Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 11, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    10- -A
Til?: OMAHA SUNDAY llEEi APKIL J1. 1015.
- , A?
Forty-Five Tersoni Chargrd with
Manj frffenses by Federal Grand
Jury .Sitting Siace Konjiay.
A federal: grand j'utry' vsblch, has
liiyn sitting JJinee last Monday has
returned forty-five Indfctments and
ndJournetL ' '
TupperlKlrby was indictl for per
jury. He, was a "witness fa the rase
against Wait" Summons for the
Kearney pxiMaffice robbery, and the
indictment charges that on 'the wit
ness stand be dented he liad been,
charged with nbol in Boone county,
Iowa, about 1388, and that tie had
been charged wtHh bigamy, arul thatj
thesff charges vre' true.'-
Fraajc Tirro OTia tros ; ueiut) are
charged jrlth ithootlng American foot
-r "roud bens' at'Carter' lake March,
i. 1912. . , ' ,
Several were irilleted .under the "JSoi"
Mlrhnel BUitfun in rhnrcd with taking
bnggHg from the t"nton Parlflc atallon.
Frfward McKenna and Thomas Mouw ere
rhnrfod m-lth Mealing two Mcks ft wheat
from a car In tluv Minnourl I'octrio yards,
February 7. Alfred Hlrhardon Is charged
with larceny of a table from a car. ; Joe
A rtama It rhavired with taking a cae of
hoea from the Illinois Central railway.
I toy Williams and George Ruaaeil. are
charged with Mealing a parkas;, from the
j depot office of the Amerlran Express
r.ompanv. Dnllaa Price, alias Jack Trice
and Jack Clem, la churned with taking
twelve pairs of gloves from a railroad car
at Grand laland.
II. Itllgen of rierc. finds hlmaeif In
dicted for trying to vend a letter through
the malls with a postage stamp that had
already done Its duty anl had been cancelled.
F.L.Haller Pays All
Bills and $1,000 to
Lad Hit by His Auto
Frank I ITaller, president of the Unln-
I f r , Implement company, has paid ' Into
county court 11,000 for the benefit of
Ihitiro fltta.'a 7-year-old lad who. was
Injured when atrtrk hy Mr; Holler's car
on the rnugla' street viaduct lant fall,
lie also paid expenses Incurred by the
lad's father, Ganpar Paltta, amounting to
more than 11,200, which Included six
1 iiwiuuiiia . I months hospital cars with
.nenrer. coioreo. mnwannc opium; v. a .
Tlutler, hiavtngln This posnesalon morphtm
Fred Or1on awl Flosnle Cain, having-,
" J-nun
a trained
nurao at flt. Joseph's hot-pita).
o ault wan brought affainfit Mr. Itellrr.
IKs AntnUe afak.i.a L.... - J
i,.ii ... .onc..ii. im . nh. whether he could be held for damages
1 Falconer, concealing opium; Ralph Mir
tin, having In via possession morphine.
Threaten. Tkroaik Mtalla.
Benjamin W. nekett Is chatfged with
sending a dcfambMory and threatening
since the lad ran In front of a car while
a cloud of smoke obscured his vision.
The little boy, however, .' will always
limp as a remilt of the accident, anJ Mr,
I'aller believed he should . receive com-
ipcnsatlon. The First Trust compar.y was
I P;t card through t malls add.Teaaed to appointed guardian to care for the 11,000
! F. 8. riiker, lfnrrlwV. Neb., anif mailed liftnd by County Judge Crawford,
'at Bridgeport, January I, ISIS. , '
John Toulos is IndictVd rfor obtaining a jn TTU fl
i uua u io nuiu uvur
Until Monday for
' Some Higher Prices
On the Oimha Grain exchange wheat
was up 1 to 114 cents, selling as high as
l,47, but at this price only two car loads
Mere sold. Two cents better than the top
wia bid, btt -holders preferred to carry
tli grain over Sunday, anticipating
hiVier prirw Monday on account of the
report that rains have materially Injured
the .Vmth.Amrrlcsn'crop. There were but
eight cars on.' the market
Corn receipts were fairly heavy" there
being elght)-two care received. About
half of the iialntlty was sold. The bal
ance , was carried over on account of a
decllee of 4 to H cent Prices fluctuated
between WM and 71 cents per bushel
Oat wore tt cent up, selling at D2't)63
cents, receipts being thirteen cars.
l reentered letter from the postofflae at
; Fcott s Bluff by fraud and taking tsere-
' frnrn a cheek for WtTO.
