Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 16

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    4 B
l'llK O.UAUA SUNDAY WjL: AWUL 11, 1U15.
Gossip .
About Mtisic
and Musicians
;D . yon ever happen to think
D of the many different kind
I of qualities one could find In
rnutic. l nor are rom posi
tion i of merry or mournful
qualities, of ancient or mM-
ern rharactcrlPtlc or qualities, some
which hav national -qualities In therr
bsrmonie and melodic.
They may also have good and bad
qualities, but one may reet assured that
If they have many bad qusJItic no one
will ever nay that that muslo baa qual
ity, for when music has bad qualities It
has no quality. Upon tha othr hand,
on mlrht say that certain music la of
tha bast quality,, which eipram tha da
(tree of ejtoeUence. , .
Theaame way. with tha work of musi
cal people. Singers and Instrumentalists
may share In a variety of meaning of
the word. They may hav good and bad
que lit leg In their work.. It Is a pretty
good scheme occasionally to hunt out and
enumerate the qualities to be found In
one's own work, and then work on the
bad ones until the quality la raised to
such an extent that finally your work
ha quality only of the finest. Do you
know whst quality work holds?
Miss Helen Sommer and Her Orchestra Class
Helen Sommer, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Isadora Sommer of this city, who presented forty-five of her
pupils In recital at the opening of (he Brandeln piano department, will give anojber recital noon at tho 1
Schmoller & Mueller auditorium. The following pupil, who made their first public appearance in solo and '
orchestra numbers, did remarkably well: First rowr Julius Frank, Harry Plnkourtz, Julian Harris, Fred.
Miner, Phineaa Wlntroub, Elmer Allen, I. Wolk, R. Leavltt, Victor Eisler, A. Kohn, Ira Ehrenrelch,
Meredith Kenyon. Second row: Charles Puis, Maurice Sellgsohn, Victor Davis, Maurlse Llntzman, Helen Mark
man.'Tereea Qulnn, Frances Ferris, Esther Faler, Bernard Graeti, Samuel Sorrine, Edward Levlnson, Hyman Ber
Ilnt, Maurice Markman, Orlando Smith. Third. row: ' Harry Ravitz, Rose Cohan, Claire Abbott; Edith Kenyon,
Erma, Cluck, Matilda Faler, Jennie Lelbowltz, Rosa Markman, . Junior Wolk.
Sinters may hav a certain .statural
quality, of the voice, some hav a som
ber Quality.' other A bright quality,
some . a flnfellk - quality, whll . other
have more' of a string quality.. .There Is
a certain vhamcterlstto quality about the
tone of 'each Instrument. In the -ease of
the piano, or violin, there' Is also a, cer
tain quality about the tone, of aeh
player. 'The charaeterlstlo tone quality
of an instrument or voice la often called
the timbre- .'',. . , . . ,.
As student advance In their technic
the quality of 'their -tone advances, a
they '."advance' in thetr" art thehr quality
of Interpretation advances, and they find
that under certain conditions they can
Impart certain qualities to their tone
which are known as tone colors.
This i ti, especially ,tru' of the hunuin
voire, which in a gay song may hav
eolte a different quality from that In a
aad one. " or which ha even another
quality In a dramatic number. A good
example of this variety of tone color was
to be found In Madam Gadskl'g recital
last Tuesday. In the Sohubert-Ustt
"EM King" there were thre distinct
oualltles of tone In the one song, and
et all three were of different quality
from that which ah used In tho "Hark.
Hark the Lark," or In th lullaby b
Gllrionr. , ; . .
In concerted music there are great op
portunities for different effect of qual
ity. In th singing of the Mandelasonn
choir, for example, at tune th conduc
tor will obtain an effect which will re
semble; th tone of a great organ, at
ether time H will remind one more of
the quality of the strong choir of an or
chestra. Vic , versa, in th work of an
orchestra- an .ocaloaa Instrument will'
Ing out In such a way that It will sound
almost Uka vote ringing. .
