Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1915, Image 11

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THK m-;K: UMAHA. Wi;iNIlAY. WWW. 14.
McAdoo tnd Williams Are harged
with Conspiracy by the Eifgi
National Bank.
WASHINGTON. April 13. Secre
tary McAdoo of the Treasury depart
ment and Comptroller of the Cur
rency John Skelton Williamt were
made defendants today in proceed
ings begun in the District of Colum
bia supreme court by the Riggs Na
tional bank of Washington, which
alleges that these officials have com
bined and conspired to wreck that
Temporary and permanent lnjunc
tloni to halt the alleged conspiracy
and to prevent the comptroller from
making what the bank charges are
unlawful demands for special reports
of varlbus kinds ate sought from the
Wants C'arfc on Bark.
On portion of the prayer seek to
restrain John Burke, treasurer of the
, United States from payment into the
treasury of 15,000, declared to be due to
. the bank aa Interest en tl.000,000 of
' United States bonds deposited with the
i comptroller against Its note circulation
This Interest was withheld to cover penal
i ties of $100, a day for failure of the bank
1 to make certain reports. Once paid Into
the treasury, only an act of congress
could set the $5,000 out. and Justice Mc
rCoy late today granted a temporary In
junction on this phase of the cases.
The Justice then set April 18 as the day
for answer by the defendants to show
cause why permanent injunctions should
not be Issued. . .
The bank's bill of complaint covers
eighty-six type written pages and con
tain thirty-seven specific allegations
designed to show that 1 the comptroller
has , adopted unusual and legally ques
tionable tactics la dealing with the in
stitution. , . ,
Very Carlons'to Know.
It recites that evidence of an unusual
desire- for information concerning the
bank ws shown by Mr. Williams shortly
inner-he assumed the office of comptroller,
more than a year ago, and has continued
ever since. Prior to that time, in De
cember, WlJi it says Mr. McAdoo charged
officers of the bank with responsibility
for publications, regarding the official
conduct of the - defendant Williams, as
assistant secretary of the treasury. When
this charge waa denied by the officials
the bill asserts,. Secretary McAdoo cursed
Milton E. Ailes, a vice president of the
bank, and said to C. C. Glover, its presi
dent: 1 v
'Mr, Glover, you know what tbls means
to the ytlggs National bank."
"Meaning thereby." the bin adds, "that
from that time on the power of the
Treasury, department would be ag
gressively used for the ruination . and
destruction of the plaintiff bank in order
to satisfy the personal malice and Ill-will
of said defendants Williams and McAdoo
at d shortly.' afterward the said defendants
Wltltama and McAdoo began a series of
persecution against the'pUnflft seal for
trie., purpose of , Impairing pr - destfnj fng,
lt;1. said, business thereby prostituting
their high nubile office and violating their
oath, in order to vent their personal vln
dlctlveness. Refaeee to Bxplnln.
Mr. McAdoo later wrote to Mr. Glover,
the complaint states, declining to explain
why such action should be taken, and
announcing 'at the same time his Inten
tion -of withdrawing all government
funds from that bank. Subsequently, it
is alleged, government deposits amount
ing to over $1,300,000 were withdrawn
om the. bank, including Panama canal
deposits amounting at one time to $1,158,-
That a number of women have been
vletlms of mock mama performed by
fake Justice of the peace at a road
bouse Just out of Council Fluffs was re
vealed yesterday. There have been tour
Four Cases of Women Victimised
Into Mock Marriages by Fake
Justice Become Known.
One of Most Noted Newspaper Pub
lishers of Nation Succumbs
After long Illness.
KANSAS CITY. April IS,. Wll-
cases reported to the authorities and It is llam Rockblll Nelson, editor and
r resumed that several more such occur
ttnecs have happened.
The matter was first called to tlie at
tention of Council Bluffs authorities when
several women applied at the office ot
the clerk of the courts la the
owner ot the Kansas -City Star, died
at his home here this morning. Mr.
Nelson, who was 74 years old. had
been In ill-health several months and
had been confined to bis home since
Bluffs to Inquire about licenses. Last i hBi December. TJreatnlc poisoning
week an Omaha woman telephoned to
Clerk Tolllnger to ask if a marriage li
cense had been Issued to her daughter
who was then living In Omaha with a
rran to whom she told her mother she
had been married In Council Bluffs last
Tuesday. The marriage certificate the
daughter showed the mother did not look
genuine and the mother became aus
picious. Search of the marriage license
record showed that no license had been
Issued to the young woman and the mati
she believed she had married.
