f Little Willie Gettit 1 " I 1 II) - .-1 1 ii ! j il 1 m mi t i , . . .... .BBi. 1 1 , . ... 1 . pi . 1 FOR RENT Untarnished i Room. FOR RENT Three nice unfurnished" room, close to HanHcom Park, on block from car line. Neat, gas and phone Included. Private notion. Harney . Hoaaekeeplna Monme. HOUSEKEEPING rooma, modern, new furniture. 22i Harney. FAJRNAM. 2R22. three nice housekeeping rooma, electricity, ga range. 1. 1 a a. t HoaHkrrplnc Rooma. STEAM heated rooma, with alcove, kitch enette furnished. Ogden Hotel Co., Council Bluffs, la. Monies and Cottages. 4m N. 81, 10 rooms, strictly mod., SoO. 410 N. 22, 10 rooma, mod., i baths, 346. 27i6 Farnam, 8 rooma, mod. brick, trO. 441 Farnam, 7 rooma, mod., 30. 2716 Howard, f rooma, mod., 820. l.Vt N. 40, 7 rooma, mod., 335. 1217 S. ltt. 5 room flat for colored, 316. RINfiWAtT. Brandola Theater Bldg. I TEN-ROOM brick house, all modern, re , decorated and reflnlshed, at 38th and Harney Sta. Tel. H. 61. Hornsea and Cottairea. FOR RENT-$65.00 Dwelling, 414 So. 38th St; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, 5 bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con- , dition. Location A-l. Bcnj. k S. Baker. Phones D482, H317, ' MODERN, i-room, bath, vestibule, with tile floor, full basement, all In first class condition. Must be seen to be ap preciated. 3.10. -Phone Harney 3310. .WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. 7-rm. modern house, 106 8. 35th St. NEW 8-r. .bungalow in Orchard Hill. C. D. Hutchinson, 1623 Farnam. t-ROOM house, partly modem: lO N. 21st 8t (upstalra), 314.00. Web. 7S78. TEN head good young horses, 1,109 to 1.600 pounds, 241B Cuming St. FOR RENT We have a complete Hat 6f all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. Tills list can be seen free of charxa at Omaha Van Storage Co.. 806 8. lth Bt. A UL sitea. 13 .er month up S07 Paxtoa. WALKING DISTANCE 238 Dodge, mod ern S-room house, a bargain at fl; vacant 15th. W. W. Mitchell, owner. 1830 Spencer St. Wehater 4875. SIX-ROOM modem, except heat, 822- Phone Webater 11. EE V EN-ROOM house, 3044 Curtis Ave., with chicken house and yard, all kinda of fruit, good ahadn, nice lawn. Must be ' seen to be appreciated. Webster 6203. Do not call Sunday. - TWO modern houses, 10 rooms, 2020 Lake; 1 7 rooms. 21?1 Locust; hot water heat. Webster 2588. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves; packs, ships; storage, 31 per month. When you move call us. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 and Tyler 230. J, C. Reed jgfej . moving, 4k storage. Farnam. D. 414. Maggard'sg Van and Storage Co. Call us for an imates for mov- Ins. packing, shipping. 1713 Webster St l Douglas 14W. Gordon Van Co. St ! W. llth St. Tel. D. 884 ar Web. 13M . Tlnncoa in all parts of the city. ' AIOUUCIJ Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. Stores mad Offices. MODERN. 4 rooms. (20: seven rooms. 330 I mo.; near poetoffioe. G, P. Rtehblna. Fully Equipped Bakery Building i 27th & Leavenworth This building, 60 by 80, with basement and second floor, flreuroof, built espe cially for the purpose. being fully 'equipped plth all necessary machinery, ovens, wagon, etc. This Is your oppor tunity to get Into the business right, as everything is new and the location very der'.rabla, Building Is also suitable for a LAl'N DRY. a OARAOE or a C'LhlANINU E.S - TABUBHMENT. Will make very reasonable terms to right party. See me at once. " Conrad H. Young K2 Brandels Theater. rug 1571. a-ROOM slrtctly modern. 