Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 2-B, Image 14

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    Tim OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 11, 1915.
Leaders for the A. 0. A. Play Planned for Saturday
lira. Anthony Merrill to Speak at
Yarioua Hornet During Fore
noons This Week.
rial Calendar. -
MOrrAT I'nlTrmlty rliih dandr. rrty
at the Fontenelle; Original Monday
PrlrlKe Hub; Com cl'ih dancing party
at I ho Horn hotel: openlr lei-mre ny
Mm Anthony Merrill, at th reelrtenc
of Mr. Charles T. Kountse; Tempi
lrel Sisterhood mush-ale, l.m p. m.
Tl'KSDAY Debutante Prtrtr" club, Mll
Jenet Hall, hoste.s; Need I "Craft guild
of rnlr1 Pur afternoon party at in
Prairie Hark club house; Columbian
t'lrcle. evening party at their hall,
Twenty-aecond a n't Locust trpeU;
Rummy club, Mm. K. A. Oa. hostess.
Friends af Art dinner at tlw Fontmclle;
Tuesday Fridge club. Mm. Arthur Kee
llne, hopTees.
WF.DNKFDAT-Wednesday Trichr club;
Daurherty-Kerrlsan weridtns: In Gree
ley, Nb.: Mrs. Anthony Merrill. lecture.
THl R8PAY I'slsv High H club. MrB.
M. Ttociiford. hostess; Pt. John's school,
from at Chamber' rsdcmyj Mn.
fsmuel Kats and Mra. Jay H. Tt. at
homo for Mm. William Rothschild.
FRIOAY fVottlsh Kit- Woman a club
children's party: Oul VIv club, dancing
party at Chamhera' academy; Mra An
thony Merrill, leotura. Columhua club
dancing party, Mornpolltan hall.
Society will devote It tlma to art and
lecture thl weak.
Mr. Anthony Merrill of Chicago ar
rives Mondny morning and will begin
her series of lecture on "Morning with
the. Moderns" at the homo of Mra
Charles T. Kountse. These lectures will
all talc place at 10:10 a. m.
Th first author to bo dlscossed will
bo Arnold Bennett and Mm. Merrill's talk
mill Include a few readings from the
author. The second, John Galsworthy,
to be given Wednesday at th homo of
Mr. John A. Meghan. The third, Fri
day, a rooming with Oeonr Bernard
Shaw, when Mra W. A. C. Johnson, will
be the hostess. Monday of next week,
William Butler Yates and the Irish re
vival, at the home of Mra. J. T. Stewart
3d. Wednesday. April ' , a protection
on Kipling St tho homo of Mrs. Bdfrar
Bcott. Friday, ths 3d. Mrs. Msrrill will
discuss th "Modern Kalledoacopo." This
will bo th slsth and last of th series
and will be given at th horn of Mr.
Tohn It. Kennedy In Fslreoraa
Mr. Merrill will bo the guest this week
vf her cousin, Mrs. Nellie Wakeley, and
lext week she will be with Mr. nd Mr.
SVtlllem E. Martin.
Tuesday evenlne of thl week will so
the launching of the "Friend of .Art
saoclation" at a dinner to be given at
'he Fontenelle. Tho gussta will be th
members of th Boclety of Fin Arts and
ether who are Interested In art.
Tho object of tho dinner Is to unite all
Omaha's art lovers and Is not simply for
those who liave subscribed for th asso
ciation. Prof. Frederick Morrow Fling
arill b th guest of honor and will apeak
sn "Art and Life."
Wedding Plain.
' The wedding of Miss F.ulsll Kerrigan,
daughter of .Mr. Slid Mrs. , Feter Karri
tan, of Greeley, Nab., and Mr. John H.
Deughsrty, Jr.. formerly of this city, but
ow. of Greeley, will take place next
Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock at
Dreeley. followed by a wedding breakfast
it th horn of th bi Ida's parents. It will
a church wedding, with only relatives
present. Mr. and Mra John M. Paugh
trty, parents. of th groom; Mra F. A.