' - i .'
.Were It not for certain muslcknly quali
ties, perslstenoa, and a quality of being
able to Impart the idea upon the part of
th conductor la either case, th quality
of faithfulness and patience on part of
th Individual member of any ensembl
oclety which doss worthy work, the
. different qualities ef th muslo could not
be brought eut. Just a th Quality In a
li ce of good la to be found In tha
minute threads which go to make it up,
so m muMe the quality depends upon tho
many' seemingly Instgntrieant detail
which are really Its warp and woof, and
which through their quality glvo It fin-.
Irh in du proportion. -
l-t Monday evening I attended a r
hearaal of tho Mendo! mono. choir and had
the 'plcasnre of hearing some- of the
numbers which they. wllj . sng . at tho
forthcoming concert. They wore rehears,
lujt "EiMr'i Lament" when I entered,
snd lf they do a Well at the concert It
Vlii certainly be an exquisite piece of ar
tistic choral singing.
A rehearsal is very much different from
a eoowxrt, but nose th tea Interesting,
any any one who idly Imagine that
all they do la Just to sing over and over
th (election on after another 1 very
much mistaken. They do keep going over
and over them, but not In quit that way.
Mr. Kelly ooaduct. with til utmost ear,
and th least affect which la. aot dear
or In proper balance one part with
another, os any other defect In manner or
kind. Immediately causes a halt. Tho
fault la explained, th part tried alone,
and then repeated carefully until all th
difficulties are smoothed away and tho
"rough places mad plain," before they
go on. Sometime only a portion of a
composition I teken op at the rehearsal
and tha time spent upon certain trouble
some passages. It la this kind of work
Whluh ttiakss th musical standing of th
tholr so tiUjh.
It Is not too much trouble for th leader
to analyze and explain why certain things
are best, and it Is easy lor the member
to follow Instruction when they see and
understtand the reason;.. Which makes
rne realize that the Mendelssohn choir
with its S&4 member I not only a great
lorl body, but alo a, serious club for
the study of musical appreciation. There
it a great lesepn In tholr manner of prao
lloo for the averaff musical student. Not
io aiwas aias i play, but to tak dlffl
cult passages' and work them out, not to
foe! that they must alwaya go over the
entire lessen, but to put their time and
atteptloa where It 1 th most needed and
above ail to think about and understand
what they are trying to do, it la tht
kink of practice which gives this choir
. quality in Its highest sense, and In all
' the noblest meaning of th word.
" slier wheatley, an American tenor
who enjfty a wide reputation throughout
Europe, will give a concert at the Bran'
dels theater Friday evening. April 1. Mr.
Wheatley waa a tenor In Oovent Garden.
London, and Milan, Faris, and other
title, where ho waa welcomed with open
arm by music lovers. He recently gav
a recital In Kansas City, which won tor
hint a re tuns engagement April Xk M
Wrtettluy is now making bis bom la
Omaha. Ha Intends to remain here until
the European season shall open agaia
hen tb war I over, lie ha received
offer from American grand opera com'
panieo to (he east, but has chose to re
main out here giving an occasional ron-
crt arid teaching. Th following from
11 Tatro., Milan. sow his reception
ti er a f-lgmund: ' '.
"tils beautiful voice, warm, resonant,
extei.!e robust, produced throughout
tl.n opera en s eel lent impreeeloa,
j-f -tally in th 'tsprlng Sung." which h
V Uri) wllh sn exceptional fullnes of
ten- Alto tlie e'ene of the sword, wit
Y 0 ft m l
x ' t. v- h
k a m v.
Why Do the Fighting Kings of Europe
Unite on the
BLaflllliaUy a
Tliere are pianos niade in
' very civilized country of
the world. There must be
n very good reason why
the rulers of cverv one of them selected tho
Steinway. They had the world to choose from.
