Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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Sunday, April 11, 1915
TeteTani Petition Congress to Isiue
Fitting Medal Commemorating
Beunion of the Nation.
The Problem of Supplying Personal and Family Needs
Seems Best Solved by Depending on Burgess-Nash
Rome of the lead from confederate
muskets is still curried In the bodies
of Grand Army men of Omaha. This
was proven at the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of the surrender
of Lee, in court room No. 1 of .the
Douglas county court - house last
night. When one of the speakers
asked all those wounded during the
war to rise, thirty-nine flowing gray
beards rose modestly a little above
the heads of the crowd, and thirty
nine aged veterans tottered for a
moment on their feet and then sat
as modestly down.
Appomattox day was a great
day for the veterans, and the even
ing's celebration was the greatest
part of the day, when nearly 600 old
veterans, and their families and
friends crowded into the room at the
court house.
Klaht t the Sm r.
Only sight of the gray veterans fn all
th house were with the army at Ap
pomattox the day of the sair ender of
le. Thews rot to their feet durlns; the
evening and let the crowd oheer them a
moment. Six others were at the battle
of Shlloh. Twenty-three, who faoed fire
on the frightful field of Ylcksburg were
celled to their feet by Judge Jacob
Fawcett of the supreme court of Ne
braska who presided at the meettnr.
Following a program of patriotic muwle
and speaking, the Grand Army men
edopted a resolution looking- toward
" aonvroemoraUna- this anniversary by the
striking and distribution of a medal ap
propriate to the event.
Following Is the resolution, which had
been suggested to the committee by
Victor Rosewater, editor of The Bee, and
which was presented by him:
"Looking back over the half century
that has elapsed since Appomattox, that
crucial event marking the re-establlsh-ment
of peace for a re-unlted nation looms
now in the hictorio perspective larger and
more momentous than even the mosVar
, seeing- actors In it realised. In no similar
period of time and In no otir country
' on earta, do the achievements of the
American people, made possible by the
preservation of tho union, find a counter
part The blessings of peace as con
trasted with the horrors of war are so
peculiarly signalised in the celebration of
this unique anniversary that we believe
It should be fittingly commemorated by
' the striking of an appropriate medal.
- We thereforo, memorialize congress to
. 'make provision for carrying out this Sus
: gestion and for the proper distribution of
: the medals to all who should be entitled
to receive them." -
Trtrraia Called te Floor.
It was Judge Fawcett. presiding over
the meeting, who called to their feet the
' veterans' of certain battles - and drew
rounds of applause from the crowd. After
giving the crowd a moment to view the
J old veterans who participated In a gtven
i battle the Judge ; described the battle
(. briefly. He himself was wounded at
r Shlloh. and having been carried to the
rear and to a height in the hills was able
to overlook much of the battle during
the rest of the day. He spoke of Grant's
generalship in this battle and of the
criticism that was. afterward directed
against the general for not having pro
vided boats enough in advance to take
his men over the Tennessee river in ease
' ha had been defeated. He quoted Grant
as having replied to this criticism. 'There '
would have been boats enough to carry
all that would have been left if 'we had
been defeated."
Victory Kenrte4 !tloa.
. He spoke of Appomattox as a great
victory, not only for the anion, bnt for
the confederacy .alike, as It resulted In
the reuniting of the torn republic.
Judge A. I Sutton spoke of the civil
war as a war between' the commercial
civilization and the Christian civilisation
of a nation with the Christian civilisation
triumphing. He contrasted the civil war
with the war in Europe, declaring that
In Europe no great principle Is Involved
as was the case In the American civil
war. He spoke against large standing
armies and navies, , but declared he
stands for an army and navy large enough
to command the respect of the world
Rev. THysses O. Brown, mad a patriotic-
address in which he declared the
schools should first teach the children
all the virtues of tho country before they
, undertake to point out its faults, so that
the young people might learn that in spite
of some faults the country has so many
advantages and so many' vlrtuee that
the few faults can readily be forgiven.
' He praised General Grant for the great
magnanimity he had shown in dealing
leniently with the conquered Lee and his
army. He declared this policy had much
to do with bringing about the speedy re
construction of the union la that It left
the south with as little prejudice as possible.
Ladies to Complete Flans for En
dowing State Hospital Service
Fund Started.
