14 TTTK BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. A TOIL 14, 1IU5. CITY DADS WOULD CUT LIGHT RATES Ordinance it Introduced, but the Amount of Eeduction is Left for Further Consideration. 'TO COME UP NEXT MOITDAY City Commissioner Butler's elee- tric light and power rate-reducing ordinance has been Introduced and was referred by the city council to ;he committee of the whole In the nsual manner for discussion next Monday morning. The ordlnace has a preamble stat ing that It Is believed that electric lisht and power rates here are In excess of what they should be. Pro posed lower ratea hsve not been In serted In the ordinance, as this Is a matter which will nave to be deter xined in conference. Tbo amount of electric energy which Jiust be,, used before ths benefit of ths econdary rate is given Is placed on tit tame basis as now obtain, but fa under stood that an effort will be made to lower the primary rate of 11 cents per kilowatt hour to f and the secondary ate of centa to 4 cents. Right Belte. t realise that It will take considerable oik to find out what the reduced rates ihoul.1 be. I made some investigations in .he eaat during my recent trip. The I'nlted 8tates supreme court save an opinion that the city baa the right to reguUtts these rate and the bis proposi tion now la to determine reasonable a tea." wss a statement of Assistant City Attorney Lambert Commissioner Butler said: "I conferred with the mayor on this matter before he went away and be agreed to the Intro duction of , the ordinance. The matter has been In consideration for some weeks and is not projected on account of the sefeat of the light bill at Lincoln. Last ,'ail the late Mr. Nash of the light com pany told me there would be a reduction it I cent and probably more In the very jear future. If business kept up as It a-ss at that time. We are hoping that we and the light people may be able to agree on sstlsfactory reductions without the necessity of prolonged litigation over the proposed ordinance. The proposed re ductions would relieve particularly the great majority of electric light company patrons who do not use enough current to take advantage of the s-cent rate. We are after a reduction of the 11-cent rate especially." Government Expert Tells Kiddies Good Money in Gardening Organisation of gardening clubs among school children Is being continued by L. IT. Skinner, the Iv-psrtment of Agricul ture agent who was sent to Omaha to start the clubs. The hoy and girls will sell their garden produce to parents and iiriKiiuiiii, iii umi wily rnininH ini-ir spending money for summer and fall. They will also be taught to ran the sur plus vegelshles, and to keep books on their gardening business. ' It Is five months' business proposi tion." Expert Hklnncr told the children of the fifth, sixth, seventh snd eighth grsdes. ''We went boys and girls In the clubs who will stick to It all summer, for that Is where the profits and benefits come In." Twelve-yesr-old Myrtle Msnn of Chsfl ron made $71 profit last year on one tenth of an acre and won the state cham pionship and second place In ths north ern national division, the government man says. lie Is sn agent of the De partment of Agriculture and assistant state lesder of the Government Boys" and Oirls' club work. Qeorge E. Parrell, assistant national leader, will foirn to Omaha later to teach children . hsw to preserve their surplus truck. E. E. Dale, vegetsble gardening Instructor of, the College of Agriculture of the University of Ne braska, will arrive Haturday to be city garden club leader. He la the man recom mended by the farm college executives for the position. Real Estate Men Plan an Attack on Helpless Squirrel Dr. f. TL Towne, ornithologist. Is to lecture on birds to the Omaha Real Es tate exchange today at noon. The ex change wants to know to just what ex tent squirrels are to blame for a lack of birds in the city. The real estate men de clare that birds sell real estate and that sfiulrrels do not. They maintain that cus tomers will buy a lot when birds are sing ing in every tree, but that the chatter ( a squirrel does not especially add to the charm of the locality. They maintain also thst squirrels prevent the