Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1915, Image 1

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    The sure way to atify
your wants is through use
of the wanted pages of The
Dee. Try . Bee want ad.
Omaha Daily
VOL. XL1V-N0. 253.
Oa Trmina aa at
Hotel Iwi Stand. Bo
v -
Prctident and General Manager of
(he Big Hotel Expires from
Heart Failure in His
30,000 FALL IN
Germans Told to Hold Great Fort
rest Against French in the
Woevre District at Any
WHAT DAMAGE AN AIRSHIP MAY DO IN WAR-Effect of a bomb dropped from a
Zeppelin during the recent raid by air on Paris. "
British Steamer Harpalyoe, Char
tered by Aid Commission, Lost
with Twenty-Six Men
In North Sea.
Vessel Believed on Return Trip
After Bearing Load to Suffer-'
era from New York State.
ROTTERDAM, April 11. (Vis
London, April 11.) The BrltlBh
steamer, Harpalyce,- the first relief
boat of New York state,' and under
charter to the Commission for Relief
in Belgium, has either . been tor
pedoed or sunk by a mine In . the
North Sea. '
The Dutch steamer, Elisabeth,
on Its voyage from Rotterdam for
New York, picked up twenty-two of
the crew of the Harpalyce seven
miles northeast of Noordhtnder light
ship and brought them back to Rot
terdam. Twenty-Six Fear Lost.
The Dutch steamer, Constance
Catharlna, picked up five men and,
took them to Nieuwe Waterweg.
The steamer carried a crew of fifty
three men, twenty-six of whom, It Is
feared, have been drowned.
Those rescued by the Elisabeth In
cluded the second mate and the see-
on engineer, the latter In a wounded
The Harpalyce, under its charter
to the Belgian Relief commission,
had a permit securing immunity from
The Harpalyce, which was of 1,691
tons, was ' a comparatively new
stsamer, owned by J. and C. Harri
son of London. It sailed from New
York March 7 with more than 11,000
individual gifts tor the relief of the'
Belgians, and arrived at Rotterdam
March 80. It is presumed thate
Harpalyce's earge had been unloaded i
and that it was on its return voyage.
It was commanded by Captain Frank
Wamn, who, prior to bis departure
from New York, declared that he was
not worried about ' mines or sub
marines, t . ;
Wilson Peeved as V
Army Officers Ask
U. S. Be Protected
WASHINGTON. April ll.-nepresenta-tive
Gardner of Massachusetts gave a
dinner last night to the reserve army
of the United States. Eight of the six
teen reservists attended.
Mr. Gardner referred to the recent lose
of the submarine F-4, which he char
acterized aa a"gruesome comment on
Secretary Daniels' policy of peaceful
persuaelon and pretense of preparedness.'!
"The'loss of life of the F-4," said he,
Ms due to' Secretary Daniels' neglect of
our submarines."
Mr. Gardner related an incident, which
he said, occurred a year aso when, "in
the minds of many people there was
serious danger of International trouble
in the Pacific ocean." A Joint hoard of
army and navy officers, he said, went
to President Wilson, with recommenda
tions that certain precautions be taken
immediately. ...
'The president gasped with anger at
the effrontery of these distinguished of
ficers." said Representative) Gardner, "and
peremptorily forbade the board to meet
again. If this statement of mine Is
denied I challenge the president to per
mit a public investigation."
NEW ORLEANS, La.,Aprll Il-Chargea
that George M. Farmer was shanghaied
aboard the British mule ship Anglo-Australian
hers and that severe treatment
afterwards wag contributory to his death
were noade In a 10,000 libel suit filed
against the vessel here today by Edward
Farmer, his father. Young Farmer died
three days after the vessel left New Or
leans February IT for Avonmouth.
In the petition the father charge that
Farmer wag taken aboard the vessel In
an intoxicated condition and lashed to a
stanchion. His ' treatment, the petition
sets forth, resulted in a fit and he djed
without attention.