The "Steinway" quality that for fifty years has held the
leadership in all the world guarantees to you lasting Satisfaction,
from a moderately priced Steinway Baby Grand or Upright for
the homo to the largest and most wonderful "Steinway Con
cert, Grand.
Convenient Terms.
Grands, $750 and up. Uprights, $500 and up.
Schmoller & r.liieiler Piano Company
Exclusive State Representatives. ' 1311-13 Farnam St.
warm feeling and force; In a. word, hlsj
was an Important success, spontaneous
and amounting to a groat victory, because
obtained in1 th' most Wagnerian city In
Italy." . .- ......
Th program is made up v of three
groapa from well known onmposers, and
two operatlo aria, by "Verdi, "Celeste
Alda", and "t Donna ' Mobile" from It
Trovator. ' Mr. Jean P. Dufflcld will act
as accompanist and will also furnish two
piano number.
Walter Damroech, conductor of tho New
York Symphony, orchestra, which give
en concert at the Brandeis theater on
Friday evening. May T, waa recently
made doctor of muslo by. Columbia uni
versity In recognition of his thirty years'
devotion to choral, operatlo and orchestral
muslo In ; America. Not only as a con
ductor of oratario, grand opera and the
Symphony society has th nam of Wal
ter, Damrosch loomed larg In the musical
world, but also as a Wagnerian lecturer.
' The New York Symphony orchestra
will carry lty player on their spring
tour, under th direction of Dr. Dam
rosch, who hsa been thetr director tor
thirty year. Th orchestra will glv one
entire symphony at th concert her and
several miscellaneous selections. There
HI be but on soloist. Miss Corinne
Paulepn, ' whoa first appearance, ainoe
long study In Europe, Is early anticipated
by a larg circle of friend. . '
Omaha peoapl may look for great
thing In the future from llttlo Anna
Leat.a 10-year-old mis who play tha
piano' With an, understanding end tech
nical accuracy jand musical feeling far In
advance f her years. Bhe played a por
tion Of a Mosart concerto at a meeting
of the Tuesday Morning Musical club
last week with an orchestra with such
careful regard for phrasing and expres
sion as to win unstinted applause .from
the member. Bhe 'not. only known the
entire concerto, but also ha a large
ropertory or plan solo. Her progran
will bo watched wtth Interest by many.
' . -
afaslc! Notes. ,'
Charles, Wskefleld Cadman waa in
Ornate pe day last week
Wins Myrtle Moeus, formerly of Omaha,
gve a soug recital Mocday evening "In
the Vine Arts theater in Chicago, her
present home. Miss Moses la sal J to be
seriously considered by Mr. (."ainpanlnl
for the reorganised Chicago Oram! Opura
exi year.
The Handel It Haydn society of Boston
will relrlifate Its one h annivers
ary Uils year. Its coming festival will be
held April U to 16.
On May I th Letter Carriers' associa
tion will bring to Omaha Housa'a
celebrated baud for two coueeris, .matinee
and evening. It baa been several yar
since, this famous conductor and his
band I has beun hearil In Omaha, and
their boning visit will undoubtedly prov
popular, t i. 9 '
Dr. Philander O. Clax ton. United State
commissioner of education. Is oft auuted
considering we study of musll next
in Importance to the three "R's." lie ha
recently expressed hlnidelf In favor of the
ystem of practical co-operation between
he public schools allowing pupils credit
for outside work In his or her .eituwing In
music. . which Is duty taken into ac
count In making up averages nd de-
ermlnlnc the etamllng of the imll at
the end or the school year. (Such a yslrn
is aireaay in use in many on lea and many
udimi people are waiting and noplng
i or K ner.
Henry Cos announce an Informal
recital of chamber msle, and violin and
cello Solos, to be .given in the recital
oau 01 me vmu cnoot 01 urcncairai
Instruments, at Seventeenth and Far
nam streets, on Monday evenlnK, April
12. at 8.15 o'clock. Th public Is cordlaUy
Invited. '
i Edith U Wegoner will give a piano'
recital In Dea Molne. la., on Wednes- '
day evening, April 14.