Nebraska, members of the Ladles of the
Maooaboes of the World will hold their
annual state convention at Hotel Rome
Tuesday, April 50, when plans for endow
ing a state hospital sen-Ice wl)l be com
pleted. Almost $500 Is already In the fund for
the Nebraska hospital service of the or
der, and enthusiasm ovr the early and
successful culmlnatlou of the project Is
so keen among all the members that tt Is)
expected plana for endowing the under
taking will be speedily perfected and the
balance of the necessary fund of 15,000
will be readily provided for. Michigan
and Illinois Ladles of the Maccabees al
ready have state hospital services.
The Ladles of the Maccabees of the
World is a fraternal order made up en
tirely of women and wholly officered and
managed by them. Since it began its
existence In 1883, without a dollar or a
member, it has grown to be one of tho
strongest. In Nebraska alone It now
gives protection amounting to S1.S51.643
and has paid out almost $309,000 In death
and disability claims.
Miss Blnda M. West is the founder and
Supreme commander of the head order,
which has 180,000 women enrolled In mem
bership In fifty-five states and provtnoes.
The reserve fund Is nearly $$.600,000, with
annual Interest earnings of 1360,000 from
bond Investments. The dally Interest
amounts to nearly one-third of the daily
death oJalms.
Delegates will be elected at the state
convention In Omaha to attend the grand
supreme hive review to be held In May,
when the work of the last four years will
be gone over. Omaha Is already taking
steps to entertain the state delegates
royally, and the action of the convention
here Is expected to place Nebraska on
the honor roll of the .order.
Can't Get Seals and
: The Sailors Mutiny
ST. JOHNB, N. V April .-A mutiny
of part of the crews of the sealing steam
era Terra Nova and Viking was reported
by the captains of those ships in wire
less messages to the owners today.
SUgbty-seven men of the Terra Nova and
seventy on board the Viking are declared
to have struck: as a result of th ship's
lack of sucoess in capturing seals. The
vessels are now In the gulf of St Lawrence.
Sage Tea Dandy
To Darken Hair
Look yean younger! Vae the old
time Hage Tea and Sulphur
, . and nobody will kjiow.
I .
you can turn gray, raaea hair beauti
fully dark and lustrous almost over night
If you'll get a 60-cent bottle of "Wyeth's
Sage and Bulphur Compound" at any drug
store.' Millions of bottles of this old,
famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annual
ly, says a well-known druggist here, be
cause tt darkens the hair so naturally
and evenly that no one can tell It has
been applied.
Those whose hair Is turning gray, be
coming faded, dry, scraggly and thin have
a surprise awaiting them, because after
one or two applications the gray hair
vanishes and your locks beoome luxuri
antly dark and beautiful all dandruff
goes, scalp Itching and falling hair stops.
- This Is the age of youth. Gray-halrcd.
unattractive folks aren't wanted around,
so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul
phur tonight and you'll be delighted with
your dark, handsome hair and your
youthful appearanoe within a few days.
It's a Hair Soap
Lee's Shampoo U a transparent, syrupy fluid
oap (or hair and scalp. It's not tonic. You'll
not need a tonic or hair renewer or scalp medi
cine if the hair and scalp are kept clean, clean of
aoap as well a clean of grease, dirt and dandruff.
Soaky suds cause more hair and scalp trouble than
all other causes combined. You would not think
of using a shaving soap for the teeth or a tooth
soap for the skin, yet a correct soap for the hair is
more important than either, because its effect is
more lasting and far reaching.
The usual soap Is one-half lye or caustic, often
not fully neutralized. If completely washed out
from the hair no harm is done, but if the soap is
of a soaky nature and penetrates the fibre and do res
of hair and scalp, it cannot all be washed out Much soap is left
behind after the water dries out This soap in time, breaks down,
releasing the lye which eats into the hair and scalp ct using excessive
dandruff, itching head sores, falling hair, etc The hair is often dry
and harsh, or stiif, sticky and gummy.
Lee's Shampoo eliminates all of these troubles. Even a tingle
shampoo, observing the soft, silky condition of the hair, the quick
cleansing and quick drying, is very satisfying. A month's use U
absolutely convincing. The irritating cause is removed.
Dottls of 10 Shampoos 23 cts. At your druggist's or postpaid.
Sample Shampoo for $ cts. Poetsge.
i - i
s ?
First Time in Omaha
Beginning Tomorrow (Monday). April 12
At Burgess-Nash, of Course
A Complete Working Model of the
Panama Canal
COMPLKTK in every detail, electrically operated
mountains, rivers, oceans, boats, looks all kio
graphically correct; showing in wonderful oleamess
Cnlehra Cut, Oatun Invite and every phase of the now
famous Canal Zone.