The Weather
Tesiseratart at Oaaab Yesterday.
a. m...
a, ra
a, m.
a m.
a. m,
niiiiii nntiti S4
l p. m. ,,, M
I p. m... ,., n
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7 p. m
l'' Lekl Record.
1915. 1911 1913. 1912.
Highest yesterday ti 46 M 74
I fittest yesterday 4: 2X ?A &J
Mean temperature fi Xi 40 M
Prrcipiiation T .90 .00 .03
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temierature ' 43
Kxresa for the day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 140
Normal precipitation 10 Inch
leficiecy for the lay .10 inch
Tola) rainfall since March 1....1M Inches
Deficiency since March 1 38 Inch
lefk'ieticy for cor. lerio1. 1MI4. ,2 Ini h
iJiccB for cor. period, lflj t 13 inches
U A. WKU-ll, Forecaater.
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House Postpones Bill to Extend
V Terms of Office Holders (
' Until 1918.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 1. (Special.)
Like the hoy -who stood on the burn
ing deck when the raging flames
made hot the peanuts by the peck,
Speaker Jackson stood by his desk
yesterday In the face of a lobby
of county officials hanging over the
rail and with a resounding whack, of
his gavel sounded the death knell to
the bill Intended to extend their
terms two years without the trouble
of a re-election.
It was the gavel swung by the gOod
right hand of the speaker that choked off
an avalanche of hot air which was about
to be precipitated upon the assembly and
when the thing had been done, remarks
were made that the speaker had pulled
off 1 the beat stunt of tils career. The
Question was pJ:he adoption of the con
ference report of the committee appointed'
to 'confer wfth" Mke committee from the
senate. '.
Oppnaitloa Overwhelm!. '
The speaker did not, aa might be sup
posed, take snap judgment on the ques
tion. He merely put to a vote the con
ference report In the Tegular manner
after the question Involved had been up
for discussion several ,timee. All the
members understood it perfectly and were vote upon it The majority was
at least ten to one for Indefinitely post
poning the bill.
Where the disappointment of the of
flceholdlng lobbyists snd their friends
came in wss over the' failure to delay a
final vote until enough opponents of the
scheme had gone home so thst they could
finally smugRle It through. A substitute
motion had been sent up to the clerk's
desk with this object in view, but the
putting, of the first motion eliminated
the second one from consideration.
Heeoaalderatlea Mve Falls.
Mr. Richmond immediately moved to
reconsider, but another member sprung
the proposal to takers recess, which car
ried. It is believed that tf another, at
tempt should be made to reconsider it will
fall, aa fifty-one votes are required.
, On behalf of the Lancaster county of
ficeholders Mr. Mockett had moved in
the house Friday afternoon that the con
ference committee be directed to report
on Saturday. The committee merely re
ported Saturday morning that It would
like to have more time, which was al
lowed. Unknown to Mr. Mockett, the commit
tee later handed up a second report re
commending indefinite postponement Just
before noon Mockett spoke on a question
of pesonal privilege and re plod to a news
paper criticism of his activity In helping
out the officeholders' lobby. In doing
so, he Intimated that the conference com-,
mlttee had been "playing' horse." Negley,
Borensen and Cronin, the three members
of the cbmmlttee all replied to ' Mockett
Mr. Cronln's" remarks were especially
caustic, v
' Reasta Of Hio-holders.
"X .deny the slurs that the gentleman
from Lancaster has cast ' upon . the. com
mittee," said Oronin. ' "If dilatory tactics
have been attempted it is he and bis
crowd who have .used them'. 'Our report
is now on the clerk's desk and was there
whei Mr. Mockett arose to 'make his
grandstand play. I want to say about
this county officeholders'- lobby, which
has been hanging around here all winter,
that Its members are not dolngtheir
duty by their people when they spend
their time In this way." ,
The conference report was that the
matter should be left to the next legis
lature and that House Roll I be indefin
itely postponed. Mr. Scett moved to adopt
It and the motion carried with a chorus
of "syes" which almost raised the roof.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 11 -Bp iaU-The
stats efficiency survey commission, as
proposed In House Roll No. !. found op
position when It came up on third reading
In the senate yesterday. It finally
carried, however, ty a vote of II for to It
against. . -
The bill creates a commiHsloo to make a
survey of the efficiency of the various
departments of state government and to
report thereon to the next legislature. It,
carries an appropriation of )4,00 for the
expenses of the commission.