11 So. 23th St., U6. H. W. Binder, 83 City Nat. Bsnk. Phone Douglaa 1264. iBAKERY Ptore and 'basement; extra heat retaining oven. T. J. HOOK. i;ol N. Uth St WANTED TO BUY Tale burs everything 2d hanL Tyler 1411 OFFICIO furniture bought and sold, i WANTED TO RENT 6 TO 7ROOM3, modern house la good neigbborbood.i Address C '302, Bee. Apartments, fiats, houses and cottages can bo rooted quickly sod cheaply by a I Boa "For Rent" Ad. REAL ESTATE FA nil V RACH LANDS FOR f ALE Colorado. ATTENTION SETTLERS If ' you wish homesteads or relinquishments In Colo rado rail and aea me at the Merchants hotel. V. R. Packer, Sunday and Mon day afternoon. XO SETTLERS ONLT-J30 acrea for 30. Rich corn, alfalfa and wheat land: no sand. J. A. Tiaoy, Sort Morgan. Colo. FOR RALE Farms. ISO and 80 acres In feet. Colo. Write Delaller. S354 Ogden Ave, Chicago. III. - . Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR 8AU5T Whl. m o.rA Hencrli.tlmi of VOUr land and aend It to the Sioux City, la.. Journal. "Inn.'. Mnt Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning ana evri jr SatuMx evenlnar and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days lor 82; or 50 words. 84: or 75 words, 86 . . ' Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 2ro,0(W readers dally In four great states. . A MONEY-MAKER. WITHIN 10 MIL108 S OOOD MARKETS. 1!6 acres, new 8-room house and plenty other buildings. All fences hog tight. Raised 240 hogs last year. Running water and blue grass, alfalfa and Umber pas ture. Never had hog disease. 75 acres under cultivation. 1 ml. to market and only 7 ml. Council Bluffa. Possession now, at 8143 per acre. ml. school. R. r . D. Tel. A. F. PMITH CO. (Kay Smith). 23 Pearl. Council Bluffs. Ia. Phone 329. Miasewta. BARGAIN MO-acre farm 10 ttlle from Minneapolis, wi kto irT7;i 40 acres good meadow. 60 acres timbered pasture; can practically all be . . . t . . im immiI la-room Boou eorn mnu, l" . j bouse, barn, granary. ac?,'ne 'a 1 mm, etc.j u nwo of machinery, nogs, chickens and every. i filng on tna iarm goea u r- -- ,K4) cash, balance ban sUnd ft years at per cent. Schwab Bros.. M li' mouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. RENTERS, HOMEriEEKERS-Yow op portunity, acres Irrigated wheal and alfalfa land for settlerowit at Valler. Moat. 841.50 to 850 per kcrej teen ye"-: timer For particulars, wrlto Valler Farm bales Co ox 1007. Valler. Mont. oath Dakota. CHANCE to be a cattle king right near . .i.i,. i.A-q.t. ranch In H. Dak.; well watered; horses, oattle. sheep do well. 1.800 acres deeded; balance can be leased; soli black loam: suited for corn, wheat or alfalfa. Adjoining new K. R. aurvey. e-rooin nuuu iiv Kiilldl norm tfiiv oiio. Administrator's sale. Addresa Y 470. Bee. ' ' ' NOW TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Pplendld 240-acre valley farm, small v.ih. hut nf nalKhborhodds. 3 miles to lown,"867.6 per acre. . a iv I sJM Tsi IV sir Yds rtanltAL k ml. small town: imp.; Bale at big acrinco. Carlson & Wallin, umana nm., Bldg.. Omaha,; Carthage, So. Dak. REAL ESTATE VOR EXCHANGE ...... ...... . . . - .... ' tU .MI. ttfl . . . . i j - nrnn.Hu' arlva nrlce iraoe iur rwrncnw ...... and partlculara first letter. B.mmet t. Higgtns, Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE LOANS 1100 TO 810,000 made- promptly. K. D. ... . . . . m r 1 l , , V. .1 (. u r-T. m m . I . weao. w r a u ni u., ion. i. . CITY and farm loans. 6. 6V4, per cent. J. H. uumc.ni wo.. p-. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. arnarn onuin - MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. minder. City National Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Petors Trust Co. 1100 to 8W.O0O made promptly. V. D. Wead, VVCaO JilUH, milU g 1 ..cm SEE us first for farm loana In eastern Neb. Unr.ea ftcaiea xrust -v.. mmi. r.ci' CITY IXAN8. C, O. Caribarg, u Zlo-Si Brandels Theater Bldg. OJUH hrmes. East' Nebraska farms. 1011 Omaha National. Fhene Douglas 1711 ABSTRACT OP TITLE Kerr Title Guarantee and A hit ray. Co., a modern abstract oirme, 806 Ba. 17th St. Phone D. 5487. JesBen & Morrell, 201-8 State Bk. Bldg. D. 2292. REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2o Brandels Thea. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Open for Inspection TODAY. rl N. 19TH ST. THE IXJT East front on Poulwurd. No special taxea. beautiful shade trees, cement walks THE HOUSE. Six rooms on one floor; modern except furnsre; oak floors; l-eautlf ully decorated, conihinut'oii lighting fixtures. Price $Ji7.). a smnll payment Cowg, balance same as rent. W. 11. Adamson, Owner, 2616 N. 1Mb St REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE BUY THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGAIvOW ON EASY PAYMENTS JUST' COMPLETED This house has six rooms. Is all modern and Is beautifully finished In oak In principal rooms. It has brick fireplace In living room; large full cement basement, and arrangement la very convenient. Electric fixtures and decorations left to chol of purchaser. This house Is located In one of the urettlest of Omaha's new home building additions and la only Ss block from car line. Terms, SVu cash. Balance like rent. Will snow you this house today. Call me by phone. Walnut 6X2. E. P. WRIGHT, Call Doug. 2926 any day nest - week.' lilts UMsl CeprrigM. 118, News service. SAINTS ARE EASY FOR RODRKE LADS Home Folks Direct Bombardment Against North in Eighth and Score Fire Runs. KOBTH PULLS A FEED MXRKLE A brief lapse In skill completely ruined Pitcher North yesterday and as a result General Marty von Hlndenberg Krug's corps of heroes copped a victory from Et Paul, to 8. Krug's crowd doesn't care who It lloks nowdays, having no respect for big leaguer or class AA rants or any body else. Tb bombardment which gave the home fclks the combet was directed against North In the eighth stania. Until thU per iod the Falrfta were In the lead, 2 to 1. Doc Payne opened the festivities by cracking a blow to right. Breen laid down a neat bunt and North mussed It up until both Payno and Breen were safe. ' Marty Krug coaxed the heaver for a walk, choking the runway. I With Huelsman up things looked rosy for the Rourkovtnlans. but Frank popped a measley fly by Haddock and Conley whiffed. Srhllebaer Hits im Pinch. Just as the bugs were settling back Into their seats In despair. Frits 8chllebner ooxed up to the. plate and promptly busted the pill into safe territory; m the left garden, scoring Payne and Breen. This put the Rourkes one to the good, but one didn't satisfy Red Whale n so Red knocked the ball out to the flag pole, counting Krug and fichllebner. Red made third on the swat. Rlggert relayed the ball In to Miller and Miller threw t the plated " The ball missed the said plate about twelve feet and Wheien continued his journey homeward for the f)ftu run. .Krug's men made one la the fourth round, too. Marty walked' and went to stcond on Huelsman's single. - While Alien was striking out. North unburdened himself of a couple of wild pltchea ar1 Krug advanced from second to third and from third to borne. North Palls a Merkle. . The Saints made their first count In the sixth frame.' North busted one to center nd Aitan and Huelsman both went after It Alien got their first but Hue