You make the entire trip through the Canal, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, with every movement carefully
Free Instructive Lectures
This wonderful exhibition will start tomorrow and continue
for two weks. Every roan, woman and child should it. Hear
the instructive lectures and then ifeel a pew pride In the country's
great achievement an added natlBfaotlon that you are permitted
to live under the glorious Stare and Stripes.
Hrhonl children In particular will be Interested In seeing this
model. 1'lun now to have leotaree at special hours. They're free
to everybody. "We're at your aervlce."
Beautiful New Imported White Goods
Usually $1.00 to $1.75 at 65c Yard
NOVELTIES of fashionable weaves In white goods, 40 to 45 Inches
wide, including lace cloth, sheer voiles, stripe, seed, shadow
checks and embroidered effects crepe with bourette and other nov
elties. The variety is large, but quantity la limited of each, and
no duplicates. Come early and secure first choice; the usual (1,00
to $1.76 qualities, yard, 05c
Bnrtss-Kasa Oe Main Tloor.
Hall-Borchert Adjustable Dress Forms
at $2.00 Down and $1.00 A Week
EVERY woman, regardless how little past sewing; experience she haa
had, can (julckly and eaally acquire the "knack" of the profes
sional dressmaker and make every gown for herself and family, a
handsome, perfect fit.
You've always wanted a Hall-Borchert Drees Form this Is your
To make the occasion intensely Interesting to all those home-sewers
who visit us durins; the next day or two we have made the following
prices on iiau-Borcnert specials:
The Imperial
The "Imper
ial" Is Inde
pendently ad
justable a t
neck, bust,
waist. hips
and skirt,
meeting every
r qutrement
that can be
mufa of It ami
Instantly - du
iplicatlna the
bodily meas
urements o C
any feminine
figure reirard
leHn of size or
proportion. Our
new Club plan.
Bust I The Peerless
terse v
AH slses;
made of
mat erlals
throu sh
out, in lat
est lines
and true
p ropor
tions. Cov
ered ' with,
non - crock
cloth. Re-
One of tho
most practical
draping forms
ever invented,
easy to adjust
t h roughout
each of its 14
sections, enab
ling the user
to duplicate
enact contour
and ' thereby
secure perfect
hanar, fit an'l
poise to every
town, price
A dressmaking economist and home-sewing lecturer will be here to
show the ladles the simplicity and ease with which errors in cutting,
draping, and fitting can be avoided. His talk is interesting and
severely practical.
Bnrges-wash Oo JTaln floor Hear.
Exquisitely Embroidered Voile and
Organdy Flouncings, Allovers at 59c
AVERY unusual selection, embracing a wide variety of sew de
signs and of a superior quality, 40 Inches wide.
Also embroidered nets, allover aces, black silk plain and fancy nets,
40 inches wide.
Val ltfres and headings, N edges and insertions to match, real linen
lace edges.
Bnrfss-Wash Oo. Main Floor.
Sewing Machines of World Renown
Makes $35.00 to $50.00 Litt Price $29.50
IIFt offering includes such makes na the SINGER,
$0 Cash (t i Each
Then V 1 Week
Borne of the machines are floor samples and
a few have been slightly used, but every
machine is in good condition and is guaran
teed for ten years. Come Monday and pick
out the machine you want. . This is surely
an opportunity seldom offered, and anyone
desiring a good machine can scarcely afford
to miss this opportunity. No mall or phone
orders accepted.
Bnrf. as-sTesa Co. -Thlyq rioor.
Select Your New Spring Outfit From These
Tailored Suits at $25.00
ihey Represent ine Biggest tnd Best Value You Find Anywhere at the Price
WE realize that seems rather
boastful, hut we are sjo
cinlizing on this particular brand
of suits and fotl certain that for
real value, smartness of style,
chic, e.xelusiveness and individ
uality, tliey cannot he duplicated
rnywhere at this price.
The range of charming styles Is ex
tremely wide; every new feature of the
flonoon hns been deftly worked Into
these suits.
The styles are the short high belted
effect, the tallleur model, with normal
waist line, the jaunty Kton, the Nor
folk and the new hip length coat.
Skirts are circular, cluster plaited and
novelty yoke effects, all sixes, all correct colors and materials
THE NEW COATS $10.00 TO $75.05
The new coals are charmingly in keeping with the brilliant frocks
and separate skirts with which they are to be worn; the styles are a
particularly refreshing change from those of the past. Prices range
from flO.DO to 7fl.(M). Oo Bxpnd rioor.