Mis Belle von Mansfnlde, cellist, and'
Kdlth U Wagoner will give a recital the .
morning of April SO at th ball room of
the Home hotel, preceding a meeiiu- ui
the Nebraska ' Press association, for the
member of . that organlxalion.
Another studio assembly take 'plao
thla afternoon at 3: o'clock at the
I,a.ndslerg Musle rooms. at2 Lyric btilld
ing. Participants in the program are:
The Symphony Ensemble, consmtlns; of
Misses Fiynn, Slabaugh, llenrlcksen and
Mr. Landsberg, who- will play an eight
hand version -of Weber' "Euryanthe'
Overture;" Mis Ruth Oanson, who will
sing a brace of numbers; Miss OIk Kit
ner In violin numbers, and Miss Ruth
Kiynn. who will play a three-movement
Moscheles piano concerto. Quests are
welcome a lung a seats are available.
Un Walter B. Or ah am will present
the following pupil at the weekly atdulo
recital, Tuesday evening, April 13: Mlssea I
Ksste Brodkey, Katherlne Fhelpa, Char.
lotte fikldmore, and Messrs. Walter Deets, ,
Charles i-'ulllngham and Joe Wooleryv j
Th Reese-Neble-Reese trio, well Vnown !
local artists, consisting of Mr. U. A. '
Heese, violinist; Ove Nehle, flute, and
Mr. K. A. Heese. piano, will give a cor.
cert Sunday evening, April IS, at :), at ,
th hall of the Omaha Muslkvereln.
Seventeenth and Cass street. The fam
out Danish tenor, Knrico Palmetto, who
ha become a favorite in Omaha, will be ,
the ololst of the ovenUw .Tb Concordia
Ladle Binning aociety win assist in uie
Srogram by rendering several Cf their
eautlfui number.
'Miss Oryn present Mis Mary Jackson.
Miss Mildred CiaSson and Mr, Onrald
Hotimail In rfccltai Wedneeday evening,
April li, at ' o'clock, at the .auditorium
of th Omaha Bohool of Or-hestrai
Instruments, lieventaenth and iVtiim
streets. . They will be aavlflsd -by Mlsa
Helvn Buly and Mr, Kdwln Clarko,
pupil of- Mr, Helherlurtoo. , I'ubUo in
vited. ' ' . . - ;
Cora Schwsrta. 1Boprami Ruth Osnson,
contralto; I.loyd U. Thoifipeon. tenor;
OeorK C. Mcfntyre, bass, with Cliurlns
Lee C-ocke, 3r., at trie piano, presented
(Adman's "Morning of the Year," at
Olnnwood. la.. . Thursday evening,. April
I, umlr. the auspice of tha Ulenwood ,
Woman's club.
Mr TTnrv "W. Thornton, organist' and
director of muslo at the 1'lrst Baptist
church, will glv an organ recital at that
church Tuesday evening, April 18, at 8
&m, Mr. Thornton will be asststad by
r. Harry Ulnbrow, baritone. The pro
gram will contain sonatas oy jjorowsKi
und Mosskowskl, and two group of
shorter numbers. Mf. Disbrow will slrm
sacred numbers, with orsan accompani
ment. No admission will be charaea, put
a free will ottering vlll be taken to
assist In defraying eapeniea.