Nash and Mrs. C. C. Allison, his aunts;
Mr. John D. Creighton,. his grandfather,
r,d Mr. and Mrs. Hayer .will go- from
here for, the wedding, and Mr. 'Fred
Paugherty, the groom's brother, will be
best men. Miss Alice Xerrlgari of Spald
ing, Neb., a cousin of th brl0," win bi
th maid of honor.
Th young couple ar planning an Mu
rn wedding trip, and afterwards will
make their hem in Oreelny, where Mr.
Dsugherty I assistant cashier of th
r'lrat National bank.
Tli wedding of -Miss Marl Btewort.
daujhter of Mr. and Mra Charle Teat
Mewart of Council Blurts, and Donald
Mr Ferrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 8.
McForrea of llpopestoa.-1 III., will take
p'af Saturday evening, Jun I, at St
Paul church. Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Clifford "Wolf of Council Bluffs
will b matron of hoaor. The bridesmaids
IU be Mioses Katheriu Barker of Michi
gan City, Ind.; Elisabeth Goodrich of Chl
isgo, Florenc , Heyn of Orange, N. J.;
Men enrol of Wheeling, W. Va,; Louis
Has of Kanaa City and Mildred UuUsr
of thl city; - j
Mr. Luciea Dyer of Hoopeston will be
th best man and th ushers Include
Uoyd Kvsps of Chicago, Howard Rpeut
ding of Chicago. Arthur Long of Chicago,
John Banks of Chicago, William McFer-
rn. brother of th jroora, and Clifford
Smith-Wrifht Wedding-.'
On of the Interesting brides of EssUr
Sunday waa Pearl Skeen Wright, Bister
of Mis. John O. Yelscr, whose marriage
to Mr. Bryce Hmlth was celebrated at
the First Christian church by Rev.
Chailea E. Cobbey. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
ar new en rout tJ Colon, Panama, their
tutur home, where Mr. Smith Is In th
government service. .
Mra mtth won prominence a soloist
snd harpist in evangelical work all over
th country. Eh was a member of th
evangelical party of Rev. Mr. and Mra
Vlolnt. with which party ah traveled
extensively abroad. In Paris and Berlin
a ad other European cities, ah waa eater-
lined by the American consuls. Marked
recognition followed her beautiful rendi
tion of "Oh. Galilee!" en the field of
Galilee in Palestine, which tt) party also
Preceding th. wedding ' ceremony, at
hich LouUe 8. Zabriskl furnished th
T.unic. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Yelser enter
talned at a wedding breakfast, when
coveia were laid for th Immediate family
nd friends.
Mra. Yelser attended, her sister sod Mr.
Jack Yelser wa best man.
Ssstt-MmflV Wedding-.
The wedding ' af Miss Jessi cott.
daughter of V' Clement Bcott, at Ash-
t)tBd. and Dr. Frederick Hayer MUlener
of Omaha was celebrated Thursday after
noon at th horr.a of th bride's father
la Ashland. Father John Williams per
formed th ceremony before aa Impro
vised sJt&r of terri and snapdragons. A
pink and greea color schem was used
throughout th rooms. Th living room
as decorated with asparagus. astr
lilts and larg banket of pink anap
dragoaa. Ptek shaded Candle and piak
ret pea war ueod la th dining room.
Th U0l ceaterpleca wa a large orystaJ
L-andelabra, surrounded with baskets of
pink aet peaa. Tt bride was marrlud
a her go-s ay-gown of blue silk failla.
A'iih this as worn a small blua toque.
nmnted with paradlaa feather a. Bh
voire a corsac of pink elbeart rose
and tills set peas. There were no al-
lr. and Uts. MUIfcner left th
evening for th west and will be at horn
after April 1 at th MorrUra hoUl.
Th Omaha guests were: - Meadamea
MUlener, II. II. Bhedd. H. O. Bhedd. F.
A. Jones, Mr. Oeorg Pheid and Miss
Hayer. .
Mr. and Mrs. Epstein will be at horn
Bundsy, April i In honor of the young
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Epstein announo
the engagement of their daughter, Esther,
and Mr. Arthur Marowlts. Th wedding
will t celebrated soma time la Jun.