multiplication of birds by robbing the nests of eggs. Pr. Towne Is Invited to give the exchange his xpert opinion on the subject. Now, as Dr. Towne Is a friend of (he birds and has never bee.n recognised as sn especial friend of the squirrels. It Is fesred by soma that the squirrels may tot be properly represented at the trial. Here ts a jury of real estate men ail against ths squirrel. Here ts counsel for the plaintiff, one Ir. Towne, opposed to the squirrel, sctlng as counsel and qual ifying as expert witness at the same time. There Is but one consolation thst the squirrel msy have. The decree of this real estate jury Is not final. There Is the state game law that protects squirrels. , There Is a further city regulation that protects them in the parks. It would re . quire a bit or wrestling with the state law to order the squirrels kilted and it municipal government as well. 8o lienor would require a little tussle with the Squirrel should worry. Discovers Fire in ' Home Just in Time to Save Little Babe Awakened by the smell of smoke !lugn McGshan, $43 Valley street, discovered fire In bis home at an early hour just In time to save the lives of his wife and four children. McGahea, upon finding ' tne blase went to warn his family, and he discovered 'his S-year-ld son Edward already unconscious from the pungent fumes, lis carried him outside to safety Just In time. A few more minutes and the little tot might have suffocated. McOahan then warned his wife and , ttree, other children, who bad not been seriously affected by the smoke. The fre was extinguished after damage to the extent of about had been done. MACCABEES CARD PARTY FOR TUESDAY POSTPONED Because of the Ladle's of the M.iccebees state convention, which will open next Tuesday at the Rome hotel, Ilotllstcr hive No. Zl, which had announced a card party for that dste, will hold Its affair this Thursday afternoon Instead, at Continental hnll. Miss Ulna M. West of , fort Huron. Mich., supreme commander of the Ladles of the Maccabees, will be guest of honor at the state meeting. Severs! hundred women are expected to attend. The en tertaining organisations are the five local hives, Holllster, Date City. Laura, Uni form and Lady Mark. KICK OF HORSE MAKES LAD WANT TO STRAY FROM HOME Juvenile authorities are searching for Leonard Case, 13 years old, who left his home at 127 North Twenty-seventh street last February and has not been heard from since. , Tmmg Csse has been subjected to at tacks of wanderdust since he was kicked on the head by a sorse several years go. according to Information received by juvenile officers. WHAT BECAMEOF THE 'PILL?' That Was the Question Which Con fronted OoTernment Officer and Grand Jury. LOST, SO THE MEN ARE SET FREE What lHcsme of the pill T' Thst was a iuestlon that became para mount during the recent altUng of the federal grand Jury. It waa of more moment than those celebrated queries of the ages, "How old Is Ann?" "Who smote Billy PstterennT" and ' What Is the square of a circle 7" The grand Jury waa deliberating on the case of If. Plerson and Ralph Martin, charged with bsvlng In their possession morphine. It wss lsrgety a matter of form. Here sre the men snd here Is the pill, snd here Is the charge-Indicted, Just like thst. But where wss the pill? At the crltlcsl moment the pill wss conspicuous by Its absence. f Now you csn't convict a man of. having In his possession something thst does not exist and that cannot be shown to the Jury, rill, pill, who's got the pill? Mr. Lane himself hurried down to ths office of United States Attorney Howell on the third floor of the federal building. He confronted "Dave" Dickinson, secre- tsry to Mr. Howell. " T)ave. what did you do with thst pinr "What pill; what do you mean, pill?" demanded Mr. Dickinson. "Why, the small corsej or lump' of opium whlili H. rierson and Rslph Msr tfn sre scct'sed of having In their pos session, ssld smsll morsel or lump belnc knawn vulgarly as a pill," r plied Mr. Lane. But "Dave" hadn't seen the pill. Neither had any one else. Whether one of the many unfortunates whom the hesvy lisnd of Justice has brought Into Mr. Howell's office saw the pill snd an nexed It no one knows. Mr. Ians hnd to return to the