- a- . .1 iTi sal r-
I Vv. v -
Another German . ,
Commerce Raider
Enters U. S. Port
NEWPORT NEWS, Vs., April ll.-The
German auxiliary cruiser Kronpi ins Wil
helm, another of the elusive German
searchers which have been destroying
commerce since the outbreak of the war.
arrived in Hampton Roads this morning.
Folk County Member Makes Them
All Do His Bidding; on
, (From a. Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. April 1 1 . ( Special. )
The Norton scheme of appointing
in advance one committee from the
house to act as a' conference commit
tee on all the appropriation bills will
cause; considerable delay, and as a
cons'equeoce the final "adjournment
may not come tomorrow, ,. K .
, The committee from the house has.
four bills to confer on, all lmportat,
.The senate. In order to rush mat
ters, appointed a different commit
tee for each bill, but on account of
the house having but one committee,
three of these committees will have
got to wait their turn until the house
committee can finish its work on the
first one. . - - '
Meanwhile the members sit around
doing nothing and the employes continue
to draw their salaries.
Could a committee have been appointed
on each bill, all might have been working
at the same tims and the work cleaned
up much sooner.
The inference committees from the
senate are as follows:
H. R. m. Salaries BIU-Brookley. Wink
and Bunhee.
H. R. 751, -Maintenance Bill Kol, Wil
son of Dodge and Kleohel.
H. R. 204, Fisheries Bill-Grace, Saund
ers and Mallerv.
H. R. 667. Miscellaneous Rills Kohl,
Buhrman and Hushee.
H. R. 7W. Claims Blll-Weesner, Kohl
and Lahners.
H. R. 4. University lvy-Msllery,
Wilson of Dodge snd Wilson of Frontier.
Some of the members are wondering tf
in the 100 members of the house, there
are only two men besides himself to
whom Mr. Norton can trust the adjust
ment of the difficulties which' his
economy plan has brought about.
Members of the senate are much
wrought up ever being compelled to stay
doing nothing.
Berlin Taking Oyer
-Private Street- Car-
, And Light Systems
, .
. RERUN, Afrll lh (By ..JVireless : to
Sayvllle, N. T ) The Overseas News
agency' today gave it the -following:'
'"In the midst of the 'world conflagra
tion the Berlin municipal administration
Is undertaking the gigantic enterprise of
busing and conducting the Berlin Elec
trical works. The municipal council has
unanimously appropriated 130,000,000 marks
for the purpose of obtaining . the street
car system and assuring cheap electricity
for the citizens.- V '
"At the same time the suburb of
Pehoenbflig la extending a large sum for
an ' extension of Its underground lines
snd Berlin is building s new line connect
Wig the northern snd southern parts of
the city. , ., ." , .
"The foreign office at Vienna has pub
lished s red book containing nearly 90S
official documents concerning violations
of International laws by hostile govern
ments since the outbreak of the war.
These reports disclose sstoumllng cruel
ties by Russian invaders snd Serblsn
Villa and Obregon .