Mr and Mrs. A..J. Swanson announo
th engagement of their daughter, Esther,
to Mr. Marvin L, Jackson . of Council
Bluffa Th marriage will take plac in
th early part of June.
Mr. snd Mr. George Mel lor of Malvern,
la., announce th engagement of their
daughter, Eleanor Charlotte, to Mr,
Goorg Bdward Day, jr., of Springfield,
III. Th wedding will take plac In Au
gust, i
Mis fjpateln Is a successful young
business woman, holding th potttlon of
asalatant managar In a local film com
pany. Bh I an ex-president of th B'nat
B'rith women' Organisation. Mr. Maro
wlts attended school at Ann Arbor.
Mr. and Mra 8. 8ohchter announce th
encasement of tbelr daughter Anna and
Mr. Hyman Milder. No date ha been set
for th wadding. In honor of th young
people, Mr. and Mr. Schecbter will en
tertain at a family dinner Tuesday even
ing. ,
Cinoiam Dancing' Club. ,
Th Ctnossm Dancing club ntrtalaed
at the Scottish Hit cathedral Wednes
day vnlng. Th laat dance of th series
will b held April H. Th following
guests were presents'
Messrs. and Mesdames
IL K. t hafer.
if. T. Parker.
W. K. Mlt-kel,
J. E. PuWfT.
1. A. Madlar,
Mildred House,
Corx Kuenle,
K. t'ampbell, ,
G. L. Greenfield,
O. W. Johnson,
Mlases . '
Springer. .
B. H. Heldwln,
Waterloo, Neb.
Stryco Club Banquet '
. Tho Slryoo Bowling club, composed of
twenty-six member of th offlc and
engineering department of th street
railway company, closed their season
Wednesday evening with a banauat at
th Loyal hotel.' Th banquet was fol
lowed by an Orpheum party, Tho
present war:
F. K. Mathews.
W. G. Moholsoa,
O. I. Palm. '
W. W. Pearson,
H. Kembe.
D. UrnMh,
- M. J. Hullivan, -A.
C. Thomseu,
11. F. Wallace.
A. M. WandelL
r. 8. Welly.
J. O. Apelqutt,
li. Hritlenbaugb,
K. A. rohn.
It. If. Flndley,'
W. L. Fulton.
K H. HssenaUk.
W. O. Jacobl.
H. B. Jonea.
J. H. Kuony.
F. L. Lafferty,
C. Lacg.
F. U Lewis,
Affairi of thl Week.
The Columbus club will entertain at a
dancing party Frulsy avenlag at Metro
politan halL
The Qui Vive club will entertain at a
dancing psrty st Chambers' academy
Friday evening.
Th University elub has Issued Invita
tion for a dance Monday vning at
th Fontenelle.
Th Columbian Orel will enter tain
Tuesday evening at their hall at Twenty
second and Locust streets. '
Mra Samuel Kats and Mrs J. B. Kats
will be at horn Thursday afternoon be
tween th hour of S and In honor of
th ninety-third birthday of their mother
and grandmother, Mrs. WllUsm Roth
Th Needle Craft Guild of Pralrt Park
will entertain Informally Tuesday after
noon at the Pralrl park club house.
Miss Florence Cook will siv a short
talk oa th Hentessori system of child
education. I
With the School 6et.
Miss Mary Megeath returned Monday
to school at Briar CUft. N. Y.. and Ml
Helen Eastiaaa left at th asm tlru to
resume her art studies In Chicago. -
Charles and Lamia Burgeaa, Deiunaa
Kountse. Mors Palmer and Floyd gmlth.
Jr., arrived hocu Wednesday morulas
tram St Paul's school for thsir prtng
varatloo. -
Mis MsrJorl Smith returns next week
to Bryn Mavr after spending th East
vecattoa her wltk her pa rests, Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Smith,
Pleasures Put
The Prettiest MO Golf elub held Its
regular meeting Tuesday at th hop-. of
Mra F. N. MoOeneghan, Assisting th
hostess were Meedames F. X. Craae. L
J. Hoover, C, J. Parrolt snd FraaJc Rus-
Pt-irln f- A n4stsm ?7iM W
rvr.-r mmr- m iaBlajafa
: I
I i
f -Blanche Ceils
Sell. After th business meeting Mrs. F.
