TUK HKK: OMAHA, TUKSDAY. Al'KIL 13, 1JU5. .9 1 nlr; i Who Pays Mother? Hy ELBEIIT HUBBARD. Mother's work Is never done. There In no other work that can com pare In effort and time with the work a mother has to do. And what U the net result of this labor? Cltlrcns for the, state. Mothers have not told their time, en ergy and talent for money. They have Si von It. When a mother wants to go on a little Journey buy, soli, think or ex press her thoughts In a business world she must first consult her hus band. ' Tr business of the world ,ls oper- Hted on ' business' principles. 1 You give so much service. I give you a medium of exchange which wo call "money." With thK money you purchase that you Co not produce, but which you need. This is commerce. WW make our estimate In dollars of what a product will bring in the market. "is he a great pool?" "Oh, yes, he sells what he writes at 13 rents a Word." "Is he a great sculptor?"' '.Certainly he Is. He has a commission or a JTO,O0t statue." t'cetry and art'aro appreciated In terms of, dollars, that represent values to the minds of men. . "What Is he worth?" The answer Is In terms of dollars, never In terms of chil dren. Nothing is of much Intrinsic value ex cept that which affects our living. That which gives us better control of oiir brain, nerves, muscles, that which helps us adjust ourselves to life Is of most worth. Wc give little thought to doveloplng such values, because such values are not reckoned In terms of dollars. '- We cultivate what sells In the market. But along with the .production and transportation and selling Is an exercise which develops qualities which make for civilisation. The teaching of civilization has been that. If a person wants Independence and freedom. It Is necessary either to Inherit money or to develop earning power. Man learned the lesson first. He had fewer family cares. Woman has valued affection and love more than Independence and freedom. Nature made It so. Woman has been slow In learning that love Is good and necessary, but love Is not enough. Woman has a natural desire for free dom and for Independence. Her hope and the trend of her jresent life Is to have these, and keep lovo and affection, too. There is a way for her to do this, and we are approaching it. Free schools gave to mothers a great I decree of freedom. Kroe tuition and then free books were In the direction of liberty for the mother. And now there are schools where the midday lunch Is provUod for the children. Who provides free schools, free books, free lunches? The people. Some of us well remember when the school tax was paid by the people who sent the children to school. The poor man who had six children paid six times as much as the rich man with one. The man who owned half th town and had no children paid no tax at all. Itut the fact finally came to man that children are a part of society at large, and It Is for the well-being of tfie statu that all children be educated. And the result was that the state made free schools possible. The people arc carrying this thought logically foiward. Equip the children for citizenship. Bad citizens are the most costly extravagance the state can have. The children are far more dependent upon and far more influenced by the mother than by the father. Women slaves and woman In servitude or In bonds do not bear noble sons and noblo daughters. One step more and the state will make mothers economically free. Who pays for the children? Society at the last. The entire town Is blessed If the child ren are great. The entire state suffers If the children are rogues and criminals. Would It not be good business to make mothers economically froo and thereby receive directly the" civilizing benefits of commerce? Eead it Here See It at the Movies. A World Within a World :: trr,r :: By Nell Brinkley f mr mm ? wi 'wM-m irw? w-frr- " : , p t' CV..-.0 , i ., -- . " . ir? Manners Should Be Taught The Smokingf Woman ly KM.A WllKi:i,KR WILCOX. Ey special arranaeroente for this paper) hastily out of the window, and the tears CM 'I uiuf iici y.m. w diiv ivusu - Ned! Dear Ned! ' a photo-drama corresponding to the In stallments of "Runaway June" may now be- Men at the leading moving picture theaters.. By arrangement wltn we Mu tual Kllra Corporation It Is not only po slble to read "Runaway June" each week, but also afterward to see moving pictures Illustrating our story. Copyright, 1815. by Serial Publication C'orsoratlon. by Moral s June, the bride of Ned Warner, im pulsively leaves her husband on their iioneymoon because she begins to realize that ane must be dependent on him tor money. She desires to be independent. June 1 pursued by Uilbcrt Blye, . a wealthy married man. She escapes from I Is clutches with difficulty. Ned searches distractedly for June, and, learning of Blye's