The Season's Most Favored Wash Materials
in a Pleasing Display Monday Main Floor
LL the new effects botdi domestic and foreign ure represented in wide selections of
weaves, colorings and patterns. We mention some of them here.
39c New Ratine Weaves, 19c
Plain shades of blue, pink, lavender, tan, brown
and old rose, also black and white, 40 Inches wide,
the usual 38c quality at I Be yard.
New Wash Goods at 25c
Including figured, striped and flowered voiles Scotch
ginghams, tissues, Irish dimities, woven flazons,
etc., 37 to 10 Inches wide, at U."Vo the yard.
Pretty Flowered Voiles at 39c
New shadow lace effects, also a large assortment of
new seeded voiles with floral and striped effects,
40 inches wide, ,
Snrress.sTasB Oo. Main rioor.
New Washable Gabardines, 49c
One of the most wanted cotton suitings for this
season. New shades of blue, reseda, sand and
putty, also black and white, 36 inches wide.
' Colored Dress Linens at 79c
These are the new French linens, 41 Inches wide,
and the correct weight, blue, lavender, pink, tan
and brown.
New Dresden Silks at 59c
A new wash fabric for this season. Pretty floral
effects, stripe and coin dots, In a range of dark and
light shades, 3S Inches. wide.
Have tho Call
AND thefo special values
listed here for Monday
will bring a recorc response.
$1.25 to $1.50' Black Silks
at 98o
Including silk poplins, silk failles,
soft . chiffon taffetas, peau ' de
sole. satin , tnessaltnea, satin
duchess, etc., 36 to 42 inches
Black Silks, 79c
3G-lnch black silk chiffon taf
fetas and nieosalines, v;ry fine
Quality and very special.
Crepe de Chines, $1.29
Black and all silk crepe de chines,
good heavy quality, not the
sllmpsy kind, 4 2 Inches wide.
. $2.00 Charmeuse, $1.45
Black charmeuse silk, 42 inches
wide and all silk, soft satin fin
ish, usual $2.00 quality.
$1.00 Natural Pongee, 69c
Real imported pongee silk, the
kind that will wash and wear, 32
Inches wide.
nrjsss stash Co. Mala rioor.
Non-Shrinkable COT
Basement 15c
SOMETHING new, advanced
and better for making street
gowns, dresses for misses' and
children's wear. Large range of
beautiful designs and colorings.
Those who appreciate newness
and beauty should come to the
Wash Goods Department Monday,
Yard, ie.
India Linons at 5c
Pride of the West India Unons
and 8G-lnch wide organdie and
Swisses, Monday at, yard, 5c.
Shirting Prints, 312C
Light, medium and dark colored
dress and shirting prints, thou
sands of yards on sale at, yard,
Bleached Muslin, 5c
Yard wide bleached muslin. A
quality that will make Into serv
iceable garments, pillow cases,
sheets, etc., on sale Monday at,
yard, Se.
Baryess-ITash Oo, t
And Now Comes the News That Ostrich Will
be the Proper Trimming for Summer Millinery
IT'S Dame Fashion's Decree.
Creators of millinery fashions
tried, bnt conld not forego the beau
tifying touch of ostrich and now tho
latest creations from! fashion, land
show ostrich trimming. It appenrs
as Touffe, Motif or plume. f. .,
Our display for Monday includes many
charming creations in ostrich. You'll
appreciate the showing. Prices, . $3.00,
97.RO, $10.00 and upward. ;
A Limited Selection of Trimmed
Hats That Wore $5 to $10 for $2.50.
F.xtremely special are the values 1 offered in this selection for Mon
day. The hats are ssllor-or bonnet effects at leghorn and hemp, in
a variety of .shades and styles of trimmings- Hats that were $5.00
to 110.00, Monday, your choice for $2.50. Co. sooad rioor.
To Serve You Better We've Ins! ailed
a Perfected Shrinker and Finisher
. 1915-1925 Model
FOK the proper sponging, shrinking
and finishing of all kinds of waeli
goods and woolen dress goods. .
A Public Exhibition of the Machine WilJ Be
Given in Our Basement Monday, April 12th
COMU and see the machine in oper
ation Monday. It sponges,
shrinks and finished ratines, piqued, ging-
ham8,crepe cloths, linens and wool dre&a goods
Sponging and Shrinking Will Be Done Free Monday ,
Bit I NO any. waalt dress material or dress goods, whether
purchased hero or not, and we will sponge and shrink
it for you without charge Monday. Hereafter this perfect
work only 5c per yard. Wash fabrics 25c yard and under,
3o per yard.