Another Omaha woman went to the
clerk's office a few days sgo to look
through the marriage license record. She
lecame so greatly agitated as she turned
the pages that the attention of ClerK
Tolllnger was attracted. In answer to his
queries she told him she had been mar
ried on a license that was supposed to
have been Issued at the moment of clos
ing the office a few days before. She
said she had accompanied the man to
whom she was wedded from her home In
Omaha. They crossed the river In a
street car and her flan-.-o left her at one
of the 10-cent stores while he went to the
court house to secure the license. When
ho returned he told her It was too late
to be married by a Council Bluffs. Jus
tlce for the reason that aU of the offices
closed at 6 o'clock.
Taken In Taxlcab.
"He told me," said the worried woman,
"that there was a Justice living Just out
side the city whom he knew and who
would marry them at ' his home. He
urged me to take a taxlcab and go there
with him. I consented- We drove ds.
rectly to the, place on Bast Broadway
and found the Justice apparently waiting
for us. He looked solemn and Deemed
to know his business. The light was very
dim and I couldn't see his features
clearly, but he wore a full black beard.
He read a paper that was handed hln
and said, 'The license Is all right,' and
then married us by a formula that didn't
seem to have much meaning or reference
to the marriage rites."
Details of two other cases of women
who we're taken there under like circum
stances are lacking.
' fro
These withdrawals were brought about
by Secretary McAdoo, it is charged, at a
time when the European war and the
business depression in the United States
had made banks, husband their resources,
and "In a- deliberate attempt to wreck
the plaintiff bank, in the execution of
tint conspiracy existing between hlra
and the defendant Williams for that pur
pose." , .'
Further complaint Is made that Mr.
Williams as treasurer of the Bed Cross
oe'ety hsd the funds it kept en deposit
With the Riggs bank removed to other
Institutions. . )....'
Many Reports Seagbt.
For almost a year, the bill avers, the
comptroller has bombarded - the Rlgg
National with demands for special re
ports of many sorts, exoeedlag the in
quisitorial and visitatorial powers vented
tn him. The bank declares that It has
made an effort to comply with these de
Inends, has worked its clerks early and
ate to do se. but that requests for a
gtfle time have been met with refusals,
ind In some .Instances with a reminder
that failure to make reports ssked by a
totnpt,roller involves a penalty of $100 for
lach day after a report Is demanded and
tot rendered. Exact figures as to pe.n
il Wee the comptroller may hold the bank
las incurred tn ,thls connection, the bill
ita'es. are not clear, but It estimates
that at must be at least JlfcO.Oofc' .
In making some of these demands, the
tank alleges that Mr. Williams has vio
lated the fourth and fifth amendments to
the constitution, prohibiting unreasonable
learehes and aeisuree and forcing any
ine to be a witness against himself.
University Club
Dance at Fontenelle
More than 160 coup attended the Uni
versity club's dancing party at the Hotel
Fontenelle last evening.
The ball room seemed to attract prac
tlcally all of the guests for the greater
part of the evening, despite the fact that
many tables In adjoining private dining
rooms were available for those who
wished to indulge' in "bridge. The party
formed the finale of social efforts on the
part of the club until the opening of the
new club rooms about the middle of June.
Messrs Osgood Eastman, Samuel Rees,
Jr.; John Latenser and Frank . Selby
formed a committee to arrange foj the
caused his death, according to physi
cians. Mr. Nelson took an active part in
the management of the Star up until
about a month ago when his condi
tion changed for the worse.
Although his physicians constantly ad
vised against the part he was taking dur
ing the last tew months. In the manage
ment of the paper, he refused to obey
During the last month, however. Mr.
Nelson has been conscious only at In
terval. At each period his mind was clear
and he constantly eked questions about
his newspaper and the members of Its
Native of Indiana.
Mr. Nelson was born In Fort Wayne,
Ind., March 7. 1M1. He came ot two cen
turies of American ancestors.
Mr. Nelson was educated at Notre
Dame university. After a short experi
ence as a youngster In cotton growing la
Georgia, Just after the war, he returned
to Indiana and became a general con
tractor. He engaged tn the building of
roads, pavements and bridges, and was
associated Ir a contract for the construc
tion ot the southern Illinois state peniten
tiary. Admiration for the reform work of Sam
uel J. Tilden brought him In contact with
that democrat, and when only 34 years
old, he became TUden's Indiana campaign
manager. His Interest in political leader
ship made him turn to newspaper work
as the best way to Influence men in the
mass. He bought an Interest in the Fort
Wayne Sentinel, and a business reverse
determined him to devote all his tlmte to
His Early Work.