designs, vows vengeance on him. Atler many adventures June Is rescued Irani river pirates by Durban, an artist. .She poses as the "Spirit of the Marsh, M driven out by Mrs. Durban and is kid naped by Blye and Cunningham. June escapes. riea sweatshop work and is dis possessed by her landlady. FOURTEENTH EPISODE. In the Grip of Poverty. Dear Ned waa in a small dim room, lighted .by one high window, across which were . June's father aud mother arid hoodlum? By DOROTHY DEC. - Why Is it that mothers take so much trouble to teach their girls good manners and none to teach their boys any man ners at all? Why la a little girl adjured from her birth to act like a lady, while a boy Is permitted to duct himself like a CHAPTER I. (Continued.) Bill Wolf, at last got his fingers un n umbed enough to open his pocketknlfe, and with -this he sawed off his cravat just Below tke knot. He galloped straight across the street with a strange, sidelong motion and entering a saloon, slapped a quarter on the bar. , "Four beers!" he husked with his dusty tongue. It was not until he had swal lowed the third one that he took his nickel of ' change - and telephoned to llonorla Blye. A keen-eyed man with bushy eyebrows came In to see Elizabeth Sawyer as June Warner sat paUently at the window. He put his hat on the corner of her desk and unbuttoned his smooth, neatly fit ting overcoat. "Well, Mis. Sawyer, how about It?" he inquired, putting his hands on his knees. Mrs. Sawyer had been busy sorting rubers. "I couldn't think of consolidating," she rail crisply, with a shake of her head. "Sony." The man had laid folded locument before her. "All right, you won't consolidate." And the man's tone was icgietful. "You're a very fine busl ncitj woman, Mrs. Sawyer, and I don't mini admitting that you've made a real .'ompolttlon In our territory. How does th's Idea suit you?" He produced another document and spread it before her.. "I hereby agree to sell, assign and itanal'or the business conducted under .ho name of Elizabeth Sawyer to Ed ard Jones for the sum of ." Again aha laughed and shook her head. "You see I left the amount blank," he insinuated. "That's the only amount I'd aucept at present," decided the woman. She passed her hand for a moment over her c-yts. "You see. Mr. Jones, I've given so much to make my business a success." A tall, good looking man came Into the room, the man of the picture on the desk. His. Sawyer's' hand had been pressed over her eyes. At the entrance of bci husband she sprang up with an exclama tion of pleasure, her face glowing, and turned to him. The poor little runaway bride flamed Bobbie and Iris Blethering, and standing in the corner, with his back to the wall, was the wide featured Scattt. Ned Warner confronted Scattl. "You're the man; I want to see you!" he declared, his voice trembling with suppressed fury. "Now; I want some In formation, and I'm going- to have It!" Scattl leaned comfortably Into the corner. "Will jou speak, or won't you?" "Hold on. Ned!" Bobbie Blethering had 'come nnuirht I hi. f muscular arm as It waa ! tensely drawn back. "Let me try this fel low." And . little . Bobble took the lead with easy assurance.. "Now, see-here, old man," he said, "you like money, don't you?" A gleam In the little narrow eyes. "Now, suppose we start bidding," went on Bobble, pleased with his progress. He extracted a long black bocketbook from somewhere Inside and ' opened It and flttered the canary and orange clored bills and the pale green ones. "Say $50, say 1100, for Just a bit of con versation," soothingly remarked Bobble and separated that amount, fluttered it tantallzlngly before the cleamlng eyes. Scattl shifted uneasily In his corner. "For God's saye, man, can't you talk?" said stern John Moore. "You know where my daughter it." gthlnk Sture, i tTo lie Continued Tomorrow.) Advice to Lovelorn Why are there "finishing schools" for girls, where they are taught the little nlcotles of conduct that set apart the well bred from the 111 bred, while a boy is left to form his own manners, and be- a Beau Brummel, or a as It hap- (irla anil Dl erlon. Dear Miss Fairfax: Kindly advise me what to do. I am 19 and good looking, but my parents are very strict. I stay home every evening, and when there comes a tune that I am invited out I have to fight for about a week ahead or stay home. Altogether I Just feel like running away. I have the bluvs every day over my parents In the way they treat me. II. B. Don't quarrel with your parents or sulk about the fancied wrong they are doing you. They probably want to protect you from Idle friends and from wasting your youth and "burning the candle at both ends." But I think every young person needs one or two evening of wholesome diversion every week. If you will be at home before midnight and will make sure Uiat you have no friends who merit your parents disapproval, I am sure you can oome to a pleasant understanding with them. Mafciaa- U Desr Miss Fairfax: I ans a young man of V). About two years ago 1 exchanged rings with a girl of It. I lost her ring and wish to know whether I should buy her a new ring or ank her what it was valued at and pay her for It. 1 think that I may be Unable to pur chase such a ring us the one I lost as It is of a very peculiar fashion DL'BiOl'S. Of courso you must replace the ring you lost. You might ask the girl to hoosa ne. instead or offer Jo let htr kxp yours. Hut do not suggest paying tier for tile lo.