Borff ITssta Co.-
Homo. Garden and Lawn Needs Underpriced at Burgess-Nasly Co,, Monday
Housecleaning Necessities
Cedolene oil
'mops, C9o
values, 3tfc.
O so ezy
com blnatlon
oil and dust
mop. includ
ing can of oil,
11.75 value,
for $1.10.
Liquid veneer,
60c bottle,
for 88c.
Dutch Cleans
er, ean, 7e.
Punch carpet
sweeping com
pound, Sc.
Well made
heavy step
ladders, each
step bolted or
b raced, per
foot, 22c.
Home oil, 25e
bottle, lOc.
tang handled
H a d iator
brushes, 25e.
Warren's var
nish remover,
can, 08c.
Ready mixed
house and
floor paint,
gallon, $1.3tt.
Floor bright
ener, l-quart
Tie can, &o.
Sapolln stove
pipe enamel
for lOe.
Tamplco bath
tab brashes
for 23c.
English floor
wax, pint can,
89c( quart,
c5 U gal
Ion, $1.25.
Climax wall
paper cleaner,
3 cane, 25c.
Light bouse
cleanser, 3
cans, 10c
Heavy carpet
beaters, loc;
extra heavy,
Nickel plated
towel bars, 10
to 16 sites,
for Be.
Japanned hat
and coat
hooka, dosen,
for ftc,
Uolded Rod
washing pow
der, 26o pkg.
for 18c.
Iron frame wash
wringers, guaran
teed, at $1.08.
Rubber bath room
mats, 8 8c value. 10c
Good window
bruslies, 40c.
Scrubbing brushes,
lOo value, 5c.
Body feather dust
ers, Oc.
Cocoa door mats
for 08c,
Curtain stretchers,
Cte values, at 0c.
Adjustable pin cur
tain stretchers,
11.76 values, $1J0.
Wash Day Specials
Thermax electric
Irons, guaranteed,
for $3.80.
Patent sleeve iron
ing boards, 10c.
Mrs. Potts' set of
irons, 6 pieces, flix-.
Square willow
clothes hampers,
f S.60 values. $1.98.
Extra heavy tin
wash boilers, with
heavy 16-os. copper
bottom, No. 8 size,
11.75 values, $1.20;
No. & size. $1.96
values, $1.40.
The Postoffice
Heavy willow
clothes baskets,
5e values. OOc.
Barf- !!- Co,
Rullman's vacuum
washing machine,
the easiest running
machine on the
market, either
wooden or galvan
ised Iron tub, spe
cial. $10.00.
Good wash
boards, 26c
values, 10c.
Qood wash
boards, 40c
values, any
style, aoc.
100 feet
heavy wire
clothes line,
Brush and mop
bolder, the best on
the market, 10c.
Long handled foil
ing feather duators,
CO ft. heavy braid
ed cotton clothes
line, 39c value 28c
No. 8 galvanized
iron wash boilera,
for 60o
Bad irons, Satur
day, lb 5c
Hardwood wringer
benches, Monday,
at ...$1.73
Willow clothes bas
kets, 76c values,
Monday 40c
6-ft. Ironing boards
at 0N
Heavy cotton mops
at lOe
35c Brooms, 19c
Another lot of those well-made,
well-bound and well-selected
36c brooms at 10c.
25o Aluminumware, 10c
Aluminum cream ladles, cake
turners and match holders,
first-class quality, 25c values,
only one of each to a cus
tomer, 10c.
Oood garden
hoe, 10c.
12-tine gar
den rake, 10c.
Spading forks
at Hc.
Lawn rakea
for 80c.
Turf edgers
for 73c.
Digging forks
at 23c.
Harden trow
els for 25c.
Garden Tools
Adjust able
rake and cul
tivator, $1.23.
Lawn mowers
of all kinds
now on dis
play $1.08 to
S-plece gar
den aets, spe
cial Monday,
at, per set &c
s t. ; w
l-p t e o e Ja
panned set
consisting of
1 50-lb. flour
can, 1 bread
box, 1 large
sugar can In
fancy rray col
ors and gold
letters, $2.60
values, per
let ....$1.75
Roller Skates
for boy and girls;
Hi ar asaArlm.a -
In our store
your benefit,
use of It.
is for-'
- iy ttC'ttii' ft i f rrtHW .'4iiW'n-t.'fH..f'isi1-'t'SwtflIIrir-S) "r. -.
vs sa, sjtssszv 1114 V Ub Ul
1 "--Fr-. uBafc