He and his Fort Wayne partner. Sam
uel E. Moras, sold their Fort Wayro In
terests, went to Kansas City and started
the Evening Star as a little four-page
afternoon newspaper on September 18,
1880. Mr. Moras withdrew from the en
terprise after a few months on ar count
of ill health and Mr. Nelson continued ss
sole owner and editor-ln-chlef.
Almost from the first issue the Star
urged the necessity of paving the streets
of getting a park system, ef building at-
tractive houses, of planting shrutbery
and trees. Mr. Nelson, himself, had the
trees set along the first Kansas City
boulevard. He was constantly instigating
movements for city betterment. '
In politics he was, as he often said.
"Independent, but never neutral." But
he would never consider any elective or
appointive position.
In 1881 Mr. Nelson married Miss Ida
Houston. Their one chUd, a daughter.
Mrs. Irwin R. Klrkwood, lives In Kansas
City. - "
Natives See a Man
Marooned on Floe
NOMK. Alaska, April U Natives hunt
ing seal last winter are reported in mall
advices received from l-y Cape, on the
Arctic coast near latitude 70, to have
seen a white man marooned on an Ice
floe, which was drifting tn a southwest
erly direction toward Wrangel Island.
Whether the man waa a member of VII-hal.lniut-
Stefansson's Canadian Arctle
j expedition or was a survivor of the
wrecKra wnanrtg scnooner .ifw jrrBvjr,
the natives wre unable to determine.
When the natives first saw the man
he waa on a large ice pack separated
from them and the shore Ice by a wide
stretch of water. At first they thought
he was a hunter from their tribe, but
upon reaching shore learned that the
man was not a native.
The hunters immediately hurried out en
the Ice to try to rescue the marooned
man, but before they reached the lead
separating the floe from the shore Ice,
a strong offshore wind had sprung up,
carrying the Ice far to sea.
The man waa walking slowly In
same direction as the moving Ice.
Ship Captain Routs
Air Foes with Rifle
LiONTON, April IS "Armed with a
rifle. Captain Sharp of the British
steamer Berula. which has arrived here,
successfully repulsed an attack made
upon his steamer by a large uerman
hydroplane and a smalt aeroplane oft the
Noordhlnder Ughtanip." ssys Reuter's
Amsterdam correspondent.
The seroplane first approached the
ship, dropping bombs, which fell into the
a. As It returned to the attack, Cap
In Sharp fired upon It with a rifle.
hitting the machine several times and
damaging one of Its wings. Then the
hydroplane took up the attack, but It
also was driven off. Captain Sharp says
he Is convinced the aeroplane was se
badly damaged that it was unable to
reach Zeebrurae."
Washington Affairs
to meet competition via the Panama
canal bv making rates that will divert
freight to points Just east of the Pacific
clear in a hearing before Interstate Com
merce Commissioner Clark on the adjust
ment of rates in so-called back-haul ter
ritory. . -
Mrs. Madeline ' Edison Sloans, only
daughter of the Inventor, Thomas A.
Edison, has accepted Secretary Daniels'
Invitation to act as sponsor for the sub
marine 1-8. now building at the Ports
mouth, N. H., navy yard, aud which will
be the first submarine equipped with the
new Edison battery. . The launching will
not take place for several months.
Several ' prominent missionaries have
cabled from Peking to the government,
stating it is said that they thought It
their di'ty to call the attention of United
.States officials to the gravity of the
situation arising out of the Japanese de
mands, upon China.
President WUson accepted an Invitation
to apeak in Philadelphia, May 10, before
a iarne grou
He was roue
holding a meeting to impress American
ideals on foreigners who have recently
become American citizens.
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Culls from the Wires
The country's banking system has been
changed from "one of the worst" to
one of the best, Charlea S. Hamlin, gov
ernor nf the Federal Reserve Doarrt, said
In a speech at San Francisco. The re
serve bank act he said, was the means
of effecting the alteration.
Ignatius J. Chlleekl, lawyer and private
honker who In 1911 fled from Chicago with
clients and depositors clamoring for more
than $100,000 of their money which he de
mi ..j h hail lost in aamblina. died to
day in the tuberculosis ward of a Chi
cago hospital, a charity patient, under
an assumed name.
ud of new American Chinese.
i-h Interested with the idea of
Movements of Ocean Kteninera.