grand Jury room without It and there were at least two i-ereons there who were glsd he failed In find It H. rierson and Ralph Martin were set free. j Bernard Swanson Goes Insane Over ' the European War The first person In the United Btstes to become Insane as a result of too much thinking and talking of the European war, la believed by the Douglas County Irsaruty commission to be Bernard Swan son of Omaha, whose arrest was csused by persistent attentions to Miss Clsra Callahan, City Commissioner Ryder's sec retary. Rwanson ts zfi years of asre and his home Is SO North Nineteenth street. He is a carpenter. When exsmlned by Dr. Pamuel K. Rpeldlng, physician member of the In sanity board, Swanson wanted to talk of the war. "There Is no doubt thst Bwanson's mind I.rlnclpally concerns Itself with the war and that he haa delusions growing out of thst condition," ssld Dr. Spalding. Bwanson's pet plsn Is that he, as George Washington reincarnated, should gain control of the nations at war, combine them with the United States and other neutral nations, form one grand world nation to be known as "The United Na tions," or some such name, make Omaha the capital and rule the world ss president. He favors abolishment of the manufac ture snd sain of gunpowder and all ex plosives and would restore war to Its former simplicity when physical strength and valor were Important factors In wln ulng victories. SPECIAL VENIRE NEEDED -FOR JURY IN MURDER CASE After a speclsl venire of twenty-flvs ftn railed to fill the Jury box In the trial of.Emll Muxtk pf South Omaha, charged with murdering his wife March J. a second venire of twelve men wss ordered drawn by District Judge Ens llsh. Sixty men were challenged for csuse, more thsn half of whom wire op posed to the death penalty. Musik Is chsrged with, first degree murder, and the Jury will determine tha penalty If be Is convicted. E. L LOMAX RETURNS TO THE WESTERN PACIFIC E. L. Lomax, for a number years gen- trsl passenger agent of the Union Pacific, leaving lie re to become general passenger s.7nt of the Western Pacific and sub sequently going to the Denver A Rio Orsnde as assistant passenger ' traffic manager, hss gone back to the Western Pacific as passenger traffic manager. The appointment was effective April 1 and .bis headquarters will, be la- Sam Frnclsco. For Upset Stomach, Indigestion , (7" Gas, Heartburii Pape's Diapepsin Sour, sick, upset stomach, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia; when the food you eat ferments Into gases and stubborn lumps; your head aches ' and you feel sick and miserable, that's when you re alise the magic In Pane's Diapepsin. It mskes stomach distress go In five min utes. If your stomach Is In a revolt If you can't get It regulated, please, for your sake, try Pspe's Diapepsin. It's so needless to have a bad stomach make your next meal a favorite food meal, then take a little Diapepsin. There will not be any distress eat without fear. It's because Papa's Diapepsin 'really does" regulate wesk, out-of-order stomachs that gives It It's millions of sales annual ly. Oet a large fifty-cent case of Pspe's Dispepsln from any drug store. It Is the quickest, surest stomach relief and cure known. It acta almost like magic. It Is a scientific, harmless stomach prepara tion which truly belongs lit every home. Advertisement Dearly Saved Is a dollar or two cut from the price of a pair of shoes. Not only will cheap foot wear spoil the appearance of the most costly gown, but cheap shoes quickly become shabby and have to be thrown away.. Drexel- shoes enjoy a quar ter of a century reputation for . fineness or workman ship and quality of material. They possess, , too, other qualities which the wearer 'appreciates. $3l2to Parcel Post Paid, 1419 Parnam. 3C THURSTON TO ADDRESS OLD SOLDIERS MEMORIAL DAY Memorial day this yeer will be cele. brated Monday. May t at the Auditorium by Omaha Oraad Army members. It waa ; decided at a meeting of the local ramps ' Monday night Former United States Senator J. M. , Thurston will deliver tha Memorial day ' address, according to announcement by Charles W. Allen, chairman of the Grand Army of ths Republic committee. Rev. L ' Cl. Btown will deliver the Invocation. The Young Men's Christian association and drum corps have volunteered their aery. Ices. The committee on finance reported the donat'on of M by the city council to as ' Stat in defraying expenses of the celebration. TWO WOMEN AND ONE ' MAN ASKF0R DIVORCE Mrs. Nellie P. RoMnifler has fl'ed a peti tion for divorce from John B.