Not Fighting Now
Fl, i'A.SO, Tex . April ll.-No further
fighting wss reported here between tbe
Villa and Ohregon forces, which clashed
this week between Irspusto and Quere
laro. Villa remained at Irapuato, pre
paring to attempt tu dislodge the C'ar
ransa troops from Celyav
ir. If it
iO a
mx. w
Anti-Discrimination Insurance Idea
Finally Postponed by the
Senate Members.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 11. (Specials
Members of the legislature who have
formed the church-going habit since
coming under the environment of
the "Holy City" broke over this
morning and attended a short session
of the legislature Instead. '
In the "" senate five bills were
passed on third reading, and In com
mittee of the whole one bill was or
dered engrossed for third, reading
and two killed. One of those killed
was House Roll No. 581, which had
been amended so that It was a sub
stitute for Senate File No. 46, tbe
insurance bill killed the house last
'Amendments to the bill were adopted
by a vote of 14 to 11, but when the blH
earn- tip' jpr the final action on a motion
to postpone Indefinitely, the' roil oall
showed 14 for death and 13 for its salva
tion. - '
. ... Bills rsned by Senate.
The following bills were passed: ,
H. R. 763, the Governor Appropriates
KO.OOO for foot and mouth disesse. Ayes,
27; noes, none.-
II. It. -KM, Smith Authorises stste
auditor to accept In full amounts due on
old claims from counties owing state on
insane accounts, without intereat. Ayes,
W; no. V .
H. H. 140. Laren Authorises Douglas
county to aRuulre land and erect work
house, nnd issued bonds for purchase of
same: emerrency. Ayes, !; noes. none.
II. R. 343 RDeals lunlor normal ai-hnnl
act. Ayes,' 22; noes, .
t- oti, rcimiun AIIUW OOUniV COfn-
m(stlonere of Lancaster county 'to fix
salary of clerk to county judge. Ayes, 24;
no, l.
Passed la Spite of Introducer.
A communication was received In the
senaW from RepresentuJye Palmer of
Douglas, asking that his bill, house roll
No. 42, be Indefinitely postponed. The
bill required Justices of the peace to pay
aU fees in excess of $1,000 Into the county
treasury. The bill was passed at the ses
sion (ast night and so ths communication
came too late. .
The senate cotrTerence committee con
curred In the amendments of the house
on senste file No. 1S1. providing for full
velustion of all real estate, but levy shell
be made on a 89 per cent valuation.
House roll No. KJ0, by Reynolds, pro
viding for creation o water power dis
tricts, was recommended to pass In com
mittee of the wholo.
Redlstrlrtlas Bill Favored.
Ovi )n the house a short session wss
held and house roll No. 415, the Nlchce
bill providing for a redisricting of the
Kfghth and Ninth judicial districts, wns
tsken up. The, original bill provided for
the taking of Stanton county from the
Eighth district and placing It in the Ninth
and providing an extra judge for the lat
ter district.. The senate smended the bill
by taking Cuming county also from the
Klghth district snd putting It In the
Ninth. I v
Peterson of Lancaster attempted to get
an amendment In 'providing for a fourth
judge In the Lancaster county district
oourt. . but this failed and the bill wif
adopted, with the two districts affected
now standing as follows:
Eighth, Cedar, Dakota." Dixon and
Thurston, with one judge.
. Ninth Afitelope, Knox, Madison, Plrce,
Wayne, Stanton and Cuming, with two
.Not knowing a ball game had been
scheduled for this afternoon at the league
park, the two houses quit with the under
standing that another session would be
held after lunch.
Among the bills cleaned up this after
noon was H. R. 44, ths I.findgrwn-Negley
loan shark bill. The conference commit
tee agreed to the senate amendments
which reduce the yearly Interest to from
89 to SS per cent and the license from
$100 to n0.
Both houses cleanad.up all bills before
them snd nothing la left now but to wslt
for the conference committee reports.
Colonel Nelson
Suffers Relapse
KANKA8 OITY, Mo.. April 11 (K pada I
Telegram.) W. It. Nelson, owner of tr
Kansas City Star, who waa believed on
the road to recovery from his recent ill
pees, suffered a relapse today and his
condition Is said to be critical
t Strain a X dnninv art A (nmirti Hir
Hostelry Too Much for His
Frsil Constitution.
