good, l!v firm; storting salary low, hut futuro deslrablo. Adorers K i:S, care Bee. PERFECT homo washing. Lace curtains a speclslty. Webster 4-'8r. COI1RED msn wants position as clisuf ftur and butler; have had 9 years' expe rlirice; can furnish best of ref. K. T Richie, Webster 5778. 2715 N. 2th St. WANTED Position; a widow with two children aa housekeeper; good refer ences. Address Box 129, Petersburg, Nob. EXPERIENCED young man. -'3, having finished training as cashier and bill and office clerk. Has excellent penman ship and Is college israduutc. Desires position In Omaha or elsewhere. Douglas tii. or sddress J-23S. Hco WANTED Family and bundle washing. Webnter S04. " , COLORED man wants .1ob as porter or janitor. Phone evenings, W. 8167. Cull fot Charles Anderson. -M. LOST AXD FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona having lost some article would well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Uluffs Street Railway com- any to ascertain wceiher i.iey lert it In he street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore item to the rtght'ul owwsr. Call Doug. 44. STRAYED or stolen, King Cotton, blue- eyed white Angora cat. Arthur Murray Estelle, 413 Cass St. Reward. PERSON finding book with "Mrs. E. J. Stoll. Portland. Ore.." please return to her. Apt. I. Maples. Reward. MAIL ORDER BUSINESS SAVE &Mo 60 per cent on furniture by trading with General Mercantile Co.. Omaha's Great Mall Order House, 715 8. Sth St. MEDICAL ESTABLISHED 1891. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, aclentiflo methods. The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 306, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patients must come to the of fice, 408-a-lO Omaha National .bank. 17th and Fa main btc. DR. WILUArCREIGiriON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. New York City. N. T. o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eratlon. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DP- E. It. TARRY. 140 Be Bldg DRUG habit succersf uliy treated, 6-dsy guarantee; harmless and painless method; full (.lock; you can be treated at home. Addreas Dr. C. C. Aitken, b2S Para Ave. Phone Harney 3296 NURSEKV SEEDS AXD PLANTS. HAZEL DELL Ni rt.lEHk. J. W. DAY. Prop. We have a full line beat varieties fruit, shsde and ornamental trees, shrub, 'ever grten and rosea. Nursery west of Flor ence. Tel. aK. Omaha sales yards. 2itH and Plnkney StS. Phones Webster 41.'7 land ac-o. It will pay you to see our stock ORNAMENTAL trees, fruit hedge. planU, loses, concord grape, 4oc noien Horn sales ground. Hint A Rlggs. Benson. Omuha sales ground, 24th and Cuming. BciuKin-oniwns ciursery. xeiiaun M. P. UYKD NURSERY CO Bargain prices at our eld location. 17th and 1 lodge, phones: D. 44KK and Web. 411. BEAUTIFY your home with the finest of nuisery stock ever grown. See for your self. Gate Citv Nuraery. Plioue D. 'MK Sales ground. llw IkmIks St. CHOICE, complete line of snruba, ever greens, ornamental ana rruit trees; aave agsats' commission. J. Weatrom Nursery Co.. at old location, 20th and Harney St. DL'NLAP strawberry plant 31; 1,000 ti poaiiHiia. vv. 1. 113000. ciaur, PKItSONAL INVALIDS Unless we receive 209 subscriptions to the L. H Journal, 1 bo. b. E. l oot. II. W: or Country Gentleman. $1, in April talao 6a by Sept tht $7 M for THE JN VAL1DS' PENSION AjXlATION can not b earned. Vour ranewaia contribute 6$ cepts- Phone Docglas 7163, or mail, . Gordon, The Magazine Man OMAHA. YOUNG woo a coming to Omaha aa strangers are lovlted to vialt th Young Woooea's Christian easoej.tioa building at 17th bt. and St. Mary' Av., whr tLy will be dlrevtae te suiubie beardiag pi sows er etasrwi assisted. Look tor our Crar aleif aid at tbe Unlua staiiuov TKUSOXAIi J n r. t-aivaiion rmy maupir Helta vour ol clothing, furniture, msga i tines, we collect. aisirtoute. rnmit r,,ila. nx and our anon will call. Call anj inspect our nw home, 1U0-IH2-11M Dodge St. I.tVE vinK BISIXKSS XKS OF OMAHA Aresaatssti. t. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Address 43 Ramye Kldg.. 1'hone Douglas 7408. Addlns stacbleea. Dalton Ad, linn Machines. 