Three Indictments for sdjemes to tfe-
' fraud were returned. One of these Js
k"re Poulos, isld to have rS'resentiV
himself to be John Mondelyat, -who dls-,
si'pearcil from a railroad jolt at North
port. Morrell county, leaving 134 In pay
due him. It 1 charged that .Poulos ob
tainej this fraudulently and later Mon
Uo)ys turned tip and demanded It.
rnarced with I.nad Frayid.
James W O Connell Is . chsri.Vd ' with
attempting a land fraud on D. V Sholes
compftriy and others. Frank Pucclo Is
charged with sttemptlng to ' cV'fraud
Alpl.lo (iarrotto by sending him a'letter
cman('lig t?0, the enalty of rerfunal
b. liu the death of Oarrotto's little Klrl.
lierlM-rt Iton'ey In Indicted for violation
nf the Mann act In fringing a woman
fi lm glux City to Omaha January :,
3: il .I Jvhn K. Woods la under Indictment
l for violation of the Mann act, charged
with taKIng a woman from Omaha to
Chicago. .
Several Indictments ha-e to d with
sale ef liquors to Indians, or Introduc
tion ef liquor on reservations. On the
hitter chsrge Homer Humphreys is In
dicted, the act being alleged to have been
committed on the Winnebago reservation
December 1, 1914. James Flahtall Lincoln
and John Walker are charged wrlth the
tome offense on Martfh 27. 1I5. McArthur
Wa'ker and Percy White Eale are-j
charged with the same 6n November to,'
i:'l. and Irbr L. Nlchole la charged with j
wiling llquurvwlthout paying tax at Win- j
licUaro, Thurston county.
riirulirig. Ii-elght In Interstnte transit
Is tho basis of severs! Indictments.
City Attorney it Now Drawing an
Ordinance to Be Introduced Be
fore Commission Tuesday.
Assistant City. Attorney Lambert
is preparing for Introduction at the
city council meeting next Tuesday
morning an ordinance proposing to
require the Omaha Electric Light and
Power company to red dee light and
power ratet.
The extent" of the. reductions will
be determined, if they are determined
at all, by the council committee of
the whole. City Commissioner But
ler is back of the ordinance.
Attorney "Lambert is not prepared to say
what reductions the cttr officials could
defend, but his offhand opinion Is that
the maximum light rate should be re- '
duced from 11 to 1 cents Pr kilowatt
hour and the minimum lowered from to
4 cents, with a corresponding reduction
of power rstes.
The ordinance being drawn will contain
various regulatory features, such as the
filing of contracts with city offlicals
and the charging of uniform 'rates to 'all
patrons in any given ' class. 'Attorney
Iambert believes It may be necessary to
summon a number' of electric light and
power users to appear before the council
committee of the whole.
General Manager Howell of the city
water department has sent the mayor the
following letter:
"I note that In the mesftagje of Governor
Morehead filed In connection wlt'i the
veto of Henate File No. S, or the aun
Cers electrlo light .Mil, ht suggests that
he will advlw the city comniisnlon to reg-J
ulste electric light rstes In the city of
Omaha. .. . ,
"Should the commission ree fit to act
as suggested, I desire to call your at
tention to the fact that tbe maximum
rate charged to consumers by the Omaha
Electric Light company should not exceed
f cents per kilowatt hour.
"I would furv'ier stste thnt. In my opln-'
Inn, the city commission will find no I
difficult In ultimate! nfntrlnv anoh a 1
rats should it make the' attempt to do -go.