William H. Burban't, president and J
general manager of the Hotel Fonv
tenelle, died shortly after 9 o'clock5
Saturday evening. The cause of
bis death was heart failure. Mr.
Burbankhnd beon under on Intense
nervous strain brough'. on by worry,
over the building and opening of the :
hotel. J
Arthur N. Cole, secretary of the j
hotel company, said that about 8
o'clock he went up to Mr. Burbank's
apartment, where he had been par
tially confined for the last two or
three days, with some letters for
him. They talked over the business
and during tbeir discussion,' .Mr. Bur
bank said, as he slgnod a Utter.
"Have you ever seen a better signa
ture than that?" Mr. Burbank then
Kails Dead la Red.
Along toward o'clock . the family
nurse went Into the room to give him
a cup of broth. He Complained to her
that he had a hard time getting his
breath. While she wns still in the room
he, fell back on the bed, apparently dead.
That frightened the girl and 'she Im
mediately called the office by telephone.
His .wife wss called at once, snd also
Dr. W. O. Henry, who lives St the hotel.
Mr. Burbsnk never regained conscious
ness. He waa dead before Dr. Henry
could get there.' Dr. Henry said thst
death wss undoubtedly due to hesrt
Mr. Burbank was a member of the
Omaha club, the Commercial club snd
Happy Hollow club, and was a Mason. 'j'
He came direct to "Omaha from .Byra- ,
cuse, N. T., where he had been ma nag- j
Ina- th. Ilm.l rw.nn.laaa Ha m-'aa i
years old and wss born tn mtsfieid,
- T..-b- . V..
rata. uurunr uiini
the death of her husband
. M k . , . . 'I
, Relatives Deeply Effected.
After the death ot .William. K Bur
bank, Mrs... Burbank retired ,snd lefused
to see anyone outsit io-relative,
make . any statements, j Mru Burbank's
brother was also In seclusion and would
grant po- Interviews. .Both were deeply
srectea oy ins aoatn. Mr. urrgg, or tne
hotel company,' stated that It was Im-
oosslble ' to say at nreent Juut what
ef feot this would have on the manege-
ment of the hotel. That must wait for
a meeting of the directors ot tne oner-
atlng company, of which Mr. Burbsnk
waa president. . This meeting Will take
place in Pvracuse. N. T.
Mr. Gregg also said that ss yet nothing
hsd been decided ' definitely concern'ng
the burial, . but that, the body would In
all likelihood be taken east , ,
Considered "Hotel Wlsard."
At the stockholders' dinner, which pre
ceded the opening ot the Hotel Fontenelle
to the public, President Wsttles of the
Douglas Hotel company, referred to Mr.
Burbank In most enthusiastic, terms. . ,
"We looked about for a man to take
charge of the management of the hotel,"
he said, "and among ths many who were
considered we choso Mr. Burbank because
he seemed most sminently quallfledSo fill
the bill. We looked up his record, and
found him to be not only a hotel expert,
but a veritable wliard."
This estimate of Mr. Burbank's sbllity
was confirmed by Mr. Rafferty ot Syra
cuse, who told of the success that had
come to the Hotel Onondaga In that city
under the management of the man whose
genius formed the company that is man
aging the fontenelle. -
I Architect Kimball also told of th prac
j tlcal saaistance given him by Mr. Bur
: bank, who had spent most of his time in
Omaha during the construction of the
hotel and whose experience was largely
drasvn upon in providing for msny of the
special features and comforts of the
house. He gave his personal attention
Jto the most minute details of the ar
rangement and furnishings of the big
hotel, and worked beyond the limit in
, task of getting It ready to open on time.
Born In a hotel bearing his family name,
and coming from a line of hotslmen, Mr.
Burbank was by heredity and environ
ment as well ss- by experience s cspabte
hotel man himself. He was born at
l'lttsfleld, Wass., n IfCl, n the Burbank
house conducted by his fsther. William
t Continued on Page Two, Column Two.)