Miss Anna lletn, advanced pupil of
Florence Healer Palmer, was presented
by Mr. "Palmer at her monthly pupulls'
recital. In her . studio, at 18u7 Kamam
street. Thursday evening, April . Miss
llelu, assisted by Mr. Ueorg Oompton,
tenor, very creditably presented an at
tractive program of sac red, operatlo and
miscellaneous song. ,
' Q Wat Interest ha been shown In the
coming Harp concert of Wise Loretta
Pelloneat. (Jrelghton auditorium on aiay i
t. The classic Instrument 1 so little 1
known in th middle west thst she ln-
tend gtvtng a scholarship and use of I
harp to a student wiio Interests herself J
in disposing of the greatest nuatbrr of
tickets for the concert, in which a mag
niflornt trio of mnsnt (rent harps will be j
presented. Miss Ltellone reallsca that sh ;
has a wide field of action and expects to
do much toward advancing the atudy of
the tjueen of Instruments. - j
Ml.. Gertrude Asqulth Miller gave a '
srng recital, assisted 1y Mm Undue
WrstM violinist: Miss Elobt West at the
piano, at HjuO Davenport street. April 10.
Mlxs Miller was heard In numbers from
Totitl Quunod, Prans and many modern
compoeera, while Miaa West playc) two
violin number. , j
.Mm..... it nil
li'i if
- al .
"'eW'S V
6, e mm m
KiVV'i'i--::-?. Rii-iSSSSJ
Shopping List
For Crocheting
Handkerchief edg
lne, ii,ertions and
titting, ue Art. :
Cordonnct bpecial,
Towel edsinirs, and
11 heavy crochet. Art.
t'A 1'rrle. larire ball,
or Art tu2 l'eile, larg
Boudoir caps, twhy
bootees. Art. 810 Satin
ftloos, white, . colors,
Infants' Jackets, Art
'3 Crochet )-lochs,
white, ball.
For Embroidering
Crow stitch, Initials,
Art. 75T Moullne, col
ors, white, skeins.
French, knot, liesTy1
Initials, Ait. b06 ferla,
colors, white, skeina
French emhtnldery.
white, skdns.
Eyelets snd Mono
grams, Art. SuJ Vioder
bpecinl, white, skein.
Padding and solid
embroidery. Art. 7-'S
Jcnnnette, while, ball.
6hndow work. Aft.
TS2 Flocb. white,
Towel, Pillow cae.
Art. kJl. Ivory Wstte.
skrins or Art.
whit, bolder.
Colored embroidery.
Art S41. India or Art.
SJ, Rope, holders,
SE raostersilk Cordon-
net Special Article 80S
for handkerchief edsf-
ings,r sizes 60 or 70; for towel
edgings, 3 to 30; for insertions, 30
to 70; for bedspreads, 3 to 10; for
fancy shaped luncheon cloths, 5 to
20; popular door and window
lambrequins, 3 to 10; dainty yokes,
insertions and edgings for blouses,
dresses, underwear, bibs, baby gar
ments and baby carriage robes, 50
-to 15a ; K v ';.''"."'
' , ' ..... '; j . : " . - ';
' ' Designs crocheted in Klostersilk '
f. Cordonnet Special. 805 stand- out '
' ' jas beautifuliy.after.scores of laun
' derjngs, as when first worked. Be- ', :
' cause,, Klostjersilk' never loses . its
delicate sheqn; Because the scien- '
' tifically perfect twist makes it im- ;
; ; possible, forj Klostersilk. pieces to
shrink or pull out of shape ' " " ;
Many simple designs and instinc
tions for beginners , as Well . as
advanced crochet workers are illus-'
trated and explained "in books on
display at your dealer's.' (
. will. rt 'a special " '
af 12 I M. ' .. .f S tot P.M.
TtbUi May Bt Rtttrvti '
San Francisco
Th leading first-class Hotel .
of Ran Franclaco which ha not
raised it rate.
. Room from $1 60 per, day ,("
Direct car line to Exposition. ' ; .