"In the campaign that I have been
making for lower electric light ratea In
Omaha I have naturally given much at
tention to this subject, and I will be
plessed to efford you and the commission
any aselatsnce within my power to ac
complish the reduction In rates to which
the people -of this city have, long been
naa eeen eetimaten. a.tordlng to theDlinV CPUDnCnCD CflPMCn
erection rommiloner T,. ....rf'iuui guilllMLUUU I unim.ii
In Omaha last November was 18,412.
It Is estimated the total vote at the city
city election proper will be more than BI.OOMINOTON. m., April 10 Rudy
lf.0"0. KHchroeder. aged t, was found desd In bed
this morning. He was formerly wtdely
known In mlnntrvl-y and vaudeville as a
club sainger.
The Re Wsnt Ads Are Bst Ru-lno-s
Apartments, flats, houses snd cottages
can be rented quic kly and cheaply by a
Bee" "For Rent'' Ad.
Total Vote Tuesday
Shows Big Increase
A total vote of 17,04 was cast at" the
city primary last Tuesday, which was
larger by 1,829 than wae regintered at
the first' primary , under the city com
mission system three yefcrsago, accord
ing to figures prepared in the office of
the election commissioner.
The Increases by wards are: 'First. 121;
Second, 219; Third, S3; Fourth, 126; Fifth.
226; Sixth, 207; Seventh. 108; Eighth, 234;
Nlrwh.' 164; Tenth. 27; . Eleventh, 6;
Twelfth, S08. ,
Tuesday's total Is larger by 1,000 than
Apartments, flats, houses and cottages
can be rented quickly and cheaply by a
Bee "For Rent" - Ad. . j
Secretary of Agriculture Houston may
come to Omaha .and Fremont to speak.
The Fremont Commercial club Is working
hard to get hi in to attend the biff farm
tractor demonstration at that place this
summer. . Tho . Omaha Commercial cttib
Is working In conjurictlon with Fremont
In the hope, of getting him before the
club here for a public welfare luncheon.
-The Greatest Advertis
ing of All is the Sincere
Endorsement Given the
by every man who owns one.
The longer he drives it- '
the stronger his endorsement.
Tuesday Morning the Illinois
Central Will Bring the First
Phone Douglas 2406. 2427 Farnam St.
ome cholee terrttory1 stni epea far geepeaaible isalsrl.
We1 are pleased to announce, to the Automobile
Tire and Accessory trade the opening of a Federal
Branch' in Omaha i at 409 South Twelfth Street.
At this Branch a complete - stock , of
r ' "r i 1 ' ( 1
"Extra Service ' y
r-i r.i
in Rugged and Plqin treads with Double-Cable-Base
construction, Grey and Redskin Ipner
1 Tubes, Motorcycle Casings and' Tubes,; and a
complete assortment of Tiro Accessories will be
carried in stock, thus assuring to the Tire and
Accessory Trade prompt and complete service:
at all times. , .
As a direct Federal Branch and Service
Station, adjustments on Federal Tires will also
bo made at this location; thereby saving tho delay incident' to sending tires to our
factory for adjustment. ,
Federal Tires, Tubes and Accessories are noted for he "Extra Service'
which they render. .......
Factories Milwaukee. Wisconsin
OMAHA BRANCH. .,419 South Twelfth Street
Telephone Douglas 4078
i $1850 F. O. BOmaha.
Into Omaha
where it has a strong permanent
local representation; a factory of unques
tioned strength to back its local representation, and
the high counsel of world-known standard unit build
ers behind the factoryall intent on seeing that
you get the utmost out of your Cole Eight. Such a
plus assurance is over and above the mechanical
worth, of the Car.
All important Cole ; units are the product of
America's greatest motor car specialists acknowl
edged bests of their kind.
Seventy horse power, 3,00 pounds, road weight,
126-inch wheel base, full seven-passenger, aisie-way
frohkseats. . : ,
Traynor Automobile Co.
2512-2514 Farnam St.,
Omaha. - Nebraska
Active dealers in unoccupied territory are urged to come in this week
The Light Six
As It Will Be
7-Paenger Phaeton
3-Paaaenger Roadster
528 Last Week
Hudson dealers last week called on the factory for
528 cars. It won't be long before prompt, deliveries
v cease. Local buyers who want spring deliveries must see
the Hudson now. Last spring and summer it took
weeks to get this car.'