Is man ran into him. knockitur the ball out of hut hands. North made third base, but was detected by the vigilant Rourkes. who. watching him circle tha haaea Av oided that he had pulled a Merkle. In other words be forgot to touch second. The ball was relayed to Whalen who touched the bag and Ump Van Fickle, who took the same viewpoint as the Rourkes, waived the minor league Merkle out. Miller followed with a coke to rlaht and was sacrificed to second by Rlggert. Had dock smashed a hot one through Breen and Miner scampered home. A base on balls te Niffnlcker naved tha way to the second Saint run In tho eighth. run went to second on North's infield out and registered on MUlerg hit to left. Crwleo Hits Hoaae Ran. Cruise slammed a slant over tha ri.ht- field wall In the ultimate chapter for the final hostile tally. Three former Rourkes acted r Saints yesterday. Chick Autrey scintil lated about first base In swell style and poled a three-bass swipe. Alten mhhi him of a two-sack blow In the seond by REAL E8TATE NORTH SIDE Bargain in Stucco Bemls Park district, south front, six large rooms, sun room, sleeping porch, beam ceilings, fireplace, etc. Price re fluod, 84.760. Call owner. Douglaa U078. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE For Sale Five-room house, modern except heat Everything In good condition. Part cash, balanc montly payments. 271ft 8. 21st bt. .West Side Beautiful 7-Itooin House .Easy Payment Plan This house Is modern throughout, faces east, located half block from car line, has brick fireplace at aouth end of living room, which la very large. There Is also a large sun porch, besides dining room snd kitchen on first floor. The three principal rooma are finished in oak, with oak atalrway in living room. There are three nice large bedrooms and the bath upstairs. Tha rooma are beautifully decorated. The house Is heated by , furnace, and there Is an automatic gas heater In stalled. Terms of Hale $500.00 Cash, Balance $50.00 Per Month Telephone owner today for further par. ticulars. CALL WALNUT 2. 3226 Webster St. Klght-room modern, practically new, full basement, all In first class condition; owner lives In house; open for Inspection any time; convenient to Harney and Cum ing fit. car lines: only 84. boo; easy ternia REAL EHT ATE MISCELLANEOUS riVK RtiOM. MODfcRN. M.M. TERMS. OWN&R. WEbdTk.K 1&8. DMAllA, JnU.N lA . Al'Klli I-'. I.M.). International . great catch In right-center. Jde Kls crt worked In center, but failed to start anything. Hick Johnson was behind the hat, made one hit and had a fine time trying to capture North's wild heaves. Alten suffered a sprained ankle in the sixth and was carried oft the field. He will not be able to play for two weeks says Dr. Bchleler, club physician. Con- ley took his place as Thomason Is also laid up with a bum hoof. Crsbb pitched a nice game for Omaha snd was always tight In the pinches. The same teams play today. Game to be called at I o'clock. Score: OMAHA. AB. It. H O. A. Payne, 8b Breen, 2b, Krug. If. Huntsman, rf. 4 1 Alton, cf. ...... Conley, cf.!.... Hchllebner, lb.. Whalen, ss Kruoger, c. ... Crabb, f Totals .. 27 6 ST. PAUL. S 27 10 AB. R. H O. 1 1 3 7 1 9 I a. r.. Miller, rf 4 1 2 Rlggert, cf 3 0 Haddock. 