411 S. It D. lltt Adder Mch. Co. "Walea". W. O. W. D US I iiimtar Klnlxblng, FILMS developed free If purchased from Plioto Craft Shop. 4' Rie Bl-ig. lept. D. Archltecte. Everett 9. Dodds. til Psx'oti Blk. D. awt Aato and Masaels KralrtaeT, Magneto repair work a apecialty. D. tilt. Aectloneer. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-18 W. O. W. R. J2S5. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-14 W. O. W. R. SL'N6. Ble PrlntlaaT. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO. 302 Omaha Net I Bank Bidg. Braes Foaadrles. " Paxton-Mltchell Co.. r7th and Martha Sta. tarpentern an twairaeian, STEVENSON. Sff S. 22,1. Douglas 6130 (allfoenl- Lands. y T. Smith Co., VZ1 City Nat 1 Bk. D.l.. blaa Painting. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4S41. 4 vl Knslneera. M. J. LACY. 61 REE BIJJO. DOUO. 471S. Cream Separators. The Sharpies Separator Co.. l?th A- Farn. Danoiwa- Aeaiiewiea. CHAMBERS' Academy. cTaisV-. D. 1871. Try Mackie's first. 181S Harney. Doug. 548? Cistern aad Well Digging. NEED well or cistern , kuued or dug? 8CHAFFER does IL Phone Web. 6til. DresamaklngT, Terry DressinclCg rnllege. 20'h & Farnam. RotcctlVrs. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of Lnaed States, Csdso or Mexico. 0B Paxton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1420. JAMES AI.U.N, :flJ Nvillo Blokr""Evi dence secured in nil cnees. Tyler 1136. Deatt;ts. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. P21 W. O. W.Bldg. Bailey, ihe Leiilist, ;i City Nat l Bank. Taft Dei.tal Rooma, lull Douiilas. D. !lat. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickea. 74 City Nat. Bank. Drnara. DRUGS at cut prices: fretsht paid on 110 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mc Conncll Drug :o., Omaha. Neb.. Everything for Wonaea. ACCORDION, nide, kijlfe. sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2)0 Dotigiaa Block. D. 19.41. Krorythlnar for Women. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate. building coming down: cloaks, suits and droetes sacrificed 4 2( N. l'ith St. Klorlal. BATH'S, florists, 1K04 Farnam St. D. S000. L. HENDERSON, ir.l FaTmiiu. D. 12t-8. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass'n. HESS & SWOHODA, 1415 Farnam St. A. DON AG HUE. K22 Harney. Doug. 1001. Gntterlngc aad Seostlss STOVE repairing. Firo Prevention Co. Douglas 4M4. Hat Dyers. Straw hats d ed. Dora Elsele. 1136 C. Nat. Llghtlnar Klxtarc aad Wfrtaa. THOMAS DURION Electrlo fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reHtor.Hhl. , 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. Live Sto-ck Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 07 S. 13th. Red 4251. Slraeengop and Teasaaier. WHITE LINE. 10 N. 14th 8t. Dotig.,12. Staak, t'oatnme and taidtre Bapplla. MFG.- of ledge regalia and costumes. Theo. Llebcn V Son. 1614 Howard. D. 4111. ftlaaaear. MISS STAPLE, mass., eleo.-bath. D. 71S. Open eve.. 9 p. in.: Sundays. 13 to S. OORA DELLINOY ?nTteTry "my" good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Vapor baths. Open 10 a. m. try 10 p. m.. Including Sundays. 107 S. 17th fit.-, downstairs. Notice: Entrance Basement, beside Nursery, Cor. DodgeT MASSAGE 6M Bee Bl.lg. Doug. fiJ72. MISS WALTON, mass. R. ?? Nevlile Blk. llVTir and mass., alcohol rub. Laura A'"-LX1 Wilson, 1S02 Fatnam. room 2, Dong. 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. Miss Jacobs, mass., office 224 Neville Bldg. M. BRUGMAN. mass R. 202 Karbach Rk. R. 2727. VISIT Miss Venita, new" magna parlors; alcohol rubs and scalp treatments, lu) 8. 17th St.- MASSAGE. 1721 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. Clara I-ee. bath and maaaage. Doug. 8751. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Hmioii Plclares. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion . picture machine and film bargains. Printing. WATERS-RARNHART Ptr. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doiig. 2190. 624 S. 13th St. COREY M'KENZJE PTG. CO. D. 2644. CENTRAL PRINTING CO DOUG. 3754. Dsteowalhi phyalelaaa. Dr. Rer'icha. 2Q3-4 McCague Rldg. T). WBS. Dr. Peterson. 03 Brandeis Bldg.. D. 2144. JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 415 Be Bldg I'ateat. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Sturges. 