M. High read clippings from Jerom K.
Jerome,' and Little Mis Frances Edwerb
gsv a few .reading. A memory contest
followed the program and th prise were
awarded to Mra W. It. Fllnn and Mr.
L. Thelssban.. This club will snter-
taln their husband on the evening of
May t, at th home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Crane.
'triple Iirael Husicale.
Tempi Israel Sisterhood will siv a
literary and musical afternoon Monday st
th tempi. Mra Frederick Coha' will
read a paper on "Woman's Influenc In
Judlaem," the same paper having been
read by Mra Abram Blmon, wife of Rabbi
Abram Simon, . formerly of Omaha, at
the biennial conference of . Araerlcaa
Hebrew Congregation In Chicago ' last
January.' Mis Mlna Meyer will give vocal
elections and Miss Charlotte Abrama
pisao numbers. '
It la probable that Madam Bella
Pevsner, a noted lecturer, will arrive In
Mm to address the meeting. The program
begins at 1:30 o'clock.
Box Holders for Concert
Th following hav engaged boxes for
th Mendelssohn choir concerts to be
held April M and 17 at the Auditorium:
Messrs. and Meariamea
George Brandels, C. T. Kountse,
M. Paldrls.
Arthur a btnlUb
Ward M. fcurgees,
D. :. Brsdford,
L. F. Crofoot.
John W. Towl.
T. F. Qululan,
G, A. Joelyn,
Uonritt s ort.
Loul C. Nash,
K. M. Fairfield.
O. W.
C. Will HamUton.
Another box will be taken by:
Fannie Pratt.
Ilenrlette Rea
Juliet MoCune,
Alfred Kennedy.
Eolta W agoner,
Dinner and Cardi.
Mr. an Mra H., . Muentefrlng and
Mr. and Mr. James Brows entertained
at dinner at th horn of Mr. Brown
Friday vnlng. Th table was decorated
with tulips, sweet peas and jonqulla
Cards followed th dinner and prises
were awarded te Mr. 8 w snick and Mra
Muentefertng. Th guests war:
Messrs. and Meadame
E. H. tohea, Frank Pflearlng,
J. A. Kay, James 6ankk,
Charles C LoaderytF, A. Jackson.
Mark Encall,
Honors Departing- Guest
Irs. Amos Heath ntrtatnd at dinner
for Mra. Joseph Cox, who leaves tor
Ks&sas City Monday. Cover war laid
for eight. The color schema for th tabl
waa yellow and white, a mound of yel
low jonquil forming tb centerpiece.
i-iiue amDreiiaa uiiea wun me sain
flowers war used as plao cards. Minia
ture suitcases tilled with caady war
fevers. Those present war
Jean M attars.
I.ydia Htimr,
Ruth Murrt,
Amos Ueaia,
Myrtle Harding,
1 ydta niner,
liplea at orris,
J. H. tiuberry,
Joseph Cos,
To Honor Tiaitor.
Mr. James McCord gave a theater
party Wednesday evening at the Brandels
la hoaor of Miss Martha Dehlmea at St
Joseph and Friday afternoon Mra B. B.
Wood gave aa informal tea for her house
guest. About thirty of ths younger set
aexe asked te meet Miss Dahlmaa. A.a-
Mrs tf a.u.M-M
XInr. H. E IXeusbnaLrtch.
slating th hostess were. Mra Walter Rob
erts, Mr. Harry Doorty and Mrs. Ben
Boyc of Chicago. '
Falg&lco Clnb Party.
Th Falgalco club gave ' a dancing
party Thursday evening at th Metro
politan club. Th guests present were:
Mr. and Mra C. W. Ennls.
Misses "- Misses
Bsa Antony,' Llfllan Bryant. .
Irene Baker, Mabie Williams.
Katherina Kelley, - Gladys Chamberlain.
tiose lux on.
Jane Fhaffer,
Extlth Btandover .
Alice Ratheack.