Senators to Buy
Desks and Chairs; '
Order New Fresco
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOLN, April lL- Special Telegram.)
The senate in a session held last night
with Just enough present to constitute a
majority passed several bills of a minor
nature, making a record of forty-six for
the day. The members will meet St 10 '
o'clock In the morning again, but It is
not expected that business will . be
Before recess today the senate un
animously adopted a resolution authoris
ing the secretary of state to TTiy before
the next session, thlrty-thies desks for
the members, and six for the newspaper hitherto borne by the state. The mein
men of modern construction aud lsrge ! ber from York wss fesrful tliat) county
enough to hold the ..books and papers ,
needed. A new carpet and chairs, snd
the repsinting of the landscape on the
celling that haa been a source of worry
to Senator Qulnby all through the ses -
slon. was aleo ordered, ths whole cost not
to exceed Sj.CO).
"v ' - " .Si
- - i
Russians Admit Failure to Capture
Hill Held by Germans Between
Ucsok and Beskid Fanes.
. ni-ixtrri.
LONDON, April 11. The latest
Russian official statement says that
the Muscovites took the offensive In
the direction of Mesolaborcs and dis
lodged the opposing forces from
W'lrawa.,.The Russians also captured
Height '09, a much disputed posi
tion, which means, they claim, that
the enemy has been driven back
tbronhout the whole of the princi
pal chain of tha Carpathian moun
tains in the region of the Russian of
fensive. .'
LONDON. .April" 11. -There lhs
been a considerable extension of the
battlefields both In the Carpathians
snd In the Woevre district of France,
where fighting of extreme . violence
continues hy day and night, without.
hr)wevep any defnlte dec,B,n hav,ns
been reached.
, The Russians have made them-
' . ' . .........
i aeivAa masters or tna nrinninai mam
- W '
of mountains from Dukla -. pass to
Usaok pass and have begun an attack j
on the German , forces, ' wfilcb ' hold
the ..hills from", the! .latter, pass . east
ward to the Beskid pass.
This section of 'the Carpathian " has
been -the seen since early February of
many rierce encounters between - tha
Germans, who were sent ' to help ' the
uatrtsna in their fmiiiau tn.
j relieve Prsemysl and tbe Russian army
(whose tssk It wss to hold them back
until the full of the fortre.ssk , .
. ;ive Another Task.
Now. thia Herman armv he been
given another task that of trying to
prevent ths Russians from straightening
out their line, which is necessary before
the Invasion of Hungary Is undertsken.
It -Is spparent that this army hss
suocewW In at least checking the Rua
sisu advance as the Austrisn official
report Jntms s victory for the Germans
In this section whlls ths Russians admit
that they hnve been unable to rapture
hill mi, while lies about midway between
I'ssok and Beskid passes.
As the Russians .have Immense forces
at their dtsiossl and splendid railways
to take them, to the front, , confidence
is expressed they will succeed, ss they
did in the Iborcia valley. In countering
this check. The British military writers,
however, warn the pubtlo that they must
nut expect a speedy conclusion of the
Carpathian bsltles, as tha Russians still
hsve serious obstacles to overcome snd
tno' further they advance through the
mountains ths more difficult will be the
task of keeping their armies supplied,
tierauaas Take Heights.
VIFN.VA, April H.(Vla Indon.V-Th
Austrian war department today gave out
the following official statement:
"Tn the wooded mountains to the esst
of l'sok pass 'sevens fighting opened
yesterday. German troops captured a
height to the north of Tucholwa, whioh
since April S had been hotly contested
and stubbornly defended by the Rus
sians. One colonel and more than l,0u0
men weie captured and fifteen .machine
guns were taken.
"btrong attacks against the German
snd our porlttons tn Opor Valley, in the
district of Stryj. failed with severe Rue
slan losses, yesterday we iwptured
J.1M prisoners."
Turks Occupy .