3S Brandeis Theater Bidg. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. US 8. 11th Bt HUGH M'MANt'f. 417 N. 40th. H. S72S. Omaha Paste Co. Snowflake paste. D. 3760, l-l a uies Renovated. PLUMES A UAT8 mad over, cleaned 4k dyed. Bertha Kruger. 4J caxton. D. sj4. Prlallng. DOITGIAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 444. Roach F.xlerminntot. B B B Roach poa'der, Merrlt'g Pharm. Safe aad Tim Lock k.x averts. rA A i-M"C Ooaneo. repaired, comb. A h h..". changed. F. li. Dav.n- w port, le.4 Dodg. D. IXil. She Hpalr4aT. FR1 EDM AN BKOS.. sho reoalr. SI S. 14. Sign aad khswearSs, E. Id CLARK SON. 113 S. 14TH ST. Steel Celling. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. Store and Will Futsrt. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-14 8. Uta. D. i.3L. Tin work. CENTRAL TIN SHOP, 1117 Dodge. Doug las 41 Towel kapnjlee. OMAHA Towel Supply. SOT S. Uth. D 623. 1 altars. (HAS C. LANDERTOIT. IPS N. ISth St. Trent. aad Battraae FRELINQ A STEINI.E. 18QS Farnam St Veterlnnrtana. DR. O R. YOUNG. eW3 Center. WaL 302S Wine and Lienor. ALEX J L I ES. 2111-J 8. ISth St. Wine. IKiuors, cigars.' Plate dinners, 11 to 3, MX-. Ciobe liquor bouse. 434 N. 16th; California wine. $1.25 per gal. Write for price Use HF.NY POLLCX-KT1 UOT'OR HOUSE, loth and Caultol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor House. 423 N. iMnv lmuana iaug SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO TUBE Two new auto tub, never hav been used. 3fx4, for lady a or girt s bicycle. Addreas S. C. 910, Bee. AUTO Will trade 1912 model i pas senger Flanders auto, fully equipped, for good b't or acreage. Address Sc. 9u I ' c. Al'TO rnaeenucr car e season; for good pr.per. real entate. or wnal nae yon. S. C. VI. care Ree AUTOSl9l4 model, -cylinder, 7-pass., almost new; will trade for vacant lot or a hut ha vo you? Ad.lre S. C. Pee. A I fo Fltst-laas Bruch auto; might ex change for a diamond or good horse and hiiKv. Addrens S. C. fW. lv AUTOS- -passenger touring car in flrst ndition, top, windshield, Presto- 1 ., -nn,i lite, chains, etc.": worth !.. and would exchange lor good building lot 111 imiana of the same value. Addrees S. C. 827. i"UTOM(Bf'LEs Foi other automobile bargains see the "Automobile' ciasairi rstlon. BUSINESS CHANCE Have paying dry cleaning business. 1 need more inoney to expand it. Will trsde hslf Interest lor vacant lot. Addrexs S. V. 915. Bee FOUR-HOLE cook stove to trade for baby cub. Address S. C. 912. Fee. Fol bTTioLE gas range to trade fur , baby cab. Address S. C. HI. Bee. MOTOR BOAT One twenty-font motor boat, 4 horsepower Fcrrow enalne. ill trade for F'ord Roadster or touring car. 8 C. 901. BED and springs; 1 dreswr; want china cabinet, or what am I offered. Address S. C. WM. Bee. COUNTERS Ten-loot counter and It foot length and J-foot width table will trade for good typwritcrs. Address 8. C. 890, Roe. CORN PLANTER What have you to exchange for a first-class corn planter. 7-foot weeder. 2-hoise plow, 2-horse wagon tongue. Picfrr chickens. Address S. C- i7, Hoe EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINE! for motorcycle, chlkcns or anytlilnr of equal value; price, $75. Address S. . $92. Pee. EDISON MOVING PICTURE MACHINE for motorcycle, chickens .or anything of eouul value; price, 175. Address S. C. V92. Heo. . RED DAHLIAS for other colors or other plants. Address 8. C. lfi, Bee. MOVIE MACH1NB One new exhibition motion picture m.xchltie; will exchange for Ford car. motorcycle or anything 1 ca n use. Address S. C. 917. Pee. FINE DOG Boston bull pup. 6 months old. male, color and appearance fine, full blooded, for what have you? Ad- dreas S. C. tX. Bee. FOR SALE Good Harley-Davldson mo- I torcycle or trado for light roadster. Ti.llls, 24'iQ Avcntio C. tTouncll Bluffs. IXTVHAVB CLEAR -i)E:DS AND TI TLE TO LOT IN CASPER, WYO. WILL TRADE FOR DIAMOND OR GOOD V1CTROLA. ADDRESS S. C. U. Bee. - MILLINERY., for what have you? Want acreage or houee and lot clear. I have made money, but lost my health. Good loraiion, cueap rem. Aaurw d. v.. Bve. . MANDOLIN Burton $35 Mandolin, a Very - fine instrument, in perfect order.