-s boor. pens? Do we consider that good manners and social adiiotness are less necessary to a man than they are to a woman? Do we hold that women should have .a monopoly on good manners? Or do we that good manners come by . na- ra, as Dogberry thought a knowledge of - reading ard writing-did? - Whatever the answer ts to these queries, there Is no disputing the fact that the average little girl, of good fam ily, has fharmtng manners, and the aver age little boy Is a savage. - When, the lit tle girl comes into the room when you are calling on her mother, she drops you a courtesy and . treats you with respectful consideration. But let llMIe bother come Into the room, and he doesn't notice a visitor- any more than If she was a piece of furni ture.. He keeps his hat on his head,, and cuts across the conversation to ask his mother whatever he wants to know, and when you speak to huu. he doesn't even answer vou. One of the sights of this city that Is enough to make any one weep is tho I horde of boys that you encounter on' the street (am They are well dreaand, . evi dently come from respectable famfllen. but they have the manners of hoodlums. The rush pell-mell Into a car, seize every good seat, and sit there while gray haired women and women with babies stand. It makes one wonder what sort of mothers these boys have that they have not been taught the first element of good manners, or the first principles of the art of being a gentleman. Last summer I stayed all bight ' at a New England summer resort. At dinner. at the table next to mine, were eight or ten young girls and boys, having a Jolly time together. Presently to this table cams an elderly woman. All of the other boys went on with their eating and laughing, but one lad sprang to his feet and stood while a waiter drew out tho old lady's chair and settled her comfort ably... . My companions and I looked st each other with smiles of approbation. "If I were looking lor a boy to take Into mr business I'd give that yjuth a chance," ssid the man of the party. "I'd Ilk to know that boy s mother," I said. "If he) had his pedigree hung around hla neck and a coat of arms branded on, bis fore head, you wouldn't know any more what sort of a family he comes from," said the other woman. Now Verv llke'y that lmy -dtdn't' have any mure IrUr l ) m- n . an-i wa: n t any klndr-rentod,.rand-.- Jiad' no more rual worth than the other boys at the table with, him. but 'lie had better manSors, and hla good manners had prejudiced everybody in the whole room In his favor. Every one of us felt like doing some thing for him out of sheer gratitude for his giving us a living Illustration of how a gentlemanly lad should act. There la no bigger asset In the worl 1 than good manners. They are a letter of credit that every one of us honors at sight. They are the open sesame before which closed doors fly open. They make friends for us, and smooth the rough places. They will corry a man further than brains or industry, or the whole category of virtues, and this being true It pauses all understanding that mothers do not think It worth while to teach their boys even the elements of courtesy and how to conluct themselves toward other people, if a mother can do but one thing on rth for her son, she cun polish up his. manners. If she can teach him but onn thing, she can teach him courtety. If she can give him but on thing, she. can fa him personal charm of. being well-bred, and that will make friends .for him. of everybody he encounters. And If he has that he doesn't need much else. Bishop Quintard, In speaking of Se wanes university in the south, that ha founded, once said: "We can't turn out every ' man - who conies to Sewanee ' a scholar becsuae the good God hasn't given every man the brain of a student, but we do turn out every boy that comes to Sewanee with tho manners of a gen tleman and that's the next' best thing." Some mothers do appreciate the neces sity of teaching their boys good manners and one of these, whose little ft-year-old son la a perfect Chesterfield, said this to another woman who rhapnsodlzed over the child's manners In a mannerless age: "Well, we've tried to help