The First Choice car in every "clns
fails to meet spring demands. There
Is never enough of them. Tnouauoa
of men, on this account, are forced to
a second .choice. '
Last year we had as high as 4,000
unfilled orders. We shipped over 1,000
cars by express to men weary of wait
ing. This year, our output is trebled,
but the demand for Light Sixes has in
creased ten-fold. 'And the Hudson Is
still the first choice.
This ad Is run by local dealers, who
wish to save delays for local buyers.
Why This Demand?
The' Light Six dominates today In
the field above $1,100. A four-cylinder
rlasa car is out of the question. So are
heavy Sixes. The Light Six has be
come the accepted standard type. It Is
likely to alwaje remain so.
Why Hudson Leads
Hudson Is the original Light Six.
It Introduced this type.
Us famous designer Howard K.
Coffin first worked out the many
problems connected with this construc
tion. Special steels had to be employed.
A new-type motor-was essential. Alum
inum displaced cast Iron. A thousand
parts had to be re-designed.
Hudson engineers worked four years
on this car. Every part has been refin
ed to the limit. The result-shows -In
beauty, finish, luxury and equipment.
It shows In the matchless lightness .
2,S70 pounds.
And Hudson has been tried, out.
Over 12.000 cars are now running! Half
ef them have run two seasons. They
have covered together at least 30 mil
lion miles without revealing error,
weakness or shortcoming.
That is why the first choice is the
Hudson. It shows itself the class car.
It looks the finished product. Kvery
question about It has been answered
on - the road--answered over 12,000
times. You are bound to prefer it. In
these respects, no rival compares with
It. If this Is true, you should know it
before our local allotment Is gone.
7-Paesenger Phaeton or 8-PaaenKer
Roadster, 1550, f. o. b. Detroit.
When you come we will tell you of
tbe matchless Hudson service, which is
one of the best things we offer.
rOWA. Central City . . .
'.rale John K. Pet.raon. Cralehtoa. . . ,
Ctarlada I.lal. Mfa. Co.. , r alia City
Coaaotl Bluffs. William Hoper. Qaoa
Xtaalap .' W. A. Ch.uni'y. Oraaa Xalaa..
ftrrxnt Th Kurraxut Automobile Co. . xaneola
Kajrlaa Booth lmpleineut Co. w Caatl. . . . .
Maraolle .,.... li aa F. Putnam, twna trrov.
aalv.ra & Kayton. Orailaia
SitOU Wtty AutoinoML Co. wa City . . .
Suda.y C'harlaa Mormon. Piatt.
Shenandoah. . . J. H. Ik kl.r. Vlattauoat . . .
Mo.TaUy Koolf Sann. St. rul
Abl. Mtmirk Hroa. SootV. Blaff . . .
AiUartoa VYed K hl.iikarap. paidtna'
Battl. CrMk. . . 1. U hat. t.uUa
B.atrlo. ..V. lx Andrfti Auto Co. v Tmiibmi
llwoo4. .. .. Peirr ovra Powers OaraS. T.rduai
B.rlta I). H. Krhall. waltoa
Blair 1. A. Huhitiann. Callaway
Braalaa. Ike Tjucino. SnUOaaka.,
P'F. Hall,
.if C. bandos. -
Kontoo Broa.
. C. U llaxrla Son.
.Mr. E. A. BrantUa,
. Ixjrd Aula Co. .
Currjr Broa.
. N.wman Orov. Auto Co.
Jay Iivlllna.worlh.
Wherry iiroa.
Piatt. Center Auto Co., Ine
P. T. Becker.
V. K. bly )
.DotiR-laa Qrotalueachra.
.A. T. Crawford.
.F. J. O-tiara.
.Mr. W. K. Iutnrhlar.
The Kletrher Auto Co.
. W. F. Vearli.
. Ale F. Francke.
(iro. Sprouae.
Jtolmea Adklna.