-tradw for Jewelrv. typewriter or chickens; make offer. S. C. 913, Bee. OAK dining rccm table to swap. What have you to trade. S. C. 897. Bee. ' ' f'lAk'O Dandy piano for good horse and buggy. Address t'. 0b. Bee. PIANO High grade piano; am using it in mv home: would exchange it for a diamond for my wife. Address S. C. 908. ' Bee. - S-ROOM cottage, nearly new. for sale cheap on easy payments; win lane a good piano as first payment. Tel. Walnut luia. - RESTAURANT feeding SOO people per dav. ruod location, downtown, low rent, for what have you. Want clear house or acreage. Address, S. C. K93. Bee. SIGNS, showordn. Clark fc Sob. D. 1S7S. TAILORS' PRMHSING OUTFIT. 8 Irons and 4 bucks, all In good condition. What have you Address S. C. 6S4, Bee. TYPEWRITER Practically new. and CASH, for auto. Addreas . c. ua, Mee. VACUUM WASHERS 200 Vacuum Wash ers, sell at $S.oo each. J have traylea for these and want trade for something I could use. What have you? Can make big money here.Addreae S. C. 898. Bee. WHITE Plymouth Rock cockerels and guaranteed setting eggs, to iraue. What have you to offer? Address S. C. ftl. Bee. STOCK What am I offered In exchange for 3.600 shares of stock, par value $1.00, In one of best coal mining properties in Wyoming? Address B. C. 902. Bee. . WILL TRADE a good car for a diamond, 1H to 1 karat. Douglas 253K. , WILL trade typewriter for a safe, snap. Address s. 0. vn. nee. WATCH 132 Waltham watch, trad for diamond, gun or chickens; make offer; will consider typewriter. S. C. 930, B-e. WHAT have you to trade for a C. A. H. bicycle In A-l condition, also a l-H. P. gasoline engine? Address S. C. 906. Bee. PORj BENT J A oar t meats aad Flat. $10.60, THREE large rooma part mod. flat for small lamuy. igu mm pi. a. THE THORVALD One elegant e-roora apartment; will decorate; reference re quired. H a rnay MSiu. mrw irt.o-I.E9 APARTMENT. Faces high school, 20th St. and Capitol Ave. Just comnleted. 4 rooms each: lira- proof and soundproof floors; Davenport beds. Ice chest, gas stoves, kitchen cabi nets, vacuum cleaner, locker In base ment. laundry VEKX uuin; AJNAo COOL. PETERS TRUST CwMrAHT. V02 Farnam St. Phone Doug! $. IN THE MAS WOOD At Rlf Hamev St.. a moat exveUtmnr located 3-room apt., Just vacated. Xbe apt. and the price la very attraotnsg, It will pay you to see lu ERNBST SWEET. Office. 1611 Harney Bt Dooglaa U1 BIX. ROOMS In the BARNARD at JPau Ave. and Leaven wodrth St, $47.60. SIX ROOMS In the SHERMAN- at 50 N. 16th St.. vacant goon, $37.60, FIVE ROOMS In the OEOKGIA. at 2040 S. ttih St.. east front. $40. FOUR ROOMS In the ATHXsOOT; at Mh and Douglas 8ts.. $40. PETERS TRUST COMPANT. 192$ Farnam St. Phone Douglas 80S. CLOSE-IN APARTMENTS, THE LAFAYETTE; 17th Aver and Jackson. Two and three rooms, with first -da as equipment, reasonable rents. References required. The janitor will ahow you through at any time. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANT. fl Omaha Nat'l Rank Rldg. HIGH CLASS APARTMENTS. CLOSE-IN. THE ANGELUS APARTMENTS. 25th Ave. and Douglas. Three and four rooms, with disappear ing beds, electric elevators and other first-class equipment. Janitor wile-show you through at any time. PAYNE A SIjATER COMPANT, 1 Omaha Nat'l Bank Rldg. FOR RENT S rooma with toilet and bath, easy walking distance and close to rar. $12.64 per month. T. SULLIVAN, tlS Frandels Thestor Bldg. Doug. 4411 FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3, 4 and 6-rOom apartments In city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2Ll Jones St. o CENTRAL Ni equal a price or quality; T-room house; 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. FIDELITY Uitvich FBEFi Phone Douglas 2iS for complete Hat of ah vacant bouses and apartments, also fur storage, moving, packing, ahlpplng. Farnlaned Apartmeate. FURNISHED apartment. rooms, bath and kitchenette; New Hamilton; Imme diate poasehslon; liberal concession Tel. Doug. 2446 or Doug. S792. 3PT.FNDID NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT For rent In the New "Traverton," Fireproof 24TH AND LAN DON COURT Csterlng to ptvide of refined tastes Apartment completely equipped for house keeping, up-to-date and comfortable. Traver Bros., Douglas 1161. 704 Omaha Nat Beak. " . . . . ...... lust overhnuled nn.l painted, v. ill ire r 1