Jack make a gentleman of himself, which Is about the fluent thing that any man can be. As soon as he could understand, we began talking to him a great deal about gentlq maiihood If I may so express It until we created an Ideal of knightly conduct In his mind, and ws keep this standard unfalteringly before hla eyes. "We tell him that a gentleman rant lie, a gentleman can't steal or cheat, a Copyright, m.".. Star Company. Everywhere the smoking womau Is ii. evl'fcnce. She Is a fungus growth on tho tree of time. In Biirmah she smokes a cigar as larg ni her wrist, and very ngiy Is the pic ture she makes, al beit she Is a pretty woman as a rule. The people of Ja pan nnd Java are ! ntiilerslsed, and In loth countries little children of six are seen smoking cigar ettes. One cannot help associate the two things the habit and the stature. In America a wife ar.d mother died last year leaving a little child of three weeks. The mother lunged, to live prayed for life, but blood poison- . Ing set In, and she died. Mhe mas an. In tensely nrrvoiis woman and an tnc?ssant smoker of cigarettes. . , When.. raa tcrr.lt y came and the extra, demand was niade upon her vitality she" n not able to meet the demand. She was bankrupt In vital force. A thousand cases ran be cited, nq doubt. of other young mothers who have died women who did not smoke. Yet thst does not prove the cigarette guiltless of I hr.ving caused tho death of this woman '. Her nervous type and anaemle condition made her an easy victim. A wjman of talent believes It Is her' great mental endowments which send her once a yesr to a sanitarium for re-1 pairs. But some of her friends sn her nureei believe live cigarette habit to be the rnal'i i use. She smokes feverishly egcepl when In the sanitarium. ' There Is no beauty In the picture of r r.cnisn with a cigarette between her lp ' There Is no fa'dnstlon In the smell ol' tobscco about her. ' ' The man who smokes has not the sam far-reaching Influence on posterity ki' the woman who smekes. We may helleve' In one dode of morals for both sexes, but1 we most admit thst the father who smokes to excess for a year preceding, the Mrth of his rhlld is not- the ssmi: menace thst rhtld as the tnhther whe Indulges the habit during the same period of time. ' Wo.ro the. expectant mother to go Into a? nervous collapse, or were she to suffer gentleman protects the weak and help less snd Is extra courteous to servants from sny of the disorders produced by and poor afflicted people, a gentleman nicotine poisoning, -the result . would be never siiinrs uny one woo is smaller or rar more dlssstrous to the child than If weaker than himself, a gentleman la very courteous tu Indies; he takes his hat off In elevators: he lets them' pas first out of a room, and so on. i "I don't know what Jack Is going to do In the world, or how far he may wander off tho straight and narrow path, but I will stake my life that whatever he does he will do with the manners of a gentle man." Would that there were other mothers like this mother. the father suffered Instead of the mother. A rhlld depends upon the mother's phys ical condition for Its sustenance before it comes Into life. Therefore, the incresslng number of women who smoke seem to menace pos terity. . It is to be hoped the habit will pss sway,-as other bad fashions have passed. It Is not pretty. It Is not "smart." It Is not wholesome, It Is net sttrsctlve. In time It must go. Not Sold By Weight When you buy Shredded Wheat you are paying something for the patented process by which the whole wheat is made digestible in the human stomach. We are not selling raw wheat. It is what-you digest, not what you eat, that builds muscle, bone and brain. Ihredded Wlheai!: is the whole wheat made digestible by steam-cooking, shredding and baking. The filmy, porous shreds are quickly permeated by the digestive juices, enabling the body to take up every particle of nutriment stored in the whole wheat grain. Don't be misled by net weight regulations or com parisons of raw, indigestible foods with Shredded Wheat Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits heated in the oven to reitore critpnea, terred with hot milk or cream, make a complete, nourihiny,'tatiifying meal at a total cost of five or six cents. Also delicious with fruits. TR1SCU1T is the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast with butter or soft cheese, or as a substitute for white flour bread or crackers. ' f' Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. .!V. .' 1 !!!!!!!!' I!'!!! liSlisiiftil 'StW) ft Iliiiiiiliiiiiiilliulliniiisiii Ili liiiiil Mil . .'l-l-H.N 1 - .i 't.N: " t : l: .rr:: r, I Hiifi !t.l: ' ' 'ig!-,'' I!i-.ih ! filillin! i i i :!!' !;;!: '! w I Hi! ; !! 1 !l!t!!! m LJilii. I!i WWllWIIMMIHsWWWMItHIWHMIlMltllMHt eAMteAMAaMte Mi it