' Bend ' for booklet' and room .'
chart , snowing prices - os every
Article 80S Klostersilk Cordonnet Special
Mads In White Slt Colors Sii
I 10 40 JO SO 70
S IS 60. UshtBlee Rag
S 20 0 , D.lft Bl YsUow
S 30 70 Piah Black
. 80100 150 Lara ad ar Creaa '
Ecra. aiaaa, 3. O, 10. 18. 10. 80. 40. 10. 00. TO
"White that tay white
colors that lat"
Take the Klostersilk Shopping List
with you when in need of maierials for
crocheting and embroidering. When you
get Klostersilk you ge the best ,
For sale ererywher
The Thread Mills Company
Thread Sales Dept. 219 W. Adams St, Chicago
ThGy Can't Stop Our Groivth
Master cleaning and dyeing has built our
business so rapidly that wo havo been
forced to absorb two of Oinana's big clean
ing establishments in' order to handle tho
enormous patronage we . aro receiving.
"There's a Reason." We satisfy every one of
. our customers and if they are not satisfied
with our work they aro not charged for it.
The Omaka Dye Works and the
. Germania Dye Works are tho two
concerns wo have taken over and
are now controlled arid operated by
ECanouoe & Shoemaker
1709 Cuming Street.
Phone DuogUa 047.
5216 North 24th Street.
Phono r 7H31.
"Our Autot At IvtrywUn"
arscUUb Iteozr R. Moor, who
XOTB ha been manaser of
the faotorium for the past ia
year. 1 now affiliated with us
snd will hav complete charge ot
the cleanln- and dyetnf.
Magnificent Hair Easy to
Obtain Quicklym'BlS.(.
Many Month of Fredon Tim KW
How Been KlUninated In tbe Aeonire.
meat of Beauty, Bay Valeaka Buratt,
Amsrloa'a ramona U-Mad Bsauty
Aetreaa. - .
IP you could actually see a diifereno
of two or three lrvhea in the ttrowth
of your hair in a few weeks' 'time and
detect a superb Improvement In Its vigor
and silky appearance you would perhaps
wonder whether a miracle had not been
suddenly performed.- Changes of this kind
are so Infrequent that most women do
not: believe them possible, yet the . fact
remains that If the proper means are em
ployed they aro more likely to occur
than not. The proper mean, ot course,
are the controlling; factor. . Mere hair
tonics, which are commonly sold In pre
pared form ana ready to use. are so often
weak In power and in ingredient that it
la remarkable how many of them are o!4
S a?7?S
Lm..ntr' m " , aatyA3 '
"A. IlffaTBe ' of ' BeTBrsl ' Inch ',
aaoatn Ha Heanlted From Thla
- Xaeellea Jrormala."
at all. If you would obtain a really beau,
tiful head of hair quickly and with little
trouble. Just make up yourself at borne in
a tew minutes, a mixture of one ounce of
beta-qulnoi with one-half a Pint ot alcohol
and half a pint of water (or use a full
pint of bay rum if vou wish. Instead of
(tie water and alcohol) and apply thla
liberally. The result will soon be appar
ent. Hair will stop falling, dandruff will
disappear and the hair will grow with
remarkable rapidity, it i In fact a halr
ioroer. Th hair root qulcklr take on
new life and vigor, and naturally enough,
when thi occur, almost any hair trouble
is bound to oeas. Thl formula make
over a pint of thl unequaled hair-grower,
and costs much less than a hair tonic,
and beside it is far more effective,
a a
PHTlXiIPPA O. T. Superfluous hair on
a woman is a hideous thing. Many wo
men hesitate to use depilatories' because
th ordinary preparations sold tor thi
purpose injur the skin and leave a spot
where applied, simply because tbe hair is
literally burned off. The way to do I
to use simple sulfo solution, which la the
only thing known that will simply dis
solve away the hair and leave the skin
oft. whit and smooth. ' In this wsy no
one can ever tell you- used anything for
removing hair. Simple sulfo solution can
be obtained from your druggist, but in
case he hasn't It, get the sulfo powder,
which Is tho same thing, except that when
applying It vou wet It with a little water.
It never falls to destroy all hair, light
and coarse, with the utmost rapidity and
thoroughnese. and it never injures the
most aensltlv skin or leave a mark.