City of Hamadan
PKTROGnAD. April 11. -A telegram to
the Bourse Qasette from Tlflis; " Trans
Caucasls, say s that the Turks have occu
pied Hamadan. a city of Persia 1S5 miles
southwest of Teheran.
Hamadan Is. a . station for ths com
merce between Bsgdad, Tabrls. Ispahan
snd Teheran. It has a population of
about 25,000.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 11 (Specisl) the
opposition of Jgsndsll of York, the sen
ate committee of the .whole yesterday
recommended for pessege the bill re
quiring the counties-to pay tha ex-
jpenses of returning fugitives from justice.
boards through a desire for enconoiuy I
- might cause justice to n-lscarry l some
Among other bills re-.-ommended wss
th measure for a ) esr-reund registration
lof voters In Lincoln at the city clerk's
General Sayi He Would See Entire
' Corps of Hundred Thousand
Lost to Sare Position. .
BRITISH STKtMKR anger charter
Belgian Relief eonmlailna
asmk by aala ee torpedo Im Worth)
riOHTTWO .tSOI'vn l.ea Fpararea,
the ' Waerrf dtatrlct of Frware.j,
the ftwal asaaalta which a-alaett
for . the French this Important
tratearla position cost the fier.
Mlsi AO.OOO mem.
the Preweh XV nr frteo. it iim
noanee still farther prayrea by
the Freweh forces la (heir fnrtoas
aalaaa-hta apoa the Gfrasa liars, j
which are drawa ap between th
. Meeae sad the Maaelle rt-rera aa!
the proteetlaa- wall for Mets, tha
are eat fortress f Alaaes-Larrataa.,
' ow eoatrol the prlaelpal
rhala af atoaatalna ketweea Dakla.
and 1'aaok passes sal are attack
ing: the, Oermaa , sst Aastrlaa
force to ha east af Ussak.
LONDON, April 11. -The French,!
army In the Woevre Is hammer-,
Ini at the two sides of the German.'
wedge, which was driven Into the
French . lines as far as St Mlhlet
esrly in the war and which thus far'
has remained firm, and simultane
ously has attacked the German froht
which passes close to the Lorraloo
border between Nancy and Chateau
The 'capture of. Lea Eparges, on
the northern side of the wedge, ap
pears to hare been the most marked'
success the French hare gained after
almost a ..fortnight's , fighting, 1
toougn uie. manner, in which tha
Germans are eountar attacking In tha
forast ' of Montmare, ' to the. south-, '
esst,,' would' indicate that they feel
the French pressure' from that di
rection most-severely.
i All the other attacks the Germans claim
to have repulsed with heavy losses to tho
ETench. . -
ParU Official Statement.
PARIS (via. London;, April 11. The fol
lowing official ststement regsrdlng tre
progress of the campaign was issued by
the wsr office todsy:
"Between the Meuse' snd . the Mcsells
we have retained all the ground gained
snd hsve made fresh progress. Between
the Ome snd the Meuse there hav. h...
no engagements. .
"At Les Epsrges ths enemy hss under
tsken no action, either with Infsntry or
srtlllery, and the day passed rjuletly. Ths
whole position Is In our hands sod state
ments of prisoners emphssises the Im
portance aj our soccees.
" "The -Germans since-the end of Febru
ary had in this part of the front the en.
tire. Twenty-third division of- reserves
Then, toward the end of March, when
that division was exhausted, the Tenth
sctlve division of th Fifth army corps,
composed of ths beat troops of their
army, wss brought up. . It Is this division
whlph haa Just lost tha vorit.hi.
constructed on the spur of Les Eparges.
Ortere t. Held Oa.
"Th troops hsd frequently been or
dered to hold on at all costs; they were
told that the position was of the grtateet
toportance and their general s.11 that
In order to keep It he would escrlflee tha
division, or the army corps of men
If neoesssry.
'I'" U"erM hr th9 German.
monI dUrlBB th '"t w.
months an.ountedjo JO.POo mrn
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