Port. Arrived. Sailed.
NEW YORK Vtntura.
NEW YORK ... Antonio Ipet.
YOKOHAMA tbdo China.
ROTTBRDAM... riona
UVERI-OOL.... .(-amino
UVKRPOOL.....Dlrc(or Tucnl.
LlVBhl'OOU ... New York
GLASGOW Cmmaroula
ST. MICHAkl.8 .- Horn..
GIBRALTAR Dure D. Abrillat.
Combing Won't Rid ,
Hair of Dandruff
The only sure way to get rid of dand
ruff la to dissolve It, then you destroy It
entirely. Toa do this. . get about four
ounces of ordinary liquid arren: apply
it at night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and run a in gem 17
with the finger tips.
bo this tonight, and by morning, most
If not all. of your dandruff will be gone
and three or four more appllcationa will
completely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace ot It, no
matter how much dandruff you may
You wi find, too, that all Itching and
digging of the scalp will stop at once
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous
rloasy. ailky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive and never fails
to do -the work. Advertisement.
International Tribunal Not Success
ful Until It Has Backing- to Com
pel Obedience to Decree.
Not until an International trlhunal
for the, settlement of world questions,
backed by power to enforce Its de
crees, baa boen evolved, will perma
nent world peace be assured. This
waa the judgment of Victor Hose-
water, editor of The Bee, as set forllv
In a talk to the Woman's club Mon
day afternoon.
Dr. Rosewater reviewed all the
fallacies which had been advanced
by pacificists, prior to the outbreak
of the European war, to establish the
fact that no great world war would
ever occur, and showed how each had
failed. He quoted especially David
Starr Jordan, who lectured tn Omaha
for the Carnegie Peace Foundation,
and other thinking men who believed
that great wars were a thing of the
Reason for Peace.
That modern warfare costs too much
money; that the armament must he so
well equipped at a great outlay of tlmo
and money: the growing Interdependence
of commercial relations: the spread of
peace propaganda; Interchange ot educa
tkm and scholarship; the growing spirit
of altruistic fellowship and religious
brotherhood: the popular Intelligence and
growing democracy of the world, were
oiled as reasons sdvanced why there
would be no more war,
"None of these forces was sufficiently
focused to prevent a world war. When
ever the strain of nationality has been
pitted against the International, It has
not withstood the test. Nationality has
not .err icntlc "iiv-sr rtlrnt to Inter 'na
tionality. We must reorganise these
forcea, then, to emphasise the supremacy
of the International element.'"
That the rules of International law
should bo ol served and not changed while
war Is In progress was another point rm-phaslseil.
Even Hie Influence of all women who,
In themselves, wrre supposed to consti
tute a peace pnrly, was shown to be fu
tile. ''Women have shown they are Just
as ardent partisans of their cause," said
the speaker.
Gejmans Will dive
Belgians Concerts
MERLIN, April 13.-('lrel to Ps.v
vllle.) The famous Philharmonic or
chestra of 1'erlln Is preparing to make
concert tour of Uelglum early In May
according to announcement made todsv
by tho Overseas News agency. Fell
Wclngarten will conduct ami the mual
clnns will play twice in Brussels.
Thinkers ChevPIPER
Famous inventors, scien
tists, doctors, lawyers,
statesmen thinkers in
all lines are "PIPER V
earnest friends. -' '
Once a man starts chew
ing "PIPER" he finds
more tobacco satisfaction
and joy. Get a plug today
and see what a pippin of
a proposition "PIPER"
Gorgas Will Likely
Accept the Off er
WASHINGTON. April 13. Surgeon Cen
tral Gorgas of the army probably will
accept the offer of the Rockefeller
foundation that he become Its general
adviser as to public sanitation and con
trol of epidemics. The foundation desires
Penersl Gorges to take charge of the
fight-against the epidemic of typhus In
Perbia and it was learned tonight that
Bftlclals here believe ha will do so.
Secretary Garrison is known to have
niscussed the question informally with
the president. While officials deeply rs
pet the prospect of General Gorgas
-leaving the army, they will not oppose
' Mm It he feels that he van perform a
greater public service by doing so..