2b 4 0 1 0 Cruise, lf..s 3 1 jonnson, o.... 1 . a Dyer, as 4 0 Autrey, lb. 8 0 Niffnlcker, Sb 8 1 North, p 8 0 Totals ... .80 ( 24 Omaha- Runs Hits ...... St. Paul ...A 0 0 1 0 0 5 - ...0 0010018 - Runs ...0 I M M M M Hits 0 f II 1 I 0 1 1-4 Home run: Cruise. Three-base hits: Whalen, Autrey. Two-base hit: Miller. Btolen base: Krug. Hacriflce hits: Crabb, Whalen, Breen, Rlggert. Left on bases: Omaha, 3; St. Paul, 8. Struck out: ' By Crabb, 3; by North, 7. Bases on balls: Off Crabb, r, off lldrth, 4. Wild pitches: North, 1 Time of game; l:4S. Umpire:.' . Van Sickle. " ' ''' I Steelier-Connolly v V . Wrestling Go Will Be Held at Bluffs Omaha wrestling fans are to be given an opportunity to see Joe Stecher In action without making the trip to Lin coln. Stecher Is to wrestler Pat Connolly at Council Bluffs, This match was scheduled for Lincoln, but i. F. Het manek, manager of Stocher, decided to give Council Bluffs a chsnce and the match will be held there. A date has not yet been set. Connolly wrestled Toualff Huasane over two hours to a draw recently. " Storz Take Opening Game of the Season The Storx Indulged In the first rcl workout of the season by defeating the Chris Lj ckJ, 10 to 4, In a practice session at Lyck park. Lefty Hlrsct) of the Norfolk State league team, worked for the Lycks and proved wild and : Ineffective. - Htrsoh passed eight men and made some wild pitches) that proved costly. Moylan, who relieved Hlrsch, was found for three runs and three hits In the three Innings that he pitched. Outside of the second, McOulre was never In real danger. He fanned ten men In th first five Innings and did not allow a pass during the game. Score: LYCKS. BTOfig. AB.H.O.A.K. AB.HO.A.I. Htitt. rt ... 1 1 4 erslconsr, rf. 0 M-An4'ws. m4 1 1 Dunks. In., til I 3 ummv ft 1 a 1 S IHrahMM. 2h. . S 1 4 1 l.yrk. c' ..... 4 OUt IWomtft, . 3 t 1 30 MuOMrr, 4 1 1 iuw. n.. s I w Novttikr, lb 4 I eVanoua. lb.. 4 14 14 Kallr. tb.... 3 I F.ltm. If. I O t v s s i w.htur It. I I I I SOIaon. II i e tikrwh. p.., I s 1 Hrnt. c.i id i i Morlsn. t S t MeUulra, p.. J 1 Totals 4 V S 4 Totals It XI Lvcks 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 ft-4 Stors 8 2 0 3 1 0 0 8-10 Two-base' hits: Hyatt, Durkee, Wood ruff. Graham. Struck out: By McOulre. 12; by Hlrwh, 8; by Moylan, 4. Kases on balls: Off Hlrsch, 8; off Moylan. 1. Stolen bases: Lawler (2i, Graham, Mclulr.., Wachtler. Double plays: V annua ( unas sisted i. Venous to Graham. Wild pitches: Hirs;h. 2. Passed balls: Lyck, 2. Um pire; McAndrewa. Kawfeds Win from Pitf ed Swatters KANSAS CITT. April U.-Costly errors by the Pittsburgh Federals gave the Kan sas City dub a victory today, S to I. Johnson, tha local pitcher, was steady In pinches and was aided materially by fast fielding. Periing of Kansas City knocked a home run over the left field fence In the sixth Inning. Score; R.H.E. Pittsburgh 0 0010100 0-2 10 4 Kansas City 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 -6 4 1 Batterlra: Rogge. Iilalr and O'Con nor; Johnson and Easterly. How Mr. Davis Go Kid f Bad rsask. "Some time ago I had a very ' bad cough," writes Lewis T. Davis, Black, water. Del. "My brother. MeCabe Davis, gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. After taking this I bought half a daen bottles of It. but only used one of them, as the cough left me and I have not been troubled since." Obtainable everywhere Advertisement The Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Drawn LOTLiNG SEASUISI CL Omaha Fin Topplers Have Only State Tournament at Lincoln to Look Forward To. NEW HAVENS SAY FAREWELL Last week msrked the close of the reg ular schedules of all the leagues most of which wound up their seasons with tournaments open to their respective league membera. The Metropolitan, Mer cantile and Nebraska Telephone tourna ments all had a successful run with keen competition and good rolling. Tho presence of the New Haven All- Stars on the