Mary Marsh( '
Lola Marsh. -Korrine
Harrtet Goodman,
Cora McHenry,
Mable Sands,
Tina Sands, . Jensen, '' I
Anna James. 4
Carolyn Hsrgreav
Grace Kaughton, '
Grace Keysor.
Gertrude Wilson,
Marsaret O'Oready, Kdlth Spanderrn,
Agatha Oewold, K. McCarthy,
June Parker, Mae Brown,
Bertha Neef. . Ethel Smith.
Genevieve Callahan, Alice Young.
Gertrude HoWley, Clair McKenna,
Glady Fernsndes, Ruth Heacock,
Brooks, Fran Mulholland,
Messrs. - ' v Messrs.
Dr. L. K Vandlver, J. M. Wallace.
Elmer Patton,
R. U. IJevoe,
W. c Meiiea
Chaa. Gillespie,
Wm. Boelter,
K. Anderson,
E. J. Colberg,
Jack J. WhlU,
Klgln Ayrea,
C E. Kline,
W. B. Jones,
Joe Dug her,
H, W. Wllkenson,
'fcpencer R. Mao- -
O. A, Wilson,
Harry Grotten.
M. Minden,
Jack Smith.
Leo Plokerins.
Edward Troat,
Harold Pmlth.
Bruc Dranton,
Earl Young.
req r inK,
E. V. Kelly. .
A. C. Pratt,
A. Volney Bass,
J. B. Runa, , ,
J. ll. Hoffman,
Ed Koat.
J. Stlss,
O. B. penner,
H. P. Ruffner.
P. H. MacCron.
T. M. Carlisle.
J. J. Gleason,
W. X. Roche,
E. Perry.
J. A. Biiglewlcs,
ti. A. Goodman,
V, W. Oienger,
A. Swanson,
Dinner Dance Clnb Party.
The dosing dane of th Dinner Dance
dub, on of th popular serial dancing
clubs of th winter, waa held last evening
at th Fontenell. Those present wr: .
Messrs. and Meadame
V. Klnsler.
Barton Millard.
Arthur Keollne,
T. F, Kennedy,
Harry Tukey,
John T. Stewart, Id.;
Joseph Parker,
'Ward Burseas, '
Samuel .Hurna,
Charles T. Kountse,
Moshler Colpetser,
W. T. Burns,
Glenn Wharton,
W. J. Foye,
Eva Wallace,
I Davis.
W. D. Hosford,
Walter Roberts,
ixuis i.iarKa,
John Redlck.
John Madden,
Fred Hamilton, .
louis xwaan,
Harold Prttchatt,
Ben Cotton.
Rltsabeth Congdon Mildred' Butler,
r iuaoein uavis, uiauya reiers.
Menle Davis,
Louisa Dinning,
John Caldwell,
Mary Burkley,
Daphne Peter.
Cuthbert Potter,
Wtllard Butler.
O. W. Hull.
Milton Deamaa of
Uos Moiuna,
Albert BartleU of
St. Joseph.
Robert Burns.
Uvrents Briaker,
C. J. Lord.
Ben Gallagher,
r.inter lope,
Gerald Wharton,
biocktoa nein, v
0-Atka Clnb Entertained
The O-Atka elub was entertained at the
home of Miss Mabel Chllson Friday even
ing. Tb tabl oeuterpiec waa a large
basket of tullpa Those present were
Rose t-hean,
Mildred Hansen.
Cathryn lawless,
Kes HurUi,
Xturiel Butlln. '
k-thel Sheets.
Mary Hayes.
Luna CsHsel.
HulOa KIHson,
Mart Stiger,
I Ida Shta
Mattel Chllson,
Corns, Club Party. .
The Coma club will give a dancing party
oa Monday evening in th ball room of
th Hotel Rome. Th hall will be elab
o ratal y decorated with the club color.
Thoa In charg of this affair ar Messrs
George Roach. Jack McCarthy and Harry
Luncheon at the Loyal.
Mr, it. O eStrelght gave a luncheon of
eight covers Saturday at th Hotel Loyal
Spring Towers decorated th tabl.
Entertain Rummy Club.