MHS. s. T. O.-Only pne cream Is nee-
essary to beautify the skin and bring it
to a condition of incomparable loveliness'
in a short time. A lew day' use will'
prove Its results. ' Make up a mixture of
one tabiespoonful ot glycerine and one
ounce of aintone In a. pint of water. Thl
makes a satiny cream which la to be used
very liberally every day-Thl makes over
a pint of cream, which la many time'
more than you ordinarily pay lor pre-
.pared cream which do not give lh de
sired results. You will soon find that
every red spot, freckle and blemish will'
. disappear and leave' the skin pure and
clear a a illy.
. MIS T. U N.-Here Is a wrinkle-removing
formula which ' has already b-t
come famous beCaose of its cutck action
in rendering th skirt plump and vtgoroue
.and .thereby , eliminating all trace and
' line of age. MIX two tablespoontuls ef
'lyeertne and two ounce of eptor lfi a'
half pint of water. The result is a'beOn-'
.Itful cream of. wonderful absorbent' otihil-,
' ties. Big and little wrinkles, crow's feet -end
looseness of flesh dlHappear tn a re-'
matkably short time. The difference m
the appearance of agw will be quit aUrt
ling. . ...... . .
EVELINA D. Development of tho bust
is very often possible. There la no ab
otuur assurance of this,, however. There
Is danfcer in the use of vacuum Cups,
pumps and the like. .The foHewinet mix
ture is safe and has been very successful.
To half a pint of hot water, add halt a
eup of sugar and two ounces cf ruetone,
with which any druggist will supply you.
Dissolve thoroughly and take two tea
spoonfuls' after meals and on retlrtnf. -
a i
MISS PONDL.T-Jo not pinch outblacki
heads. You can remove them without
fall in a few minute by sprinkling pow
dered, neroxin on a hot-wet sponge and
rubbing this on the blackheads. Then
look in the mirror and eo the difference.
This is the only article I know that, will
really remove blackhead, and do it al
most instantly.
MRS. H. M. T. It 1 to be -regretted
that you could not get the eptol at the
drug (tore, but my secretary will get it
and send It to you if you will write, 'Sec
retary to Valeska Suratt. Thompson
Bldg., Chicago," . and enclose th price,
fifty cents.
JANET T D. You probably don't real
ize that dandruff may now be dissolved
away completely. This is not done with
soap, because the alkali doe not permit
it. But if you will dissolve a teaspoonful
of eggol in half a cup of hot water and
use a head wash, you will be surprised
at the solendld results. You can secure,
from your druggist at small cost enough'
eggol to make over a dozen ot these
Bhamnoos. a a e
MISS WATTING Hydroltsed tola is a
remarkable thing for excessive perspira
tion of the arm-ptts. Use it liberally and
you will find that yon will suffer no long
er from the extreme wetness under the
arms, your dress shields and arm-pits!
will b fresh and dry and you will hav
no more gown ruined by perspiration.
Tfvri-mUiad talo ran be obtained at inv
drug store. It also destroy perspiration
and body odors comoteteiy.
a a a
MRS. B. O. TV -Even the finest face
powcWs have always been to chalky for'
me. That's why I had my own made after
mv own formula. It l the utmost In i
powder loveliness exoj'lette In fineness
and smoothness, and delicate in scent. It.
Is now obtainable at drug stares, as
"Valeska Surattt Face Powder." Advertisement.
The Home Beauty Parlor
Mr. T.: It ou4 hair I full of dand
ruff and very oily it I cauaed by im
proper . car. Few people realls hew
really dangerou It la to shampoo wlto
anything ttiat cornea bandy. It la need
Iums, too, when ctuitbrux is such a per
fectly saf and sunpl preparation for
shampooing. 1 hav washed uty hair
wlui it lor yeaxa. Just get soma caxi
ILjox from your drusgUl. tliaaolva a
laMioonf ul iu a eup oi hot water, aau
I uuti. ii . 1 1 . , . mm J ...-'.