local runways was tl big feature of the week. Th:h trio ol bowlers re the best In the game and by winning most of their matches on strange alleys proved that they were masters of the ten pin art. !. Schedules for tie state tournament, which opens In Lincoln next Wednesday night, have been received. They show an entry of thirty teams. Twelve of these are entered by Lincoln, eight by Omaha. four by South Omaha; Grand Island, three; ' Friend, Hastings fend Tender, one each. . , From Omaha the entry list Includes the Jetter's Old Age, Krug's Luxus, Burgess- Nash, Stors. Beselln's Old Mixers, Ra gan's Falstaffs, City Hall Federals 'and the Transpanqualltles, The teams en teced from South Omaha are the Jetter's Old Age, Willow Springs Brewing Co.. All-Stars and Stockman's Journal. Most of these teams roll on Saturday, April IT. Mayor Dahtman and City Commissioners Butler and Wlthnell will accompany the City Hall Federals on this date. Perfect -Mate Organisation. The New Haven. All stsrs again .took on sjl corner at the Farnam. Alley Sat urday afternoon and evening; winning most of their matches, In tho three man team event they again won ' with ease from the locals with a total of 1751 against their opponents im A set of doubles with Cochran and K. Sclplo pit ted against Jonhson and Lindsay proved to ba the most spectacular match of its kind ever witnessed here. All four con testant were bunched together' well over the 10 mark and only three of the twelve single games were below the twu century mark. Tho scores were: NEW HAVEN Ha rtlay -jar, 2"4 Johnson wt K Lindsay 217. 180 10 213 Ml i0 oil OMAHA 213 191 in 67 m 1751 R. Heinle . 1S2 IKJ 17 IM ntf im r.7ii 672 It 2d. Total. 218 MS SOU, fit; Schoenmnn ' Cochran ... 57.1 61! NEW HAVEN. . . 1st 2d. 0. Johnson ZM 1S3 M. Lindsay 23 !2H Totaia .... 418 OMAHA. 1st.. isi 1,7 4.7 416 1,282 2d. 'OA 2J0 8d Total. 212 Mri2 37 O. Cochran . K. Sclple .... Totals .... . 872 lea. 1st. . IM ,; im) . 113 .. 1H2 , . l.il .. 2-H .. 142 .. 210 47S 442 1,383 I 2d. 17 177 Al M il4 214 W7 17tt 3d. Total. C, Johnson ..... i hi C. Weekea m JIM 'JUI 2141 ZiU HH 241 6L3 :'2 64 t.;o Hi f3 M. Lindsay K. Fanton M. LluiUay V. Fanton W. Hartley .... K. Sulple RIDES TO FAIR WiTH HIS HANDS. CHAINED TO BIKE With his hands handcuffed to his wheel, Francis Pe Lackso, a young Frenchman. Is carded to arrive In Omaha, bound for San Francisco from New York, some tlmo this week. The Frenchman Is riding a bicycle from coast to coast, and Is al ways handcuffed to the wheel when en route. He left New Tork the morning of February 24 and Is due Into Omaha from Kansas City. FIRST CHRISTIANS WIN FROM IMMANUAL BARACAS The First Christiana won from the Immanuel Baracas SaturdVy, 12 to A. Though neither team has had much prac tice, they showed up In in Id-season form. It loom field Wist Debate. BLOOM FIBLD. Neh.. April 11 -(Special. ) Friday Bloomfteld defeated Pierce High school In debate. The Judire r Superintendent O. H. Rnwrn, Prof. C. II Bright and Rev. A. H. Uuell. all of Wayne. Standing of Teams FEDERAL LEAGUE P. , 1 1 1 W. Pet. i o l.ooo l 0 l out I A ll I 1 .&) 1 I .6i0 0 1 .U a 1 ouo o l .ou Newark Chicago Brooklyn llttaburgh .... Kansas City ... Baltimore fit. Loula Buffalo 2 2 1 1 1 Yesterday's ftraalls. FEDERAL LFAOl.'K. Chl'eao-M. Louis. poMnnneO :. ra In. Pittsburgh, 2: Kansas C ity. c. Games Today. Federal lcsgiif St. Loula at Chicago, Plttsliurftu at KansHS City; Miaark al Baltimore, buffalo at Brooklyn. tor The by George McManus Ladies' Prettiest : Mile Club Will Open Season on May 12 The Ladle' Prettiest Mile Oolf club will open Its Inaugural season on the links at Miller Park May 12. Putting, driving and a flag contest have been carded for that day and prises will he awarded the wlnnera Frank Russell has donated a golf bag, Mr. Palme' a pair of golf shoes snd Mrs. V. IS. Hawk has contributed a prise. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Crane. At this meeting. May 4, the members of the Prettiest Mile Golf club,, a men's or ganlsatlon, will be entertained by the women. ALL-STAR TEAMS CHOSEN R. A. Leake of Yonng Men's Chris tian Association Selects Honor . Basket Ball Squads. ONE TEAM FROM EACH LEAGUE R. A. Leake of the phyaloal department of the Toung Men's Christian aeoer.lon has selected all-star baaket ball teams from players In the Trl-Clty, Commer cial and Church leagues. His selections are as follows: Trl-Clty League, Ieft Forward Burkenroad, Townsends. Right Forward Myers. Oarks. CanterOhman, Btellevue. Left Ouard Parish. Clarks. Right Guard Ritchie, Townsends. . Substitute Plats, Townsends. Buhalltute Flothow, Omaha High school. f Charra Leaaae. ' I Left Forward Klepaer, First Christians. Right,. Forwart-rlloot, Kounts Memo rials. . . . , ' Center M Hee, First Christians. Left Guard C. Wcigel, First Christians. Right Guard Parish, First Christians. Commercial Lesgss. Loft Forward Bussing, Omaha Na tional Banks. , Riht Forward Suchart, ' Omaha Na tional Banks. Center Morrison. Council Bluffs Cubs. Left Guard Ityan, Young Men's Chela tion Association Secretaries, Right Ouard Deffenbaugh, . Council Blufts Cuba. SOUTH OMAHA, WONDERS SHUT OUT BY ARMOURS , The Armours defeated the South Omaha Wonders', 8 to 0, at Fort Omaha yesterday. Both Graves and Guineas pitched In good form, but were not forced to exert them selves. Graves, C, Ryan, Tost and Po land starred In the field. The Armours play the Alamltos at Bellevue trday. Score) Armours 0 1 3 0 0 1 3 0 - S. O. Wonders 0 00000000- Bank Clearings Bank clearings In the United States tor tha week endluar April 8, as reported to Rradatreet'a Journal. New York, aggre gate S3.XC.2iiO.0Ou, aaalnst 33.w4.w,uv last wsok and 33,270,A.O In this week laat year. Canadian clearings aggregate 8110. W7,0ii0, as against SHH.347.000 last week and 31rta,H46,Ou0 lii this week last year. Follow ing are the returns for this week, with percentages of change from tola week last year: Cities. Amount line. Dec New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston Ht. Louis Kansas City Pittsburgh) Han Franolsco Baltimore Minneapolis Detroit Cincinnati Ixs Angeles Cleveland New Orleans OMAHA Milwaukee Atlanta loulsvllle ..... Seattle Buffalo St. Paul Portland, Ose Denver Houston Richmond Indianapolis Providence Kort Worth Washington, D. C. Memphis St. Joseph Coluinbua Naahvhle Albany Salt Lake City Toledo Ius Moines Hartford iHili.th , Rochester Savannah Norfolk Spokane Wichita Macon Oakland Krranton Peoria New Haven. Stoux city Grand Rapids Syracuse Jacksonville, Fla... Birmingham Austin Springfield. Mass... Worcester Cliattsuooga Oklahoma Dayton Little Rock Lincoln Fremont fl,Bfi,74,0ni 8.8 2K6,47s,OJO 164.0,.6.0U lW.KKa.COrt 79 7 000 4.8 12.3 .1 7.837.0OCH 40.4 4K,O13,0"OI 10.3 1.8 J3.B 4Xl.1C.ono r.'.M.OUOl. 20.010.0ii0 22.641 00 12.6 8.0 27.40.00 20.4ie.000 .fCi.ll I 1 3 l.SIi2,U0. l,014,f0i M.Ofee.OO! 13.604.0001. 11, 24,(10 . 11.137,0. ll.H34.000 V).6M.i 12.0U0' .778,otJ 7.0O2.OH , ,1H1.'J0 7,7D?,ao; 7.W1.000 S,7oS,0tW. 4.812.001 7.Bi3.0iH 7,817,000 J.;2,0W 6,hU4.l'Oi . 6.I66,PXI. ,60V .077.ft i .M0.0OOI ,71,000 8,221.(00. 4.0fb. . 4.463.04 . 3,HI0,rtv. S.tW.OnOl. 3.0i 8.4! 