Mr. and Mra F. C. Hogan entertained
tho member of th (lummy club and
their husbands Friday vaing at cards.
Six table of player were (yeeent and
th prsea were awarded to Dr. and Mrs.
H. n Newton, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Klme,
Mrs. D. E. Ixivsjoy and Mr. P, Mehrens.
Th next regular meeting of th club will
be held Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. E. A. Oaks. Those present Fri
day evening were:
Messrs. and Mesdames
11. Oeks.
J. W. Hood.
hos. llolfln.
.Dr. and Mrs. H. E.
W. F. Torree,
F. B. Hogan,
Frank O. Browne.
W. A. Pmith,
Alex Jetes.
D. K. IxveJoy,
m. m. isiine,
P. Mehrens,
St. John's High School Prom. '
'Final preparations, have been completed
by the senior and junior members of St
John's High school for their first annual
prom, at Chambers Thursday evening.
Th favor for this party will be entirely
carried out In the class colors, coral and
black. Following are the patrons:
Messrs. Messrs.
James C. Dahlman. Dr. C. C. Allison, ,'
J. A. C. Kennedy, Leo A. Hoffmann,
Paul L. Martin. Dr. L. B. Bushman.
Dr. T. J. Dwyer, ' T. C, Byrne,
Dr. F. J. Schleler. T. P. Redmond, '
Andrew Gallacherj, Mark T. Martin,
Henry Btroesser, - Dr. B. M. Riley
I'etrlek Duffy, f
John A. McShane,
Thomas Quinlan,
.lames Hayden,
Dr. It, A. Dermody,
Charlna Beaton,
F. J. Burkley.
Dr. Jsck Dwyer.
D. J. Creedon,
A. H. Mc-t'onncll.
A. B. McConnell, '
T. J. Mahnney,
P. C. Heafey,
Entertains Bridge Club. . ;
Mr. and Mrs. Charls Ware entertained
the Saturday Evening Bridge club at their
litome last-evening.' The members arc:
MesHnt. and Mesdames-' ' ' '
Howard Farrell. R. A. Cftrrlngton.
Georse Shirley. Blaine Young.
Anson, j Charles Ware.'
Informal Dance. ,
The Tounger Generation ' club 'enter
tained at an Informal dancing party
Thursday evening. Those present were:
Misses Mlnses
Mabelle Berks, Nellie Ktlkenney,
Alice Dclaney.- Jonephlne Yates,
Margaret Anderson, Kva Behen,
Mary Donnelly.
Bess Mc3iH,
Eltraheth Mc
Dermott Messrs. :
Rov Ryburr,
Harry McOill.
J. E. Hsckten, .
R. L. Wnltmore.
Ethel Mlllberg,
W. K. Banker,
A. o. Hxnlngton.
Tom O'Tolle,
Benjamin Graves,
Junior Club to Giro Dance.
Ths Junior club, of which Mr. C, V3.
Mets Is president, hss set Saturday, April
34, for their second and last dance. It
will b given at th Fontenelle snd prom
ises to be one of - th moat enjoysble
Color Your Last .Year's
StraW Hat With
Makes Old
Straw Hats
Look Neui
Splendid (of asing up
Ladles' and
Children's Hats
pries Is 30 Misstei Wilwweef ml DwiM
t Block , Navy Blue Burnt Straw
Dull Black Cadet Blu Browe
CaidWlRed SaseCfwss Violet
Csta Laveaoct YeOow
Natural , v
kakesebinUlw siUriss3iBa, Silk aad Cswes
ImW Coloritk
tea h Of seikMS $mkm
Dopartmant and Drag Store Sail It
er taad 2W, is asaan Is DaM. M
Hccdls Craft Shop
(Woman's Exchange)
Will Open la Lobby
Bee Building:, Monday A. M.
Mm Marshall, Prop.
dsnres of th season. Th last Junior
club dance wa during th holidays at
th Rom hotel.
Stork Special.
A daiia-liter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Tom J. McShan fsturday.
A son wss born Wednesday to Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis P. Lortng.
Newi of the Wayfaren.