-hlndier, al lrgiiLg cruelty. Mis. LJitr Christiansen la asking de cree In a suit against Chi Is Christiansen, , charging cruelty. Jsmts Johnson set-uses Helen of cruelty snd desertion. It Will Kelte.e tlsckarb. Arply Ph-an's' Uniment to your back; I a' 11 gone slntcet lixstantly. lxm't rub. it penetrates. &c AH druggists. Ad- trUeuetit The Most Needed Factor in an Automobile To Insure Complete Satisfaction to, the Buyer The Cornerstone of Buick Success : i : TOURING CARS ROADSTERS C-24 ..." $000.00 C-36 $1,185.00 C-W $1,650.00 P. O. B. Factory 'J&TZ.. fi'Ll povn:nKi BKAI'TIFULLY DKhlUMKU t C-25 ........ ...... $950.00 r? C-37 $1,235.00 I C-55 ............. $1,650.00 P. p. B. Factory FUlilj POWICRED FtTCJi KQUPMJ2M EXCEIAKtfTLY CONSTRUCTED The Car That Can Do Things Without Excuses The Buick valve-in-head motor is guar anteed to deliver more power than any other type of motor, either American or foreign make, of equal size. A demonstration will satisfy the most skeptical than the Buick is without equal in performance in the popular priced car world. Another Record Breaker Following the 8 train loads of Buick cars shipped into Nebraska, Western Iowa and Southern South Dakota in January and February; Buick dsalers have or dered 728 Buick cars to bo shipped into this territory during the month of April. Deliveries can bo made to suit. the convenience of the buyer. BUY IT NOW VA1.V 6-1 N HEAP fO V MOTOEI CAWS "When Better Automobile Are Made, Buick Will Make Them' Nebraslca Buick . Auto Company BUY IT NOW LINCOLN OMAHA SIOUX CITY I L E. Sidles, Gen'l Mgr. Leo Huff, Mgr. S. C Douglas, Mgr. Wednesday's Sales in Domestic Room Offer wr i.j n i IV-..-. s?MMmk uneauaiea uniioTiunuv tor nten z-cuiiumri 1 -ss The New Baits Are Not Only BratiUfnl, but. h Price Very AUrsc tive. Home Film 1 g her a Mill Have Largely In Our April Furniture Sales. Domestic Room Cloak Department Bargains That WUl Bring the urowas i.any. Dresses that sold to $12.50, silk poplins, wool novelties and checks, some white silk dresses slightly soiled, on sale to close $1.29 $1.00 Waists at 47c Embroidered linens, check ed voiles and crepes, new fresh stock, in all sizes. 50c Ginghams Bungalow Aprons, all colored checks, well made, cut full and lorn? , .29 Coats that sold to $12.50, silks, satins, broadcloths and Boucles, only ono of a kind, greatest bargain ever, at sale price $1.00 $1.00 House Dresses, 49c Gingham, madras and per cales, sizes 16 to 36 only, made to sell at $1 and $1.25, choice 49 Infants' Shoes, 25o to 69o values, odd lots some slightly soiled, in two lots, at .10andl5 Wednesday in the Domestic Room Boys' Suits, 2 Pants, $2.95 Don't . miss this offer the beet suits we hare ever offered at any where near this price. Norfolk style with patch pockets and stitched on belts. Both pants full cut and all seams taped. On sale in Domestic Room only.. $2.05 Boys' School Suits, $1.95 Blue Serge or fancy colors, this season's best styles. Without any exception the best suit in Omaha under $2. On sale in the Domestic Room "Wednesday at $1.95 Men's Union Saits Xa Sensstio Boom. fjprlns; and avimmsr weights. mads to sail at $1. Wednes day at o roar-in-Xaaa Tlss, silk mixed, rood as sortment, choice lOe Men's Shirts Xa TarnlshlsB Dept. Ideal, Imperial and other well - known brands, madras, sols tte and other well known and depend able b r a n d a. all styles, and values to 12.00 .... Metis Union Suits Xa rarnlshlna Bmt, Medium or llKht welKht. ail styles, the best makes, two lots TJnlnn Sulta worth to $1.60, at, choice 81.48 Union Suits worth $1.60. at. choice 8o DOMESTIC ROOM Wednesday's Bales Offer Im portant Savings. Bleached 4-4 Muslin, natural finish, no dressing, 9c value, at per yard Bleached 81 inch Seamless Sheeting, 26c value, yard.21 Lockwood 45 .inch, Half Bleached . Pillow Casing, 18o value, yard ........ .124? Feather Ticking, 9 os., fancy stripes, 27c values, yard 19 Shaken Flannel, Soft . fleecy, 12 Vac grade, yard Bed Spreads, crochet, hem med. $1.00 and $1.26 values, each 69 White Dot Switss and Corded Pique, I2c and. 16c values, at per yard 10 Dress Lining, remnant lengths of 25c and 35c qualities, per yard -.10 Notion Specials in Domestic Room Wednesday Side and Back Combs, worth to 25 c, also regular 10c fine combs, choice 54 Nickeled Safety Pins, I cards, Wednesday, for 5 50c Hand Bags,' neat, durable, newest shapes 25( Hooks and Eyes, card....l Stay Binding, per bolt. ...It Dress Shields, all sites, at per pair lQt 6c Handkerchiefs, at..2t 26c Whisk Brooms ....15 26c Hair Brushes ....... 104 Scores of other Staple and Taney Notion Specials. . Ladies ' and Children's Underwear Specials Wednesday In Domestic Room. Ladies' Underveeta 'Lisle or cot ton, short sleeves or sleeveless, to 19c values, all sixes 74 Ladles' Lisle l'nUn Suits Regular and extra sizes, splendid bargains at 35t Ladies' Waist Aprons With bib, in percales or ginghams,, at-IOt Hoys' SOc Balbriggaa or Porous Vnloa Sulta Choice 254 Children's Knickerbockers Crepe or sateens, at 25 O-So-Ezy Polish and Dust Mops Special Sale and Demonstration in House Furnishing Department all this week. We are offering one of the Famous O-So-Esy Self Feeding: Mops that regularly 6ells for $1.50 and also a chemically treated Dust Mop that retails at $ J rn 75c, both for the price of one ,,mlOU Both Mops are triangular in shape, point to the front the only mops that really get into the corners. Handles are adjust able to any angle. . , , , , The yarn part can be easily removed, cleaned and replaced when necessary. In the O-80-Ezy Mop the patent Indestructible steel head retains and evenly distributes the polishing oil through the mop. See This Splendid Polishing Mop. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. $2.25 in value, this week $1.50. Crocfcery Dept. Specials fySSg?' Bread v and Butter Plates, 10c values, choice 3i 20c Dinner Plates, on sale at . . XOc Cups and Saucers, 12c values, pair 8 10c Fruit Dishes, on sale at. each.... 5 15c Baking Dishes, on sale, each $4 Saucers, worth 5c, at, each 2 1 Covered Dishes, each 50 50c Vegetable Dishes, each 254 17c Footed Sherberts, each lOt 10c Flint Blown Glasses, each 54 5c Water Glasses, 2 for 54 11.00 Water Bottles, each 35t C Gr MOTOR CARS Read the Big Special Grocery Sale TOM wssirzasAT a savisjr of aa so 00 o t Cost s lavta. ts-lb. satka best hlfh grade Dis inand H flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or rakea. aack . Sl.TS 14 lbs. beat granulated sugar 1.00 14 bars Beat 'Km All. Diamond C Lenox or Laundry Queen while laundry soap 860 I lbs. beat whits or yellow corn meal Wa T Iba. best rolled white breakfast oatmeal .... 4 lbs. fancy Japan rice 4 Iba beat hand picked navy, beans at ...6 4 cans oil or mustard sardines S6e The beat domestic macaroni, ver micelli or spaxhettl, pa. . ,TVe Advo Jail for deaaert. the Jell thai whips, nolhlnc like it for des sert, pks TH Herahey's breskfast cocoa, lb. aoe Yeaat Koaui. pks. ..4o T )ls. best bulk laundry starch S6e 1 1-oa. Jar. pure fruit preserves S&e l-oa. Jars pure stralued honev. at L6 The best aoda or oyster crackera, lb Te K t Corn Flake, pkf (iraue Nuts, pas ! 13 boxes safety matches 14-os. cans condensed milk . .Tlio Fancy Wueen olives, quart ...35 1-lb. cans fancy sweet burst corn, wsx, siring, green or lima beans at THS $-lb. cans Golden pumpkin, hominy. sauer kraut or baked beans TV,e The best tea siftinss, lb. ...1SW ilaoLaren's peanut butter. lb. at ltv,e Golden Santos coffee, lb go 3 The Sottas aaa Egr aCaraat fos Site People. The best stricuy fresh eggs, per dnsen SOC Nothing finer at any prive. The beat creamery butter, carton or bulk, lb 3to Tlie beat No. 1 country creamery butter, lb , ....88e No. 1 dairy table butter, lb. ..Sec (".nod dairy butter, lb S3o Kull cream New York White, Wis. conaln cream or Young America cheese, lb SOe BpeetaJ Kiralaaa BTevel Or acre Sale The Oraage of Quality HoUuag Viae ttrowa. M9 else, Wednesday, dosen ...SSe 150 site. Wednesday, dosen ...SOe 1T4 sie. Wedneaday, doaen ...SOe Zlt atae. Wednesday, dosen ...15a also. Wednesday, dosen .ISVaO I La I U l-sf 6 S s W I gUw I fin