ST. liOTTIS. lo., April 13.-A. H. Fred
trick, who waa elected president of the
Soard of aldermen last week and whose
Uleged fraudulent real estate trans
actions are being Investigated by the
prand. Jury, aanuuAced tonight thtt he
k-ould resign from the presidency of the
Buy This High Grade
Cabinet Gas Range
During the Month of April
And Save
10 Per Cent
Off Our Regular Low Price of
This Fine Cabinet Gas Range.
This Range is our Standard Cabinet Gaa IUnge and we have
bought a large quantity so that we could give our patrons a particular
ly low price, and thus enable everyone to enjoy the comforts and labor
saving convenience of a better class of gas range.
ILsa - it J
MpsfjBfjnjBsfaVKnHII f ' - .'weiwgasMsV. Be
ripe line Not In, regular price
r-M.OO, Kpecial 20
lle Line in, regular price
sr..8!":'.' $23.40
A Year to Pay
Our ealesman will be pleased to show you this Gas Range, dem
onstrate Us simplicity and strength its finish its baking qualities
without any obligation to you.
From Our Store or Representative
Puma IkMiglaa 60S. 1509 Howard HtreeU
Bowiim 'fool j&ijfleA t&ot
Caswiag Teeaece CksatsafM Flayer
It's that delicious tans to
"PIPER" the famous
"Champagne Flavor" that
pleases so many thousands
of men.
.This reUshablo taste min
gles on the tongue with the
natural, mellow sweetness of the
"ripest, richest, carefully selected
tobacco leaf.
' "PIPER" is the highest type
of chewing tobacco in the world
ss pure ss a pure food, whole
some and satisfying.
BeM by dealers ever,
where. In te end lOe
isanltary, Mb
W IH,I I l.-TT
mm &
nil ra-L?.Wiit
Send 10o and
your tobacco
dealer's name.
and we'll send a full-size io
cat of "FIPEK" end a hand
torn leather pouch FKEE,
anywhere In U. 3. Also a
folder about "PIPER." Tho
tobacco, pouch and nailing
will cost ui 20c, which wo
will gladly spend because
trial will make yoa a
toady user of "PIFEK."
I 1
7 '
-Jni .
-w m i rr v
that la eeveleped br a megaete
er ether Bring system ana new It
varies when thssseee efthessoter
vsrUe. Thle Illustration is a record
showing the variation la the en
ergy of a magnate when the meter
was turning ON times a annate
and 400 times s minute.
1 eeB-So Vte th. 1
TULME steady ffcm
Magneto? rNo, sir! Better than that tho Studebaker-Wagner
Electric System that's built to order for Studebaker Cars. Lots
of cars, of course, are still using magnetos. But study ofthe
leading cars at the Auto Shows disclosed that more than 52 of
the high-grade cars are using a battery-ignition system.
And the reason fa simply that electric-system ignition fa better
than the magneto. When the motor fa turning fast, the magneto
is satisfactory. But the minute you slow up on a grade or in
city traffic the energy developed by the magneto weakens
and that fa just when you need ignition energy most
For when the motor is running at low speeds and the charge fa
highly compressed, it takes a hotter spark to fire it And that's
why Studebaker fa using this battery-ignition system, which
fa not only simpler but MORE RELIABLE, because it insures
maximum voltage at low speeds as well as at high speeds.
It guarantees SURE, steady firing. For the storage battery is
ready to deliver the maximum voltage at all times. The motor
doesn't skip or miss at low speed. And it PULLS steadily and
tenaciously ALL the time the car fa moving. Guarantees the
CERTAINTY of operation that a man looks for in thfa car eolares
Sleetrie Ughtiug and Start) o full Fleet.
In, Keer AlTlmke Beafiage Safety
reaa Sear Tirea One mis Tree Toe.
fttudnbake ROADSTER, e S
fctudebeketl-OUS, . . . .
rtudckatJQHTftlX. . 134
ennv aaar m m r m7 at j- m
f . t k T it It I
r w w m r mm m a m i mw r t aw i
in' i t-i i rr it jr t ri r -z-sf
L"N f t ft J 1131 111 tr . i
Bat why not
come in and look over
this Studebaker ignition system
on tho car itself. Like to show you
the simple winner system and all the details.
Like to have you see tho car, too, and know tho
conveniancs and the COMFORT and the safety that'a
built into it And well gladly arrange for any kind of testa you Uket
hills, roughest roads, anything. Will you phone us? Or if you cant
come in, write lor our booklet on the Studsbakar Electric Sysiem.j
Omaha Factory Branch, 2550-2-4 Farnam' Street
"Studebaker Wilson" Local Dealer, 2429 Farnam Street