4.01 14.3 ia.7 3.7 1.41. Mi. io'il ii'.Ti 'ia.i 2 81 "i'.i 8.2 3 4 18 Hi 10.4' 18.3 17. 1.0 t.0 11 12.11 16.8 4 0.6 t.H 7.7 s. :. .3 2 8!0 0il 3.6H.0UOI 3.42.1,0iO 3,l.-.0(i0 3,772,(X) 3.473,00)) 8.20'..OUO "ilo u:ii 10 bl 3.371.0i4. 7.646.0 . 2. 1 b.J . S.UO.UUj 2.Ks4.0iiO 3.2JO.Ol . 2.:iua,(J 2.34,0i:. 2.4U.OOOI. :,mo.u 417,0J"i0l 1 3 11.3 19.0 12 8 8.7 7.0 "ui 1.31. 8.4 11 ... 22.8 ... JACKS ARE ROUSED S ni mum miiii iliiu Executive Comes in for Their Ccn- 1 sure for His Veto of Electric 1 . Light Bill. j 11 4 HITCHCOCK SEES IMPERIALISM The Jacksonlan club of Nebraska. Sat- unlay evening Informally opened Its new ; auartora on the alxteenth floor of tha City National bank building, condemned governor morcnead for nis veto or the Omaha electric light bill and listened to a talk by United States Senator Hitch cock. President Wesver of the rlub exnlalned that tho organisation Is composed of thd better element of democracy of this city and It Is expected that Interesting talks, will be heard In the future. The club Is now In the state of rejuvenation. Among the "better-element" demo- ' e rati present last evening were- Wll- f Ham Taney. F. W. Drleeoll. J. w. Met cafe. John Murphy. F. L. Weaver. J. J. Hanlghen, E1 Rothery. IVr. A. II. Hip- Pie, John Fits Roberts, J. P. Gray. L. B. Johnson. A. A. Lemoreaux, Robert Atrheeon. W. F. Baxter and J. Mellor. Treasurer Taney reported that tha club has enough money in the exchequer to pay rent for another month. The resolution condemning the anverii- ' i or was offered by w. F. Baxter and It t waa (Mopted with John Flt Roberts -voting alone in the negative. Ii) his recital of the vxperienoes of a '' man serving bis constituents as senator at Washington. Senator Hitchcock de clared that there Is a tendency In the congress to enlarge ths sorerlgnty " of tho federal government snd to cor- ' rcspondmgly minimise the powers of the States. - -i i., . - . The senator said ths empires of the past would not compare with this govern- i ment If this tendency continues. He referred to federal reiritiHnn -.o . '. roads, which once was a matter of stat-s ' " regulation. Check Vn.. aB-l., r.k Dr. Belt's Pine-Tar-Honey will atari your cough and strengthen your lungs. Get a bottle now. Only 36c. Bv all am- glets. Advertisement, . Mid wick Polo Team 1 Beats Coopertown SAN FRANCISCO, Cel.. April lO.-The ' Midwick polo team of Pasadena. Cat.. ' eddad to Its long string of unbroken vic tories today by defeating 6'4 to tho Coopertown (N. Y.) four In the finals for the Panama-Pacific exposition chamninn- hip cups on the exposition field. The game was one of the best contests thus far In the universal polo tournament. Webb, ss usual, played a slashlna- unu . his long drives netUng his team many ad- , vantages. Coopertown, on the .other hand, uiasea many strokes, and on several oc casions was unfortunts In missing goals by the barest margins. A postponed game., the finals for ths Sacramento cup, was played thla mornir. at San Mateo. Tho Boise (Idahoi teem defeated the First cavalry four. 3 to 6H, the army being conceded four goals by handicap. DEAF LADS TRIUMPH OVER BYRNE-HAMMER ATHLETES The School for the Deaf base ball team trimmed tho Byrne-Hammers In a tight game Saturday, S to 4. Jackson, Stark and Nelson hurled a little better ball than Ten ay, allowing but five hits to Tenny's seven. Jackson and Stark gave but one hit each and Nelson three. f you always Insist jon it you will have no cause for recrct. ;w.T.iiU , "Tb Beer tftft tosp to tf W&oleulfl DUtrtbufor. J 1 1 8. 1 7tH 8U Omh. tlebr. Dout!ss2155 end A 1679