Mr. John Hudson, aho has been travel
ing In Pouth Amerlra for the laet two
months. Is due to lsnd In New York next
Mra A. L. Reed and Mrs. Charles
Offutt, who hav bven spending this week
In Philadelphia with Mr. and Mrs. Baum,
will return home. Tuesday.
Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck Is at th Dres
den apartments In Washington, where
Mrs. John G. Bourke nnd Miss Bourke
sre living; Mrs. Kllpatrlck went esst last
Mrs. Charles J. Grediio Is expected In
Omaha from Washington soon. Mrs.
Greene hss been away from Omaha for
nesrly two years., having gone abroad in
June, 1913, and since her return last fall
baa been with her alater In Waahlngton.
Personal Mention.'
Mr. and Mra Myron Learned will move
to tbelr summer' home near Florenc
next week.
Mis Clara Daugherty, who was taken
with an attack of appendicitis Tuesday Is
greatly Improved.
Mrs. & 8. Caldwell returned Saturday
.from St. Louis, where she was the guest
of her brother snd his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles How.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas spent laat
week In Glidden, la. They went over to
attend the wedding of Mrs. Thomas'
niece. Miss Grace Powell. ,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Beck, who have,
been stopping at the Fontenelle, moved
tho first of th week to their new home
at 1 NorW.Thlrtyfourth street.
i SIR'
The Unfilled Grade of !
wa MS W M e
wears twice at long as the ordinary shade .-.his made of a '
different material a closely woven cloth without that filling ,
of chalk which in the ordinary shade so soon cracks and falls
out in unsightly streaks and pinholes. Water won't spot it
Made in many rich. lustreless tones and in Brenlin Duplex
it is perforated with this mark BRENLIN along the
edge of every yard Co see it today. CHASW. BRENEMAN
& Co. Reading Road. Cincinnati, Ohio ,
' There are two lower-priced grades ol Brenlin Brenlin
Filled and Brenlin Machine Made, exceptional values.
These and leading dealers everywhere
tell Brenlin v
OMAHA, NEB.: Beaton & Laier Co.
Auert, STb,
Coltunbns, Mob. .. ,
Grand Island, Web.
masting,, srsn,
Lincoln, W.o. ,
Morfolk, H.b,
eeware, stea,
Tork, 1Mb
Olariada, Iowa . , .
leaisoB, ww . .
Shenandoah, Iowa
A llarc Blend
Make Over
Yeas Clothes
If the material is still good we can clean or dye it bo
it will look about as good as new.
Makes no difference whether silk, wool orjnixed, we
can give you a good job, and will gnarantle satiaf action
or no charge.
Do pueh ripping as is necessary and then Bend to us
before re-making we can do better work on the ripped
goods. 1
Our Dyes have Lifo and Luster. Consult lis about
your Spring work.
TT&e F'aottoplurn
1815-17 Jones 8C Pboae Don. BOJ, Uranch Office, 2018 Farmara.
N. B. We pay Parcel Post or Express charges one way on all
order. write tor complete Price
II To make room for our now
Shemeld ware dept. we
will close out. all our ; Cut
Glass at
During this coming week.
No restriction. It all goea
and it's the choicest lot of and other leading
makes. This is jrour best
opportunity to buy wedding
IBM eouatAt T '
fade it!
How oten have you
hutig your windows
with brand new shades,
only to see them quickly
streaked and faded from
sunlight and soon so un
sightly that you felt com
pelled to discard them?
Shade your window this
time with the UN
FILLED Grade of Bren
lin Window Shade. Sun
cannot jade U. . That is
one reason why it' saves
you money as well as
improves the appearance
!of your windows. - ' 1 I
A' still trreater reason . is
Chapman Furn. Co.
J. H. Galley D. G. Co.
Wolbach aV. Sons.
Bteln Bros. Co.
Hardy Furnltur Co.
A. U Klllian Co.
F. W. Goehner.
Hademacher Ftirn. Co. .
Jrtiitt rm. una. co.
The Balle-Broderaen Co,
Cooper-West Furn. Co.
Brood Soffee
d Superior Merit
Your Last
f isnen p
Telephone gong. 158. Ej