I has coat about three cents. It wul
Munaijr tnu yiueniijr rauivvv ail uu.i
and rxcetis oil. lt-avlng your hair eoft,
wumierfuily fiuify, and ta a healthy,
trowing condition. . v
Teacher: You ask for a good wrinkla-
eraner. 1 us tills aimpls vegetable
crein-telly, the nioat ef fo. live tbing I
know for eradicating wrlnklee and fine
line. It 1 easily mad at horn: !i
aoiv 1 ouuc sliuoaoin in H pint cold
water, then add t traauoonf ula glycer
ine. Apply generously to skin before
retiring, snd after a very few applica
tion you will find th line at rapidly
i dia:iperlng and the skin uuuhly be
come smooth and youthful In appear-
. sine. Tl.ln treatment ensrslaes their
Irnaulsr functions and when thin I" done
I the wrinkles nalurallv vanl.-h The al-
mosoln massage 1 very effective la
cleansing the akin ot pimple, black
head and other blemishes.
Fleshy: You can easily stop gaining
weight by making up this simple, harm
less formula at home and taking a ta
bleapoonlul three times a day: In I1.
pints hot water dissolve 4 ounce par
notls (which all good druggist hav in
stock). This treatment doe not rail
for dieting and la gentle, yet poiltiv-.
in reducing fat. When your weight is
auf ilcteruly reduced, stop, the treat
ment and your flesh will be, solid and
th stkin free from wrinkle.
Winifred: Thl la that recipe for my
valuable face lotion ahich your friend
saa is bo wonderful: In pint hot
water or witch basel dissolve i ounces
eiiurmax, which yoa can get at any
drug store, then add I teaapoonfuls
glycerine. Apply to far, neck and arm
and rub lightly until dry. This cleat a
th skin ot pimples, blackheads, and
diecolorations and restores trie rosy
tint of healthy maidenhood. This lotion
is invisible w hen on and glvea an added
touch of loveliness to the daintiest
complexion. It ta particularly fine for
bamaliliig the oily, sallow, "luuddy'' ap
rearance. Betty Iieau's Beauty Book,
.ot) Advertisement.
Mrs. Lillian Bell Regains
Appetite and Ends
Mr. Lillian Bell, a talented musician
residing at the Green Hotel. I2
South Main street, Los Angela, ha
ended stomach troubl of two year
standing by taking Akox, th California
medicinal mineral. Hyperacidity, im
paired ap petit, nervousness and loss
of sleep wer th condition that dis
tressed her. Sb tried, various rem
dtea, but nothing did her any appreci
able good until h tried Akoa.
I waa aurprtaed at th prompt re
lief I aecured when I began taking
Akos for a serious eas of atomach
trouble." aald Mr. Bell. "I had suf
fered for two years and had triad
different remedies in an effort to
correct th hyperacidity responsible
for my distressed condition. It waa
not until I began taking Akos that I
got satisfactory results.
"In a faw day I found that th ex
cess of acid a my stomach was con
trolled. My appstit returned. I over
cam my crloua nervou condition
and I waa again abl to sleep a well
as aver. Attar taking . th Akos In
ternal treatment for one month I felt
fully restored to my health and I c&n
not say too much in praise of th
harml and taatelea mineral that
corrected my stomach. I do not loss
""''T'j t
' ',
" ' - f
alsVS. LILUag MEttA.
an opportunity to recommend It to my
Such I the expression of but ons of
th thousand who have ended rheu
matism, diabetes. Bright' disease,
stomach, kidney, bladder and liver
troubles, catarrh, eczema, pile and
other ailments. Akos Is now being In
troduced in Omaha at Sherman efc Mc
Connell'a. ISth and Dodg fits. ator.
Visit or writ th Akos man for further
Information regarding th ad vert sa
me nt